Пример #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Commits all changed and new pages to the page store
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="commitId">The transaction identifier for the commit</param>
 /// <param name="profiler"></param>
 public void Commit(ulong commitId, BrightstarProfiler profiler)
     using (profiler.Step("PageStore.Commit"))
         using (var outputStream = _persistenceManager.GetOutputStream(_filePath, FileMode.Open))
                 foreach (var entry in _modifiedPages.OrderBy(e => e.Key))
                     entry.Value.Write(outputStream, commitId);
                     lock (_pageCacheLock)
                         PageCache.Instance.InsertOrUpdate(_filePath, entry.Value);
             catch (Exception)
         CurrentTransactionId = commitId;
Пример #2
 public void Insert(ulong transactionId, string resource, out ulong pageId, out byte segmentId, BrightstarProfiler profiler)
     using (profiler.Step("ResourceTable.Insert"))
         var byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(resource);
         var resourceBytes = new byte[byteCount + 4];
         BitConverter.GetBytes(byteCount).CopyTo(resourceBytes, 0);
         Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(resource, 0, resource.Length, resourceBytes, 4);
         lock (_writeLock)
             if (_nextSegment == _pointerSegment)
                 StartNewPage(transactionId, profiler);
             pageId = _currentPage;
             segmentId = _nextSegment;
             for (int i = 0; i < (byteCount + 4); i += _segmentSize)
                 _pageStore.Write(transactionId, _currentPage, resourceBytes, i, _nextSegment*_segmentSize,
                                  _segmentSize < (byteCount + 4 - i) ? _segmentSize : (byteCount + 4 - i),
                 if (_nextSegment == _pointerSegment)
                     StartNewPage(transactionId, profiler);
Пример #3
 private IResource CreateLongUriResource(ulong txnId, string uri, BrightstarProfiler profiler)
     ulong pageId;
     byte segId;
     _resourceTable.Insert(txnId, uri, out pageId, out segId, profiler);
     return new LongUriResource(uri, pageId, segId);
Пример #4
        public INode GetNode(ulong nodeId, BrightstarProfiler profiler)
            using (profiler.Step("BPlusTree.GetNode"))
                INode ret;
                if (_nodeCache.TryGetValue(nodeId, out ret))
                    profiler.Incr("NodeCache Hit");
                    return ret;

                profiler.Incr("NodeCache Miss");
                using (profiler.Step("Load Node"))
                    var nodePage = _pageStore.Retrieve(nodeId, profiler);
                    var header = BitConverter.ToInt32(nodePage.Data, 0);
                    if (header < 0)
                        ret = MakeInternalNode(nodePage, ~header);
                        _config.BTreeDebug("{0}: Loaded INTERNAL node from page {1}. {2}",_config.DebugId, nodePage.Id, ret.ToString());
                        ret = MakeLeafNode(nodePage, header);
                        _config.BTreeDebug("{0}: Loaded LEAF node from page {1}. {2}", _config.DebugId, nodePage.Id, ret.ToString());
                    return ret;
Пример #5
 public void Commit(ulong commitId, BrightstarProfiler profiler)
     using (profiler.Step("PageStore.Commit"))
         var pagesToWrite = _newPages.Where(rf => rf.IsAlive).Select(rf => rf.Target as IPage).Where(pg => pg != null);
         if (_backgroundPageWriter != null)
             foreach (var page in pagesToWrite)
                 _backgroundPageWriter.QueueWrite(page, commitId);
             using (var outputStream = _peristenceManager.GetOutputStream(_path, FileMode.Open))
                 foreach (var page in pagesToWrite)
                     page.Write(outputStream, commitId);
         _newPageOffset = _nextPageId;
Пример #6
        public void TestSimpleJoinQuery()
            var sparqlQuery =
                    @"PREFIX bsbm: <http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/bizer/bsbm/v01/vocabulary/> 
                    SELECT ?review WHERE { 
                        ?review bsbm:reviewFor ?product . 
                        ?product bsbm:productFeature <http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/bizer/bsbm/v01/instances/ProductFeature2330> .
                    } LIMIT 3";
            // Warm-up
            var client = BrightstarService.GetClient("type=embedded;storesDirectory=stores");
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                client.ExecuteQuery("SparqlPerformance", sparqlQuery);

            // Profile
            var profiler = new BrightstarProfiler("SimpleJoinQuery");
            for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
                using (profiler.Step("ExecuteQuery"))
                    client.ExecuteQuery("SparqlPerformance", sparqlQuery);

Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the resource with the specified resource ID
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="resourceId">The resource ID to look for</param>
        /// <param name="addToCache">Boolean flag indicating if the returned resource structure should be cached for faster future lookups</param>
        /// <param name="profiler">OPTIONAL: Profiler to use to profile this call</param>
        /// <returns>The corresponding resource or null if no match is found</returns>
        public IResource GetResource(ulong resourceId, bool addToCache, BrightstarProfiler profiler = null)
            using (profiler.Step("ResourceIndex.GetResource"))
                IResource resource;
                if (_resourceCache.TryGetValue(resourceId, out resource))
                var buff = new byte[64];
                if (Search(resourceId, buff, profiler))
                    resource = _resourceStore.FromBTreeValue(buff);
                    _resourceCache.Add(resourceId, resource);
                if (resourceId > 0)
                    // Repeat the search for debug purposes
                    Search(resourceId, buff, profiler);
Пример #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Opens an existing tree in the page store
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pageStore"></param>
 /// <param name="rootPageId">The page ID of the BTree root node</param>
 /// <param name="keySize"></param>
 /// <param name="dataSize"></param>
 /// <param name="profiler"></param>
 public BPlusTree(IPageStore pageStore, ulong rootPageId, int keySize = 8, int dataSize = 64, BrightstarProfiler profiler = null)
     _config = new BPlusTreeConfiguration(pageStore, keySize, dataSize, pageStore.PageSize);
     _pageStore = pageStore;
     var root = GetNode(rootPageId, profiler);
     _rootId = root.PageId;
Пример #9
        private IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<byte[], ulong>>MakeInternalNodes(ulong txnId, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<byte[], ulong >> children, BrightstarProfiler profiler)
            var enumerator = children.GetEnumerator();
            var childList = enumerator.Next(_internalBranchFactor).ToList();
            if (childList.Count == 1)
                yield return childList[0];
                yield break;

