Пример #1
    /// <summary>
    /// US:866 Load the user data from the database
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="lUserID"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private CStatus LoadUserData(long lUserID)
        DataSet ds = null;

        CUserData cud    = new CUserData(this);
        CStatus   status = cud.GetUserDS(lUserID, out ds);

        if (status.Status)
            //cach the date the user logged in
            UserLoginDateTime = DateTime.Now;

            //cache the user id, role id, first name and last name
            UserID        = lUserID;
            UserRoleID    = CDataUtils.GetDSLongValue(ds, "user_role_id");
            UserFirstName = CDataUtils.GetDSStringValue(ds, "first_name");
            UserLastName  = CDataUtils.GetDSStringValue(ds, "last_name");

        //transfer user keys to our db
        if (MDWSTransfer)
            CMDWSOps ops    = new CMDWSOps(this);
            long     lCount = 0;
            status = ops.GetMDWSSecurityKeys(lUserID, true, out lCount);
            if (!status.Status)

        //set the admin, doc and nurse privs for this user
        DataSet dsRoles = null;

        status = cud.GetUserRolesDS(lUserID, out dsRoles);
        if (status.Status)
            foreach (DataTable table in dsRoles.Tables)
                foreach (DataRow dr in table.Rows)
                    long lRoleID = CDataUtils.GetDSLongValue(dr, "USER_ROLE_ID");
                    if (lRoleID == (long)k_USER_ROLE_ID.Administrator)
                        IsAdministrator = true;
                    else if (lRoleID == (long)k_USER_ROLE_ID.Doctor)
                        IsDoctor = true;
                    else if (lRoleID == (long)k_USER_ROLE_ID.Nurse)
                        IsNurse = true;

Пример #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Generates the TIU text for a patient checklist
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="strPatientID"></param>
    /// <param name="lPatCLID"></param>
    /// <param name="strText"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public CStatus GetTIUText(string strPatientID,
                              long lPatCLID,
                              out string strNoteTitleTag,
                              out string strText)
        strText         = string.Empty;
        strNoteTitleTag = string.Empty;

        CStatus status = new CStatus();

        //patient data - get the di just in case we need more than the blurb
        CPatientDataItem diPat   = new CPatientDataItem();
        CPatientData     patData = new CPatientData(this);

        status = patData.GetPatientDI(strPatientID, out diPat);

        //get the patient blurb
        string strBlurb = String.Empty;

        patData.GetPatientBlurb(strPatientID, out strBlurb);

        //build the TIU note text...

        strText += "Definitions:\r\n";

        strText += CDataUtils.DelimitString("TS = The temporal state of an attribute defines whether the patient has had the test or event within a given time period",
        strText += "\r\n";

        strText += CDataUtils.DelimitString("OS = The outcome state of an attribute defines the resultant state of an attribute (e.g. normal, abnormal, problem/decision required)",
        strText += "\r\n";

        strText += CDataUtils.DelimitString("DS = The decision state of an attribute defines a rule-based state of an attribute (e.g. Go, No-Go)",

        strText += "\r\n";

        strText += "\r\n";

        DateTime dtNoteDate  = DateTime.Now;
        string   strNoteDate = CDataUtils.GetDateTimeAsString(dtNoteDate);

        strText += "Date: " + strNoteDate;
        strText += "\r\n\r\n";

        strText += CDataUtils.DelimitString(strBlurb, "\r\n", 80);
        strText += "\r\n";

        //patient checklist data
        CPatChecklistDataItem diPatChecklist = new CPatChecklistDataItem();

        status = GetPatChecklistDI(lPatCLID, out diPatChecklist);

        //checklist data
        CChecklistDataItem diChecklist = new CChecklistDataItem();
        CChecklistData     clData      = new CChecklistData(this);

        status = clData.GetCheckListDI(diPatChecklist.ChecklistID, out diChecklist);

        //get the note title tag for the checklist, this is used to
        //write the correct note to MDWS
        strNoteTitleTag = diChecklist.NoteTitleTag;

        //--Checklist Name
        strText += "Checklist: ";
        strText += CDataUtils.DelimitString(diChecklist.ChecklistLabel, "\r\n", 80);
        strText += "\r\n";

        //--Procedure Date
        strText += "Procedure Date: ";
        if (!CDataUtils.IsDateNull(diPatChecklist.ProcedureDate))
            strText += CDataUtils.GetDateAsString(diPatChecklist.ProcedureDate);
            strText += "None";
        strText += "\r\n\r\n";

        //patient checklist items and overall state
        long    lColTSStateID       = 0;
        long    lColOSStateID       = 0;
        long    lColDSStateID       = 0;
        long    lSummaryStateID     = 0;
        DataSet dsItems             = null;
        CPatChecklistItemData diCLI = new CPatChecklistItemData(this);

        status = diCLI.GetPatCLItemsByPatCLIDDS(lPatCLID,
                                                out lColTSStateID,
                                                out lColOSStateID,
                                                out lColDSStateID,
                                                out lSummaryStateID,
                                                out dsItems);
        //--overall Checklist state
        string strOverallState = "Unknown";

        switch (lSummaryStateID)
        case (long)k_STATE_ID.Bad:
            strOverallState = "Bad";

        case (long)k_STATE_ID.Good:
            strOverallState = "Good";

        strText += "Overall Checklist State: ";
        strText += strOverallState;
        strText += "\r\n\r\n";

        strText += "Checklist Items:";
        strText += "\r\n\r\n";

