private void btnSaveLengthandAngles_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                CParameterInitialize  ParameterInitialize = _DataRecords.ParameterInitialize;
                List <CPolyline>      cpllt         = _DataRecords.ParameterResult.CResultPlLt;
                List <List <double> > dbllengthltlt = new List <List <double> >();
                List <List <double> > dblangleltlt  = new List <List <double> >();
                for (int i = 0; i < cpllt.Count; i++)

                CHelpFuncExcel.ExportDataltltToExcel(dbllengthltlt, "lengthltlt", ParameterInitialize.strSavePath);
                CHelpFuncExcel.ExportDataltltToExcel(dblangleltlt, "angleltlt", ParameterInitialize.strSavePath);
                MessageBox.Show("No data or other errors! (Have you already implemented timerAdd_Tick?)");
        private void btnRunMulti_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            double dblThreshold = Convert.ToDouble(this.txtThreshold.Text);

            CParameterInitialize ParameterInitialize = _DataRecords.ParameterInitialize;

            //dialogue for saving
            SaveFileDialog SFD = new SaveFileDialog();

            string strPath = SFD.FileName;

            ParameterInitialize.strSavePath = strPath;
            ParameterInitialize.pWorkspace  = CHelpFunc.OpenWorkspace(strPath);

            int intLayerCount = ParameterInitialize.m_mapFeature.LayerCount;
            List <List <double> > OutPutLtLt = new List <List <double> >(intLayerCount);

            //some stupid codes  :-)
            IFeatureLayer pFeatureLayerLast = (IFeatureLayer)ParameterInitialize.m_mapFeature.get_Layer(intLayerCount - 1);
            List <CPoint> CptLtLast         = CHelpFunc.GetCPtLtFromPointFeatureLayer(pFeatureLayerLast);
            int           intPtNumLast      = CptLtLast.Count;

            long lngTime        = 0;
            long lngStartMemory = 0;
            long lngMemory      = 0;
            int  intOutPut      = 0;

            IFeatureLayer pFeatureLayer = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < intLayerCount; i++)
                List <double> OutPutLt = new List <double>(18);
                lngStartMemory = GC.GetTotalMemory(true);

                pFeatureLayer = (IFeatureLayer)ParameterInitialize.m_mapFeature.get_Layer(i);
                List <CPoint> CptLt = CHelpFunc.GetCPtLtFromPointFeatureLayer(pFeatureLayer);
                //for (int j = 0; j < CptLt.Count; j++)
                //    CptLt[j].GID = j;
                //    //CptLt[j].intTS = new TreeSet<int>();
                //long lngMemory1 = GC.GetTotalMemory(true);
                double dblThreshold2 = dblThreshold * Math.Pow(Convert.ToDouble(intPtNumLast) / Convert.ToDouble(CptLt.Count), 0.5);//---------------dblThreshold------------------------------------------------//
                //long lngStartTime = System.Environment.TickCount; //record the start time
                lngTime = 0; lngMemory = lngStartMemory; intOutPut = 0;
                SweepLineTwoCopiesTreeSet(ref CptLt, dblThreshold, ref lngTime, ref lngMemory, ref intOutPut);
                OutPutLt.Add(Convert.ToDouble(lngTime) / 1000);
                OutPutLt.Add(Convert.ToDouble(lngMemory) / 1048576);
                OutPutLt.Add(Convert.ToDouble(intOutPut) / 1000);

                lngTime = 0; lngMemory = lngStartMemory; intOutPut = 0;
                SweepLineTwoCopiesTreeSet(ref CptLt, dblThreshold2, ref lngTime, ref lngMemory, ref intOutPut);
                OutPutLt.Add(Convert.ToDouble(lngTime) / 1000);
                OutPutLt.Add(Convert.ToDouble(lngMemory) / 1048576);
                OutPutLt.Add(Convert.ToDouble(intOutPut) / 1000);

                lngTime = 0; lngMemory = lngStartMemory; intOutPut = 0;
                SweepLineTwoCopiesSortedSet(ref CptLt, dblThreshold, ref lngTime, ref lngMemory, ref intOutPut);
                OutPutLt.Add(Convert.ToDouble(lngTime) / 1000);
                OutPutLt.Add(Convert.ToDouble(lngMemory) / 1048576);
                OutPutLt.Add(Convert.ToDouble(intOutPut) / 1000);

                lngTime = 0; lngMemory = lngStartMemory; intOutPut = 0;
                SweepLineTwoCopiesSortedSet(ref CptLt, dblThreshold2, ref lngTime, ref lngMemory, ref intOutPut);
                OutPutLt.Add(Convert.ToDouble(lngTime) / 1000);
                OutPutLt.Add(Convert.ToDouble(lngMemory) / 1048576);
                OutPutLt.Add(Convert.ToDouble(intOutPut) / 1000);