            byte[] prevNodeKey = childList[0].Key;
            IInternalNode prevNode = MakeInternalNode(txnId, childList);
            childList = enumerator.Next(_internalBranchFactor).ToList();
            while(childList.Count > 0)
                IInternalNode nextNode = MakeInternalNode(txnId, childList);
                var nextNodeKey = childList[0].Key;
                if (nextNode.NeedJoin)
                    nextNodeKey = new byte[_config.KeySize];
                    nextNode.RedistributeFromLeft(txnId, prevNode, childList[0].Key, nextNodeKey);
                yield return WriteNode(txnId, prevNode, prevNodeKey, profiler);
                prevNode = nextNode;
                prevNodeKey = nextNodeKey;
                childList = enumerator.Next(_internalBranchFactor).ToList();
            yield return WriteNode(txnId, prevNode, prevNodeKey, profiler);
        public int Preload(int maxPages, BrightstarProfiler profiler = null)
            int pagesLoaded    = this.PreloadTree(maxPages, profiler);
            int remainingPages = maxPages - pagesLoaded;

            if (remainingPages > 0)
                // We have managed to load the complete index of predicate trees into memory
                // See if there is enough room to preload at least the root node of each predicate tree
                var numPredicatesToLoad = EnumeratePredicates(profiler).Count();
                if (remainingPages >= numPredicatesToLoad)
                    // We are OK to load some pages from each predicate.
                    // It would be relatively expensive to precompute which indexes have most pages
                    // instead we will just enumerate through them loading remainingPages / numPredicatesToLoad
                    foreach (var predicateIndex in EnumeratePredicateIndexes(profiler))
                        pagesLoaded   += predicateIndex.Value.PreloadTree(remainingPages / numPredicatesToLoad, profiler);
                        remainingPages = maxPages - pagesLoaded;
                        if (remainingPages <= 0)
Пример #11
 private IResource CreateLongLiteralResource(ulong txnId, string resourceValue, ulong dataTypeId, ulong langCodeId, BrightstarProfiler profiler)
     ulong pageId;
     byte segId;
     _resourceTable.Insert(txnId, resourceValue, out pageId, out segId, profiler);
     return new LongLiteralResource(resourceValue, dataTypeId, langCodeId, pageId, segId);
Пример #12
 public void Delete(ulong txnId, byte[] key, BrightstarProfiler profiler)
     using (profiler.Step("BPlusTree.Delete"))
         var root = GetNode(_rootId, profiler);
         if (root is ILeafNode)
             (root as ILeafNode).Delete(txnId, key);
             MarkDirty(txnId, root, profiler);
             // Update root page pointer - see note in Insert() method above
             _rootId = root.PageId;
             bool underAllocation;
             Delete(txnId, root as IInternalNode, key, out underAllocation, profiler);
             if (root.KeyCount == 0)
                 // Now has only a single child leaf node, which should become the new tree root
                 root    = GetNode((root as IInternalNode).GetChildPointer(0), profiler);
                 _rootId = root.PageId;
                 // Update root page pointer - see note in Insert() method above
                 _rootId = root.PageId;
Пример #13
        public INode GetNode(ulong nodeId, BrightstarProfiler profiler)
            using (profiler.Step("BPlusTree.GetNode"))
                INode ret;
                if (_nodeCache.TryGetValue(nodeId, out ret))
                    profiler.Incr("NodeCache Hit");

                profiler.Incr("NodeCache Miss");
                using (profiler.Step("Load Node"))
                    var nodePage = _pageStore.Retrieve(nodeId, profiler);
                    var header   = BitConverter.ToInt32(nodePage.Data, 0);
                    if (header < 0)
                        ret = MakeInternalNode(nodePage, ~header);
                        _config.BTreeDebug("{0}: Loaded INTERNAL node from page {1}. {2}", _config.DebugId, nodePage.Id, ret.ToString());
                        ret = MakeLeafNode(nodePage, header);
                        _config.BTreeDebug("{0}: Loaded LEAF node from page {1}. {2}", _config.DebugId, nodePage.Id, ret.ToString());
Пример #14
 public void Commit(ulong commitId, BrightstarProfiler profiler)
     if (CanWrite)
         foreach (var pageId in _modifiedPages.Keys)
             var page = PageCache.Instance.Lookup(_partitionId, pageId) as BinaryFilePage;
             if (page != null && page.IsDirty)
                 _backgroundPageWriter.QueueWrite(page, commitId);
         lock (_restartLock)
             _readTxnId = _writeTxnId;
             _backgroundPageWriter =
                 new BackgroundPageWriter(_persistenceManager.GetOutputStream(_filePath, FileMode.Open));
         throw new InvalidOperationException("Attempt to Commit on a read-only store instance");
Пример #15
        public IPage Retrieve(ulong pageId, BrightstarProfiler profiler)
            using (profiler.Step("BinaryFilePageStore.GetPage"))
                // Look in the page cache
                IPage page = PageCache.Instance.Lookup(_partitionId, pageId) as BinaryFilePage;
                if (page != null)
                    profiler.Incr("PageCache Hit");

                // See if the page is queued for writing
                if (_backgroundPageWriter != null && _backgroundPageWriter.TryGetPage(pageId, out page))
                    profiler.Incr("BackgroundWriter Queue Hit");

                // Not found in memory, so go to the disk
                profiler.Incr("PageCache Miss");
                using (profiler.Step("Load Page"))
                    page = _modifiedPages.ContainsKey(pageId)
                        ? new BinaryFilePage(_inputStream, pageId, _nominalPageSize, _writeTxnId, true)
                        : new BinaryFilePage(_inputStream, pageId, _nominalPageSize, _readTxnId, false);
                    PageCache.Instance.InsertOrUpdate(_partitionId, page);
Пример #16
        public PrefixManager(IPageStore pageStore, ulong startPageId, BrightstarProfiler profiler)
            _pageStore = pageStore;
            var startPage = _pageStore.Retrieve(startPageId, profiler);

