Пример #1
        public override Expression Generate(object args, CodeBlock c)
            var refs = ClrGenerator.SaveReferences();

            object arg      = Builtins.First(args);
            object typespec = (Builtins.Second(args));

            Cons body = Builtins.Cdr(Builtins.Cdr(args)) as Cons;

            var returntype = ClrGenerator.ExtractTypeInfo(Builtins.List(quote, Builtins.Second(typespec)));

            CodeBlock cb = Ast.CodeBlock(SpanHint, GetLambdaName(c), returntype);

            NameHint    = SymbolId.Empty;
            cb.Filename = LocationHint;
            cb.Parent   = c;

            bool isrest = AssignParameters(cb, arg, Builtins.Car(typespec));

            List <Statement> stmts = new List <Statement>();

            FillBody(cb, stmts, body, true);

            Type dt = GetDelegateType(cb);
            Type ct = GetClosureType(cb);

            Expression ex = Ast.New(ct.GetConstructor(new Type[] { dt }), Ast.CodeBlockExpression(cb, true, dt));


Пример #2
        protected static bool AssignParameters(CodeBlock cb, object arg)
            bool isrest = false;
            Cons cargs  = arg as Cons;

            if (cargs != null)
                while (cargs != null)
                    SymbolId an = (SymbolId)Builtins.First(cargs);
                    CreateParameter(an, cb, typeof(object));

                    Cons r = cargs.cdr as Cons;

                    if (r == null && cargs.cdr != null)
                        SymbolId ta = (SymbolId)cargs.cdr;
                        CreateParameter(ta, cb, typeof(object));
                        isrest = true;
                        cargs = r;
            else if (arg != null) // empty
                SymbolId an = (SymbolId)arg;
                isrest = true;
                CreateParameter(an, cb, typeof(object));
Пример #3
        public override Expression Generate(object args, CodeBlock c)
            var refs = ClrGenerator.SaveReferences();

            CodeBlock cb = Ast.CodeBlock(SpanHint, GetLambdaName(c));

            NameHint    = SymbolId.Empty;
            cb.Filename = LocationHint;
            cb.Parent   = c;
            cb.Source   = new Cons(SymbolTable.StringToObject("lambda"), args);

            object arg = Builtins.First(args);

            Cons body = Builtins.Cdr(args) as Cons;

            bool isrest = AssignParameters(cb, arg);

            cb.IsRest = isrest;

            List <Statement> stmts = new List <Statement>();

            FillBody(cb, stmts, body, true);

            Expression ex = MakeClosure(cb, isrest);


Пример #4
        // (clr-field-set! type field-name obj value)
        public override Expression Generate(object args, CodeBlock cb)
            Type   t        = null;
            string type     = null;
            bool   inferred = false;

            object rtype = Builtins.First(args);

            ExtractTypeInfo(rtype, out t, out type, out inferred);

            string member = SymbolTable.IdToString((SymbolId)Builtins.Second(Builtins.Second(args)));

            BindingFlags bf = BindingFlags.Instance;

            Expression instance = GetAst(Builtins.Third(args), cb);

            if (instance is ConstantExpression && ((ConstantExpression)instance).Value == null)
                bf       = BindingFlags.Static;
                instance = null;

                if (inferred)
                    ClrSyntaxError("clr-field-set!", "type inference not possible on static member", member);
            else if (inferred)
                if (instance is UnaryExpression && instance.Type == typeof(object))
                    var ue = (UnaryExpression)instance;
                    instance = ue.Operand;
                t = instance.Type;
                instance = ConvertToHelper(t, instance);
            type = t.Name;

            FieldInfo fi = t.GetField(member, BindingFlags.Public | bf | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy);

            if (fi == null)
                ClrSyntaxError("clr-field-set!", "field not found on type: " + type, args);

            if (fi.IsLiteral)
                ClrSyntaxError("clr-field-set!", "cannot set a constant field: " + type);

