Пример #1
        static uint[] decodeRgbIcon(byte[] payload, CSize size)
            // https://devblogs.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20101019-00/?p=12503
            int totalPixels = size.cx * size.cy;

            int maskLineDwords  = (size.cx + 31) / 32;
            int maskStrideBytes = maskLineDwords * 4;
            int bytesMask       = size.cy * maskStrideBytes;

            int cbHeader = Marshal.SizeOf <BITMAPINFOHEADER>();

            if (payload.Length != (totalPixels * 4) + bytesMask + cbHeader)
                throw new ArgumentException("Size doesn't match");

            uint[] result = new uint[totalPixels];

            // Copy the RGB values
            .Slice(cbHeader, totalPixels * 4)
            .castSpan <uint>()

            // Apply the alpha mask, it's 1 bit / pixel.
            ReadOnlySpan <byte> mask = payload.AsSpan().Slice(cbHeader + totalPixels * 4);

            applyMask(result.AsSpan(), size, mask, maskStrideBytes);
Пример #2
 public void setWindowSize(CSize size)
     // ConsoleLogger.logDebug( "sCursorPosition.setWindowSize: {0}", size );
     positionMulX = 2.0 / size.cx;
     positionMulY = 2.0 / size.cy;
Пример #3
 internal static void applyMask(Span <uint> pixels, CSize size, ReadOnlySpan <byte> mask, int maskStrideBytes)
     if (0 == (size.cx % 8))
         if (0 == (size.cx % 32))
             // No padding whatsoever
             int destOffset = 0;
             for (int i = 0; i < mask.Length; i++, destOffset += 8)
                 applyMask(pixels, destOffset, mask[i]);
             // There is padding, but it's whole count of bytes
             int maskBytesPerLine = size.cx / 8;
             int sourceOffset     = 0;
             int destOffset       = 0;
             for (int y = 0; y < size.cy; y++, sourceOffset += maskStrideBytes)
                 for (int x = 0; x < maskBytesPerLine; x++, destOffset += 8)
                     applyMask(pixels, destOffset, mask[sourceOffset + x]);
         // There is padding, and the last few pixels have less than 8 payload bits per line.
         throw new NotImplementedException("The library only supports cursors with width being a multiple of 8px");
Пример #4
        protected void drawText(string text, Font font, ref Rect rectangle, SolidColorData foreground, SolidColorData background)
            getCurrentTransform(out Matrix3x2 tform, out float pixel);
            var transformedRect = tform.transformRectangle(ref rectangle);

            if (!DrawDevice.clipSpaceRectangle.intersects(ref transformedRect) || foreground.brushType == eBrushType.Null)


            IntMatrix?     intMtx;
            CPoint         startingPoint = transformToPhysicalPixels(rectangle.topLeft, out intMtx);
            CSize          size          = (rectangle.size / pixel).roundToInt().asSize;
            CRect          textRect      = new CRect(startingPoint, size);
            eTextRendering trs           = textRenderingStyle(intMtx);

            Order o = drawMeshes.addText(ref currentZ, text, font, ref textRect, foreground.paletteIndex, trs);

            bool opaqueBackground = background.brushType == eBrushType.Opaque;

            passFlags |= eRenderPassFlags.Transparent;
            calls.add(sDrawCall.drawText(o, ref tform, foreground.paletteIndex,
                                         background.paletteIndex, opaqueBackground,
                                         pixel, trs));
Пример #5
        void switchToTrueFullScreen(iDiligentWindow window)
            if (window.windowState == eShowWindow.TrueFullscreen)
                // Already in true full screen mode. Switch to maximized borderless.

            iGraphicsEngine graphicsEngine = Render.graphicsEngine;

            using (var gpuEnum = graphicsEngine.createGpuEnumerator())
                using (var gpu = gpuEnum.openDefaultAdapter())
                    using (var connector = gpu.openDefaultConnector())
                        var format = context.swapChainFormats.color;
                        if (format == Diligent.Graphics.TextureFormat.Unknown)
                            throw new ApplicationException("The swap chain was not created");