            Load(startPage, profiler);
Пример #17
 public byte[] Retrieve(ulong pageId, BrightstarProfiler profiler)
     using (profiler.Step("PageStore.Retrieve"))
         if (!_readonly && pageId >= _newPageOffset)
             var newPage = _newPages[(int)(pageId - _newPageOffset)];
         var page = PageCache.Instance.Lookup(_path, pageId) as FilePage;
         if (page != null)
             profiler.Incr("PageCache Hit");
         using (profiler.Step("Load Page"))
             profiler.Incr("PageCache Miss");
             using (profiler.Step("Create FilePage"))
                 // Lock on stream to prevent attempts to concurrently load a page
                 lock (_stream)
                     page = new FilePage(_stream, pageId, _pageSize);
             using (profiler.Step("Add FilePage To Cache"))
                 PageCache.Instance.InsertOrUpdate(_path, page);
 public byte[] Retrieve(ulong pageId, BrightstarProfiler profiler)
     using (profiler.Step("PageStore.Retrieve"))
         if (!_readonly && pageId >= _newPageOffset)
             var newPage = _newPages[(int) (pageId - _newPageOffset)];
             return newPage.Data;
         var page = PageCache.Instance.Lookup(_path, pageId) as FilePage;
         if (page != null)
             profiler.Incr("PageCache Hit");
             return page.Data;
         using (profiler.Step("Load Page"))
             profiler.Incr("PageCache Miss");
             using (profiler.Step("Create FilePage"))
                 // Lock on stream to prevent attempts to concurrently load a page
                 lock (_stream)
                     page = new FilePage(_stream, pageId, _pageSize);
             using (profiler.Step("Add FilePage To Cache"))
                 PageCache.Instance.InsertOrUpdate(_path, page);
             return page.Data;
Пример #19
 /// <summary>
 /// Retrieve the resource at the specified page and segment offset
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pageId">The ID of the page that holds the resource to be retrieved</param>
 /// <param name="segment">The index of the segment within the page that holds the start of the resource</param>
 /// <param name="profiler"></param>
 /// <returns>The resource</returns>
 public string GetResource(ulong pageId, byte segment, BrightstarProfiler profiler)
     using (profiler.Step("ResourceTable.GetResource"))
         var currentPage = _pageStore.Retrieve(pageId, profiler);
         int resourceLength = BitConverter.ToInt32(currentPage, segment*_segmentSize);
         int totalLength = resourceLength + 4;
         int segmentsToLoad = totalLength/_segmentSize;
         if (totalLength%_segmentSize > 0) segmentsToLoad++;
         var buffer = new byte[segmentsToLoad*_segmentSize];
         byte segmentIndex = segment;
         for (int i = 0; i < segmentsToLoad; i++)
             if (segmentIndex == _pointerSegment)
                 ulong nextPageId = BitConverter.ToUInt64(currentPage, _pageStore.PageSize - 8);
                 currentPage = _pageStore.Retrieve(nextPageId, profiler);
                 segmentIndex = 0;
             Array.Copy(currentPage, segmentIndex*_segmentSize, buffer, i*_segmentSize, _segmentSize);
         return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer, 4, resourceLength);
Пример #20
        public INode GetNode(ulong nodeId, BrightstarProfiler profiler)
            using (profiler.Step("BPlusTree.GetNode"))
                INode ret;
                if (_modifiedNodes.TryGetValue(nodeId, out ret))
                    profiler.Incr("NodeCache Hit");
                    return ret;
                if (_nodeCache.TryGetValue(nodeId, out ret))
                    profiler.Incr("NodeCache Hit");
                    return ret;

                profiler.Incr("NodeCache Miss");
                using (profiler.Step("Load Node"))
                    var nodePage = _pageStore.Retrieve(nodeId, profiler);
                    var header = BitConverter.ToInt32(nodePage, 0);
                    if (header < 0)
                        ret = new InternalNode(nodeId, nodePage, ~header, _config);
                        ret = new LeafNode(nodeId, nodePage, header, _config);
                    return ret;
Пример #21
 /// <summary>
 /// Retrieve the resource at the specified page and segment offset
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pageId">The ID of the page that holds the resource to be retrieved</param>
 /// <param name="segment">The index of the segment within the page that holds the start of the resource</param>
 /// <param name="profiler"></param>
 /// <returns>The resource</returns>
 public string GetResource(ulong pageId, byte segment, BrightstarProfiler profiler)
     using (profiler.Step("ResourceTable.GetResource"))
         var currentPage    = _pageStore.Retrieve(pageId, profiler);
         int resourceLength = BitConverter.ToInt32(currentPage, segment * _segmentSize);
         int totalLength    = resourceLength + 4;
         int segmentsToLoad = totalLength / _segmentSize;
         if (totalLength % _segmentSize > 0)
         var  buffer       = new byte[segmentsToLoad * _segmentSize];
         byte segmentIndex = segment;
         for (int i = 0; i < segmentsToLoad; i++)
             if (segmentIndex == _pointerSegment)
                 ulong nextPageId = BitConverter.ToUInt64(currentPage, _pageStore.PageSize - 8);
                 currentPage  = _pageStore.Retrieve(nextPageId, profiler);
                 segmentIndex = 0;
             Array.Copy(currentPage, segmentIndex * _segmentSize, buffer, i * _segmentSize, _segmentSize);
         return(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer, 4, resourceLength));
Пример #22
 /// <summary>
 /// Commits all changed and new pages to the page store
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="commitId">The transaction identifier for the commit</param>
 /// <param name="profiler"></param>
 public void Commit(ulong commitId, BrightstarProfiler profiler)
     using (profiler.Step("PageStore.Commit"))
             foreach (var entry in _modifiedPages.OrderBy(e => e.Key))
                 // TODO: Ensure we are writing the correct commit
                 entry.Value.Item1.Write(_outputStream, commitId);
                 lock (_pageCacheLock)
                     PageCache.Instance.InsertOrUpdate(_filePath, entry.Value.Item1);
         catch (Exception)
         CurrentTransactionId = commitId;
         _outputStream = null;
Пример #23
        public INode GetNode(ulong nodeId, BrightstarProfiler profiler)
            using (profiler.Step("BPlusTree.GetNode"))
                INode ret;
                if (_modifiedNodes.TryGetValue(nodeId, out ret))
                    profiler.Incr("NodeCache Hit");
                if (_nodeCache.TryGetValue(nodeId, out ret))
                    profiler.Incr("NodeCache Hit");

