Пример #1
        private void Com3Comports()
            var card = new C3com3(1, ProAvControlSystem.ControlSystem);

            foreach (var comport in card.ComPorts)
            ControlSystem.ExpansionCard = card;
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// ControlSystem Constructor. Starting point for the SIMPL#Pro program.
        /// Use the constructor to:
        /// * Initialize the maximum number of threads (max = 400)
        /// * Register devices
        /// * Register event handlers
        /// * Add Console Commands
        /// Please be aware that the constructor needs to exit quickly; if it doesn't
        /// exit in time, the SIMPL#Pro program will exit.
        /// You cannot send / receive data in the constructor
        /// </summary>
        public ControlSystem()
            : base()
                Thread.MaxNumberOfUserThreads = 20;

                //Is the cardframe object already instantiated?
                if (myCenCi33 == null)
                    //The cardframe object is not instantiated.
                    //Instantiate the cardframe object for use with our processor using IP-ID 08.
                    myCenCi33 = new CenCi33(0x08, this);

                    //Define an event handler for changes in the ether online state of the cardframe.
                    myCenCi33.OnlineStatusChange += new OnlineStatusChangeEventHandler(myCenCi33_OnlineStatusChange);

                    //Register the cardframe.
                    if (myCenCi33.Register() != eDeviceRegistrationUnRegistrationResponse.Success)
                        //Registration of the cardframe failed.
                        //Output the reason to the console and set the cardframe object to null.
                        CrestronConsole.PrintLine(String.Format("Failed to register Cen-Ci3-3 -- {0}", myCenCi33.RegistrationFailureReason));
                        myCenCi33 = null;
                        //Registration of the cardframe was successful.
                        //Check to see if the installed C3COM-3 card object is instantiated.
                        if (myC3com3 == null)
                            //The com card object is not instantiated.
                            //Instantiate the com card object as a member of the cardframe in slot 3.
                            myC3com3 = new C3com3(0x03, myCenCi33);

                            //Define an event handler for changes in the online state of the com card.
                            myC3com3.OnlineStatusChange += new OnlineStatusChangeEventHandler(myC3com3_OnlineStatusChange);

                            //Check to see if the com ports collection is instantiated.
                            if (myC3coms == null)
                                //The com ports collection is not instantiated.
                                //Instantiate the com ports collection.
                                myC3coms = new List <ComPort>();

                                //Loop through the com card's available com ports,
                                //set their specs and register them.
                                foreach (ComPort com in myC3com3.ComPorts)
                                    //Set the specs --> Baud, Data bits, Parity, Stop bits, Protocol type, Hardware handshaking, and Software handshaking.
                                        ComPort.eComSoftwareHandshakeType.ComspecSoftwareHandshakeNone, false

                                    //Register the port
                                    if (com.Register() != eDeviceRegistrationUnRegistrationResponse.Success)
                                        //Registration of the com port failed.
                                        //Output the reason to the console.
                                        CrestronConsole.PrintLine(String.Format("Failed to register ComPort {0} -- {1}", com.ID, com.DeviceRegistrationFailureReason));
                                        //Registration of the com port succeeded.
                                        //Output the ID to the console.
                                        CrestronConsole.PrintLine(String.Format("Successfully registered ComPort {0}", com.ID));

                                    //Add the com port object to the com ports collection.

                            //Register the com card object.
                            if (myC3com3.Register() != eDeviceRegistrationUnRegistrationResponse.Success)
                                //Registration of the com card object failed.
                                //Output the reason to the console and set the object to null.
                                CrestronConsole.PrintLine(String.Format("Failed to register C3com3 -- {0}", myC3com3.RegistrationFailureReason));
                                myC3com3 = null;

                //Subscribe to the controller events (System, Program, and Ethernet)
                CrestronEnvironment.SystemEventHandler        += new SystemEventHandler(ControlSystem_ControllerSystemEventHandler);
                CrestronEnvironment.ProgramStatusEventHandler += new ProgramStatusEventHandler(ControlSystem_ControllerProgramEventHandler);
                CrestronEnvironment.EthernetEventHandler      += new EthernetEventHandler(ControlSystem_ControllerEthernetEventHandler);
            catch (Exception e)
                ErrorLog.Error("Error in the constructor: {0}", e.Message);