private BudModify GetModel(BudModify budModify) { if (budModify == null) { budModify = new BudModify(); budModify.InputDate = DateTime.Now; budModify.InputUser = base.UserCode; budModify.Flowstate = -1; } budModify.ModifyId = this.hfldBudModifyId.Value.Trim(); budModify.PrjId = this.hdnProjectCode.Value; budModify.ModifyCode = this.txtModifyCode.Text.Trim(); budModify.ModifyContent = this.txtModifyCode.Text.Trim(); budModify.ModifyFileCode = this.txtModifyCode.Text.Trim(); budModify.BudAmount = 0m; budModify.ReportAmount = 0m; budModify.ApprovalAmount = 0m; budModify.ApprovalDate = new DateTime?(DateTime.Now); budModify.Note = string.Empty; budModify.InputUser = base.UserCode; budModify.InputDate = DateTime.Now; budModify.LastModifyUser = base.UserCode; budModify.LastModifyDate = DateTime.Now; return(budModify); }
public BudTask GetBudTask(string taskId) { BudModifyService service = new BudModifyService(); BudModifyTask byId = this.GetById(taskId); BudTask task2 = new BudTask(); if (byId != null) { BudModify modify = service.GetById(byId.ModifyId); task2.TaskId = byId.ModifyTaskId; task2.ParentId = byId.TaskId; task2.OrderNumber = byId.OrderNumber; task2.Version = 1; task2.PrjId = modify.PrjId; task2.TaskCode = byId.ModifyTaskCode; task2.TaskName = byId.ModifyTaskContent; task2.Unit = byId.Unit; task2.Quantity = new decimal?(byId.Quantity); task2.UnitPrice = new decimal?(byId.UnitPrice); task2.Total = new decimal?(byId.Total); task2.StartDate = byId.StartDate; task2.EndDate = byId.EndDate; task2.ConstructionPeriod = byId.ConstructionPeriod; task2.Note = byId.Note; task2.InputDate = DateTime.Now; task2.InputUser = modify.InputUser; task2.TaskType = string.Empty; task2.IsValid = true; } //List<BudModifyTask> inModifyTask = this.GetInModifyTask(taskId); DataSet dsTask = this.GetInModifyTask2(taskId); //if (inModifyTask != null) if (dsTask.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { //foreach (BudModifyTask task3 in inModifyTask) foreach (DataRow dr in dsTask.Tables[0].Rows) { decimal?quantity = task2.Quantity; decimal num3 = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["Quantity"]); //task3.Quantity; task2.Quantity = quantity.HasValue ? new decimal?(quantity.GetValueOrDefault() + num3) : null; decimal?total = task2.Total; decimal num4 = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["Total"]); //task3.Total; task2.Total = total.HasValue ? new decimal?(total.GetValueOrDefault() + num4) : null; } decimal num = 0M; decimal num2 = 0M; if (task2.Total.HasValue) { num2 = 0M; } if (task2.Quantity.HasValue && (task2.Quantity.Value != 0M)) { num = num2 / task2.Quantity.Value; } task2.UnitPrice = new decimal?(num); } return(task2); }
private List <BudTaskResource> GetAllRes(string prjId, int version) { List <BudTaskResource> list = (from taskRes in this join task in this.tSer on taskRes.TaskId equals task.TaskId where (task.PrjId == prjId) && (task.TaskType == "") select taskRes).ToList <BudTaskResource>(); BudModifyTaskResService service = new BudModifyTaskResService(); BudModifyTaskService service2 = new BudModifyTaskService(); BudModifyService service3 = new BudModifyService(); using (List <BudModifyTaskRes> .Enumerator enumerator = (from mtr in service join mt in service2 on mtr.ModifyTaskId equals mt.ModifyTaskId join m in service3 on mt.ModifyId equals m.ModifyId where (m.PrjId == prjId) && (m.Flowstate == 1) select mtr).ToList <BudModifyTaskRes>().GetEnumerator()) { BudModifyTaskRes