Пример #1
        static float[] GetData()
            CVectorEuler   cpos   = _jaco.ConfigurationsManager.GetHandPosition();
            CVectorAngle   apos   = _jaco.ConfigurationsManager.GetJointPositions();
            CCartesianInfo fpos   = _jaco.ControlManager.GetPositioningCartesianInfo();
            CCartesianInfo cforce = _jaco.ControlManager.GetForceCartesianInfo();
            CAngularInfo   aforce = _jaco.ControlManager.GetForceAngularInfo();
            CAngularInfo   curr   = _jaco.ControlManager.GetCurrentAngularInfo();

            // cartesian position
            _data[0] = cpos.Position[CVectorEuler.COORDINATE_X];
            _data[1] = cpos.Position[CVectorEuler.COORDINATE_Y];
            _data[2] = cpos.Position[CVectorEuler.COORDINATE_Z];
            _data[3] = cpos.Rotation[CVectorEuler.THETA_X];
            _data[4] = cpos.Rotation[CVectorEuler.THETA_Y];
            _data[5] = cpos.Rotation[CVectorEuler.THETA_Z];

            // angular position
            _data[6]  = apos.Angle[CVectorAngle.JOINT_1];
            _data[7]  = apos.Angle[CVectorAngle.JOINT_2];
            _data[8]  = apos.Angle[CVectorAngle.JOINT_3];
            _data[9]  = apos.Angle[CVectorAngle.JOINT_4];
            _data[10] = apos.Angle[CVectorAngle.JOINT_5];
            _data[11] = apos.Angle[CVectorAngle.JOINT_6];

            // fingers
            _data[12] = fpos.Finger1;
            _data[13] = fpos.Finger2;
            _data[14] = fpos.Finger3;

            // API control
            _data[15] = _jaco.ControlManager.IsApiInControl() ? 1f : 0f;

            // cartesian force
            _data[16] = cforce.X;
            _data[17] = cforce.Y;
            _data[18] = cforce.Z;
            _data[19] = cforce.ThetaX;
            _data[20] = cforce.ThetaY;
            _data[21] = cforce.ThetaZ;

            // angular force
            _data[22] = aforce.Joint1;
            _data[23] = aforce.Joint2;
            _data[24] = aforce.Joint3;
            _data[25] = aforce.Joint4;
            _data[26] = aforce.Joint5;
            _data[27] = aforce.Joint6;

            // motor currents
            _data[28] = curr.Joint1;
            _data[29] = curr.Joint2;
            _data[30] = curr.Joint3;
            _data[31] = curr.Joint4;
            _data[32] = curr.Joint5;
            _data[33] = curr.Joint6;
            _data[34] = curr.Finger1;
            _data[35] = curr.Finger2;
            _data[36] = curr.Finger3;

Пример #2
		public void JacoRefreshEncoder()
					//if (m_Arm.JacoIsReady())
    			//	{				
						joint_info 			= m_Arm.ControlManager.GetPositioningAngularInfo();
						current_info 		= m_Arm.ControlManager.GetCurrentAngularInfo();
						pose_info 			= m_Arm.ControlManager.GetCommandCartesianInfo();
						trajectory_info		= m_Arm.ControlManager.GetInfoFIFOTrajectory();
						positionLive = m_Arm.DiagnosticManager.DataManager.GetPositionLogLiveFromJaco();
						//button states
						m_State.power_button = Convert.ToBoolean(positionLive.JoystickValue.ButtonValue[0]);
						m_State.retract_button = Convert.ToBoolean(positionLive.JoystickValue.ButtonValue[1]);
						m_State.one_button = Convert.ToBoolean(positionLive.JoystickValue.ButtonValue[2]);
						m_State.two_button = Convert.ToBoolean(positionLive.JoystickValue.ButtonValue[3]);
						m_State.three_button = Convert.ToBoolean(positionLive.JoystickValue.ButtonValue[4]);
						m_State.left_joystick_button = Convert.ToBoolean(positionLive.JoystickValue.ButtonValue[5]);
						m_State.right_joystick_button = Convert.ToBoolean(positionLive.JoystickValue.ButtonValue[6]);
						//joystick states
						m_State.forward_backward = positionLive.JoystickValue.InclineFB;
						m_State.left_right = positionLive.JoystickValue.InclineLR;
						m_State.rotate = positionLive.JoystickValue.Rotate;
						// Based on Observation of actual model	
						// getting joints angles
						// Normailising the joint angle (-180 to +180)
						m_State.shoulder_yaw.angle 		= Normalize( ((joint_info.Joint1) - 180.0) * Constants.DTR );
						m_State.shoulder_pitch.angle 	= Normalize( ((joint_info.Joint2) - 270.0) * Constants.DTR );
						m_State.elbow_pitch.angle 		= Normalize( ((joint_info.Joint3) - 90.0 ) * Constants.DTR );	
						m_State.elbow_roll.angle 		= Normalize( ((joint_info.Joint4) - 180.0) * Constants.DTR );
						m_State.wrist_roll.angle 		= Normalize( ((joint_info.Joint5) - 180.0) * Constants.DTR );
						m_State.hand_roll.angle 		= Normalize( ((joint_info.Joint6) - 260.0) * Constants.DTR );					
						// based on DH model provided by Kinova
						/*m_State.shoulder_yaw.angle 		= (180.0 - (joint_info.Joint1)) * Constants.DTR;
						m_State.shoulder_pitch.angle 	= ((joint_info.Joint2) - 270.0) * Constants.DTR;
						m_State.elbow_pitch.angle 		= (90.0 - (joint_info.Joint3))  * Constants.DTR;
						m_State.elbow_roll.angle 		= (180.0 - (joint_info.Joint4)) * Constants.DTR;
						m_State.wrist_roll.angle 		= (180.0 - (joint_info.Joint5)) * Constants.DTR;
						m_State.hand_roll.angle 		= (260.0 - (joint_info.Joint6)) * Constants.DTR;*/
						// getting joint current	
						current_info = m_Arm.ControlManager.GetCurrentAngularInfo();				
						m_State.current_joint_1 = current_info.Joint1;
						m_State.current_joint_2 = current_info.Joint2;
						m_State.current_joint_3 = current_info.Joint3;
						m_State.current_joint_4 = current_info.Joint4;
						m_State.current_joint_5 = current_info.Joint5;
						m_State.current_joint_6 = current_info.Joint6;
						// getting fingers angles
						m_State.finger_1.angle = (joint_info.Finger1) * Constants.DTR;
						m_State.finger_2.angle = (joint_info.Finger2) * Constants.DTR;
						m_State.finger_3.angle = (joint_info.Finger3) * Constants.DTR;
						// getting finger current					
						m_State.current_finger_1 = current_info.Finger1;
						m_State.current_finger_2 = current_info.Finger2;	
						m_State.current_finger_3 = current_info.Finger3;					
						// getting the pose
						// !!!  CAUTION !!!!
						// Jaco arm API is calculating the forward kinematics not fast enough or its not
                		// calculating at all...
						// todo: need to replace by jaco_arm_kinematics FK
						m_State.hand_position_x 	= pose_info.X ;
						m_State.hand_position_y  	= pose_info.Y ;
						m_State.hand_position_z  	= pose_info.Z ;
						m_State.hand_orientation_x 	= pose_info.ThetaX ;
						m_State.hand_orientation_y 	= pose_info.ThetaY ;
						m_State.hand_orientation_z 	= pose_info.ThetaZ ;
						// getting the trajectory info
						m_State.current_traj = trajectory_info.StillInFIFO;							
				catch (Exception ex)
	    			System.Console.WriteLine("EXCEPTION in JacoRefreshEncoder");
Пример #3
        static void Test()
            ///< \todo time

