/// <summary> /// override /// saves the user's input /// raises an event with the new checklist id /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public override CStatus SaveControl() { //save long lNewChecklistID = -1; CChecklistData data = new CChecklistData(BaseMstr.BaseData); CStatus status = data.SaveAs( ChecklistID, txtAs.Text, out lNewChecklistID); if (!status.Status) { return(status); } //cache the new id LongID = lNewChecklistID; if (_SaveAs != null) { CAppUserControlArgs args = new CAppUserControlArgs( k_EVENT.INSERT, k_STATUS_CODE.Success, string.Empty, lNewChecklistID.ToString()); _SaveAs(this, args); } return(new CStatus()); }
/// <summary> /// US:1945 US:1880 /// maps the selected note title to the item /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void OnSelectNoteTitle(object sender, CAppUserControlArgs e) { ShowMPE(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbLabel.Text)) { tbLabel.Text = ucMapNoteTitle.SelectedText; } hfMapID.Value = ucMapNoteTitle.SelectedValue; tbMapID.Text = (hfMapID.Value != "-1") ? hfMapID.Value : string.Empty; ucItemComponentEditor.ItemTypeID = Convert.ToInt64(ddlType.SelectedValue); ucItemComponentEditor.Clear(); CItemComponentDataItem di = new CItemComponentDataItem(); di.ItemComponentLabel = "Text"; di.SortOrder = ucItemComponentEditor.Count + 1; di.ActiveID = k_ACTIVE_ID.Active; CStatus status = ucItemComponentEditor.AddComponent(di); if (!status.Status) { ShowStatusInfo(status); return; } ucItemComponentEditor.AddEnabled = false; }
/// <summary> /// loop and update the users checklists /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool bUpdated = false; foreach (GridViewRow gvr in gvOutOfDateCL.Rows) { CheckBox cb = gvr.FindControl("chkSelect") as CheckBox; if (cb != null) { if (cb.Checked) { CStatus status = new CStatus(); CPatChecklistData dta = new CPatChecklistData(BaseMstr.BaseData); dta.UpdatePatCLVersion(Convert.ToInt32(gvOutOfDateCL.DataKeys[gvr.RowIndex].Value)); bUpdated = true; } } } if (bUpdated) { if (_UpdateVersion != null) { CAppUserControlArgs args = new CAppUserControlArgs( k_EVENT.UPDATE, k_STATUS_CODE.Success, string.Empty, "1"); _UpdateVersion(this, args); } } }
/// <summary> /// US:885 save the control /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public override CStatus SaveControl() { CMDWSOps ops = new CMDWSOps(this.BaseMstr.BaseData); CStatus status = ops.WriteNote( PatientID, this.BaseMstr.UserID.ToString(), txtSign.Text, ddlClinics.SelectedValue, NoteTitleIEN, txtTIU.Text); if (!status.Status) { return(status); } //fire the NoteSaved event if (_NoteSaved != null) { CAppUserControlArgs args = new CAppUserControlArgs( k_EVENT.SELECT, k_STATUS_CODE.Success, string.Empty, "1"); _NoteSaved(this, args); } return(new CStatus()); }
protected void OnContinueExisting(object sender, CAppUserControlArgs e) { CPatChecklistDataItem di = new CPatChecklistDataItem(); di.ProcedureDate = CDataUtils.GetNullDate(); di.AssignmentDate = DateTime.Now; di.ChecklistID = ucExistingChecklist.ChecklistID; di.ChecklistStateID = k_CHECKLIST_STATE_ID.Open; di.PatientID = PatientID; di.StateID = k_STATE_ID.Unknown; long lPatCLID = 0; CPatChecklistData pcld = new CPatChecklistData(BaseMstr.BaseData); CStatus status = pcld.InsertPatChecklist(di, out lPatCLID); if (!status.Status) { ShowStatusInfo(status); return; } if (BaseMstr.MDWSTransfer) { //talk to the communicator to update the //patient checklist from mdws CCommunicator com = new CCommunicator(); status = com.RefreshPatientCheckList( BaseMstr.DBConn, BaseMstr.BaseData, PatientID, lPatCLID); if (!status.Status) { ShowStatusInfo(status); return; } } CPatientChecklist pcl = new CPatientChecklist(); status = pcl.LoadPatientChecklists(BaseMstr, PatientID, ddlPatChecklist); if (!status.Status) { ShowStatusInfo(status); return; } ddlPatChecklist.SelectedValue = lPatCLID.ToString(); status = LoadChecklist(); if (!status.Status) { ShowStatusInfo(status); return; } //set the UI permissions based on the user logged in SetPermissions(btnTIU.Enabled); }
