/// <summary> /// Read and load pages data into the collection definition. /// </summary> /// <param name="cfg">The configuration profile to use.</param> /// <param name="errCode">Returns the error code of this operation.</param> /// <param name="errMsg">Returns the error string of this operation</param> /// <param name="expectedNumberOfPages">The expected nuumber of pages in the collection.</param> /// <param name="coll">The collection definition to add the data to.</param> /// <param name="colData">The data table containing the data for the collection.</param> /// <returns>An array oif file paths for files that were created in this method</returns> private static String[] ReadPagesData(CCConfiguration.CCConfigurationData cfg, out int errCode, out String errMsg, int expectedNumberOfPages, ref CCCollection coll, DataTable colData) { errCode = (int)CCEnums.CCErrorCodes.E0000; errMsg = null; List <String> result = new List <String>(); try { //-- Validate expected page count --\\ if (expectedNumberOfPages <= 0) { errCode = (int)CCEnums.CCErrorCodes.E0051; errMsg = String.Format("{0}, error code [{1}]", CCConstants.E0051, errCode); throw new Exception(errMsg); } int numberOfImagePages = CCUtils.GetImagePageCount(coll.ImagePath, null); //-- Validate page count --\\ if (numberOfImagePages <= 0) { errCode = (int)CCEnums.CCErrorCodes.E0061; errMsg = String.Format("{0}, file path [{1}], error code [{2}]", CCConstants.E0061, coll.ImagePath, errCode); throw new Exception(errMsg); } //-- Validate page count against expected page count --\\ if (numberOfImagePages != expectedNumberOfPages) { errCode = (int)CCEnums.CCErrorCodes.E0050; errMsg = String.Format("{4}. expected number of pages [{1}], actual image count [{2}], file path [{3}], error code [{0}]", errCode, expectedNumberOfPages, numberOfImagePages, coll.ImagePath, CCConstants.E0050); throw new Exception(errMsg); } List <CCCollection.CCForm> forms = new List <CCCollection.CCForm>(); for (int pageCount = 1; pageCount <= expectedNumberOfPages; pageCount++) { Dictionary <String, String> lstDct = new Dictionary <String, String>(); List <String> attachments = new List <String>(); DataRow[] pageRows = colData.Select(String.Format("{0}={1}", CCEnums.CCTableColumns.Level, IsStringData(colData.Columns[CCEnums.CCTableColumns.Level.ToString()]) ? "'" + pageCount.ToString() + "'" : pageCount.ToString())); if (pageRows == null || pageRows.Length <= 0) { pageRows = colData.Select(String.Format("{0}='{1}'", CCEnums.CCTableColumns.Level, pageCount)); } //-- Process pages data --\\ if (pageRows != null && pageRows.Length > 0) { List <int> pageNumbers = new List <int>(); String startDate = null; String endDate = null; //-- Iterate pages rows --\\ foreach (DataRow dr in pageRows) { //-- Get the page number the data is itntended to --\\ int pageNumber = CCUtils.StrToIntDef(dr[CCEnums.CCTableColumns.Level.ToString()].ToString(), -1); if (!pageNumbers.Contains(pageNumber)) { pageNumbers.Add(pageNumber); } //-- << Read pages data >>--\\ if (String.Compare(dr[CCEnums.CCTableColumns.DataType.ToString()].ToString(), CCEnums.CCPagesDataType.PageType.ToString(), true) == 0) { //-- PageType --\\ CCUtils.AddSetDictionaryItem(CCEnums.CCPagesDataType.PageType.ToString(), dr[CCEnums.CCTableColumns.Data.ToString()].ToString(), excpetionOnDictDuplicates, ref lstDct); } else if (String.Compare(dr[CCEnums.CCTableColumns.DataType.ToString()].ToString(), CCEnums.CCPagesDataType.StartDate.ToString(), true) == 0) { //-- StartDate --\\ startDate = dr[CCEnums.CCTableColumns.Data.ToString()].ToString(); CCUtils.AddSetDictionaryItem(CCEnums.CCPagesDataType.StartDate.ToString(), startDate, excpetionOnDictDuplicates, ref lstDct); } else if (String.Compare(dr[CCEnums.CCTableColumns.DataType.ToString()].ToString(), CCEnums.CCPagesDataType.EndDate.ToString(), true) == 0) { //-- EndDate --\\ endDate = dr[CCEnums.CCTableColumns.Data.ToString()].ToString(); CCUtils.AddSetDictionaryItem(CCEnums.CCPagesDataType.EndDate.ToString(), endDate, excpetionOnDictDuplicates, ref lstDct); } else if (String.Compare(dr[CCEnums.CCTableColumns.DataType.ToString()].ToString(), CCEnums.CCPagesDataType.Attachments.ToString(), true) == 0) { //-- Attachments --\\ String val = dr[CCEnums.CCTableColumns.Data.ToString()].ToString(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(val) && !File.Exists(val)) { errCode = (int)CCEnums.CCErrorCodes.E0065; errMsg = String.Format("{1}, file path[{2}], error code [{0}]", errCode, CCConstants.E0065, val ?? String.Empty); throw new Exception(errMsg); } else { if (!attachments.Contains(val)) { attachments.Add(val); } } } else if (String.Compare(dr[CCEnums.CCTableColumns.DataType.ToString()].ToString(), CCEnums.CCPagesDataType.XmlPrdPath.ToString(), true) == 0) { //-- XmlPrdPath --\\ int errC = 0; String errS = null; String sourceXmlPath = dr[CCEnums.CCTableColumns.Data.ToString()].ToString(); //-- Convert XML to PRD and add as page attachment --\\ String prdPath = DeserializePRD(out errC, out errS, pageNumber, false, sourceXmlPath); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(prdPath)) { if (File.Exists(sourceXmlPath)) { //-- Lock PRD file --\\ String lockPrd = CCFileList.GetLockedFilePath(prdPath, cfg.LockExtension); if (String.Compare(lockPrd, prdPath, true) != 0) { if (File.Exists(lockPrd)) { File.SetAttributes(lockPrd, FileAttributes.Normal); File.Delete(lockPrd); } File.SetAttributes(prdPath, FileAttributes.Normal); File.Move(prdPath, lockPrd); } File.Delete(sourceXmlPath); if (!attachments.Contains(lockPrd)) { attachments.Add(lockPrd); } if (!result.Contains(lockPrd)) { result.Add(lockPrd); } } } } else if (String.Compare(dr[CCEnums.CCTableColumns.DataType.ToString()].ToString(), CCEnums.CCPagesDataType.MetaData.ToString(), true) == 0) { //-- Additional MetaData--\\ String tagName = dr[CCEnums.CCTableColumns.Key.ToString()] is DBNull || String.IsNullOrEmpty(dr[CCEnums.CCTableColumns.Key.ToString()].ToString()) ? null : dr[CCEnums.CCTableColumns.Key.ToString()].ToString(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tagName)) { CCUtils.AddSetDictionaryItem(tagName, dr[CCEnums.CCTableColumns.Data.ToString()].ToString(), excpetionOnDictDuplicates, ref lstDct); } } } //-- Validate page dates --\\ if (!ValidateDates(startDate, endDate, out errCode, out errMsg)) { //-- Validate start and end time\date --\\ errCode = (int)CCEnums.CCErrorCodes.E0020; errMsg = String.Format("{0}, {1} [{2}],{3} [{4}], page number [{5}], error code [{6}]", CCConstants.E0020, CCEnums.CCPagesDataType.StartDate, startDate, CCEnums.CCPagesDataType.EndDate, endDate, pageCount, errCode); throw new Exception(errMsg); } } //-- Create a form and page, NF 2011-11-07 added support for multipage per form --\\ CCCollection.CCForm frm = cfg.MultiPagePerForm ? forms.Count > 0 ? forms[0] : new CCCollection.CCForm(null, null, null) : new CCCollection.CCForm(null, null, null); if (!cfg.MultiPagePerForm || (cfg.MultiPagePerForm && forms.Count <= 0)) { frm.NamedUserTags.NativeDictionary = lstDct; //-- Add page Named user tags to Form user tags --\\ } CCCollection.CCPage pg = new CCCollection.CCPage(); pg.Attachments = attachments.ToArray(); pg.NamedUserTags.NativeDictionary = lstDct; if (!cfg.MultiPagePerForm || forms.Count <= 0) { frm.Pages = new CCCollection.CCPage[] { pg }; } else { List <CCCollection.CCPage> pgs = new List <CCCollection.CCPage>(frm.Pages); pgs.Add(pg); frm.Pages = pgs.ToArray(); } if (!cfg.MultiPagePerForm || forms.Count <= 0) { forms.Add(frm); } } //-- Do some validations --\\ if (expectedNumberOfPages != forms.Count) { if (!cfg.MultiPagePerForm || forms.Count <= 0) { errCode = (int)CCEnums.CCErrorCodes.E0090; errMsg = String.Format("Error code [{0}], {1},expected number of pages [{2}], eflow form count [{3}]", errCode, CCConstants.E0090, expectedNumberOfPages, forms.Count); throw new Exception(errMsg); } else { if (forms[0].Pages.Length != expectedNumberOfPages) { errCode = (int)CCEnums.CCErrorCodes.E0090; errMsg = String.Format("Error code [{0}], {1},expected number of pages [{2}] in one form, eflow form count [{3}]", errCode, CCConstants.E0090, expectedNumberOfPages, forms.Count); throw new Exception(errMsg); } } } errCode = (int)CCEnums.CCErrorCodes.E0001; coll.Forms = forms.ToArray(); } catch (Exception ex) { ILog.LogError(ex, false); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(errMsg)) { errMsg = CCConstants.E0000 + "," + ex.Message; } throw (ex); } return(result.ToArray()); }
public virtual CCFileList[] SearchFiles(String[] rootPaths, bool copySrcFiles, bool subFolders, int sortType, int maxLock, String[] keyExtensions, params String[] subExtensions) #endif { if (!processing) { try { stopSearch = false; processing = true; maxLock = Math.Max(maxLock, 1); List <CCFileList> res = new List <CCFileList>(); int counter = 0; CCFileList filesCol = new CCFileList(); //-- Get all files (to sort as specified) --\\ foreach (String rootPath in rootPaths) { if (stopSearch) { return(null); } filesCol.AddFiles(GetFileList(rootPath, sortType, subFolders, keyExtensions).ToArray()); } //-- Lock all possible files --\\ if (filesCol != null && filesCol.FileCount > 0) { List <String> files = new List <String>(filesCol.Files); if (sortType > 1) { files.Sort(new FlexListComparer(sortType, false)); } //-- Iterate all possible files, break after locking the specified amount --\\ for (int i = 0; i < files.Count; i++) { try { Application.DoEvents(); if (stopSearch) { return(null); } //-- Prepare to fire 'OnPreFileLock' event --\\ String lstFile = files[i]; if (!PreFileLock(ref lstFile)) { continue; } CCFileList fileLck = new CCFileList(lstFile); fileLck.OnPreFileLock -= OnPreFileLock; fileLck.OnPreFileLock += OnPreFileLock; fileLck.OnPostFileLock -= OnPostFileLock; fileLck.OnPostFileLock += OnPostFileLock; //-- Try to lock file name --\\ if (fileLck.LockFiles(CurrentProfile.LockExtension, false, copySrcFiles, false)) { counter++; PostFileLock(fileLck.KeyFile); //-- fire 'OnPostFileLock' event --\\ #region //-- Get other attachment files --\\ if (subExtensions != null && subExtensions.Length > 0) { //-- NF: 2012-07-06, Don't search same extension as key --\\ List <String> subExts = new List <string>(subExtensions); for (int iSub = subExts.Count - 1; iSub >= 0; iSub--) { foreach (String sKy in keyExtensions) { if (String.Compare(subExts[iSub], sKy, true) == 0) { subExts.RemoveAt(iSub); break; } } } //-- Get attachments --\\ CCFileList lckList = new CCFileList(GetFileList(Path.GetDirectoryName(fileLck.KeyFile), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileLck.KeyFile), subFolders, subExts.ToArray())); if (lckList.FileCount > 0) { try { lckList.AddFiles(CurrentProfile.LockExtension, fileLck.KeyFile); lckList.SetKeyFile(fileLck.KeyFile); fileLck = lckList; if (!lckList.LockFiles(CurrentProfile.LockExtension, false, copySrcFiles, false)) { throw new Exception(String.Format("Failed locking collection additional \\attachment files: " + String.Join(Path.PathSeparator.ToString(), lckList.Files))); } } catch (Exception et) { ILog.LogError(et); lckList.RollbackLock(CurrentProfile.LockExtension); //-- reverse extension state \ rollback file ext. --\\ } } } res.Add(fileLck); #endregion } } catch (Exception ep) { ILog.LogError(ep); } //-- Break after max count, to lock as many files specified --\\ if (counter >= maxLock) { break; } } } return(res.ToArray()); } catch (Exception ex) { ILog.LogError(ex); } }
/* * /// <summary> * /// Create an eFlow collection from the specified DataTable. * /// </summary> * /// <param name="collectionData">The collection data in the specified data table.</param> * /// <param name="applicationName">The eFlow application name to insert the collection to.</param> * /// <param name="copySourceFiles">Copy the source file when true (as opposed to move).</param> * /// <param name="errMsg">Will return the error message if any error occured.</param> * /// <returns>The error code, 1 = sucsess.</returns> * public bool TestCreateCollection(String filePath, String stationName, String applicationName) * { * try * { * List<ITisPageParams> pages = new List<ITisPageParams>(); * ITisClientServicesModule csm = csmManager.GetCsm(applicationName, stationName, true); * pages.Add(csm.Setup.get_FlowByIndex(0).get_FormByIndex(0).get_PageByIndex(0)); * CCCollection.CCPage pg = new CCCollection.CCPage(null, pages[0], "Demo"); * CCCollection col = new CCCollection(); * for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) * { * col.AddForm(new CCCollection.CCForm(null, null, csm.Setup.get_FlowByIndex(0).get_FormByIndex(0).Name, pg)); * } * col.ImagePath = filePath;// @"C:\Program Files\TIS\eFlow 4.5\Sample Applications\SimpleDemo\Office7Pages.TIF"; * // col.FlowType = "OfficeStore"; * * //-- Create and define the Creator class --\\ * using (CCreator crt = new CCreator()) * { * crt.ValidatePagePerImagePage = false; * crt.CurrentProfile = CCConfiguration.CCConfigurationData.FromXml("Default2"); * int errCode=0; * String[] res= crt.CreateCollections(csm, out errCode, col); * if (res.Length > 0) * { * return true; * } * } * } * catch (Exception ex) * { * ILog.LogError(ex); * } * return false; * } */ /// <summary> /// Create an eFlow collection from the specified DataTable. /// </summary> /// <param name="collectionData">The collection data in the specified data table.</param> /// <param name="applicationName">The eFlow application name to insert the collection to.</param> /// <param name="copySourceFiles">Copy the source file\s when true (as opposed to move).</param> /// <param name="errMsg">Will return the error message if any error occured.</param> /// <returns>The error code, 1 = sucsess.</returns> public bool CreateCollection(DataTable collectionData, String applicationName, bool copySourceFiles, out int errCode, out String errMsg) { //-- Set returning values --\\ errCode = (int)CCEnums.CCErrorCodes.E0000; errMsg = null; String[] createdFiles = null; CCCollection coll = null; try { #region //-- Load and validate profile --\\ if (config == null) { errCode = (int)CCEnums.CCErrorCodes.E0101; errMsg = String.Format("{0}:, error code [{1}]", CCConstants.E0101, errCode); throw new Exception(errMsg); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(applicationName)) { applicationName = CCEnums.CCNames.Default.ToString(); } currCfg = config.GetConfiguration(applicationName); if (currCfg == null) { errCode = (int)CCEnums.CCErrorCodes.E0102; errMsg = String.Format("{0}: [{1}], error code [{2}]", CCConstants.E0102, applicationName, errCode); throw new Exception(errMsg); } #endregion //-- Create and define the Creator class --\\ using (CCreator crt = new CCreator()) { crt.CurrentProfile.CopySourceFiles = copySourceFiles; if (currCfg != null) { crt.CurrentProfile.LockExtension = currCfg.LockExtension; } ITisClientServicesModule csm = csmManager.GetCsm(String.IsNullOrEmpty(currCfg.LoginApplication) ? applicationName : currCfg.LoginApplication, currCfg.LoginStation, true); if (csm == null) { errCode = (int)CCEnums.CCErrorCodes.E0210; errMsg = String.Format("{0}, Application name: [{1}], Station name: [{2}] error code [{3}]", CCConstants.E0210, String.IsNullOrEmpty(currCfg.LoginApplication) ? applicationName ?? String.Empty : currCfg.LoginApplication ?? String.Empty, currCfg.LoginStation ?? String.Empty, errCode); throw new Exception(errMsg); } //-- Load CCCollection from a data table (and validate all the data) --\\ coll = CCDataTable.FromDataTable(currCfg, out errCode, out errMsg, copySourceFiles, out createdFiles, collectionData); if (errCode != 1) { errMsg = String.Format("{0}, table name: [{1}], error code [{2}]", CCConstants.E0091, collectionData != null ? collectionData.TableName ?? String.Empty : String.Empty, errCode); throw new Exception(errMsg); } if (coll == null) { errCode = (int)CCEnums.CCErrorCodes.E0091; errMsg = String.Format("{0}, table name: [{1}], error code [{2}]", CCConstants.E0091, collectionData != null ? collectionData.TableName ?? String.Empty : String.Empty, errCode); throw new Exception(errMsg); } try { //--<< Call eFlow to create the collection >>--\\ String[] resCols = crt.CreateCollections(csm, out errCode, coll); if (resCols == null || resCols.Length != 1) { errCode = errCode <= 0 ? (int)CCEnums.CCErrorCodes.E0092: errCode; errMsg = crt.LastErrors; throw new Exception(String.Format("{0}, {1}, error code [{2}]", CCConstants.E0092, errMsg, errCode)); } else { ILog.LogInfo("Done creating collection [{0}] in eFlow system", resCols[0]); errCode = (int)CCEnums.CCErrorCodes.E0001; errMsg = resCols[0];//-- Return the name of the created collection --\\ //\\ return errCode == (int)CCEnums.CCErrorCodes.E0001; } } catch (Exception ec) { errCode = (int)CCEnums.CCErrorCodes.E0092; errMsg = crt.LastErrors; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(errMsg)) { errMsg = CCConstants.E0092 + "," + ec.Message; } throw new Exception(String.Format("{0}, {1}, {2}, error code [{3}]", CCConstants.E0092, errMsg, ec.Message, errCode)); } } } catch (Exception ex) { //\\ if (errCode < (int)CCEnums.CCErrorCodes.E0000) errCode = (int)CCEnums.CCErrorCodes.E0000; ILog.LogError(ex); //-- Move collections to errror folder --\\ if (coll != null && coll.Files.Length > 0 && currCfg != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(currCfg.ErrorFolderPath)) { CCFileList.MoveToFolder(currCfg.ErrorFolderPath, coll.Files); } if (currCfg == null || currCfg.ThrowAllExceptions) { throw ex; } } finally { //-- Delete files created by this method --\\ if (copySourceFiles && createdFiles != null && createdFiles.Length > 0) { foreach (String sf in createdFiles) { try { if (File.Exists(sf ?? String.Empty)) { File.SetAttributes(sf, FileAttributes.Normal); File.Delete(sf); } } catch (Exception ex) { ILog.LogError(ex); throw ex; } } } } //\\ return false; return(errCode == (int)CCEnums.CCErrorCodes.E0001); }