public static void SetFromDictionary(this IEditableVariable cvar, Dictionary <string, object> dictionary) { if (cvar is IREDVariant var) { var type = dictionary["Type"] as string; var name = "Variant"; if (dictionary.ContainsKey("Name")) { name = dictionary["Name"] as string; } var jvalue = dictionary["Variant"]; var variant = CR2WTypeManager.Create(type, name, cvar.Cr2wFile as IRed4EngineFile, cvar as CVariable); variant.IsSerialized = true; variant.SetFromJObject(jvalue); var.SetVariant(variant); return; } foreach (var(propertyName, value) in dictionary) { var redProperty = GetRedProperty(cvar, propertyName); if (redProperty == null) { throw new InvalidParsingException("not a CVariable"); } redProperty.SetFromJObject(value); } }
public static void SetFromDictionary(this IEditableVariable cvar, Dictionary <string, object> dictionary) { if (cvar is IREDVariant var) { var type = dictionary["Type"] as string; var name = "Variant"; if (dictionary.ContainsKey("Name")) { name = dictionary["Name"] as string; } var jvalue = dictionary["Variant"]; var variant = CR2WTypeManager.Create(type, name, cvar.Cr2wFile as IRed4EngineFile, cvar as CVariable); variant.IsSerialized = true; variant.SetFromJObject(jvalue); var.SetVariant(variant); return; } if (cvar is ICurveDataAccessor curve) { var interpolation = dictionary["InterpolationType"]; var interpolationByte = int.Parse(interpolation.ToString()); curve.SetInterpolationType((EInterpolationType)interpolationByte); var link = dictionary["LinkType"]; var linkByte = int.Parse(link.ToString()); curve.SetLinkType((ESegmentsLinkType)linkByte); curve.SetFromJObject(dictionary["Elements"]); return; } foreach (var(propertyName, value) in dictionary) { var redProperty = GetRedProperty(cvar, propertyName); if (redProperty == null) { throw new InvalidParsingException("not a CVariable"); } redProperty.SetFromJObject(value); } }
private void treeView_CellEditStarting(object sender, CellEditEventArgs e) { if (!(e.RowObject is IEditableVariable editableVariable)) { return; } switch (e.Column.AspectName) { //var variable = (e.RowObject as VariableListNode).Variable; case "REDValue": { // if variant is null, ask the user to create a new wrapped cvar if (editableVariable is IVariantAccessor ivariant && ivariant.Variant == null) { var availableTypes = CR2WManager.GetAvailableTypes(nameof(IReferencable)).Select(_ => _.Name); var variantType = new Utility.ProductionWindowFactory().ShowAddChunkFormModal(availableTypes); var variant = CR2WTypeManager.Create(variantType, "Variant", editableVariable.cr2w, (CVariable)editableVariable); variant.IsSerialized = true; ivariant.Variant = variant; editableVariable.IsSerialized = true; } e.Control = EditorHandler.GetEditor(editableVariable); if (e.Control != null) { e.Control.Location = new Point(e.CellBounds.Location.X, e.CellBounds.Location.Y - 1); e.Control.Width = e.CellBounds.Width; // update references for pointer type variables if (editableVariable is IChunkPtrAccessor iptr && e.Control is ComboBox editor) { editor.SelectedIndexChanged += delegate(object o, EventArgs _e) { var ptrcomboitem = (PtrComboItem)((ComboBox)o).SelectedItem; if (ptrcomboitem != null) { if (ptrcomboitem.Text == $"<Add new chunk ...>") { // raise event viewModel.AddNewChunkFor(iptr); // select item editor.UpdateComboBoxWith(iptr); } else { iptr.Reference = ptrcomboitem.Value; } } }; } if (e.Control is ByteArrayEditor byteArrayEditor) { byteArrayEditor.RequestBytesOpen += ByteArrayEditor_RequestBytesOpen; } if (e.Control is ArrayEditor arrayEditor) { arrayEditor.parentref = this; arrayEditor.RequestBytesOpen += ByteArrayEditor_RequestBytesOpen; } } e.Cancel = e.Control == null; break; } case "REDName": //Normal textbox is good for this. break; default: e.Cancel = true; break; } }
