// <CSVD> Main Data Managers Imports public static void Import(byte[] buffer) { Clear(); if (buffer == null) { return; } if (buffer.Length < 8) { return; } if (debugSwitch) { Debug.Log("<color=yellow>" + "Start to Import CSDataMgr" + "</color>"); } MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(buffer); BinaryReader r = new BinaryReader(ms); int version = r.ReadInt32(); if (debugSwitch) { Debug.Log("<color=yellow>" + "version:" + version + "</color>"); } if (CUR_VERSION != version) { if (debugSwitch) { Debug.LogWarning("The version of ColonyrecordMgr is newer than the record."); } } if (version >= VERSION000) { int count = r.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { CSDataInst dataInst = new CSDataInst(); if (debugSwitch) { Debug.Log("<color=yellow>" + i + " count: " + count + "</color>"); } dataInst.m_ID = r.ReadInt32(); if (debugSwitch) { Debug.Log("<color=yellow>" + "m_ID: " + dataInst.m_ID + "</color>"); } dataInst.Import(r); m_DataInsts.Add(dataInst.m_ID, dataInst); } CSClodMgr.Init(); CSClodMgr.Instance.Import(r); CSClodsMgr.Init(); CSClodsMgr.Instance.Import(r); //CSSimulatorDataMgr.ImportMgrs(r, version); } }
public static CSDataInst CreateDataInst(int id, CSConst.CreatorType type) { if (m_DataInsts.ContainsKey(id)) { Debug.Log("Still have this data inst."); return(m_DataInsts[id]); } else { CSDataInst dataInst = new CSDataInst(); dataInst.m_ID = id; dataInst.m_Type = type; m_DataInsts.Add(id, dataInst); return(dataInst); } }