Пример #1
        private static object ResolveArray <T>(IBuilderContext context)
            IUnityContainer container = BuilderContext.NewBuildUp <IUnityContainer>(context);
            List <T>        results   = new List <T>(container.ResolveAll <T>());

Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Called during the chain of responsibility for a build operation. The
        /// PostBuildUp method is called when the chain has finished the PreBuildUp
        /// phase and executes in reverse order from the PreBuildUp calls.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Context of the build operation.</param>
        public override void PostBuildUp(IBuilderContext context)
            // If it's already been intercepted, don't do it again.
            if (context.Existing is IInterceptingProxy)

            Type originalType;

            if (!BuildKey.TryGetType(context.OriginalBuildKey, out originalType))

            Type typeToIntercept;
            IInstanceInterceptionPolicy interceptionPolicy = FindInterceptorPolicy(context, out typeToIntercept);

            if (interceptionPolicy != null)
                IInstanceInterceptor interceptor = interceptionPolicy.Interceptor;
                if (interceptor.CanIntercept(typeToIntercept))
                    IUnityContainer    container   = BuilderContext.NewBuildUp <IUnityContainer>(context);
                    InjectionPolicy[]  policies    = BuilderContext.NewBuildUp <InjectionPolicy[]>(context);
                    PolicySet          allPolicies = new PolicySet(policies);
                    IInterceptingProxy proxy       = interceptor.CreateProxy(typeToIntercept, context.Existing);
                    bool hasHandlers = false;
                    foreach (MethodImplementationInfo method in interceptor.GetInterceptableMethods(typeToIntercept, context.Existing.GetType()))
                        HandlerPipeline pipeline = new HandlerPipeline(allPolicies.GetHandlersFor(method, container));
                        if (pipeline.Count > 0)
                            proxy.SetPipeline(interceptor.MethodInfoForPipeline(method), pipeline);
                            hasHandlers = true;
                    if (hasHandlers)
                        context.Existing = proxy;
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Called during the chain of responsibility for a build operation. The
        /// PostBuildUp method is called when the chain has finished the PreBuildUp
        /// phase and executes in reverse order from the PreBuildUp calls.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>In this class, PostBuildUp checks to see if the object was proxyable,
        /// and if it was, wires up the handlers.</remarks>
        /// <param name="context">Context of the build operation.</param>
        public override void PostBuildUp(IBuilderContext context)
            Guard.ArgumentNotNull(context, "context");

            IInterceptingProxy proxy = context.Existing as IInterceptingProxy;

            if (proxy == null)

            ITypeInterceptionPolicy interceptionPolicy = GetInterceptionPolicy(context);

            Type            typeToIntercept      = BuildKey.GetType(context.BuildKey);
            PolicySet       interceptionPolicies = new PolicySet(BuilderContext.NewBuildUp <InjectionPolicy[]>(context));
            IUnityContainer currentContainer     = BuilderContext.NewBuildUp <IUnityContainer>(context);

            foreach (MethodImplementationInfo item in interceptionPolicy.Interceptor.GetInterceptableMethods(typeToIntercept, typeToIntercept))
                HandlerPipeline pipeline = new HandlerPipeline(
                    interceptionPolicies.GetHandlersFor(item, currentContainer));
                proxy.SetPipeline(interceptionPolicy.Interceptor.MethodInfoForPipeline(item), pipeline);