protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                //CHG0131014 - OTSP/SUBRO/PRB0047380/SECURITY FIXES - IP Address fix for external URL - Start
                if (Config.Setting("GetIP").Equals("1"))
                    if (Request.Cookies[".ASPXFORMSAUTH"] != null)
                        string authCookie     = Request.Cookies[".ASPXFORMSAUTH"].Value;
                        string userInfoCookie = Request.Cookies["ASP.NET_Cookie"] != null ? Request.Cookies["ASP.NET_Cookie"].Value : string.Empty;
                        string RemoteKey      = HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables[Convert.ToString(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["GetServerIP"])];

                        var ip = RemoteKey;
                        if (ip != null)
                            if (ip.Contains(","))
                                ip = ip.Split(',').First().Trim();

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userInfoCookie))
                            //string[] UserData = ((System.Web.Security.FormsIdentity)(this.Page.User.Identity)).Ticket.UserData.Split(';');
                            string   decrpytCookie = CSAAWeb.Cryptor.Decrypt(userInfoCookie, Convert.ToString(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CryptorKey"]));
                            string[] validCookie   = decrpytCookie.Split('&');
                            if (authCookie != validCookie[0] || ip != validCookie[1])
                //CHG0131014 - OTSP/SUBRO/PRB0047380/SECURITY FIXES - IP Address fix for external URL - End

                /* if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                 * {
                 *   string[] UserData = ((System.Web.Security.FormsIdentity)(this.Page.User.Identity)).Ticket.UserData.Split(';');
                 *   if (UserData.Length > 0)
                 *   {
                 *       if (UserData[0].Contains("PSS"))
                 *       {
                 *           string LocationID = UserData[UserData.Length - 3];
                 *           Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "UpdateLocation", "SetLocationID(" + LocationID + ");", true);
                 *       }
                 *   }
                 * }*/

                CSAAWeb.Navigation.MenuData menu = new CSAAWeb.Navigation.MenuData();
                string sInputText = menu.CommonMenuGenerate();
                if (CSAAWeb.Config.Setting("Logging.Menu").Equals("1"))
                    if (Request.Cookies["LoggedMSC"] == null)
                        CSAAWeb.AppLogger.Logger.Log("Menu retrieved for the User: "******" Details: " + sInputText);
                        Response.Cookies.Add(new System.Web.HttpCookie("LoggedMSC", "true"));
                        //CHG0131014 - OTSP/SUBRO/PRB0047380/SECURITY FIXES - Defect 210 - Set HttpOnly for Cookie - Start
                        Response.Cookies["LoggedMSC"].HttpOnly = true;
                        //CHG0131014 - OTSP/SUBRO/PRB0047380/SECURITY FIXES - Defect 210 - Set HttpOnly for Cookie - End
                int    iStartIndex  = sInputText.IndexOf('[') + 2;
                int    iEndIndex    = sInputText.LastIndexOf(']') - 1;
                string sTableString = sInputText.Substring(iStartIndex, iEndIndex - iStartIndex);
                sTableString = sTableString.Replace(",,", ",'',");
                sTableString = sTableString.Replace("\\r\\n", "");
                string[]  sSeparatorArray = { "],[" };
                string[]  sRowStrings     = sTableString.Split(sSeparatorArray, StringSplitOptions.None);
                DataTable dtMenuTable     = new DataTable();
                dtMenuTable.Columns.AddRange(new DataColumn[] {
                    new DataColumn("Menu_ID"),
                    new DataColumn("Depth"),
                    new DataColumn("Menu_Text"),
                    new DataColumn("URL"),
                    new DataColumn("Sort_Order", System.Type.GetType("System.Int32")),
                    new DataColumn("ACL"),
                    new DataColumn("Enabled"),
                    new DataColumn("Parent_ID")
                foreach (string row in sRowStrings)
                    string[] sColumnValues = new string[8] {
                        "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
                    int    iElementPosition = 0;
                    int    iStartPosition   = 0;
                    int    iEndPosition     = 0;
                    string sRowString       = row;
                    sRowString = sRowString.Substring(iStartPosition);
                    while (!sRowString.Equals(string.Empty))
                        if (sRowString.StartsWith("'"))
                            iEndPosition = sRowString.IndexOf("'", 1);
                            if ((iEndPosition > 0) && (sRowString.Substring(iEndPosition - 1, 1) == "\\"))
                                iEndPosition = sRowString.IndexOf("'", iEndPosition + 1);
                            if (iEndPosition != -1)
                                sColumnValues[iElementPosition++]   = sRowString.Substring(0, iEndPosition).Trim(new char[] { '\'' });
                                sColumnValues[iElementPosition - 1] = sColumnValues[iElementPosition - 1].Replace("\\'", "'");
                                iStartPosition = iEndPosition + 2;
                                iStartPosition = 0;
                            sRowString = sRowString.Substring(iStartPosition);
                            iEndPosition = sRowString.IndexOf(',');
                            if (iEndPosition != -1)
                                sColumnValues[iElementPosition++] = sRowString.Substring(0, iEndPosition);
                                iStartPosition = iEndPosition + 1;
                                sRowString     = sRowString.Substring(iStartPosition);
                                sColumnValues[iElementPosition] = sRowString.Substring(0);
                                iStartPosition = 0;
                                sRowString     = string.Empty;