            Expression value = GetAst(Builtins.Car(Builtins.LastPair(args)), cb);

            return(Ast.Comma(Ast.AssignField(instance, fi, value), Ast.ReadField(null, Unspecified)));
Пример #5
        public override Expression Generate(object args, CodeBlock cb)
            SymbolId s = (SymbolId)Builtins.First(args);

            assigns[s] = true;

            if (libraryglobals.ContainsKey(s))

            if (libraryglobalsN.ContainsKey(s))

            if (libraryglobalsX.ContainsKey(s))


            NameHint = Builtins.UnGenSymInternal(s);
            var prevvh = VarHint;

            VarHint = s;
            Expression value = GetAst(Builtins.Second(args), cb);

            VarHint = prevvh;

            NameHint = SymbolId.Invalid;

            Variable  v = cb.Lookup(s);
            Statement r = null;

            if (v == null)
                r = Ast.Statement(Ast.SimpleCallHelper(SetSymbolValue, Ast.Constant(s), value));
                //Trace.Assert(cb.Parent != null);
                value = Ast.ConvertHelper(value, v.Type);
                r     = Ast.Write(v, value);

            if (SpanHint != SourceSpan.Invalid || SpanHint != SourceSpan.None)

Пример #6
        public override Expression Generate(object args, CodeBlock cb)
            var  to = Builtins.First(args);
            Type t  = ExtractTypeInfo(to);

            if (t == null)
                ClrSyntaxError("clr-type-of", "type not found", to, Cons.FromList(namespaces.Keys));
Пример #7
        protected static bool AssignParameters(CodeBlock cb, object arg, object types)
            bool isrest = false;
            Cons cargs  = arg as Cons;
            Cons ctypes = types as Cons;

            if (cargs != null)
                while (cargs != null)
                    SymbolId an = (SymbolId)Builtins.First(cargs);

                    if (ctypes == null)
                        Builtins.SyntaxError("AssignParameters", "missing parameter type", Builtins.UnGenSymInternal(an), Builtins.FALSE);

                    object type = Builtins.First(ctypes);

                    Type clrtype = ClrGenerator.ExtractTypeInfo(Builtins.List(quote, type));

                    CreateParameter(an, cb, clrtype);

                    Cons r  = cargs.cdr as Cons;
                    Cons rt = ctypes.cdr as Cons;

                    // not sure I can even handle this...
                    if (r == null && cargs.cdr != null)
                        SymbolId ta = (SymbolId)cargs.cdr;
                        CreateParameter(ta, cb, typeof(object));
                        isrest = true;
                        cargs  = r;
                        ctypes = rt;
                if (ctypes != null)
                    Builtins.SyntaxError("AssignParameters", "extra parameter type(s)", ctypes, Builtins.FALSE);
            else if (arg != null) // empty
                SymbolId an = (SymbolId)arg;
                isrest = true;
                CreateParameter(an, cb, typeof(object));
            // else both null, which is OK, no?
Пример #8
        // (clr-reference assname)
        public override Expression Generate(object args, CodeBlock cb)
            Assembly ass     = null;
            object   name    = Builtins.Second(Builtins.First(args));
            string   assname = null;

            if (name is SymbolId)
                assname = SymbolTable.IdToString((SymbolId)name);//.Replace(".dll", "");
            else if (name is string)
                assname = (string)name;
                ClrSyntaxError("clr-reference", "reference is not a symbol or a string", name);

                var aname = AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(assname);
                ass = Assembly.Load(aname);
            catch (FileNotFoundException)
                    ass = Assembly.Load(assname);
                catch (FileNotFoundException)
                    // final fail, after AssemblyResolve

            if (ass == null)
                // last chance
#pragma warning disable 0618
                ass = Assembly.LoadWithPartialName(assname);
#pragma warning restore 0618

            if (ass == null)
                ClrSyntaxError("clr-reference", "assembly not found", args);

            return(Ast.ReadField(null, Unspecified));
Пример #9
        // (clr-is type arg)
        public override Expression Generate(object args, CodeBlock cb)
            Type   t;
            string type;
            bool   inferred;

            object rtype = Builtins.First(args);

