Пример #1
        /* Initialize Motors */
        static void InitMotors()
            /* Factory Default all hardware to prevent unexpected behaviour */

            /* Select Sensor */
            _Talon.ConfigSelectedFeedbackSensor(CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.FeedbackDevice.QuadEncoder, 0, kTimeoutMs);
            _victor.ConfigRemoteFeedbackFilter(_Talon.GetDeviceID(), CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.RemoteSensorSource.RemoteSensorSource_TalonSRX_SelectedSensor, 0, kTimeoutMs);
            _victor.ConfigSelectedFeedbackSensor(CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.RemoteFeedbackDevice.RemoteFeedbackDevice_RemoteSensor0, 0, kTimeoutMs);

            /* Select Neutral Mode */

            /* Closed loop / Motion Magic Parameters */
            _Talon.Config_kF(kSlotIdx, kF, kTimeoutMs);
            _Talon.Config_kP(kSlotIdx, kP, kTimeoutMs);
            _Talon.Config_kI(kSlotIdx, kI, kTimeoutMs);
            _Talon.Config_kD(kSlotIdx, kD, kTimeoutMs);
            _Talon.Config_IntegralZone(kSlotIdx, kIZone, kTimeoutMs);
            _Talon.SelectProfileSlot(kSlotIdx, 0);
            _Talon.ConfigNominalOutputForward(kNominalOuput, kTimeoutMs);
            _Talon.ConfigNominalOutputReverse(-(kNominalOuput), kTimeoutMs);
            _Talon.ConfigPeakOutputForward(kPeakOutput, kTimeoutMs);
            _Talon.ConfigPeakOutputReverse(-(kPeakOutput), kTimeoutMs);
            _Talon.ConfigMotionCruiseVelocity(kMotionVelocity, kTimeoutMs);
            _Talon.ConfigMotionAcceleration(kMotionAcceleration, kTimeoutMs);

            _Talon.SetStatusFramePeriod(CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.StatusFrameEnhanced.Status_10_Targets, 10, kTimeoutMs);
            _Talon.SetStatusFramePeriod(CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.StatusFrameEnhanced.Status_2_Feedback0, 10, kTimeoutMs);

            /* Closed loop / Motion Magic Parameters */
            _victor.Config_kF(kSlotIdx, kF, kTimeoutMs);
            _victor.Config_kP(kSlotIdx, kP, kTimeoutMs);
            _victor.Config_kI(kSlotIdx, kI, kTimeoutMs);
            _victor.Config_kD(kSlotIdx, kD / 2, kTimeoutMs);
            _victor.Config_IntegralZone(kSlotIdx, kIZone, kTimeoutMs);
            _victor.SelectProfileSlot(kSlotIdx, 0);
            _victor.ConfigNominalOutputForward(kNominalOuput, kTimeoutMs);
            _victor.ConfigNominalOutputReverse(-(kNominalOuput), kTimeoutMs);
            _victor.ConfigPeakOutputForward(kPeakOutput, kTimeoutMs);
            _victor.ConfigPeakOutputReverse(-(kPeakOutput), kTimeoutMs);
            _victor.ConfigMotionCruiseVelocity(kMotionVelocity, kTimeoutMs);
            _victor.ConfigMotionAcceleration(kMotionAcceleration, kTimeoutMs);

            _victor.SetStatusFramePeriod(CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.StatusFrameEnhanced.Status_10_Targets, 10, kTimeoutMs);

            /* Set current position to 0, can be changed with button 4 */
            _victor.SetSelectedSensorPosition(0, 0, kTimeoutMs);
            _Talon.SetSelectedSensorPosition(0, 0, kTimeoutMs);
Пример #2
        // Arcade Drive Controller
        static void ArcadeDrive()
            // Set slaves and inversion

            // Get Axis Value (-1.0 to 1.0)
            float y = m_controller.GetAxis(LEFT_JOYSTICK_Y);
            float x = m_controller.GetAxis(RIGHT_JOYSTICK_X);

            // Set speed values
            double throttle = Deadband(y); // Throttle equals y axis value of left joystick with deadband
            double steer    = Deadband(x); // Steer equals x axis value of right joystick with deadband

            throttle = System.Math.Pow(throttle, 3.0);
            steer    = System.Math.Pow(steer, 3.0);

            double rightSpeed = throttle + steer;
            double leftSpeed  = throttle - steer;

            // If either right or left speed are out of range (-1.0 to 1.0) Scale both until in range
            double maxValue = 0;

            if (System.Math.Abs(leftSpeed) > maxValue)
                maxValue = System.Math.Abs(leftSpeed);
            if (System.Math.Abs(rightSpeed) > maxValue)
                maxValue = System.Math.Abs(rightSpeed);
            //Scale down all values if max > 1.0
            if (maxValue > 1.0)
                leftSpeed  /= maxValue;
                rightSpeed /= maxValue;

