public static void OverlayImage(CustomText currentMessage, ImageInfo imageInfo)
            CachedSpriteData cachedTextureData = ImageDownloader.CachedTextures.ContainsKey(imageInfo.textureIndex) ? ImageDownloader.CachedTextures[imageInfo.textureIndex] : null;

            // If cachedTextureData is null, the emote will be overlayed at a later time once it's finished being cached
            if (cachedTextureData == null || (cachedTextureData.sprite == null && cachedTextureData.animInfo == null))

            bool animatedEmote = cachedTextureData.animInfo != null;

            foreach (int i in Utilities.IndexOfAll(currentMessage.text, Char.ConvertFromUtf32(imageInfo.swapChar)))
                CustomImage image = null, shadow = null;
                    if (i > 0 && i < currentMessage.text.Count())
                        image                     = ChatHandler.Instance.imagePool.Alloc();
                        image.spriteIndex         = imageInfo.textureIndex;
                        image.imageType           = imageInfo.imageType;
                        image.rectTransform.pivot = new Vector2(0, 0);
                        image.sprite              = cachedTextureData.sprite;
                        image.preserveAspect      = false;
                        if (image.sprite)
                            image.sprite.texture.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;

                        image.rectTransform.SetParent(currentMessage.rectTransform, false);

                        float aspectRatio = cachedTextureData.width / cachedTextureData.height;
                        if (aspectRatio > 1)
                            image.rectTransform.localScale = new Vector3(0.064f * aspectRatio, 0.064f, 0.064f);
                            image.rectTransform.localScale = new Vector3(0.064f, 0.064f, 0.064f);

                        TextGenerator textGen = currentMessage.cachedTextGenerator;
                        Vector3       pos     = new Vector3(textGen.verts[i * 4 + 3].position.x, textGen.verts[i * 4 + 3].position.y);
                        image.rectTransform.position       = currentMessage.gameObject.transform.TransformPoint(pos / pixelsPerUnit - new Vector3(cachedTextureData.width / pixelsPerUnit + 2.5f, cachedTextureData.height / pixelsPerUnit + 1f) + new Vector3(0, 0, -0.1f));
                        image.rectTransform.localPosition -= new Vector3(imageSpacingWidth / 2.3f, 0);

                        if (animatedEmote)
                            image.material = cachedTextureData.animInfo.imageMaterial;
                            //image.shadow.enabled = false;
                            if (Config.Instance.DrawShadows)
                                // Add a shadow to our animated image (the regular unity shadows won't work with this material)
                                shadow                          = ChatHandler.Instance.imagePool.Alloc();
                                shadow.material                 = cachedTextureData.animInfo.shadowMaterial;
                                shadow.sprite                   = null;
                                shadow.spriteIndex              = imageInfo.textureIndex;
                                shadow.imageType                = imageInfo.imageType;
                                shadow.rectTransform.pivot      = new Vector2(0, 0);
                                shadow.rectTransform.localScale = image.rectTransform.localScale;
                                shadow.rectTransform.SetParent(currentMessage.rectTransform, false);
                                shadow.rectTransform.position       = image.rectTransform.position;
                                shadow.rectTransform.localPosition += new Vector3(0.6f, -0.6f, 0.05f);

                                shadow.enabled = true;
                            image.material = Drawing.noGlowMaterialUI;
                            if (Config.Instance.DrawShadows)
                                image.shadow.enabled = true;
                        image.enabled = true;
                catch (Exception e)
                    if (image)

                    Plugin.Log($"Exception {e.ToString()} occured when trying to overlay emote at index {i.ToString()}!");
Пример #2
        public static void OverlayImage(CustomText currentMessage, ImageInfo imageInfo)
            CachedSpriteData cachedTextureData = imageInfo.cachedSprite;

