Пример #1
        protected BinderFactory(LanguageCompilation compilation, SyntaxTree syntaxTree)
            _compilation = compilation;
            _syntaxTree  = syntaxTree;

            _binderFactoryVisitorPool = new ObjectPool <BinderFactoryVisitor>(() => Language.CompilationFactory.CreateBinderFactoryVisitor(this), 64);

            _buckStopsHereBinder = new BuckStopsHereBinder(compilation);
Пример #2
        private static Binder CreateBinderChain(
            CSharpCompilation compilation,
            PEModuleSymbol module,
            NamespaceSymbol @namespace,
            ImmutableArray<ImmutableArray<ImportRecord>> importRecordGroups)
            var stack = ArrayBuilder<string>.GetInstance();
            while ((object)@namespace != null)
                @namespace = @namespace.ContainingNamespace;

            Binder binder = new BuckStopsHereBinder(compilation);
            var hasImports = !importRecordGroups.IsDefaultOrEmpty;
            var numImportStringGroups = hasImports ? importRecordGroups.Length : 0;
            var currentStringGroup = numImportStringGroups - 1;

            // PERF: We used to call compilation.GetCompilationNamespace on every iteration,
            // but that involved walking up to the global namespace, which we have to do
            // anyway.  Instead, we'll inline the functionality into our own walk of the
            // namespace chain.
            @namespace = compilation.GlobalNamespace;

            while (stack.Count > 0)
                var namespaceName = stack.Pop();
                if (namespaceName.Length > 0)
                    // We're re-getting the namespace, rather than using the one containing
                    // the current frame method, because we want the merged namespace.
                    @namespace = @namespace.GetNestedNamespace(namespaceName);
                    Debug.Assert((object)@namespace != null,
                        $"We worked backwards from symbols to names, but no symbol exists for name '{namespaceName}'");
                    Debug.Assert((object)@namespace == (object)compilation.GlobalNamespace);

                Imports imports = null;
                if (hasImports)
                    if (currentStringGroup < 0)
                        Debug.WriteLine($"No import string group for namespace '{@namespace}'");

                    var importsBinder = new InContainerBinder(@namespace, binder);
                    imports = BuildImports(compilation, module, importRecordGroups[currentStringGroup], importsBinder);

                binder = new InContainerBinder(@namespace, binder, imports);


            if (currentStringGroup >= 0)
                // CONSIDER: We could lump these into the outermost namespace.  It's probably not worthwhile since
                // the usings are already for the wrong method.
                Debug.WriteLine($"Found {currentStringGroup + 1} import string groups without corresponding namespaces");

            return binder;
Пример #3
        public void TestConversionsWithCustomModifiers()
            var text = @"
class C
    int[] a;

            var ilAssemblyReference = TestReferences.SymbolsTests.CustomModifiers.Modifiers.dll;

            var compilation = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(text, new MetadataReference[] { ilAssemblyReference });
                // (4,11): warning CS0169: The field 'C.a' is never used
                //     int[] a;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UnreferencedField, "a").WithArguments("C.a")

            var classC = compilation.GlobalNamespace.GetMember<NamedTypeSymbol>("C");
            var typeIntArray = classC.GetMember<FieldSymbol>("a").Type;

            var interfaceI3 = compilation.GlobalNamespace.GetMember<NamedTypeSymbol>("I3");
            var typeIntArrayWithCustomModifiers = interfaceI3.GetMember<MethodSymbol>("M1").Parameters.Single().Type;


            var conv = new BuckStopsHereBinder(compilation).Conversions;
            HashSet<DiagnosticInfo> useSiteDiagnostics = null;

            // no custom modifiers to custom modifiers
            Assert.Equal(ConversionKind.Identity, conv.ClassifyConversion(typeIntArray, typeIntArrayWithCustomModifiers, ref useSiteDiagnostics).Kind);

            // custom modifiers to no custom modifiers
            Assert.Equal(ConversionKind.Identity, conv.ClassifyConversion(typeIntArrayWithCustomModifiers, typeIntArray, ref useSiteDiagnostics).Kind);

