Пример #1
        public DataTable GetDataByVoyAgeNo(string voyageNo, string tradeId)
            string    sql = "select * from InputWork where VoyageNo = @VoyageNo";
            Hashtable ht  = new Hashtable();

            if (tradeId != "")
                sql            += " and CompanyId= @CompanyId";
                ht["CompanyId"] = tradeId;
            ht["VoyageNo"] = voyageNo;
            DataTable dt = comm.Query(sql, ht);

Пример #2
        private void LoadUserData()
            DataTable dt = comm.Query("select id,UserName,CompanyId,CompanyName,CompanyShortName,LoginName,"
                                      + "PermissonLevel,LastLoginIp,IsActive,'' as edit,'' as deleted from users");

            this.superGrid1.DataSource = dt;
Пример #3
        public string SaveToV2(string sn)
            string    lastSN = "";
            Hashtable ht     = new Hashtable();

            ht["bag_no"]  = sn;
            ht["HY_NAME"] = _HYNAME;
            string    sql        = "select * from LH_V1 where bag_no =@bag_no and HY_NAME =@HY_NAME";
            DataTable billNoList = comm.Query(sql, ht);
            int       rs         = 0;

            if (billNoList != null && billNoList.Rows.Count > 0)
                string insertSql = "update LH_V1 set scan_flag=1 where id = @id;"
                                   + "delete from LH_V2 where bill_no =@bill_no and HY_NAME = @HY_NAME;"
                                   + "insert into LH_V2(bill_no,HY_NAME,bag_no,i_e_flag,scan_no,scan_time,read_flag,send_flag) "
                                   + "values(@bill_no,@HY_NAME,@bag_no,@i_e_flag,(select isnull(max(scan_no),0) from LH_V2 where HY_NAME = @HY_NAME) + 1,getdate(),0,2);";
                foreach (DataRow dr in billNoList.Rows)
                    ht["id"]       = Convert.ToInt32(dr["id"]);
                    ht["bill_no"]  = dr["bill_no"].ToString();
                    ht["HY_NAME"]  = dr["HY_NAME"].ToString();
                    ht["bag_no"]   = dr["bag_no"].ToString();
                    ht["i_e_flag"] = dr["i_e_flag"].ToString();
                    lastSN         = dr["bill_no"].ToString();
                    rs            += comm.UID(insertSql, ht);
                string insertSql2 = "delete from LH_V2 where bill_no =@bill_no and HY_NAME = @HY_NAME;"
                                    + "insert into LH_V2(bill_no,HY_NAME,scan_no,scan_time,read_flag,send_flag) "
                                    + "values(@bill_no,@HY_NAME,(select isnull(max(scan_no),0) from LH_V2 where HY_NAME = @HY_NAME) + 1,getdate(),0,2);";

                ht["bill_no"] = sn;
                ht["HY_NAME"] = _HYNAME;
                //ht["bag_no"] = dr["bag_no"].ToString();
                //  ht["i_e_flag"] = dr["i_e_flag"].ToString();
                lastSN = sn;
                rs    += comm.UID(insertSql2, ht);

Пример #4
        private void LoadV1data()
            Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();

            ht["HY_NAME"] = userInfo.HY_NAME;
            DataTable dt = comm.Query("select *,'' as SCANSTATUS from LH_V1 where HY_NAME= @HY_NAME order by id desc", ht);

            this.superGrid1.DataSource = dt;
Пример #5
        private void LoadV1Data()
            string    sql = "";
            Hashtable ht  = new Hashtable();

            if (this.userInfo.UserName.ToLower() != "admin")
                sql = "select BILL_NO,BAG_NO,SCAN_FLAG,HY_NAME from LH_V1 "
                      + "where HY_NAME=@HY_NAME and addtime >= @stime and addtime <= @etime order by BAG_NO,BILL_NO";
                ht["HY_NAME"] = userInfo.HY_NAME;
                sql = "select BILL_NO,BAG_NO,SCAN_FLAG,HY_NAME from LH_V1 "
                      + "where addtime >= @stime and addtime <= @etime order by HY_NAME, BAG_NO,BILL_NO";
            DateTime dtNow = DateTime.Now.Date;

            ht["stime"] = dtNow;
            ht["etime"] = dtNow.AddDays(1);
            DataTable dt = comm.Query(sql, ht);

            this.superGrid2.DataSource = dt;
Пример #6
        private void BindData()
            string sql = "select top 100 a.SCAN_NO,a.BILL_NO,a.PACK_NO,a.VOYAGE_NO,b.BILL_SUM,b.PACK_SUM,"
                         + " 0 as ALLSCANBILL,0 as ALLSCANPACK,"
                         + " (case a.DEC_TYPE when 0 then 1 else 0 end) as FANGXING,"
                         + " (case a.DEC_TYPE when 1 then 1 else 0 end) as CHAYAN,"
                         + " (case a.SEND_TYPE when 2 then 1 else 0 end) as NODATA"
                         + " from EHS_SCAN_TMP1 a left"
                         + " join EHS_SCAN_LIST2 b on a.VOYAGE_NO = b.VOYAGE_NO order by a.SCAN_NO desc";
            DataTable dt = comm.Query(sql);