/// <summary> /// method /// adds a new item to the item list /// </summary> /// <param name="args"></param> protected void OnSelectItem(object sender, CAppUserControlArgs args) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(args.EventData)) { CStatus status = AddItem(Convert.ToInt64(args.EventData)); if (!status.Status) { ShowStatusInfo(status); } } }
/// <summary> /// override /// saves the values in the dialog and fires the save /// event if the save was successful /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public override CStatus SaveControl() { CServiceDataItem di = new CServiceDataItem(); di.ServiceLabel = txtService.Text; di.IsActive = chkActive.Checked; CServiceData service = new CServiceData(BaseMstr.BaseData); CStatus status = new CStatus(); switch (EditMode) { case k_EDIT_MODE.INSERT: long lServiceID = -1; status = service.InsertService(di, out lServiceID); if (status.Status) { LongID = lServiceID; EditMode = k_EDIT_MODE.UPDATE; } break; case k_EDIT_MODE.UPDATE: di.ServiceID = LongID; status = service.UpdateService(di); break; default: status.Status = false; status.StatusCode = k_STATUS_CODE.Failed; status.StatusComment = Resources.ErrorMessages.ERROR_INVALID_EDITMODE; break; } if (!status.Status) { return(status); } if (_Save != null) { CAppUserControlArgs args = new CAppUserControlArgs( k_EVENT.INSERT, k_STATUS_CODE.Success, string.Empty, LongID.ToString()); _Save(this, args); } return(new CStatus()); }
/// <summary> /// fired when a note is successfully saved /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void OnNoteSaved(object sender, CAppUserControlArgs e) { //if we are closing this checklist then save it. if (CDataUtils.ToLong(ddlChecklistState.SelectedValue) == (long)k_CHECKLIST_STATE_ID.Closed) { CStatus status = SaveControl(); if (!status.Status) { ShowStatusInfo(status.StatusCode, status.StatusComment); return; } } }
/// <summary> /// event /// reloads the service list and selects the changed item /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void OnSaveService(object sender, CAppUserControlArgs e) { CStatus status = LoadServices(); if (!status.Status) { ShowStatusInfo(status); return; } ServiceID = Convert.ToInt64(e.EventData); CGridView.SetSelectedRow(gvService, e.EventData); CGridView.SetSelectedLinkButtonForeColor(gvService, "lnkSelect", Color.White); }
/// <summary> /// event /// US:838 /// user selected a checklist item /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void OnChecklistSelect(object sender, CAppUserControlArgs e) { CChecklistData cld = new CChecklistData(BaseMstr.BaseData); CChecklistDataItem di = null; CStatus status = cld.GetCheckListDI(Convert.ToInt32(e.EventData), out di); if (!status.Status) { ShowStatusInfo(status); } txtChecklist.Text = di.ChecklistLabel; ChecklistID = di.ChecklistID; }
/// <summary> /// event /// loads the checklist controls with the new checklist /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void OnSaveAsChecklist(object sender, CAppUserControlArgs e) { ucChecklistEntry.ChecklistID = Convert.ToInt64(e.EventData); CStatus status = ucChecklistEntry.LoadControl(k_EDIT_MODE.UPDATE); if (!status.Status) { Master.ShowStatusInfo(status); return; } btnCLSave.Enabled = true; btnCLSaveAs.Enabled = true; }
protected void OnClickContinue(object sender, EventArgs e) { Visible = false; if (_Continue != null) { CAppUserControlArgs args = new CAppUserControlArgs( k_EVENT.SELECT, k_STATUS_CODE.Success, string.Empty, "1"); _Continue(this, args); } }
