Наследование: IA, IB
Пример #1
 protected void c1Upload1_ValidatingFile(object sender, C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.C1Upload.ValidateFileEventArgs e)
     if (e.IsValid)
         this.TextBox1.Text += e.UploadedFile.FileName + Environment.NewLine;
         this.TextBox2.Text += e.UploadedFile.FileName + Environment.NewLine;
Пример #2
 private void grid_AutoGeneratingColumn(object sender, C1.WPF.DataGrid.DataGridAutoGeneratingColumnEventArgs e)
     if (e.Property.Name == "CountryId")
         _colCountry.DisplayMemberPath = "Name";
         _colCountry.SelectedValuePath = "Id";
         _colCountry.SortMemberPath = "CountryId";
         _colCountry.FilterMemberPath = "CountryId";
         _colCountry.Header = "Country";
         _colCountry.Binding = new Binding() { Path = new PropertyPath("CountryId"), Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay };
         _colCountry.ItemsSource = Country.AllCountries;
         e.Column = _colCountry;
     else if (e.Property.Name == "RegionId")
         _colRegion.DisplayMemberPath = "Name";
         _colRegion.SelectedValuePath = "Id";
         _colRegion.SortMemberPath = "RegionId";
         _colRegion.FilterMemberPath = "RegionId";
         _colRegion.Header = "Region";
         _colRegion.Binding = new Binding() { Path = new PropertyPath("RegionId"), Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay };
         _colRegion.ItemsSource = Region.AllRegions;
         e.Column = _colRegion;
Пример #3
        private void c1TrueDBGridTimeForAlarm_FetchRowStyle_1(object sender, C1.Win.C1TrueDBGrid.FetchRowStyleEventArgs e)
            C1.Win.C1TrueDBGrid.C1TrueDBGrid tdbgrid = sender as C1.Win.C1TrueDBGrid.C1TrueDBGrid;

            C1.Win.C1TrueDBGrid.Style S = new C1.Win.C1TrueDBGrid.Style();
            Font myfont;
            myfont = new Font(S.Font, FontStyle.Bold);
            S.Font = myfont;
                // Warning
                if ((bool)tdbgrid[e.Row, "TimeWarningOn"] )
                //    tdbgrid.Columns["TimeWarningOn"].ValueItems.Translate = true;
               //     tdbgrid.Columns["TimeAlarmOn"].ValueItems.Presentation = C1.Win.C1TrueDBGrid.PresentationEnum.Normal;
                    e.CellStyle.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Orange;
                    e.CellStyle.Alpha = 100;
                // Alarm
                if ((bool)tdbgrid[e.Row, "TimeAlarmOn"] )
                    e.CellStyle.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
                    e.CellStyle.Alpha = 100;
                  //  e.CellStyle.Font = myfont;
                    if (tdbgrid.Columns["TimeAlarmOn"].Caption == "TimeAlarmOn")
                      //  tdbgrid.Columns["TimeAlarmOn"].ValueItems.Translate = true;
                     //   tdbgrid.Columns["TimeAlarmOn"].ValueItems.Presentation = C1.Win.C1TrueDBGrid.PresentationEnum.Normal;
                      //  e.CellStyle.ForegroundImage = imageList1.Images[0];

            catch { }
        public void SetIndexesTests()
            dynamic mocks = new MockBuilder();

            C1 key1 = new C1(), val1 = new C1();
            C2 key2 = new C2(), val2 = new C2();
            C1 key3 = null, val3 = null;
            mocks[key1, 33] = val1;
            mocks[key2, 55] = val2;
            mocks[key3, 66] = val3;

            mocks["hello"] = new { };
            mocks["goodbye"] = 989898;

            var copiled = COMPILER.Compile(typeof(SetIndexes));
            var subject = (SetIndexes)
                    .Invoke(new object[] { new ObjectBase(new DxSettings { TestForInvalidMocks = false }, mocks) });

            Assert.AreEqual(subject.Get1(key1, 33), val1);
            Assert.AreEqual(subject.Get1(key2, 55), val2);
            Assert.AreEqual(subject.Get1(key3, 66), val3);

            Assert.AreEqual(subject["goodbye"], 989898);
Пример #5
 private void C1VectorLayer_UriSourceFailed(object sender, C1.WPF.Maps.C1VectorLayer.UriSourceFailedEventArgs e)
     Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action( () =>
     txt.Text = "Can't load data";
Пример #6
        private void c1TrueDBGridTimeForAlarm_FetchCellStyle(object sender, C1.Win.C1TrueDBGrid.FetchCellStyleEventArgs e)
            C1.Win.C1TrueDBGrid.C1TrueDBGrid tdbgrid = sender as C1.Win.C1TrueDBGrid.C1TrueDBGrid;

            if ((bool)tdbgrid[e.Row, "TimeWarningOn"])
                e.CellStyle.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Orange;
                e.CellStyle.Alpha = 100;
                //  e.CellStyle.Font = myfont;
                if (e.Col == 1 )
                    tdbgrid.Columns["TimeAlarmOn"].ValueItems.Translate = true;
                    tdbgrid.Columns["TimeAlarmOn"].ValueItems.Presentation = C1.Win.C1TrueDBGrid.PresentationEnum.Normal;
                    e.CellStyle.ForegroundImage = imageList1.Images[1];

            if ((bool)tdbgrid[e.Row, "TimeAlarmOn"])
                e.CellStyle.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
                e.CellStyle.Alpha = 100;
                //  e.CellStyle.Font = myfont;
                if ( e.Col==1)
                    tdbgrid.Columns["TimeAlarmOn"].ValueItems.Translate = true;
                    tdbgrid.Columns["TimeAlarmOn"].ValueItems.Presentation = C1.Win.C1TrueDBGrid.PresentationEnum.Normal;
                    e.CellStyle.ForegroundImage = imageList1.Images[0];

Пример #7
        private void ValidateExtension(C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.C1Upload.ValidateFileEventArgs e, string ext)
            if (e.IsValid) return;

            if (string.Compare(e.UploadedFile.Extension, ext, true) == 0)
                e.IsValid = true;
Пример #8
        private void c1TrueDBGrid2_AfterColUpdate(object sender, C1.Win.C1TrueDBGrid.ColEventArgs e)

            // if (e.ColIndex == 0)
            // {
            // }
Пример #9
 private void C1DataGrid_LoadedRowDetailsPresenter(object sender, C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.DataGridRowDetailsEventArgs e)
     if (userStatisticViewModel.SelectedQuizResult == null)
     e.DetailsElement.DataContext = new AnswersStatisticViewModel(
         (e.Row.DataItem as MRZS.Web.Models.QuestionLog).Id,
Пример #10
 public static void ClearDataInGrid(C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.C1FlexGrid i_fg)
     if (i_fg.Rows.Count == i_fg.Rows.Fixed)
     i_fg.Rows.Count = i_fg.Rows.Fixed;
Пример #11
 private void DataGridNumericColumn_FilterLoading(object sender, C1.WPF.DataGrid.DataGridFilterLoadingEventArgs e)
     var filter = ((DataGridFilterList)((DataGridContentFilter)e.Filter).Content).Items[0] as DataGridHistogramFilter;
     filter.SetBinding(DataGridHistogramFilter.ItemsSourceProperty, new Binding("ItemsSource")
         Source = grid,
Пример #12
 protected void C1GridView1_SelectedIndexChanging(object sender, C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.C1GridView.C1GridViewSelectEventArgs e)
     if (C1GridView1.SelectedRow != null)
         string smbl = C1GridView1.Rows[e.NewSelectedIndex].Cells[2].Text;
         ObjectDataSource2.SelectParameters["Symbol"].DefaultValue = smbl;
Пример #13
 protected void Tooltip1_OnAjaxUpdate(C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.C1ToolTip.C1ToolTipCallBackEventArgs e)
     if (e.UpdatePanel != null)
         Control c = e.UpdatePanel.FindControl("HyperLink1");
         HyperLink1.Text = e.Source;
 private void grid_AutoGeneratingColumn(object sender, C1.WPF.DataGrid.DataGridAutoGeneratingColumnEventArgs e)
     if (e.Property.Name == "ImageUrl")
         e.Cancel = true;
 /// <summary>
 /// ����һ�е�ComboList
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="c1FlexGrid1">���</param>
 /// <param name="GridCol">Grid��������</param>
 /// <param name="ValueCol">����</param>
 /// <param name="DisplayCol">��ʾ������</param>
 /// <param name="table">������</param>
 /// <param name="sqlString">sql���</param>
 /// <param name="FromText">�����textֵ</param>
 public static void SetColumnComboList(C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.C1FlexGrid c1FlexGrid1,string GridCol, string ValueCol, string DisplayCol, string table, string sqlString,string FromText)
     ComboListAndDataMap cd = new ComboListAndDataMap();
     cd = GetComboListData(GridCol, ValueCol, DisplayCol, table, sqlString, FromText);
     if (cd == null)
     //c1FlexGrid1.Cols[GridCol].ComboList = cd.comboString;
     c1FlexGrid1.Cols[GridCol].DataMap = cd.dataMap;
 private void nbPeriod_ValueChanged(object sender, C1.WPF.PropertyChangedEventArgs<double> e)
     MovingAverage ms = DataContext as MovingAverage;
       if (ms != null)
     ms.Period = (int)nbPeriod.Value;
     ms.Label = string.Format("MovAvg {0}", ms.Period);
Пример #17
 public static void Main() {
     C1 c1 = new C1();
     C2 c2 = new C2();
     c1 = c2;
Пример #18
        private void C1DataGrid_LoadedRowDetailsPresenter(object sender, C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.DataGridRowDetailsEventArgs e)
            var child = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(e.DetailsElement, 0) as ProgressBar;
            child.IsIndeterminate = true;

            var user = e.Row.DataItem as MRZS.Web.Models.User;

            e.DetailsElement.DataContext = new UserStatisticViewModel(user.UserId, true);
Пример #19
	static int Switch_2 (C1 o)
		switch (o) {
			case null:
				return 2;

		return 3;
 private void grid_AutoGeneratingColumn(object sender, C1.WPF.DataGrid.DataGridAutoGeneratingColumnEventArgs e)
     // invoke common autogeneration handling for all the samples
     if (e.Property.Name == "ImageUrl")
         e.Cancel = true;
Пример #21
        protected void Progressbar1_RunTask(object sender, C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.C1ProgressBar.C1ProgressBarTaskEventArgs e)
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)