                lngTime = 0; lngMemory = lngStartMemory; intOutPut = 0;
                SweepLineTwoCopiesWithoutC5(ref CptLt, dblThreshold, ref lngTime, ref lngMemory, ref intOutPut);
                OutPutLt.Add(Convert.ToDouble(lngTime) / 1000);
                OutPutLt.Add(Convert.ToDouble(lngMemory) / 1048576);
                OutPutLt.Add(Convert.ToDouble(intOutPut) / 1000);

                lngTime = 0; lngMemory = lngStartMemory; intOutPut = 0;
                SweepLineTwoCopiesWithoutC5(ref CptLt, dblThreshold2, ref lngTime, ref lngMemory, ref intOutPut);
                OutPutLt.Add(Convert.ToDouble(lngTime) / 1000);
                OutPutLt.Add(Convert.ToDouble(lngMemory) / 1048576);
                OutPutLt.Add(Convert.ToDouble(intOutPut) / 1000);

                ParameterInitialize.tspbMain.Value = (i + 1) * 100 / intLayerCount;
                pFeatureLayer = null;
                CptLt         = null;
                OutPutLt      = null;

            CHelpFuncExcel.ExportDataltltToExcel(OutPutLtLt, "Time&Output", ParameterInitialize.strSavePath);

            //dblTimeLt = new List<double>(intLayerCount);
            //dblOutPutLt = new List<double>(intLayerCount);
            //lngMemoryLt = new List<double>(intLayerCount);
            //OutPutLtLt = new List<List<double>>(3);
            ////for (int i = 0; i < intLayerCount; i++)
            //for (int i = 0; i < intLayerCount; i++)
            //    long lngMemory = GC.GetTotalMemory(true);

            //    pFeatureLayer = (IFeatureLayer)ParameterInitialize.m_mapFeature.get_Layer(intLayerCount - 1 - i);
            //    List<CPoint> CptLt = CHelpFunc.GetCPtLtByFeatureLayer(pFeatureLayer);
            //    for (int j = 0; j < CptLt.Count; j++)
            //    {
            //        CptLt[j].GID = j;
            //        //CptLt[j].intTS = new TreeSet<int>();
            //    }
            //    //long lngMemory1 = GC.GetTotalMemory(true);
            //    dblThreshold = Math.Pow(1.8 / Convert.ToDouble(CptLt.Count), 0.5);//---------------dblThreshold------------------------------------------------//
            //    //------------------------------------------------Start------------------------------------------------//
            //    int intOutPut = 0;
            //    long lngStartTime = System.Environment.TickCount; //record the start time
            //    if (cboFunction.Text == "Two Copies")
            //    {
            //        SweepLineTwoCopiesTreeSet(ref CptLt, dblThreshold, ref lngMemory, ref intOutPut);
            //    }
            //    else if (cboFunction.Text == "Two Copies Without C5")
            //    {
            //        SweepLineTwoCopiesWithoutC5(ref CptLt, dblThreshold, ref lngMemory, ref intOutPut);
            //    }
            //    else if (cboFunction.Text == "Two Sweep Lines")
            //    {
            //        SweepLineTwoSweepLines(ref CptLt, dblThreshold);
            //    }

            //    dblTimeLt.Add(System.Environment.TickCount - lngStartTime);
            //    lngMemoryLt.Add(Convert.ToDouble(lngMemory) / 1048576);
            //    dblOutPutLt.Add(intOutPut);

            //    //int intOutPut = 0;
            //    //for (int j = 0; j < CptLt.Count; j++)
            //    //{
            //    //    intOutPut += CptLt[j].intTS.Count;
            //    //}
            //    //dblOutPutLt.Add(intOutPut / 2);

            //    //for (int j = 0; j < CptLt.Count; j++)
            //    //{
            //    //    CptLt[j].intTS.Dispose();
            //    //    CptLt[j].SetEmpty2();
            //    //}

            //    ParameterInitialize.tspbMain.Value = (i + 1) * 100 / intLayerCount;
            //    pFeatureLayer = null;
            //    CptLt = null;

            //CHelpFuncExcel.ExportColDataltltToExcel(OutPutLtLt, "Time&Output_ChangeThreshold", ParameterInitialize.strSavePath);

Пример #3
        private void btnRunMulti_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            double               dblThreshold        = Convert.ToDouble(this.txtThreshold.Text);
            IFeatureLayer        pFeatureLayer       = null;
            CParameterInitialize ParameterInitialize = _DataRecords.ParameterInitialize;