                profiler.Incr("NodeCache Miss");
                using (profiler.Step("Load Node"))
                    var nodePage = _pageStore.Retrieve(nodeId, profiler);
                    var header   = BitConverter.ToInt32(nodePage, 0);
                    if (header < 0)
                        ret = new InternalNode(nodeId, nodePage, ~header, _config);
                        ret = new LeafNode(nodeId, nodePage, header, _config);
Пример #24
 private BinaryFilePage GetPage(ulong pageId, BrightstarProfiler profiler)
     using (profiler.Step("PageStore.GetPage"))
         lock (_pageCacheLock)
             BinaryFilePage page;
             Tuple <BinaryFilePage, ulong> modifiedPage;
             if (_modifiedPages.TryGetValue(pageId, out modifiedPage))
                 profiler.Incr("PageCache Hit");
             page = PageCache.Instance.Lookup(_filePath, pageId) as BinaryFilePage;
             if (page != null)
                 profiler.Incr("PageCache Hit");
             using (profiler.Step("Load Page"))
                 profiler.Incr("PageCache Miss");
                 page = new BinaryFilePage(_inputStream, pageId, _nominalPageSize);
                 PageCache.Instance.InsertOrUpdate(_filePath, page);
Пример #25
 public IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <byte[], byte []> > Scan(BrightstarProfiler profiler)
     using (profiler.Step("Scan Entire BTree"))
         return(Scan(_root, profiler));
Пример #26
        public void TestSimpleJoinQuery()
            var sparqlQuery =
                @"PREFIX bsbm: <http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/bizer/bsbm/v01/vocabulary/> 
                    SELECT ?review WHERE { 
                        ?review bsbm:reviewFor ?product . 
                        ?product bsbm:productFeature <http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/bizer/bsbm/v01/instances/ProductFeature2330> .
                    } LIMIT 3";
            // Warm-up
            var client = BrightstarService.GetClient("type=embedded;storesDirectory=stores");

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                client.ExecuteQuery("SparqlPerformance", sparqlQuery);

            // Profile
            var profiler = new BrightstarProfiler("SimpleJoinQuery");

            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                using (profiler.Step("ExecuteQuery"))
                    client.ExecuteQuery("SparqlPerformance", sparqlQuery);

Пример #27
 /// <summary>
 /// Performs the actual load of prefixes from a page.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="page"></param>
 /// <param name="profiler"></param>
 /// <remarks>Calls to this method should be made inside a critical section of code protected with a mutex or reader/writer lock</remarks>
 private void InterlockedLoad(IPage page, BrightstarProfiler profiler)
     using (profiler.Step("PrefixManager.InterlockedLoad"))
         int offset = 0;
         while (offset < _pageStore.PageSize)
             ushort prefixLength = BitConverter.ToUInt16(page.Data, offset);
             offset += 2;
             if (prefixLength == ushort.MaxValue)
                 ulong nextPageId = BitConverter.ToUInt64(page.Data, offset);
                 if (nextPageId == 0)
                     // End of data
                 page   = _pageStore.Retrieve(nextPageId, profiler);
                 offset = 0;
                 var prefix = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(page.Data, offset, prefixLength);
                 offset += prefixLength;
                 var uriLen = BitConverter.ToUInt16(page.Data, offset);
                 offset += 2;
                 var uri = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(page.Data, offset, uriLen);
                 offset += uriLen;
                 _prefixMappings[uri]        = prefix;
                 _shortValueMappings[prefix] = uri;
Пример #28
        private IResource CreateLongUriResource(ulong txnId, string uri, BrightstarProfiler profiler)
            ulong pageId;
            byte  segId;

            _resourceTable.Insert(txnId, uri, out pageId, out segId, profiler);
            return(new LongUriResource(uri, pageId, segId));
Пример #29
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new store writing triple sink
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="writeStore">The store to add the triples to</param>
 /// <param name="jobId">The unique identifier of the job that is writing to the store. May be Guid.Empty if the write is not part of any job.</param>
 /// <param name="batchSize">Number of triples to insert per batch</param>
 /// <param name="commitEachBatch">If true, then the inserts are committed to the store after each batch; if false then the server memory load is checked at the end of each batch and inserts are flushed only if the load exceeds a threshold (currently 80% of available physical RAM).</param>
 /// <param name="profiler"></param>
 public StoreTripleSink(IStore writeStore, Guid jobId, int batchSize = 10000, bool commitEachBatch = false, BrightstarProfiler profiler = null)
     _batchSize = batchSize;
     _store = writeStore;
     _jobId = jobId;
     _commitEachBatch = commitEachBatch;
     _profiler = profiler;
Пример #30
        public ulong Write(IPageStore pageStore, ulong transactionId, BrightstarProfiler profiler)
            var targetConfiguration = new BPlusTreeConfiguration(pageStore, Configuration.KeySize,
                                                                 Configuration.ValueSize, Configuration.PageSize);
            var builder = new BPlusTreeBuilder(pageStore, targetConfiguration);