Пример #22
 private void DataGridTextColumn_FilterLoading(object sender, C1.WPF.DataGrid.DataGridFilterLoadingEventArgs e)
     var treeFilter = ((DataGridFilterList)((DataGridContentFilter)e.Filter).Content).Items[0] as DataGridTreeViewFilter;
     treeFilter.SetBinding(DataGridTreeViewFilter.SourceProperty, new Binding("ItemsSource")
         Source = grid,
         Converter = new TreeFilterConverter(),
Пример #23
 private void DataGridImageColumn_FilterLoading(object sender, C1.WPF.DataGrid.DataGridFilterLoadingEventArgs e)
     var filter = ((DataGridContentFilter)e.Filter).Content as DataGridToggleValuesFilter;
     filter.SetBinding(DataGridToggleValuesFilter.ItemsSourceProperty, new Binding("ItemsSource")
         Source = grid,
         Converter = new ImageFilterConverter(),
Пример #24
 private void nbOrder_ValueChanged(object sender, C1.WPF.PropertyChangedEventArgs<double> e)
     TrendLine tl = DataContext as TrendLine;
       if (tl != null)
     tl.Order = (int)nbOrder.Value;
     tl.Label = CreateLabel(tl);
        private void grid_AutoGeneratingColumn(object sender, C1.WPF.DataGrid.DataGridAutoGeneratingColumnEventArgs e)

            // avoid image columns for add/remove samples
            if (e.Column is DataGridImageColumn)
                e.Cancel = true;
Пример #26
 internal static void dockControl_ItemDockModeChanged(object sender, C1.WPF.Docking.ItemDockModeChangedEventArgs e)
     if (e.NewValue == C1.WPF.Docking.DockMode.Floating)
         if (!floatingList.Contains(e.TabControl))
Пример #27
        private void grdCust_AfterEdit(object sender, C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.RowColEventArgs e)
            int i = grdCust.Row;

            //take current data and stash it into custom grid
            m_custom.CustomLines[i].CustomData = grdCust.GetData(i, 1).ToString();

            //Now redisplay it to make sure we show any formatting changes
            grdCust.SetData(i, 1, m_custom.CustomLines[i].CustomData);
Пример #28
 private void c1TrueDBGrid2_BeforeColUpdate(object sender, C1.Win.C1TrueDBGrid.BeforeColUpdateEventArgs e)
     if (e.ColIndex == 0)
         if (e.OldValue.ToString() == bool.TrueString)
             isselected = true;
             isselected = false;
Пример #29
        private static int TotalWidth; // Summation of Columns widths

        #endregion Fields

        #region Methods

        public static void Print_DataGrid(C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.C1FlexGrid dgF, String title)
            PrintTitle = title;
            PrintPreviewDialog ppvw;
                dg = dgF;
                PrintFont = dg.Font;
                PrintFontColor = dg.ForeColor;

                //khoaht added
                foreach (Column c in dg.Cols)
                    if (c.Visible)

                // Show PrintOption Form
                PrintOptions dlg = new PrintOptions(PrintTitle, AvailableColumns);
                //if (dlg.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) return;

                PrintTitle = dlg.PrintTitle;
                PrintAllRows = dlg.PrintAllRows;
                SelectedColumns = dlg.GetSelectedColumns();
                if (dlg.PrintFont != null) PrintFont = dlg.PrintFont;
                if (dlg.PrintFontColor.Name != "" & dlg.PrintFontColor.Name != "0")
                    PrintFontColor = dlg.PrintFontColor;

                RowsPerPage = 0;

                ppvw = new PrintPreviewDialog();
                ppvw.Document = printDoc;

                // Show Print Preview Page
                printDoc.BeginPrint += new System.Drawing.Printing.PrintEventHandler(printDoc_BeginPrint);
                printDoc.PrintPage += new System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventHandler(printDoc_PrintPage);
                if (ppvw.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)
                    printDoc.BeginPrint -= new System.Drawing.Printing.PrintEventHandler(printDoc_BeginPrint);
                    printDoc.PrintPage -= new System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventHandler(printDoc_PrintPage);

                // Print the Documnet
                printDoc.BeginPrint -= new System.Drawing.Printing.PrintEventHandler(printDoc_BeginPrint);
                printDoc.PrintPage -= new System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventHandler(printDoc_PrintPage);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MsgBoxVN.ShowError(ex.Message, Dic.STRING_TITLE_ERROR);

Пример #30
 void C1grid_FilterChanged(object sender, C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.DataGridFilterChangedEventArgs e)
     if (!e.FilterDescriptions.Any())
         txtPanel2.Text = "                        ";
         txtPanel2.Text = string.Format(" The list is currently filtered  ");
 public C2(C1 c1)
     this.C1 = c1;
Пример #32
 public void M853(out C1 arg)
     arg = new C1();
Пример #33
 public void M107(ref C1 arg)
     arg = new C1(); Flag.Value = 107;
Пример #34
 public void M104(C1 arg)
     Flag.Value = 104;
Пример #35
 public void M851(ref C1 arg)
     arg = new C1();
 public C5(C1 c1, C2 c2 = null, C3 c3 = null, C4 c4 = null)
Пример #37
    static ushort M6(int arg0, short arg1, sbyte arg2, short arg3, long arg4, short arg5)
        bool var0 = s_2.F0;

        if (var0)
            arg5 = arg5;
            if (var0)
                arg4 = arg4;
                if (false)
                    if (true | false)
                        M7((char)(1488424318U + (ulong)M7(M7('.'))));
                        if (var0)
                                var0 = s_3.F0;

                            var0 &= s_2.F0;

                s_2.F2 = -32767;
                if (s_3.F0)
                    if (false)
                        arg4 = arg4;
                        short var1 = -32768;
                        M7((char)(arg1 ^ var1));
                            if (var0)
                                s_4    = new C0(false, 1, 13610, 27466);
                                s_4.F1 = 81;

                        if (s_2.F0)
                            s_3 = s_4;
                            char var2 = (char)(s_4.F1 * (short)M7(M7(M7('Q'))));

                            sbyte var3 = (sbyte)M7('0');

                        if (s_2.F0)
                            var1 = 21775;

                        s_2.F1 = 28;
                        if (s_4.F0)
                            s_1 = (sbyte)((ushort)M7(M7((char)(1 & arg2))) + 0);
                            s_2 = s_3;
                            M7((char)(1 ^ arg0++));
                            s_2.F1 = s_3.F1;
                            s_4.F3 = s_4.F3;
                            arg2 = arg2;
                            long var4 = (long)M7((char)(1952078153 + (long)M7('5')));
                        char     var5 = 'H';
                        byte     var6 = s_4.F1;
                        uint[][] var7 = new uint[][] { new uint[] { 1282206268U, 2787936906U, 3874276524U }, new uint[] { 1U }, new uint[] { 4294967294U }, new uint[] { 4243750472U, 1U }, new uint[] { 1755334991U }, new uint[] { 4294967295U, 0U, 2054126240U }, new uint[] { 1570648099U, 4238220627U } };
                        sbyte    var8 = arg2;
                        C1[]     var9 = new C1[] { new C1(8625, -119, 55, new S0(0, 65534, 'x', 31468, -1, -594819781, 1UL, -3801, new C0(true, 170, -14257, 21939)), new C0(false, 254, -10, 32767), 32382), new C1(984, 1, 3, new S0(0, 65535, 'z', -15843, 0, 199583656, 0UL, -8564, new C0(true, 255, 32767, 27069)), new C0(true, 17, -17635, 905), 11632), new C1(32767, -22, 17, new S0(113, 1, 'Z', -5205, 64, 0, 0UL, -9389, new C0(true, 86, -24786, 1)), new C0(false, 208, -32767, -32768), 60485), new C1(32766, -128, 1, new S0(210, 31664, '4', 0, -83, 1470687512, 7327069609646642167UL, 10, new C0(false, 26, 15909, -12947)), new C0(false, 244, -1, 20121), 35871), new C1(-12162, -128, 142, new S0(145, 1, '4', -16821, -127, 724710311, 0UL, -30955, new C0(false, 15, 0, -32464)), new C0(false, 19, -32768, 32766), 1), new C1(1, 10, 0, new S0(0, 54224, '`', 0, 46, -1, 1UL, -32596, new C0(false, 1, 32767, -32768)), new C0(true, 150, -273, -32768), 20153) };
                        arg5             = (short)M7((char)(343751305 & (sbyte)M7('^')));
                        var9[0].F3.F8.F0 = true;
                        var9[0].F4.F1    = s_4.F1;
                        s_3.F0 ^= true && true;

                    s_2.F2 = arg5;
                    if (s_4.F0)
                        ulong var10 = 7371497907674312601UL;
                        s_3.F1 = s_2.F1--;

                    s_2.F1 = s_4.F1;
                    byte var11 = s_3.F1;
                    C1   var12 = new C1(0, 1, 56, new S0(1, 0, '@', 15115, 95, -1122626343, 11842473348735441984UL, -29107, new C0(true, 0, -23674, 26694)), new C0(true, 228, 9646, -19473), 1);
                    uint var13 = (uint)M7(M7(var12.F3.F2++));

                bool[][] var14 = new bool[][] { new bool[] { false, true, true, true, true, true }, new bool[] { false, true, false }, new bool[] { true, false, false, true, true, false }, new bool[] { true, true }, new bool[] { true, false, false, false, false }, new bool[] { false, false, false, false }, new bool[] { false, false } };
                if (false)
                    s_4.F2 = s_2.F2;

                if (var14[0][0])
                    int[] var15 = new int[] { -150520813, -82780325, -2, 628426146, 2147483646, 1100145800 };

            s_1 = arg2;
            s_5 = arg2;
            C0 var16 = new C0(true, 169, 0, -32767);
                if (false)
                    s_6 = s_6;

                arg4      = arg4;
                s_6.F3.F2 = ':';
                arg3      = arg5;
                s_6.F4.F3 = s_6.F0;

            if (true)
                var16 = new C0(true, 246, -24386, 20023);
                if (var16.F0)
                    if (s_6.F3.F8.F0)
                        char var17 = 'e';
                        s_2.F0 = s_4.F0;

                s_6.F3.F8.F0 ^= s_3.F0;
                arg3 = 32767;

        if (s_6.F4.F0)
                s_7 = M7(M7(s_7));

        s_6.F3.F3 = arg3;
        s_6.F3.F7 = (short)M7('^');
 public C6(C1 c1, C2 c2)
 public C5(C1 c1, C2 c2)
Пример #40
        public TestPopulation(ISession session)
            this.C1A = C1.Create(session);
            this.C1B = C1.Create(session);
            this.C1C = C1.Create(session);
            this.C1D = C1.Create(session);
            this.C2A = C2.Create(session);
            this.C2B = C2.Create(session);
            this.C2C = C2.Create(session);
            this.C2D = C2.Create(session);
            this.C3A = C3.Create(session);
            this.C3B = C3.Create(session);
            this.C3C = C3.Create(session);
            this.C3D = C3.Create(session);
            this.C4A = C4.Create(session);
            this.C4B = C4.Create(session);
            this.C4C = C4.Create(session);
            this.C4D = C4.Create(session);

