public static int stbi_write_hdr_core(stbi__write_context s, int x, int y, int comp, float *data) { if ((y <= 0) || (x <= 0) || (data == null)) { return(0); } var scratch = (byte *)(CRuntime.malloc((ulong)(x * 4))); int i; var header = "#?RADIANCE\n# Written by stb_image_write.h\nFORMAT=32-bit_rle_rgbe\n"; var bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(header); fixed(byte *ptr = bytes) { s.func(s.context, ((sbyte *)ptr), bytes.Length); } var str = string.Format("EXPOSURE= 1.0000000000000\n\n-Y {0} +X {1}\n", y, x); bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str); fixed(byte *ptr = bytes) { s.func(s.context, ((sbyte *)ptr), bytes.Length); } for (i = 0; i < y; i++) { stbiw__write_hdr_scanline(s, x, comp, scratch, data + comp * i * x); }; return(1); }
public static void *stbi__gif_load(stbi__context s, int *x, int *y, int *comp, int req_comp, stbi__result_info *ri) { byte *u = null; var g = new stbi__gif(); u = stbi__gif_load_next(s, g, comp, req_comp, null); if (u != null) { *x = g.w; *y = g.h; if ((req_comp != 0) && (req_comp != 4)) { u = stbi__convert_format(u, 4, req_comp, (uint)g.w, (uint)g.h); } } else { if (g._out_ != null) {; } };; return(u); }
public byte[] Read(Stream stream, out int x, out int y, out int comp, int req_comp) { _stream = stream; try { int xx, yy, ccomp; var result = StbImage.stbi_load_from_callbacks(_callbacks, null, &xx, &yy, &ccomp, req_comp); x = xx; y = yy; comp = ccomp; if (result == null) { throw new Exception(StbImage.LastError); } // Convert to array var c = req_comp != 0 ? req_comp : comp; var data = new byte[x * y * c]; Marshal.Copy(new IntPtr(result), data, 0, data.Length);; return(data); } finally { _stream = null; } }
public void Dispose() { if (Points != null) {; Points = null; } }
public AnimatedGifFrame[] ReadAnimatedGif(Stream stream, out int x, out int y, out int comp, int req_comp) { try { x = y = comp = 0; var res = new List <AnimatedGifFrame>(); _stream = stream; var context = new StbImage.stbi__context(); StbImage.stbi__start_callbacks(context, _callbacks, null); if (StbImage.stbi__gif_test(context) == 0) { throw new Exception("Input stream is not GIF file."); } var g = new StbImage.stbi__gif(); do { int ccomp; var result = StbImage.stbi__gif_load_next(context, g, &ccomp, req_comp); if (result == null) { break; } comp = ccomp; var c = req_comp != 0 ? req_comp : comp; var data = new byte[g.w * g.h * c]; Marshal.Copy(new IntPtr(result), data, 0, data.Length);; var frame = new AnimatedGifFrame { Data = data, Delay = g.delay }; res.Add(frame); } while (true);; if (res.Count > 0) { x = g.w; y = g.h; } return(res.ToArray()); } finally { _stream = null; } }
public void FreeFont(Font font) { if (font == null) { return; } if (font.Glyphs != null) {; } }
public void Dispose() { var i = 0; for (i = 0; i < _fontsNumber; ++i) { FreeFont(_fonts[i]); } if (_scratch != null) {; } }
public void Dispose() { if (pal != null) {; pal = null; } if (lpal != null) {; lpal = null; } if (codes != null) {; codes = null; } }
public static byte *stbi__convert_16_to_8(ushort *orig, int w, int h, int channels) { var i = 0; var img_len = w * h * channels; byte *reduced; reduced = (byte *)stbi__malloc((ulong)img_len); if (reduced == null) { return((byte *)(ulong)((stbi__err("outofmem") != 0) ? (byte *)null : null)); } for (i = 0; i < img_len; ++i) { reduced[i] = (byte)((orig[i] >> 8) & 0xFF); }; return(reduced); }