            return(builder.Build(transactionId, Scan(profiler), profiler));
Пример #31
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new store writing triple sink
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="writeStore">The store to add the triples to</param>
 /// <param name="jobId">The unique identifier of the job that is writing to the store. May be Guid.Empty if the write is not part of any job.</param>
 /// <param name="batchSize">Number of triples to insert per batch</param>
 /// <param name="commitEachBatch">If true, then the inserts are committed to the store after each batch; if false then the server memory load is checked at the end of each batch and inserts are flushed only if the load exceeds a threshold (currently 80% of available physical RAM).</param>
 /// <param name="profiler"></param>
 public StoreTripleSink(IStore writeStore, Guid jobId, int batchSize = 10000, bool commitEachBatch = false, BrightstarProfiler profiler = null)
     _batchSize       = batchSize;
     _store           = writeStore;
     _jobId           = jobId;
     _commitEachBatch = commitEachBatch;
     _profiler        = profiler;
Пример #32
        public void WarmupPageCache(int pagesToPreload, BrightstarProfiler profiler = null)
            int totalLoaded = _subjectRelatedResourceIndex.Preload(pagesToPreload / 3, profiler);

            totalLoaded += _objectRelatedResourceIndex.Preload(pagesToPreload - totalLoaded, profiler);
            totalLoaded += _resourceIndex.Preload(pagesToPreload - totalLoaded, profiler);
            _resourceTable.Preload(pagesToPreload - totalLoaded, profiler);
Пример #33
 public virtual ulong Save(ulong transactionId, BrightstarProfiler profiler)
     using (profiler.Step("BPlusTree.Save"))
         _isDirty = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds or creates a new ID for the graph with the specified graph URI
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graphUri">The graph URI to lookup</param>
        /// <param name="profiler"></param>
        /// <returns>The ID assigned to the graph</returns>
        public int AssertGraphId(string graphUri, BrightstarProfiler profiler = null)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(graphUri))
                throw new ArgumentException("Graph URI must not be null or an empty string", "graphUri");
            if (graphUri.Length > short.MaxValue)
                throw new ArgumentException(
                          String.Format("Graph URI string exceeds maximum allowed length of {0} bytes", short.MaxValue), "graphUri");
            lock (_lock)
                int entryId;
                if (_graphUriIndex.TryGetValue(graphUri, out entryId) && !_allEntries[entryId].IsDeleted)
                var newId = _allEntries.Count;
                var entry = new GraphIndexEntry(newId, graphUri, false);
                _graphUriIndex.Add(graphUri, newId);
            using (profiler.Step("Assert Graph Id"))
                    int entryId;
                    if (_graphUriIndex.TryGetValue(graphUri, out entryId) && !_allEntries[entryId].IsDeleted)
                        var newId = _allEntries.Count;
                        var entry = new GraphIndexEntry(newId, graphUri, false);
                        _graphUriIndex.Add(graphUri, newId);
Пример #35
 /// <summary>
 /// Opens an existing tree in the page store
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pageStore"></param>
 /// <param name="rootPageId">The page ID of the BTree root node</param>
 /// <param name="keySize"></param>
 /// <param name="dataSize"></param>
 /// <param name="profiler"></param>
 public BPlusTree(IPageStore pageStore, ulong rootPageId, int keySize = 8, int dataSize = 64, BrightstarProfiler profiler = null)
     _config = new BPlusTreeConfiguration(keySize, dataSize, pageStore.PageSize);
     _pageStore = pageStore;
     _modifiedNodes = new Dictionary<ulong, INode>();
     _nodeCache = new WeakReferenceNodeCache();
     _root = GetNode(rootPageId, profiler);
Пример #36
 public IEnumerable <string> GetPredicates(BrightstarProfiler profiler = null)
         (from resource in
          .Select(rid => _resourceIndex.GetResource(rid))
          where resource != null && !resource.IsLiteral
          select _prefixManager.ResolvePrefixedUri(resource.Value));
 public ulong Write(IPageStore pageStore, ulong transactionId, BrightstarProfiler profiler)
     using (profiler.Step("RelatedResourceIndex.Write"))
         var indexBuilder = new BPlusTreeBuilder(pageStore, Configuration);
         return(indexBuilder.Build(transactionId, WritePredicateIndexes(pageStore, transactionId, profiler),
Пример #38
 public ulong Build(ulong txnId, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<byte[], byte []>> orderedValues, BrightstarProfiler profiler = null)
     var nodeList = MakeInternalNodes(txnId, MakeLeafNodes(txnId, orderedValues.GetEnumerator(), profiler), profiler).ToList();
     while(nodeList.Count > 1)
         nodeList = MakeInternalNodes(txnId, nodeList, profiler).ToList();
     return nodeList[0].Value;
        public int Preload(int numPages, BrightstarProfiler profiler)
            var maxPages = Math.Min(_stream.Length / PageSize, numPages);

            for (int pageId = 0; pageId < maxPages; pageId++)
                Retrieve((ulong)pageId, profiler);
 public ConcurrentGraphIndex(IPageStore pageStore, ulong rootPage, BrightstarProfiler profiler)
     using (profiler.Step("Load ConcurrentGraphIndex"))
         _pageStore     = pageStore;
         _graphUriIndex = new Dictionary <string, int>();
         _allEntries    = new List <GraphIndexEntry>();
         Read(rootPage, profiler);
Пример #41
        public ulong GetTripleCount(string predicateUri, BrightstarProfiler profiler = null)
            var predicateId = _resourceIndex.GetResourceId(_prefixManager.MakePrefixedUri(predicateUri));

            if (predicateId == StoreConstants.NullUlong)
            return(_subjectRelatedResourceIndex.CountPredicateRelationships(predicateId, profiler));
Пример #42
 public ConcurrentGraphIndex(IPageStore pageStore, ulong rootPage, BrightstarProfiler profiler)
     using (profiler.Step("Load ConcurrentGraphIndex"))
         _pageStore = pageStore;
         _graphUriIndex = new Dictionary<string, int>();
         _allEntries = new List<GraphIndexEntry>();
         Read(rootPage, profiler);
Пример #43
 public static IPageStore OpenPageStore(string fileName, bool readOnly, PersistenceType persistenceType = PersistenceType.AppendOnly, ulong txnId = 1UL, BrightstarProfiler profiler = null)
     using (profiler.Step("Open Page Store"))
         if (persistenceType == PersistenceType.AppendOnly)
             return new AppendOnlyFilePageStore(PersistenceManager, fileName, 4096, readOnly, false);
         return new BinaryFilePageStore(PersistenceManager, fileName, 4096, readOnly, txnId);
Пример #44
        private void StartNewPage(ulong transactionId, BrightstarProfiler profiler)
            ulong nextPage = _pageStore.Create();