            // Set outputs
            m_masterRight.Set(CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.ControlMode.PercentOutput, rightSpeed);
            m_masterLeft.Set(CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.ControlMode.PercentOutput, leftSpeed);
Пример #3
        public static void Main()
            /* Current setup is a CTRE MAG Encoder and a 128 CPR Opitcal Encoder, where printf's can be used to compare accuracy */
            magTalon.ConfigSelectedFeedbackSensor(CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.FeedbackDevice.PulseWidthEncodedPosition, 0, kTimeout);
            anaTalon.ConfigSelectedFeedbackSensor(CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.FeedbackDevice.QuadEncoder, 0, kTimeout);
            magTalon.ConfigSelectedFeedbackCoefficient(0.125f, 0, kTimeout); /* Mag Encoder 4096 CPR * 0.125 = 128 == 128 CPR Opitcal Encoder, could scale up */
            anaTalon.ConfigSelectedFeedbackCoefficient(1, 0, kTimeout);


            /* Reduce the velocity averaging to generate useful plots in Vehicle spy */
            magTalon.ConfigVelocityMeasurementWindow(1, kTimeout);
            magTalon.ConfigVelocityMeasurementPeriod(CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.VelocityMeasPeriod.Period_1Ms, kTimeout);

            anaTalon.ConfigVelocityMeasurementWindow(1, kTimeout);
            anaTalon.ConfigVelocityMeasurementPeriod(CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.VelocityMeasPeriod.Period_1Ms, kTimeout);

            /* Increase the rate of the CAN frame */
            magTalon.SetStatusFramePeriod(CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.StatusFrameEnhanced.Status_2_Feedback0, 4, kTimeout);
            anaTalon.SetStatusFramePeriod(CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.StatusFrameEnhanced.Status_2_Feedback0, 4, kTimeout);

            /* For PWM test, scale down motor so optical has a chance to keep up? */
            float peakOutput    = 1f;
            float nominalOutput = 0;

            magTalon.ConfigPeakOutputForward(peakOutput, kTimeout);
            magTalon.ConfigPeakOutputReverse(-peakOutput, kTimeout);
            magTalon.ConfigNominalOutputForward(nominalOutput, kTimeout);
            magTalon.ConfigNominalOutputReverse(-nominalOutput, kTimeout);

            differenceDisplay = displayModule.AddLabelSprite(gFont, CTRE.Gadgeteer.Module.DisplayModule.Color.Orange, 0, 0, 100, 15);
            statusDisplay     = displayModule.AddLabelSprite(gFont, CTRE.Gadgeteer.Module.DisplayModule.Color.Green, 0, 20, 100, 15);
            errorDisplay      = displayModule.AddLabelSprite(gFont, CTRE.Gadgeteer.Module.DisplayModule.Color.Red, 0, 60, 100, 15);

            statusDisplay.SetText("Gamepad Mode");

            /* Clear Position */

            /* Variables to test various features */
            bool  lastBtn  = false;
            bool  lastBtn3 = false;
            bool  state    = false;
            float output   = 0;

            while (true)
                /* CTRE Output enable */
                if (gamepad.GetConnectionStatus() == CTRE.Phoenix.UsbDeviceConnection.Connected)

                /* Encoder Postion taring */
                bool btn  = gamepad.GetButton(2);
                bool btn3 = gamepad.GetButton(3);
                if (btn && !lastBtn)
                    errorDisplay.SetText("Error: " + 0);
                if (btn3 && !lastBtn3)
                    state = !state;
                    if (state)
                        statusDisplay.SetText("Sine Mode");
                        statusDisplay.SetText("Gamepad Mode");
                lastBtn  = btn;
                lastBtn3 = btn3;

                if (!state)
                    /* Joypad value */
                    output = gamepad.GetAxis(1);

                    /* Reduce speed if right trigger is held down */
                    if (gamepad.GetButton(6))
                        output *= 0.50f;
                    float amplitude   = 1;
                    float frequencyHZ = 0.2f;
                    float time        = stopwatch.Duration;
                    output = amplitude * (float)System.Math.Sin((2 * System.Math.PI) * frequencyHZ * time);

                byte[] Frame = new byte[8];
                Frame[0] = (byte)((int)(output * 1000) >> 8);
                Frame[1] = (byte)((int)(output * 1000) & 0xFF);
                ulong data = (ulong)BitConverter.ToUInt64(Frame, 0);
                CTRE.Native.CAN.Send(0x09, data, 8, 0);

                /* (scale for maximum rpm @3000 - 6900ish) */
                output *= (1 / 5f);

                /* Talon with CTRE Mag Encoder drives the Talon */
                magTalon.Set(CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.ControlMode.PercentOutput, output);

                /* Telemetry */
                int magTemp    = magTalon.GetSelectedSensorPosition(0);
                int anaTemp    = anaTalon.GetSelectedSensorPosition(0);
                int difference = magTemp - anaTemp;

                Debug.Print("mag: " + magTemp + " ana: " + anaTemp + " dif: " + difference);
                differenceDisplay.SetText("Dif: " + difference);

                if (output > -0.05 && output < 0.05)
                    /* We are slow enough to check */
                    if (System.Math.Abs(difference) > 50)
                        /* Disruption in position */
                        state = false;
                        statusDisplay.SetText("Bad Postion");
                        errorDisplay.SetText("Error: " + difference);
                else if (System.Math.Abs(difference) > 500)
                    /* Disruption in position */
                    state = false;
                    statusDisplay.SetText("Bad Postion");
                    errorDisplay.SetText("Error: " + difference);

                /* Allow some breathing room for the CAN Frames */