private void Awake() { if (!latk) { latk = GetComponent <LightningArtist>(); } if (latk) { if (latkSettings == LatkSettings.COPY_TO_LATK) { latk.brushPrefab = brushPrefab; latk.mainColor = color; latk.brushSize = brushSize; latk.minDistance = minDistance; } else if (latkSettings == LatkSettings.COPY_FROM_LATK) { brushPrefab = latk.brushPrefab; color = latk.mainColor; brushSize = latk.brushSize; minDistance = latk.minDistance; } } updateTransformMatrix(); }
public BrushStroke makeLine(Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2) { BrushStroke brush = makeLineCore(v1, v2); strokes.Add(brush); return(brush); }
public BrushStroke makeEmpty() { BrushStroke brush = makeEmptyCore(); strokes.Add(brush); return(brush); }
public BrushStroke makeCurve(List <Vector3> points) { BrushStroke brush = makeCurveCore(points); strokes.Add(brush); return(brush); }
public BrushStroke makeLine(List <Vector3> points) { BrushStroke brush = makeLineCore(points[0], points[points.Count - 1]); strokes.Add(brush); return(brush); }
// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ // II. LINE public BrushStroke makeLineCore(Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2) { BrushStroke brush = makeEmptyCore(); brush.points.Add(v1); brush.points.Add(v2); return(brush); }
void randomStroke(BrushStroke _b, int _num, float _range) { for (int i = 0; i < _num; i++) { Vector3 v = new Vector3(Random.Range(-_range, _range), Random.Range(-_range, _range), Random.Range(-_range, _range)); _b.points.Add(v); } }
public BrushStroke getLastStroke() { BrushLayer layer = layerList[currentLayer]; BrushFrame frame = layer.frameList[layer.currentFrame]; BrushStroke stroke = frame.brushStrokeList[frame.brushStrokeList.Count - 1]; return(stroke); }
public BrushStroke makeLine(Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2, bool selfDestruct, float lifeTime) { BrushStroke brush = makeLineCore(v1, v2); brush.selfDestruct = selfDestruct; brush.lifeTime = lifeTime; strokes.Add(brush); return(brush); }
public BrushStroke makeCurve(List <Vector3> points, bool selfDestruct, float lifeTime) { BrushStroke brush = makeCurveCore(points); brush.selfDestruct = selfDestruct; brush.lifeTime = lifeTime; strokes.Add(brush); return(brush); }
// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ // III. CURVE public BrushStroke makeCurveCore(List <Vector3> points) { BrushStroke brush = makeEmptyCore(); if (minDistance > 0f) { points = filterMinDistance(points); } brush.points = points; return(brush); }
public void makeTimeStroke() { BrushStroke b = makeEmpty(); if (brushMat[(int)brushMode]) { b.mat = brushMat[(int)brushMode]; } b.setBrushColor(strokesRaw[strokeCounter].color); b.setBrushSize(brushSize); strokes.Add(b); }
public BrushStroke makeCurve(List <Vector3> points, bool closed) { if (closed && points.Count > 10) { points.Add(points[1]); } BrushStroke brush = makeCurveCore(points); strokes.Add(brush); return(brush); }
private void Update() { if (!_realtime.connected) { return; } // Start by figuring out which hand we're tracking XRNode node = _hand == Hand.LeftHand ? XRNode.LeftHand : XRNode.RightHand; string leftTrigger = "Oculus_CrossPlatform_PrimaryIndexTrigger"; string rightTrigger = "Oculus_CrossPlatform_SecondaryIndexTrigger"; // Get the position & rotation of the hand bool handIsTracking = UpdatePose(node, ref _handPosition, ref _handRotation); // Figure out if the trigger is pressed or not bool triggerPressed = Input.GetAxisRaw(leftTrigger) > 0.1f || Input.GetAxisRaw(rightTrigger) > 0.1f; // If we lose tracking, stop drawing if (!handIsTracking) { triggerPressed = false; } // If the trigger is pressed and we haven't