public void cameraComeBack( ) { if (camera_state == CAMERA_STATE.CAMERA_STATE_SCROLL) { camera_state = CAMERA_STATE.CAMERA_STATE_COME_BACK; } }
public override void onResume() { base.onResume(); State = CAMERA_STATE.IDLE; startBackgroundThread(); // initialize SCamera mSCamera = new SCamera(); try { mSCamera.initialize(this); } catch (SsdkUnsupportedException) { showAlertDialog("Fail to initialize SCamera.", true); return; } OrientationListener = true; if (!checkRequiredFeatures()) { return; } createUI(); openCamera(); }
// public Vector3 GetReleaseUpPositionInWorld() // { // return upPositionInWorldSpace; // } public void ResetCameraParams() { DragCameraX = 0; DragCameraY = 0; deltaX = deltaZ = 0; isDown = isPressed = isReleased = touch2FingerReleased = false; #if UNITY_EDITOR || UNITY_PLAYER || UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN || UNITY_METRO deltaX_mouse = deltaY_mouse = deltaZ_mouse = 0; touch2FingerDeltaX_mouse = touch2FingerDeltaY_mouse = 0; isDown_mouse = isPressed_mouse = isReleased_mouse = touch2FingerReleased_mouse = false; #endif #if UNITY_IPHONE || UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_WP8 || UNITY_METRO deltaX_touch = deltaY_touch = deltaZ_touch = 0; touch2FingerDeltaX_touch = touch2FingerDeltaY_touch = 0; isDown_touch = isPressed_touch = isReleased_touch = touch2FingerReleased_touch = false; touch3FingerDeltaX = 0; touch3FingerDeltaY = 0; touch3FingerReleased = false; #endif mCameraState = CAMERA_STATE.eIdle; }
public bool CheckState(CAMERA_STATE desiredState) { // Returns True if camera is in desired_state. var camStatus = GetCamStatus(); var state = (CAMERA_STATE)camStatus["state"]; return(state == desiredState); }
public void ExpectState(CAMERA_STATE anticipatedState) { var camStatus = GetCamStatus(); var state = (CAMERA_STATE)camStatus["state"]; if (state != anticipatedState) { Console.WriteLine($"Camera not in expected state: anticipated {GetTextState(anticipatedState)} != {GetTextState(state)}"); Environment.Exit(1); } }
/// <summary> /// Starts a preview. /// </summary> private void startPreview() { try { mSCameraSession.setRepeatingRequest(, mSessionCaptureCallback, mBackgroundHandler); mState = CAMERA_STATE.PREVIEW; } catch (CameraAccessException) { showAlertDialog("Fail to start preview.", true); } }
void Start() { m_CharacterTargetRot = gameObject.transform.rotation; m_CameraTargetRot = Camera.main.transform.rotation; smooth = false; cameraState = CAMERA_STATE.FREE_CAM; playerMove = gameObject.GetComponent <PlayerMove> (); inputState = CURRENT_INPUT.NONE; deltaX = 0f; deltaY = 0f; Application.targetFrameRate = 90; }
/// <summary> /// Starts a preview. /// </summary> private void startPreview() { try { // Starts displaying the preview. mSCameraSession.setRepeatingBurst(mRepeatingList, mSessionCaptureCallback, mBackgroundHandler); State = CAMERA_STATE.PREVIEW; } catch (CameraAccessException) { showAlertDialog("Fail to start preview.", true); } }
void come_back( ) { Vector3 c_to_p = _target.transform.position - _camera.transform.position; if (c_to_p.x > DRAW_RANGE) { _camera.transform.position = new Vector3( _camera.transform.position.x + ( float )0.5, _camera.transform.position.y, _camera.transform.position.z ); } else if (c_to_p.x < -DRAW_RANGE) { _camera.transform.position = new Vector3( _camera.transform.position.x - ( float )0.5, _camera.transform.position.y, _camera.transform.position.z ); } if (c_to_p.y > DRAW_RANGE) { _camera.transform.position = new Vector3( _camera.transform.position.x, _camera.transform.position.y + ( float )0.5, _camera.transform.position.z ); } else if (c_to_p.y < -DRAW_RANGE) { _camera.transform.position = new Vector3( _camera.transform.position.x, _camera.transform.position.y - ( float )0.5, _camera.transform.position.z ); } Vector3 m_to_c = _camera.transform.position - _map.transform.position; bool correct_x = c_to_p.x <DRAW_RANGE && c_to_p.x> -DRAW_RANGE; bool correct_y = c_to_p.y <DRAW_RANGE && c_to_p.y> -DRAW_RANGE; bool border_x = m_to_c.x <rec_x / 2 || m_to_c.x> _map_size.x - rec_x / 2; bool border_y = m_to_c.y <rec_y / 2 || m_to_c.y> _map_size.y - rec_y / 2; if ((correct_x && correct_y) || (border_x && correct_y) || (correct_x && border_y)) { camera_state = CAMERA_STATE.CAMERA_STATE_NORMAL; before_pos = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); } }
private void recordVideo() { lock (this) { State = CAMERA_STATE.RECORD_VIDEO; // UI mRecordButton.Text = [email protected]_title_stop; mVideoSpinner.Enabled = false; // Start recording mMediaRecorder.start(); mRecordingStartTime = DateTimeHelperClass.CurrentUnixTimeMillis(); } }
public void WaitForTransition(string label, CAMERA_STATE currentState, int timeout) { Console.WriteLine($" {label}"); while (CheckState(currentState) && timeout > 0) { timeout--; Console.WriteLine($" {GetStatusString()}"); Thread.Sleep(1000); } var camStatus = GetCamStatus(); var state = (CAMERA_STATE)camStatus["state"]; Console.WriteLine($" Transition complete - new state: {GetTextState(state)}"); }
