public void OnRenderObject() { if (c.start == true && toggleCfd.HasSelection == true) { //CheckData(); // c.waiting.enabled = false; CFD = (c.toggleSection.HasSelection == true) ? c.Section() :; CreateLineMaterial(); lineMaterial.SetPass(0); GL.PushMatrix(); GL.MultMatrix(transform.localToWorldMatrix); GL.Begin(GL.LINES); // Cycle time: the interval is equal to the remainder of the time in seconds divided by 1. float frac = (Time.time) % 1.0f; foreach (p0 p in CFD) { float a = CFD_JSON.remap((float)Math.Pow(p.vmeg, .5), (float)Math.Pow(c.vMin, .5), (float)Math.Pow(c.vMax, .5), 0, 1); Color vcolor = new Color(a, 1 - a, 0, 0.5f); GL.Color(vcolor); // Create the start and end positions of the vector Vector3 start = new Vector3(p.x, p.z, p.y); Vector3 v = new Vector3(p.vx, p.vz, p.vy); // We adjust the length of the vector by a factor R Vector3 end = start + r * v; // Interpolate the animation Vector3 start2 = Vector3.Lerp(start, end, frac); Vector3 end2 = start2 + v.normalized * 0.15f; GL.Vertex3(start2.x, start2.y, start2.z); GL.Vertex3(end2.x, end2.y, end2.z); } GL.End(); GL.PopMatrix(); } /* * else * { * c.waiting.text = "waiting to download data"; * c.waiting.enabled = true; * //Debug.Log("waiting for connection"); * } */ }
/* * public ColorGradient(float width, float height, float radius) * { * width = w; * height = h; * radius = (float)r; * samples = new float[(int) (w*h)]; * CreateCircleMap(); * } * * void CreateCircleMap() * { * circle = new float[(r * r * 4)]; * for(int x=-r; x<r; x++) * { * for (int y =-r; y<r; y++) * { * float l = (x * x * +y * y) / (float)(r * r); * float v = 0; * if (l < 1) * { * v = 1 - l; * circle[x + r + r * x * y] = v; * } * } * } * } * * public void AddPoint(Vector2 pos) * { * int px = Mathf.RoundToInt(pos.x); * int py = Mathf.RoundToInt(pos.y); * for (int x = -r; x<r; x++) * { * for(int y=-r;y<r; y++) * { * int ix = px + x; * int iy = py + y; * if (ix < 0 || iy < 0 || ix >= w || iy >= h) continue; * samples[ix + iy * (int)w] += circle[x + r + r * 2 * y]; * } * } * } * * public Texture2D GetHeatMap(Gradient g) * { * Texture2D tex = new Texture2D((int)w, (int)h, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false); * float scale = 1 / c.vMax; * Color[] col = new Color[samples.Length]; * * for (int i = 0; i < col.Length; i++) col[i] = g.Evaluate(samples[i] * scale); * tex.SetPixels(col); * tex.Apply(); * return tex; * } * * public void OnHeatMap() * { * * * } */ public void OnRenderObject() { if (c.start == true && toggleCfd.HasSelection == true) { // c.waiting.enabled = false; CFD = (c.toggleSection.HasSelection == true) ? c.Section() :; CreateQuadMaterial(); QuadMaterial.SetPass(0); GL.PushMatrix(); GL.MultMatrix(transform.localToWorldMatrix); GL.Begin(GL.QUADS); foreach (p0 p in CFD) { float a = CFD_JSON.remap(p.vmeg, c.vMin, c.vMax, 0, 1); Color vcolor = new Color(a, 1 - a, 1 - a, 0.5f); GL.Color(vcolor); Vector3 start = new Vector3(p.x, p.z, p.y); GL.Vertex3(start.x - s, start.y - s, start.z); GL.Vertex3(start.x + s, start.y - s, start.z); GL.Vertex3(start.x + s, start.y + s, start.z); GL.Vertex3(start.x - s, start.y + s, start.z); } GL.End(); GL.PopMatrix(); /* * float st = t * (float)(col.Count - 1); * Color prevC = col[(int)st]; * Color nextC = col[(int)st]; * float newt = st - (float)((int)st); * * if (t != 1) * { * quadRender.material.color = Color.Lerp(prevC, nextC, newt); * } * else * { * quadRender.material.color = col[col.Count-1]; * } */ } }
public void OnRenderObject() { if (c.start == true && toggleCfd.HasSelection == true) { //CheckData(); // c.waiting.enabled = false; CFD = (c.toggleSection.HasSelection == true) ? c.Section() :; CreateLineMaterial(); lineMaterial.SetPass(0); GL.PushMatrix(); GL.MultMatrix(transform.localToWorldMatrix); GL.Begin(GL.LINES); foreach (p0 p in CFD) { float a = CFD_JSON.remap((float)Math.Pow(p.vmeg, .5), (float)Math.Pow(c.vMin, .5), (float)Math.Pow(c.vMax, .5), 0, 1); Color vcolor = new Color(a, 1 - a, 0, 0.5f); GL.Color(vcolor); Vector3 start = new Vector3(p.x, p.z, p.y); Vector3 move = new Vector3(p.vx, p.vz, p.vy); Vector3 end = start + move.normalized * len; Vector3 proj = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(end, Vector3.Cross(start, end)); //Vector3 projN = len*Vector3.Normalize(proj); GL.Vertex3(start.x, start.y, start.z); GL.Vertex3(proj.x, proj.y, proj.z); } GL.End(); GL.PopMatrix(); } /* * else * { * c.waiting.text = "waiting to download data"; * c.waiting.enabled = true; * //Debug.Log("waiting for connection"); * } */ }
void Start() { c = GetComponent <CFD_JSON>(); toggleCfd = GameObject.Find("ToggleColorGradient").GetComponent <InteractiveToggle>(); //s = 0.1f; /* * quad = GameObject.Find("Quad"); * quadRender = quad.GetComponent<Renderer>(); * w = quadRender.bounds.size.x; * h = quadRender.bounds.size.y; */ //quadShader = Shader.Find("ColorMap"); if (c.start == true && toggleCfd.HasSelection == true && c.toggleSection.HasSelection == true) { //c.waiting.enabled = false; CFD = (c.toggleSection.HasSelection == true) ? c.Section() :; } }