created a new brush stroke to draw, create one! if (triggerPressed && _activeBrushStroke == null) { // Instantiate a copy of the Brush Stroke prefab. // GameObject brushStrokeGameObject = Instantiate(_brushStrokePrefab); GameObject brushStrokeGameObject = Realtime.Instantiate(, ownedByClient: true, useInstance: _realtime); brushStrokeGameObject.tag = "brushStroke"; // Grab the BrushStroke component from it _activeBrushStroke = brushStrokeGameObject.GetComponent <BrushStroke>(); // Tell the BrushStroke to begin drawing at the current brush position _activeBrushStroke.BeginBrushStrokeWithBrushTipPoint(transform.position, transform.rotation); } // If the trigger is pressed, and we have a brush stroke, move the brush stroke to the new brush tip position if (triggerPressed) { _activeBrushStroke.MoveBrushTipToPoint(transform.position, transform.rotation); } // If the trigger is no longer pressed, and we still have an active brush stroke, mark it as finished and clear it. if (!triggerPressed && _activeBrushStroke != null) { _activeBrushStroke.EndBrushStrokeWithBrushTipPoint(transform.position, transform.rotation); _activeBrushStroke = null; } }
// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ // I. EMPTY public BrushStroke makeEmptyCore() { BrushStroke brush = Instantiate(brushPrefab); if (brushMat[(int)brushMode]) { brush.mat = brushMat[(int)brushMode]; } brush.transform.SetParent(transform); brush.brushColor = color; brush.brushSize = brushSize; return(brush); }
public void makeMeshEdge() { List <Vector3> points = getVertices.getSource(); Debug.Log(points.Count); BrushStroke b = makeCurve(points); //b.refine(); for (int i = 0; i < smoothReps; i++) { //b.smoothStroke(b.points); } //b.reduceStroke(b.points); strokes.Add(b); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { base.OnInspectorGUI(); if (GUILayout.Button("Load tilt file")) { string tiltPath = ResolveTiltFileDirectory(); string path = EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel("Open sketch", tiltPath, "tilt"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { return; } EditorPrefs.SetString(kLastTiltFileDirectory, Directory.GetParent(path).ToString()); Sketch sketch = target as Sketch; foreach (var s in sketch.GetComponentsInChildren <BrushStroke>()) { DestroyImmediate(s.gameObject); } BrushStroke bruskStrokeTemplate = sketch.fakeStroke; TBFile tiltFile = new TBFile(path); foreach (var brushStroke in tiltFile.brushStrokes) { BrushStroke stroke = Instantiate(bruskStrokeTemplate); stroke.transform.position = brushStroke.startPosition; stroke.transform.parent = sketch.transform; stroke.sharedMesh = CreateMesh(stroke, brushStroke); } sketch.tiltFile = tiltFile; } if (GUILayout.Button("Animate")) { Sketch sketch = target as Sketch; new SketchAnimator(sketch.GetComponentsInChildren <BrushStroke>()).Start(); } }
void instantiateStroke(Color c) { BrushStroke b = Instantiate(brushPrefab); //b.brushMode = (BrushStroke.BrushMode) brushMode; if (brushMat[(int)brushMode]) { b.mat = brushMat[(int)brushMode]; } b.brushSize = brushSize; b.brushColor = c; if (useEndColor) { b.brushEndColor = endColor; } else { b.brushEndColor = c; } b.transform.SetParent(layerList[currentLayer].frameList[layerList[currentLayer].currentFrame].transform); layerList[currentLayer].frameList[layerList[currentLayer].currentFrame].brushStrokeList.Add(b); }
public void makeMeshFill() { List <Vector3> points = getVertices.getSource(); Debug.Log(points.Count); for (int h = 0; h < fillLines; h++) { Vector3 p1 = points[(int)Random.Range(0f, points.Count)]; Vector3 p2 = points[(int)Random.Range(0f, points.Count)]; Vector3 p3 = (p1 + p2) / 2f; Vector3[] newLine = { p1, p2, p3 }; BrushStroke b = makeLine(newLine.ToList()); b.refine(); b.randomize(randomize); b.refine(); for (int i = 0; i < smoothReps / 10; i++) { b.smoothStroke(b.points); } //b.reduceStroke(b.points); strokes.Add(b); } }
