Пример #1
    public string GetEncounterIntakePatientID( string strEncounterID, long lEncounterIntakeID)
        string strPatientID = "";

        //add params for the DB call in paramaters
        //these will always be passed in to all sp calls
        CDataParameterList pList = ItemList();
        pList.AddInputParameter("pi_vEncounterID", strEncounterID);
        pList.AddInputParameter("pi_nEncounterIntakeID", lEncounterIntakeID);
        pList.AddOutputParameter("po_vPatientID", strPatientID);

        //execute the stored procedure
                              out m_lErrorStatus,
                              out m_strErrorComment);

        // 0 = success if strStatus is populated it will show on the screen
        // 1 to n are errors and we always show errors
        if (m_lErrorStatus == 0)
            CDataParameter param = new CDataParameter();
            param = pList.GetItemByName("po_vPatientID");
            if (param != null)
                strPatientID = param.StringParameterValue;

        return strPatientID;
Пример #2
    // returns the current treatment ID -
    public bool GetCurrentTreatmentID(out long lTreatmentID)
        lTreatmentID = 0;

        //add params for the DB call in paramaters
        //these will always be passed in to all sp calls
        CDataParameterList pList = ItemList();

        pList.AddInputParameter("pi_vPatientID", m_strPatientID);
        pList.AddOutputParameter("po_nTreatmentID", lTreatmentID);

        //execute the stored procedure
        if (m_DBConn.ExecuteOracleSP("PCK_TREATMENT.GetCurrentTreatmentID",
                                     out m_lErrorStatus,
                                     out m_strErrorComment) == false)

        CDataParameter paramValue = pList.GetItemByName("po_nTreatmentID");

        lTreatmentID = paramValue.LongParameterValue;

Пример #3
    public bool GetEncounterIntakeAltLang(string strEncounterID, long lEncounterIntakeID)
        long lOutLang = 0;

        CDataParameterList pList = ItemList();
        pList.AddInputParameter("pi_vEncounterID", strEncounterID);
        pList.AddInputParameter("pi_nEncounterIntakeID", lEncounterIntakeID);
        pList.AddOutputParameter("po_nOutAltLang", lOutLang);

        //execute the stored procedure
                              out m_lErrorStatus,
                              out m_strErrorComment);

        // 0 = success if strStatus is populated it will show on the screen
        // 1 to n are errors and we always show errors
        if (m_lErrorStatus == 0)
            CDataParameter param = new CDataParameter();
            param = pList.GetItemByName("po_nOutAltLang");
            if (param != null)
                lOutLang = param.LongParameterValue;

            if (lOutLang > 0)
                return true;

        return ErrorHandler();
Пример #4
   // public bool GetEncounterIDFromForModule(Int32 nModuleID, string strPatientID, long lTreatmentID, out string strEncounterID)
    public bool GetEncounterIDFromForModule(long lTreatmentID, out string strEncounterID )
        strEncounterID = "";

        //add params for the DB call in paramaters
        //these will always be passed in to all sp calls
        CDataParameterList pList = ItemList();
        pList.AddInputParameter("pi_nModuleID", m_nMID);
        pList.AddInputParameter("pi_vPatientID", m_strPatientID);
        pList.AddInputParameter("pi_nTreatmentID", lTreatmentID);
        pList.AddOutputParameter("po_vEncounterID", strEncounterID);

        //execute the stored procedure
                                out m_lErrorStatus,
                                out m_strErrorComment);

        if(m_lErrorStatus > 0)
            return ErrorHandler();

        CDataParameter paramValue = pList.GetItemByName("po_vEncounterID");
        strEncounterID = paramValue.StringParameterValue;
        m_strEncounterID = strEncounterID;

        return true;
Пример #5
    public bool InsertPage(long lAuthorID,
                           string strTitle,
                           string strContents,
                           long lStatus,
                           out long lPageID)
        //status info
        long   lStatusCode      = -1;
        string strStatusComment = "";

        lPageID = -1;

        //create a new parameter list with standard params from basemstr
        CDataParameterList plist = new CDataParameterList(m_BaseMstr);

         *  pi_nAuthorID        in number,
         *  pi_vTitle           in varchar2,
         *  pi_cContents        in clob,
         *  pi_nStatus          in number,
         *  po_nPageID          out number,

        //add params for the DB stored procedure call
        plist.AddInputParameter("pi_nAuthorID", lAuthorID);
        plist.AddInputParameter("pi_vTitle", strTitle);
        plist.AddInputParameterCLOB("pi_cContents", strContents);
        plist.AddInputParameter("pi_nStatus", lStatus);

        plist.AddOutputParameter("po_nPageID", lPageID);

        //Execute Stored Procedure Call
                                          out lStatusCode,
                                          out strStatusComment);