public static ushort *stbi__convert_8_to_16(byte *orig, int w, int h, int channels) { var i = 0; var img_len = w * h * channels; ushort *enlarged; enlarged = (ushort *)stbi__malloc((ulong)(img_len * 2)); if (enlarged == null) { return((ushort *)(byte *)(ulong)((stbi__err("outofmem") != 0) ? (byte *)null : null)); } for (i = 0; i < img_len; ++i) { enlarged[i] = (ushort)((orig[i] << 8) + orig[i]); }; return(enlarged); }
public static int stbi_write_png_to_func(WriteCallback func, void *context, int x, int y, int comp, void *data, int stride_bytes) { int len; var png = stbi_write_png_to_mem((byte *)(data), stride_bytes, x, y, comp, &len); if (png == null) { return(0); } func(context, png, len);; return(1); }
public static unsafe ImageResult FromStream(Stream stream, ColorComponents requiredComponents = ColorComponents.Default) { byte *result = null; try { int x, y, comp; var context = new StbImageSharp.StbImage.stbi__context(stream); result = StbImageSharp.StbImage.stbi__load_and_postprocess_8bit(context, &x, &y, &comp, (int)requiredComponents); return(FromResult(result, x, y, (ColorComponents)comp, requiredComponents)); } finally { if (result != null) {; } } }
public Color[] Read(Stream stream, out int x, out int y, out int comp) { _stream = stream; try { int xx, yy, ccomp; var result = StbImage.stbi_load_from_callbacks(_callbacks, null, &xx, &yy, &ccomp, StbImage.STBI_rgb_alpha); x = xx; y = yy; comp = ccomp; if (result == null) { throw new Exception(StbImage.LastError); } // Convert to color array var data = new Color[x * y]; var src = result; fixed(Color *dest = data) { for (var i = 0; i < data.Length; ++i) { dest[i].R = *src++; dest[i].G = *src++; dest[i].B = *src++; dest[i].A = *src++; } }; return(data); } finally { _stream = null; } }
public static sbyte *stbi_zlib_decode_malloc_guesssize_headerflag(sbyte *buffer, int len, int initial_size, int *outlen, int parse_header) { var a = new stbi__zbuf(); var p = (sbyte *)stbi__malloc((ulong)initial_size); if (p == null) { return(null); } a.zbuffer = (byte *)buffer; a.zbuffer_end = (byte *)buffer + len; if (stbi__do_zlib(&a, p, initial_size, 1, parse_header) != 0) { if (outlen != null) { *outlen = (int)(a.zout - a.zout_start); } return(a.zout_start); }; return(null); }
public static sbyte *stbi_zlib_decode_noheader_malloc(sbyte *buffer, int len, int *outlen) { var a = new stbi__zbuf(); var p = (sbyte *)stbi__malloc((ulong)16384); if (p == null) { return(null); } a.zbuffer = (byte *)buffer; a.zbuffer_end = (byte *)buffer + len; if (stbi__do_zlib(&a, p, 16384, 1, 0) != 0) { if (outlen != null) { *outlen = (int)(a.zout - a.zout_start); } return(a.zout_start); }; return(null); }
public static void *stbi__load_gif_main(stbi__context s, int **delays, int *x, int *y, int *z, int *comp, int req_comp) { if (stbi__gif_test(s) != 0) { var layers = 0; byte *u = null; byte *_out_ = null; byte *two_back = null; var g = new stbi__gif(); var stride = 0; if (delays != null) { *delays = null; } do { u = stbi__gif_load_next(s, g, comp, req_comp, two_back); if (u != null) { *x = g.w; *y = g.h; ++layers; stride = g.w * g.h * 4; if (_out_ != null) { _out_ = (byte *)CRuntime.realloc(_out_, (ulong)(layers * stride)); if (delays != null) { *delays = (int *)CRuntime.realloc(*delays, (ulong)(sizeof(int) * layers)); } } else { _out_ = (byte *)stbi__malloc((ulong)(layers * stride)); if (delays != null) { *delays = (int *)stbi__malloc((ulong)(layers * sizeof(int))); } } CRuntime.memcpy(_out_ + (layers - 1) * stride, u, (ulong)stride); if (layers >= 2) { two_back = _out_ - 2 * stride; } if (delays != null) { (*delays)[layers - 1U] = g.delay; } } }while(u != null);;;; if ((req_comp != 0) && (req_comp != 4)) { _out_ = stbi__convert_format(_out_, 4, req_comp, (uint)(layers * g.w), (uint)g.h); } *z = layers; return(_out_); } return((byte *)(ulong)((stbi__err("not GIF") != 0) ? (byte *)null : null)); }
public static void *stbi__tga_load(stbi__context s, int *x, int *y, int *comp, int req_comp, stbi__result_info *ri) { var tga_offset = (int)stbi__get8(s); var tga_indexed = (int)stbi__get8(s); var tga_image_type = (int)stbi__get8(s); var tga_is_RLE = 0; var tga_palette_start = stbi__get16le(s); var tga_palette_len = stbi__get16le(s); var tga_palette_bits = (int)stbi__get8(s); var tga_x_origin = stbi__get16le(s); var tga_y_origin = stbi__get16le(s); var tga_width = stbi__get16le(s); var tga_height = stbi__get16le(s); var tga_bits_per_pixel = (int)stbi__get8(s); var tga_comp = 0; var tga_rgb16 = 0; var tga_inverted = (int)stbi__get8(s); byte *tga_data; byte *tga_palette = null; var i = 0; var j = 0; var raw_data = stackalloc byte[4]; raw_data[0] = 0; var RLE_count = 0; var RLE_repeating = 0; var read_next_pixel = 1; if (tga_image_type >= 8) { tga_image_type -= 8; tga_is_RLE = 1; } tga_inverted = 1 - ((tga_inverted >> 5) & 1); if (tga_indexed != 0) { tga_comp = stbi__tga_get_comp(tga_palette_bits, 0, &tga_rgb16); } else { tga_comp = stbi__tga_get_comp(tga_bits_per_pixel, (tga_image_type == 3) ? 1 : 0, &tga_rgb16); } if (tga_comp == 0) { return((byte *)(ulong)((stbi__err("bad format") != 0) ? (byte *)null : null)); } *x = tga_width; *y = tga_height; if (comp != null) { *comp = tga_comp; } if (stbi__mad3sizes_valid(tga_width, tga_height, tga_comp, 0) == 0) { return((byte *)(ulong)((stbi__err("too large") != 0) ? (byte *)null : null)); } tga_data = (byte *)stbi__malloc_mad3(tga_width, tga_height, tga_comp, 0); if (tga_data == null) { return((byte *)(ulong)((stbi__err("outofmem") != 0) ? (byte *)null : null)); } stbi__skip(s, tga_offset); if ((tga_indexed == 0) && (tga_is_RLE == 0) && (tga_rgb16 == 0)) { for (i = 0; i < tga_height; ++i) { var row = tga_inverted != 0 ? tga_height - i - 1 : i; var tga_row = tga_data + row * tga_width * tga_comp; stbi__getn(s, tga_row, tga_width * tga_comp); } } else { if (tga_indexed != 0) { stbi__skip(s, tga_palette_start); tga_palette = (byte *)stbi__malloc_mad2(tga_palette_len, tga_comp, 0); if (tga_palette == null) {; return((byte *)(ulong)((stbi__err("outofmem") != 0) ? (byte *)null : null)); } if (tga_rgb16 != 0) { var pal_entry = tga_palette; for (i = 0; i < tga_palette_len; ++i) { stbi__tga_read_rgb16(s, pal_entry); pal_entry += tga_comp; } } else { if (stbi__getn(s, tga_palette, tga_palette_len * tga_comp) == 0) {;; return((byte *)(ulong)((stbi__err("bad palette") != 0) ? (byte *)null : null)); } } } for (i = 0; i < tga_width * tga_height; ++i) { if (tga_is_RLE != 0) { if (RLE_count == 0) { var RLE_cmd = (int)stbi__get8(s); RLE_count = 1 + (RLE_cmd & 127); RLE_repeating = RLE_cmd >> 7; read_next_pixel = 1; } else { if (RLE_repeating == 0) { read_next_pixel = 1; } } } else { read_next_pixel = 1; } if (read_next_pixel != 0) { if (tga_indexed != 0) { var pal_idx = (tga_bits_per_pixel == 8) ? stbi__get8(s) : stbi__get16le(s); if (pal_idx >= tga_palette_len) { pal_idx = 0; } pal_idx *= tga_comp; for (j = 0; j < tga_comp; ++j) { raw_data[j] = tga_palette[pal_idx + j]; } } else { if (tga_rgb16 != 0) { stbi__tga_read_rgb16(s, raw_data); } else { for (j = 0; j < tga_comp; ++j) { raw_data[j] = stbi__get8(s); } } } read_next_pixel = 0; } for (j = 0; j < tga_comp; ++j) { tga_data[i * tga_comp + j] = raw_data[j]; } --RLE_count; } if (tga_inverted != 0) { for (j = 0; j * 2 < tga_height; ++j) { var index1 = j * tga_width * tga_comp; var index2 = (tga_height - 1 - j) * tga_width * tga_comp; for (i = tga_width * tga_comp; i > 0; --i) { var temp = tga_data[index1]; tga_data[index1] = tga_data[index2]; tga_data[index2] = temp; ++index1; ++index2; } } } if (tga_palette != null) {; } } if ((tga_comp >= 3) && (tga_rgb16 == 0)) { var tga_pixel = tga_data; for (i = 0; i < tga_width * tga_height; ++i) { var temp = tga_pixel[0]; tga_pixel[0] = tga_pixel[2]; tga_pixel[2] = temp; tga_pixel += tga_comp; } } if (req_comp != 0 && req_comp != tga_comp) { tga_data = stbi__convert_format(tga_data, tga_comp, req_comp, (uint)tga_width, (uint)tga_height); } tga_palette_start = tga_palette_len = tga_palette_bits = tga_x_origin = tga_y_origin = 0; return(tga_data); }
public static ushort *stbi__convert_format16(ushort *data, int img_n, int req_comp, uint x, uint y) { var i = 0; var j = 0; ushort *good; if (req_comp == img_n) { return(data); } good = (ushort *)stbi__malloc((ulong)(req_comp * x * y * 2)); if (good == null) {; return((ushort *)(byte *)(ulong)((stbi__err("outofmem") != 0) ? (byte *)null : null)); } for (j = 0; j < (int)y; ++j) { var src = data + j * x * img_n; var dest = good + j * x * req_comp; switch (img_n * 8 + req_comp) { case (1 * 8 + 2): { for (i = (int)(x - 1); i >= 0; --i, src += 1, dest += 2) { dest[0] = src[0]; dest[1] = 0xffff; } break; } case (1 * 8 + 3): { for (i = (int)(x - 1); i >= 0; --i, src += 1, dest += 3) { dest[0] = dest[1] = dest[2] = src[0]; } break; } case (1 * 8 + 4): { for (i = (int)(x - 1); i >= 0; --i, src += 1, dest += 4) { dest[0] = dest[1] = dest[2] = src[0]; dest[3] = 0xffff; } break; } case (2 * 8 + 1): { for (i = (int)(x - 1); i >= 0; --i, src += 2, dest += 1) { dest[0] = src[0]; } break; } case (2 * 8 + 3): { for (i = (int)(x - 1); i >= 0; --i, src += 2, dest += 3) { dest[0] = dest[1] = dest[2] = src[0]; } break; } case (2 * 8 + 4): { for (i = (int)(x - 1); i >= 0; --i, src += 2, dest += 4) { dest[0] = dest[1] = dest[2] = src[0]; dest[3] = src[1]; } break; } case (3 * 8 + 4): { for (i = (int)(x - 1); i >= 0; --i, src += 3, dest += 4) { dest[0] = src[0]; dest[1] = src[1]; dest[2] = src[2]; dest[3] = 0xffff; } break; } case (3 * 8 + 1): { for (i = (int)(x - 1); i >= 0; --i, src += 3, dest += 1) { dest[0] = stbi__compute_y_16(src[0], src[1], src[2]); } break; } case (3 * 8 + 2): { for (i = (int)(x - 1); i >= 0; --i, src += 3, dest += 2) { dest[0] = stbi__compute_y_16(src[0], src[1], src[2]); dest[1] = 0xffff; } break; } case (4 * 8 + 1): { for (i = (int)(x - 1); i >= 0; --i, src += 4, dest += 1) { dest[0] = stbi__compute_y_16(src[0], src[1], src[2]); } break; } case (4 * 8 + 2): { for (i = (int)(x - 1); i >= 0; --i, src += 4, dest += 2) { dest[0] = stbi__compute_y_16(src[0], src[1], src[2]); dest[1] = src[3]; } break; } case (4 * 8 + 3): { for (i = (int)(x - 1); i >= 0; --i, src += 4, dest += 3) { dest[0] = src[0]; dest[1] = src[1]; dest[2] = src[2]; } break; } default: { return((ushort *)(byte *)(ulong)((stbi__err("0") != 0) ? (byte *)null : null)); } } }; return(good); }