void Update() { if (armReadFile) { if (textMesh != null) { textMesh.text = "READING..."; } StartCoroutine(readBrushStrokes()); armReadFile = false; } else if (armWriteFile) { if (textMesh != null) { textMesh.text = "WRITING..."; } StartCoroutine(writeBrushStrokes()); armWriteFile = false; } else if (!isReadingFile && !isWritingFile) { for (int i = 0; i < layerList.Count; i++) { if (layerList[i].frameList.Count > 0 && !layerList[i].frameList[layerList[i].currentFrame].isDuplicate) { layerList[i].previousFrame = layerList[i].currentFrame; } } if (isPlaying) { float t = 0f; if (audio != null) { t = markTime + audio.time; } else { t = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; } if ((audio != null && Time.realtimeSinceStartup > markTime + audio.clip.length) || (layerList[longestLayer].frameList.Count > 1 && t > lastFrameTime + frameInterval)) { if (drawWhilePlaying) { endStroke(); isDrawing = false; } lastFrameTime = t; animVal += normalizedFrameInterval; if (animVal > 1f) { animVal = 1f; } for (int i = 0; i < layerList.Count; i++) { // ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ if (killStrokes) { if (layerList[i].frameList[layerList[i].currentFrame].brushStrokeList.Count > 0 && Time.realtimeSinceStartup > layerList[i].frameList[layerList[i].currentFrame].brushStrokeList[0].birthTime + strokeLife) { inputEraseFirstStroke(); } } // ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ layerList[i].frameList[layerList[i].currentFrame].showFrame(false); layerList[i].currentFrame++; if (layerList[i].currentFrame > layerList[i].frameList.Count - 1) { layerList[i].currentFrame = 0; if (i == longestLayer) { animVal = 0f; markTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; if (audio != null) { audio.time = 0f; audio.Stop(); audio.Play(); } } } if (fillEmptyMethod == FillEmptyMethod.DISPLAY && layerList[i].frameList[layerList[i].currentFrame].isDuplicate) { layerList[i].frameList[layerList[i].previousFrame].showFrame(true); } else { layerList[i].frameList[layerList[i].previousFrame].showFrame(false); layerList[i].frameList[layerList[i].currentFrame].showFrame(true); } } } } else { if (audio != null && audio.isPlaying && Time.realtimeSinceStartup > markTime + frameInterval) { audio.Stop(); } } if (animator != null) { animator.Play(clipName, clipLayer, animVal); } // ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ try { if (isDrawing && Vector3.Distance(lastTargetPos, target.position) > minDistance) { buildStroke(); } } catch (System.Exception e) { Debug.Log(e.Data); } if (clicked && !isDrawing) { beginStroke(); if (drawWhilePlaying && isPlaying && layerList[currentLayer].frameList.Count > 1 && layerList[currentLayer].frameList[layerList[currentLayer].previousFrame].brushStrokeList.Count > 0) { BrushStroke lastStroke = layerList[currentLayer].frameList[layerList[currentLayer].previousFrame].brushStrokeList[layerList[currentLayer].frameList[layerList[currentLayer].previousFrame].brushStrokeList.Count - 1]; for (int pts = lastStroke.points.Count / drawTrailLength; pts < lastStroke.points.Count - 1; pts++) { layerList[currentLayer].frameList[layerList[currentLayer].currentFrame].brushStrokeList[layerList[currentLayer].frameList[layerList[currentLayer].currentFrame].brushStrokeList.Count - 1].points.Add(lastStroke.points[pts]); } } } if (!clicked && isDrawing) { endStroke(); } if (textMesh != null) { textMesh.text = "frame " + (layerList [currentLayer].currentFrame + 1) + " / " + layerList [currentLayer].frameList.Count; } if (layerList.Count > 1 && textMesh != null) { textMesh.text = "" + (currentLayer + 1) + ". " + textMesh.text; } if (layerList[currentLayer].frameList.Count < layerList[longestLayer].frameList.Count && textMesh != null) { textMesh.text += " (" + layerList [longestLayer].frameList.Count + ")"; } } lastTargetPos = target.position; }