            // custom modifiers to custom modifiers
            Assert.Equal(ConversionKind.Identity, conv.ClassifyConversion(typeIntArrayWithCustomModifiers, typeIntArrayWithCustomModifiers, ref useSiteDiagnostics).Kind);
Пример #4
        public void Test1()
            var mscorlibRef = TestReferences.NetFx.v4_0_21006.mscorlib;
            var compilation = CSharpCompilation.Create("Test", references: new MetadataReference[] { mscorlibRef });
            var sys = compilation.GlobalNamespace.ChildNamespace("System");
            Conversions c = new BuckStopsHereBinder(compilation).Conversions;
            var types = new TypeSymbol[]
            sys.ChildType("Nullable", 1).Construct(sys.ChildType("Int64")),
            sys.ChildType("Nullable", 1).Construct(sys.ChildType("UInt64")),
            sys.ChildType("Nullable", 1).Construct(sys.ChildType("Int32")),
            sys.ChildType("Nullable", 1).Construct(sys.ChildType("UInt32")),
            sys.ChildType("Nullable", 1).Construct(sys.ChildType("Int16")),
            sys.ChildType("Nullable", 1).Construct(sys.ChildType("UInt16")),
            sys.ChildType("Nullable", 1).Construct(sys.ChildType("SByte")),
            sys.ChildType("Nullable", 1).Construct(sys.ChildType("Byte")),
            sys.ChildType("Nullable", 1).Construct(sys.ChildType("Double")),
            sys.ChildType("Nullable", 1).Construct(sys.ChildType("Single")),
            sys.ChildType("Nullable", 1).Construct(sys.ChildType("Decimal")),
            sys.ChildType("Nullable", 1).Construct(sys.ChildType("Char")),
            sys.ChildNamespace("Collections").ChildNamespace("Generic").ChildType("IEnumerable", 1).Construct(sys.ChildType("Object")),
            sys.ChildNamespace("Collections").ChildNamespace("Generic").ChildType("IEnumerable", 1).Construct(sys.ChildType("String")),
            sys.ChildNamespace("Collections").ChildNamespace("Generic").ChildType("IEnumerable", 1).Construct(sys.ChildType("Char")),
            sys.ChildNamespace("Collections").ChildNamespace("Generic").ChildType("IList", 1).Construct(sys.ChildType("String")),
            sys.ChildNamespace("Collections").ChildNamespace("Generic").ChildType("IList", 1).Construct(sys.ChildType("Object")),
            sys.ChildType("Func", 2).Construct(sys.ChildType("Exception"), sys.ChildType("Exception")),
            sys.ChildType("Func", 2).Construct(sys.ChildType("ArgumentException"), sys.ChildType("Object")),
            sys.ChildType("IComparable", 0),

            const ConversionKind Non = ConversionKind.NoConversion;
            const ConversionKind Idn = ConversionKind.Identity;
            const ConversionKind Inm = ConversionKind.ImplicitNumeric;
            const ConversionKind Inl = ConversionKind.ImplicitNullable;
            const ConversionKind Irf = ConversionKind.ImplicitReference;
            const ConversionKind Box = ConversionKind.Boxing;
            const ConversionKind Xrf = ConversionKind.ExplicitReference;
            const ConversionKind Ubx = ConversionKind.Unboxing;
            const ConversionKind Xnl = ConversionKind.ExplicitNullable;
            const ConversionKind Xnm = ConversionKind.ExplicitNumeric;