                DataRow[] drParentMenuItems = dtMenuTable.Select("Parent_ID = 0", "Sort_Order");
                foreach (DataRow row in drParentMenuItems.AsEnumerable())
                    MenuItem parentMenuItem = new MenuItem(row.Field <string>("Menu_Text"), row.Field <string>("Menu_ID").ToString(),
                                                           "", row.Field <string>("URL"));
                    parentMenuItem.Selectable = false;
                //Modified on 08212014 - Start

                aspMenu.Items.Add(new MenuItem("", "", ""));

                /*if (!drParentMenuItems.Any())
                 * {
                 *  aspMenu.Items.Add(new MenuItem("", "", ""));
                 * }*/
                //Commented on 08212014 - End
                DataRow[] drChildMenuItems = dtMenuTable.Select("Parent_ID <> 0", "Sort_Order");
                foreach (DataRow row in drChildMenuItems.AsEnumerable())
                    MenuItem childMenuItem = null;
                    if (row.Field <string>("Menu_Text").Equals("Down Payment"))
                        childMenuItem = new MenuItem(row.Field <string>("Menu_Text"), row.Field <string>("Menu_ID").ToString(),
                                                     "", row.Field <string>("URL"));// + "?IsDown=" + Server.UrlEncode(Encrypt("true")));
                    else if (row.Field <string>("Menu_Text").Equals("Installment Payment"))
                        childMenuItem = new MenuItem(row.Field <string>("Menu_Text"), row.Field <string>("Menu_ID").ToString(),
                                                     "", row.Field <string>("URL"));// + "?IsDown=" + Server.UrlEncode(Encrypt("false")));
                        childMenuItem = new MenuItem(row.Field <string>("Menu_Text"), row.Field <string>("Menu_ID").ToString(),
                                                     "", row.Field <string>("URL"));
                for (int i = 0; i < aspMenu.Items.Count; i++)
                    if (aspMenu.Items[i].ChildItems.Count == 0)
                    //Commented on 08/21/2014 START - Not used since Parent Menu highligting is populated by Jquery

