private string decklist(ParseState state) { if (state.parameter == "draw") { int rnd = generator.Next(0, deck.Count); COMMAND.Parse(state.user, "!" + deck.ElementAt(rnd).Key, state.flags); return(success); } string decks = ""; foreach (var item in deck) { decks += "!" + item.Key + " "; } if (decks == "") { state.msg("No decks loaded."); } else { state.msg(decks); } return(success); }
public void runscript() { try { // BUG: A DynamicText context needs to be applied to each command to allow use of dynamic variables foreach (var line in list) { COMMAND.Parse(TwitchWebSocketClient.OurTwitchUser, line); } } catch (Exception ex) { Plugin.Log(ex.ToString()); } // Going to try this form, to reduce code verbosity. }
public void runscript() { try { // BUG: A DynamicText context needs to be applied to each command to allow use of dynamic variables foreach (var line in list) { COMMAND.Parse(ChatHandler.Self, line, RequestBot.CmdFlags.Local); } } catch (Exception ex) { Plugin.Log(ex.ToString()); } // Going to try this form, to reduce code verbosity. }
public async Task GetPPData() { if (pploading) { return; } pploading = true; //Instance.QueueChatMessage("Getting PP Data"); var StarTime = DateTime.UtcNow; string requestUrl = ""; //public const String SCRAPED_SCORE_SABER_ALL_JSON_URL = ""; string result; System.Globalization.NumberStyles style = System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint; var resp = await Plugin.WebClient.GetAsync(requestUrl, System.Threading.CancellationToken.None); if (resp.IsSuccessStatusCode) { result = resp.ContentToString(); } else { Plugin.Log("Failed to get pp"); pploading = false; return; } //Instance.QueueChatMessage($"Parsing PP Data {result.Length}"); JSONNode rootNode = JSON.Parse(result); listcollection.ClearList("pp.deck"); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, JSONNode> kvp in rootNode) { JSONNode difficultyNodes = kvp.Value; string id = ""; float maxpp = 0; float maxstar = 0; //Instance.QueueChatMessage($"{kvp.Value}"); id = difficultyNodes["key"]; //Instance.QueueChatMessage($"{id}"); foreach (var innerKvp in difficultyNodes["diffs"]) { JSONNode node = innerKvp.Value; //Instance.QueueChatMessage($"{node}"); float.TryParse(node["pp"], style, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out float pp); if (pp > maxpp) { maxpp = pp; } float.TryParse(node["star"], style, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out float starDifficulty); if (starDifficulty > maxstar) { maxstar = starDifficulty; } } if (maxpp > 0) { //Instance.QueueChatMessage($"{id} = {maxpp}"); ppmap.TryAdd(id, (int)(maxpp)); if (id != "" && maxpp > 200) { listcollection.add("pp.deck", id); } if (MapDatabase.MapLibrary.TryGetValue(id, out SongMap map)) { map.pp = (int)(maxpp);"pp", maxpp); map.IndexSong(; } } } COMMAND.Parse(ChatHandler.Self, "!deck pp", RequestBot.CmdFlags.Local); Instance.QueueChatMessage("PP Data indexed"); pploading = false; }
public static void ScheduledCommand(string command, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e) { COMMAND.Parse(ChatHandler.Self, command); }
public static void ScheduledCommand(string command, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e) { COMMAND.Parse(TwitchWebSocketClient.OurTwitchUser, command); }
public IEnumerator GetPPData() { if (pploading) yield break; pploading = true; //Instance.QueueChatMessage("Getting PP Data"); var StarTime = DateTime.UtcNow; string requestUrl = ""; //public const String SCRAPED_SCORE_SABER_ALL_JSON_URL = ""; string result; System.Globalization.NumberStyles style = System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint; using (var web = UnityWebRequest.Get($"{requestUrl}")) { yield return web.SendWebRequest(); if (web.isNetworkError || web.isHttpError) { pploading = false; yield break; } result = web.downloadHandler.text; } //Instance.QueueChatMessage($"Parsing PP Data {result.Length}"); JSONNode rootNode = JSON.Parse(result); listcollection.ClearList("pp.deck"); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, JSONNode> kvp in rootNode) { JSONNode difficultyNodes = kvp.Value; string id = ""; float maxpp = 0; float maxstar = 0; //Instance.QueueChatMessage($"{kvp.Value}"); id = difficultyNodes["key"]; //Instance.QueueChatMessage($"{id}"); foreach (var innerKvp in difficultyNodes["diffs"]) { JSONNode node = innerKvp.Value; //Instance.QueueChatMessage($"{node}"); float pp = 0; float.TryParse(node["pp"], style, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out pp); if (pp > maxpp) maxpp = pp; float starDifficulty = 0; float.TryParse(node["star"], style, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out starDifficulty); if (starDifficulty > maxstar) maxstar = starDifficulty; } if (maxpp > 0) { //Instance.QueueChatMessage($"{id} = {maxpp}"); SongMap map; ppmap.TryAdd(id, (int)(maxpp)); if (id != "" && maxpp >200) listcollection.add("pp.deck", id); if (MapDatabase.MapLibrary.TryGetValue(id, out map)) { map.pp=(int) (maxpp); } } } COMMAND.Parse(TwitchWebSocketClient.OurTwitchUser, "!deck pp"); Instance.QueueChatMessage("PP Data indexed"); pploading = false; }