private bool ReadFlowPoints(string filename, Guid id) { bool rc = true; ArrayList arr = null; ArrayList mcNames, mcGraphTexts; FlowPoint = new Dictionary <string, VisualFlowPoint>(); string graphText; string mcText; arr = CFGParser.GenerateCFG(filename, out graphText, out mcNames, out mcGraphTexts, out mcText); string err = CFGParser.GetLastError(); if (arr != null && err == "") { foreach (VisualFlowPoint fp in arr) { FlowPoint[fp.Name] = fp; } } else { rc = false; } if (rc && graphText != null) { OnMessage("Writing graph to file"); WriteGraphToFile(DIGRAPH_FILE, graphText); rc = RunDot(id); } if (rc) { OnMessage("Writing MC graphs to file"); for (int i = 0; i < mcNames.Count; ++i) { WriteGraphToFile(DIGRAPH_FILE + ".MC_" + (mcNames[i] as string), mcGraphTexts[i] as string); } OnMCTextUpdated(mcText); } return(rc); }