/// <summary> /// Starts AF process by triggering <seealso cref=""/>. /// </summary> private void lockAF() { try { mState = CAMERA_STATE.WAIT_AF; isAFTriggered = false; mPreviewBuilder.set(SCaptureRequest.CONTROL_AF_TRIGGER, SCaptureRequest.CONTROL_AF_TRIGGER_START); mSCameraSession.capture(, new CaptureCallbackAnonymousInnerClassHelper(this), mBackgroundHandler); mPreviewBuilder.set(SCaptureRequest.CONTROL_AF_TRIGGER, SCaptureRequest.CONTROL_AF_TRIGGER_IDLE); } catch (CameraAccessException) { showAlertDialog("Fail to trigger AF", true); } }
/// <summary> /// Starts taking picture. /// </summary> private void startTakePicture() { runOnUiThread(() => { if (null != mPictureButton) { mPictureButton.Text = [email protected]_title_stop; } initPanoramaUI(); }); mPanoramaData.clearData(); mProcessor.start(); mState = CAMERA_STATE.TAKE_PICTURE; }
/// <summary> /// Starts AE/AWB lock by request <seealso cref=""/> and <seealso cref=""/>. /// </summary> private void lockAEAWB() { try { mState = CAMERA_STATE.WAIT_AEAWB_LOCK; mPreviewBuilder.set(SCaptureRequest.CONTROL_AE_LOCK, true); mPreviewBuilder.set(SCaptureRequest.CONTROL_AWB_LOCK, true); mSCameraSession.setRepeatingRequest(, mSessionCaptureCallback, mBackgroundHandler); isAEAWBLocked = true; } catch (CameraAccessException) { showAlertDialog("Fail to lock AE/AWB", true); } }
public override void onPause() { if (State == CAMERA_STATE.RECORD_VIDEO) { stopRecordVideo(true); } State = CAMERA_STATE.CLOSING; OrientationListener = false; stopBackgroundThread(); closeCamera(); base.onPause(); }
//Update() is called every frame (as often as possible) private void Update() { //Toggle Follow Target if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F) && Target) { State = (State == CAMERA_STATE.Follow) ? CAMERA_STATE.Scroll : CAMERA_STATE.Follow; } if (State == CAMERA_STATE.Follow && Target != null) { } else if (State == CAMERA_STATE.Scroll) { //Scroll Left/Right if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftArrow)) { Camera.main.transform.Translate(Vector3.right * -ScrollSpeed.x); } else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.D) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightArrow)) { Camera.main.transform.Translate(Vector3.right * ScrollSpeed.x); } //Scroll Up/Down if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.W) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.UpArrow)) { Camera.main.transform.Translate(Vector3.up * ScrollSpeed.y); } else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.S) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.DownArrow)) { Camera.main.transform.Translate(Vector3.up * -ScrollSpeed.y); } var scrollWheelDelta = Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel"); if (scrollWheelDelta > 0f) { Camera.main.transform.Translate(Vector3.forward * ScrollSpeed.z); } else if (scrollWheelDelta < 0f) { Camera.main.transform.Translate(Vector3.forward * -ScrollSpeed.z); } } }
private void MultishotCaptureVideo(CAMERA_STATE PostCaptureExpectedState, bool CancelDuringPostTriggerFill = false, string baseFilename = null) { // Example showing full pre-trigger buffer fill, trigger, save video capture process api.ExpectRunningState(); api.WaitForTransition("Waiting for pre-trigger buffer to fill", CAMERA_STATE.RUNNING, 10); api.ExpectState(CAMERA_STATE.RUNNING_PRETRIGGER_FULL); this.TriggerCamera(api, "Camera triggered, filling post-trigger buffer", baseFilename); Console.WriteLine($" Percentage pre-trigger buffer filled before trigger: {api.GetPretriggerFillLevel()}"); if (CancelDuringPostTriggerFill) { var status = api.Cancel(); Console.WriteLine($" Video captured canceled during post trigger fill: {status}"); Thread.Sleep(1000); api.ExpectRunningState(); return; } api.WaitForTransition("Waiting for post-trigger buffer to fill", CAMERA_STATE.TRIGGERED, 10); api.ExpectState(PostCaptureExpectedState); }
// Update is called once per frame // all control in building part // include: // camera control // building control // farmer control // if input is in UI state, prevent all controls from above void Update() { float _currTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; mDeltaTime = _currTime - mTimeAtLastFrame; mTimeAtLastFrame = _currTime; deltaX = deltaZ = 0; isDown = isPressed = isReleased = touch2FingerReleased = false; #if UNITY_EDITOR || UNITY_PLAYER || UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN || UNITY_METRO deltaX_mouse = deltaY_mouse = deltaZ_mouse = 0; touch2FingerDeltaX_mouse = touch2FingerDeltaY_mouse = 0; isDown_mouse = isPressed_mouse = isReleased_mouse = touch2FingerReleased_mouse = false; #endif #if UNITY_IPHONE || UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_WP8 || UNITY_METRO deltaX_touch = deltaY_touch = deltaZ_touch = 0; touch2FingerDeltaX_touch = touch2FingerDeltaY_touch = 0; isDown_touch = isPressed_touch = isReleased_touch = touch2FingerReleased_touch = false; touch3FingerDeltaX = 0; touch3FingerDeltaY = 0; touch2FingerDeltaAngle = 0; #endif #if UNITY_EDITOR || UNITY_PLAYER || UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN || UNITY_METRO // zoom in/out deltaY_mouse = Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel"); if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.PageUp)) { deltaY_mouse = -0.5f; } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.PageDown)) { deltaY_mouse = 0.5f; } if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { currentPosition_mouse = Input.mousePosition; downPosition_mouse = Input.mousePosition; touchMoveAway_mouse = false; this.setTouchMoveAway(false); isDown_mouse = true; //PandaUI.Instance.allowUserInput = false; } else if (Input.GetMouseButton(0)) { Vector3 deltaMouse = Input.mousePosition - currentPosition_mouse; deltaX_mouse = -deltaMouse.x; deltaZ_mouse = -deltaMouse.y; currentPosition_mouse = Input.mousePosition; if (Mathf.Abs(downPosition_mouse.x - currentPosition_mouse.x) > MOVE_DELTA || Mathf.Abs(downPosition_mouse.y - currentPosition_mouse.y) > MOVE_DELTA) { touchMoveAway_mouse = true; this.setTouchMoveAway(true); } isPressed_mouse = true; } else if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0)) { isReleased_mouse = true; releasePosition_mouse = Input.mousePosition; } else if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1)) { currentPosition2_mouse = Input.mousePosition; downPosition2_mouse = Input.mousePosition; touchMoveAway2_mouse = false; touch2Finger_mouse = true; //PandaUI.Instance.allowUserInput = false; } else if (Input.GetMouseButton(1)) { Vector3 deltaMouse = Input.mousePosition - currentPosition2_mouse; touch2FingerDeltaX_mouse = deltaMouse.x; touch2FingerDeltaY_mouse = deltaMouse.y; currentPosition2_mouse = Input.mousePosition; // if (Mathf.Abs(downPosition2_mouse.x - currentPosition2_mouse.x) > MOVE_DELTA || // Mathf.Abs(downPosition2_mouse.y - currentPosition2_mouse.y) > MOVE_DELTA ) // { // touchMoveAway2_mouse = true; // } } else if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(1)) { if (!touchMoveAway2_mouse) { touch2FingerReleased_mouse = true; } touch2Finger_mouse = false; } else if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(2)) { currentPosition3_mouse = Input.mousePosition; downPosition3_mouse = Input.mousePosition; touchMoveAway2_mouse = false; touch2Finger_mouse = true; } else if (Input.GetMouseButton(2)) { Vector3 deltaMouse = Input.mousePosition - currentPosition3_mouse; touch2FingerDeltaX_mouse = deltaMouse.x; touch2FingerDeltaY_mouse = deltaMouse.y; currentPosition3_mouse = Input.mousePosition; } else if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(2)) { if (!touchMoveAway2_mouse) { touch2FingerReleased_mouse = true; } touch2Finger_mouse = false; } else { currentPosition_mouse =; mCameraState = CAMERA_STATE.eIdle; touch2Finger_mouse = false; touchMoveAway_mouse = false; //PandaUI.Instance.allowUserInput = true; } #endif #if UNITY_EDITOR || UNITY_PLAYER || UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN deltaX = deltaX_mouse; deltaZ = deltaZ_mouse; isDown = isDown_mouse; isPressed = isPressed_mouse; isReleased = isReleased_mouse; touch2FingerReleased = touch2FingerReleased_mouse; downPosition = downPosition_mouse; currentPosition = currentPosition_mouse; releasePosition = releasePosition_mouse; touch2Finger = touch2Finger_mouse; #endif #if (UNITY_IPHONE || UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_WP8 || UNITY_METRO) && !UNITY_EDITOR int fingerCount = Input.touchCount; // camera move if (fingerCount == 1) { oldDistance_touch = 0; startTouch3Finger = false; if (!touch2Finger_touch && !touch3Finger) { isPressed_touch = true; if (Input.GetTouch(0).phase == TouchPhase.Began) { touchMoveAway_touch = false; this.setTouchMoveAway(false); downPosition_touch = Input.GetTouch(0).position; prePosition_touch =; currentPosition_touch = downPosition_touch; detailPosition_touch =; isDown_touch = true; isPressed_touch = false; // if(ReposHandlerX && ReposHandlerX.ReposNow){ReposHandlerX.Btn_ReposBuilding_release();} //PandaUI.Instance.allowUserInput = false; } if (Input.GetTouch(0).phase == TouchPhase.Moved) { deltaX_touch = -Input.GetTouch(0).position.x + currentPosition_touch.x; deltaZ_touch = -Input.GetTouch(0).position.y + currentPosition_touch.y; prePosition_touch = currentPosition_touch; currentPosition_touch = Input.GetTouch(0).position; detailPosition_touch = currentPosition_touch - prePosition_touch; if (Mathf.Abs(downPosition_touch.x - currentPosition_touch.x) > MOVE_DELTA || Mathf.Abs(downPosition_touch.y - currentPosition_touch.y) > MOVE_DELTA) { touchMoveAway_touch = true; this.setTouchMoveAway(true); } //print("touch move "+deltaX_touch +" "+deltaZ_touch); } if (Input.GetTouch(0).phase == TouchPhase.Ended) { isReleased_touch = true; isPressed_touch = false; releasePosition_touch = Input.GetTouch(0).position; // if(ReposHandlerX && ReposHandlerX.ReposNow){ReposHandlerX.Btn_ReposBuilding_release();} } } } // zoom in/out else if (fingerCount == 2) { touch2Finger_touch = true; if (touch3Finger) { touch2Finger_touch = false; } //print("2 touch move "); if (oldDistance_touch == 0) { touch2StartTime = _currTime; oldDistance_touch = Vector2.Distance(Input.GetTouch(0).position, Input.GetTouch(1).position); prePosition_touch =; currentPosition_touch = Input.GetTouch(0).position; detailPosition_touch =; currentPosition2_touch = Input.GetTouch(1).position; detailPosition2_touch =; downPosition_touch = currentPosition_touch; downPosition2_touch = currentPosition2_touch; touchMoveAway2_touch = false; } else { if (Input.GetTouch(0).phase == TouchPhase.Moved || Input.GetTouch(1).phase == TouchPhase.Moved) { if (_currTime - touch2StartTime > FINGER_2_JUDGE_TIME) { if (!touchMoveAway2_touch) { if ((Mathf.Abs(downPosition_touch.x - Input.GetTouch(0).position.x) > MOVE_DELTA || Mathf.Abs(downPosition_touch.y - Input.GetTouch(0).position.y) > MOVE_DELTA) || (Mathf.Abs(downPosition2_touch.x - Input.GetTouch(1).position.x) > MOVE_DELTA || Mathf.Abs(downPosition2_touch.y - Input.GetTouch(1).position.y) > MOVE_DELTA)) { touchMoveAway2_touch = true; } } prePosition_touch = currentPosition_touch; currentPosition_touch = Input.GetTouch(0).position; detailPosition_touch = currentPosition_touch - prePosition_touch; prePosition2_touch = currentPosition2_touch; currentPosition2_touch = Input.GetTouch(1).position; detailPosition2_touch = currentPosition2_touch - prePosition2_touch; // if (touchMoveAway2_touch) // { // if (!touch2TypeDecided) // { // //judge is room or rotate // touch2Zooming = false; // touch2Rotating = false; // touch2Angleing = false; // Vector3 newPos1 = Input.GetTouch(0).position; // Vector3 newPos2 = Input.GetTouch(1).position; // float angleChange_all = Vector3.Angle(newPos2 - newPos1 , downPosition2_touch - downPosition_touch); // float distanceChange = Vector3.Distance(newPos2 , newPos1) - Vector3.Distance(downPosition2_touch, downPosition_touch); // float distanceChangePercent = Mathf.Abs(distanceChange) / Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Distance(downPosition2_touch, downPosition_touch)); // // DebugUtils.LogTouch("angleChange_all "+angleChange_all); // if (distanceChangePercent >= FINGER_2_JUDGE_ZOOM_DISTANCE_CHANGE || angleChange_all <= FINGER_2_JUDGE_ZOOM_ANGLE_CHANGE) //if is zoom // { // float angleChange_cross = Vector3.Angle(newPos2 - downPosition2_touch , newPos1 - downPosition_touch); // if (angleChange_cross > 60) // if move different direction // { // if (distanceChangePercent >= FINGER_2_JUDGE_ZOOM_DISTANCE_CHANGE) // { // touch2Zooming = true; // touch2Rotating = false; // touch2TypeDecided = true; // // DebugUtils.LogTouch("decided touch2Zooming"); // } // else if (angleChange_all > FINGER_2_JUDGE_ZOOM_ANGLE_CHANGE) // { // touch2Rotating = true; // touch2Zooming = false; // touch2TypeDecided = true; // // DebugUtils.LogTouch("decided touch2Rotate 0"); // } // else // { // //waiting // } // } // else // { // touch2FingerSameDeltaY_touch = (newPos1.y - downPosition_touch.y + newPos2.y - downPosition2_touch.y)/2; // touch2Rotating = false; // touch2Angleing = true; // touch2Zooming = false; // touch2TypeDecided = true; // // DebugUtils.LogTouch("decided touch2Rotate 1"); // } // if (touch2TypeDecided) // { // mCameraState = CAMERA_STATE.eIdle; // prePosition_touch = currentPosition_touch; // currentPosition_touch = Input.GetTouch(0).position; // detailPosition_touch = currentPosition_touch - prePosition_touch; // prePosition2_touch = currentPosition2_touch; // currentPosition2_touch = Input.GetTouch(1).position; // detailPosition2_touch = currentPosition2_touch - prePosition2_touch; // } // } // if (angleChange_all > FINGER_2_JUDGE_ZOOM_ANGLE_CHANGE) // { // touch2Rotating = true; // touch2Angleing = false; // touch2TypeDecided = true; // // DebugUtils.LogTouch("decided touch2Rotate 3"); // prePosition_touch = currentPosition_touch; // currentPosition_touch = Input.GetTouch(0).position; // detailPosition_touch = currentPosition_touch - prePosition_touch; // prePosition2_touch = currentPosition2_touch; // currentPosition2_touch = Input.GetTouch(1).position; // detailPosition2_touch = currentPosition2_touch - prePosition2_touch; // } // } // else // { // if (touch2Zooming || mCameraState == CAMERA_STATE.eZooming) // { // //mCameraState = CAMERA_STATE.eZooming; // newDistance_touch = Vector2.Distance(Input.GetTouch(0).position, Input.GetTouch(1).position); // deltaY_touch = newDistance_touch - oldDistance_touch; // // DebugUtils.LogTouch("zooming deltaY "+deltaY_touch); // } // touch2FingerDeltaAngle = 0f; // if (touch2Rotating) // { // //mCameraState = CAMERA_STATE.eRotating; // // bool sameSide = false; // Vector3 newPos1 = Input.GetTouch(0).position; // Vector3 newPos2 = Input.GetTouch(1).position; // // float angleChange_cross = Vector3.Angle(newPos2 - currentPosition2_touch , newPos1 - currentPosition_touch); // // if (angleChange_cross < 90) // if move together at same side // // { // // sameSide = true; // // //caculate angels by screen center point // // Vector3 midlePoint = new Vector3(SCREEN_WIDTH/2, SCREEN_HEIGHT/2, currentPosition_touch.z); // // float angleChange_1 = SignAngle(currentPosition_touch - midlePoint, newPos1 - midlePoint ); // // float angleChange_2 = SignAngle(currentPosition2_touch - midlePoint, newPos2 - midlePoint ); // // touch2FingerDeltaAngle = (angleChange_1 + angleChange_2) / 2; // // // DebugUtils.LogTouch("1 same touch2FingerDeltaAngle "+touch2FingerDeltaAngle); // // } // // //judge by center point of two start point // // if (!sameSide) // // { // Vector3 midlePoint = new Vector3((currentPosition_touch.x + currentPosition2_touch.x)/2, // (currentPosition_touch.y + currentPosition2_touch.y)/2, // (currentPosition_touch.z + currentPosition2_touch.z)/2); // float angleChange_1 = SignAngle(currentPosition_touch - midlePoint, newPos1 - midlePoint); // float angleChange_2 = SignAngle(currentPosition2_touch - midlePoint, newPos2 - midlePoint); // if ( angleChange_1 * angleChange_2 > 0 ) // { // // sameSide = true; // touch2FingerDeltaAngle = SignAngle(currentPosition2_touch - currentPosition_touch, newPos2 - newPos1); // // int direction = touch2FingerDeltaAngle >= 0 ? 