                        // Debug code below
                        // Console.WriteLine( "Following is available:\n{0}", string.Join( "\n", connector.getAllModes() ) );
                        // connector.enumModes();

                        CSize trueFullScreenRez = new CSize(1920, 1080);
                        if (!connector.findVideoMode(out var mode, ref trueFullScreenRez))
                            throw new ApplicationException("The default monitor doesn't support FullHD");
                        window.fullScreen(connector, ref mode);
Пример #6
        private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            CSize   oCSize   = Getformdata();
            CSizeBO oCSizeBO = new CSizeBO();
            CResult oresult  = new CResult();

            if (validatedata())
                if (txtSizeid.Text.Trim() != string.Empty)
                    if (DialogResult.OK == MessageBox.Show("Are you wanted to upadte " + txtSIZECode.Text + " ?", "Confirmation!", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel))
                        oresult = oCSizeBO.Update(oCSize);
                    if (!IsUpdateMode)
                        oresult = oCSizeBO.Create(oCSize);

                if (oresult.IsSuccess)
                    MessageBox.Show("Not Saved" + oresult.ErrMsg + "");
Пример #7
        public static int find(MkvMediaFile file, TrackEntry track, CSize size)
            ulong trackNum = track.trackNumber;

            int maxFound = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 166; i++)
                Cluster firstCluster = file.segment.cluster[i].loadCluster(file.stream);

                int extraBytes = track.extraBytesCount();

                int clusterMax = 0;
                foreach (var b in firstCluster.allBlobs())
                    if (b.trackNumber != trackNum)

                    // Don't bother decoding NALUs. We don't need precise number, just a reasonable upper estimate.
                    clusterMax = Math.Max(clusterMax, (int)b.length + extraBytes);
                Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}", i, clusterMax);
                maxFound = Math.Max(maxFound, clusterMax);

Пример #8
 public CRect(CPoint topLeft, CSize size)
     left   = topLeft.x;
     top    = topLeft.y;
     right  = topLeft.x + size.cx;
     bottom = topLeft.y + size.cy;
Пример #9
        /// <summary>Create rectangle in units from size in pixels, the top left corner being [ 0, 0 ]</summary>
        public Rect fullRectUnits(CSize sizePixels)
            Vector2 bottomRight = new Vector2(sizePixels.cx, sizePixels.cy);

            bottomRight *= mulUnits;
            return(new Rect(Vector2.Zero, bottomRight));
Пример #10
        IBuffer getTextCBuffer()
            if (null != m_staticCBufferForText)

            ConstantsBufferText data = new ConstantsBufferText();

            data.pixelSizeAndDpiScaling = pixelSizeAndDpiScaling;

            DrawDevice dev       = (DrawDevice)context.drawDevice;
            CSize      atlasSize = dev.fontTextures.grayscale.layerSize;

            data.textureAtlasSize.X = atlasSize.cx;
            data.textureAtlasSize.Y = atlasSize.cy;

            atlasSize = dev.fontTextures.cleartype.layerSize;
            data.textureAtlasSize.Z = atlasSize.cx;
            data.textureAtlasSize.W = atlasSize.cy;

            IBuffer ib;

            using (var device = context.renderContext.device)
                ib = device.CreateImmutableUniformBuffer(ref data, "Text cbuffer");
            m_staticCBufferForText = ib;
Пример #11
        protected override void render(ITextureView swapChainRgb, ITextureView swapChainDepthStencil)
            iDrawDevice dev  = context.drawDevice;
            Rect        rect = new Rect(Vector2.Zero, dev.viewportSize);

            rect = rect.deflate(32, 32);

            using (var dc = dev.begin(swapChainRgb, swapChainDepthStencil, backgroundColor))
                Matrix3x2 imageRotation = rotationMatrix(dev.viewportSize, -0.11f);
                Matrix3x2 trans         = Matrix3x2.CreateTranslation(0, -70);
                dc.transform.push(imageRotation * trans);
                dc.drawText("Hello World", comicSans.font, rect, black, background);

