Пример #1
			static private BulkEditTabPageSettings DeserializeTabPageSettings(BulkEditBar bulkEditBar, string tabSettingsKey)
				Mediator mediator = bulkEditBar.m_mediator;
				string settingsXml = "";
				if (tabSettingsKey.Length > 0)
					settingsXml = mediator.PropertyTable.GetStringProperty(tabSettingsKey, "", PropertyTable.SettingsGroup.LocalSettings);
				BulkEditTabPageSettings restoredTabPageSettings = null;
				if (settingsXml.Length > 0)
					// figure out type/class of object to deserialize from xml data.
					XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
					string className = doc.DocumentElement.Name;
					// get the type from the xml itself.
					Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
					// if we can find an existing class/type, we can try to deserialize to it.
					BulkEditTabPageSettings basicTabPageSettings = new BulkEditTabPageSettings();
					Type pgSettingsType = basicTabPageSettings.GetType();
					string baseClassTypeName = pgSettingsType.FullName.Split(new char[] { '+' })[0];
					Type targetType = assembly.GetType(baseClassTypeName + "+" + className, false);

					// deserialize
					restoredTabPageSettings = (BulkEditTabPageSettings)
						XmlUtils.DeserializeXmlString(settingsXml, targetType);
				if (restoredTabPageSettings == null)
					restoredTabPageSettings = new BulkEditTabPageSettings();
				restoredTabPageSettings.m_bulkEditBar = bulkEditBar;
				return restoredTabPageSettings;