Пример #1
        public DoodadUI(HullDataManager hullData)
            _hullData = hullData;

            var buttonGen = new ButtonGenerator("ToolbarButton64.json");
            buttonGen.X = 50;
            buttonGen.Y = 50;
            buttonGen.TextureName = "DeckNavArrowUp";
            _deckUpButton = buttonGen.GenerateButton();
            buttonGen.Y = 50 + 64;
            buttonGen.TextureName = "DeckNavArrowDown";
            _deckDownButton = buttonGen.GenerateButton();
            _deckUpButton.OnLeftClickDispatcher += AddVisibleLevel;
            _deckDownButton.OnLeftClickDispatcher += RemoveVisibleLevel;

            _toolBar = new Toolbar("Templates/DoodadToolbar.json");

            _toolBar.BindButtonToTool(0, new WallMenuTool(

            /*_toolBar.BindButtonToTool(1, new LadderBuildTool(
Пример #2
        public BezierCurve(float offsetX, float offsetY, CurveInitalizeData initData)
            float initX = initData.HandlePosX + offsetX;
            float initY = initData.HandlePosY + offsetY;

            _nextLines = null;
            _nextCurve = null;
            _prevCurve = null;
            _prevLines = null;

            _lineTemplate = new LineGenerator();
            _lineTemplate.V1 = Vector2.Zero;
            _lineTemplate.V2 = Vector2.Zero;
            _lineTemplate.Color = Color.White;
            _lineTemplate.Depth = DepthLevel.Low;

            Vector2 component1 = Common.GetComponentFromAngle(initData.Angle, initData.Length1);
            Vector2 component2 = Common.GetComponentFromAngle((float) (initData.Angle - Math.PI), initData.Length2); // minus math.pi to reverse direction

            #region stuff for generating ui elements

            var buttonTemplate = new ButtonGenerator("HullEditorHandle.json");

            var lineTemplate = new LineGenerator("HullEditorLine.json");

            Handle = new CurveHandle(buttonTemplate, lineTemplate, new Vector2(initX, initY), component1, component2);

Пример #3
        public TestState()
            var t = new TerrainGen();
            var sw = new Stopwatch();

            //t.GenerateChunk(i, 0);

            double d = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / 500d;
            int g = 5;

            target = new RenderTarget();
            //sprite = new Sprite2D(target, "TestTexture", 0, 0, 50, 50);
            var buttongen = new ButtonGenerator("ToolbarButton64.json");
            buttongen.RenderTarget = target;
            buttongen.TextureName = "UI_TestTexture";
            buttongen.X = 0;
            buttongen.Y = 0;
            button = buttongen.GenerateButton();

            buttongen.X = 64;
            buttongen.Y = 0;
            button1 = buttongen.GenerateButton();
Пример #4
    void Start()
        buttonGenerator = FindObjectOfType <ButtonGenerator>();
        // Set up action
        buttonGenerator.ViewPart += ButtonGenerator_ViewPart;

Пример #5
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        sentences = new Queue <string>();
        speakers  = new Queue <Speaker>();

        buttonGenerator  = DecisionPanel.Value.GetComponent <ButtonGenerator>();
        characterPotrait = CharacterPotrait.Value.GetComponent <Image>();

        DialogPanel.Value = false;
        public CustomMessageBoxWithContent(FrameworkElement content, string title, params string[] buttons)
            if (content != null)
                Content = content;

            if (title != null)
                Title = new TextBlock()
                    Text         = title,
                    FontSize     = 30,
                    Foreground   = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black),
                    TextWrapping = Windows.UI.Xaml.TextWrapping.Wrap

            if (buttons != null && buttons.Length > 0)
                SpButtons = new StackPanel()
                    Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal

                ButtonAdvanced[] array = ButtonGenerator.Generate(90, 12, buttons);

                for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
                    array[i].Click += button_Click;

                //auto focus first (default) button
                if (AutoFocusDefaultButton && array.Length > 0)
                    array[0].Loaded += (s, e) =>
                        (s as ButtonAdvanced).Focus(FocusState.Keyboard);

                base.Buttons = SpButtons;

        void button_Click(object sender, Windows.UI.Xaml.RoutedEventArgs e)
            SendResponse(SpButtons.Children.IndexOf(sender as Button));
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buttonTemplate"> </param>
        /// <param name="lineTemplate"> </param>
        /// <param name="pos"> </param>
        /// <param name="prevComponent"> </param>
        /// <param name="nextComponent"> </param>
        public CurveHandle(ButtonGenerator buttonTemplate, LineGenerator lineTemplate, Vector2 pos, Vector2 prevComponent, Vector2 nextComponent)
            buttonTemplate = new ButtonGenerator("HullEditorHandle.json");
            buttonTemplate.Identifier = (int) HandleType.Center;
            buttonTemplate.X = pos.X;
            buttonTemplate.Y = pos.Y;

            _centerButton = buttonTemplate.GenerateButton();
            _centerButton.GetComponent<DraggableComponent>().DragMovementDispatcher += TranslateToLinks;
            _centerButton.GetComponent<DraggableComponent>().DragMovementClamp += ClampHandleMovement;

            buttonTemplate.Identifier = (int) HandleType.Prev;
            buttonTemplate.X = prevComponent.X + pos.X;
            buttonTemplate.Y = prevComponent.Y + pos.Y;
            _prevButton = buttonTemplate.GenerateButton();
            _prevButton.GetComponent<DraggableComponent>().DragMovementDispatcher += TranslateToLinks;
            _prevButton.GetComponent<DraggableComponent>().DragMovementClamp += ClampHandleMovement;

            buttonTemplate.Identifier = (int) HandleType.Next;
            buttonTemplate.X = nextComponent.X + pos.X;
            buttonTemplate.Y = nextComponent.Y + pos.Y;
            _nextButton = buttonTemplate.GenerateButton();
            _nextButton.GetComponent<DraggableComponent>().DragMovementDispatcher += TranslateToLinks;
            _nextButton.GetComponent<DraggableComponent>().DragMovementClamp += ClampHandleMovement;