            ExtractTypeInfo(rtype, out t, out type, out inferred);

            if (t == null)
                ClrSyntaxError("clr-is", "type not found", type);

            return(Ast.TypeIs(GetAst(Builtins.Second(args), cb), t));
Пример #10
        // (clr-using namespace)
        public override Expression Generate(object args, CodeBlock cb)
            object name    = Builtins.Second(Builtins.First(args));
            string assname = null;

            if (name is SymbolId)
                assname             = SymbolTable.IdToString((SymbolId)name);
                namespaces[assname] = assname;
                ClrSyntaxError("clr-using", "namespace is not a symbol", name);

            return(Ast.ReadField(null, Unspecified));
Пример #11
        protected static bool AssignParameters(CodeBlock cb, object arg, object types)
            bool isrest = false;
            Cons cargs  = arg as Cons;
            Cons ctypes = types as Cons;

            if (cargs != null)
                while (cargs != null)
                    SymbolId an   = (SymbolId)Builtins.First(cargs);
                    object   type = Builtins.First(ctypes);

                    Type clrtype = ClrGenerator.ExtractTypeInfo(Builtins.List(quote, type));

                    CreateParameter(an, cb, clrtype);

                    Cons r  = cargs.cdr as Cons;
                    Cons rt = ctypes.cdr as Cons;

                    if (r == null && cargs.cdr != null)
                        SymbolId ta = (SymbolId)cargs.cdr;
                        CreateParameter(ta, cb, typeof(object));
                        isrest = true;
                        cargs  = r;
                        ctypes = rt;
            else if (arg != null) // empty
                SymbolId an = (SymbolId)arg;
                isrest = true;
                CreateParameter(an, cb, typeof(object));
Пример #12
        // (clr-cast type arg)
        public override Expression Generate(object args, CodeBlock cb)
            Type   t;
            string type;
            bool   inferred;

            object rtype = Builtins.First(args);

            ExtractTypeInfo(rtype, out t, out type, out inferred);

            if (t == null)
                ClrSyntaxError("clr-cast", "type not found", type);

            Expression obj = GetAst(Builtins.Second(args), cb);

            if (obj.IsConstant(null))
                if (t == typeof(int))
                    return(Ast.Convert(Ast.Constant(0), t));
                if (t == typeof(double))
                    return(Ast.Convert(Ast.Constant(0.0), t));
                if (t == typeof(char))
                    return(Ast.Convert(Ast.Constant((char)0), t));
                if (t == typeof(bool))
                    return(Ast.Convert(Ast.Constant(false), t));

            return(ConvertToHelper(t, obj));
Пример #13
        // (clr-new-array type size )
        public override Expression Generate(object args, CodeBlock cb)
            Type   t;
            string type;
            bool   inferred;

            object rtype = Builtins.First(args);

            ExtractTypeInfo(rtype, out t, out type, out inferred);

            if (t == null)
                ClrSyntaxError("clr-new-array", "type not found", type);

            t = t.MakeArrayType();

            Expression size = ConvertToHelper(typeof(int), GetAst(Builtins.Second(args), cb));

            ConstructorInfo ci = t.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(int) });

            return(Ast.New(ci, size));
Пример #14
        // (clr-call type member obj arg1 ... )
        public override Expression Generate(object args, CodeBlock cb)
            Type   t        = null;
            string type     = null;
            bool   inferred = false;

            object rtype = Builtins.First(args);

            ExtractTypeInfo(rtype, out t, out type, out inferred);

            string member = null;
            var    marg   = Builtins.Second(args);

            object memobj = null;

            Type[] argtypes = null;
            Type[] gentypes = null;

            if (marg is SymbolId)
                var mem = Builtins.SymbolValue(marg);

                if (mem is Cons)
                    ExtractMethodInfo(mem as Cons, out member, ref argtypes, ref gentypes);
                    ClrSyntaxError("clr-call", "type member not supported", mem);
                memobj = Builtins.Second(marg);

                member = memobj is SymbolId?SymbolTable.IdToString((SymbolId)memobj) : "";

                if (memobj is string)
                    string mems = memobj as string;
                    int    bi   = mems.IndexOf('(');
                    if (bi < 0)
                        member = mems;
                        member = mems.Substring(0, bi);
                else if (memobj is Cons)
                    ExtractMethodInfo(memobj as Cons, out member, ref argtypes, ref gentypes);