private void Update() { if (!_realtime.connected) { return; } if (_realtime.clientID == _rt.ownerID) { // Start by figuring out which hand we're tracking XRNode node = _hand == Hand.LeftHand ? XRNode.LeftHand : XRNode.RightHand; string trigger = _hand == Hand.LeftHand ? "Left Trigger" : "Right Trigger"; string joyclick = _hand == Hand.LeftHand ? "Left Joyclick" : "Right Joyclick"; string axisY = _hand == Hand.LeftHand ? "Left AxisY" : "Right AxisY"; string axisX = _hand == Hand.LeftHand ? "Left AxisX" : "Right AxisX"; // Get the position & rotation of the hand bool handIsTracking = true; _handPosition = transform.position; _handRotation = transform.rotation; // Figure out if the trigger is pressed or not bool triggerPressed = Input.GetAxisRaw(trigger) > 0.1f; //bool triggerReleased = Input.GetAxisRaw(trigger) < 0.1f; //Figure out if the joystick is clicked or not bool joyclickPressed = Input.GetButtonDown(joyclick); // Figure out if the joystick / touchpad is pressed or not bool axisYMoved = Input.GetAxisRaw(axisY) < -0.2f || Input.GetAxisRaw(axisY) > 0.2f; //Debug.Log(Input.GetAxisRaw(axisY)); bool axisXMoved = Input.GetAxisRaw(axisX) < -0.2f || Input.GetAxisRaw(axisX) > 0.2f; if (joyclickPressed) { Debug.Log("You pressed the joystick!"); NextAction(); } if (!axisXMoved) { didOnceX = false; } if (joyclickPressed) { SceneChanger sc = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <SceneChanger>(); sc.Restart(); } //actions if moving stuff should be handled by GazeXR if (action == 1) { // return; maybe still do TRIGGER stuff here at least! if (triggerPressed && !didOnceTrig) { didOnceTrig = true; } if (triggerPressed && !didOnceTrig) { } if (!triggerPressed) { didOnceTrig = false; } } //actions if drawing if (action == 0) { // If we lose tracking, stop drawing /* * if (!handIsTracking) * { * triggerPressed = false; * axisYMoved = false; * } */ if (!axisYMoved) { //Debug.Log("The Y Axis has NOT Moved"); //_brushPos.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().enabled = false; } //If you move the joystick up or down, you're chaning the brush tip location if (axisYMoved && _brushPos.localPosition.z > 0f) { //Debug.Log("The Y Axis has Moved"); //_brushPos.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().enabled = true; _brushPos.localPosition = new Vector3(_brushPos.localPosition.x, _brushPos.localPosition.y, _brushPos.localPosition.z - (Input.GetAxisRaw(axisY) * _speed)); VibrateControllers(.1f, .1f, .15f); } if (axisYMoved && _brushPos.localPosition.z <= 0.05f) { _brushPos.localPosition = new Vector3(_brushPos.localPosition.x, _brushPos.localPosition.y, 0.05f); } //if you move the joystick left or right, you're changing the color if (axisXMoved) { //_brushStrokePrefab.GetComponent<BrushStroke>().ResizeWidth(Input.GetAxisRaw(axisY) * (_speed/2)); /* * Color newColor = new Color(brushMat.color.r - (Input.GetAxisRaw(axisY) * _speed), Random.value, Random.value, 1.0f); * // apply it on material * brushMat.color = newColor; */ } // If the trigger is pressed and we haven't created a new brush stroke to draw, create one! if (triggerPressed && _activeBrushStroke == null) { // Instantiate a copy of the Brush Stroke prefab, set it to be owned by us. GameObject