        //loop over checklist items
        foreach (DataTable table in dsItems.Tables)
            foreach (DataRow dr in table.Rows)
                CPatChecklistItemDataItem itm = new CPatChecklistItemDataItem(dr);
                if (itm != null)
                    //get the data for the item
                    CItemDataItem idi     = new CItemDataItem();
                    CItemData     itmData = new CItemData(this);

                    itmData.GetItemDI(itm.ItemID, out idi);
                    strText += CDataUtils.DelimitString("* " + idi.ItemLabel, "\r\n", 80);
                    strText += "\r\n";

                    //temporal state
                    CTemporalStateDataItem diTSi = new CTemporalStateDataItem();
                    CTemporalStateData     tsdi  = new CTemporalStateData(this);
                    tsdi.GetTemporalStateDI(itm.TSID, out diTSi);
                    strText += "TS: ";
                    strText += CDataUtils.DelimitString(diTSi.TSLabel, "\r\n", 80);
                    strText += "  ";

                    //outcome state
                    COutcomeStateDataItem diOSi = new COutcomeStateDataItem();
                    COutcomeStateData     osdi  = new COutcomeStateData(this);
                    osdi.GetOutcomeStateDI(itm.OSID, out diOSi);
                    strText += "OS: ";
                    strText += CDataUtils.DelimitString(diOSi.OSLabel, "\r\n", 80);
                    strText += " ";

                    //decision state
                    CDecisionStateDataItem diDSi = new CDecisionStateDataItem();
                    CDecisionStateData     dsdi  = new CDecisionStateData(this);
                    dsdi.GetDecisionStateDI(itm.DSID, out diDSi);

                    string strDS = String.Empty;
                    strDS += "DS: ";
                    strDS += diDSi.DSLabel;

                    //if decision state is overriden pull out the
                    //last comment
                    if (itm.IsOverridden == k_TRUE_FALSE_ID.True)
                        DataSet dsComments = null;

                        //todo: override history is now stored in a diff table
                        //this is obsolete will delete after testing
                        //status = diCLI.GetPatientItemCommmentDS(
                        //    itm.PatCLID,
                        //    itm.ItemID,
                        //    out dsComments);

                        status = diCLI.GetPatItemOverrideCommmentDS(itm.PatCLID,
                                                                    out dsComments);
                        //first record is the newest comment
                        if (!CDataUtils.IsEmpty(dsComments))
                            //string strComment = CDataUtils.GetDSStringValue(dsComments, "comment_text");
                            //DateTime dtComment = CDataUtils.GetDSDateTimeValue(dsComments, "comment_date");
                            string   strComment     = CDataUtils.GetDSStringValue(dsComments, "override_comment");
                            DateTime dtComment      = CDataUtils.GetDSDateTimeValue(dsComments, "override_date");
                            long     lCommentUserID = CDataUtils.GetDSLongValue(dsComments, "user_id");

                            DataSet   dsUser = null;
                            CUserData ud     = new CUserData(this);
                            ud.GetUserDS(lCommentUserID, out dsUser);
                            string strUser = String.Empty;
                            if (!CDataUtils.IsEmpty(dsUser))
                                strUser = CDataUtils.GetDSStringValue(dsUser, "name");

                            strDS += " Overridden ";
                            strDS += CDataUtils.GetDateAsString(dtComment);
                            strDS += " ";
                            strDS += strUser;
                            strDS += "\r\n\r\n";

                            strDS += strComment;

                    strText += CDataUtils.DelimitString(strDS, "\r\n", 80);

                    strText += "\r\n\r\n";

Пример #3
    /// <summary>
    /// event
    /// US:838
    /// handler for the Search button for filtering the options list.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sender"></param>
    /// <param name="e"></param>
    protected void btnSearchOptions_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(rblOptions.SelectedValue))
            //clear current options

            string strValue = rblOptions.SelectedValue;
            if (strValue == OPTION_PROVIDERS)
                string strSearch    = txtSearchOptions.Text;
                string strFirstName = string.Empty;
                string strLastName  = string.Empty;

                string[] splitSearch = strSearch.Split(',');
                if (splitSearch.Length > 0)
                    strLastName = splitSearch[0];
                if (splitSearch.Length > 1)
                    strFirstName = splitSearch[1];

                if (strLastName.Length < 3)
                    ShowStatusInfo(new CStatus(false, k_STATUS_CODE.Failed, "Please enter at least 3 characters to search for"));

                //get the dataset from our db
                DataSet   dsUsers = null;
                CUserData ud      = new CUserData(BaseMstr.BaseData);
                CStatus   status  = ud.GetUserDS(strLastName, strFirstName, out dsUsers);

                CListBox lb = new CListBox();
            else if (strValue == OPTION_TEAMS)
                //load the team lb
                //filter the listbox using helper
                CListBox clb = new CListBox();
                clb.FilterListBox(lbOptions, txtSearchOptions.Text);
            else if (strValue == OPTION_SPECIALTIES)
                //load the specialties lb
                //filter the listbox using helper
                CListBox clb = new CListBox();
                clb.FilterListBox(lbOptions, txtSearchOptions.Text);
            else if (strValue == OPTION_CLINICS)
            else if (strValue == OPTION_WARDS)
                //load the wards lb
                //filter the listbox using helper
                CListBox clb = new CListBox();
                clb.FilterListBox(lbOptions, txtSearchOptions.Text);