protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ExecuteTest) { string genBytesUrl = ResolveClientUrl(CallBackUrl); string script = AstMainScript.Text .Replace("{$GEN_BYTES_URL$}", genBytesUrl) .Replace("{$BYTE_LENGTH$}", ByteLength.ToString()) .Replace("{$COMPLETE_FUNCTION$}", ClientCompleteFunction) .Replace("{$USE_COOKIE$}", UseCookie.ToString().ToLower()) .Replace("{$COOKIE_EXPIRES$}", CookieExpires.TotalDays.ToString()); Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "AjaxSpeedTest", script); } }
public override int GetHashCode() { return((EncryptedHash?.GetHashCode().ToString() + RelativeFilePath.ToString() + ByteLength.ToString()).GetHashCode()); }
public override string ToDebugString(Frame fmsg) { var msg = (N2kFrame)fmsg; string s = ((N2kHeader)msg.Header).PGN.ToString() + ": " + (Name ?? "") + "\nSource=" + msg.Header.PGNSource + "\nDestination=" + msg.Header.PGNDestination + "\nPriority=" + msg.Header.PGNPriority + "\nExpected Length=" + ByteLength.ToString() + " bytes" + "\nActual Length=" + msg.Data.Length + " bytes\n"; // string s = ((N2kHeader)msg.Header).PGN.ToString() + ": " + (Name ?? "") + ", Source=" + msg.Header.PGNSource + ", Destination=" + msg.Header.PGNDestination + ", Priority=" + msg.Header.PGNPriority + ", Length=" + ByteLength.ToString() + " bytes\n"; if ((msg.Defn == null) || (msg.Defn is PGNDefnUnknown)) { // We output each byte with its binary representation for (int i = 0; i < msg.Data.Length; i++) { s = s + Tools.Dump(msg.Data, 8 * i, 8); s = s + " " + "Byte " + i.ToString() + "\n"; } } else { foreach (N2kField f in Fields) { var BitOffset = f.BitOffset; // We ignore fields that have not been transmitted, eg see PGN 127250 if (f.BitOffset + f.BitLength <= (msg.Data.Length) << 3) { s = s + f.DebugString(msg.Data); s = s + " " + f.Name + "=" + f.ToString(msg.Data) + "\n"; // +"{" + (f as Field).ToString(msg.Data) + "}" + "\n"; } } } return(s); }
public override string ToString(Frame fmsg) { var msg = (N2kFrame)fmsg; string s = ((N2kHeader)msg.Header).PGN.ToString() + ": " + (Name ?? "") + "\nSource=" + msg.Header.PGNSource + "\nDestination=" + msg.Header.PGNDestination + "\nPriority=" + msg.Header.PGNPriority + "\nExpected Length=" + ByteLength.ToString() + " bytes" + "\nActual Length=" + msg.Data.Length + " bytes\n"; foreach (N2kField f in Fields) { // We ignore fields that have not been transmitted, eg see PGN 127250 if (f.BitOffset + f.BitLength <= (msg.Data.Length) << 3) { s = s + " " + f.Name + "=" + f.ToString(msg.Data) + "\n"; // +"{" + (f as Field).ToString(msg.Data) + "}" + "\n"; } } return(s); }
public override int GetHashCode() => (EncryptedHash.GetHashCode().ToString() + RelativeFilePath.ToString() + ByteLength.ToString()).GetHashCode();