public static long DefaultHeuristicPageCacheMemory() { // First check if we have a default override... string defaultMemoryOverride = System.getProperty("dbms.pagecache.memory.default.override"); if (!string.ReferenceEquals(defaultMemoryOverride, null)) { return(BYTES.apply(defaultMemoryOverride)); } double ratioOfFreeMem = 0.50; string defaultMemoryRatioOverride = System.getProperty("dbms.pagecache.memory.ratio.default.override"); if (!string.ReferenceEquals(defaultMemoryRatioOverride, null)) { ratioOfFreeMem = double.Parse(defaultMemoryRatioOverride); } // Try to compute (RAM - maxheap) * 0.50 if we can get reliable numbers... long maxHeapMemory = Runtime.Runtime.maxMemory(); if (0 < maxHeapMemory && maxHeapMemory < long.MaxValue) { try { long physicalMemory = OsBeanUtil.TotalPhysicalMemory; if (0 < physicalMemory && physicalMemory < long.MaxValue && maxHeapMemory < physicalMemory) { long heuristic = ( long )((physicalMemory - maxHeapMemory) * ratioOfFreeMem); long min = ByteUnit.mebiBytes(32); // We'd like at least 32 MiBs. long max = Math.Min(maxHeapMemory * 70, ByteUnit.gibiBytes(20)); // Don't heuristically take more than 20 GiBs, and don't take more than 70 times our max heap. // 20 GiBs of page cache memory is ~2.6 million 8 KiB pages. If each page has an overhead of // 72 bytes, then this will take up ~175 MiBs of heap memory. We should be able to tolerate that // in most environments. The "no more than 70 times heap" heuristic is based on the page size over // the per page overhead, 8192 / 72 ~= 114, plus leaving some extra room on the heap for the rest // of the system. This means that we won't heuristically try to create a page cache that is too // large to fit on the heap. return(Math.Min(max, Math.Max(min, heuristic))); } } catch (Exception) { } } // ... otherwise we just go with 2 GiBs. return(ByteUnit.gibiBytes(2)); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test void veryLargePageListsMustBeFullyAccessible() internal virtual void VeryLargePageListsMustBeFullyAccessible() { // We need roughly 2 GiBs of memory for the meta-data here, which is why this is an IT and not a Test. // We add one extra page worth of data to the size here, to avoid ending up on a "convenient" boundary. int pageSize = ( int )ByteUnit.kibiBytes(8); long pageCacheSize = ByteUnit.gibiBytes(513) + pageSize; int pages = Math.toIntExact(pageCacheSize / pageSize); MemoryAllocator mman = MemoryAllocator.createAllocator("2 GiB", GlobalMemoryTracker.INSTANCE); SwapperSet swappers = new SwapperSet(); long victimPage = VictimPageReference.GetVictimPage(pageSize, GlobalMemoryTracker.INSTANCE); PageList pageList = new PageList(pages, pageSize, mman, swappers, victimPage, Long.BYTES); // Verify we end up with the correct number of pages. assertThat(pageList.PageCount, @is(pages)); // Spot-check the accessibility in the bulk of the pages. IntStream.range(0, pages / 32).parallel().forEach(id => verifyPageMetaDataIsAccessible(pageList, id * 32)); // Thoroughly check the accessibility around the tail end of the page list. IntStream.range(pages - 2000, pages).parallel().forEach(id => verifyPageMetaDataIsAccessible(pageList, id)); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: //ORIGINAL LINE: public Void handle(org.neo4j.causalclustering.core.consensus.RaftMessages_NewEntry_Request newEntryRequest) throws Exception public override Void Handle(Org.Neo4j.causalclustering.core.consensus.RaftMessages_NewEntry_Request newEntryRequest) { BoundedNetworkWritableChannel sizeBoundChannel = new BoundedNetworkWritableChannel(Channel.byteBuf(), ByteUnit.gibiBytes(1)); Marshal.marshal(newEntryRequest.Content(), sizeBoundChannel); return(null); }