            // Names
            this.C1A.Name = "c1a";
            this.C1B.Name = "c1b";
            this.C1C.Name = "c1c";
            this.C1D.Name = "c1d";
            this.C2A.Name = "c2a";
            this.C2B.Name = "c2b";
            this.C2C.Name = "c2c";
            this.C2D.Name = "c2d";
            this.C3A.Name = "c3a";
            this.C3B.Name = "c3b";
            this.C3C.Name = "c3c";
            this.C3D.Name = "c3d";
            this.C4A.Name = "c4a";
            this.C4B.Name = "c4b";
            this.C4C.Name = "c4c";
            this.C4D.Name = "c4d";

            // String
            // class
            this.C1B.C1AllorsString = "ᴀbra";
            this.C1C.C1AllorsString = "ᴀbracadabra";
            this.C1D.C1AllorsString = "ᴀbracadabra";

            this.C1A.C1StringEquals = "ᴀbra";
            this.C1B.C1StringEquals = "ᴀbra";
            this.C1C.C1StringEquals = "ᴀbra";

            this.C2B.C2AllorsString = "ᴀbra";
            this.C2C.C2AllorsString = "ᴀbracadabra";
            this.C2D.C2AllorsString = "ᴀbracadabra";

            this.C3B.C3AllorsString = "ᴀbra";
            this.C3C.C3AllorsString = "ᴀbracadabra";
            this.C3D.C3AllorsString = "ᴀbracadabra";

            this.C3A.C3StringEquals = "ᴀbra";
            this.C3B.C3StringEquals = "ᴀbra";
            this.C3C.C3StringEquals = "ᴀbra";

            // exclusive interface
            this.C1B.I1AllorsString = "ᴀbra";
            this.C1C.I1AllorsString = "ᴀbracadabra";
            this.C1D.I1AllorsString = "ᴀbracadabra";

            this.C1A.I1StringEquals = "ᴀbra";
            this.C1B.I1StringEquals = "ᴀbra";
            this.C1C.I1StringEquals = "ᴀbra";

            this.C3B.I3AllorsString = "ᴀbra";
            this.C3C.I3AllorsString = "ᴀbracadabra";
            this.C3D.I3AllorsString = "ᴀbracadabra";

            this.C3A.I3StringEquals = "ᴀbra";
            this.C3B.I3StringEquals = "ᴀbra";
            this.C3C.I3StringEquals = "ᴀbra";

            // shared interface
            this.C1B.I12AllorsString = "ᴀbra";
            this.C1C.I12AllorsString = "ᴀbracadabra";
            this.C1D.I12AllorsString = "ᴀbracadabra";
            this.C2B.I12AllorsString = "ᴀbra";
            this.C2C.I12AllorsString = "ᴀbracadabra";
            this.C2D.I12AllorsString = "ᴀbracadabra";

            this.C2B.I23AllorsString = "ᴀbra";
            this.C2C.I23AllorsString = "ᴀbracadabra";
            this.C2D.I23AllorsString = "ᴀbracadabra";
            this.C3B.I23AllorsString = "ᴀbra";
            this.C3C.I23AllorsString = "ᴀbracadabra";
            this.C3D.I23AllorsString = "ᴀbracadabra";

            this.C3B.I34AllorsString = "ᴀbra";
            this.C3C.I34AllorsString = "ᴀbracadabra";
            this.C3D.I34AllorsString = "ᴀbracadabra";
            this.C4B.I34AllorsString = "ᴀbra";
            this.C4C.I34AllorsString = "ᴀbracadabra";
            this.C4D.I34AllorsString = "ᴀbracadabra";

            this.C1B.S1AllorsString = "ᴀbra";
            this.C1C.S1AllorsString = "ᴀbracadabra";
            this.C1D.S1AllorsString = "ᴀbracadabra";

            this.C1B.S1234AllorsString = "ᴀbra";
            this.C1C.S1234AllorsString = "ᴀbracadabra";
            this.C1D.S1234AllorsString = "ᴀbracadabra";
            this.C2B.S1234AllorsString = "ᴀbra";
            this.C2C.S1234AllorsString = "ᴀbracadabra";
            this.C2D.S1234AllorsString = "ᴀbracadabra";
            this.C3B.S1234AllorsString = "ᴀbra";
            this.C3C.S1234AllorsString = "ᴀbracadabra";
            this.C3D.S1234AllorsString = "ᴀbracadabra";
            this.C4B.S1234AllorsString = "ᴀbra";
            this.C4C.S1234AllorsString = "ᴀbracadabra";
            this.C4D.S1234AllorsString = "ᴀbracadabra";

            // Integer
            this.C1B.C1AllorsInteger = 1;
            this.C1C.C1AllorsInteger = 2;
            this.C1D.C1AllorsInteger = 2;

            this.C1B.C1IntegerLessThan = 0;
            this.C1C.C1IntegerLessThan = 2;
            this.C1D.C1IntegerLessThan = 4;

            this.C1B.C1IntegerGreaterThan = 0;
            this.C1C.C1IntegerGreaterThan = 2;
            this.C1D.C1IntegerGreaterThan = 4;

            this.C1B.C1IntegerBetweenA = -10;
            this.C1B.C1IntegerBetweenB = 0;
            this.C1C.C1IntegerBetweenA = 2;
            this.C1C.C1IntegerBetweenB = 2;
            this.C1D.C1IntegerBetweenA = 0;
            this.C1D.C1IntegerBetweenB = 10;

            this.C1B.I1AllorsInteger = 1;
            this.C1C.I1AllorsInteger = 2;
            this.C1D.I1AllorsInteger = 2;

            this.C1B.S1AllorsInteger = 1;
            this.C1C.S1AllorsInteger = 2;
            this.C1D.S1AllorsInteger = 2;

            this.C1B.I12AllorsInteger = 1;
            this.C1C.I12AllorsInteger = 2;
            this.C1D.I12AllorsInteger = 2;
            this.C2B.I12AllorsInteger = 1;
            this.C2C.I12AllorsInteger = 2;
            this.C2D.I12AllorsInteger = 2;

            this.C1B.S1234AllorsInteger = 1;
            this.C1C.S1234AllorsInteger = 2;
            this.C1D.S1234AllorsInteger = 2;
            this.C2B.S1234AllorsInteger = 1;
            this.C2C.S1234AllorsInteger = 2;
            this.C2D.S1234AllorsInteger = 2;
            this.C3B.S1234AllorsInteger = 1;
            this.C3C.S1234AllorsInteger = 2;
            this.C3D.S1234AllorsInteger = 2;
            this.C4B.S1234AllorsInteger = 1;
            this.C4C.S1234AllorsInteger = 2;
            this.C4D.S1234AllorsInteger = 2;

            // DateTime
            this.C1B.C1AllorsDateTime = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 4, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            this.C1C.C1AllorsDateTime = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 5, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            this.C1D.C1AllorsDateTime = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 5, DateTimeKind.Utc);

            this.C1B.C1DateTimeLessThan = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 3, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            this.C1C.C1DateTimeLessThan = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 5, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            this.C1D.C1DateTimeLessThan = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 7, DateTimeKind.Utc);

            this.C1B.C1DateTimeGreaterThan = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 3, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            this.C1C.C1DateTimeGreaterThan = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 5, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            this.C1D.C1DateTimeGreaterThan = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 7, DateTimeKind.Utc);

            this.C1B.C1DateTimeBetweenA = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            this.C1B.C1DateTimeBetweenB = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 3, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            this.C1C.C1DateTimeBetweenA = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 5, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            this.C1C.C1DateTimeBetweenB = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 5, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            this.C1D.C1DateTimeBetweenA = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 3, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            this.C1D.C1DateTimeBetweenB = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 10, DateTimeKind.Utc);

            this.C1B.I1AllorsDateTime = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 4, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            this.C1C.I1AllorsDateTime = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 5, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            this.C1D.I1AllorsDateTime = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 5, DateTimeKind.Utc);

            this.C1B.S1AllorsDateTime = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 4, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            this.C1C.S1AllorsDateTime = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 5, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            this.C1D.S1AllorsDateTime = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 5, DateTimeKind.Utc);

            this.C1B.I12AllorsDateTime = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 4, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            this.C1C.I12AllorsDateTime = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 5, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            this.C1D.I12AllorsDateTime = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 5, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            this.C2B.I12AllorsDateTime = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 4, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            this.C2C.I12AllorsDateTime = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 5, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            this.C2D.I12AllorsDateTime = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 5, DateTimeKind.Utc);

            this.C1B.S1234AllorsDateTime = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 4, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            this.C1C.S1234AllorsDateTime = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 5, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            this.C1D.S1234AllorsDateTime = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 5, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            this.C2B.S1234AllorsDateTime = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 4, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            this.C2C.S1234AllorsDateTime = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 5, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            this.C2D.S1234AllorsDateTime = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 5, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            this.C3B.S1234AllorsDateTime = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 4, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            this.C3C.S1234AllorsDateTime = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 5, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            this.C3D.S1234AllorsDateTime = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 5, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            this.C4B.S1234AllorsDateTime = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 4, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            this.C4C.S1234AllorsDateTime = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 5, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            this.C4D.S1234AllorsDateTime = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 5, DateTimeKind.Utc);