1: -1; // // touch2FingerDeltaAngle = FINGER_2_ROTATE_SPEED_PER_SECOND * direction * mDeltaTime; // // DebugUtils.LogTouch("2 same touch2FingerDeltaAngle "+touch2FingerDeltaAngle); // } // if((angleChange_1 == 0 && angleChange_2 != 0) || (angleChange_2 == 0 && angleChange_1 != 0)) //if one finger move, one stop // { // // sameSide = true; // if (angleChange_1 == 0) // touch2FingerDeltaAngle = SignAngle(currentPosition2_touch - currentPosition_touch, newPos2 - currentPosition_touch); // if (angleChange_2 == 0) // touch2FingerDeltaAngle = SignAngle(currentPosition_touch - currentPosition2_touch, newPos1 - currentPosition2_touch); // // int direction = touch2FingerDeltaAngle >= 0 ? 1: -1; // // touch2FingerDeltaAngle = FINGER_2_ROTATE_SPEED_PER_SECOND * direction * mDeltaTime; // // DebugUtils.LogTouch("3 one touch one stop touch2FingerDeltaAngle "+touch2FingerDeltaAngle); // } // if (angleChange_1 == 0 && angleChange_2 == 0) // { // touch2FingerDeltaAngle = 0; // // DebugUtils.LogTouch("2 finger all stop "); // } // } // //still not same direction, useless // // if (!sameSide) // // { // // // DebugUtils.LogTouch("not same direction, abandon"); // // touch2FingerDeltaAngle = 0; // // } // } // if(touch2Angleing) // { // mCameraState = CAMERA_STATE.eAngle; // } // touch2FingerDeltaAngle = -touch2FingerDeltaAngle; // prePosition_touch = currentPosition_touch; // currentPosition_touch = Input.GetTouch(0).position; // detailPosition_touch = currentPosition_touch - prePosition_touch; // prePosition2_touch = currentPosition2_touch; // currentPosition2_touch = Input.GetTouch(1).position; // detailPosition2_touch = currentPosition2_touch - prePosition2_touch; // } // } } } } } else { //print("no touch move "); if (touch2Finger_touch) { // if (!touchMoveAway2_touch) { touch2FingerReleased_touch = true; } } if (touch3Finger) { if (!touchMoveAway3) { touch3FingerReleased = true; } } startTouch3Finger = false; touch2Finger_touch = false; touch3Finger = false; this.setTouchMoveAway(false); touchMoveAway_touch = false; touchMoveAway2_touch = false; touchMoveAway3 = false; touch2TypeDecided = false; touch2Rotating = false; touch2Zooming = false; touch2Angleing = false; oldDistance_touch = 0; currentPosition_touch =; detailPosition_touch =; prePosition_touch =; touch3TypeDecided = false; touch3Rotating = false; touch3Pitching = false; mCameraState = CAMERA_STATE.eIdle; //PandaUI.Instance.allowUserInput = true; } #endif #if (UNITY_IPHONE || UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_WP8) && !UNITY_EDITOR deltaX = deltaX_touch; deltaZ = deltaZ_touch; isDown = isDown_touch; isPressed = isPressed_touch; isReleased = isReleased_touch; touch2FingerReleased = touch2FingerReleased_touch; downPosition = downPosition_touch; currentPosition = currentPosition_touch; releasePosition = releasePosition_touch; touch2Finger = touch2Finger_touch; this.setTouchMoveAway(touchMoveAway_touch); #endif #if UNITY_METRO // Determine isDown from touch OR mouse isDown = isDown_touch || isDown_mouse; if (isDown_touch) { downPosition = downPosition_touch; } else if (isDown_mouse) { downPosition = downPosition_mouse; } // Determine touchMoveAway from touch OR mouse this.setTouchMoveAway(touchMoveAway_touch || touchMoveAway_mouse); if (touchMoveAway_touch) { deltaX = deltaX_touch; deltaZ = deltaZ_touch; } else if (touchMoveAway_mouse) { deltaX = deltaX_mouse; deltaZ = deltaZ_mouse; } currentPosition = currentPosition_mouse; #if !UNITY_EDITOR // Override position with touch position if there were touches. if (fingerCount > 0) { currentPosition = currentPosition_touch; } #endif // Determine isReleased from touch OR mouse isReleased = isReleased_touch || isReleased_mouse; if (isReleased_touch) { releasePosition = releasePosition_touch; } else if (isReleased_mouse) { releasePosition = releasePosition_mouse; } // Determine isPressed from touch OR mouse isPressed = isPressed_mouse || isPressed_touch; touch2Finger = touch2Finger_mouse || touch2Finger_touch; touch2FingerReleased = touch2FingerReleased_mouse || touch2FingerReleased_touch; #endif if (isDown) { downPositionInScreen = currentPosition; downPositionInWorldSpace = bCamera.transform.position; // RaycastHit hit; // Ray ray = mCurCamera.ScreenPointToRay (currentPosition); // if (Physics.Raycast (ray, out hit, Mathf.Infinity, 1 << Consts.CAMERA_MOVE_LAYER)) // { // downPositionInWorldSpace = hit.point; // } } // if(UI_Event.sIsEvent) // { // UI_Event.sIsEvent = false; // // Debug.Log("is ui event"); // return; // } // if(!ForcsOnUI) // { // if(BuildingManager.instance.mCurrentBuildingControl == null && !RoadManager.instance.mInputLock) // { // ControlCamera(); // } // if(!RoadManager.instance.mInputLock) // ControlBuilding(); // ControlBuildRoadConstruction(); // } // unset wasDragged if we have finished processing isReleased during this update. if (isReleased && wasDragged) { wasDragged = false; } //Debug.LogError("ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc"); }
public override void onPause() { State = CAMERA_STATE.CLOSING; OrientationListener = false; stopBackgroundThread(); deinitProcessor(); closeCamera(); base.onPause(); }