            if (_currentPage > 0)
                _pageStore.Write(transactionId, _currentPage, BitConverter.GetBytes(nextPage), 0, _pageStore.PageSize - 8, 8, profiler);
            _currentPage = nextPage;
            _nextSegment = 0;
Пример #45
 public Store(string storeLocation, IPageStore dataPageStore, IResourceTable resourceTable, ulong storePageId, BrightstarProfiler profiler)
     using (profiler.Step("Load Store"))
         DirectoryPath = storeLocation;
         _pageStore = dataPageStore;
         _resourceTable = resourceTable;
         var storePage = _pageStore.Retrieve(storePageId, profiler);
         Load(storePage, profiler);
Пример #46
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the data for the specified page
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pageId">The ID of the page</param>
        /// <param name="profiler"></param>
        /// <returns>The data buffer for the page</returns>
        public IPage Retrieve(ulong pageId, BrightstarProfiler profiler)
            Tuple <BinaryFilePage, ulong> modifiedPage;

            if (_modifiedPages.TryGetValue(pageId, out modifiedPage))
                return(new BinaryPageAdapter(this, modifiedPage.Item1, modifiedPage.Item2, true));
            var page = GetPage(pageId, profiler);

            return(page == null ? null : new BinaryPageAdapter(this, page, CurrentTransactionId, false));
Пример #47
 public IResource CreateNew(ulong txnId, string resourceValue, bool isLiteral, ulong dataTypeId, ulong langCodeId, BrightstarProfiler profiler)
     var valueLength = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(resourceValue);
     if (isLiteral)
         return valueLength <= MaxLocalLiteralLength
                    ? new ShortLiteralResource(resourceValue, dataTypeId, langCodeId)
                    : CreateLongLiteralResource(txnId, resourceValue, dataTypeId, langCodeId, profiler);
     return valueLength < MaxLocalUriLength
                ? new ShortUriResource(resourceValue)
                : CreateLongUriResource(txnId, resourceValue, profiler);
Пример #48
        public override void Run()
                Logging.LogInfo("Import job being run on file " + _contentFileName);

                var parser = GetParser(_contentFileName);
                var storeDirectory = StoreWorker.WriteStore.DirectoryPath;
                var filePath = Path.Combine(storeDirectory,
                                            ".." + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "import" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar +
                var profiler = new BrightstarProfiler("Import " + _contentFileName); // TODO : Conditionally create this if profiling is enabled
                Logging.LogDebug("Import file path calculated as '{0}'", filePath);
                if (!File.Exists(filePath))
                    ErrorMessage = String.Format("Cannot find file {0} in import directory", _contentFileName);
                    throw new FileNotFoundException(ErrorMessage);
                using (_fileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                    _importTripleSink = new StoreTripleSink(StoreWorker.WriteStore, JobId,
                    parser.Parse(_fileStream, this, _graphUri);
                StoreWorker.WriteStore.Commit(JobId, profiler);

                Logging.LogInfo("Import job completed successfully for " + _contentFileName);
                if (profiler != null)
            catch (RdfParserException parserException)
                ErrorMessage = parserException.Message;
                ExceptionDetail = new ExceptionDetail(parserException);
                Logging.LogInfo("Parser error processing import job on file " + _contentFileName + ". " + parserException.Message);
            catch (Exception ex)
                ErrorMessage = "Error importing file " + _contentFileName + ". " + ex.Message;
                Logging.LogInfo("Error processing import job on file " + _contentFileName + ". Error Message: " + ex.Message + " Stack trace: " + ex.StackTrace);
Пример #49
 public static IPageStore CreateEmptyPageStore(string fileName, PersistenceType persistenceType = PersistenceType.AppendOnly, BrightstarProfiler profiler = null)
     using (profiler.Step("Create Empty Page Store"))
         using (profiler.Step("Delete Existing"))
             if (PersistenceManager.FileExists(fileName)) PersistenceManager.DeleteFile(fileName);
             //if (File.Exists(fileName)) File.Delete(fileName);
         using (profiler.Step("Create New Page Store"))
             if (persistenceType == PersistenceType.AppendOnly)
                 return new AppendOnlyFilePageStore(PersistenceManager, fileName, 4096, false, false);
             return new BinaryFilePageStore(PersistenceManager, fileName, 4096, false, 1);
Пример #50
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a related resource index entry
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="txnId"> </param>
 /// <param name="resourceId">The resource ID of the "start" resource</param>
 /// <param name="predicateId">The resource ID of the predicate that relates the resources</param>
 /// <param name="relatedResourceId">The resource ID of the "related" resource</param>
 /// <param name="graphId">The resource ID of the graph containing the relationship</param>
 /// <param name="profiler"></param>
 public void AddRelatedResource(ulong txnId, ulong resourceId, ulong predicateId, ulong relatedResourceId, int graphId, BrightstarProfiler profiler = null)
     using (profiler.Step("Add Related Resource"))
         var predicateIndex = AssertPredicateIndex(txnId, predicateId, profiler);
         var key = MakePredicateIndexKey(resourceId, graphId, relatedResourceId);
             using (profiler.Step("Insert Into Predicate Index"))
                 predicateIndex.Insert(txnId, key, null, profiler: profiler);
         catch (DuplicateKeyException)
             // Ignore duplicate key exceptions 
Пример #51
 /// <summary>
 /// Enumerates the resources related to a start resource by a specific predicate
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="resourceId">The resource ID of the start resource</param>
 /// <param name="predicateId">The resource ID of the predicate that relates the resources. If set to Constants.NullUlong, returns relationships for all predicates</param>
 /// <param name="graphId">The resource ID of the graph containing the relationships. If set to Constants.NullUlong, returns relationships from all graphs</param>
 /// <param name="profiler"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public IEnumerable<IRelatedResource> EnumerateRelatedResources(ulong resourceId, ulong predicateId = StoreConstants.NullUlong, int graphId = -1, BrightstarProfiler profiler = null)
     using (profiler.Step("EnumerateRelatedResources"))
         if (predicateId != StoreConstants.NullUlong)
             byte[] minKey = MakePredicateIndexKey(resourceId,
                                                   graphId < 0 ? 0 : graphId,
             byte[] maxKey = MakePredicateIndexKey(resourceId,
                                                   graphId < 0 ? Int32.MaxValue : graphId,
             var predicateIndex = GetPredicateIndex(predicateId, profiler);
             if (predicateIndex != null)
                 foreach (var r in predicateIndex.Scan(minKey, maxKey, profiler).Select(
                     x =>
                     new RelatedResource(predicateId, GetGraphIdFromKey(x.Key),
                     yield return r;
             foreach (var entry in Scan(0ul, UInt64.MaxValue, profiler))
                 // Load the predicate index into the cache
                 GetPredicateIndex(entry.Key,BitConverter.ToUInt64(entry.Value, 0), profiler);
                 // Then a recursive call to enumerate the index tree
                 foreach (var r in EnumerateRelatedResources(resourceId, entry.Key, graphId, profiler))
                     yield return r;
Пример #52
        /// <summary>
        /// Ensures that the specified resource is in the resource index and returns its resource ID
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="txnId">The ID of the current update transaction</param>
        /// <param name="resourceValue">The resource string value</param>
        /// <param name="isLiteral">Boolean flag indicating if the resource is a literal (true) or a URI (false)</param>
        /// <param name="dataType">The resource data-type URI</param>
        /// <param name="langCode">The resource language string</param>
        /// <param name="addToCache">Boolean flag indicating if newly indexed resources should be added to the local cache</param>
        /// <param name="profiler"></param>
        /// <returns>The resource ID for the resource</returns>
        public ulong AssertResourceInIndex(ulong txnId, string resourceValue, bool isLiteral = false, string dataType = null, string langCode = null, bool addToCache = true, BrightstarProfiler profiler = null)
            using (profiler.Step("AssertResourceInIndex"))
                // Normalize language code to null if it is an empty string
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(langCode))
                    langCode = null;