            // If cachedTextureData is null, the emote will be overlayed at a later time once it's finished being cached
            if (cachedTextureData == null || (cachedTextureData.sprite == null && cachedTextureData.animInfo == null))

            bool animatedEmote      = cachedTextureData.animInfo != null;
            var  messageWithoutHtml = htmlRegex.Replace(currentMessage.text, (m) => m.Groups[1].Value);

            foreach (int i in EmojiUtilities.IndexOfAll(messageWithoutHtml, Char.ConvertFromUtf32(imageInfo.swapChar)))
                CustomImage image = null, shadow = null;
                    if (i > 0 && i < currentMessage.text.Length)
                        image = ChatHandler.Instance.imagePool.Alloc();
                        image.cachedTextureData = cachedTextureData;
                        image.spriteIndex       = imageInfo.textureIndex;
                        image.imageType         = imageInfo.imageType;
                        image.sprite            = cachedTextureData.sprite;
                        image.preserveAspect    = false;
                        if (image.sprite)
                            image.sprite.texture.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;

                        image.rectTransform.SetParent(currentMessage.rectTransform, false);
                        image.rectTransform.localScale = new Vector3(0.064f, 0.064f, 0.064f);
                        image.rectTransform.sizeDelta  = new Vector2(cachedTextureData.width, cachedTextureData.height);

                        if (imageInfo.imageType == ImageType.Emoji || imageInfo.imageType == ImageType.Badge)
                            image.rectTransform.pivot = new Vector2(0, 0.21f);
                            image.rectTransform.pivot = new Vector2(0, 0.3f);

                        TextGenerator textGen = currentMessage.cachedTextGenerator;
                        Vector3       pos     = new Vector3(textGen.verts[i * 4].position.x, textGen.verts[i * 4].position.y);
                        image.rectTransform.position = currentMessage.gameObject.transform.TransformPoint(pos / pixelsPerUnit + new Vector3(0, 0, -0.1f));

                        if (animatedEmote)
                            image.material = cachedTextureData.animInfo.imageMaterial;
                            if (ChatConfig.instance.DrawShadows && cachedTextureData.animInfo.shadowMaterial != null)
                                // Add a shadow to our animated image (the regular unity shadows won't work with this material)
                                shadow                          = ChatHandler.Instance.imagePool.Alloc();
                                shadow.material                 = cachedTextureData.animInfo.shadowMaterial;
                                shadow.sprite                   = null;
                                shadow.spriteIndex              = imageInfo.textureIndex;
                                shadow.imageType                = imageInfo.imageType;
                                shadow.rectTransform.pivot      = new Vector2(0, 0);
                                shadow.rectTransform.localScale = image.rectTransform.localScale;
                                shadow.rectTransform.SetParent(currentMessage.rectTransform, false);
                                shadow.rectTransform.position       = image.rectTransform.position;
                                shadow.rectTransform.localPosition += new Vector3(0.6f, -0.6f, 0.05f);
                                shadow.enabled = true;
                            image.material = noGlowMaterialUI;
                            if (ChatConfig.instance.DrawShadows)
                                image.shadow.enabled = true;
                        image.enabled = true;
                catch (Exception e)
                    if (image)

                    Plugin.Log($"Exception {e.ToString()} occured when trying to overlay emote at index {i.ToString()}!");
        public static void OverlayEmote(CustomText currentMessage, char swapChar, Material noGlowMaterialUI, AnimationController animationController, CachedSpriteData cachedSpriteInfo)
            // Don't even try to overlay an emote if it's not been cached properly
            if (cachedSpriteInfo == null || (cachedSpriteInfo.sprite == null && cachedSpriteInfo.animationInfo == null))
                //Plugin.Log("Sprite was not fully cached!");

            bool animatedEmote = cachedSpriteInfo.animationInfo != null;

            foreach (int i in Utilities.IndexOfAll(currentMessage.text, Char.ConvertFromUtf32(swapChar)))
                try {
                    if (i > 0 && i < currentMessage.text.Count() - 1 && currentMessage.text[i - 1] == ' ' && currentMessage.text[i + 1] == ' ')
                        GameObject newGameObject = new GameObject();
                        var        image         = newGameObject.AddComponent <Image>();
                        image.material = noGlowMaterialUI;

                        var shadow = newGameObject.AddComponent <Shadow>();