                     * {
                     *  for (int j = 0; j < aspMenu.Items[i].ChildItems.Count; j++)
                     *  {
                     *      //aspMenu.Items[i].ChildItems[j].NavigateUrl += "?Index=" + i;
                     *      indexvalue[i] += aspMenu.Items[i].ChildItems[j].NavigateUrl;
                     *  }
                     * }*/
                    //Commented on 08/21/2014 END - Not used since Parent Menu highligting is populated by Jquery
                //Session["ind"] = indexvalue;
            catch (Exception ex)
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                CSAAWeb.Navigation.MenuData menu = new CSAAWeb.Navigation.MenuData();
                string sInputText = menu.CommonMenuGenerate();
                if (CSAAWeb.Config.Setting("Logging.Menu").Equals("1"))
                    if (Request.Cookies["LoggedSSC"] == null)
                        CSAAWeb.AppLogger.Logger.Log("Menu retrieved for the User: "******" Details: " + sInputText);
                        Response.Cookies.Add(new System.Web.HttpCookie("LoggedSSC", "true"));
                        //CHG0131014 - OTSP/SUBRO/PRB0047380/SECURITY FIXES - Start
                        Response.Cookies["LoggedSSC"].HttpOnly = true;
                        //CHG0131014 - OTSP/SUBRO/PRB0047380/SECURITY FIXES - End
                int    iStartIndex  = sInputText.IndexOf('[') + 2;
                int    iEndIndex    = sInputText.LastIndexOf(']') - 1;
                string sTableString = sInputText.Substring(iStartIndex, iEndIndex - iStartIndex);
                sTableString = sTableString.Replace(",,", ",'',");
                sTableString = sTableString.Replace("\\r\\n", "");
                string[]  sSeparatorArray = { "],[" };
                string[]  sRowStrings     = sTableString.Split(sSeparatorArray, StringSplitOptions.None);
                DataTable dtMenuTable     = new DataTable();
                dtMenuTable.Columns.AddRange(new DataColumn[] {
                    new DataColumn("Menu_ID"),
                    new DataColumn("Depth"),
                    new DataColumn("Menu_Text"),
                    new DataColumn("URL"),
                    new DataColumn("Sort_Order", System.Type.GetType("System.Int32")),
                    new DataColumn("ACL"),
                    new DataColumn("Enabled"),
                    new DataColumn("Parent_ID")
                foreach (string row in sRowStrings)
                    string[] sColumnValues = new string[8] {
                        "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
                    int    iElementPosition = 0;
                    int    iStartPosition   = 0;
                    int    iEndPosition     = 0;
                    string sRowString       = row;
                    sRowString = sRowString.Substring(iStartPosition);
                    while (!sRowString.Equals(string.Empty))
                        if (sRowString.StartsWith("'"))
                            iEndPosition = sRowString.IndexOf("'", 1);
                            if ((iEndPosition > 0) && (sRowString.Substring(iEndPosition - 1, 1) == "\\"))
                                iEndPosition = sRowString.IndexOf("'", iEndPosition + 1);
                            if (iEndPosition != -1)
                                sColumnValues[iElementPosition++]   = sRowString.Substring(0, iEndPosition).Trim(new char[] { '\'' });
                                sColumnValues[iElementPosition - 1] = sColumnValues[iElementPosition - 1].Replace("\\'", "'");
                                iStartPosition = iEndPosition + 2;
                                iStartPosition = 0;
                            sRowString = sRowString.Substring(iStartPosition);
                            iEndPosition = sRowString.IndexOf(',');
                            if (iEndPosition != -1)
                                sColumnValues[iElementPosition++] = sRowString.Substring(0, iEndPosition);
                                iStartPosition = iEndPosition + 1;
                                sRowString     = sRowString.Substring(iStartPosition);
                                sColumnValues[iElementPosition] = sRowString.Substring(0);
                                iStartPosition = 0;
                                sRowString     = string.Empty;

                DataRow[] drParentMenuItems = dtMenuTable.Select("Parent_ID = 0", "Sort_Order");
                foreach (DataRow row in drParentMenuItems.AsEnumerable())
                    MenuItem parentMenuItem = new MenuItem(row.Field <string>("Menu_Text"), row.Field <string>("Menu_ID").ToString(),
                                                           "", row.Field <string>("URL"));
                    parentMenuItem.Selectable = false;
                //Modified on 08212014 - Start

                aspMenu.Items.Add(new MenuItem("", "", ""));

                /*if (!drParentMenuItems.Any())
                 * {
                 *  aspMenu.Items.Add(new MenuItem("", "", ""));
                 * }*/
                //Commented on 08212014 - End
                DataRow[] drChildMenuItems = dtMenuTable.Select("Parent_ID <> 0", "Sort_Order");
                foreach (DataRow row in drChildMenuItems.AsEnumerable())
                    MenuItem childMenuItem = null;
                    if (row.Field <string>("Menu_Text").Equals("Down Payment"))
                        childMenuItem = new MenuItem(row.Field <string>("Menu_Text"), row.Field <string>("Menu_ID").ToString(),
                                                     "", row.Field <string>("URL"));// + "?IsDown=" + Server.UrlEncode(Encrypt("true")));
                    else if (row.Field <string>("Menu_Text").Equals("Installment Payment"))
                        childMenuItem = new MenuItem(row.Field <string>("Menu_Text"), row.Field <string>("Menu_ID").ToString(),
                                                     "", row.Field <string>("URL"));// + "?IsDown=" + Server.UrlEncode(Encrypt("false")));
                        childMenuItem = new MenuItem(row.Field <string>("Menu_Text"), row.Field <string>("Menu_ID").ToString(),
                                                     "", row.Field <string>("URL"));
                for (int i = 0; i < aspMenu.Items.Count; i++)
                    if (aspMenu.Items[i].ChildItems.Count == 0)
                    //Commented on 08/21/2014 START - Not used since Parent Menu highligting is populated by Jquery

/*                    else
 *                  {
 *                      for (int j = 0; j < aspMenu.Items[i].ChildItems.Count; j++)
 *                      {
 *                          //aspMenu.Items[i].ChildItems[j].NavigateUrl += "?Index=" + i;
 *                          indexvalue[i] += aspMenu.Items[i].ChildItems[j].NavigateUrl;
 *                      }
 *                  }*/
                    //Commented on 08/21/2014 END - Not used since Parent Menu highligting is populated by Jquery
                //Session["ind"] = indexvalue;
            catch (Exception ex)