public bool WriteMatToMesh(ref CR2WFile cr2w, string _matData, List <Archive> archives) { if (cr2w == null || !cr2w.Chunks.Select(_ => _.Data).OfType <CMesh>().Any() || !cr2w.Chunks.Select(_ => _.Data).OfType <rendRenderMeshBlob>().Any() || cr2w.Buffers.Count < 1) { return(false); } var matData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <MatData>(_matData); var materialbuffer = new MemoryStream(); List <UInt32> offsets = new List <UInt32>(); List <UInt32> sizes = new List <UInt32>(); List <string> names = new List <string>(); if (matData.Materials.Count < 1) { return(false); } Dictionary <string, CMaterialTemplate> mts = new Dictionary <string, CMaterialTemplate>(); for (int i = 0; i < matData.Materials.Count; i++) { var mat = matData.Materials[i]; names.Add(mat.Name); CR2WFile mi = new CR2WFile(); { var chunk = new CMaterialInstance(mi, null, "CMaterialInstance") { IsSerialized = true }; chunk.CookingPlatform = new CEnum <Enums.ECookingPlatform>(mi, chunk, "cookingPlatform") { IsSerialized = true, Value = Enums.ECookingPlatform.PLATFORM_PC }; chunk.CookingPlatform.EnumValueList.Add("PLATFORM_PC"); chunk.EnableMask = new CBool(mi, chunk, "enableMask") { IsSerialized = true, Value = true }; chunk.ResourceVersion = new CUInt8(mi, chunk, "resourceVersion") { IsSerialized = true, Value = 4 }; chunk.BaseMaterial = new rRef <IMaterial>(mi, chunk, "baseMaterial") { IsSerialized = true, DepotPath = mat.BaseMaterial }; chunk.CMaterialInstanceData = new CArray <CVariantSizeNameType>(mi, chunk, "CMaterialInstanceData") { IsSerialized = true }; CMaterialTemplate mt = null; if (mts.ContainsKey(mat.MaterialTemplate)) { mt = mts[mat.MaterialTemplate]; } else { ulong hash = FNV1A64HashAlgorithm.HashString(mat.MaterialTemplate); foreach (Archive ar in archives) { if (ar.Files.ContainsKey(hash)) { var ms = new MemoryStream(); ModTools.ExtractSingleToStream(ar, hash, ms); mt = _wolvenkitFileService.TryReadRED4File(ms).Chunks.Select(_ => _.Data).OfType <CMaterialTemplate>().First(); mts.Add(mat.MaterialTemplate, mt); break; } } } var keys = matData.Materials[i].Data.Keys.ToList(); if (mt != null) { for (int j = 0; j < keys.Count; j++) { string typename = null; for (int k = 0; k < mt.Parameters[2].Count; k++) { var refer = mt.Parameters[2][k].GetReference().Data; if ((refer.ChildrEditableVariables[0] as CName).Value == keys[j]) { if (refer.ChildrEditableVariables.Count > 2) { typename = refer.ChildrEditableVariables[2].REDType; } } } if (typename != null) { // remove when setfromobj deserialization is fixed if (typename == "Color") { CColor_ value0 = new CColor_(new CR2WFile(), null, keys[j]); value0.IsSerialized = true; value0.SetFromJObject(matData.Materials[i].Data[keys[j]]); var variant = new CVariantSizeNameType(mi, chunk.CMaterialInstanceData, keys[j]); CColor value = new CColor(mi, variant, keys[j]); value.IsSerialized = true; value.Red = new CUInt8(mi, value, "Red") { IsSerialized = true, Value = value0.Red.Value }; value.Green = new CUInt8(mi, value, "Green") { IsSerialized = true, Value = value0.Green.Value }; value.Blue = new CUInt8(mi, value, "Blue") { IsSerialized = true, Value = value0.Blue.Value }; value.Alpha = new CUInt8(mi, value, "Alpha") { IsSerialized = true, Value = value0.Alpha.Value }; variant.SetVariant(value); chunk.CMaterialInstanceData.Add(variant); } else { var variant = new CVariantSizeNameType(mi, chunk.CMaterialInstanceData, keys[j]); var