protected void OnClickCancel(object sender, EventArgs e) { ShowParentMPE(); if (_Cancel != null) { CAppUserControlArgs args = new CAppUserControlArgs( k_EVENT.SELECT, k_STATUS_CODE.Success, string.Empty, "1"); _Cancel(this, args); } }
/// <summary> /// event /// reloads the grid view when an outcome state is saved /// </summary> /// <param name="args"></param> protected void OnSaveOutcomeState(object sender, CAppUserControlArgs e) { //reload the temporal states CStatus status = LoadOutcomeStates(); if (!status.Status) { ShowStatusInfo(status); return; } //select the item we just updated OutcomeStateID = Convert.ToInt64(e.EventData); CGridView.SetSelectedRow(gvOutcomeStates, e.EventData); CGridView.SetSelectedLinkButtonForeColor(gvOutcomeStates, "lnkSelect", Color.White); }
/// <summary> /// save the control /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public override CStatus SaveControl() { CStatus status = new CStatus(); //user input is ok so save switch (EditMode) { case k_EDIT_MODE.INSERT: long lOSID = -1; status = InsertOutcomeState(out lOSID); if (status.Status) { LongID = lOSID; EditMode = k_EDIT_MODE.UPDATE; } break; case k_EDIT_MODE.UPDATE: status = UpdateOutcomeState(LongID); break; default: status.Status = false; status.StatusCode = k_STATUS_CODE.Failed; status.StatusComment = Resources.ErrorMessages.ERROR_INVALID_EDITMODE; break; } if (!status.Status) { return(status); } if (_Save != null) { CAppUserControlArgs args = new CAppUserControlArgs( k_EVENT.INSERT, k_STATUS_CODE.Success, string.Empty, LongID.ToString()); _Save(this, args); } return(new CStatus()); }
/// <summary> /// US:1883 event /// adds the selected item to the item collection /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="args"></param> protected void OnSelectItem(object sender, CAppUserControlArgs e) { ShowMPE(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.EventData)) { ShowStatusInfo(k_STATUS_CODE.Failed, "TODO"); return; } CStatus status = AddItem(Convert.ToInt64(e.EventData)); if (!status.Status) { ShowStatusInfo(status); return; } }
protected void OnCheckedChangedGroup(object sender, EventArgs e) { ShowMPE(); ddlFilterByGroup.Enabled = chkFilterByGroup.Checked; chkFilterByGroup.Focus(); if (_OptionSelect != null) { CAppUserControlArgs args = new CAppUserControlArgs( k_EVENT.SELECT, k_STATUS_CODE.Success, string.Empty, ""); _OptionSelect(this, args); } }
/// <summary> /// event /// raises an event with the selected item id /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void OnClickSelect(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ItemID < 1) { return; } if (_Select != null) { CAppUserControlArgs args = new CAppUserControlArgs( k_EVENT.SELECT, k_STATUS_CODE.Success, string.Empty, ItemID.ToString()); _Select(this, args); } }
/// <summary> /// US:852 fires an event when the lab test is selected /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void OnClickSelect(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SelectedLabTestID)) { ShowMPE(); return; } if (_SelectLabTest != null) { CAppUserControlArgs args = new CAppUserControlArgs( k_EVENT.SELECT, k_STATUS_CODE.Success, string.Empty, SelectedLabTestID); _SelectLabTest(this, args); } }
/// <summary> /// event /// captures the selected checklist id and assigns it /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void OnChecklistSelect(object sender, CAppUserControlArgs e) { ShowMPE(); ChecklistID = Convert.ToInt32(e.EventData); if (ChecklistID < 1) { ShowStatusInfo(k_STATUS_CODE.Failed, Resources.ErrorMessages.ERROR_SP_CHECKLIST); return; } ucExistingChecklist.ChecklistID = ChecklistID; ucExistingChecklist.PatientID = PatientID; CStatus status = ucExistingChecklist.LoadControl(k_EDIT_MODE.READ_ONLY); if (!status.Status) { ShowStatusInfo(status); return; } }