            // Float
            this.C1B.C1AllorsDouble = 1;
            this.C1C.C1AllorsDouble = 2;
            this.C1D.C1AllorsDouble = 2;

            this.C1B.C1FloatLessThan = 0;
            this.C1C.C1FloatLessThan = 2;
            this.C1D.C1FloatLessThan = 4;

            this.C1B.C1FloatGreaterThan = 0;
            this.C1C.C1FloatGreaterThan = 2;
            this.C1D.C1FloatGreaterThan = 4;

            this.C1B.C1FloatBetweenA = -10;
            this.C1B.C1FloatBetweenB = 0;
            this.C1C.C1FloatBetweenA = 2;
            this.C1C.C1FloatBetweenB = 2;
            this.C1D.C1FloatBetweenA = 0;
            this.C1D.C1FloatBetweenB = 10;

            this.C1B.I1AllorsDouble = 1;
            this.C1C.I1AllorsDouble = 2;
            this.C1D.I1AllorsDouble = 2;

            this.C1B.S1AllorsDouble = 1;
            this.C1C.S1AllorsDouble = 2;
            this.C1D.S1AllorsDouble = 2;

            this.C1B.I12AllorsDouble = 1;
            this.C1C.I12AllorsDouble = 2;
            this.C1D.I12AllorsDouble = 2;
            this.C2B.I12AllorsDouble = 1;
            this.C2C.I12AllorsDouble = 2;
            this.C2D.I12AllorsDouble = 2;

            this.C1B.S1234AllorsDouble = 1;
            this.C1C.S1234AllorsDouble = 2;
            this.C1D.S1234AllorsDouble = 2;
            this.C2B.S1234AllorsDouble = 1;
            this.C2C.S1234AllorsDouble = 2;
            this.C2D.S1234AllorsDouble = 2;
            this.C3B.S1234AllorsDouble = 1;
            this.C3C.S1234AllorsDouble = 2;
            this.C3D.S1234AllorsDouble = 2;
            this.C4B.S1234AllorsDouble = 1;
            this.C4C.S1234AllorsDouble = 2;
            this.C4D.S1234AllorsDouble = 2;

            // Decimal
            this.C1B.C1AllorsDecimal = 1;
            this.C1C.C1AllorsDecimal = 2;
            this.C1D.C1AllorsDecimal = 2;

            this.C1B.C1DecimalLessThan = 0;
            this.C1C.C1DecimalLessThan = 2;
            this.C1D.C1DecimalLessThan = 4;

            this.C1B.C1DecimalGreaterThan = 0;
            this.C1C.C1DecimalGreaterThan = 2;
            this.C1D.C1DecimalGreaterThan = 4;

            this.C1B.C1DecimalBetweenA = -10;
            this.C1B.C1DecimalBetweenB = 0;
            this.C1C.C1DecimalBetweenA = 2;
            this.C1C.C1DecimalBetweenB = 2;
            this.C1D.C1DecimalBetweenA = 0;
            this.C1D.C1DecimalBetweenB = 10;

            this.C1B.I1AllorsDecimal = 1;
            this.C1C.I1AllorsDecimal = 2;
            this.C1D.I1AllorsDecimal = 2;

            this.C1B.S1AllorsDecimal = 1;
            this.C1C.S1AllorsDecimal = 2;
            this.C1D.S1AllorsDecimal = 2;

            this.C1B.I12AllorsDecimal = 1;
            this.C1C.I12AllorsDecimal = 2;
            this.C1D.I12AllorsDecimal = 2;
            this.C2B.I12AllorsDecimal = 1;
            this.C2C.I12AllorsDecimal = 2;
            this.C2D.I12AllorsDecimal = 2;

            this.C1B.S1234AllorsDecimal = 1;
            this.C1C.S1234AllorsDecimal = 2;
            this.C1D.S1234AllorsDecimal = 2;
            this.C2B.S1234AllorsDecimal = 1;
            this.C2C.S1234AllorsDecimal = 2;
            this.C2D.S1234AllorsDecimal = 2;
            this.C3B.S1234AllorsDecimal = 1;
            this.C3C.S1234AllorsDecimal = 2;
            this.C3D.S1234AllorsDecimal = 2;
            this.C4B.S1234AllorsDecimal = 1;
            this.C4C.S1234AllorsDecimal = 2;
            this.C4D.S1234AllorsDecimal = 2;

            // Composites
            this.C1B.C1C1one2one = this.C1B;
            this.C1C.C1C1one2one = this.C1C;
            this.C1D.C1C1one2one = this.C1D;

            this.C1B.C1C2one2one = this.C2B;
            this.C1C.C1C2one2one = this.C2C;
            this.C1D.C1C2one2one = this.C2D;

            this.C1B.C1C3one2one = this.C3B;
            this.C1C.C1C3one2one = this.C3C;
            this.C1D.C1C3one2one = this.C3D;

            this.C3B.C3C4one2one = this.C4B;
            this.C3C.C3C4one2one = this.C4C;
            this.C3D.C3C4one2one = this.C4D;

            this.C1B.I1I2one2one = this.C2B;
            this.C1C.I1I2one2one = this.C2C;
            this.C1D.I1I2one2one = this.C2D;

            this.C1B.S1S2one2one = this.C2B;
            this.C1C.S1S2one2one = this.C2C;
            this.C1D.S1S2one2one = this.C2D;

            this.C1B.I12C2one2one = this.C2B;
            this.C1C.I12C2one2one = this.C2C;
            this.C1D.I12C2one2one = this.C2D;
            this.C2A.I12C2one2one = this.C2A;

            this.C1B.I12C3one2one = this.C3B;
            this.C1C.I12C3one2one = this.C3C;
            this.C1D.I12C3one2one = this.C3D;
            this.C2A.I12C3one2one = this.C3A;

            this.C1B.S1234C2one2one = this.C2B;
            this.C1C.S1234C2one2one = this.C2C;
            this.C1D.S1234C2one2one = this.C2D;
            this.C2A.S1234C2one2one = this.C2A;

            this.C1B.C1I12one2one = this.C1B;
            this.C1C.C1I12one2one = this.C2B;
            this.C1D.C1I12one2one = this.C2C;

            this.C1B.S1234one2one = this.C1B;
            this.C1C.S1234one2one = this.C2B;
            this.C1D.S1234one2one = this.C3B;
            this.C2B.S1234one2one = this.C1C;
            this.C2C.S1234one2one = this.C2C;
            this.C2D.S1234one2one = this.C3C;
            this.C3B.S1234one2one = this.C1D;
            this.C3C.S1234one2one = this.C2D;
            this.C3D.S1234one2one = this.C3D;










            this.C1B.C1C1many2one = this.C1B;
            this.C1C.C1C1many2one = this.C1C;
            this.C1D.C1C1many2one = this.C1C;

            this.C1B.C1C2many2one = this.C2B;
            this.C1C.C1C2many2one = this.C2C;
            this.C1D.C1C2many2one = this.C2C;

            this.C3B.C3C4many2one = this.C4B;
            this.C3C.C3C4many2one = this.C4C;
            this.C3D.C3C4many2one = this.C4C;

            this.C1B.I1I2many2one = this.C2B;
            this.C1C.I1I2many2one = this.C2C;
            this.C1D.I1I2many2one = this.C2C;

            this.C1B.S1S2many2one = this.C2B;
            this.C1C.S1S2many2one = this.C2C;
            this.C1D.S1S2many2one = this.C2C;

            this.C1B.I12C2many2one = this.C2B;
            this.C2C.I12C2many2one = this.C2C;
            this.C2D.I12C2many2one = this.C2C;

            this.C1B.S1234C2many2one = this.C2B;
            this.C3C.S1234C2many2one = this.C2C;
            this.C3D.S1234C2many2one = this.C2C;

            this.C1B.C1I12many2one = this.C1B;
            this.C1C.C1I12many2one = this.C2C;
            this.C1D.C1I12many2one = this.C2C;

            this.C1B.S1234many2one = this.C1B;
            this.C3C.S1234many2one = this.C1C;
            this.C3D.S1234many2one = this.C1C;

            this.C1B.I12I34many2one = this.C3B;
            this.C2B.I12I34many2one = this.C4B;
            this.C2D.I12I34many2one = this.C4B;










            this.C1B.ClassName = "c1";
            this.C3B.ClassName = "c3";
Пример #41
 public C2(C1 value) => m_value = value;
Пример #42
 public void AddListener(C1 c) => c.PropertyChanged += this.Handler;
 //constructor injection
 public C4(C1 c1, C2 c2, C3 c3)
     this.c1 = c1;
     this.c2 = c2;
     this.c3 = c3;
Пример #44
 static void M0()
     C1 var0 = new C1(10, (sbyte)(10U | M1(new byte[] { 1, 238, 254, 254, 10, 241, 200, 0, 35 }, (long)((uint)M3() * 0), 0U, new ulong[] { 6126583108558464165UL, 11458007535716608116UL, 15256279124031875854UL, 2UL }, 2979)), 255, new S0(166, 1, 'e', -32768, 127, 1, 0UL, 11320, new C0(false, 153, 1, -12261)), new C0(true, 1, -26497, -1), M1(M4(new S0(176, 22441, '-', 32766, -128, 1614358183, 5386442128028250115UL, -10, new C0(true, 88, -4301, -1))), 2803209066051870312L, 0U, new ulong[] { 1720878998652054967UL, 844305867048389875UL, 10UL, 0UL }, (short)(10L * (short)M1(new byte[] { 1, 0, 1, 0, 38 }, 0L, (uint)M1(new byte[] { 1, 28, 59, 0 }, M5(1L, s_4.F0, s_5, s_2.F2, s_6.F3.F5++, s_6, s_6, s_6.F3.F6, s_4), s_9[0], new ulong[] { 18446744073709551614UL, 18446744073709551615UL, 1UL, 9557280180553890563UL, 6085599387201199400UL, 4776474117131624818UL, 0UL, 1UL }, s_2.F3), new ulong[] { 0UL, 2064602582909065092UL, 8630525533850286675UL }, (short)M6(s_6.F3.F5, 32767, s_5, s_8.F2, -6615740566128883819L, (short)M1(M4(s_6.F3), -4372490502322883137L, s_9[0], new ulong[] { 2676855585363934280UL, 279343335552857880UL, 1UL, 1UL }, s_3.F2--))))));
 public C3(C1 c1, C2 c2)
     this.C1 = c1;
     this.C2 = c2;
Пример #46
 public void M100(C1 arg)
     Flag.Value = 200;
 public C4([Inject("key1")] C1 c1)
     this.C1 = c1;
Пример #48
 public void M402(C1 arg)
     Flag.Value = 402;
 public C5(C1 c1, C2 c2, C3 c3 = null)
     this.RightConstructorCalled = true;
Пример #50
 public C3(C1 c1)
 public C6(C1 c1)
     this.RightConstructorCalled = true;
Пример #52
    public static void cn_jac_00_1(int n, double alpha, double beta, int o, ref double[] x,
                                   ref double[] w)

