Пример #1
        public void Provision(MVEntry mventry)
            foreach (var provRule in _provRules)
                if (provRule.SourceObject != mventry.ObjectType)

                bool passes = ProvisionEval.PassesCondition(provRule, mventry);

                if (passes)
                    if (mventry.ConnectedMAs[provRule.Agent].Connectors.Count < 1)
                        CSEntry csentry =

                        ProvisionEval.ApplyInitialFlows(provRule, csentry, mventry);
                else if (provRule.Deprovision)
Пример #2
        public void Provision(MVEntry mventry)
            CSEntry csentry = mventry.ConnectedMAs[MAName].Connectors.StartNewConnector(

            foreach (var provisionSetter in SimpleAttributeSetters)
                csentry[provisionSetter.CSAttribute].Value = mventry[provisionSetter.MVAttribute].Value;

            foreach (AdvancedAttributeSetter attributeSetter in AdvancedAttributeSetters)
                string value = AttributeFormatter.FormatValue(mventry, attributeSetter.ReplaceFormat);
                if (attributeSetter.CSAttribute.ToLower() == "dn")
                    csentry.DN = mventry.ConnectedMAs[MAName].CreateDN(value);
                    csentry[attributeSetter.CSAttribute].Value = value;

Пример #3
        public void Provision(MVEntry mventry)
            string          maName = "ADMA";
            ManagementAgent ma     = mventry.ConnectedMAs[maName];

            //begin  changes
            if (mventry.ConnectedMAs[maName].Connectors.Count == 0)
                //provision new AD object
                if (mventry["uid"].IsPresent && mventry["accountName"].IsPresent && mventry["ou"].IsPresent)
                    string         cn        = string.Format("CN={0}", mventry["uid"].StringValue);
                    ReferenceValue dn        = mventry.ConnectedMAs[maName].EscapeDNComponent(cn).Concat(mventry["ou"].StringValue);
                    CSEntry        adCSentry = mventry.ConnectedMAs[maName].Connectors.StartNewConnector("user");
                    adCSentry.DN = dn;
                    string pwd = GenerateRandomString(32);
                    adCSentry["unicodePwd"].Value = pwd;
                    adCSentry["SamAccountName"].StringValue = mventry["AccountName"].StringValue;
                //rename existing AD object
                CSEntry        adCSentry = mventry.ConnectedMAs[maName].Connectors.ByIndex[0];
                ReferenceValue newDn     = mventry.ConnectedMAs[maName].EscapeDNComponent(string.Format("Cn={0}", mventry["uid"].StringValue)).Concat(mventry["ou"].StringValue);
                adCSentry.DN = newDn;
        void IMVSynchronization.Provision(MVEntry mventry)
            //get our provisioning ma from the db
            string provisioningMAName = FIMConfiguration.GetProvisioningMA()["ma_name"].ToString();

            XmlDocument xmldoc     = FIMConfiguration.GetConfigXML(provisioningMAName, "private_configuration_xml");
            XmlNodeList attributes = xmldoc.SelectNodes("//MAConfig/parameter-values/parameter");

            //loop through each MA/object type selected
            foreach (XmlNode attrib in attributes)
                string param      = attrib.Attributes["name"].Value;
                string maName     = param.Substring(0, param.LastIndexOf(" - "));
                string objectType = param.Substring(param.LastIndexOf(" - ") + 3);

                //if enabled, provision it
                if (attrib.InnerText.Equals("1"))
                    //our ma has been enabled for provisioning, create a new csentry and add initial flows
                    ConnectedMA ma = mventry.ConnectedMAs[maName];

                    if (ma.Connectors.Count == 0)
                        CSEntry csentry = ma.Connectors.StartNewConnector(objectType);

                        //go and get the real anchor info, our provisioning ma
                        //uses a generic anchor to ensure tha flows can be
                        //defined for the actual anchor
                        XmlDocument maSchemaConfig = FIMConfiguration.GetConfigXML(maName, "dn_construction_xml");
                        XmlNode     maSchemaRoot   = maSchemaConfig.FirstChild;