modifyTaskRes; while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { modifyTaskRes = enumerator.Current; BudModify byId = service3.GetById(modifyTaskRes.ModifyId); BudModifyTask task = (from mts in service2 where mts.ModifyTaskId == modifyTaskRes.ModifyTaskId select mts).FirstOrDefault <BudModifyTask>(); BudTaskResource item = new BudTaskResource { TaskResourceId = modifyTaskRes.ModifyTaskResId }; if (task.ModifyType == 0) { item.TaskId = modifyTaskRes.ModifyTaskId; } else { item.TaskId = task.TaskId; } item.ResourceId = modifyTaskRes.ResourceId; item.ResourceQuantity = new decimal?(modifyTaskRes.ResourceQuantity); item.ResourcePrice = new decimal?(modifyTaskRes.ResourcePrice); item.InputDate = DateTime.Now; item.InputUser = byId.InputUser; item.PrjGuid = prjId; item.Versions = new int?(version); list.Add(item); } } return(list); }
private void BindModifyInfo() { BudModify byId = this.modifySer.GetById(this.hfldModifyId.Value); if (byId != null) { this.txtModifyCode.Text = byId.ModifyCode; this.txtModifyContent.Text = byId.ModifyContent; this.txtModifyFileCode.Text = byId.ModifyFileCode; this.txtReportAmount.Text = byId.ReportAmount.ToString(); this.txtApprovalAmount.Text = byId.ApprovalAmount.ToString(); if (byId.ApprovalDate.HasValue) { this.txtApprovalDate.Text = byId.ApprovalDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); } this.txtNotes.Text = byId.Note; } }
private BudModify GetModel(BudModify budModify) { if (budModify == null) { budModify = new BudModify(); budModify.InputDate = System.DateTime.Now; budModify.InputUser = base.UserCode; budModify.Flowstate = -1; } budModify.ModifyId = this.hfldModifyId.Value.Trim(); budModify.PrjId = this.prjId; budModify.ModifyCode = this.txtModifyCode.Text.Trim(); budModify.ModifyContent = this.txtModifyContent.Text.Trim(); budModify.ModifyFileCode = this.txtModifyFileCode.Text.Trim(); budModify.BudAmount = 0m; decimal reportAmount = 0m; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.txtReportAmount.Text.Trim())) { reportAmount = System.Convert.ToDecimal(this.txtReportAmount.Text.Trim()); } budModify.ReportAmount = reportAmount; decimal approvalAmount = 0m; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.txtApprovalAmount.Text.Trim())) { approvalAmount = System.Convert.ToDecimal(this.txtApprovalAmount.Text.Trim()); } budModify.ApprovalAmount = approvalAmount; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.txtApprovalDate.Text.Trim())) { budModify.ApprovalDate = new System.DateTime?(System.Convert.ToDateTime(this.txtApprovalDate.Text.Trim())); } budModify.Note = this.txtNotes.Text.Trim(); budModify.LastModifyUser = base.UserCode; budModify.LastModifyDate = System.DateTime.Now; return(budModify); }
public void CommitEvent(object key) { BudModifyService service = new BudModifyService(); BudTaskService service2 = new BudTaskService(); BudModifyTaskService service3 = new BudModifyTaskService(); BudTaskResourceService service4 = new BudTaskResourceService(); ConPayoutModifyService service5 = new ConPayoutModifyService(); string modifyId = key.ToString(); BudModify budmodify = (from r in service where r.ModifyId == modifyId select r).FirstOrDefault <BudModify>(); ConPayoutModify item = (from r in service5 where r.BudModifyId == modifyId select r).FirstOrDefault <ConPayoutModify>(); if (item != null) { item.FlowState = 1; service5.Update(item); } using (List <BudModifyTask> .Enumerator enumerator = (from p in service3 where p.ModifyId == budmodify.ModifyId select p).ToList <BudModifyTask>().GetEnumerator()) { BudModifyTask taskx; while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { taskx = enumerator.Current; cn.justwin.Domain.Entities.BudTask task = (from p in service2 where p.TaskId == taskx.TaskId select p).FirstOrDefault <cn.justwin.Domain.Entities.BudTask>(); if ((task != null) && (budmodify.Flowstate == 1)) { if (taskx.ModifyType == 0) { task.IsValid = true; service2.Update(task); service3.UpdateTotal2(taskx.ModifyTaskId); } if ((task.ModifyId != task.ModifyId) || (taskx.ModifyType == 1)) { task.ModifyId = task.ModifyId; if (!task.Total2.HasValue) { task.Total2 = 0; } if (!task.Quantity.HasValue) { task.Quantity = 0; } task.Total2 = new decimal?(Convert.ToDecimal(task.Total2) + Convert.ToDecimal(task.Total2)); task.Quantity = new decimal?(Convert.ToDecimal(task.Quantity) + Convert.ToDecimal(task.Quantity)); if (task.Quantity != 0M) { task.UnitPrice = task.Total2 / task.Quantity; } service2.Update(task); service3.UpdateTotal2(taskx.ModifyTaskId); } } } } if (ConfigHelper.Get("BudgetRequireDiff") != "0") { string str2 = ConfigHelper.Get("IsWBSRelevance"); BudModify byId = service.GetById(key.ToString()); service2.DeleteYearMonthByPrj(byId.PrjId); IList <cn.justwin.Domain.Entities.BudTask> byProject = service2.GetByProject(byId.PrjId, 0x3e7); IList <int> years = service2.GetYears(byId.PrjId); if (years != null) { foreach (int num in years) { IList <cn.justwin.Domain.Entities.BudTask> yearTask = service2.GetYearTask(byProject, num); foreach (cn.justwin.Domain.Entities.BudTask task2 in yearTask) { service2.Add(task2); } foreach (int num2 in service2.GetMonths(yearTask, num)) { foreach (cn.justwin.Domain.Entities.BudTask task3 in service2.GetMonthTasks(yearTask, num, num2)) { service2.Add(task3); } } } if (str2 == "1") { service4.AddTaskResource(byId.PrjId); } } } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int count = ( from modify in this.modifySer where modify.PrjId == this.hdnProjectCode.Value.Trim() && modify.ModifyCode == this.txtModifyCode.Text.Trim() select modify).ToList <BudModify>().Count; if (string.Compare(this.action, "Add", true) == 0) { if (count > 0) { base.RegisterScript("'此编码已经存在!');"); return; } this.AddContractModify(); ConPayoutModifyService conPayoutModifyService = new ConPayoutModifyService(); ConPayoutModify byId = conPayoutModifyService.GetById(this.hfldModifyId.Value); byId.BudModifyId = this.hfldBudModifyId.Value; conPayoutModifyService.Update(byId); try { BudModify model = this.GetModel(null); this.modifySer.Add(model); this.SaveModifyTask(); this.SaveTask(); if (this.hfldIsWBSRelevance.Value == "0") { this.SaveModifyTaskResByModifyId(this.hfldModifyId.Value); } base.RegisterScript("top.ui.tabSuccess({ parentName: 'ModifyEdit' });"); return; } catch { base.RegisterScript("'添加失败!');"); return; } } if (string.Compare(this.action, "Update", true) == 0) { this.UpdateContractModify(); BudModify byId2 = this.modifySer.GetById(this.hfldBudModifyId.Value); if (byId2 != null && byId2.ModifyCode != this.txtModifyCode.Text.Trim() && count > 0) { base.RegisterScript("'此编码已经存在!');"); return; } try { this.modifySer.Update(this.GetModel(byId2)); this.modifyTaskSer.DelModifyTask(this.hfldBudModifyId.Value); this.SaveModifyTask(); this.SaveTask(); if (this.hfldIsWBSRelevance.Value == "0") { this.SaveModifyTaskResByModifyId(this.hfldBudModifyId.Value); } base.RegisterScript("top.ui.tabSuccess({ parentName: 'ModifyEdit'});"); } catch { base.RegisterScript("'编辑失败!');"); } } }
