public PermissionManager(IDatabase database, BotClient botClient, ISettingManager settings) { Database = database; BotClient = botClient; Settings = settings; CachedPermissions = CachedDictionary.FromSource((ulong?key) => LoadPerms(key), new TimeSpan(0, 30, 0), 100); }
// ReSharper restore UnusedMember.Local public override void RuntimeInitialize(EventInfo eventInfo) { // An event always has a declaring type. Contract.Assume(eventInfo.DeclaringType != null); base.RuntimeInitialize(eventInfo); Type declaringType = eventInfo.DeclaringType; _declaringGenericType = declaringType.IsGenericType ? declaringType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() : declaringType; _addEmptyEventHandlers = new CachedDictionary <Type, Action <object> >(type => { // Find the type in which the constructor is defined. // Needed since events can be private, and those wouldn't be returned otherwise, even when searching a flattened hierarchy. Type baseType = type.GetMatchingGenericType(_declaringGenericType); EventInfo runtimeEvent = baseType.GetEvents(ReflectionHelper.ClassMembers).Where(e => e.Name == eventInfo.Name).First(); MethodInfo delegateInfo = DelegateHelper.MethodInfoFromDelegateType(runtimeEvent.EventHandlerType); ParameterExpression[] parameters = delegateInfo.GetParameters().Select(p => Expression.Parameter(p.ParameterType)).ToArray(); Delegate emptyDelegate = Expression.Lambda(runtimeEvent.EventHandlerType, Expression.Empty(), "EmptyDelegate", true, parameters).Compile(); // Create the delegate which adds the empty handler to an instance. MethodInfo addMethod = runtimeEvent.GetAddMethod(true); if (addMethod.IsPublic) { return(instance => runtimeEvent.AddEventHandler(instance, emptyDelegate)); } return(instance => addMethod.Invoke(instance, new object[] { emptyDelegate })); }); }
public static cachedGuildSettings CacheSettings(CustomDiscordSetting settings) { var cache = new List <CachedDictionary>(); foreach (var a in settings.overrideChannelsCats) { var _settings = new CachedDictionary { overrideKey = a.Key, overideChanels = a.Value }; cache.Add(_settings); } var value = new cachedGuildSettings { discordSettingsUncached = settings }; // value.discordSettingsUncached = removeDictionary(value.discordSettingsUncached); value.discordSettingCached = cache; //value.discordSettingsUncached.overrideChannelsCats = new Dictionary<List<ulong>, OverideChannmels>(); return(value); }
public void OnConstructorEntry(MethodExecutionArgs args) { if (!_isInitialized) { _addEmptyEventHandlers[args.Instance.GetType()](args.Instance); _isInitialized = true; } }
public static object ToObj(BonValue v, Type t, object old, HashSet <string> fields = null) { if (v == null) { return(null); } switch (t.Name) { case "Byte": return((byte)v.AsInt); case "SByte": return((sbyte)v.AsInt); case "Int16": return((short)v.AsInt); case "UInt16": return((ushort)v.AsInt); case "Int32": return(v.AsInt); case "UInt32": return((uint)v.AsInt); case "Int64": return(v.AsLong); case "UInt64": return((ulong)v.AsLong); case "Single": return(v.AsFloat); case "Double": return(v.AsDouble); case "Boolean": return(v.AsBoolean); case "String": return(v.AsString); case "Byte[]": return(v.AsBinary); case "List`1": { BonArray arr = v.AsBonArray; if (arr == null) { return(null); } int num = arr.Count; IList l = null; if (old != null) { l = (IList)old; } else { l = (IList)Activator.CreateInstance(t, num); } Type t2 = t.GetGenericArguments()[0]; l.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { l.Add(ToObj(arr[i], t2, null, fields)); } return(l); } case "Dictionary`2": { BonDocument doc = v.AsBonDocument; if (doc == null) { return(null); } int num = doc.Count; IDictionary d = null; if (old != null) { d = (IDictionary)old; } else { d = (IDictionary)Activator.CreateInstance(t, num); } Type[] t2s = t.GetGenericArguments(); Type tk = t2s[0]; Type t2 = t2s[1]; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { BonElement el = doc[i]; object key = null; switch (tk.Name) { case "Int32": key = Convert.ToInt32(; break; case "Int64": key = Convert.ToInt64(; break; case "String": key =; break; default: { if (tk.IsEnum) { key = Enum.ToObject(tk, Convert.ToInt32(; } break; } } if (key != null) { BonValue v2 = el.value; object obj = null; if (d.Contains(key)) { obj = ToObj(v2, t2, d[key], fields); } else { obj = ToObj(v2, t2, null, fields); } if (obj == null) { d.Remove(key); } else { d[key] = obj; } } } return(d); } default: { if (t.IsEnum) { return(Enum.ToObject(t, v.AsInt)); } if (t.IsArray) { BonArray arr = v.AsBonArray; if (arr == null) { return(null); } int num = arr.Count; Type t2 = t.GetElementType(); var obj = Array.CreateInstance(t2, num); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { obj.SetValue(ToObj(arr[i], t2, null, fields), i); } return(obj); } if (!v.IsBonDocument) { return(null); } { BonDocument doc = v.AsBonDocument; string _t_ = doc.GetString("_t_"); if (_t_ != null) { try { t = Type.GetType(_t_); } catch (Exception) { Debug.LogWarning("δÕÒµ½ÀàÐÍ: " + doc["_t_"].AsString); return(null); } } ClassInfo ci = ClassInfo.Get(t); object obj = old; Dictionary <string, List <DataMonitor> > dataMonitors = null; bool monitorObj = false; if (old != null) { monitorObj = dataMonitor.TryGetValue(old, out dataMonitors); } if (obj == null) { obj = Activator.CreateInstance(t); } if (obj is IBon) { ((IBon)obj).FromBon(doc); return(obj); } CachedDictionary <string, FldInfo> fis = ci.fields; bool isValueType = t.IsValueType; int num = doc.Count; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { BonElement el = doc[i]; if (fields != null && !fields.Contains( { continue; } FldInfo fi; if (fis.TryGetValue(, out fi)) { List <DataMonitor> fieldMonitors = null; bool monitorField = monitorObj && dataMonitors.TryGetValue(, out fieldMonitors) && fieldMonitors.Count > 0; if ((fi.type.IsValueType || fi.type == typeof(string) || fi.type.IsEnum) && !monitorField) { fi.SetValue(obj, ToObj(el.value, fi.type, null, fi.subFields)); } else { object oldv = fi.GetValue(obj); object newv = ToObj(el.value, fi.type, oldv, fi.subFields); fi.SetValue(obj, newv); if (monitorField && (fi.type.IsClass || oldv != newv)) { dataChanged.AddRange(fieldMonitors); } } } } return(obj); } } } }
// ReSharper restore UnusedMember.Local public override void RuntimeInitialize( EventInfo eventInfo ) { // An event always has a declaring type. Contract.Assume( eventInfo.DeclaringType != null ); base.RuntimeInitialize( eventInfo ); Type declaringType = eventInfo.DeclaringType; _declaringGenericType = declaringType.IsGenericType ? declaringType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() : declaringType; _addEmptyEventHandlers = new CachedDictionary<Type, Action<object>>( type => { // Find the type in which the constructor is defined. // Needed since events can be private, and those wouldn't be returned otherwise, even when searching a flattened hierarchy. Type baseType = type.GetMatchingGenericType( _declaringGenericType ); EventInfo runtimeEvent = baseType.GetEvents( ReflectionHelper.ClassMembers ).Where( e => e.Name == eventInfo.Name ).First(); MethodInfo delegateInfo = DelegateHelper.MethodInfoFromDelegateType( runtimeEvent.EventHandlerType ); ParameterExpression[] parameters = delegateInfo.GetParameters().Select( p => Expression.Parameter( p.ParameterType ) ).ToArray(); Delegate emptyDelegate = Expression.Lambda( runtimeEvent.EventHandlerType, Expression.Empty(), "EmptyDelegate", true, parameters ).Compile(); // Create the delegate which adds the empty handler to an instance. MethodInfo addMethod = runtimeEvent.GetAddMethod( true ); if ( addMethod.IsPublic ) { return instance => runtimeEvent.AddEventHandler( instance, emptyDelegate ); } return instance => addMethod.Invoke( instance, new object[] { emptyDelegate } ); } ); }
public void SetUp() { _worker = new DictionaryWorker(); _cachedString = new CachedDictionary <string>(_worker.GetDict, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100)); }
public bool TryGetValue(TKey _key, out TValue outValue) { return(CachedDictionary.TryGetValue(_key, out outValue)); }
public void SetUp() { _worker = new DictionaryWorker(); _cachedString = new CachedDictionary<string>(_worker.GetDict, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100)); }