public static void *stbi__psd_load(stbi__context s, int *x, int *y, int *comp, int req_comp, stbi__result_info *ri, int bpc) { var pixelCount = 0; var channelCount = 0; var compression = 0; var channel = 0; var i = 0; var bitdepth = 0; var w = 0; var h = 0; byte *_out_; if (stbi__get32be(s) != 0x38425053) { return((byte *)(ulong)((stbi__err("not PSD") != 0) ? (byte *)null : null)); } if (stbi__get16be(s) != 1) { return((byte *)(ulong)((stbi__err("wrong version") != 0) ? (byte *)null : null)); } stbi__skip(s, 6); channelCount = stbi__get16be(s); if ((channelCount < 0) || (channelCount > 16)) { return((byte *)(ulong)((stbi__err("wrong channel count") != 0) ? (byte *)null : null)); } h = (int)stbi__get32be(s); w = (int)stbi__get32be(s); bitdepth = stbi__get16be(s); if ((bitdepth != 8) && (bitdepth != 16)) { return((byte *)(ulong)((stbi__err("unsupported bit depth") != 0) ? (byte *)null : null)); } if (stbi__get16be(s) != 3) { return((byte *)(ulong)((stbi__err("wrong color format") != 0) ? (byte *)null : null)); } stbi__skip(s, (int)stbi__get32be(s)); stbi__skip(s, (int)stbi__get32be(s)); stbi__skip(s, (int)stbi__get32be(s)); compression = stbi__get16be(s); if (compression > 1) { return((byte *)(ulong)((stbi__err("bad compression") != 0) ? (byte *)null : null)); } if (stbi__mad3sizes_valid(4, w, h, 0) == 0) { return((byte *)(ulong)((stbi__err("too large") != 0) ? (byte *)null : null)); } if ((compression == 0) && (bitdepth == 16) && (bpc == 16)) { _out_ = (byte *)stbi__malloc_mad3(8, w, h, 0); ri->bits_per_channel = 16; } else { _out_ = (byte *)stbi__malloc((ulong)(4 * w * h)); } if (_out_ == null) { return((byte *)(ulong)((stbi__err("outofmem") != 0) ? (byte *)null : null)); } pixelCount = w * h; if (compression != 0) { stbi__skip(s, h * channelCount * 2); for (channel = 0; channel < 4; channel++) { byte *p; p = _out_ + channel; if (channel >= channelCount) { for (i = 0; i < pixelCount; i++, p += 4) { *p = (byte)((channel == 3) ? 255 : 0); } } else { if (stbi__psd_decode_rle(s, p, pixelCount) == 0) {; return((byte *)(ulong)((stbi__err("corrupt") != 0) ? (byte *)null : null)); } } } } else { for (channel = 0; channel < 4; channel++) { if (channel >= channelCount) { if ((bitdepth == 16) && (bpc == 16)) { var q = (ushort *)_out_ + channel; var val = (ushort)((channel == 3) ? 65535 : 0); for (i = 0; i < pixelCount; i++, q += 4) { *q = val; } } else { var p = _out_ + channel; var val = (byte)((channel == 3) ? 