public ActionResult Login(Admin admin) { string encryptedPassword = BrokerUtility.EncryptURL(admin.Password); //DataSet dsUsers= BrokerWebDB.BrokerWebDB.validateAdminGetUsers(admin.Username, encryptedPassword); List <UserList> userList = new List <UserList>(); userList = BrokerWebDB.BrokerWebDB.validateAdminGetUsers(admin.Username, encryptedPassword); User adminInfo = BrokerWebDB.BrokerWebDB.getAdminInfo(admin.Username, encryptedPassword); if (userList != null) { if (userList.Count > 0) { Session["searchBy"] = "-1"; Session["UsersList"] = userList; Session["Error"] = "False"; Session["AdminId"] = adminInfo.UserId; Session["AdminUserName"] = adminInfo.EmailId; CreateLoginIdentity(adminInfo.EmailId, adminInfo.UserId); return(RedirectToAction("AdminHomePage", "Admin")); } else { ViewBag.error = "Invalid username and password"; } } else { ViewBag.error = "Invalid username and password"; } return(View()); }
public ActionResult ResetPassword(ResetPassword Info) { try { if (ModelState.IsValid) { string Password = "", TempPass = ""; if (Info.Password != "" && Info.Password != null) { Password = Info.Password.ToString(); TempPass = BrokerUtility.EncryptURL(Password); int Flag = BrokerUtility.ResetPassWord(Session["EmailId"].ToString(), TempPass); if (Flag > 0) { int Flag1 = BrokerWSUtility.ForgetPasswordRanNum(Session["EmailId"].ToString(), ""); string UserType = Session["ResetPasswordUserType"].ToString(); if (UserType == "Customer") { ViewBag.LoginUrl = "CustomerLogin"; } else if (UserType == "Broker") { ViewBag.LoginUrl = "BrokerLogin"; } ViewBag.Message = "Your password has been reset successfully."; return(View("ResetResult")); } else { ViewBag.Message = "Password could not reset. Please try again. "; return(View("ResetResult")); } } else { return(View()); } } else { return(View()); } } catch (Exception Ex) { ViewBag.Message = "Password could not reset. Please try again. "; return(View("ResetResult")); } }
public ActionResult VerifyEmail(ResetPassword Info) { try { if (ModelState.IsValid) { string Password = "", TempPass = ""; if (Info.Password != "" && Info.Password != null) { Password = Info.Password.ToString(); TempPass = BrokerUtility.EncryptURL(Password); int Flag = BrokerWSUtility.CreateNewPassword(Session["DecryptedEmailId"].ToString(), TempPass); if (Flag > 0) { ViewData["EmailVerifyMessage"] = strEmailVerifyMessage; ViewData["LoginUrl"] = "CustomerLogin"; return(View("VerifyEmailSuccess")); } else { ViewData["EmailVerifyMessage"] = "Email verification link is expired. Please try again"; ViewData["Login"] = ""; return(View("VerifyEmailFail")); } } else { return(View()); } } else { return(View()); } } catch (Exception Ex) { ViewData["EmailVerifyMessage"] = "Email Verification Failed. Please try again"; ViewData["Login"] = ""; return(View("VerifyEmailFail")); } //return View("Index"); }
public JsonResult EncryptBrokerData(string BrokerMessageId, string CustomerMessageId, string BrokerId, string CustomerId, string CustomerName) { string this_BrokerMessageId = BrokerMessageId; string this_CustomerMessageId = CustomerMessageId; string this_BrokerId = BrokerId; string this_CustomerId = CustomerId; string this_CustomerName = CustomerName; this_BrokerMessageId = BrokerUtility.EncryptURL(this_BrokerMessageId); this_CustomerMessageId = BrokerUtility.EncryptURL(this_CustomerMessageId); this_BrokerId = BrokerUtility.EncryptURL(this_BrokerId); this_CustomerId = BrokerUtility.EncryptURL(this_CustomerId); this_CustomerName = BrokerUtility.EncryptURL(this_CustomerName); return(Json(new { BrokerMessageId = this_BrokerMessageId, CustomerMessageId = this_CustomerMessageId, BrokerId = this_BrokerId, CustomerId = this_CustomerId, CustomerName = this_CustomerName }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public ActionResult UpdateProfileView(UpdateModel data, FormCollection val) { int user; try { if (ModelState.IsValid) { string encryptedPassword = BrokerUtility.EncryptURL(data.Password); int? state = data.StateId; int? country = data.CountryId; user = BrokerUtility.UpdateUser(Session["UserId"].ToString(), encryptedPassword, data.Address, data.City, state, country, data.PinCode, data.MobNo, "1", data.UserType, "1"); if (user > 0) { CreateLoginIdentity(data.FirstName + ' ' + data.LastName, Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserId"].ToString())); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } else { ViewBag.UserExist = "Error occured while updating your profile."; } } else { ViewBag.validateerror = "Please validate all input"; } } catch (Exception ex) { BrokerUtility.ErrorLog(Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserId"].ToString()), "UpdateProfileView", ex.Message.ToString(), "HomeController.cs_UpdateProfileView()", BrokerUtility.GetIPAddress(Session["UserId"].ToString())); } return(View(data)); //return View(model); }
public ActionResult APSPCustomerSignUp(MeinekeCustomerSignUp Cust, IEnumerable <HttpPostedFileBase> file) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { string FirstName = "", LastName = "", Email = "", Phone1 = "", Phone2 = "", Phone3 = "", Password = "", TempPass = "", ZipCode = "", ProfilePhoto = "", HouseType = "", Address = "", IsCars = "", Occupation = "", CompanyName = "", Phone = "", FieldName1 = "", RenamedImageName = "", FileName2 = "", NoofEmployee = "", EstPremium = "", Website = ""; int NoOfCars = 0, UserId = 0; List <uspSaveCustomerBasicDetails_Result> User1 = null; //UserId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserId"].ToString()); if (Cust.FirstName != null) { FirstName = Cust.FirstName.ToString(); } if (Cust.LastName != null) { LastName = Cust.LastName.ToString(); } if (Cust.CompanyName != null) { CompanyName = Cust.CompanyName.ToString(); } if (Cust.Address != null) { Address = Cust.Address.ToString(); } if (Cust.EmailId != null) { Email = Cust.EmailId.ToString(); } if (Cust.PhoneNo != null) { Phone = Cust.PhoneNo.ToString(); } if (Cust.Website != null) { Website = Cust.Website.ToString(); } if (Cust.ZipCode != null) { ZipCode = Cust.ZipCode.ToString(); } if (Cust.NoofEmployees != null) { NoofEmployee = Cust.NoofEmployees.ToString(); } if (Cust.EstPremium != null) { EstPremium = Cust.EstPremium.ToString(); } string random = BrokerWSUtility.GetRandomNumber(); string Encryptrandom = BrokerUtility.EncryptURL(random); Session["random"] = Encryptrandom; User1 = BrokerUtility.SaveCustomerBasicDetails(FirstName, LastName, Phone, Email, Address, ZipCode, TempPass, Encryptrandom, HouseType, IsCars, NoOfCars, Occupation, CompanyName, NoofEmployee, EstPremium, Website, "APSP"); int Flag = 0; if (User1.Count > 0) { UserId = Convert.ToInt32(User1[0].UserId.ToString()); Session["UserId"] = UserId; Session["EmailId"] = User1[0].EmailId.ToString(); //////////////////// Access Profile Pic and Resume Files ////////////////////////// if (file == null) { } else { foreach (var f in file) { if (f != null) { if (f.ContentLength > 0) { int MaxContentLength = 1024 * 1024 * 4; //Size = 4 MB string[] AllowedFileExtensions = new string[] { ".jpg", ".gif", ".png", ".pdf", ".jpe", ".jpeg" }; if (!AllowedFileExtensions.Contains (f.FileName.Substring(f.FileName.LastIndexOf('.')).ToLower())) { ModelState.AddModelError("File", "Please file of type: " + string.Join(", ", AllowedFileExtensions)); } else if (f.ContentLength > MaxContentLength) { ModelState.AddModelError("File", "Your file is too large, maximum allowed size is: " + MaxContentLength + " MB"); } else { var fileName = Path.GetFileName(f.FileName); //var Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(f.FileName); var path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/UploadedDoc"), fileName); //Save file on server. //f.SaveAs(path); //Convert input file to Base 64 string byte[] binaryData; binaryData = new Byte[f.InputStream.Length]; long bytesRead = f.InputStream.Read(binaryData, 0, (int)f.InputStream.Length); f.InputStream.Close(); string base64String = System.Convert.ToBase64String(binaryData, 0, binaryData.Length); string FileName1 = ""; // string FileName2 = ""; string FieldName = ""; string ProfilePic = Cust.ProfilePicture.ToString().Replace("C:\\fakepath\\", ""); if (ProfilePic == fileName) { FileName1 = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/ProfilePicture/" + Cust.EmailId.ToString() + "_" + UserId + ".txt"); FieldName = "ProfilePicture"; FileName2 = Cust.EmailId.ToString() + "_" + UserId + ".txt"; //Save Image on Server also. // Convert byte[] to Image byte[] imageBytes1 = Convert.FromBase64String(base64String); MemoryStream ms1 = new MemoryStream(imageBytes1, 0, imageBytes1.Length); ms1.Write(imageBytes1, 0, imageBytes1.Length); System.Drawing.Image image1 = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(ms1, true); //image1.Save(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/UploadedImages/ProfilePicture/" + Email + "_" + UserId + ".png"), System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); System.Drawing.Image thumbnail = image1.GetThumbnailImage(200, 200, new System.Drawing.Image.GetThumbnailImageAbort(ThumbnailCallback), IntPtr.Zero); thumbnail.Save(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/UploadedImages/ProfilePicture/" + Email + "_" + UserId + ".png"), System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); FieldName1 = "ProfilePictureImg"; RenamedImageName = Cust.EmailId.ToString() + "_" + UserId + ".png"; } //Check for the file already exist or not bool CheckFile = BrokerUtility.CheckFile(FileName1); if (CheckFile) { //Create a text file of Base 64 string bool result = BrokerUtility.WriteFile(FileName1, base64String); if (result) { Flag = BrokerUtility.SaveBrokerFiles(FileName2, UserId, FieldName, FieldName1, RenamedImageName); } } } } } } } // Send Verification Link on Email Id //string random = BrokerWSUtility.GetRandomNumber(); bool EmailFlag = false; EmailFlag = BrokerWSUtility.SendRegistrationEmailFromWebSite(Session["EmailId"].ToString(), Session["random"].ToString(), Session["UserId"].ToString(), "Customer"); //EmailFlag = true; if (EmailFlag) { ViewBag.VerificationMessage = "You are registered successfully but yet not activated. "; ViewBag.VerificationMessage1 = "Please accept your verification email."; ViewBag.Company = "APSP"; return(View("CustomerSuccess")); } else { //If User registerd successfully, but verification link has not //been sent over EmailId //ViewBag.VerificationMessage = "You are registered successfully but yet not activated. <br/>Please accept your verification email."; ViewBag.Company = "APSP"; return(View("CustomerError")); } } } catch (Exception Ex) { BrokerUtility.ErrorLog(Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserId"].ToString()), "Index_POST_Wesite", Ex.Message.ToString(), "CustomerRegistrationController.cs_Index_POST", BrokerUtility.GetIPAddress(Session["UserId"].ToString())); return(View()); } return(View()); } return(View()); }