/// <summary> /// event /// US:838 /// captures the selected checklist id and displays the selected checklist's label /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void OnChecklistSelect(object sender, CAppUserControlArgs e) { ChecklistID = Convert.ToInt32(e.EventData); if (ChecklistID < 1) { Master.ShowStatusInfo(k_STATUS_CODE.Failed, "TODO"); return; } CChecklistData cld = new CChecklistData(Master.BaseData); CChecklistDataItem di = new CChecklistDataItem(); CStatus status = cld.GetCheckListDI(ChecklistID, out di); if (!status.Status) { Master.ShowStatusInfo(status); return; } tbChecklist.Text = di.ChecklistLabel; }
/// <summary> /// event /// raises an event with the selected checklist id /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void OnClickSelect(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ChecklistID < 1) { ShowMPE(); return; } if (_Select != null) { CAppUserControlArgs args = new CAppUserControlArgs( k_EVENT.SELECT, k_STATUS_CODE.Success, string.Empty, ChecklistID.ToString()); _Select(this, args); } ShowParentMPE(); }
/// <summary> /// US:1945 US:1880 save the selected note title to the note title property and fire the /// SelectNoteTitle property. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void btnSelect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lbNoteTitles.SelectedValue)) { ShowMPE(); return; } //fire the SelectNoteTitle event for the parent to handle if (_SelectNoteTitle != null) { CAppUserControlArgs args = new CAppUserControlArgs( k_EVENT.SELECT, k_STATUS_CODE.Success, string.Empty, lbNoteTitles.SelectedValue); _SelectNoteTitle(this, args); } ShowParentMPE(); }
private void StoreAndContinue() { List <string> lstIDs = CGridView.GetUncheckedRowsList( gvExistingCL, "chkSelect"); foreach (string strID in lstIDs) { PatientIDs = PatientIDs.Replace("," + strID + ",", ","); } if (_Continue != null) { CAppUserControlArgs args = new CAppUserControlArgs( k_EVENT.SELECT, k_STATUS_CODE.Success, string.Empty, "1"); _Continue(this, args); } }
public override CStatus LoadControl(k_EDIT_MODE lEditMode) { //get the data CPatChecklistData cld = new CPatChecklistData(BaseMstr.BaseData); bool bHasPatCL = false; CStatus status = cld.HasPatientChecklist( ChecklistID, (long)k_CHECKLIST_STATE_ID.Open, PatientID, out bHasPatCL); if (!status.Status) { return(status); } if (bHasPatCL) { ShowMPE(); } else { if (_Continue != null) { CAppUserControlArgs args = new CAppUserControlArgs( k_EVENT.SELECT, k_STATUS_CODE.Success, string.Empty, "1"); _Continue(this, args); } } return(new CStatus()); }
/// <summary> /// reload the selected checklist after updaing the CL version /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void OnUpdateCLVersion(object sender, CAppUserControlArgs e) { LoadGridView(); }
/// <summary> /// reload the selected checklist after updaing the CL version /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void OnUpdateCLVersion(object sender, CAppUserControlArgs e) { LoadChecklist(); }
protected void OnCancelProcessing(object sender, CAppUserControlArgs e) { ProcessingCancelled = true; Master.ShowStatusInfo(k_STATUS_CODE.Success, Resources.SuccessMessages.SUCCESS_CANCEL_PROCESSING); }
/// <summary> /// event /// US:838 /// displays the existing checklist dialog /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void OnContinueExisting(object sender, CAppUserControlArgs e) { ACPatientIDs = ucExistingChecklist.PatientIDs; ProcessingCancelled = false; Master.ShowStatusInfo(ThreadAssignChecklists()); }
/// <summary> /// event /// US:1945 US:1880 displays the selected note title text /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void OnSelectNoteTitle(object sender, CAppUserControlArgs e) { txtCLNoteTitle.Text = ucMapNoteTitle.SelectedText; }