            //dialogue for saving
            SaveFileDialog SFD = new SaveFileDialog();

            string strPath = SFD.FileName;

            ParameterInitialize.strSavePath = strPath;
            ParameterInitialize.pWorkspace  = CHelpFunc.OpenWorkspace(strPath);
            string strTINPath  = strPath + "\\TIN";
            string strTINPath2 = strPath + "\\TIN2";

            int intLayerCount = ParameterInitialize.m_mapFeature.LayerCount;
            List <List <double> > OutPutLtLt = new List <List <double> >(intLayerCount);

            //some stupid codes  :-)
            IFeatureLayer pFeatureLayerLast = (IFeatureLayer)ParameterInitialize.m_mapFeature.get_Layer(intLayerCount - 1);
            List <CPoint> CptLtLast         = CHelpFunc.GetCPtLtFromPointFeatureLayer(pFeatureLayerLast);
            int           intPtNumLast      = CptLtLast.Count;

            long          lngMemory           = 0;
            long          lngMemoryDT         = 0;
            long          lngMemoryDTProcess  = 0;
            int           intOutPut           = 0;
            long          lngTimeForSearching = 0;
            long          lngTimeForDT        = 0;
            List <CPoint> CptLt = new List <CPoint>();

            OutPutLtLt = new List <List <double> >(6);
            for (int i = 0; i < intLayerCount; i++)
            //for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                List <double> OutPutLt = new List <double>(8);

                //double ss = intPtNumLast / Convert.ToDouble(159);
                //double kk = Math.Pow(intPtNumLast / Convert.ToDouble(CptLt.Count), 0.5);
                //double dblThreshold2 = dblThreshold * Math.Pow(intPtNumLast / Convert.ToDouble(CptLt.Count), 0.5);  //---------------dblThreshold------------------------------------------------//
                pFeatureLayer = (IFeatureLayer)ParameterInitialize.m_mapFeature.get_Layer(i);
                //long lngMemory2 = GC.GetTotalMemory(true);

                lngMemoryDT = 0; lngMemoryDTProcess = 0; intOutPut = 0; lngTimeForSearching = 0; lngTimeForDT = 0;

                CptLt = LookingForNeighboursDT(pFeatureLayer, dblThreshold, -1, ref lngTimeForSearching, ref lngTimeForDT,
                                               ref lngMemory, ref lngMemoryDT, ref lngMemoryDTProcess, ref intOutPut, strTINPath);
                //long lngMemory3 = GC.GetTotalMemory(true);
                OutPutLt.Add(Convert.ToDouble(lngTimeForSearching + lngTimeForDT) / 1000);
                OutPutLt.Add(Convert.ToDouble(lngTimeForDT) / 1000);
                OutPutLt.Add(Convert.ToDouble(lngMemory) / 1048576);
                OutPutLt.Add(Convert.ToDouble(lngMemoryDT) / 1048576);
                OutPutLt.Add(Convert.ToDouble(lngMemoryDTProcess) / 1048576);
                //int intOutPut = 0;
                //for (int j = 0; j < CptLt.Count; j++)
                //    intOutPut += CptLt[j].intTS.Count;
                OutPutLt.Add(Convert.ToDouble(intOutPut) / 2 / 1000);

                //long lngMemory2 = GC.GetTotalMemory(true);
                lngMemoryDT = 0; lngMemoryDTProcess = 0; intOutPut = 0; lngTimeForSearching = 0; lngTimeForDT = 0;
                CptLt       = LookingForNeighboursDT(pFeatureLayer, dblThreshold, intPtNumLast, ref lngTimeForSearching, ref lngTimeForDT, ref lngMemory, ref lngMemoryDT, ref lngMemoryDTProcess, ref intOutPut, strTINPath2); //*******************Action*******************//
                //long lngMemory3 = GC.GetTotalMemory(true);
                OutPutLt.Add(Convert.ToDouble(lngTimeForSearching) / 1000);
                OutPutLt.Add(Convert.ToDouble(lngTimeForDT) / 1000);
                OutPutLt.Add(Convert.ToDouble(lngMemory) / 1048576);
                OutPutLt.Add(Convert.ToDouble(lngMemoryDT) / 1048576);
                OutPutLt.Add(Convert.ToDouble(lngMemoryDTProcess) / 1048576);
                //int intOutPut = 0;
                //for (int j = 0; j < CptLt.Count; j++)
                //    intOutPut += CptLt[j].intTS.Count;
                OutPutLt.Add(Convert.ToDouble(intOutPut) / 2 / 1000);