    //  Purpose:
    //    CN_JAC_00_1 implements the midpoint rule for region CN_JAC.
    //  Discussion:
    //    The rule has order O = 1.
    //    The rule has precision P = 0.
    //    CN is the cube [-1,+1]^N with the Jacobi (beta) weight function
    //      w(alpha,beta;x) = product ( 1 <= i <= n ) (1-x(i))^beta (1+x(i))^alpha.
    //    with -1 < alpha, -1 < beta.
    //  Licensing:
    //    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
    //  Modified:
    //    26 January 2010
    //  Author:
    //    John Burkardt
    //  Parameters:
    //    Input, int N, the spatial dimension.
    //    Input, double ALPHA, BETA, the parameters.
    //    -1.0 < ALPHA, -1.0 < BETA.
    //    Input, int O, the order.
    //    Output, double X[N*O], the abscissas.
    //    Output, double W[O], the weights.
        switch (alpha)
        case <= -1.0:
            Console.WriteLine("CN_JAC_00_1 - Fatal error!");
            Console.WriteLine("  ALPHA <= -1.0");

        switch (beta)
        case <= -1.0:
            Console.WriteLine("CN_JAC_00_1 - Fatal error!");
            Console.WriteLine("  BETA <= -1.0");

        const int expon  = 0;
        double    volume = C1.c1_jac_monomial_integral(alpha, beta, expon);

        volume = Math.Pow(volume, n);

        typeMethods.r8vec_zero(n * o, ref x);

        int k = -1;

        //  1 point.
        k   += 1;
        w[k] = volume;
 public C7(C1 c1)
Пример #54
    public void Run <T1, T2, T3>(C1 <T1, T2> x1, C1 <T1[], T2> x2, dynamic dyn, T3 t3)
        // Viable callables: {C2,C3,C4,C5,C6,C7}.M()
        x1.M(default(T1), 8);
        // Viable callables: {C2,C3,C4,C5,C6,C7}.{get_Prop(),set_Prop()}
        x1.Prop = x1.Prop;
        // Viable callables: {C2,C3,C4,C5,C6,C7}.{get_Item(),set_Item()}
        x1[default(T2)] = x1[default(T2)];
        // Viable callables: {C2,C3,C4,C5,C6,C7}.{add_Event(),remove_Event()}
        x1.Event += () => { };
        x1.Event -= () => { };

        // Viable callables: {C4,C6}.M() (not C7.M(), as C7<T[]> is not constructed for any T)
        x2.M(new T1[0], false);
        // Viable callables: {C4,C6}.{get_Prop(),set_Prop()}
        x2.Prop = x2.Prop;
        // Viable callables: {C4,C6}.{get_Item(),set_Item()}
        x2[default(T2)] = x2[default(T2)];
        // Viable callables: {C4,C6}.{add_Event(),remove_Event()}
        x2.Event += () => { };
        x2.Event -= () => { };

        // Viable callables: {C2,C6}.M()
        C1 <string, int> x3 = Mock <C1 <string, int> >();

        x3.M("abc", 42);
        // Viable callables: {C2,C6}.{get_Prop(),set_Prop()}
        x3.Prop = x3.Prop;
        // Viable callables: {C2,C6}.{get_Item(),set_Item()}
        x3[0] = x3[0];
        // Viable callables: {C2,C6}.{add_Event(),remove_Event()}
        x3.Event += () => { };
        x3.Event -= () => { };

        // Viable callables: {C2,C3,C6}.M()
        C1 <string, decimal> x4 = Mock <C1 <string, decimal> >();

        x4.M("abc", 42d);
        // Viable callables: {C2,C3,C6}.{get_Prop(),set_Prop()}
        x4.Prop = x4.Prop;
        // Viable callables: {C2,C3,C6}.{get_Item(),set_Item()}
        x4[0M] = x4[0M];
        // Viable callables: {C2,C3,C6}.{add_Event(),remove_Event()}
        x4.Event += () => { };
        x4.Event -= () => { };

        // Viable callables: {C4,C6}.M()
        C1 <int[], bool> x5 = Mock <C1 <int[], bool> >();

        x5.M <object>(new int[] { 42 }, null);
        // Viable callables: {C4,C6}.{get_Prop(),set_Prop()}
        x5.Prop = x5.Prop;
        // Viable callables: {C4,C6}.{get_Item(),set_Item()}
        x5[false] = x5[false];
        // Viable callables: {C4,C6}.{add_Event(),remove_Event()}
        x5.Event += () => { };
        x5.Event -= () => { };

        // Viable callables: {C2,C5,C6}.M()
        C1 <string, bool> x6 = Mock <C1 <string, bool> >();

        x6.M <object>("", null);
        // Viable callables: {C2,C5,C6}.{get_Prop(),set_Prop()}
        x6.Prop = x6.Prop;
        // Viable callables: {C2,C5,C6}.{get_Item(),set_Item()}
        x6[false] = x6[false];
        // Viable callables: {C2,C5,C6}.{add_Event(),remove_Event()}
        x6.Event += () => { };
        x6.Event -= () => { };

        // Viable callables: C6.M()
        C1 <T1, bool> x7 = new C6 <T1, bool>();

        x7.M(default(T1), "");
        // Viable callables: C6.{get_Prop(),set_Prop()}
        x7.Prop = x7.Prop;
        // Viable callables: C6.{get_Item(),set_Item()}
        x7[false] = x7[false];
        // Viable callables: C6.{add_Event(),remove_Event()}
        x7.Event += () => { };
        x7.Event -= () => { };

        // Viable callables: {C8,C9}.M()
        dynamic d = Mock <C8>();

        d.M(Mock <IEnumerable <C4 <string> > >());
        // Viable callables: {C8,C9}.{get_Prop(),set_Prop()}
        d.Prop1 = d.Prop1;
        // Viable callables: {C8,C9}.{get_Item(),set_Item()}
        d[0] = d[0];

        // Viable callables: (none)
        d.M(Mock <IEnumerable <C4 <int> > >());

        // Viable callables: C5.M()
        d = 42;
        // Viable callables: C5.set_Prop2()
        d        = "";
        C5.Prop2 = d;
        // Viable callables: C5.{add_Event(),remove_Event()}
        d          = (EventHandler <string>)(() => { });
        C5.Event2 += d;
        C5.Event2 -= d;

        // Viable callables: (none)
        d = "";
        // Viable callables: (none)
        d        = 0;
        C5.Prop2 = d;
        // Viable callables: (none)
        C5.Event2 += d;
        C5.Event2 -= d;

        // Viable callables: C8.M2()
        d = new decimal[] { 0M };
        C8.M2 <decimal>(d);

        // Viable callables: C8.M2()
        d = new string[] { "" };
        C8.M2 <string>(d);

        // Viable callables: (none)
        d = "";
        C8.M2 <object>(d);

        // Viable callables: C6.M()
        d = new C6 <T1, byte>();
        d.M(default(T1), "");
        // Viable callables: C6.{get_Prop(),set_Prop()}
        d.Prop = d.Prop;
        // Viable callables: C6.{get_Item(),set_Item()}
        d[(byte)0] = d[(byte)0];
        // Viable callables: C6.{add_Event(),remove_Event()}
        d.Event += (EventHandler <string>)(() => { });
        d.Event -= (EventHandler <string>)(() => { });

        // Viable callables: C8.M3(), C9.M3()
        d = Mock <C8>();
        d.M3(0, 0.0);

        // Viable callables: {C8,C9,C10}.M3()
        dyn.M3(0, 0.0);
        // Viable callables: {C8,C9,C10}.{get_Prop1(),set_Prop1()}
        dyn.Prop1 = dyn.Prop1;
        // Viable callables: {C2,C3,C6,C7,C8,C9,C10}.{get_Item(),set_Item()}
        dyn[0] = dyn[0];
        // Viable callables: {C2,C3,C5,C6,C7,C8,C9}.{add_Event(),remove_Event()}
        dyn.Event += (EventHandler <string>)(() => { });
        dyn.Event -= (EventHandler <string>)(() => { });

        // Viable callables: C8.M4()
        dyn.M4(0, Mock <IList <string> >());
        dyn.M4(0, new string[] { "" });

        // Viable callables: C10.set_Prop1()
        dyn.Prop1 = false;

        // Viable callables: (none)
        dyn.M4(-1, new string[] { "" });
        dyn.M4(0, new int[] { 0 });

        // Viable callables: (none)
        dyn.Prop1 = 0;

        // Viable callables: {C2,C6}.{get_Item(),set_Item()}
        dyn[""] = dyn[""];

        // Operator calls using dynamic types: all target int operators
        d = 0;
        d = d + 1;
        d = 0;
        d = 1 - d;
        d = 0;
        d = d + t3; // mixed with a type parameter

        // Operator calls using reflection: targets C10 addition operator
        var c = new C10();

        typeof(C10).InvokeMember("op_Addition", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, null, new object[] { c, c });

        // Property call using reflection: targets C10 property getter/setter
        typeof(C10).InvokeMember("get_Prop3", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, null, new object[0]);
        typeof(C10).InvokeMember("set_Prop3", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, null, new object[] { "" });

        // Indexer call using reflection: targets C10 indexer getter/setter
        typeof(C10).InvokeMember("get_Item", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, c, new object[] { 0 });
        typeof(C10).InvokeMember("set_Item", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, c, new object[] { 0, true });

        // Event handler call using reflection: targets C10 event adder/remover
        EventHandler <bool> e = () => { };

        typeof(C10).InvokeMember("add_Event", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, c, new object[] { e });
        typeof(C10).InvokeMember("remove_Event", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, c, new object[] { e });
Пример #55
        public override int On進行描画()
            if (base.b活性化してない)
            if (base.b初めての進行描画)
                this.ctMainTimer = new CCounter();
                this.ct数字回転      = new CCounter(0, 9, TJAPlayer3.Skin.dbNumberRotationSpeed, TJAPlayer3.Timer);
                this.ct表示用       = new CCounter(0, 0x3e7, 2, TJAPlayer3.Timer);
                this.C           = new CCounter(0, 1, 500, TJAPlayer3.Timer);
                this.C1          = new CCounter(0, 2, 200, TJAPlayer3.Timer);
                this.C2          = new CCounter(0, 5, 130, TJAPlayer3.Timer);
                this.M           = new CCounter(0, 350, 10, TJAPlayer3.Timer);
                this.S           = new CCounter(0, 255, 1, TJAPlayer3.Timer);
                this.R           = new CCounter(0, 8, 60, TJAPlayer3.Timer);
                base.b初めての進行描画   = false;

