public override bool build() { /*TODO * scan the area around the node for other buildings, * and weight the random number based on their type. * The more buildings of one type around a new node, * the more likely it is to instantiate as that type */ if (concreteImplementation == null) { System.Random rnd = new System.Random(); SortedDictionary <BuildingClass, float> building_weights = buildingWeights(); BuildingClass most_frequent = BuildingClass.Residential; float weighting_factor = 0.0f; float temp_output = 0.0f; foreach (BuildingClass b in building_weights.Keys) { building_weights.TryGetValue(b, out temp_output); if (temp_output > weighting_factor) { weighting_factor = temp_output; most_frequent = b; } } switch ((rnd.NextDouble() <= weighting_factor ? (int)most_frequent : rnd.Next(buildingClasses.Length))) { case (int)BuildingClass.Residential: concreteImplementation = new ResidentialBuildingNode(this.GetComponent <Transform>().position); break; case (int)BuildingClass.Commercial: concreteImplementation = new CommercialBuildingNode(this.GetComponent <Transform>().position); break; default: print("No corosponding building type"); return(false); } this.setConstructed(true); this.GetComponent <BoxCollider>().enabled = false;; concreteImplementation.setConstructed(true); } return(true); }
public void expand() { System.Random rnd = new System.Random(); surplus += harvest(); int neededSupplies = (population % surplus); surplus -= neededSupplies; gold += surplus; population += surplus; int goldDiff = gold - lastCensusGold; int popDiff = population - lastCensusPopulation; int surplusDiff = surplus - lastCensusSurplus; int newBuildings = (popDiff / 100); int loopCount = 0; while (newBuildings > 0 && loopCount < cityMap.Count) { BuildingNode b = cityMap[rnd.Next(cityMap.Count)]; if (b != null && !b.getConstructed()) { if ( { newBuildings -= 1; } } loopCount += 1; } lastCensusGold = gold; lastCensusPopulation = population; lastCensusSurplus = surplus; }