protected void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { List <string> listFromJson = JsonHelper.GetListFromJson(this.hfldModifyId.Value); foreach (string modifyId in listFromJson) { ConPayoutModify payOutModify = ( from r in this.payOutSer where r.ModifyID == modifyId select r).FirstOrDefault <ConPayoutModify>(); BudModify budModify = ( from r in this.modifySer where r.ModifyId == payOutModify.BudModifyId select r).FirstOrDefault <BudModify>(); if (budModify != null) { List <BudTask> list = ( from r in this.budTaskSer where r.ModifyId == budModify.ModifyId select r).ToList <BudTask>(); foreach (BudTask model in list) { BudModifyTask budModifyTask = ( from r in this.budModifyTaskSer where r.TaskId == model.TaskId select r).FirstOrDefault <BudModifyTask>(); if (budModifyTask.ModifyType == 0) { this.budTaskSer.Delete(model); this.budModifyTaskSer.UpdateTotal2(budModifyTask.ModifyTaskId); this.budModifyTaskSer.Delete(budModifyTask); } else { model.ModifyId = budModifyTask.ModifyId; model.Total2 -= budModifyTask.Total2; model.Quantity -= budModifyTask.Quantity; if (model.Quantity != 0m) { model.UnitPrice = model.Total2 / model.Quantity; } this.budTaskSer.Update(model); this.budModifyTaskSer.UpdateTotal2(budModifyTask.ModifyTaskId); this.budModifyTaskSer.Delete(budModifyTask); } } this.modifySer.Delete(budModify); } } try { //foreach (string current in listFromJson) //{ // SelfEventAction.SuperDelete(current, "Con_Payout_Modify", "FlowState"); //} this.payoutModify.Delete(listFromJson); base.RegisterScript("window.location = window.location;"); } catch (Exception) { base.RegisterScript("alert('系统提示:\\n\\n删除失败!');"); } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { int count = ( from modify in this.modifySer where modify.PrjId == this.hfldPrjId.Value.Trim() && modify.ModifyCode == this.txtModifyCode.Text.Trim() select modify).ToList <BudModify>().Count; if (this.action == "Add") { if (count > 0) { base.RegisterScript("'此编码已经存在!');"); return; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.txtModifyFileCode.Text.Trim())) { int count2 = ( from modify in this.modifySer where modify.ModifyFileCode == this.txtModifyFileCode.Text.Trim() select modify).ToList <BudModify>().Count; if (count2 > 0) { base.RegisterScript("'此变更文件编号已经存在!');"); return; } } try { BudModify model = this.GetModel(null); this.modifySer.Add(model); this.SaveOutModifyTask(); this.SaveInModifyTask(); if (this.hfldIsWBSRelevance.Value == "0") { this.SaveModifyTaskResByModifyId(this.hfldModifyId.Value); } base.RegisterScript("top.ui.tabSuccess({ parentName: '_EditModify' });"); return; } catch { base.RegisterScript("'添加失败!');"); return; } } BudModify byId = this.modifySer.GetById(this.hfldModifyId.Value); if (byId != null && byId.ModifyCode != this.txtModifyCode.Text.Trim() && count > 0) { base.RegisterScript("'此编码已经存在!');"); return; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.txtModifyFileCode.Text.Trim())) { int count3 = ( from modify in this.modifySer where modify.ModifyFileCode == this.txtModifyFileCode.Text.Trim() select modify).ToList <BudModify>().Count; if (byId.ModifyFileCode != this.txtModifyFileCode.Text.Trim() && count3 > 0) { base.RegisterScript("'此变更文件编号已经存在!');"); return; } } try { this.modifySer.Update(this.GetModel(byId)); this.modifyTaskSer.DelModifyTask(this.hfldModifyId.Value); this.SaveOutModifyTask(); this.SaveInModifyTask(); if (this.hfldIsWBSRelevance.Value == "0") { this.SaveModifyTaskResByModifyId(this.hfldModifyId.Value); } base.RegisterScript("top.ui.tabSuccess({ parentName: '_EditModify' });"); } catch { base.RegisterScript("'编辑失败!');"); } }