            TJAPlayer3.Tx.Result_Background.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, 0, 0);
            if (TJAPlayer3.Tx.Result_Panel != null)
                TJAPlayer3.Tx.Result_Panel.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, TJAPlayer3.Skin.nResultPanelP1X, TJAPlayer3.Skin.nResultPanelP1Y);
            if (TJAPlayer3.Tx.Result_Gauge_Base != null && TJAPlayer3.Tx.Result_Gauge != null)
                //int nRectX = (int)( CDTXMania.stage結果.st演奏記録.Drums.fゲージ / 2) * 12;
                double Rate = TJAPlayer3.stage結果.st演奏記録.Drums.fゲージ;
                //nRectX = CDTXMania.stage結果.st演奏記録.Drums.fゲージ >= 80.0f ? 80 : nRectX;

                if (this.ctMainTimer.n現在の値 >= 1000)
                    if (TJAPlayer3.ConfigIni.eGaugeMode == EGaugeMode.ExHard)
                        if (TJAPlayer3.Tx.Result_Gauge_Base_ExHard != null)
                            TJAPlayer3.Tx.Result_Gauge_Base_ExHard.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, TJAPlayer3.Skin.nResultGaugeBaseP1X, TJAPlayer3.Skin.nResultGaugeBaseP1Y, new Rectangle(0, 0, 691, 47));
                        else if (TJAPlayer3.Tx.Result_Gauge_Base_Hard != null)
                            TJAPlayer3.Tx.Result_Gauge_Base_Hard.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, TJAPlayer3.Skin.nResultGaugeBaseP1X, TJAPlayer3.Skin.nResultGaugeBaseP1Y, new Rectangle(0, 0, 691, 47));
                            TJAPlayer3.Tx.Result_Gauge_Base.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, TJAPlayer3.Skin.nResultGaugeBaseP1X, TJAPlayer3.Skin.nResultGaugeBaseP1Y, new Rectangle(0, 0, 691, 47));
                    else if (TJAPlayer3.ConfigIni.eGaugeMode == EGaugeMode.Hard)
                        if (TJAPlayer3.Tx.Result_Gauge_Base_Hard != null)
                            TJAPlayer3.Tx.Result_Gauge_Base_Hard.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, TJAPlayer3.Skin.nResultGaugeBaseP1X, TJAPlayer3.Skin.nResultGaugeBaseP1Y, new Rectangle(0, 0, 691, 47));
                            TJAPlayer3.Tx.Result_Gauge_Base_Hard.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, TJAPlayer3.Skin.nResultGaugeBaseP1X, TJAPlayer3.Skin.nResultGaugeBaseP1Y, new Rectangle(0, 0, 691, 47));
                        TJAPlayer3.Tx.Result_Gauge_Base.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, TJAPlayer3.Skin.nResultGaugeBaseP1X, TJAPlayer3.Skin.nResultGaugeBaseP1Y, new Rectangle(0, 0, 691, 47));

                    #region [ ゲージ本体 ]

                    if (TJAPlayer3.Tx.Result_Gauge_ExHard != null && TJAPlayer3.ConfigIni.eGaugeMode == EGaugeMode.ExHard)
                        Gauge = TJAPlayer3.Tx.Result_Gauge_ExHard;
                    else if (TJAPlayer3.Tx.Result_Gauge_Hard != null && (TJAPlayer3.ConfigIni.eGaugeMode == EGaugeMode.Hard || TJAPlayer3.ConfigIni.eGaugeMode == EGaugeMode.ExHard))
                        Gauge = TJAPlayer3.Tx.Result_Gauge_Hard;
                        Gauge = TJAPlayer3.Tx.Gauge[0];

                    int a  = 4;
                    int b  = 742;
                    int c  = 18;
                    int d  = 481;
                    int a2 = 8;
                    int b2 = 702;

                    // Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 39, d, new Rectangle(b2, 35, 18, 30));3
                    //Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 39 + a, d, new Rectangle(b2 + a + c, 35, 18, 15));2
                    //Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 39 + a + 4, d - 18, new Rectangle(b2 + a2, 17, 18, 18));1

                    if (Rate > 2)
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b, d, new Rectangle(0, 35, 18, 30));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + a, d, new Rectangle(a, 35, 18, 15));
                    if (Rate > 4)
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c, d, new Rectangle(18, 35, 18, 30));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c + a, d, new Rectangle(18 + a, 35, 18, 15));
                    if (Rate > 6)
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 2, d, new Rectangle(18, 35, 18, 30));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 2 + a, d, new Rectangle(18 + a, 35, 18, 15));
                    if (Rate > 8)
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 3, d, new Rectangle(18, 35, 18, 30));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 3 + a, d, new Rectangle(18 + a, 35, 18, 15));
                    if (Rate > 10)
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 4, d, new Rectangle(18, 35, 18, 30));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 4 + a, d, new Rectangle(18 + a, 35, 18, 15));
                    if (Rate > 12)
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 5, d, new Rectangle(18, 35, 18, 30));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 5 + a, d, new Rectangle(18 + a, 35, 18, 15));
                    if (Rate > 14)
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 6, d, new Rectangle(18, 35, 18, 30));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 6 + a, d, new Rectangle(18 + a, 35, 18, 15));
                    if (Rate > 16)
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 7, d, new Rectangle(18, 35, 18, 30));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 7 + a, d, new Rectangle(18 + a, 35, 18, 15));
                    if (Rate > 18)
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 8, d, new Rectangle(18, 35, 18, 30));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 8 + a, d, new Rectangle(18 + a, 35, 18, 15));
                    if (Rate > 20)
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 9, d, new Rectangle(18, 35, 18, 30));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 9 + a, d, new Rectangle(18 + a, 35, 18, 15));
                    if (Rate > 22)
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 10, d, new Rectangle(18, 35, 18, 30));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 10 + a, d, new Rectangle(18 + a, 35, 18, 15));
                    if (Rate > 24)
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 11, d, new Rectangle(18, 35, 18, 30));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 11 + a, d, new Rectangle(18 + a, 35, 18, 15));
                    if (Rate > 26)
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 12, d, new Rectangle(18, 35, 18, 30));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 12 + a, d, new Rectangle(18 + a, 35, 18, 15));
                    if (Rate > 28)
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 13, d, new Rectangle(18, 35, 18, 30));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 13 + a, d, new Rectangle(18 + a, 35, 18, 15));
                    if (Rate > 30)
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 14, d, new Rectangle(18, 35, 18, 30));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 14 + a, d, new Rectangle(18 + a, 35, 18, 15));
                    if (Rate > 32)
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 15, d, new Rectangle(18, 35, 18, 30));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 15 + a, d, new Rectangle(18 + a, 35, 18, 15));
                    if (Rate > 34)
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 16, d, new Rectangle(18, 35, 18, 30));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 16 + a, d, new Rectangle(18 + a, 35, 18, 15));
                    if (Rate > 36)
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 17, d, new Rectangle(18, 35, 18, 30));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 17 + a, d, new Rectangle(18 + a, 35, 18, 15));