                CHelpFunc.Displaytspb(i + 1, intLayerCount);
                pFeatureLayer = null;
                CptLt         = null;
                OutPutLt      = null;

            CHelpFuncExcel.ExportDataltltToExcel(OutPutLtLt, "Time&Output_ChangeThreshold", ParameterInitialize.strSavePath);

Пример #4
        private void btnRunMulti_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            double               dblThreshold        = Convert.ToDouble(this.txtThreshold.Text);
            double               dblGridSize         = Convert.ToDouble(this.txtGridSize.Text);
            IFeatureLayer        pFeatureLayer       = null;
            CParameterInitialize ParameterInitialize = _DataRecords.ParameterInitialize;

            //dialogue for saving
            SaveFileDialog SFD = new SaveFileDialog();

            string strPath = SFD.FileName;

            ParameterInitialize.strSavePath = strPath;
            ParameterInitialize.pWorkspace  = CHelpFunc.OpenWorkspace(strPath);

            int intLayerCount = ParameterInitialize.m_mapFeature.LayerCount;
            List <List <double> > OutPutLtLt = new List <List <double> >(intLayerCount);

            //some stupid codes  :-)
            IFeatureLayer pFeatureLayerLast = (IFeatureLayer)ParameterInitialize.m_mapFeature.get_Layer(intLayerCount - 1);
            List <CPoint> CptLtLast         = CHelpFunc.GetCPtLtFromPointFeatureLayer(pFeatureLayerLast);
            int           intPtNumLast      = CptLtLast.Count;

            long lngTime        = 0;
            long lngStartMemory = 0;
            long lngMemory      = 0;
            int  intOutPut      = 0;

            for (int i = 9; i < intLayerCount; i++)
                List <double> OutPutLt = new List <double>(6);
                lngStartMemory = GC.GetTotalMemory(true);
                //long lngMemory1 = GC.GetTotalMemory(true);
                pFeatureLayer = (IFeatureLayer)ParameterInitialize.m_mapFeature.get_Layer(i);
                List <CPoint> CptLt = CHelpFunc.GetCPtLtFromPointFeatureLayer(pFeatureLayer);
                //long lngMemory2 = GC.GetTotalMemory(true);
                //for (int j = 0; j < CptLt.Count; j++)
                //    CptLt[j].GID = j;
                //    //CptLt[j].intTS = new TreeSet<int>();
                //long lngMemory3 = GC.GetTotalMemory(true);
                //dblThreshold = Math.Pow(1.8 / Convert.ToDouble(CptLt.Count), 0.5);//---------------dblThreshold------------------------------------------------//

                lngTime = 0; lngMemory = lngStartMemory; intOutPut = 0;
                double dblThreshold2 = dblThreshold;
                double dblGridSize2  = dblGridSize * Math.Pow(Convert.ToDouble(intPtNumLast) / Convert.ToDouble(CptLt.Count), 0.5);
                Grids(ref CptLt, dblThreshold2, dblGridSize2, ref lngTime, ref lngMemory, ref intOutPut);
                OutPutLt.Add(Convert.ToDouble(lngTime) / 1000);
                OutPutLt.Add(Convert.ToDouble(lngMemory) / 1048576);
                OutPutLt.Add(Convert.ToDouble(intOutPut) / 1000);

                lngTime = 0; lngMemory = lngStartMemory; intOutPut = 0;
                double dblThreshold3 = dblThreshold * Math.Pow(Convert.ToDouble(intPtNumLast) / Convert.ToDouble(CptLt.Count), 0.5);
                double dblGridSize3  = dblGridSize * Math.Pow(Convert.ToDouble(intPtNumLast) / Convert.ToDouble(CptLt.Count), 0.5);
                Grids(ref CptLt, dblThreshold3, dblGridSize3, ref lngTime, ref lngMemory, ref intOutPut);
                OutPutLt.Add(Convert.ToDouble(lngTime) / 1000);
                OutPutLt.Add(Convert.ToDouble(lngMemory) / 1048576);
                OutPutLt.Add(Convert.ToDouble(intOutPut) / 1000);

                //lngMemoryLt.Add(Convert.ToDouble(lngMemory) / 1048576);

                ////int intOutPut = 0;
                ////for (int j = 0; j < CptLt.Count; j++)
                ////    intOutPut += CptLt[j].intTS.Count;

                ParameterInitialize.tspbMain.Value = (i + 1) * 100 / intLayerCount;
                pFeatureLayer = null;
                CptLt         = null;
                OutPutLt      = null;

            CHelpFuncExcel.ExportDataltltToExcel(OutPutLtLt, "Time&Memory&Output", ParameterInitialize.strSavePath);