            ConversionKind[,] conversions =
                // from   obj  str  arr  i64  u64  i32  u32  i16  u16  i08  u08  r64  r32  dec  chr ni64 nu64 ni32 nu32 ni16 nu16  ni8  nu8 nr64 nr32  ndc  nch  exc  ien  ieo  ies  iec  ars  aro  ils  ilo  aex  del  fee  fao  ser  cmp
                // to:    
                /*obj*/ { Idn, Irf, Irf, Box, Box, Box, Box, Box, Box, Box, Box, Box, Box, Box, Box, Box, Box, Box, Box, Box, Box, Box, Box, Box, Box, Box, Box, Irf, Irf, Irf, Irf, Irf, Irf, Irf, Irf, Irf, Irf, Irf, Irf, Irf, Irf, Irf },
                        { Xrf, Idn, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Xrf, Non, Non, Xrf, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Xrf },
                        { Xrf, Non, Idn, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Xrf, Xrf, Xrf, Xrf, Irf, Irf, Xrf, Xrf, Non, Non, Non, Non, Xrf, Xrf },
                        { Ubx, Non, Non, Idn, Xnm, Inm, Inm, Inm, Inm, Inm, Inm, Xnm, Xnm, Xnm, Inm, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Ubx },
                        { Ubx, Non, Non, Xnm, Idn, Xnm, Inm, Xnm, Inm, Xnm, Inm, Xnm, Xnm, Xnm, Inm, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Ubx },
                        { Ubx, Non, Non, Xnm, Xnm, Idn, Xnm, Inm, Inm, Inm, Inm, Xnm, Xnm, Xnm, Inm, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Ubx },
                        { Ubx, Non, Non, Xnm, Xnm, Xnm, Idn, Xnm, Inm, Xnm, Inm, Xnm, Xnm, Xnm, Inm, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Ubx },
                        { Ubx, Non, Non, Xnm, Xnm, Xnm, Xnm, Idn, Xnm, Inm, Inm, Xnm, Xnm, Xnm, Xnm, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Ubx },
                        { Ubx, Non, Non, Xnm, Xnm, Xnm, Xnm, Xnm, Idn, Xnm, Inm, Xnm, Xnm, Xnm, Inm, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Ubx },
                        { Ubx, Non, Non, Xnm, Xnm, Xnm, Xnm, Xnm, Xnm, Idn, Xnm, Xnm, Xnm, Xnm, Xnm, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Ubx },
                        { Ubx, Non, Non, Xnm, Xnm, Xnm, Xnm, Xnm, Xnm, Xnm, Idn, Xnm, Xnm, Xnm, Xnm, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Ubx },
                        { Ubx, Non, Non, Inm, Inm, Inm, Inm, Inm, Inm, Inm, Inm, Idn, Inm, Xnm, Inm, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Ubx },
                        { Ubx, Non, Non, Inm, Inm, Inm, Inm, Inm, Inm, Inm, Inm, Xnm, Idn, Xnm, Inm, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Ubx },
                        { Ubx, Non, Non, Inm, Inm, Inm, Inm, Inm, Inm, Inm, Inm, Xnm, Xnm, Idn, Inm, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Ubx },
                        { Ubx, Non, Non, Xnm, Xnm, Xnm, Xnm, Xnm, Xnm, Xnm, Xnm, Xnm, Xnm, Xnm, Idn, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Ubx },
                        { Ubx, Non, Non, Inl, Xnl, Inl, Inl, Inl, Inl, Inl, Inl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Inl, Idn, Xnl, Inl, Inl, Inl, Inl, Inl, Inl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Inl, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Ubx },
                        { Ubx, Non, Non, Xnl, Inl, Xnl, Inl, Xnl, Inl, Xnl, Inl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Inl, Xnl, Idn, Xnl, Inl, Xnl, Inl, Xnl, Inl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Inl, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Ubx },
                        { Ubx, Non, Non, Xnl, Xnl, Inl, Xnl, Inl, Inl, Inl, Inl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Inl, Xnl, Xnl, Idn, Xnl, Inl, Inl, Inl, Inl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Inl, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Ubx },
                        { Ubx, Non, Non, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Inl, Xnl, Inl, Xnl, Inl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Inl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Idn, Xnl, Inl, Xnl, Inl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Inl, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Ubx },
                        { Ubx, Non, Non, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Inl, Xnl, Inl, Inl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Idn, Xnl, Inl, Inl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Ubx },
                        { Ubx, Non, Non, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Inl, Xnl, Inl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Inl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Idn, Xnl, Inl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Inl, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Ubx },
                        { Ubx, Non, Non, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Inl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Idn, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Ubx },