public IList <BudTask> GetByProject(string prjId, int level = 0x3e7) { int orderNumberLen = level * 3; List <BudTask> source = (from t in this where ((t.PrjId == prjId) && (t.TaskType == string.Empty)) && (t.OrderNumber.Length <= orderNumberLen) orderby t.OrderNumber select t).ToList <BudTask>(); BudModifyTaskService service = new BudModifyTaskService(); BudModifyService service2 = new BudModifyService(); foreach (BudModifyTask task in (from mt in service join m in service2 on mt.ModifyId equals m.ModifyId where ((m.PrjId == prjId) && (m.Flowstate == 1)) && (mt.ModifyType == 0) select mt).ToList <BudModifyTask>()) { BudModify byId = service2.GetById(task.ModifyId); BudTask item = new BudTask { TaskId = task.ModifyTaskId, ParentId = task.TaskId, OrderNumber = task.OrderNumber, Version = 1, PrjId = prjId, TaskCode = task.ModifyTaskCode, TaskName = task.ModifyTaskContent, Unit = task.Unit, Quantity = new decimal?(task.Quantity), UnitPrice = new decimal?(task.UnitPrice), Total = new decimal?(task.Total), StartDate = task.StartDate, EndDate = task.EndDate, ConstructionPeriod = task.ConstructionPeriod, Note = task.Note, InputDate = DateTime.Now, InputUser = byId.InputUser, TaskType = string.Empty, IsValid = true }; source.Add(item); } using (List <BudModifyTask> .Enumerator enumerator2 = (from mt in service join m in service2 on mt.ModifyId equals m.ModifyId where ((m.PrjId == prjId) && (m.Flowstate == 1)) && (mt.ModifyType == 1) select mt).ToList <BudModifyTask>().GetEnumerator()) { Func <BudTask, bool> predicate = null; BudModifyTask modifyTask; while (enumerator2.MoveNext()) { modifyTask = enumerator2.Current; if (predicate == null) { predicate = t => t.TaskId == modifyTask.TaskId; } BudTask task3 = source.Where <BudTask>(predicate).FirstOrDefault <BudTask>(); if (task3 != null) { decimal?quantity = task3.Quantity; decimal num = modifyTask.Quantity; task3.Quantity = quantity.HasValue ? new decimal?(quantity.GetValueOrDefault() + num) : null; decimal?total = task3.Total; decimal num2 = modifyTask.Total; task3.Total = total.HasValue ? new decimal?(total.GetValueOrDefault() + num2) : null; } } } return(source); }
public void CommitEvent(object key) { string primarykey = key.ToString(); ConPayoutModify payOutModify = (from r in this.payOutSer where r.ModifyID == primarykey select r).FirstOrDefault <ConPayoutModify>(); BudModify budModify = (from r in this.modifySer where r.ModifyId == payOutModify.BudModifyId select r).FirstOrDefault <BudModify>(); budModify.Flowstate = 1; this.modifySer.Update(budModify); using (List <BudModifyTask> .Enumerator enumerator = (from p in this.budModifyTaskSer where p.ModifyId == budModify.ModifyId select p).ToList <BudModifyTask>().GetEnumerator()) { BudModifyTask task; while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { task = enumerator.Current; BudTask item = (from p in this.budTaskSer where p.TaskId == task.TaskId select p).FirstOrDefault <BudTask>(); if ((item != null) && (budModify.Flowstate == 1)) { if (task.ModifyType == 0) { item.IsValid = true; this.budTaskSer.Update(item); this.budModifyTaskSer.UpdateTotal2(task.ModifyTaskId); } if (item.ModifyId != task.ModifyId) { item.ModifyId = task.ModifyId; item.Total2 += task.Total2; decimal?quantity = item.Quantity; decimal num = task.Quantity; item.Quantity = quantity.HasValue ? new decimal?