                        //get dn for the object
                        List <string> anchors = new List <string>();
                        if (maSchemaRoot.FirstChild.Name.Equals("attribute", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                            XmlNodeList anchorList = maSchemaConfig.SelectNodes("//dn-construction/attribute");

                            foreach (XmlNode anchor in anchorList)
                            XmlNodeList anchorList = maSchemaConfig.SelectNodes("//dn-construction/dn[@object-type='" + objectType + "']/attribute");

                            foreach (XmlNode anchor in anchorList)

                        //our export schema defines the initial attributes to flow
                        XmlDocument xmlFlows = FIMConfiguration.GetConfigXML(provisioningMAName, "export_attribute_flow_xml");
                        XmlNodeList flows    = xmlFlows.SelectNodes("//export-attribute-flow/export-flow-set[@cd-object-type='" + maName + "']/export-flow");

                        foreach (XmlNode flow in flows)
                            //get the mapping for each flow defined and provision an initial flow
                            string csAttribName = flow.Attributes["cd-attribute"].Value;
                            csAttribName = csAttribName.Substring(csAttribName.LastIndexOf(" - ") + 3);

                            XmlNode         mappingNode = flow.FirstChild;
                            string          mappingType = mappingNode.Name;
                            string          flowValue   = null;
                            ValueCollection flowValues  = null;

                            switch (mappingType)
                            case "direct-mapping":

                                string mvAttribName = mappingNode.FirstChild.InnerText;

                                if (mventry[mvAttribName].IsPresent)
                                    if (mventry[mvAttribName].IsMultivalued)
                                        flowValues = mventry[mvAttribName].Values;
                                        //TODO: convert this to its proper type if necessary (i.e. int, boolean, etc)
                                        flowValue = mventry[mvAttribName].Value;

                            case "constant-mapping":
                                flowValue = mappingNode.FirstChild.InnerText;

                            case "scripted-mapping":

                                throw new Exception("Unexpected mapping type encountered. Only Direct, Constant and Advanced/Scripted flows are allowed. Check flow rules and try again.");

                            if (flowValue != null || flowValues != null)
                                //calc dn if necessary
                                if (csAttribName.Equals("dn", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                                    //are we safe to assume that if we are calculating dn, we must
                                    //be using flowValue and not flowValues?
                                    string         rdn = flowValue.ToString();
                                    ReferenceValue dn  = ma.EscapeDNComponent(rdn);
                                    csentry.DN = dn;
                                        if (flowValue != null)
                                        else if (flowValues != null)
                                    catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
                                        if (!ex.Message.Equals("attribute " + csAttribName + " is read-only", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                                            //our anchor attribute is read only, set a temporary dn
                                            if (anchors.Contains(csAttribName))
                                                ReferenceValue dn = ma.EscapeDNComponent(Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
                                                csentry.DN = dn;

                        //do we want to throw an error now if any writeable anchor attributes have not been set??
                        //otherwise they will get one on export, we will leave it that way for now

Пример #5
        void IMVSynchronization.Provision(MVEntry mventry)
            switch (mventry.ObjectType.ToLower())
                //Person - MV Object type to scope provision of contoso users to the GALSync domain, as contact objects, under the "ExternalContacts" OU
                #region case "person":
                case "person":

                        bool bContactsConnected = false; // reset our boolean 
                        bool bProv = false;
                        if (mventry["mail"].IsPresent) bProv = true;
                        maContacts = mventry.ConnectedMAs["GALSync"]; //Declares MA to Provisions

                        int iNumConnectorsContacts = maContacts.Connectors.Count; // count our connectors to this MA 