                // rect.top += dev.dpiScaling.mulUnits * comicSans.font.lineHeightPixels + 12;
                rect.top += dev.dpiScaling.mulUnits * comicSans.font.lineHeightPixels + 24;

                CSize lipsumSize = dc.measureText(lipsum, rect.width, defaultSerif.font);
                dc.fillRectangle(pixelsRectangle(dev, rect.topLeft, lipsumSize), white);
                dc.drawText(lipsum, defaultSerif.font, rect, black, white); return;

                CSize consoleSize = dc.measureConsoleText(lipsum, 80, 14);

                // Apparently, when FreeType measures fonts it allocates height on the top for diacritic combining characters.
                Vector2 paddingTopLeft     = new Vector2(12, 2);
                Vector2 paddingBottomRight = new Vector2(12, 12);
                Vector2 size        = consoleSize.asFloat * dev.dpiScaling.mulUnits;
                Rect    consoleRect = new Rect(rect.topLeft, rect.topLeft + size + paddingTopLeft + paddingBottomRight);

                dc.fillRectangle(consoleRect, black);

                dc.drawConsoleText(lipsum, 80, 14, rect.topLeft + paddingTopLeft, green, black);
Пример #12
 internal VideoTextureDesc(TextureFormat lumaFormat, TextureFormat chromaFormat, CSize lumaSize, CSize chromaSize)
     this.lumaFormat   = lumaFormat;
     this.chromaFormat = chromaFormat;
     this.lumaSize     = lumaSize;
     this.chromaSize   = chromaSize;
Пример #13
 public MappedOutput(int idx, int length, IntPtr ptr, int stride, CSize size)
     bufferIndex   = idx;
     mappedLength  = length;
     mappedAddress = ptr;
     this.stride   = stride;
     this.size     = size;
Пример #14
        static Rect computeDefaultClipRectangle(CSize size)
            float   marginPixels         = Math.Min(size.cx / 8, size.cy / 8);
            Vector2 sizeFloats           = size.asFloat;
            Vector2 marginClipSpaceUnits = (2.0f * sizeFloats) / sizeFloats;

            return(new Rect(-Vector2.One - marginClipSpaceUnits, Vector2.One + marginClipSpaceUnits));
Пример #15
        static byte[] decodeMonochromeIcon(byte[] payload, CSize size)
            int totalPixels = size.cx * size.cy;

            int maskLineDwords  = (size.cx + 31) / 32;
            int maskStrideBytes = maskLineDwords * 4;
            int bytesMask       = size.cy * maskStrideBytes;

            int cbHeader = Marshal.SizeOf <BITMAPINFOHEADER>();

            // 8 is the color table, immediately after the header
            if (payload.Length != cbHeader + (bytesMask * 2) + 8)
                throw new ArgumentException("Size doesn't match");

            byte[]      image   = new byte[totalPixels];
            Span <byte> palette = stackalloc byte[4];
                Span <uint> colorTable = stackalloc uint[2];
                .Slice(cbHeader, 8)
                .castSpan <uint>()
                ePalette pal = getPalette(colorTable);
                decodePalette(pal, palette);

            ReadOnlySpan <byte> bits = payload.AsSpan()
                                       .Slice(cbHeader + 8, bytesMask);

            ReadOnlySpan <byte> mask = payload.AsSpan()
                                       .Slice(cbHeader + 8 + bytesMask, bytesMask);