value = CR2WTypeManager.Create(typename, keys[j], mi, variant); value.IsSerialized = true; value.SetFromJObject(matData.Materials[i].Data[keys[j]]); variant.SetVariant(value); chunk.CMaterialInstanceData.Add(variant); } } } } mi.CreateChunk(chunk, 0); } offsets.Add((UInt32)materialbuffer.Position); var m = new MemoryStream(); var b = new BinaryWriter(m); mi.Write(b); materialbuffer.Write(m.ToArray(), 0, (int)m.Length); sizes.Add((UInt32)m.Length); } var blob = cr2w.Chunks.Select(_ => _.Data).OfType <CMesh>().First(); // remove existing data while (blob.MaterialEntries.Count != 0) { blob.MaterialEntries.Remove(blob.MaterialEntries[blob.MaterialEntries.Count - 1]); } while (blob.LocalMaterialBuffer.RawDataHeaders.Count != 0) { blob.LocalMaterialBuffer.RawDataHeaders.Remove(blob.LocalMaterialBuffer.RawDataHeaders[blob.LocalMaterialBuffer.RawDataHeaders.Count - 1]); } while (blob.PreloadLocalMaterialInstances.Count != 0) { blob.PreloadLocalMaterialInstances.Remove(blob.PreloadLocalMaterialInstances[blob.PreloadLocalMaterialInstances.Count - 1]); } while (blob.PreloadExternalMaterials.Count != 0) { blob.PreloadExternalMaterials.Remove(blob.PreloadExternalMaterials[blob.PreloadExternalMaterials.Count - 1]); } while (blob.ExternalMaterials.Count != 0) { blob.ExternalMaterials.Remove(blob.ExternalMaterials[blob.ExternalMaterials.Count - 1]); } while (blob.LocalMaterialInstances.Count != 0) { blob.LocalMaterialInstances.Remove(blob.LocalMaterialInstances[blob.LocalMaterialInstances.Count - 1]); } // for (int i = 0; i < names.Count; i++) { var c = new CMeshMaterialEntry(cr2w, blob.MaterialEntries, Convert.ToString(i)) { IsSerialized = true, }; c.IsLocalInstance = new CBool(cr2w, c, "isLocalInstance") { Value = true, IsSerialized = true }; c.Name = new CName(cr2w, c, "name") { Value = names[i], IsSerialized = true }; c.Index = new CUInt16(cr2w, c, "index") { Value = (UInt16)i, IsSerialized = true }; blob.MaterialEntries.Add(c); var m = new meshLocalMaterialHeader(cr2w, blob.LocalMaterialBuffer.RawDataHeaders, Convert.ToString(i)) { IsSerialized = true }; m.Offset = new CUInt32(cr2w, m, "offset") { Value = offsets[i], IsSerialized = true }; m.Size = new CUInt32(cr2w, m, "size") { Value = sizes[i], IsSerialized = true }; blob.LocalMaterialBuffer.RawDataHeaders.Add(m); } var compressed = new MemoryStream(); using var buff = new BinaryWriter(compressed); var(zsize, crc) = buff.CompressAndWrite(materialbuffer.ToArray()); bool check = false; check = blob.LocalMaterialBuffer.RawData.IsSerialized; if (!check) { blob.LocalMaterialBuffer.RawData = new DataBuffer(cr2w, blob.LocalMaterialBuffer, "rawData") { IsSerialized = true }; blob.LocalMaterialBuffer.RawData.Buffer = new CUInt16(cr2w, blob.LocalMaterialBuffer.RawData, "Buffer") { Value = (UInt16)(cr2w.Buffers.Count + 1), IsSerialized = true }; uint idx = (uint)cr2w.Buffers.Count; cr2w.Buffers.Add(new CR2WBufferWrapper(new CR2WBuffer() { flags = 0, index = idx, offset = 0, diskSize = zsize, memSize = (UInt32)materialbuffer.Length, crc32 = crc })); cr2w.Buffers[(int)idx].ReadData(new BinaryReader(compressed)); cr2w.Buffers[(int)idx].Offset = cr2w.Buffers[(int)idx - 1].Offset + cr2w.Buffers[(int)idx - 1].DiskSize; } else { UInt16 p = (blob.LocalMaterialBuffer.RawData.Buffer.Value); cr2w.Buffers[p - 1].DiskSize = zsize; cr2w.Buffers[p - 1].Crc32 = crc; cr2w.Buffers[p - 1].MemSize = (UInt32)materialbuffer.Length; var off = cr2w.Buffers[p - 1].Offset; cr2w.Buffers[p - 1].Offset = 0; cr2w.Buffers[p - 1].ReadData(new BinaryReader(compressed)); cr2w.Buffers[p - 1].Offset = off; } return(true); }