brushStrokeGameObject = Realtime.Instantiate(, ownedByClient: true, useInstance: _realtime); // Make that brush stroke a child of the current state //brushStrokeGameObject.transform.parent = currentOption.transform; // Grab the BrushStroke component from it _activeBrushStroke = brushStrokeGameObject.GetComponent <BrushStroke>(); // Tell the BrushStroke to begin drawing at the current brush position _activeBrushStroke.BeginBrushStrokeWithBrushTipPoint(_brushPos.position, _handRotation); VibrateControllers(.12f, .12f, .2f); } // If the trigger is pressed, and we have a brush stroke, move the brush stroke to the new brush tip position if (triggerPressed) { _activeBrushStroke.MoveBrushTipToPoint(_brushPos.position, _handRotation); VibrateControllers(.12f, .12f, .2f); //_brushPos.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().enabled = true; } // If the trigger is no longer pressed, and we still have an active brush stroke, mark it as finished and clear it. if (!triggerPressed && _activeBrushStroke != null) { _activeBrushStroke.EndBrushStrokeWithBrushTipPoint(_brushPos.position, _handRotation); _activeBrushStroke = null; //, .12f, .4f); } } //actions if mask swapping if (action == 2) { if (axisXMoved && Input.GetAxisRaw(axisX) > 0 && !didOnceX) { didOnceX = true; VibrateControllers(.12f, .2f, .2f); } if (axisXMoved && Input.GetAxisRaw(axisX) < 0 && !didOnceX) { didOnceX = true; VibrateControllers(.2f, .12f, .2f); } } //actions if stage swapping if (action == 3) { if (axisXMoved && Input.GetAxisRaw(axisX) > 0 && !didOnceX) { didOnceX = true; } if (axisXMoved && Input.GetAxisRaw(axisX) < 0 && !didOnceX) { didOnceX = true; } } //actions if just squeezing your hands /* * if (action == 4) * { * if (Input.GetAxisRaw(trigger) > 0.5f) * { * _ps.SetHandState(1); * } * else * { * _ps.SetHandState(0); * } * } */ } }
private Mesh CreateMesh(BrushStroke stroke, TBBrushStroke brushStroke) { var controlPoints = brushStroke.controlPoints; Mesh mesh = new Mesh(); int vertexCount = 2 * 2 * controlPoints.Count; // triangle strip is double-sided int trianglesCount = 2 * (2 * controlPoints.Count - 2); Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[vertexCount]; Color[] colors = new Color[vertexCount]; int[] triangles = new int[3 * trianglesCount]; int vertexIndex = 0; // generate front side foreach (var point in controlPoints) { Vector3 v1 = point.position - stroke.transform.position; Vector3 v2 = v1 + brushStroke.brushSize * point.pressure * point.tangent; vertices[vertexIndex++] = v1; vertices[vertexIndex++] = v2; } // generate back side Array.Copy(vertices, 0, vertices, vertices.Length / 2, vertices.Length / 2); // set colors for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; ++i) { colors[i] = brushStroke.brushColor; } // generate triangles vertexIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < triangles.Length / 2;) { int i1 = vertexIndex; int i2 = vertexIndex + 1; int i3 = vertexIndex + 2; int i4 = vertexIndex + 3; triangles[i++] = i1; triangles[i++] = i2; triangles[i++] = i3; triangles[i++] = i3; triangles[i++] = i2; triangles[i++] = i4; vertexIndex += 2; } for (int i = triangles.Length / 2; i < triangles.Length;) { int i1 = vertexIndex; int i2 = vertexIndex + 1; int i3 = vertexIndex + 2; int i4 = vertexIndex + 3; triangles[i++] = i1; triangles[i++] = i3; triangles[i++] = i2; triangles[i++] = i3; triangles[i++] = i4; triangles[i++] = i2; vertexIndex += 2; } mesh.vertices = vertices; mesh.triangles = triangles; mesh.colors = colors; mesh.RecalculateNormals(); return(mesh); }
public Vector3 getLastPoint() { BrushStroke stroke = getLastStroke(); return(stroke.points[stroke.points.Count - 1]); }