            Expression instance = GetAst(Builtins.Third(args), cb);

            CallType ct = CallType.ImplicitInstance;

            if (instance is ConstantExpression && ((ConstantExpression)instance).Value == null)
                ct = CallType.None;

                if (inferred)
                    ClrSyntaxError("clr-call", "type inference not possible on static member", member);
            else if (inferred)
                if (instance is UnaryExpression && instance.Type == typeof(object))
                    var ue = (UnaryExpression)instance;
                    instance = ue.Operand;
                t = instance.Type;
                instance = ConvertToHelper(t, instance);

            type = t.Name;

            Expression[] arguments = GetAstListNoCast(Cdddr(args) as Cons, cb);

            if (member == "get_Item")
                if (Attribute.IsDefined(t, typeof(DefaultMemberAttribute)))
                    var dma = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(t, typeof(DefaultMemberAttribute)) as DefaultMemberAttribute;
                    member = "get_" + dma.MemberName;
                else if (t.IsArray)
                    var index = arguments[0];
                    return(Ast.ArrayIndex(instance, Ast.ConvertHelper(index, typeof(int))));
            else if (member == "set_Item")
                if (Attribute.IsDefined(t, typeof(DefaultMemberAttribute)))
                    var dma = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(t, typeof(DefaultMemberAttribute)) as DefaultMemberAttribute;
                    member = "set_" + dma.MemberName;
                else if (t.IsArray)
                    var index = arguments[0];
                    var v     = arguments[1];
                    return(Ast.Comma(Ast.AssignArrayIndex(instance, Ast.ConvertHelper(index, typeof(int)), v), Ast.ReadField(null, Unspecified)));

            List <MethodBase> candidates = new List <MethodBase>();

            BindingFlags bf = BindingFlags.Public | (ct == CallType.None ? BindingFlags.Static : BindingFlags.Instance) | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy;

            foreach (MethodInfo mi in t.GetMember(member, MemberTypes.Method, bf))
                if (PAL.ExcludeParamtypes(mi))
                if (mi.ContainsGenericParameters)
                    if (gentypes != null && mi.GetGenericArguments().Length == gentypes.Length)

            Type[] types = new Type[arguments.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < types.Length; i++)
                types[i] = arguments[i].Type;

            if (memobj is string)
                string mems = memobj as string;
                int    bi   = mems.IndexOf('(');
                if (bi < 0)
                    // do notthig
                    string[] typeargs = mems.Substring(bi + 1).TrimEnd(')').Split(',');

                    for (int i = 0; i < types.Length; i++)
                        if (typeargs[i].Length > 0)
                            types[i] = ScanForType(typeargs[i]);
            else if (argtypes != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < types.Length; i++)
                    types[i] = argtypes[i];

            if (ct == CallType.ImplicitInstance)
                types = ArrayUtils.Insert(t, types);

            MethodBinder mb = MethodBinder.MakeBinder(Binder, member, candidates, BinderType.Normal);

            MethodCandidate mc = mb.MakeBindingTarget(ct, types);

            if (mc == null)
                types = new Type[arguments.Length];

                for (int i = 0; i < types.Length; i++)
                    types[i] = typeof(object);

                if (ct == CallType.ImplicitInstance)
                    types = ArrayUtils.Insert(t, types);

                mc = mb.MakeBindingTarget(ct, types);

            if (mc != null)
                MethodInfo meth = (MethodInfo)mc.Target.Method;
                // do implicit cast
                ParameterInfo[] pars = meth.GetParameters();
                for (int i = 0; i < arguments.Length; i++)
                    Type tt = pars[i].ParameterType;
                    arguments[i] = ConvertToHelper(tt, arguments[i]);

                Expression r = null;

                // o god...
                if (ct == CallType.ImplicitInstance)
                    r = Ast.ComplexCallHelper(instance, (MethodInfo)mc.Target.Method, arguments);
                    r = Ast.ComplexCallHelper((MethodInfo)mc.Target.Method, arguments);

                return(ConvertFromHelper(meth.ReturnType, r));

            ClrSyntaxError("clr-call", "member could not be resolved on type: " + type, args, member);