                    if (Rate > 38)
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 18, d, new Rectangle(18, 35, 18, 30));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 18 + a, d, new Rectangle(18 + a, 35, 18, 15));
                    if (Rate > 40)
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 19, d, new Rectangle(18, 35, 18, 30));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 19 + a, d, new Rectangle(18 + a, 35, 18, 15));
                    if (Rate > 42)
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 20, d, new Rectangle(18, 35, 18, 30));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 20 + a, d, new Rectangle(18 + a, 35, 18, 15));
                    if (Rate > 44)
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 21, d, new Rectangle(18, 35, 18, 30));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 21 + a, d, new Rectangle(18 + a, 35, 18, 15));
                    if (Rate > 46)
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 22, d, new Rectangle(18, 35, 18, 30));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 22 + a, d, new Rectangle(18 + a, 35, 18, 15));
                    if (Rate > 48)
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 23, d, new Rectangle(18, 35, 18, 30));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 23 + a, d, new Rectangle(18 + a, 35, 18, 15));
                    if (Rate > 50)
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 24, d, new Rectangle(18, 35, 18, 30));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 24 + a, d, new Rectangle(18 + a, 35, 18, 15));
                    if (Rate > 52)
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 25, d, new Rectangle(18, 35, 18, 30));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 25 + a, d, new Rectangle(18 + a, 35, 18, 15));
                    if (Rate > 54)
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 26, d, new Rectangle(18, 35, 18, 30));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 26 + a, d, new Rectangle(18 + a, 35, 18, 15));
                    if (Rate > 56)
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 27, d, new Rectangle(18, 35, 18, 30));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 27 + a, d, new Rectangle(18 + a, 35, 18, 15));
                    if (Rate > 58)
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 28, d, new Rectangle(18, 35, 18, 30));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 28 + a, d, new Rectangle(18 + a, 35, 18, 15));
                    if (Rate > 60)
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 29, d, new Rectangle(18, 35, 18, 30));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 29 + a, d, new Rectangle(18 + a, 35, 18, 15));
                    if (Rate > 62)
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 30, d, new Rectangle(18, 35, 18, 30));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 30 + a, d, new Rectangle(18 + a, 35, 18, 15));
                    if (Rate > 64)
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 31, d, new Rectangle(18, 35, 18, 30));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 31 + a, d, new Rectangle(18 + a, 35, 18, 15));
                    if (Rate > 66)
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 32, d, new Rectangle(18, 35, 18, 30));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 32 + a, d, new Rectangle(18 + a, 35, 18, 15));
                    if (Rate > 68)
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 33, d, new Rectangle(18, 35, 18, 30));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 33 + a, d, new Rectangle(18 + a, 35, 18, 15));
                    if (Rate > 70)
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 34, d, new Rectangle(18, 35, 18, 30));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 34 + a, d, new Rectangle(18 + a, 35, 18, 15));
                    if (Rate > 72)
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 35, d, new Rectangle(18, 35, 18, 30));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 35 + a, d, new Rectangle(18 + a, 35, 18, 15));
                    if (Rate > 74)
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 36, d, new Rectangle(18, 35, 18, 30));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 36 + a, d, new Rectangle(18 + a, 35, 18, 15));
                    if (Rate > 76)
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 37, d, new Rectangle(18, 35, 18, 30));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 37 + a, d, new Rectangle(18 + a, 35, 18, 15));
                    if (Rate > 78)
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 38, d, new Rectangle(18, 35, 18, 30));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 38 + a, d, new Rectangle(18 + a, 35, 18, 15));
                    if (Rate > 80)
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 39, d + 15, new Rectangle(b2, 50, 18, 15));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 39 + a, d, new Rectangle(b2 + a + c, 35, 18, 15));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 39 + a + 4, d - 18, new Rectangle(b2 + a2, 17, 18, 18));
                    if (Rate > 82)
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 40, d + 15, new Rectangle(b2, 50, 18, 15));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 40 + a, d, new Rectangle(b2 + a + c, 35, 18, 15));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 40 + a + 4, d - 18, new Rectangle(b2 + a2 + c, 17, 18, 18));
                    if (Rate > 84)
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 41, d + 15, new Rectangle(b2, 50, 18, 15));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 41 + a, d, new Rectangle(b2 + a + c, 35, 18, 15));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 41 + a + 4, d - 18, new Rectangle(b2 + a2 + c, 17, 18, 18));
                    if (Rate > 86)
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 42, d + 15, new Rectangle(b2, 50, 18, 15));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 42 + a, d, new Rectangle(b2 + a + c, 35, 18, 15));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 42 + a + 4, d - 18, new Rectangle(b2 + a2 + c, 17, 18, 18));
                    if (Rate > 88)
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 43, d + 15, new Rectangle(b2, 50, 18, 15));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 43 + a, d, new Rectangle(b2 + a + c, 35, 18, 15));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 43 + a + 4, d - 18, new Rectangle(b2 + a2 + c, 17, 18, 18));
                    if (Rate > 90)
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 44, d + 15, new Rectangle(b2, 50, 18, 15));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 44 + a, d, new Rectangle(b2 + a + c, 35, 18, 15));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 44 + a + 4, d - 18, new Rectangle(b2 + a2 + c, 17, 18, 18));
                    if (Rate > 92)
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 45, d + 15, new Rectangle(b2, 50, 18, 15));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 45 + a, d, new Rectangle(b2 + a + c, 35, 18, 15));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 45 + a + 4, d - 18, new Rectangle(b2 + a2 + c, 17, 18, 18));
                    if (Rate > 94)
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 46, d + 15, new Rectangle(b2, 50, 18, 15));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 46 + a, d, new Rectangle(b2 + a + c, 35, 18, 15));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 46 + a + 4, d - 18, new Rectangle(b2 + a2 + c, 17, 18, 18));
                    if (Rate > 96)
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 47, d + 15, new Rectangle(b2, 50, 18, 15));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 47 + a, d, new Rectangle(b2 + a + c, 35, 18, 15));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 47 + a + 4, d - 18, new Rectangle(b2 + a2 + c, 17, 18, 18));
                    if (Rate > 98)
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 48, d + 15, new Rectangle(b2, 50, 18, 15));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 48 + a, d, new Rectangle(b2 + a + c, 35, 18, 15));
                        Gauge.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b + c * 48 + a + 4, d - 18, new Rectangle(b2 + a2 + c, 17, 18, 18));
                    if (Rate >= 100.0f)
                        TJAPlayer3.Tx.Gauge_Rainbow.Opacity = 255;
                        TJAPlayer3.Tx.Gauge_Rainbow.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b - 2, d, new Rectangle(0, 35 * this.R.n現在の値, 711, 35));
                        TJAPlayer3.Tx.Gauge_Line[0].t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, b, d - 36);

                if (TJAPlayer3.Tx.Gauge_Soul != null)
                    if (TJAPlayer3.Tx.Gauge_Soul_Fire != null && TJAPlayer3.stage結果.st演奏記録.Drums.fゲージ >= 100.0f)
                        TJAPlayer3.Tx.Gauge_Soul_Fire.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, 1100, 34, new Rectangle(0, 0, 230, 230));
                    TJAPlayer3.Tx.Gauge_Soul.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, 1174, 107, new Rectangle(0, 0, 80, 80));
                double Rate1 = TJAPlayer3.stage結果.st演奏記録.Drums.fゲージ;
                double Rate2 = TJAPlayer3.stage結果.fMiss率.Drums;
                double 回転値   = 180.0;
                double u     = Math.Sin(this.M.n現在の値 * Math.PI / (this.M.n終了値 * 180.0 / 回転値)) * 23;
                if (this.S.b終了値に達してない)
                    if (TJAPlayer3.Tx.Result_Chara != null)
                        TJAPlayer3.Tx.Result_Chara[2].Opacity = 0;
                        TJAPlayer3.Tx.Result_Chara[0].Opacity = 225;
                        TJAPlayer3.Tx.Result_Chara[3].Opacity = 0;
                        TJAPlayer3.Tx.Result_Chara[0].t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, 0, 268, new Rectangle(530 * this.C.n現在の値, 0, 530, 319));
                if (this.S.b終了値に達した && Rate1 > 80)
                    TJAPlayer3.Tx.Result_Chara[2].Opacity = 255;
                    TJAPlayer3.Tx.Result_Chara[0].Opacity = 0;
                    TJAPlayer3.Tx.Result_Chara[3].Opacity = 0;
                    if (TJAPlayer3.Tx.Result_Chara[2] != null && C2.b終了値に達してない)
                        TJAPlayer3.Tx.Result_Chara[2].t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, 0, 268, new Rectangle(530 * this.C2.n現在の値, 0, 530, 319));
                        TJAPlayer3.Tx.Result_Chara[2].Opacity = 0;
                        TJAPlayer3.Tx.Result_Chara[0].Opacity = 0;
                        TJAPlayer3.Tx.Result_Chara[3].Opacity = 225;
                        TJAPlayer3.Tx.Result_Chara[3].t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, 0, 268 + (float)u);
                if (this.S.b終了値に達した && Rate1 < 80)
                    TJAPlayer3.Tx.Result_Chara[1].Opacity = 255;
                    TJAPlayer3.Tx.Result_Chara[0].Opacity = 0;
                    if (TJAPlayer3.Tx.Result_Chara[1] != null && C1.b終了値に達してない)
                        TJAPlayer3.Tx.Result_Chara[1].t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, 0, 268, new Rectangle(530 * this.C1.n現在の値, 0, 530, 319));
                        TJAPlayer3.Tx.Result_Chara[1].t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, 0, 268, new Rectangle(1060, 0, 530, 319));

            this.tスコア文字表示(TJAPlayer3.Skin.nResultScoreP1X + 200, TJAPlayer3.Skin.nResultScoreP1Y + 335, string.Format("{0,7:######0}", TJAPlayer3.stage結果.st演奏記録.Drums.nスコア));
            this.t小文字表示(TJAPlayer3.Skin.nResultGreatP1X + 660, TJAPlayer3.Skin.nResultGreatP1Y + 356, string.Format("{0,4:###0}", TJAPlayer3.stage結果.st演奏記録.Drums.nPerfect数.ToString()));
            this.t小文字表示(TJAPlayer3.Skin.nResultGoodP1X + 660, TJAPlayer3.Skin.nResultGoodP1Y + 382, string.Format("{0,4:###0}", TJAPlayer3.stage結果.st演奏記録.Drums.nGreat数.ToString()));
            this.t小文字表示(TJAPlayer3.Skin.nResultBadP1X + 660, TJAPlayer3.Skin.nResultBadP1Y + 406, string.Format("{0,4:###0}", TJAPlayer3.stage結果.st演奏記録.Drums.nMiss数.ToString()));
            this.t小文字表示(TJAPlayer3.Skin.nResultComboP1X + 798, TJAPlayer3.Skin.nResultComboP1Y + 372, string.Format("{0,4:###0}", TJAPlayer3.stage結果.st演奏記録.Drums.n最大コンボ数.ToString()));
            this.t小文字表示(TJAPlayer3.Skin.nResultRollP1X + 798, TJAPlayer3.Skin.nResultRollP1Y + 431, string.Format("{0,4:###0}", TJAPlayer3.stage結果.st演奏記録.Drums.n連打数.ToString()));

            #region 段位認定モード用
            if (TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.n確定された曲の難易度 == (int)Difficulty.Dan)
                switch (TJAPlayer3.stage演奏ドラム画面.actDan.GetExamStatus(TJAPlayer3.stage結果.st演奏記録.Drums.Dan_C))
                case Exam.Status.Failure:
                    TJAPlayer3.Tx.Result_Dan?.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, TJAPlayer3.Skin.Result_Dan_XY[0], TJAPlayer3.Skin.Result_Dan_XY[1], new Rectangle(0, 0, TJAPlayer3.Skin.Result_Dan[0], TJAPlayer3.Skin.Result_Dan[1]));

                case Exam.Status.Success:
                    TJAPlayer3.Tx.Result_Dan?.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, TJAPlayer3.Skin.Result_Dan_XY[0], TJAPlayer3.Skin.Result_Dan_XY[1], new Rectangle(TJAPlayer3.Skin.Result_Dan[0], 0, TJAPlayer3.Skin.Result_Dan[0], TJAPlayer3.Skin.Result_Dan[1]));

                case Exam.Status.Better_Success:
                    TJAPlayer3.Tx.Result_Dan?.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, TJAPlayer3.Skin.Result_Dan_XY[0], TJAPlayer3.Skin.Result_Dan_XY[1], new Rectangle(TJAPlayer3.Skin.Result_Dan[0] * 2, 0, TJAPlayer3.Skin.Result_Dan[0], TJAPlayer3.Skin.Result_Dan[1]));

                // Dan_Plate
                Dan_Plate?.t2D中心基準描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, TJAPlayer3.Skin.Result_Dan_Plate_XY[0], TJAPlayer3.Skin.Result_Dan_Plate_XY[1]);

            if (!this.ct表示用.b終了値に達した)
Пример #56
    static char M1(int[] arg0, int arg1, C0 arg2)
        arg2.F2 = 1UL;
        if (false)
            arg2 = new C0(-2122779485, 4294967295U, 1UL);
                if (false)
                    C1[] var0 = new C1[] { new C1(-8323020489302957317L, new C0(-1715615025, 0U, 1UL), 0U, new C0(-2, 1091400675U, 18446744073709551614UL), 4, 199250548U, 14086471110737094989UL) };
                    arg2.F2 = 2774658041908676153UL;
                    char var1 = (char)M2(var0[0].F3.F1);
                    var0[0].F0 = 9223372036854775806L;
                    arg2.F2 = arg2.F2;
                    arg2    = arg2;
                    arg0[0] = arg0[0];
                    arg2.F1 = (uint)('4' & (short)M2(arg2.F1));

                ushort var2 = 42163;
                short  var3 = -8103;

            arg1 = arg0[0];
            arg0 = arg0;
            arg2 = arg2;
            short var4 = -30398;

        if (true)
            s_1 = -71;
            M2((uint)(18446744073709551615UL % (char)((char)M2(0U) | 1)));
            if (true)
                if (arg2.F0 >= arg2.F0--)
                    arg2 = new C0(1, 1U, 1UL);
                    byte   var5 = 65;
                    ushort var6 = 1;
                    arg2 = new C0(-1306387738, 0U, 0UL);

