private void AddIngredientToMeal() { GetCafeContents(); Console.WriteLine("\nEnter ID of meal you would like to add ingredient to:"); string identAsInt = Console.ReadLine(); int devID = Convert.ToInt32(identAsInt); CafeContent pulledID = _cafeRepo.GetMenuByID(devID); bool moreIngredients = true; while (moreIngredients == true) { GetIngredients(); Console.WriteLine("What ingredient do you want to add to this meal:"); string ingred = Console.ReadLine().Trim().ToLower(); IngredientsContent pulledIngred = _iRepo.GetIngredientByName(ingred); pulledID.ListOfIngredients.Add(pulledIngred); Console.WriteLine("\nWould you like to add another ingredient?(yes/no)"); string addAnother = Console.ReadLine().Trim().ToLower(); if (addAnother == "yes") { moreIngredients = true; } else { moreIngredients = false; } } }