            if (0 == (size.cx % 32))
                // No padding whatsoever
                decodeMonochrome(image.AsSpan(), bits, mask, palette, totalPixels);
                // There is some padding
                Span <byte> imageSpan        = image.AsSpan();
                int         maskBytesPerLine = (size.cx + 7) / 8;
                int         destOffset       = 0;
                int         sourceOffset     = 0;
                for (int y = 0; y < size.cy; y++, destOffset += size.cx, sourceOffset += maskStrideBytes)
                    Span <byte>         destSpan = imageSpan.Slice(destOffset, size.cx);
                    ReadOnlySpan <byte> lineBits = bits.Slice(sourceOffset, maskBytesPerLine);
                    ReadOnlySpan <byte> lineMask = mask.Slice(sourceOffset, maskBytesPerLine);
                    decodeMonochrome(destSpan, lineBits, lineMask, palette, size.cx);
Пример #16
 void onResized(CSize newSize, double dpi)
     dpiScaling            = new DpiScaling(dpi);
     d2dContext.dpiScaling = dpi;
     viewportSize          = new Vector2((float)(newSize.cx / dpi), (float)(newSize.cy / dpi));
     foreach (var sub in resized)
         sub(viewportSize, dpi);
Пример #17
        public AniBitmaps(Stream stream, AniFile.Frame[] frames, int formatIndex)
            size = frames[0].images[formatIndex].size;
            int countFrames = frames.Length;

            pixelsPerFrame = size.cx * size.cy;
            data           = new uint[pixelsPerFrame * countFrames];
            Span <uint> destSpan = data.AsSpan();

            int streamOffset = 0;
            int bihSize      = Marshal.SizeOf <BITMAPINFOHEADER>();

            for (int i = 0; i < frames.Length; i++)
                AniFile.Payload src = frames[i].payloads[formatIndex];
                stream.skip(src.offset - streamOffset);
                streamOffset = src.offset;

                BITMAPINFOHEADER header = stream.read <BITMAPINFOHEADER>();
                streamOffset += bihSize;
                Debug.Assert(bihSize == header.biSize);

                if (header.biWidth != size.cx)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Size in BMP doesn't match");

                Span <uint> destFrame = destSpan.Slice(i * pixelsPerFrame, pixelsPerFrame);
                if (header.biCompression == BitmapCompressionMode.BI_RGB && header.biHeight == size.cy * 2)
                    decodeRgbIcon(stream, destFrame, ref streamOffset, ref header, src.size);
                    throw new NotImplementedException();

            bool flipBgr = RuntimeEnvironment.operatingSystem != eOperatingSystem.Windows;

            GraphicsUtils.premultiplyAlpha(data, flipBgr);

            this.frames = new TextureSubResData[countFrames];
            pinned      = GCHandle.Alloc(data, GCHandleType.Pinned);
            IntPtr pointer = pinned.AddrOfPinnedObject();

            for (int i = 0; i < countFrames; i++)
                TextureSubResData srd = new TextureSubResData();
                srd.pData       = pointer + (i * pixelsPerFrame * 4);
                srd.Stride      = size.cx * 4;
                srd.DepthStride = pixelsPerFrame * 4;
                this.frames[i]  = srd;
Пример #18
        void onResized(CSize newSize, double dpi)
            dpiScaling        = new DpiScaling(dpi);
            viewportSize      = new Vector2((float)(newSize.cx / dpi), (float)(newSize.cy / dpi));
            rootTransform.M11 = (float)(2.0 / viewportSize.X);
            rootTransform.M22 = (float)(-2.0 / viewportSize.Y);

            foreach (var sub in resized)
                sub(viewportSize, dpi);
Пример #19
        private CItem Getformdata()
            CItem      oitem      = new CItem();
            CItemType  oItemType  = (CItemType)ddlItemType.SelectedItem;
            CItemGroup oitemgroup = (CItemGroup)ddlGroupNAme.SelectedItem;
            CUOM       oUOM       = (CUOM)ddlUOM.SelectedItem;
            CSize      oSize      = (CSize)cmbItemSize.SelectedItem;