Пример #15
        public override Expression Generate(object args, CodeBlock c)
            Cons lambdas = args as Cons;

            int arlen = lambdas == null ? 0 : lambdas.Length;

            if (arlen == 1)
                if (lambdagen == null)
                    lambdagen = Context.Scope.LookupName(SymbolTable.StringToId("lambda")) as LambdaGenerator;
                return(lambdagen.Generate(lambdas.car, c));
                List <CodeBlockDescriptor> cbs = new List <CodeBlockDescriptor>();
                Cons annotations = this.annotations;
                this.annotations = null;

                string lambdaname = GetLambdaName(c);

                NameHint = SymbolId.Empty;

                var        sh  = SpanHint;
                var        lh  = LocationHint;
                Annotation ann = null;

                while (lambdas != null)
                    object actual = lambdas.car;
                    if (annotations != null)
                        ann = annotations.car as Annotation;

                        if (ann != null)
                            var h = (Cons)ann.source;

                            if (h.cdr is string)
                                sh = ExtractLocation(((Cons)ann.source).cdr as string);
                            else if (h.cdr is SourceSpan)
                                sh = (SourceSpan)h.cdr;

                    var refs = ClrGenerator.SaveReferences();

                    CodeBlock cb = Ast.CodeBlock(sh, lambdaname);
                    cb.Filename = lh;
                    cb.Parent   = c;

                    object arg  = Builtins.First(actual);
                    Cons   body = Builtins.Cdr(actual) as Cons;

                    bool isrest = AssignParameters(cb, arg);
                    cb.IsRest = isrest;

                    List <Statement> stmts = new List <Statement>();
                    FillBody(cb, stmts, body, true);

                    CodeBlockDescriptor cbd = new CodeBlockDescriptor();
                    cbd.arity     = isrest ? -cb.ParameterCount : cb.ParameterCount;
                    cbd.codeblock = Ast.CodeBlockExpression(cb, false);
                    cbd.varargs   = isrest;

                    descriptorshack.Add(cbd.codeblock, cbd);

                    if (annotations != null)
                        annotations = annotations.cdr as Cons;
                    lambdas = lambdas.cdr as Cons;


                return(MakeCaseClosure(lambdaname, cbs));
Пример #16
        // (clr-new type arg1 ... )
        public override Expression Generate(object args, CodeBlock cb)
            Type   t;
            string type;
            bool   inferred;

            object rtype = Builtins.First(args);

            ExtractTypeInfo(rtype, out t, out type, out inferred);

            if (t == null)
                ClrSyntaxError("clr-new", "type not found", type);

            Expression[] arguments = GetAstListNoCast(Builtins.Cdr(args) as Cons, cb);

            List <MethodBase> candidates = new List <MethodBase>();

            foreach (ConstructorInfo c in t.GetConstructors())
                bool add = true;

                foreach (var pi in c.GetParameters())
                    if (pi.ParameterType.IsPointer)
                        add = false;

                if (add)

            if (t.IsValueType && arguments.Length == 0)
                // create default valuetype here

            Type[] types = new Type[arguments.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < types.Length; i++)
                types[i] = arguments[i].Type;

            CallType ct = CallType.None;

            MethodBinder mb = MethodBinder.MakeBinder(Binder, "ctr", candidates, BinderType.Normal);

            MethodCandidate mc = mb.MakeBindingTarget(ct, types);

            if (mc == null)
                types = new Type[arguments.Length];

                for (int i = 0; i < types.Length; i++)
                    types[i] = typeof(object);

                if (ct == CallType.ImplicitInstance)
                    types = ArrayUtils.Insert(t, types);

                mc = mb.MakeBindingTarget(ct, types);

            ConstructorInfo ci = null;

            if (mc == null && candidates.Count > 0)
                foreach (ConstructorInfo c in candidates)
                    if (c.GetParameters().Length == arguments.Length)
                        ci = c;
                        break; // tough luck for now
                ci = mc.Target.Method as ConstructorInfo;

            if (ci != null)
                ParameterInfo[] pars = ci.GetParameters();
                for (int i = 0; i < arguments.Length; i++)
                    Type tt = pars[i].ParameterType;
                    arguments[i] = ConvertToHelper(tt, arguments[i]);

