Пример #1
        static int Main(string[] _)
            var fakeType = new CUIAutomationRegistrar().GetType();

#pragma warning disable CA1303 // Do not pass literals as localized parameters
            Console.WriteLine("This program exists to import Interop.UIAutomationCore.Signed.dll");
            Console.WriteLine("in a way that makes it easy to handle the licensing.");
#pragma warning restore CA1303 // Do not pass literals as localized parameters

            return((fakeType == typeof(int)) ? 1 : 0);
Пример #2
        protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (!disposedValue)
                if (disposing)
                    // TODO: dispose managed state (managed objects)

                // Free unmanaged resources (unmanaged objects) and set large fields to null
                _uiaRegistrar = null;

                disposedValue = true;