                        if (bProv)
                            if (iNumConnectorsContacts > 0) bContactsConnected = true;
                            RDN = "CN=" + mventry["cn"].Value + ",OU=ExternalContacts" + ",DC=GALSync,DC=com";
                            targetDN = maContacts.CreateDN(RDN); //Created the CS DN
                            if (!(bContactsConnected)) //If not found while iNumConnectorsContacts
                                CSEntry = maContacts.Connectors.StartNewConnector("contact"); //Starts a new connector
                                CSEntry.DN = targetDN; //Sets the CS DN from targetDN
                                CSEntry["targetAddress"].Value = mventry["mail"].Value; //flows mail attribute MV > CS
                                CSEntry.CommitNewConnector(); //commits the connector to cs db
                #endregion case "person"

                //GALSyncPerson - MV Obkect type to scope provision of external contacts from the GALSync.com domain to AD in Contoso under the "ExternalContacts" OU
                #region case "GalSyncPerson":
                case galsyncperson":

                        bool bContactsConnected = false; // reset our boolean 
                        bool bProv = false;
                        if (mventry["mail"].IsPresent) bProv = true;
                        maContacts = mventry.ConnectedMAs["AD MA"]; //Declares MA to Provisions

                        int iNumConnectorsContacts = maContacts.Connectors.Count; // count our connectors to this MA 

                        if (bProv)
                            if (iNumConnectorsContacts > 0) bContactsConnected = true;
                            RDN = "CN=" + mventry["cn"].Value + ",OU=ExternalContacts" + ",DC=Contoso,DC=com";
                            targetDN = maContacts.CreateDN(RDN); //Created the CS DN
                            if (!(bContactsConnected)) //If not found while iNumConnectorsContacts
                                CSEntry = maContacts.Connectors.StartNewConnector("contact"); //Starts a new connector
                                CSEntry.DN = targetDN; //Sets the CS DN from targetDN
                                CSEntry["targetAddress"].Value = mventry["mail"].Value; //flows mail attribute MV > CS
                                CSEntry.CommitNewConnector(); //commits the connector to cs db
                    #endregion case "GalSyncPerson"
Пример #6
        void ProvisionUPSA(MVEntry mventry, string MA_name)
            var attr_map = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                { "accountName", "AccountName" },
                { "department", "Department" },
                { "displayName", "UserName" },
                { "mail", "WorkEmail" },
                { "objectSid", "SID" },
                { "lastName", "LastName" },
                { "firstName", "FirstName" },
                { "telephoneNumber", "WorkPhone" },

            ConnectedMA ManagementAgent = mventry.ConnectedMAs[MA_name];
            int         Connectors      = ManagementAgent.Connectors.Count;

            if (0 == Connectors && mventry.ObjectType.Equals("person", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                if (mventry["accountName"].IsPresent)
                    string  anchor  = mventry["accountName"].Value;
                    CSEntry csentry = ManagementAgent.Connectors.StartNewConnector("user");

                    AttributeNameEnumerator iter = mventry.GetEnumerator();
                    while (iter.MoveNext())
                        string CS_AttrName;
                        if (attr_map.TryGetValue(iter.Current, out CS_AttrName))
                            csentry[CS_AttrName].Value = mventry[iter.Current].Value;
                    csentry["Anchor"].Value = anchor;
            if (mventry.ObjectType.ToLower() == "group" && 0 == Connectors)
                    if (mventry["accountName"].IsPresent)
                        string  anchor  = mventry["accountName"].Value;
                        CSEntry csentry = ManagementAgent.Connectors.StartNewConnector("group");
                        csentry["Anchor"].Value = anchor;
                catch (ObjectAlreadyExistsException)
                    // Suppress the exception when an object exists with same distinguished name in the connector space.
                    // The object should join on the next inbound synchronization run
            if (mventry.ObjectType.ToLower() == "contact" && 0 == Connectors)
                    if (mventry["sAMAccountName"].IsPresent)
                        string  anchor  = mventry["sAMAccountName"].Value;
                        CSEntry csentry = ManagementAgent.Connectors.StartNewConnector("contact");
                        csentry["Anchor"].Value = anchor;
                catch (ObjectAlreadyExistsException)
                    // Suppress the exception when an object exists with same distinguished name in the connector space.
                    // The object should join on the next inbound synchronization run