void fillDepartment()
            BusinessSearchPhysician bus = new BusinessSearchPhysician();
            DataTable dt = bus.BussinessFillDepartmentDetails();    //PlanDtls DataTable Returned

            cbDepartment.DataTextField  = dt.Columns[1].ToString(); //Plan Name
            cbDepartment.DataValueField = dt.Columns[0].ToString(); //Plan ID
            cbDepartment.DataSource     = dt;
            cbDepartment.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("Select Department", "-1"));
        void fillState()
            BusinessSearchPhysician bus = new BusinessSearchPhysician();
            //if we dont use this DataTable 3 of the same State list prints in DropDownList
            DataTable dt = bus.BussinessFillStateDetails();    //StateDtls DataTable Return

            cbState.DataTextField  = dt.Columns[1].ToString(); //State Name: Will be shown to user
            cbState.DataValueField = dt.Columns[0].ToString(); //State ID: will be used in backend
            cbState.DataSource     = dt;
            ListItem li = new ListItem("Select State", "-1");

            cbState.Items.Insert(0, li);//Inserting "Select State" List Item in Position 0
        protected void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            EntityPhysician objEn = new EntityPhysician();

            if (cbState.SelectedIndex == 0)
                //Error Message
                objEn.StateId = cbState.SelectedValue;

            if (cbPlan.SelectedIndex == 0)
                //Error Message
                objEn.PlanId = cbPlan.SelectedValue;

            if (cbDepartment.SelectedIndex == 0)
                //Error Message
                objEn.DepartmentId = cbDepartment.SelectedValue;

            BusinessSearchPhysician bus = new BusinessSearchPhysician();
            DataTable dt;

            dt = bus.businessFillPhysicianResult(objEn);
            gvSearchPhysicianResult.DataSource = dt;