        C0 var7 = new C0(-2127361726, 2752341194U, 18446744073709551614UL);

        arg2.F2 = 0UL;
            C0 var8 = arg2;

        M4(arg2.F2, (ushort)M2(var7.F1));
        bool var9 = true;

Пример #57
 public C2(C1 c1, IContainer container)
Пример #58
    static sbyte M1(C1 arg0, short arg1)
        if (M2())
                if (1566 > (short)((uint)(arg0.F4 / (long)(arg0.F1 | 1)) & arg0.F1--))
                    if (M2())
                        byte[] var0 = new byte[] { 231, 146, 239, 0, 92, 63, 1, 1, 121 };
                        arg0.F1 = arg0.F1;

                    if (M2())
                        s_1 = s_1;

                    arg0.F4   = s_1[0, 0].F7;
                    s_2       = s_1[0, 0].F0--;
                    arg0.F1   = 9074284294531230406L;
                    s_1[0, 0] = s_1[0, 0];

                s_2 = s_2--;
                char var1 = s_1[0, 0].F4--;
            arg0.F2 = arg0.F0;
            if (false)
                if (false)
                    int var2 = 0;
                        arg0.F3 = s_1[0, 0].F7;
                        char var3 = s_1[0, 0].F4;

                    arg1 = arg1;
                    s_1[0, 0].F0 = 0;
                    s_1[0, 0].F3 = 32139;
                    sbyte var4 = (sbyte)(1 & arg1);
                    int var5 = s_1[0, 0].F0;
                    s_1[0, 0].F4 = 's';

                sbyte var6 = -1;
                var6 = var6;

                    bool var7 = false;

            if (false)
                arg0.F2 = arg0.F2--;

            s_1[0, 0].F2 = 0L;

        s_1[0, 0].F3 = s_1[0, 0].F3;
Пример #59
    /// <summary>
    /// 根据控件是否为空组合查询条件.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="GBox">GroupBox控件的数据集</param>
    /// <param name="TName">获取信息控件的部份名称</param>
    /// <param name="TName">查询关系</param>
    public static void Find_Grids(Control.ControlCollection GBox, string TName, string ANDSign)
        string FindValue = "";
        string sID       = ""; //定义局部变量

        if (FindValue.Length > 0)
            FindValue = FindValue + ANDSign;
        foreach (Control C in GBox)
        {         //遍历控件集上的所有控件
            if (C.GetType().Name == "TextBox" | C.GetType().Name == "ComboBox")
            {     //判断是否要遍历的控件
                if (C.GetType().Name == "ComboBox" && C.Text != "")
                { //当指定控件不为空时
                    sID = C.Name;
                    if (sID.IndexOf(TName) > -1)
                    {                                                                             //当TName参数是当前控件名中的部分信息时
                        string[] Astr = sID.Split(Convert.ToChar('_'));                           //用“_”符号分隔当前控件的名称,获取相应的字段名
                        FindValue = FindValue + "(" + Astr[1] + " = '" + C.Text + "')" + ANDSign; //生成查询条件
                if (C.GetType().Name == "TextBox" && C.Text != "")        //如果当前为TextBox控件,并且控件不为空
                    sID = C.Name;                                         //获取当前控件的名称
                    if (sID.IndexOf(TName) > -1)                          //判断TName参数值是否为当前控件名的子字符串
                        string[] Astr   = sID.Split(Convert.ToChar('_')); //以“_”为分隔符,将控件名存入到一维数组中
                        string   m_Sgin = "";                             //用于记录逻辑运算符
                        string   mID    = "";                             //用于记录字段名
                        if (Astr.Length > 2)                              //当数组的元素个数大于2时
                            mID = Astr[1] + "_" + Astr[2];                //将最后两个元素组成字段名
                            mID = Astr[1];                       //获取当前条件所对应的字段名称
                        foreach (Control C1 in GBox)             //遍历控件集
                            if (C1.GetType().Name == "ComboBox") //判断是否为ComboBox组件
                                if ((C1.Name).IndexOf(mID) > -1) //判断当前组件名是否包含条件组件的部分文件名
                                    if (C1.Text == "")           //当查询条件为空时
                                        break;                   //退出本次循环
                                        m_Sgin = C1.Text;   //将条件值存储到m_Sgin变量中
                        if (m_Sgin != "")                                                        //当该务件不为空时
                            FindValue = FindValue + "(" + mID + m_Sgin + C.Text + ")" + ANDSign; //组合SQL语句的查询条件
        if (FindValue.Length > 0)              //当存储查询条的变量不为空时,删除逻辑运算符AND和OR
            if (FindValue.IndexOf("AND") > -1) //判断是否用AND连接条件
                FindValue = FindValue.Substring(0, FindValue.Length - 4);
            if (FindValue.IndexOf("OR") > -1)  //判断是否用OR连接条件
                FindValue = FindValue.Substring(0, FindValue.Length - 3);
            FindValue = "";
Пример #60
    static long M5(long arg0, bool arg1, sbyte arg2, short arg3, int arg4, C1 arg5, C1 arg6, ulong arg7, C0 arg8)
        ulong var0 = 1UL;

        if (arg1)
            if (false)
                arg8.F3 = -1;
                    arg6.F3.F0 = arg6.F3.F0;
                    arg5.F3.F7 = 0;
            arg6.F3.F8.F3 = -8879;

        C1[] var1 = new C1[] { new C1(1, 127, 1, new S0(255, 44997, 'q', 32766, 89, -1362637829, 18446744073709551614UL, 32766, new C0(false, 0, 32767, -32767)), new C0(true, 1, 1922, -843), 1), new C1(-3514, 72, 0, new S0(196, 1995, '+', 20498, 0, -416824421, 0UL, -32768, new C0(false, 1, 10102, -31487)), new C0(false, 255, -17738, 0), 65534), new C1(-1143, 124, 135, new S0(254, 63538, 'f', 1, -27, 0, 12820694272202599633UL, 23795, new C0(false, 1, -1, 0)), new C0(true, 0, -8154, 13804), 38156), new C1(24551, -127, 211, new S0(1, 0, ';', 10, 45, 129920213, 1360016726085275290UL, -32768, new C0(true, 251, 32766, -31667)), new C0(true, 254, 1, -32768), 1) };
        if (true)
            s_2        = new C0(false, 1, 32767, 19645);
            arg5.F4.F1 = arg6.F4.F1;
            arg6.F5    = arg5.F5++;

        var1[0].F5 = 0;
        var1[0].F3 = var1[0].F3;
        C0 var2 = arg6.F3.F8;

        arg6.F3.F7 = 12757;
        if (s_2.F0)
            if (var2.F0)
                M6(451097485, s_2.F2, s_5, s_2.F2, arg0, -2468);
                arg1 = false;
                s_8  = s_6.F4;
                if (true)
                    s_6.F3.F8  = arg5.F3.F8;
                    arg6.F3.F1 = 0;
                    if (s_6.F3.F8.F0 && false)
                        M6(var1[0].F3.F5--, var1[0].F3.F8.F3, (sbyte)M6(1, arg6.F4.F3--, 126, arg5.F4.F2, arg0, arg8.F3), -1, arg0, s_6.F3.F7);

                    M6(0, arg5.F3.F8.F3, (sbyte)(M8(0, s_6.F4) & arg6.F1), arg5.F0, arg0++, s_6.F3.F8.F3);
                    s_2.F1 = s_6.F3.F8.F1;

                long var3 = arg0--;
                if (s_6.F4.F0)
                    arg6.F1 = (sbyte)(arg5.F4.F2 % (short)(32766 | 1));
                    M6(arg6.F3.F5, s_6.F4.F2, s_6.F1, (short)(var1[0].F3.F6 | (char)('a' % (ushort)(s_6.F3.F1 | 1))), (long)M6(arg4, (short)((short)M6(arg4, s_4.F2, s_6.F1, arg3, arg0, arg6.F3.F8.F3) + var1[0].F3.F5), var1[0].F1, arg5.F3.F3, 3909677689244265124L, s_6.F3.F8.F2), var2.F3);

                M8(s_1, new C0(false, 35, 31260, -2));
                S0[][] var4 = new S0[][] { new S0[] { new S0(175, 0, '~', 2085, 126, 0, 1UL, 12396, new C0(false, 99, -16070, -25745)) }, new S0[] { new S0(1, 65534, '\\', -2085, -2, -1145543721, 16452456923540143997UL, -513, new C0(false, 225, 0, 17761)), new S0(187, 2, '=', -28631, 13, -895646364, 0UL, 17852, new C0(false, 187, 17749, 19134)) } };

            s_9 = s_9;

        if (true)
            arg6.F1 = 2;
            arg5.F3.F8.F1 = (byte)M7(s_7);
            if (arg5.F3.F8.F0)
                    byte var5 = (byte)(arg4 % (int)(s_6.F3.F5 | 1));
                    s_6.F3.F7 = var1[0].F3.F8.F3;

                arg8.F0 = s_6.F4.F0;
                if (true)
                    arg5.F3.F7 = s_8.F2;
                    if (var1[0].F4.F0)
                        s_10 = s_7;
                            s_8.F1 = arg5.F3.F0;
                            s_2.F3 = var1[0].F3.F8.F2;
                            M6((int)M8(-34, s_6.F3.F8), M8(arg5.F1, arg6.F4), s_6.F1--, -10616, arg0, (short)M6(arg4, s_3.F3, arg2, arg5.F4.F3, arg0++, s_2.F3));
                            s_6.F2     = var1[0].F3.F0;
                            arg6.F3.F7 = arg3;

                        s_6.F3.F8.F0 = true;
                    arg6.F3.F8.F1 = var1[0].F4.F1++;