            oitem.Item_OID     = txthiddenitemid.Text;
            oitem.Item_Branch  = currentBranch.CompBrn_Code;
            oitem.Item_GroupID = oitemgroup.Catg_OID;
            oitem.Item_TypeID  = oItemType.ITyp_OID;
            oitem.Item_UOMID   = oUOM.UOM_OID;
            oitem.Item_Code    = txtItemCode.Text.Trim();
            if (cmbItemSize.SelectedItem != null && txtICode.Text != "")
                oitem.Item_ItemName = txtItemName.Text + "-" + txtICode.Text + "-- " + oSize.Size_Name;
            if (txtICode.Text != "")
                oitem.Item_ItemName = txtItemName.Text + "-" + txtICode.Text;
                oitem.Item_ItemName = txtItemName.Text;
            //oitem.Item_ItemName = txtItemName.Text;
            oitem.Item_Pprice  = float.Parse(txtpprice.Text);
            oitem.Remarks      = txtRemarks.Text;
            oitem.Item_RQTY    = float.Parse(txtRQTY.Text);
            oitem.Item_Sprice  = float.Parse(txtSprice.Text);
            oitem.Creator      = currentUser.User_OID;
            oitem.CreationDate = DateTime.Now;
            oitem.UpdateBy     = currentUser.User_OID;
            oitem.UpdateDate   = DateTime.Now;
            oitem.CreationDate = DateTime.Now.Date;
            if (chkIsActive.Checked)
                oitem.IsActive = "Y";
                oitem.IsActive = "N";

            oitem.Item_Priority = int.Parse(nupdnItemPriority.Text.Trim());

            oitem.ItemImage = this.ItemImage;

Пример #20
            public CResult Update(CSize oCSize)
                oResult = new CResult();
                conn    = oConnManager.GetConnection(out s_DBError);
                if (conn != null)
                    SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
                    cmd.Connection = conn;

                    cmd.Transaction = oConnManager.BeginTransaction();
                        cmd.CommandText = "sp_Size_Update";
                        cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

                        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Size_OID", oCSize.Size_OID);
                        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Size_Code", oCSize.Size_Code);
                        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Size_Name", oCSize.Size_Name);
                        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Size_Branch", oCSize.Size_Branch);
                        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Creator", oCSize.Creator);
                        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CreationDate", oCSize.CreationDate);
                        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UpdateBy", oCSize.UpdateBy);
                        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UpdateDate", oCSize.UpdateDate);
                        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@IsActive", oCSize.IsActive);
                        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Remarks", oCSize.Remarks);

                        oResult.IsSuccess = true;
                    catch (SqlException e)
                        string sRollbackError = oConnManager.Rollback();

                        oResult.IsSuccess = false;
                        oResult.ErrMsg    = sRollbackError.Equals("") ? oConnManager.GetErrorMessage(e) : sRollbackError;
                    oResult.IsSuccess = false;
                    oResult.ErrMsg    = s_DBError;

Пример #21
 private void LLSIZEType_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (LLSIZEType.SelectedIndex != -1)
         if (LLSIZEType.Items.Count > 0)
             CSize oCSize = (CSize)LLSIZEType.SelectedItem;
             txtSizeid.Text   = oCSize.Size_OID.ToString();
             txtSIZECode.Text = oCSize.Size_Code;
             txtSIZEName.Text = oCSize.Size_Name;
             txtRemarks.Text  = oCSize.Remarks;
Пример #22
        internal VideoSampleEntry(Mp4Reader reader, ref int bytesLeft)
            var ss = reader.readStructure <Structures.VisualSampleEntry>();

            bytesLeft -= Marshal.SizeOf <Structures.VisualSampleEntry>();

            sizePixels      = ss.size;
            pixelsPerInch   = ss.resolution;
            framesPerSample = ss.frameCount;
                byte *comp = ss.compressorname;
                compressorName = StringMarshal.copy(comp, 32);
Пример #23
        public static ITextureView load(IRenderDevice device, byte[] payload, CSize size)
            byte[] data = decodeMonochromeIcon(payload, size);

            TextureDesc desc = new TextureDesc(false);

            desc.Type      = ResourceDimension.Tex2d;
            desc.Size      = size;
            desc.Format    = TextureFormat.R8Unorm;
            desc.Usage     = Usage.Static;
            desc.BindFlags = BindFlags.ShaderResource;
            ITexture texture = device.CreateTexture(ref desc, data, size.cx, "Monochrome cursor");