            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
Пример #7
        private void LoadV2data()
            Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();

            ht["HY_NAME"] = userInfo.HY_NAME;
            gridTable     = comm.Query("select SCAN_NO,BILL_NO,VOYAGE_NO,MAIN_G_NAME,I_E_FLAG,I_E_PORT,D_DATE, "
                                       //   + "(case R_FLAG when 1 then '1' else '' end) R_FLAG, "
                                       //  + "(case GJ_FLAG when 1 then '1' else '' end) GJ_FLAG,"
                                       + "(case RSK_FLAG when 1 then '1' when 0 then '0' else '' end) RSK_FLAG,"
                                       + "(case OP_TYPE when '04' then '1' else '' end) OP_TYPE "
                                       + " from LH_V2 where HY_NAME= @HY_NAME order by SCAN_NO desc", ht);
            this.superGrid1.DataSource = gridTable;
            labAllCount.Text           = gridTable.Rows.Count.ToString();
            // int maxNum = StringHelper.SafeGetIntFromObj(gridTable.Rows[0][0], 0);
            ReflashGrid fc = new ReflashGrid(AppendGrid);

            fc.BeginInvoke(null, null);
Пример #8
 private void LoadV2data()
     lock (obLoad)
         while (true)
             Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();
             ht["HY_NAME"] = userInfo.HY_NAME;
             DataTable dt = comm.Query("select SCAN_NO,BILL_NO,BAG_NO,MAIN_G_NAME,I_E_FLAG,"
                                       + "(case RSK_FLAG when 1 then '1' when 0 then '0' else '' end) RSK_FLAG,"
                                       + "(case OP_TYPE when '04' then '1' else '' end) OP_TYPE,"
                                       + "HY_NAME,TRADE_NAME,SCAN_TIME"
                                       + " from LH_V2 where HY_NAME= @HY_NAME order by SCAN_NO desc", ht);
             // this.superGrid1.DataSource = gridTable;
             if (this.superGrid1.InvokeRequired)
                 this.superGrid1.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate
                     this.superGrid1.DataSource = dt;
                     //  this.superGrid1.Update();
                     // this.superGrid1.EndEdit();
                 //  this.superGrid1.Refresh();
                 this.superGrid1.DataSource = dt;
                 // this.superGrid1.Update();
                 // this.superGrid1.EndEdit();
             //  labAllCount.Text = gridTable.Rows.Count.ToString();
Пример #9
        private DataTable GetData()
            StringBuilder sb     = new StringBuilder();
            Hashtable     ht     = new Hashtable();
            string        billno = tbBillNo.Text.Trim();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(billno))
                sb.Append(" and bill_no like @bill_no");
                ht["bill_no"] = "%" + billno + "%";

            string voyageno = txtVoyageNo.Text.Trim();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(voyageno))
                sb.Append(" and voyage_no like @voyage_no");
                ht["voyage_no"] = "%" + voyageno + "%";
            else if (rdHistory.Checked)
            DateTime dtsix = DateTime.Now.Date.AddHours(6);

            ht["nowsix"] = dtsix;
            if (rdHistory.Checked)
                sb.Append(" and scan_time >= @stime and scan_time <= @etime and scan_time <= @nowsix");
                ht["stime"] = stime.Value;
                ht["etime"] = etime.Value;
                sb.Append(" and scan_time >= @nowsix");
            switch (cboxType.SelectedIndex)
            case 1:
                sb.Append(" and dec_type =0");

            case 2:
                sb.Append(" and dec_type =1");

            case 3:
                sb.Append(" and send_type =2");

            string table = rbToday.Checked ? "EHS_SCAN_TMP1" : "EHS_SCAN_TMP2";
            string sql   = " select SCAN_NO,BILL_NO,VOYAGE_NO,I_E_FLAG,SCAN_TIME,"
                           + " (case DEC_TYPE when 0 then 1 else 0 end) as FANGXING,"
                           + " (case DEC_TYPE when 1 then 1 else 0 end) as CHAYAN,"
                           + " (case SEND_TYPE when 2 then 1 else 0 end) as NODATA from " + table + " where 1=1 " + sb.ToString();
            DataTable dt = comm.Query(sql, ht);

Пример #10
        private void LoadUserData()
            DataTable dt = comm.Query("select *,'' as edit,'' as deleted from users");

            this.superGrid1.DataSource = dt;