            _prevLine = lineTemplate.GenerateLine();
            _nextLine = lineTemplate.GenerateLine();

            _prevLine.OriginPoint = _centerButton.CentPosition;
            _prevLine.DestPoint = _prevButton.CentPosition;

            _nextLine.OriginPoint = _centerButton.CentPosition;
            _nextLine.DestPoint = _nextButton.CentPosition;





Пример #8
        public Toolbar(string path){
            var sr = new StreamReader(path);
            var str = sr.ReadToEnd();
            var ctorData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ToolbarCtorData>(str);
            _Enabled = true;

            #region some validity checks

            if (ctorData.ButtonIcons == null)
                throw new InvalidDataException("ButtonIcons invalid");
            if (ctorData.NumButtons == 0)
                throw new InvalidDataException("NumButtons invalid");
            if (ctorData.ButtonIcons.Length != ctorData.NumButtons)
                throw new InvalidDataException("NumButtons is not equal to the number of ButtonIcons");


            #region set ctor data

            _position = ctorData.Position;
            _buttonSize = ctorData.ButtonSize;
            _orientation = ctorData.Orientation;
            _numButtons = ctorData.NumButtons;


            #region create the buttons

            var buttonGen = new ButtonGenerator(ctorData.ButtonTemplate);
            ToolbarButtons = new Button[ctorData.NumButtons];

            int xPos = _position.X;
            int yPos = _position.Y;
            int xIncrement = 0, yIncrement = 0;
            if (_orientation == ToolbarOrientation.Horizontal)
                xIncrement = _buttonSize.X;
                yIncrement = _buttonSize.Y;

            for (int i = 0; i < ctorData.NumButtons; i++){
                buttonGen.Identifier = i;
                buttonGen.X = xPos;
                buttonGen.Y = yPos;
                buttonGen.TextureName = ctorData.ButtonIcons[i];

                ToolbarButtons[i] = buttonGen.GenerateButton();

                xPos += xIncrement;
                yPos += yIncrement;
            foreach (var button in ToolbarButtons){
                button.OnLeftClickDispatcher += HandleButtonClick;


            #region finalize construction

            _nullTool = new NullTool();
            _activeTool = _nullTool;

            _buttonTools = new IToolbarTool[_numButtons];
            for (int i = 0; i < _numButtons; i++)
                _buttonTools[i] = _nullTool;

Пример #9
    //Generates Menu for scene from DB
    static public void GenerateMenu()
        Scene scene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene();//get current scene

        //Menu menu = DatabaseGetMenu(sceneName) or whatever this function will eventually be

        //create some test Options/Menu

         * Option[] options = new Option[4];
         * options[0] = new Option("Train", "train", 0);
         * options[1] = new Option("Fight", "fight", 2);
         * options[2] = new Option("Stunt", "stunt");
         * options[3] = new Option("Remember Dre.", "rememberDre");
         * Menu menu = new Menu("Test Menu", options);

        //create canvas for menu
        GameObject newCanvas = new GameObject("Canvas", typeof(Canvas));

        newCanvas.GetComponent <Canvas>().renderMode = RenderMode.ScreenSpaceOverlay; //set rendermode to Screen Space Overlay for reasons
        newCanvas.transform.position = Vector3.zero;                                  //center canvas
        newCanvas.AddComponent <GraphicRaycaster>();                                  //add Raycaster so buttons work

        Type sceneScript = Type.GetType(scene.name);//get name of script file with option functions


        //get Menu object of menu
        Menu menu = (Menu)sceneScript.GetMethod("getMenu").Invoke(null, null);

        //MethodInfo method = sceneScript.GetMethod(options[0].func);
        //sceneScript.GetMethod(options[0].func).Invoke(null, null);
        //sceneScript.GetMethod(options[0].func).Invoke(null, null);
        //newCanvas.AddComponent< sceneScript.GetType() > ();//add NewGame script to canvas -- need to replace with generic

        //GameObject title = new GameObject("text", typeof(Text));
        //title.GetComponent<Text>().text = menu.name;
        //title.GetComponent<Text>().font = Font.CreateDynamicFontFromOSFont("Ariel", 20);

        //Create title
        Text thetext = newCanvas.AddComponent <Text>();

        thetext.text      = menu.name;
        thetext.font      = Font.CreateDynamicFontFromOSFont("Ariel", 20);
        thetext.fontSize  = 50;
        thetext.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperCenter;//center title


        //create buttons
        GameObject tempButton;
        float      y = 100.0f;                                        //starting y value for buttons

        foreach (Option option in menu.options)                       //iterate through options and make a button for each one
            tempButton = ButtonGenerator.GenerateButton(option.name); //create new Button
            tempButton.transform.SetParent(newCanvas.transform);      //set new buttons parent canvas
            tempButton.transform.position = new Vector3(0.0f, y, 0.0f);
            y -= 50;                                                  //decrement y so each button is lower than the last

            //add onClick listener, needs to be made generic
            Button btn = tempButton.GetComponent <Button>();
            // Debug.Log(btn.onClick);
            // btn.onClick.AddListener(delegate { testClick(); });

            string function = option.func; //capture func
            //set onClick to lambda function that calls the method named in func
            btn.onClick.AddListener(() => { sceneScript.GetMethod(function).Invoke(null, null); });