Пример #24
        public RenderBase(IRenderDevice device, CSize renderTargetSize, SwapChainFormats formats, Vector4 borderColor, sDecodedVideoSize videoSize)
            this.videoSize = videoSize;
            // Create vertex buffer
            vertexBuffer = createVideoVertexBuffer(device, renderTargetSize, ref videoSize);

            // Create pipeline state
            var pso = new PipelineStateDesc(false);

            pso.GraphicsPipeline.DepthStencilDesc.DepthEnable = false;
            pso.GraphicsPipeline.PrimitiveTopology            = PrimitiveTopology.TriangleList;
            pso.GraphicsPipeline.NumRenderTargets             = 1;
            pso.GraphicsPipeline.setRTVFormat(0, formats.color);
            pso.GraphicsPipeline.DSVFormat         = formats.depth;
            pso.ResourceLayout.DefaultVariableType = ShaderResourceVariableType.Static;

            var            compiler = device.GetShaderFactory();
            iStorageFolder assets   = StorageFolder.embeddedResources(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), resourceFolder);

            using (var psf = device.CreatePipelineStateFactory())
                psf.setName("Video PSO");

                using (var vs = compiler.compileHlslFile(assets, "VideoVS.hlsl", ShaderType.Vertex))

                (string uvMin, string uvMax) = videoUvCroppedRect(ref videoSize);
                string colorString = Utils.printFloat4(borderColor);
                using (var ps = compilePixelShader(compiler, assets, uvMin, uvMax, colorString))

                psf.layoutVariable(ShaderType.Pixel, ShaderResourceVariableType.Dynamic, varTexture);

                var sampler = new SamplerDesc(false)
                    MipFilter = FilterType.Point,
                psf.layoutStaticSampler(ShaderType.Pixel, ref sampler, varTexture);

                psf.apply(ref pso);
                pipelineState = device.CreatePipelineState(ref pso);

            // Create resource binding and cache the variable, we gonna need both on every frame rendered
            binding         = pipelineState.CreateShaderResourceBinding(true);
            textureVariable = binding.GetVariableByName(ShaderType.Pixel, varTexture);
Пример #25
        private CSize Getformdata()
            CSize oSize = new CSize();

            oSize.Size_OID     = txtSizeid.Text.Trim();
            oSize.Size_Branch  = currentBranch.CompBrn_Code;
            oSize.Size_Code    = txtSIZECode.Text.Trim();
            oSize.Size_Name    = txtSIZEName.Text.Trim();
            oSize.Remarks      = txtRemarks.Text.Trim();
            oSize.CreationDate = DateTime.Now;
            oSize.Creator      = currentUser.User_OID;
            oSize.UpdateBy     = currentUser.User_OID;
            oSize.UpdateDate   = DateTime.Now;
            oSize.IsActive     = "Y";
Пример #26
 /// <summary>Create and set fields to their defaults</summary>
 public TextureDesc(bool unused)
     baseStruct       = new DeviceObjectAttribs(true);
     Type             = ResourceDimension.Undefined;
     Size             = new CSize(0, 0);
     ArraySizeOrDepth = 1;
     Format           = TextureFormat.Unknown;
     MipLevels        = 1;
     SampleCount      = 1;
     Usage            = Usage.Default;
     BindFlags        = BindFlags.None;
     CPUAccessFlags   = CpuAccessFlags.None;
     MiscFlags        = MiscTextureFlags.None;
     ClearValue       = new OptimizedClearValue(true);
     CommandQueueMask = 1;
Пример #27
        /// <summary>Decode frames of the specified format index, and upload them to VRAM.</summary>
        public AnimatedCursorTexture load(IRenderDevice device, Stream stream, string name, int formatIndex = 0)
            if (formatIndex < 0 || formatIndex >= formats.Length)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

            iTextureArrayData data;

            switch (formats[formatIndex].format)
            case eFormat.Bitmap:
                data = new AniBitmaps(stream, this.frames, formatIndex);

                throw new NotImplementedException();
            CSize size   = formats[formatIndex].size;
            int   frames = data.data.Length;