                // Retrieve the resource ID for the datatype URI (if any)
                var dataTypeId = String.IsNullOrEmpty(dataType)
                                     ? StoreConstants.NullUlong
                                     : AssertResourceInIndex(txnId, dataType, profiler:profiler);

                var hashString = isLiteral ? MakeHashString(resourceValue, dataType, langCode) : resourceValue;

                ulong resourceId;
                if (_resourceIdCache.TryGetValue(hashString, out resourceId))
                    return resourceId;

                // Get a ulong resource ID for the language code string
                var langCodeId = String.IsNullOrEmpty(langCode)
                                     ? StoreConstants.NullUlong
                                     : AssertResourceInIndex(txnId, langCode, true, profiler:profiler);

                resourceId = AssertResourceInBTree(txnId, resourceValue, isLiteral, dataTypeId, langCodeId,
                                                   StringExtensions.GetBrightstarHashCode(hashString), profiler);
                if (addToCache)
                    _resourceIdCache.Add(hashString, resourceId);
                return resourceId;
Пример #53
        /// <summary>
        /// Insert a triple into the store
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="subject"></param>
        /// <param name="predicate"></param>
        /// <param name="objValue"></param>
        /// <param name="isObjectLiteral"></param>
        /// <param name="dataType"></param>
        /// <param name="langCode"></param>
        /// <param name="graphUri"></param>
        /// <param name="profiler"></param>
        public void InsertTriple(string subject, string predicate, string objValue, bool isObjectLiteral, string dataType, string langCode, string graphUri, BrightstarProfiler profiler = null)
            using (profiler.Step("InsertTriple"))
                using (profiler.Step("Normalization"))
                    // Normalize subject, predicate, objValue (if it is not a literal), dataType (if it is not null)
                    // and graphUri (if it is not null)
                        subject = new Uri(subject, UriKind.Absolute).ToString();
                    catch (FormatException)
                        throw new InvalidTripleException(
                            String.Format("The subject '{0}' could not be parsed as a valid URI.", subject));


                        predicate = new Uri(predicate, UriKind.Absolute).ToString();
                    catch (FormatException)
                        throw new InvalidTripleException(
                            String.Format("The predicate'{0}' could not be parsed as a valid URI.", predicate));

                    if (!isObjectLiteral)
                            objValue = new Uri(objValue, UriKind.Absolute).ToString();
                        catch (FormatException)
                            throw new InvalidTripleException(
                                String.Format("The object '{0}' could not be parsed as a valid URI.", objValue));

                    if (isObjectLiteral && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(dataType))
                            dataType = new Uri(dataType, UriKind.Absolute).ToString();
                        catch (FormatException)
                            throw new InvalidTripleException(
                                String.Format("The dataType '{0}' could not be parsed as a valid URI.", dataType));

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(graphUri))
                            graphUri = new Uri(graphUri, UriKind.Absolute).ToString();
                        catch (FormatException)
                            throw new InvalidTripleException(
                                String.Format("The graphUri '{0}' could not be parsed as a valid URI.", graphUri));

                    if (isObjectLiteral && dataType == null)
                        dataType = RdfDatatypes.PlainLiteral;