        //set the base master status code and status for display
        m_BaseMstr.StatusCode    = lStatusCode;
        m_BaseMstr.StatusComment = strStatusComment;

        // 0 = success if strStatus is populated it will show on the screen
        // 1 to n are errors and we always show errors
        if (lStatusCode == 0)
            CDataParameter paramValue = plist.GetItemByName("po_nPageID");
            lPageID = paramValue.LongParameterValue;
Пример #6
    //INSERT DIAGNOSIS ---------------------------------------------------
    public bool InsertDiagnosis(BaseMaster BaseMstr,
                                string strPatientID,
                                string strEncounterID,
                                long lTreatmentID,
                                long lDiagnosisID,
                                long lSpecifierID,
                                string strAxis3Text,
                                out long lNewProblemID)
        lNewProblemID = -1;

        //status info
        long   lStatusCode      = -1;
        string strStatusComment = "";

        //create a new parameter list with standard params from basemstr
        CDataParameterList pList = new CDataParameterList(BaseMstr);

        pList.AddInputParameter("pi_vPatientID", strPatientID);
        pList.AddInputParameter("pi_vEncounterID", strEncounterID);
        pList.AddInputParameter("pi_nTreatmentID", lTreatmentID);
        pList.AddInputParameter("pi_nDiagnosisID", lDiagnosisID);
        pList.AddInputParameter("pi_nSpecifierID", lSpecifierID);
        pList.AddInputParameter("pi_vAxis3Text", strAxis3Text);

        pList.AddOutputParameter("po_nProblemID", lNewProblemID);

        //Execute Oracle stored procedure
                                        out lStatusCode,
                                        out strStatusComment);

        //set the base master status code and status for display
        BaseMstr.StatusCode    = lStatusCode;
        BaseMstr.StatusComment = strStatusComment;

        if (lStatusCode == 0)
            CDataParameter paramValue = pList.GetItemByName("po_nProblemID");
            lNewProblemID = paramValue.LongParameterValue;
Пример #7
    public bool InsertTemplate(BaseMaster BaseMstr,
                               long lSOAPsectID,
                               string strName,
                               string strTemplateText,
                               long lGroupID,
                               out long lTemplateID)
        lTemplateID = 0;

        //status info
        long   lStatusCode      = -1;
        string strStatusComment = "";

        //create a new parameter list with standard params from basemstr
        CDataParameterList plist = new CDataParameterList(BaseMstr);

        //add params for the DB stored procedure call
        plist.AddInputParameter("pi_nSOAPsectID", lSOAPsectID);
        plist.AddInputParameter("pi_vTemplateName", strName);
        plist.AddInputParameterCLOB("pi_vTemplateText", strTemplateText);
        plist.AddInputParameter("pi_nTempGroupID", lGroupID);

        //long lFXUserID = -1;
        plist.AddOutputParameter("po_nTemplateID", lTemplateID);

                                        out lStatusCode,
                                        out strStatusComment);

        //set the base master status code and status for display
        BaseMstr.StatusCode    = lStatusCode;
        BaseMstr.StatusComment = strStatusComment;

        // 0 = success if strStatus is populated it will show on the screen
        // 1 to n are errors and we always show errors
        if (lStatusCode == 0)
            CDataParameter paramValue = plist.GetItemByName("po_nTemplateID");
            lTemplateID = paramValue.LongParameterValue;

            BaseMstr.StatusComment = "Template - Updated. ";

Пример #8
    /// <summary>
    /// gets a cached session value from the database.
    /// stored encrypted and more secure then an asp.net session var
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="strKey"></param>
    /// <param name="strKeyValue"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public bool GetSessionValue(string strKey,
                                out string strKeyValue)
        strKeyValue = "";

        //status info
        long   lStatusCode      = -1;
        string strStatusComment = "";

        //create a new parameter list
        CDataParameterList pList = new CDataParameterList();

        //in paramaters
        //these will always be passed in to all sp calls
        pList.AddParameter("pi_vDBSessionID", DBSessionID, ParameterDirection.Input);
        pList.AddParameter("pi_vWebSessionID", ASPSessionID, ParameterDirection.Input);
        pList.AddParameter("pi_vSessionClientIP", ClientIP, ParameterDirection.Input);
        pList.AddParameter("pi_nUserID", FXUserID, ParameterDirection.Input);

        pList.AddParameter("pi_vKey", strKey, ParameterDirection.Input);
        pList.AddParameter("po_vKeyValue", strKeyValue, ParameterDirection.Output);

        //execute the stored procedure
                               out lStatusCode,
                               out strStatusComment);

        // 0 = success if strStatus is populated it will show on the screen
        // 1 to n are errors and we always show errors
        if (lStatusCode == 0)
            CDataParameter paramValue = pList.GetItemByName("po_vKeyValue");
            strKeyValue = paramValue.StringParameterValue;


        strKeyValue = "";
Пример #9
    public bool SendMessage(string strRecipients,
                            string strSubject,
                            string strBody,
                            out long lMessageID)
        //status info
        long   lStatusCode      = -1;
        string strStatusComment = "";

        lMessageID = -1;