            ITexture textureArray;

            using ( data )
                TextureDesc desc = new TextureDesc(false);
                desc.Type             = ResourceDimension.Tex2dArray;
                desc.Size             = size;
                desc.ArraySizeOrDepth = (uint)frames;
                desc.Format           = data.format;
                desc.Usage            = Usage.Static;
                desc.BindFlags        = BindFlags.ShaderResource;

                textureArray = device.CreateTexture(ref desc, data.data, (uint)frames, name);

            ITextureView view  = textureArray.GetDefaultView(TextureViewType.ShaderResource);
            double       ticks = TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond;

            ticks /= 60;
            ticks *= header.JifRate;
            ticks  = Math.Round(ticks);
            TimeSpan duration = TimeSpan.FromTicks((long)ticks);
            CPoint   hotspot  = this.frames[0].images[formatIndex].hotspot;

            return(new AnimatedCursorTexture(view, size, hotspot, frames, duration));
Пример #28
        /// <summary>Cropped video rectangle in clip space units</summary>
        static RectD videoRectangle(CSize pxRenderTarget, ref sDecodedVideoSize videoSize)
            CSize pxVideo = videoSize.cropRect.size;

            if (pxVideo.cx * pxRenderTarget.cy >= pxVideo.cy * pxRenderTarget.cx)
                // scale X to fit, center vertically
                double h = mulDiv(pxVideo.cy, pxRenderTarget.cx, pxVideo.cx, pxRenderTarget.cy);
                return(new RectD(-1, -h, 1, h));
                // scale Y to fit, center horizontally
                double w = mulDiv(pxVideo.cx, pxRenderTarget.cy, pxVideo.cy, pxRenderTarget.cx);
                return(new RectD(-w, -1, w, 1));
Пример #29
        /// <summary>Create immutable VB with the full-screen triangle with cropping-included texture coordinates</summary>
        public static IBuffer createVideoVertexBuffer(IRenderDevice device, CSize renderTargetSize, ref sDecodedVideoSize videoSize)
            Span <sVideoVertex> data = stackalloc sVideoVertex[3];

            produceVertices(data, renderTargetSize, ref videoSize);

            BufferDesc desc = new BufferDesc(false)
                uiSizeInBytes = 16 * 3,
                BindFlags     = BindFlags.VertexBuffer,
                Usage         = Usage.Static,

            ReadOnlySpan <sVideoVertex> readOnly = data;

            return(device.CreateBuffer(desc, readOnly, "Video VB"));
Пример #30
        static void encodeScreenshot(TextureFormat format, CSize size, MappedTextureSubresource mapped, string dest)
            // Pick the right set of PNG options
            ePngOptions options;

            switch (format)
            case TextureFormat.Rgba8Sint:
            case TextureFormat.Rgba8Snorm:
            case TextureFormat.Rgba8Typeless:
            case TextureFormat.Rgba8Unorm:
                options = ePngOptions.None;

            case TextureFormat.Rgba8UnormSrgb:
                options = ePngOptions.SrgbMetadata;

            case TextureFormat.Bgra8Typeless:
            case TextureFormat.Bgrx8Typeless:
            case TextureFormat.Bgra8Unorm:
            case TextureFormat.Bgrx8Unorm:
                options = ePngOptions.FlipChannels;

            case TextureFormat.Bgra8UnormSrgb:
            case TextureFormat.Bgrx8UnormSrgb:
                options = ePngOptions.FlipChannels | ePngOptions.SrgbMetadata;

                throw new ArgumentException($"{ format } textures can’t be PNG encoded. Do something else, e.g. DDS.");

            // No idea why, but identical C# and C++ code produces good images on Windows and vertically flipped ones on Linux.
            // Need to pass a bit to encoder to distinguish.
            // Fortunately, LibPNG takes an array of row pointers and thus doesn't care about rows RAM layout, the implementation doesn't need to make copies.
            if (RuntimeEnvironment.runningLinux)
                options |= ePngOptions.FlipRows;

            // Finally, write the PNG
            using (var fs = File.Create(dest))
                GraphicsUtils.encodeRgbaPng(size, mapped, options, fs);