            CJacoGripper g  = _jaco.ConfigurationsManager.GetJacoGripperInfo();
            CJacoFinger  f1 = g.Fingers[CJacoGripper.FINGER_1];

            Console.WriteLine("Pos: " + f1.ActualPosition);
            Console.WriteLine("Current: " + f1.ActualCurrent);
            Console.WriteLine("AvgCur: " + f1.ActualAverageCurrent);
            Console.WriteLine("Force: " + f1.ActualForce);
            Console.WriteLine("Force: " + f1.MaxForce);
            Console.WriteLine("Speed: " + f1.ActualSpeed);
            Console.WriteLine("Accel: " + f1.ActualAcceleration);
            Console.WriteLine("Temp: " + f1.ActualTemperature);

            CCartesianInfo info = _jaco.ControlManager.GetForceCartesianInfo();

            System.Console.WriteLine("         Force X : " + info.X);
            System.Console.WriteLine("         Force Y : " + info.Y);
            System.Console.WriteLine("         Force Z : " + info.Z);
            System.Console.WriteLine("   Force Theta X : " + info.ThetaX);
            System.Console.WriteLine("   Force Theta Y : " + info.ThetaY);
            System.Console.WriteLine("   Force Theta Z : " + info.ThetaZ);
            System.Console.WriteLine(" Force Finger #1 : " + info.Finger1);
            System.Console.WriteLine(" Force Finger #2 : " + info.Finger2);
            System.Console.WriteLine(" Force Finger #3 : " + info.Finger3);

            CAngularInfo ang = _jaco.ControlManager.GetCurrentAngularInfo();

            System.Console.WriteLine("   Current Joint 1 : " + ang.Joint1);
            System.Console.WriteLine("   Current Joint 2 : " + ang.Joint2);
            System.Console.WriteLine("   Current Joint 3 : " + ang.Joint3);
            System.Console.WriteLine("   Current Joint 4 : " + ang.Joint4);
            System.Console.WriteLine("   Current Joint 5 : " + ang.Joint5);
            System.Console.WriteLine("   Current Joint 6 : " + ang.Joint6);
            System.Console.WriteLine(" Current Finger #1 : " + ang.Finger1);
            System.Console.WriteLine(" Current Finger #2 : " + ang.Finger2);
            System.Console.WriteLine(" Current Finger #3 : " + ang.Finger3);

            ang = _jaco.ControlManager.GetForceAngularInfo();
            System.Console.WriteLine("   Force Joint 1 : " + ang.Joint1);
            System.Console.WriteLine("   Force Joint 2 : " + ang.Joint2);
            System.Console.WriteLine("   Force Joint 3 : " + ang.Joint3);
            System.Console.WriteLine("   Force Joint 4 : " + ang.Joint4);
            System.Console.WriteLine("   Force Joint 5 : " + ang.Joint5);
            System.Console.WriteLine("   Force Joint 6 : " + ang.Joint6);
            System.Console.WriteLine(" Force Finger #1 : " + ang.Finger1);
            System.Console.WriteLine(" Force Finger #2 : " + ang.Finger2);
            System.Console.WriteLine(" Force Finger #3 : " + ang.Finger3);

            for (int i = 0; i < 37; i++)
                Console.Write(_data[i] + "  ");

            System.Console.WriteLine("Max Zones: " + CZoneList.NB_ZONE_MAX);