                        { Ubx, Non, Non, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Inl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Idn, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Ubx },
                        { Ubx, Non, Non, Inl, Inl, Inl, Inl, Inl, Inl, Inl, Inl, Inl, Inl, Xnl, Inl, Inl, Inl, Inl, Inl, Inl, Inl, Inl, Inl, Idn, Inl, Xnl, Inl, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Ubx },
                        { Ubx, Non, Non, Inl, Inl, Inl, Inl, Inl, Inl, Inl, Inl, Xnl, Inl, Xnl, Inl, Inl, Inl, Inl, Inl, Inl, Inl, Inl, Inl, Xnl, Idn, Xnl, Inl, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Ubx },
                        { Ubx, Non, Non, Inl, Inl, Inl, Inl, Inl, Inl, Inl, Inl, Xnl, Xnl, Inl, Inl, Inl, Inl, Inl, Inl, Inl, Inl, Inl, Inl, Xnl, Xnl, Idn, Inl, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Ubx },
                        { Ubx, Non, Non, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Inl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Xnl, Idn, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Ubx },
                        { Xrf, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Idn, Xrf, Xrf, Xrf, Xrf, Non, Non, Xrf, Xrf, Irf, Non, Non, Non, Xrf, Xrf },
                        { Xrf, Irf, Irf, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Xrf, Idn, Irf, Irf, Irf, Irf, Irf, Irf, Irf, Xrf, Xrf, Non, Non, Xrf, Xrf },
                        { Xrf, Non, Xrf, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Xrf, Xrf, Idn, Irf, Xrf, Irf, Irf, Irf, Irf, Xrf, Xrf, Non, Non, Xrf, Xrf },
                        { Xrf, Non, Xrf, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Xrf, Xrf, Xrf, Idn, Xrf, Irf, Xrf, Irf, Xrf, Xrf, Xrf, Non, Non, Xrf, Xrf },
                        { Xrf, Irf, Xrf, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Xrf, Xrf, Xrf, Xrf, Idn, Non, Non, Xrf, Xrf, Xrf, Xrf, Non, Non, Xrf, Xrf },
                        { Xrf, Non, Xrf, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Xrf, Xrf, Xrf, Non, Idn, Xrf, Xrf, Xrf, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non },
                        { Xrf, Non, Xrf, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Xrf, Xrf, Xrf, Non, Irf, Idn, Xrf, Xrf, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non },
                        { Xrf, Non, Xrf, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Xrf, Xrf, Xrf, Xrf, Xrf, Irf, Xrf, Idn, Xrf, Xrf, Xrf, Non, Non, Xrf, Xrf },
                        { Xrf, Non, Xrf, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Xrf, Xrf, Xrf, Xrf, Xrf, Irf, Irf, Xrf, Idn, Xrf, Xrf, Non, Non, Xrf, Xrf },
                        { Xrf, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Xrf, Xrf, Xrf, Xrf, Xrf, Non, Non, Xrf, Xrf, Idn, Non, Non, Non, Xrf, Xrf },
                        { Xrf, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Xrf, Xrf, Xrf, Xrf, Non, Non, Xrf, Xrf, Non, Idn, Irf, Irf, Xrf, Xrf },
                        { Xrf, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Xrf, Idn, Xrf, Xrf, Non },
                        { Xrf, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Xrf, Irf, Idn, Xrf, Non },
                        { Xrf, Non, Xrf, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Non, Irf, Xrf, Xrf, Xrf, Xrf, Non, Non, Xrf, Xrf, Irf, Irf, Irf, Irf, Idn, Xrf },
                        { Xrf, Irf, Xrf, Box, Box, Box, Box, Box, Box, Box, Box, Box, Box, Box, Box, Box, Box, Box, Box, Box, Box, Box, Box, Box, Box, Box, Box, Xrf, Xrf, Xrf, Xrf, Xrf, Non, Non, Xrf, Xrf, Xrf, Xrf, Non, Non, Xrf, Idn },

            HashSet<DiagnosticInfo> useSiteDiagnostics = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < types.Length; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < types.Length; ++j)
                    var kind = conversions[i, j];
                    var result = c.ClassifyConversion(types[j], types[i], ref useSiteDiagnostics);
                    //Assert.Equal doesn't allow a string explanation, so provide one this way.
                    if (kind != result.Kind)
                        var result2 = c.ClassifyConversion(types[j], types[i], ref useSiteDiagnostics); // set breakpoint here if this test is failing...
                        Assert.True(false, string.Format("Expected {0} but got {1} when converting {2} -> {3}", kind, result, types[j], types[i]));

            // UNDONE: Not tested yet:
            // UNDONE: Type parameter reference, boxing and unboxing conversions
            // UNDONE: User-defined conversions
            // UNDONE: Dynamic conversions
            // UNDONE: Enum conversions
            // UNDONE: Conversions involving expressions: null, lambda, method group