public static CAMERA_STATE CameraGetState() { var ret = new CAMERA_STATE(); ret.x = Mem.ReadFloat(CAMERA_X); ret.y = Mem.ReadFloat(CAMERA_Y); ret.z = Mem.ReadFloat(CAMERA_Z); return ret; }
public override void onResume() { base.onResume(); State = CAMERA_STATE.IDLE; startBackgroundThread(); // initialize SCamera mSCamera = new SCamera(); try { mSCamera.initialize(this); } catch (SsdkUnsupportedException) { showAlertDialog("Fail to initialize SCamera.", true); return; } OrientationListener = true; if (!checkRequiredFeatures()) { return; } createProcessor(); createUI(); openCamera(); }
public static void CameraSetState(CAMERA_STATE State) { Mem.WriteFloat(CAMERA_X, State.x); Mem.WriteFloat(CAMERA_Y, State.y); Mem.WriteFloat(CAMERA_Z, State.z); }
public override void onPause() { State = CAMERA_STATE.CLOSING; if (mSettingDialog != null) { mSettingDialog.dismiss(); mSettingDialog = null; } OrientationListener = false; stopBackgroundThread(); closeCamera(); mSCamera = null; base.onPause(); }
// Update is called once per frame void FixedUpdate() { //リザルト画面で処理されないようにする if (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name == "Main" || SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name == "MatchingRoom") { if (photonView.isMine) { //相手からの攻撃(ロケットパンチ)に当たっていない場合に処理 if (punchHit.PunchHitFlag == false) { //カメラの操作用関数 CameraOperation(); //カメラの状態の切り替え switch (cameraState) { case CAMERA_STATE.NORMAL: //通常状態のカメラ //カメラの位置をある程度離しておく DistanceToPlayer = 3f; //カメラの位置はプレイヤーを中心に据える SlideDistanceM = 0.0f; //照準モードではないのでターゲットカーソルは非表示にする TargetCursor.gameObject.SetActive(false); //構えのモーションを止めて通常の状態に戻す anim.SetBool("Aim", false); //状態の切り替え //PS4コントローラー操作------------------------------------------------------- if (Input.GetButton("R_Button")) { if (ButtonPushFlag == false) { cameraState = CAMERA_STATE.AIM; ButtonPushFlag = true; } } else { ButtonPushFlag = false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //キーボード操作-------------------------------------------------------------- if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) { cameraState = CAMERA_STATE.AIM; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- break; case CAMERA_STATE.AIM: //照準モード //照準を合わせるモードなのでカメラをプレイヤーの近くに移動 DistanceToPlayer = 0.0f; //カメラを右に少しずらす SlideDistanceM = 0.1f; //照準モードなのでターゲットカーソルを表示 TargetCursor.gameObject.SetActive(true); //構えのモーションを再生 anim.SetBool("Aim", true); //状態の切り替え //PS4コントローラー操作------------------------------------------------------- if (Input.GetButton("R_Button")) { if (ButtonPushFlag == false) { cameraState = CAMERA_STATE.NORMAL; ButtonPushFlag = true; } } else { ButtonPushFlag = false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //キーボード操作-------------------------------------------------------------- if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) { cameraState = CAMERA_STATE.NORMAL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- break; } } //カメラの状態がAIMだった場合に処理 if (cameraState == CAMERA_STATE.AIM) { //攻撃を受けたらカメラの状態を通常状態に戻す if (punchHit.PunchHitFlag == true) { cameraState = CAMERA_STATE.NORMAL; } } } } else { if (photonView.isMine) { cameraTransform = Camera.main.transform; //カメラの横回転のための変数 var rotX = 0.0f; //カメラの上下方向変換用の変数 var rotY = 0.0f; var lookAt = gameObject.transform.position + Vector3.up * HeightM; //回転 cameraTransform.RotateAround(lookAt, Vector3.up, rotX); //カメラがプレイヤーの真上や真下にある時にそれ以上回転させないようにする if (cameraTransform.forward.y > 0.9f && rotY < 0) { rotY = 0; } if (cameraTransform.forward.y < -0.9f && rotY > 0) { rotY = 0; } cameraTransform.transform.RotateAround(lookAt, cameraTransform.transform.right, rotY); //カメラとプレイヤーとの間の距離を調整 cameraTransform.transform.position = lookAt - cameraTransform.transform.forward * DistanceToPlayer; //注視点の設定 cameraTransform.transform.LookAt(lookAt); //カメラを横にずらして中央を開ける cameraTransform.transform.position = cameraTransform.transform.position + cameraTransform.transform.right * SlideDistanceM; } } }
/// <summary> /// Stops taking picture. /// </summary> private void stopTakePicture() { mState = CAMERA_STATE.PROCESSING; mProcessor.stop(); }
public void LockCamera() { _state = CAMERA_STATE.LOCKED; }
/// <summary> /// Take picture. /// </summary> private void takePicture() { if (State == CAMERA_STATE.CLOSING) { return; } try { // Sets orientation mCaptureBuilder.set(SCaptureRequest.JPEG_ORIENTATION, JpegOrientation); if (mImageFormat == ImageFormat.JPEG) { mCaptureBuilder.addTarget(mJpegReader.Surface); } else { mCaptureBuilder.addTarget(mRawReader.Surface); } mSCameraSession.capture(, new CaptureCallbackAnonymousInnerClassHelper5(this), mBackgroundHandler); if (mImageFormat == ImageFormat.JPEG) { mCaptureBuilder.removeTarget(mJpegReader.Surface); } else { mCaptureBuilder.removeTarget(mRawReader.Surface); } State = CAMERA_STATE.TAKE_PICTURE; } catch (CameraAccessException) { showAlertDialog("Fail to start preview.", true); } }
private void lockAE() { try { mPreviewBuilder.set(SCaptureRequest.CONTROL_AE_LOCK, true); mSCameraSession.setRepeatingRequest(, mSessionCaptureCallback, mBackgroundHandler); State = CAMERA_STATE.WAIT_AE_LOCK; } catch (CameraAccessException) { showAlertDialog("Fail to lock AE", true); } }