                Expression r = Ast.New(ci, arguments);

            ClrSyntaxError("clr-new", "constructor could not be resolved on type: " + type, args);

Пример #17
        public override Expression Generate(object args, CodeBlock c)
            Cons lambdas = args as Cons;

            int arlen = lambdas == null ? 0 : lambdas.Length;

            if (arlen == 1)
                if (lambdagen == null)
                    lambdagen = Context.Scope.LookupName(SymbolTable.StringToId("typed-lambda")) as TypedLambdaGenerator;
                return(lambdagen.Generate(lambdas.car, c));
                List <CodeBlockDescriptor> cbs = new List <CodeBlockDescriptor>();

                string lambdaname = GetLambdaName(c);

                NameHint = SymbolId.Empty;

                var sh = SpanHint;
                var lh = LocationHint;

                while (lambdas != null)
                    var refs = ClrGenerator.SaveReferences();

                    object actual = lambdas.car;

                    object arg      = Builtins.First(actual);
                    object typespec = (Builtins.Second(actual));

                    Cons body = Builtins.Cdr(Builtins.Cdr(actual)) as Cons;

                    var returntype = ClrGenerator.ExtractTypeInfo(Builtins.List(quote, Builtins.Second(typespec)));

                    CodeBlock cb = Ast.CodeBlock(SpanHint, lambdaname, returntype);
                    NameHint    = SymbolId.Empty;
                    cb.Filename = lh;
                    cb.Parent   = c;

                    bool isrest = AssignParameters(cb, arg, Builtins.Car(typespec));

                    List <Statement> stmts = new List <Statement>();
                    FillBody(cb, stmts, body, true);

                    Type dt = GetDelegateType(cb);
                    Type ct = GetClosureType(cb);

                    var        cbe = Ast.CodeBlockExpression(cb, true, dt);
                    Expression ex  = Ast.New(ct.GetConstructor(new Type[] { dt }), cbe);

                    CodeBlockDescriptor cbd = new CodeBlockDescriptor();
                    cbd.arity     = isrest ? -cb.ParameterCount : cb.ParameterCount;
                    cbd.callable  = ex;
                    cbd.codeblock = cbe;
                    cbd.varargs   = isrest;

                    descriptorshack2.Add(cbd.callable, cbd);


                    lambdas = lambdas.cdr as Cons;


                return(MakeTypedCaseClosure(lambdaname, cbs));
Пример #18
        public override Expression Generate(object args, CodeBlock cb)
            Cons c    = args as Cons;
            int  alen = c.Length;

            if (alen < 2 || alen > 3)
                Builtins.SyntaxError("if", "argument mismatch. expected: (if a b c?) got: " + new Cons("if", args), args, false);
            object test     = Builtins.First(args);
            object trueexp  = Builtins.Second(args);
            object falseexp = alen == 3 ? Builtins.Third(args) : null;

            // fast check for (if #f #f) == Unspecified or (if #t ...)
            if (test is bool) // constant
                bool tt = (bool)test;
                if (tt)
                    return(GetAst(test, cb));
                    if (falseexp == null)
                        return(Ast.ReadField(null, Unspecified));
                        return(GetAst(falseexp, cb));

            Expression e = null;

            if (falseexp != null)
                e = Unwrap(GetAst(falseexp, cb));
                e = Ast.ReadField(null, Unspecified);

            Expression t = Unwrap(GetAst(trueexp, cb));

            if (e.Type != typeof(object) && e.Type != t.Type)
                e = Ast.ConvertHelper(e, typeof(object));

            if (t.Type != typeof(object) && e.Type != t.Type)
                t = Ast.ConvertHelper(t, typeof(object));

            Expression testexp = Unwrap(GetAst(test, cb));

            if (testexp is ConstantExpression)
                if (testexp.IsConstant(false))

            if (testexp.Type != typeof(bool))
                testexp = Ast.SimpleCallHelper(Builtins_IsTrue, testexp);
                //testexp = Ast.NotEqual(Ast.Constant(false), testexp);

            return(Ast.Condition(testexp, t, e));