255 : 0); for (i = 0; i < pixelCount; i++, p += 4) { *p = val; } } } else { if (ri->bits_per_channel == 16) { var q = (ushort *)_out_ + channel; for (i = 0; i < pixelCount; i++, q += 4) { *q = (ushort)stbi__get16be(s); } } else { var p = _out_ + channel; if (bitdepth == 16) { for (i = 0; i < pixelCount; i++, p += 4) { *p = (byte)(stbi__get16be(s) >> 8); } } else { for (i = 0; i < pixelCount; i++, p += 4) { *p = stbi__get8(s); } } } } } } if (channelCount >= 4) { if (ri->bits_per_channel == 16) { for (i = 0; i < w * h; ++i) { var pixel = (ushort *)_out_ + 4 * i; if ((pixel[3] != 0) && (pixel[3] != 65535)) { var a = pixel[3] / 65535.0f; var ra = 1.0f / a; var inv_a = 65535.0f * (1 - ra); pixel[0] = (ushort)(pixel[0] * ra + inv_a); pixel[1] = (ushort)(pixel[1] * ra + inv_a); pixel[2] = (ushort)(pixel[2] * ra + inv_a); } } } else { for (i = 0; i < w * h; ++i) { var pixel = _out_ + 4 * i; if ((pixel[3] != 0) && (pixel[3] != 255)) { var a = pixel[3] / 255.0f; var ra = 1.0f / a; var inv_a = 255.0f * (1 - ra); pixel[0] = (byte)(pixel[0] * ra + inv_a); pixel[1] = (byte)(pixel[1] * ra + inv_a); pixel[2] = (byte)(pixel[2] * ra + inv_a); } } } } if ((req_comp != 0) && (req_comp != 4)) { if (ri->bits_per_channel == 16) { _out_ = (byte *)stbi__convert_format16((ushort *)_out_, 4, req_comp, (uint)w, (uint)h); } else { _out_ = stbi__convert_format(_out_, 4, req_comp, (uint)w, (uint)h); } if (_out_ == null) { return(_out_); } } if (comp != null) { *comp = 4; } *y = h; *x = w; return(_out_); }
public static void *stbi__bmp_load(stbi__context s, int *x, int *y, int *comp, int req_comp, stbi__result_info *ri) { byte *_out_; var mr = (uint)0; var mg = (uint)0; var mb = (uint)0; var ma = (uint)0; uint all_a = 0; var pal = stackalloc byte[256 * 4]; var psize = 0; var i = 0; var j = 0; var width = 0; var flip_vertically = 0; var pad = 0; var target = 0; var info = new stbi__bmp_data(); info.all_a = 255; if (stbi__bmp_parse_header(s, &info) == null) { return(null); } flip_vertically = ((int)s.img_y > 0) ? 1 : 0; s.img_y = (uint)CRuntime.abs((int)s.img_y); mr =; mg =; mb = info.mb; ma =; all_a = info.all_a; if (info.hsz == 12) { if (info.bpp < 24) { psize = (info.offset - 14 - 24) / 3; } } else { if (info.bpp < 16) { psize = (info.offset - 14 - info.hsz) >> 2; } } s.img_n = (ma != 0) ? 4 : 3; if ((req_comp != 0) && (req_comp >= 3)) { target = req_comp; } else { target = s.img_n; } if (stbi__mad3sizes_valid(target, (int)s.img_x, (int)s.img_y, 0) == 0) { return((byte *)(ulong)((stbi__err("too large") != 0) ? (byte *)null : null)); } _out_ = (byte *)stbi__malloc_mad3(target, (int)s.img_x, (int)s.img_y, 0); if (_out_ == null) { return((byte *)(ulong)((stbi__err("outofmem") != 0) ? (byte *)null : null)); } if (info.bpp < 16) { var z = 0; if ((psize == 0) || (psize > 256)) {; return((byte *)(ulong)((stbi__err("invalid") != 0) ? (byte *)null : null)); } for (i = 0; i < psize; ++i) { pal[i * 4 + 2] = stbi__get8(s); pal[i * 4 + 1] = stbi__get8(s); pal[i * 4 + 0] = stbi__get8(s); if (info.hsz != 12) { stbi__get8(s); } pal[i * 4 + 3] = 255; } stbi__skip(s, info.offset - 14 - info.hsz - psize * ((info.hsz == 12) ? 3 : 4)); if (info.bpp == 1) { width = (int)((s.img_x + 7) >> 3); } else { if (info.bpp == 4) { width = (int)((s.img_x + 1) >> 1); } else { if (info.bpp == 8) { width = (int)s.img_x; } else {; return((byte *)(ulong)((stbi__err("bad bpp") != 0) ? (byte *)null : null)); } } } pad = -width & 3; if (info.bpp == 1) { for (j = 0; j < (int)s.img_y; ++j) { var bit_offset = 7; var v = (int)stbi__get8(s); for (i = 0; i < (int)s.img_x; ++i) { var color = (v >> bit_offset) & 0x1; _out_[z++] = pal[color * 4 + 0]; _out_[z++] = pal[color * 4 + 1]; _out_[z++] = pal[color * 4 + 2]; if (target == 4) { _out_[z++] = 255; } if ((i + 1) == (int)s.img_x) { break; } if ((--bit_offset) < 0) { bit_offset = 7; v = stbi__get8(s); } } stbi__skip(s, pad); } } else { for (j = 0; j < (int)s.img_y; ++j) { for (i = 0; i < (int)s.img_x; i += 2) { var v = (int)stbi__get8(s); var v2 = 0; if (info.bpp == 4) { v2 = v & 15; v >>= 4; } _out_[z++] = pal[v * 4 + 0]; _out_[z++] = pal[v * 4 + 1]; _out_[z++] = pal[v * 4 + 2]; if (target == 4) { _out_[z++] = 255; } if ((i + 1) == (int)s.img_x) { break; } v = (info.bpp == 8) ? stbi__get8(s) : v2; _out_[z++] = pal[v * 4 + 0]; _out_[z++] = pal[v * 4 + 1]; _out_[z++] = pal[v * 4 + 2]; if (target == 4) { _out_[z++] = 255; } } stbi__skip(s, pad); } } } else { var rshift = 0; var gshift = 0; var bshift = 0; var ashift = 0; var rcount = 0; var gcount = 0; var bcount = 0; var acount = 0; var z = 0; var easy = 0; stbi__skip(s, info.offset - 14 - info.hsz); if (info.bpp == 24) { width = (int)(3 * s.img_x); } else { if (info.bpp == 16) { width = (int)(2 * s.img_x); } else { width = 0; } } pad = -width & 3; if (info.bpp == 24) { easy = 1; } else { if (info.bpp == 32) { if ((mb == 0xff) && (mg == 0xff00) && (mr == 0x00ff0000) && (ma == 0xff000000)) { easy = 2; } } } if (easy == 0) { if ((mr == 0) || (mg == 0) || (mb == 0)) {; return((byte *)(ulong)((stbi__err("bad masks") != 0) ? (byte *)null : null)); } rshift = stbi__high_bit(mr) - 7; rcount = stbi__bitcount(mr); gshift = stbi__high_bit(mg) - 7; gcount = stbi__bitcount(mg); bshift = stbi__high_bit(mb) - 7; bcount = stbi__bitcount(mb); ashift = stbi__high_bit(ma) - 7; acount = stbi__bitcount(ma); } for (j = 0; j < (int)s.img_y; ++j) { if (easy != 0) { for (i = 0; i < (int)s.img_x; ++i) { byte a = 0; _out_[z + 2] = stbi__get8(s); _out_[z + 1] = stbi__get8(s); _out_[z + 0] = stbi__get8(s); z += 3; a = (byte)((easy == 2) ? stbi__get8(s) : 255); all_a |= a; if (target == 4) { _out_[z++] = a; } } } else { var bpp = info.bpp; for (i = 0; i < (int)s.img_x; ++i) { var v = (bpp == 16) ? (uint)stbi__get16le(s) : stbi__get32le(s); uint a = 0; _out_[z++] = (byte)(stbi__shiftsigned(v & mr, rshift, rcount) & 255); _out_[z++] = (byte)(stbi__shiftsigned(v & mg, gshift, gcount) & 255); _out_[z++] = (byte)(stbi__shiftsigned(v & mb, bshift, bcount) & 255); a = (uint)((ma != 0) ? stbi__shiftsigned(v & ma, ashift, acount) : 255); all_a |= a; if (target == 4) { _out_[z++] = (byte)(a & 255); } } } stbi__skip(s, pad); } } if ((target == 4) && (all_a == 0)) { for (i = (int)(4 * s.img_x * s.img_y - 1); i >= 0; i -= 4) { _out_[i] = 255; } } if (flip_vertically != 0) { byte t = 0; for (j = 0; j < (int)s.img_y >> 1; ++j) { var p1 = _out_ + j * s.img_x * target; var p2 = _out_ + (s.img_y - 1 - j) * s.img_x * target; for (i = 0; i < (int)s.img_x * target; ++i) { t = p1[i]; p1[i] = p2[i]; p2[i] = t; } } } if ((req_comp != 0) && (req_comp != target)) { _out_ = stbi__convert_format(_out_, target, req_comp, s.img_x, s.img_y); if (_out_ == null) { return(_out_); } } *x = (int)s.img_x; *y = (int)s.img_y; if (comp != null) { *comp = s.img_n; } return(_out_); }