                    // Normalize language code to lower-case (per http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-concepts/#section-Graph-Literal)
                    if (langCode != null)
                        langCode = langCode.ToLowerInvariant();

                using (profiler.Step("Make Prefixed Uris"))
                    subject = _prefixManager.MakePrefixedUri(subject);
                    predicate = _prefixManager.MakePrefixedUri(predicate);
                    if (!isObjectLiteral)
                        objValue = _prefixManager.MakePrefixedUri(objValue);

                var txnId = _currentTxnId + 1;
                ulong sid = _resourceIndex.AssertResourceInIndex(txnId, subject, profiler:profiler);
                ulong pid = _resourceIndex.AssertResourceInIndex(txnId, predicate, profiler:profiler);
                ulong oid = _resourceIndex.AssertResourceInIndex(txnId, objValue, isObjectLiteral, dataType, langCode,
                                                                 !isObjectLiteral, profiler);
                int gid = _graphIndex.AssertGraphId(graphUri, profiler);
                _subjectRelatedResourceIndex.AddRelatedResource(txnId, sid, pid, oid, gid, profiler);
                _objectRelatedResourceIndex.AddRelatedResource(txnId, oid, pid, sid, gid, profiler);
Пример #54
 void Read(ulong rootPageId, BrightstarProfiler profiler)
     byte[] currentPage = _pageStore.Retrieve(rootPageId, profiler);
     int offset = 0;
     int entryIndex = 0;
         var marker = currentPage[offset++];
         if (marker == 0xff)
             ulong nextPageId = BitConverter.ToUInt64(currentPage, _pageStore.PageSize - 8);
             if (nextPageId == 0) return;
             currentPage = _pageStore.Retrieve(nextPageId, profiler);
             offset = 0;
         else if (marker == 2)
             _allEntries.Add(new GraphIndexEntry(entryIndex++, null, true));
             int uriByteLength = BitConverter.ToInt32(currentPage, offset);
             offset += 4;
             var uri = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(currentPage, offset, uriByteLength);
             offset += uriByteLength;
             var newEntry = new GraphIndexEntry(entryIndex++, uri, marker == 1);
             if (!newEntry.IsDeleted) _graphUriIndex[newEntry.Uri] = newEntry.Id;
Пример #55
        private ulong Save(BrightstarProfiler profiler)
            using (profiler.Step("Store.Save"))
                _resourceTable.Commit(_currentTxnId + 1, profiler);

                var txnId = _currentTxnId + 1;
                var graphIndexId = _graphIndex.Save(txnId, profiler);
                var prefixManagerId = _prefixManager.Save(txnId, profiler);
                var resourceIndexId = _resourceIndex.Save(txnId, profiler);
                var subjectRelatedResourceIndexId = _subjectRelatedResourceIndex.Save(txnId, profiler);
                var objectRelatedResourceIndexId = _objectRelatedResourceIndex.Save(txnId, profiler);
                var buff = CreateStoreHeader(graphIndexId, prefixManagerId, resourceIndexId,
                                             subjectRelatedResourceIndexId, objectRelatedResourceIndexId);

                var page = _pageStore.Create(txnId);
                page.SetData(buff, 0, 128);
                _pageStore.Commit(txnId, profiler);
                return page.Id;
Пример #56
         * Data format for the store page:
         * 00-03: Store format version (int)
         * 04-11: Transaction id (ulong)
         * 12-19: Graph Index start page id (ulong)
         * 20-27: Prefix Manager start page id (ulong)
         * 28-35: Resource Index start page id (ulong)
         * 36-43: Subject Related Resource Index start page id (ulong)
         * 44-51: Object Related Resource Index start page id (ulong)
         * 44-107: Reserved (all zeros for now)
         * 108-127: SHA1 hash of bytes 00-108
         * 128-255: Repeat of the above structure

        private bool Load(IPage storePage, BrightstarProfiler profiler)
            using (profiler.Step("Store.Load"))
                // Validate the hash for the index bloc
                using (var sha1 = new SHA1Managed())
                    var recordedHash = new byte[20];
                    Array.Copy(storePage.Data, 108, recordedHash, 0, 20);
                    var calculatedHash = sha1.ComputeHash(storePage.Data, 0, 108);
                    if (recordedHash.Compare(calculatedHash) != 0)
                        return false;

                // Load indexes from the pointers
                int storeVersion = BitConverter.ToInt32(storePage.Data, 0);
                if (storeVersion == 1)
                    _currentTxnId = BitConverter.ToUInt64(storePage.Data, 4);
                    var graphIndexId = BitConverter.ToUInt64(storePage.Data, 12);
                    _graphIndex = new ConcurrentGraphIndex(_pageStore, graphIndexId, profiler);
                    var prefixManagerId = BitConverter.ToUInt64(storePage.Data, 20);
                    _prefixManager = new PrefixManager(_pageStore, prefixManagerId, profiler);
                    var resourceIndexId = BitConverter.ToUInt64(storePage.Data, 28);
                    _resourceIndex = new ResourceIndex.ResourceIndex(_pageStore, _resourceTable, resourceIndexId);
                    var relatedResourceIndexId = BitConverter.ToUInt64(storePage.Data, 36);
                    _subjectRelatedResourceIndex = new RelatedResourceIndex.RelatedResourceIndex(_pageStore,
                                                                                                 relatedResourceIndexId, profiler);
                    var objectRelatedResourceIndexId = BitConverter.ToUInt64(storePage.Data, 44);
                    _objectRelatedResourceIndex = new RelatedResourceIndex.RelatedResourceIndex(_pageStore,
                                                                                                objectRelatedResourceIndexId, profiler);
                return true;
Пример #57
 public ulong GetTripleCount(string predicateUri, BrightstarProfiler profiler = null)
     var predicateId = _resourceIndex.GetResourceId(_prefixManager.MakePrefixedUri(predicateUri));
     if (predicateId == StoreConstants.NullUlong) return 0L;
     return _subjectRelatedResourceIndex.CountPredicateRelationships(predicateId, profiler);
Пример #58
 public IEnumerable<string> GetPredicates(BrightstarProfiler profiler = null)
         from resource in
                                         .Select(rid => _resourceIndex.GetResource(rid))
         where resource != null && !resource.IsLiteral
         select _prefixManager.ResolvePrefixedUri(resource.Value);
Пример #59
 public void Commit(Guid jobId, BrightstarProfiler profiler = null)
     using (profiler.Step("Store Commit"))
         ulong storePageId = Save(profiler);
         var storeManager = StoreManagerFactory.GetStoreManager();
         var mf = storeManager.GetMasterFile(DirectoryPath);
         mf.AppendCommitPoint(new CommitPoint(storePageId,_currentTxnId + 1,DateTime.UtcNow, jobId));
Пример #60
 /// <summary>
 /// Commits all updates so far to the store and returns the start position of the Store object in the store file.
 /// </summary>
 public void FlushChanges(BrightstarProfiler profiler = null)