private void ThreadTCPClient() { CTCPClient cl = new CTCPClient("", 81, modelMarket); while (!cl.ConnectToServer()) { Thread.Sleep(1000); } }
protected void AddTCPCleintAndDataReciever(int connId) { AddDataReciever(connId); if (_dictTCPClients.ContainsKey(connId)) { throw new Exception("TCP client is already exist"); } CTCPClient tcpClient = new CTCPClient(_serverConfig.Servers[connId].IP, (int)_serverConfig.Servers[connId].Port, /*dataReciever*/ GetTCPClientUser(connId)); _dictTCPClients[connId] = tcpClient; }
/// <summary> /// Creates message of specificated format (header, body) and writes message to tcpClient. /// /// /// /// Call from: /// 1) Internal class methods /// 2) From MarketViewModel /// </summary> /// <param name="conId"></param> /// <param name="ob"></param> /// <param name="ev"></param> public void SendDataToServer(int conId, object ob, enmTradingEvent ev) { CTCPClient tcpClient = null; if (GetTCPClient(conId, out tcpClient)) { byte[] arrHeader = _messenger.GenBinaryMessageHeader((byte)ev); byte[] arrBody = CUtilProto.SerializeProto(ob); byte[] arrMsg = new byte[arrHeader.Length + arrBody.Length]; Buffer.BlockCopy(arrHeader, 0, arrMsg, 0, arrHeader.Length); Buffer.BlockCopy(arrBody, 0, arrMsg, arrHeader.Length, arrBody.Length); tcpClient.WriteMessage(arrMsg); } }
public TestTcpClient() { _log = new CLogger("TestTcpClient"); _log.Log("============================================================================================================"); _tcpClient = new CTCPClient("", 81, _tcpClientStub); while (!_tcpClient.ConnectToServer()) { Thread.Sleep(1000); } (new Thread(ThreadWrite)).Start(); while (true) { Thread.Sleep(100); } }
protected bool GetTCPClient(int conId, out CTCPClient tcpClient) { return(_dictTCPClients.TryGetValue(conId, out tcpClient)); }
private void ThreadGetDataScales() { DataBarCode.CLog.WriteInfo("DataScales.cs", "Start Thread Get DataScales"); CTCPClient _client = new CTCPClient(set.DataScalesServerIp, set.DataScalesServerPort); while (GetDataScales) { try { if (SelectedScales != null) { string[] data = _client.getData(SelectedScales); buttonFix.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { buttonFix.Enabled = true; })); if (data != null) { string Weigth = data[2]; bool Stabl = bool.Parse(data[4]); //CLog.WriteInfo("DataScales.cs", "Пришел вес: " + Weigth + " ;Стаб: " + Stabl.ToString()); labelWeigth.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { labelWeigth.Text = Weigth; if (Stabl) { labelWeigth.ForeColor = Color.White; } else { labelWeigth.ForeColor = Color.Tomato; } })); } } } catch (SocketException exp) { CLog.WriteException("DataScales.cs", "ThreadGetDataScales_SocketException", exp.Message); labelWeigth.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { labelWeigth.Text = "Нет связи"; labelWeigth.ForeColor = Color.Tomato; })); buttonFix.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { buttonFix.Enabled = false; })); Thread.Sleep(set.DataScalesServerTime * 5); } catch (Exception exp) { CLog.WriteException("DataScales.cs", "ThreadGetDataScales", exp.Message); labelWeigth.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { labelWeigth.Text = "Ошибка"; labelWeigth.ForeColor = Color.Tomato; })); buttonFix.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { buttonFix.Enabled = false; })); } Thread.Sleep(set.DataScalesServerTime); } CLog.WriteInfo("DataScales.cs", "Stop Thread Get DataScales"); }