public void VerifyCountry()
            ICountry country = BusinessObjectInitializer.CreateCountry();
            Random   random  = new Random();

            country.Code       = DATestUtils.GenerateString(3, true, true);
            country.Name       = DATestUtils.GenerateString(30, true, false);
            country.IdRegion   = random.Next(1, 3);
            country.IdCurrency = random.Next(1, 12);
            country.Rank       = random.Next(100000, 200000);

            int newId = InsertCountryTest(country);

            Assert.Greater(newId, 0);

            int rowsAffected = UpdateCountryTest(country);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, rowsAffected);

            DataTable resultTable = SelectCountryTest(country).Tables[0];

            //Verifies that the table contains the correct column names and order
            StringCollection columns = new StringCollection();

            columns.AddRange(new string[] { "Code",
                                            "IdCurrency" });
            DATestUtils.CheckTableStructure(resultTable, columns);

                //we delete the 7 accounts associated with a country
                GlAccountTest accountTest = new GlAccountTest();
                IGlAccount glAccount = BusinessObjectInitializer.CreateGLAccount();

                glAccount.IdCountry = newId;
                for (int i = 1; i <= 7; i++)
                    glAccount.Id = i;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("Pre-Condition failed for delete operation. Gl/account operation meessage: " + ex.Message);

            int rowCount = DeleteCountryTest(country);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, rowCount);