/// <summary> /// Unlock AF. /// </summary> private void unlockAF() { // If we send TRIGGER_CANCEL. Lens move to its default position. This results in bad user experience. if (mPreviewBuilder.get(SCaptureRequest.CONTROL_AF_MODE) == SCaptureRequest.CONTROL_AF_MODE_AUTO || mPreviewBuilder.get(SCaptureRequest.CONTROL_AF_MODE) == SCaptureRequest.CONTROL_AF_MODE_MACRO) { State = CAMERA_STATE.PREVIEW; return; } // Triggers CONTROL_AF_TRIGGER_CANCEL to return to initial AF state. try { mPreviewBuilder.set(SCaptureRequest.CONTROL_AF_TRIGGER, SCaptureRequest.CONTROL_AF_TRIGGER_CANCEL); mSCameraSession.capture(, new CaptureCallbackAnonymousInnerClassHelper3(this), mBackgroundHandler); mPreviewBuilder.set(SCaptureRequest.CONTROL_AF_TRIGGER, SCaptureRequest.CONTROL_AF_TRIGGER_IDLE); } catch (CameraAccessException) { showAlertDialog("Fail to cancel AF", false); } }
public void cameraRelease( ) { camera_state = stop_state; }
/// <summary> /// Starts a preview. /// </summary> private void startPreview() { lock (this) { if (mSCameraSession == null) { return; } try { // Starts displaying the preview. mSCameraSession.setRepeatingRequest(, mSessionCaptureCallback, mBackgroundHandler); State = CAMERA_STATE.PREVIEW; } catch (CameraAccessException) { showAlertDialog("Fail to start preview.", true); } } }
public override void onResume() { base.onResume(); State = CAMERA_STATE.IDLE; startBackgroundThread(); // initialize SCamera mSCamera = new SCamera(); try { mSCamera.initialize(this); } catch (SsdkUnsupportedException) { showAlertDialog("Fail to initialize SCamera.", true); return; } mCaptureResultQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<SCaptureResult>(); OrientationListener = true; createUI(); checkRequiredFeatures(); openCamera(mLensFacing); }
public string GetTextState(CAMERA_STATE state) { return(TextStateLookup.ContainsKey(state) ? TextStateLookup[state] : "Logic error - unknown state"); }
/// <summary> /// Starts AF process by triggering <seealso cref=""/>. /// </summary> private void lockAF() { try { State = CAMERA_STATE.WAIT_AF; isAFTriggered = false; // Set AF trigger to SCaptureRequest.Builder mPreviewBuilder.set(SCaptureRequest.CONTROL_AF_TRIGGER, SCaptureRequest.CONTROL_AF_TRIGGER_START); // App should send AF triggered request for only a single capture. mSCameraSession.capture(, new CaptureCallbackAnonymousInnerClassHelper(this), mBackgroundHandler); mPreviewBuilder.set(SCaptureRequest.CONTROL_AF_TRIGGER, SCaptureRequest.CONTROL_AF_TRIGGER_IDLE); } catch (CameraAccessException) { showAlertDialog("Fail to trigger AF", true); } }
void ControlCamera() { if (enableCamera && bCamera) { // Check for Camera MOVING. if ((deltaX != 0 || deltaZ != 0) && (mCameraState == CAMERA_STATE.eIdle || mCameraState == CAMERA_STATE.eMoving || mCameraState == CAMERA_STATE.ePressingBuilding)) { //Debug.LogError("mCameraState " + mCameraState); if (mCameraState == CAMERA_STATE.eIdle) { mCameraState = CAMERA_STATE.eMoving; } Vector3 move_position = (downPositionInScreen - currentPosition) * 60f; move_position.x = move_position.x / Screen.width; move_position.y = move_position.y / Screen.height; //Debug.Log("move_position " + move_position); bCamera.MoveEx(downPositionInWorldSpace, move_position.x, move_position.y); // // if camera move, the touch position should always point to "downPositionInWorldSpace" // RaycastHit hit; // Vector3 currentPointInWorldSpace = downPositionInWorldSpace; // Ray ray = mCurCamera.ScreenPointToRay (currentPosition); // if (Physics.Raycast (ray, out hit, Mathf.Infinity, 1 << Consts.CAMERA_MOVE_LAYER)) // { // currentPointInWorldSpace = hit.point; // } // bCamera.Move(downPositionInWorldSpace.x - currentPointInWorldSpace.x, downPositionInWorldSpace.z - currentPointInWorldSpace.z); // // bCamera.Move((downPosition.x - currentPosition.x)*Time.deltaTime, (downPosition.y - currentPosition.y)*Time.deltaTime); } #if UNITY_EDITOR || UNITY_PLAYER || UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN else if (touch2Finger_mouse) { if (Input.GetMouseButton(2) && (mCameraState == CAMERA_STATE.eIdle || mCameraState == CAMERA_STATE.eAngle)) { mCameraState = CAMERA_STATE.eAngle; bCamera.RotateX(touch2FingerDeltaY_mouse); } else if (touch2FingerDeltaX_mouse != 0 || touch2FingerDeltaY_mouse != 0) { //downPosition2_mouse mCameraState = CAMERA_STATE.eRotating; { bCamera.RotateY(touch2FingerDeltaX_mouse); //float dy = -Mathf.Sign(touch2FingerDeltaY_mouse)*20f; bCamera.ZoomEx(touch2FingerDeltaY_mouse); //bCamera.Rotate(0, touch2FingerDeltaY_mouse/ SCREEN_HEIGHT, 50); } } } #endif #if UNITY_IPHONE || UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_WP8 || UNITY_METRO else if (touch2Finger_touch && touchMoveAway2_touch) { Vector3 newPos1 = currentPosition_touch; Vector3 newPos2 = currentPosition2_touch; GMath.LinePointSide side1 = GMath.CheckLinePointSide(downPosition_touch, downPosition2_touch, newPos1); GMath.LinePointSide side2 = GMath.CheckLinePointSide(downPosition_touch, downPosition2_touch, newPos2); float point_distance = Mathf.Abs((newPos1 - downPosition_touch).y + (newPos2 - downPosition2_touch).y) / Screen.height / 2f; // float distance_x = Mathf.Abs(Mathf.Abs((downPosition_touch - downPosition2_touch).x) - Mathf.Abs((newPos1 - newPos2).x))/Screen.width; float distance_x = ((downPosition_touch - downPosition2_touch).magnitude - (newPos1 - newPos2).magnitude) / Screen.width; Vector3 tmpv1 = downPosition_touch - downPosition2_touch; Vector3 tmpv2 = newPos1 - newPos2; float tmp_detail_angle = Vector3.SignedAngle(tmpv1, tmpv2, Vector2.right); // Debug.Log("distance_x " + distance_x + " distance_y " + distance_y // + " point_distance " + point_distance + " mCameraState " + mCameraState); if ((point_distance > 0.1f && mCameraState == CAMERA_STATE.eIdle && side1 != GMath.LinePointSide.ON_LINE && side1 == side2) || mCameraState == CAMERA_STATE.eAngle) { mCameraState = CAMERA_STATE.eAngle; float detail_distance = (detailPosition_touch.y + detailPosition2_touch.y) / 2f; // Debug.Log("detail_distance " + detail_distance); bCamera.RotateX(detail_distance * Time.unscaledDeltaTime); } else if (((tmp_detail_angle > 3f || Mathf.Abs(distance_x) > 0.06f) && mCameraState == CAMERA_STATE.eIdle) || (mCameraState == CAMERA_STATE.eRotating)) { mCameraState = CAMERA_STATE.eRotating; float detail_x = ((prePosition_touch - prePosition2_touch).magnitude - (newPos1 - newPos2).magnitude) / Screen.width; // float detail_x = distance_x * 1f; Vector3 v1 = prePosition_touch - prePosition2_touch; Vector3 v2 = newPos1 - newPos2; float detail_angle = Vector3.SignedAngle(v1, v2, Vector2.right); float cross_product = GMath.LineCrossProduct(v1, v2); if (cross_product < 0) { detail_angle *= -1f; } // Debug.Log("detail_x " + detail_x); // Debug.Log("detail_angle " + detail_angle); bCamera.RotateY(detail_angle * Time.unscaledDeltaTime * 50f); bCamera.ZoomEx(detail_x * Time.unscaledDeltaTime * 3500f); } } #endif // // rotate to default rotation // else if ((touch2FingerReleased) && mCameraState == CAMERA_STATE.eIdle ) // { // bCamera.RotateBack(); // } // no input and move else if (touch2FingerReleased) { bCamera.FinishFinger2Touch(); //bCamera.SmoothStop(); } else if (isReleased) { bCamera.FinishMove(); } else if (!isPressed && !isDown && !touch2Finger) { //hasInput = false; } } }
public void UnLockCamera() { _state = CAMERA_STATE.CANMOVE; }
public void cameraStop( ) { stop_state = camera_state; camera_state = CAMERA_STATE.CAMERA_STATE_STOP; }
public void FollowTarget(GameObject target) { Target = target; State = CAMERA_STATE.Follow; }
// Update is called once per frame void Update( ) { Vector3 truth_pos = Input.mousePosition; Vector3 mouse_pos = _camera.ScreenToWorldPoint(truth_pos); //マウス操作 bool th = Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Mouse0); bool push = Input.GetMouseButton(0); //タッチ操作 // th = ( 0 != Input.touchCount ); // if (th) { // mouse_pos = _camera.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.touches[0].deltaPosition); // } if (_map_size.x > STANDARD_X || _map_size.y > STANDARD_Y) { if (th && (-3 < mouse_pos.y - _camera.transform.position.y && !(mouse_pos.y - _camera.transform.position.y > 3 && mouse_pos.x - _camera.transform.position.x < -5)) && camera_state == CAMERA_STATE.CAMERA_STATE_NORMAL) { camera_state = CAMERA_STATE.CAMERA_STATE_SCROLL; } } if (th) { Debug.Log(mouse_pos - _camera.transform.position); } if (camera_state == CAMERA_STATE.CAMERA_STATE_NORMAL) { _target.GetComponent <Player> ( ).setOperatable(true); } else { _target.GetComponent <Player> ( ).setOperatable(false); } if (_target.GetComponent <Player>( ).getEnd( )) { return; } switch (camera_state) { case CAMERA_STATE.CAMERA_STATE_NORMAL: normal( ); break; case CAMERA_STATE.CAMERA_STATE_SCROLL: if (push) { scroll(mouse_pos); } else { before_pos = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); if (scroll_range != new Vector3(0, 0, 0)) { inertia( ); } } break; case CAMERA_STATE.CAMERA_STATE_COME_BACK: come_back( ); break; case CAMERA_STATE.CAMERA_STATE_STOP: break; default: break; } Vector3 m_to_c = _camera.transform.position - _map.transform.position; if (m_to_c.x < rec_x / 2) { _camera.transform.position = new Vector3( _map.transform.position.x + rec_x / 2, _camera.transform.position.y, _camera.transform.position.z ); } else if (m_to_c.x > _map_size.x - rec_x / 2) { _camera.transform.position = new Vector3( _map.transform.position.x + (_map_size.x - rec_x / 2), _camera.transform.position.y, _camera.transform.position.z ); } if (m_to_c.y < rec_y / 2) { _camera.transform.position = new Vector3( _camera.transform.position.x, _map.transform.position.y + rec_y / 2, _camera.transform.position.z ); } else if (m_to_c.y > _map_size.y - rec_y / 2) { _camera.transform.position = new Vector3( _camera.transform.position.x, _map.transform.position.y + (_map_size.y - rec_y / 2), _camera.transform.position.z ); } }
/// <summary> /// Take picture. /// </summary> private void takePicture() { if (State == CAMERA_STATE.CLOSING) { return; } try { clearInputImages(); // Sets orientation mCaptureBuilder.set(SCaptureRequest.JPEG_ORIENTATION, JpegOrientation); // Make a list of capture request to capture multi input images IList<SCaptureRequest> captureRequestList = new List<SCaptureRequest>(); for (int count = 0; count < mProcessor.Parameters.get(SCameraLowLightProcessor.MULTI_INPUT_COUNT_RANGE).Upper; count++) { captureRequestList.Add(; } // Use captureBurst to take multi input images. Low light processor needs multi input images to produce low light enhancement image, mSCameraSession.captureBurst(captureRequestList, new CaptureCallbackAnonymousInnerClassHelper5(this), mBackgroundHandler); State = CAMERA_STATE.TAKE_PICTURE; } catch (CameraAccessException) { showAlertDialog("Fail to start preview.", true); } }