public static float *stbi__hdr_load(stbi__context s, int *x, int *y, int *comp, int req_comp, stbi__result_info *ri) { var buffer = stackalloc sbyte[1024]; sbyte *token; var valid = 0; var width = 0; var height = 0; byte * scanline; float *hdr_data; var len = 0; byte count = 0; byte value = 0; var i = 0; var j = 0; var k = 0; var c1 = 0; var c2 = 0; var z = 0; sbyte *headerToken; headerToken = stbi__hdr_gettoken(s, buffer); if (CRuntime.strcmp(headerToken, "#?RADIANCE") != 0 && CRuntime.strcmp(headerToken, "#?RGBE") != 0) { return((float *)(ulong)(stbi__err("not HDR") != 0 ? (byte *)null : null)); } for (; ;) { token = stbi__hdr_gettoken(s, buffer); if (token[0] == 0) { break; } if (CRuntime.strcmp(token, "FORMAT=32-bit_rle_rgbe") == 0) { valid = 1; } } if (valid == 0) { return((float *)(ulong)(stbi__err("unsupported format") != 0 ? (byte *)null : null)); } token = stbi__hdr_gettoken(s, buffer); if (CRuntime.strncmp(token, "-Y ", (ulong)3) != 0) { return((float *)(ulong)(stbi__err("unsupported data layout") != 0 ? (byte *)null : null)); } token += 3; height = (int)CRuntime.strtol(token, &token, 10); while (*token == ' ') { ++token; } if (CRuntime.strncmp(token, "+X ", (ulong)3) != 0) { return((float *)(ulong)(stbi__err("unsupported data layout") != 0 ? (byte *)null : null)); } token += 3; width = (int)CRuntime.strtol(token, null, 10); *x = width; *y = height; if (comp != null) { *comp = 3; } if (req_comp == 0) { req_comp = 3; } if (stbi__mad4sizes_valid(width, height, req_comp, sizeof(float), 0) == 0) { return((float *)(ulong)(stbi__err("too large") != 0 ? (byte *)null : null)); } hdr_data = (float *)stbi__malloc_mad4(width, height, req_comp, sizeof(float), 0); if (hdr_data == null) { return((float *)(ulong)(stbi__err("outofmem") != 0 ? (byte *)null : null)); } main_decode_loop: var enterMainDecode = false; if (enterMainDecode) { for (; j < height; ++j) { for (; i < width; ++i) { var rgbe = stackalloc byte[4]; stbi__getn(s, rgbe, 4); stbi__hdr_convert(hdr_data + j * width * req_comp + i * req_comp, rgbe, req_comp); } } goto finish; } if (width < 8 || width >= 32768) { i = j = 0; enterMainDecode = true; goto main_decode_loop; } else { scanline = null; for (j = 0; j < height; ++j) { c1 = stbi__get8(s); c2 = stbi__get8(s); len = stbi__get8(s); if (c1 != 2 || c2 != 2 || (len & 0x80) != 0) { var rgbe = stackalloc byte[4]; rgbe[0] = (byte)c1; rgbe[1] = (byte)c2; rgbe[2] = (byte)len; rgbe[3] = stbi__get8(s); stbi__hdr_convert(hdr_data, rgbe, req_comp); i = 1; j = 0;; enterMainDecode = true; goto main_decode_loop; } len <<= 8; len |= stbi__get8(s); if (len != width) {;; return((float *)(ulong)(stbi__err("invalid decoded scanline length") != 0 ? (byte *)null : null)); } if (scanline == null) { scanline = (byte *)stbi__malloc_mad2(width, 4, 0); if (scanline == null) {; return((float *)(ulong)(stbi__err("outofmem") != 0 ? (byte *)null : null)); } } for (k = 0; k < 4; ++k) { var nleft = 0; i = 0; while ((nleft = width - i) > 0) { count = stbi__get8(s); if (count > 128) { value = stbi__get8(s); count -= 128; if (count > nleft) {;; return((float *)(ulong)(stbi__err("corrupt") != 0 ? (byte *)null : null)); } for (z = 0; z < count; ++z) { scanline[i++ *4 + k] = value; } } else { if (count > nleft) {;; return((float *)(ulong)(stbi__err("corrupt") != 0 ? (byte *)null : null)); } for (z = 0; z < count; ++z) { scanline[i++ *4 + k] = stbi__get8(s); } } } } for (i = 0; i < width; ++i) { stbi__hdr_convert(hdr_data + (j * width + i) * req_comp, scanline + i * 4, req_comp); } } if (scanline != null) {; } } finish: return(hdr_data); }