(quantity.GetValueOrDefault() + num) : null; if (item.Quantity != 0M) { item.UnitPrice = item.Total2 / item.Quantity; } this.budTaskSer.Update(item); this.budModifyTaskSer.UpdateTotal2(task.ModifyTaskId); } } } } string cmdText = string.Format(" SELECT * FROM Con_Modify_Stock where ModifyId='{0}' ", primarykey); if (SqlHelper.ExecuteQuery(CommandType.Text, cmdText, null).Rows.Count != 0) { string str2 = string.Format("SELECT ModifyStock.*FROM Con_Modify_Stock ModifyStock\r\n INNER JOIN Sm_Purchase_Stock purchaseStock ON ModifyStock.purchaseId=purchaseStock.psid\r\n WHERE ModifyId='{0}'", primarykey); DataTable table2 = SqlHelper.ExecuteQuery(CommandType.Text, str2, null); string str3 = string.Format("SELECT purchaseStock.* FROM Sm_Purchase_Stock purchaseStock \r\n LEFT JOIN (SELECT *FROM Con_Modify_Stock where ModifyId='{0}') ModifyStock\r\n ON purchaseStock.psid=ModifyStock.purchaseId\r\n WHERE purchaseStock.pscode in (SELECT DISTINCT Pscode FROM Con_Modify_Stock WHERE ModifyId='{0}')\r\n AND ModifyStockId IS NULL", primarykey); DataTable table3 = SqlHelper.ExecuteQuery(CommandType.Text, str3, null); string str4 = string.Format("SELECT ModifyStock.* FROM Con_Modify_Stock ModifyStock\r\n LEFT JOIN Sm_Purchase_Stock purchaseStock ON ModifyStock.purchaseId=purchaseStock.psid\r\n WHERE ModifyId='{0}'AND psid IS NULL", primarykey); DataTable table4 = SqlHelper.ExecuteQuery(CommandType.Text, str4, null); using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(SqlHelper.ConnectionString)) { connection.Open(); SqlTransaction trans = connection.BeginTransaction(); foreach (DataRow row in table2.Rows) { PurchaseStockModel model = new PurchaseStockModel { psid = row["PurchaseId"].ToString(), sprice = DBHelper.GetDecimal(row["Sprice"]), number = DBHelper.GetDecimal(row["Quantity"]), corp = DBHelper.GetString(row["Corp"]) }; if (row["ArrivalDate"] != null) { model.ArrivalDate = row["ArrivalDate"].ToString(); } else { model.ArrivalDate = null; } model.pscode = row["Pscode"].ToString(); model.scode = row["Scode"].ToString(); this.purchaseSotck.Update(trans, model); } foreach (DataRow row2 in table3.Rows) { this.purchaseSotck.Delete(trans, row2["psid"].ToString()); } foreach (DataRow row3 in table4.Rows) { PurchaseStockModel model2 = new PurchaseStockModel { psid = row3["PurchaseId"].ToString(), sprice = DBHelper.GetDecimal(row3["Sprice"]), number = DBHelper.GetDecimal(row3["Quantity"]), corp = DBHelper.GetString(row3["Corp"]) }; if (row3["ArrivalDate"] != null) { model2.ArrivalDate = row3["ArrivalDate"].ToString(); } else { model2.ArrivalDate = null; } model2.pscode = row3["Pscode"].ToString(); model2.scode = row3["Scode"].ToString(); this.purchaseSotck.Add(trans, model2); } trans.Commit(); return; } } string str5 = string.Format("\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT PCode FROM Sm_Purchase purchase\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN Con_Payout_Modify payoutModify ON purchase.Contract=payoutModify.ContractId\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE ModifyId='{0}' AND purchase.FlowState=1", primarykey); DataTable table5 = SqlHelper.ExecuteQuery(CommandType.Text, str5, null); if (table5.Rows.Count > 0) { using (SqlConnection connection2 = new SqlConnection(SqlHelper.ConnectionString)) { connection2.Open(); SqlTransaction transaction2 = connection2.BeginTransaction(); foreach (DataRow row4 in table5.Rows) { this.purchaseSotck.DeleteByPscode(transaction2, row4["PCode"].ToString()); } transaction2.Commit(); } } }