                        if (animatedEmote)
                            var animatedImage = newGameObject.AddComponent <AnimatedSprite>();
                            animatedImage.Init(image, cachedSpriteInfo.animationInfo, animationController);
                            image.sprite = cachedSpriteInfo.sprite;
                            image.sprite.texture.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;

                        image.rectTransform.SetParent(currentMessage.rectTransform, false);
                        image.preserveAspect          = true;
                        image.rectTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(7.0f, 7.0f);
                        image.rectTransform.pivot     = new Vector2(0, 0);

                        var textGen = currentMessage.cachedTextGenerator;
                        var pos     = new Vector3(textGen.verts[i * 4 + 3].position.x, textGen.verts[i * 4 + 3].position.y);
                        image.rectTransform.position = currentMessage.gameObject.transform.TransformPoint(pos / Plugin.PixelsPerUnit - new Vector3(image.preferredWidth / Plugin.PixelsPerUnit + 2.5f, image.preferredHeight / Plugin.PixelsPerUnit + 0.7f));
                catch (Exception e) {
                    Plugin.Log($"Exception {e.Message} occured when trying to overlay emote at index {i.ToString()}!");
Пример #4
        public void OverlayAnimatedImage(Texture2D texture, Rect[] uvs, float[] delays, bool isDelayConsistent, int width, int height, TextureDownloadInfo imageDownloadInfo)
                string spriteIndex  = imageDownloadInfo.spriteIndex;
                string messageIndex = imageDownloadInfo.messageIndex;
                ImageDownloader.CachedTextures.TryGetValue(spriteIndex, out var cachedTex);
                CachedAnimationData oldAnimInfo = cachedTex?.animInfo;

                // Create the shaders which will cycle through our animation texture sheet
                var animInfo = new CachedAnimationData(uvs.Length > 1 ? AnimationController.Instance.Register(spriteIndex, uvs, delays) : new AnimControllerData(spriteIndex, uvs, delays), texture, uvs, delays);

                // Try to create our animMaterial and shadowMaterial if they don't already exist
                Material _animMaterial   = oldAnimInfo?.imageMaterial;
                Material _shadowMaterial = oldAnimInfo?.shadowMaterial;
                if (_animMaterial == null)
                    _animMaterial = Instantiate(Drawing.CropMaterial);
                    _animMaterial.SetVector("_CropFactors", new Vector4(uvs[0].x, uvs[0].y, uvs[0].width, uvs[0].height));
                if (ChatConfig.instance.DrawShadows)
                    if (_shadowMaterial == null)
                        _shadowMaterial = Instantiate(Drawing.CropMaterialColorMultiply);
                        _shadowMaterial.SetVector("_CropFactors", new Vector4(uvs[0].x, uvs[0].y, uvs[0].width, uvs[0].height));
                        _shadowMaterial.renderQueue = 3001;
                    _shadowMaterial.mainTexture = texture;
                    animInfo.shadowMaterial     = _shadowMaterial;
                _animMaterial.mainTexture = texture;
                animInfo.imageMaterial    = _animMaterial;

                var newCachedSpriteData = new CachedSpriteData(imageDownloadInfo.type, animInfo, isDelayConsistent, width, height);
                ImageDownloader.CachedTextures[spriteIndex] = newCachedSpriteData;

                if (cachedTex != null && oldAnimInfo != null && oldAnimInfo.uvs.Length == 1)
                    foreach (CustomText currentMessage in _chatMessages)
                        for (int i = currentMessage.emoteRenderers.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                            CustomImage img = currentMessage.emoteRenderers[i];
                            if (img.spriteIndex == spriteIndex)
                                Plugin.Log("Freeing old emote!");

                foreach (CustomText currentMessage in _chatMessages)
                    if (currentMessage.messageInfo == null || !currentMessage.hasRendered)

                    foreach (EmoteInfo e in currentMessage.messageInfo.parsedEmotes.Values)
                        if (e.textureIndex == spriteIndex)
                            Drawing.OverlayImage(currentMessage, e);
            catch (Exception e)
                Plugin.Log($"Exception when overlaying animated emote! {e.ToString()}");