        //create a new parameter list with standard params from basemstr
        CDataParameterList plist = new CDataParameterList(m_BaseMstr);

        //add params for the DB stored procedure call
        plist.AddInputParameter("pi_vKey", m_BaseMstr.Key);
        plist.AddInputParameter("pi_vRecipients", strRecipients);
        plist.AddInputParameter("pi_vSubject", strSubject);
        plist.AddInputParameterCLOB("pi_clobBody", strBody);
        plist.AddOutputParameter("po_nMessageID", lMessageID);

        //Execute Stored Procedure Call
                                          out lStatusCode,
                                          out strStatusComment);

        //set the base master status code and status for display
        m_BaseMstr.StatusCode    = lStatusCode;
        m_BaseMstr.StatusComment = strStatusComment;

        // 0 = success if strStatus is populated it will show on the screen
        // 1 to n are errors and we always show errors
        if (lStatusCode == 0)
            CDataParameter paramValue = plist.GetItemByName("po_nMessageID");
            lMessageID = paramValue.LongParameterValue;
Пример #10
    //public bool NewEncounterIntake(Int32 lModuleID, bool bAltLang, string strPatientID, string strEncounterID, out int nEncounterIntakeID)
    public bool NewEncounterIntake(bool bAltLang, out int nEncounterIntakeID)
        nEncounterIntakeID = 0;
        long lOutAltLang = 0;
        if (bAltLang)
            lOutAltLang = 1;
            lOutAltLang = 0;

        //add params for the DB call in paramaters
        //these will always be passed in to all sp calls
        CDataParameterList pList = ItemList();
        pList.AddInputParameter("pi_nModuleID", m_nMID);
        pList.AddInputParameter("pi_vEncounterID", m_strEncounterID);
        pList.AddInputParameter("pi_nAltLang", lOutAltLang);
        pList.AddOutputParameter("po_nEncounterIntakeID", nEncounterIntakeID);

        //execute the stored procedure
                                out m_lErrorStatus,
                                out m_strErrorComment);

        if (m_lErrorStatus > 0)
            return ErrorHandler();

        CDataParameter paramValue = pList.GetItemByName("po_nEncounterIntakeID");
        nEncounterIntakeID = (int) paramValue.LongParameterValue;
        m_lEncounterIntakeID = nEncounterIntakeID;

        return true;
Пример #11
    public bool InsertReferralClinic(BaseMaster BaseMstr,
                                     string strReferralDesc,
                                     string strReferralText,
                                     //Not Needed Now string strPersonContacted,
                                     string strProviderName,
                                     string strAddress,
                                     string strCity,
                                     string strStateID,
                                     string strPostalCode,
                                     string strPhone,
                                     string strFax,
                                     //Not Needed Now long   lReleaseSigned,
                                     out long lReferralID
        lReferralID = -1;

        //status info
        long   lStatusCode      = -1;
        string strStatusComment = "";

        //create a new parameter list with standard params from basemstr
        CDataParameterList plist = new CDataParameterList(BaseMstr);

        //add params for the DB stored procedure call
        plist.AddInputParameter("pi_vReferralDesc", strReferralDesc);
        plist.AddInputParameter("pi_vReferralText", strReferralText);
        //Not Needed Now plist.AddInputParameter("pi_vPersonContacted", strPersonContacted);
        plist.AddInputParameter("pi_vProviderName", strProviderName);
        plist.AddInputParameter("pi_vAddress", strAddress);
        plist.AddInputParameter("pi_vCity", strCity);
        plist.AddInputParameter("pi_nStateID", strStateID);
        plist.AddInputParameter("pi_vPostalCode", strPostalCode);
        plist.AddInputParameter("pi_vPhone", strPhone);
        plist.AddInputParameter("pi_vFax", strFax);
        //Not Needed Now plist.AddInputParameter("pi_nReleaseSigned", lReleaseSigned);
        plist.AddOutputParameter("po_nReferralID", lReferralID);

        //get a dataset from the sp call todo change call to executeSP and use connection to
        //switch on type and call correct code
                                        out lStatusCode,
                                        out strStatusComment);

        //set the base master status code and status for display
        BaseMstr.StatusCode    = lStatusCode;
        BaseMstr.StatusComment = strStatusComment;

        CDataParameter parmReferralID = plist.GetItemByName("po_nReferralID");

        lReferralID = parmReferralID.LongParameterValue;

        // 0 = success if strStatus is populated it will show on the screen
        // 1 to n are errors and we always show errors
        if (lStatusCode == 0)
            BaseMstr.StatusComment = "Referral Clinic - Saved. ";
