private void CheckSurroundings() { // ---- CHECK FOR GROUND RaycastHit2D onGround = Physics2D.Raycast(onGroundCheck.position, Vector2.down, groundCheckDistance, groundLayerMask); Debug.DrawRay(onGroundCheck.position, Vector2.down * groundCheckDistance,; RaycastHit2D toeHitGround = Physics2D.Raycast(toeGroundCheck.position, Vector2.down, groundCheckDistance, groundLayerMask); Debug.DrawRay(toeGroundCheck.position, Vector2.down * groundCheckDistance, Color.yellow); RaycastHit2D heelHitGround = Physics2D.Raycast(heelGroundCheck.position, Vector2.down, groundCheckDistance, groundLayerMask); Debug.DrawRay(heelGroundCheck.position, Vector2.down * groundCheckDistance, Color.yellow); if (onGround.collider != null) { isOnGround = true; int currentLayer = onGround.collider.gameObject.layer; if (currentLayer == breakableObjectsLayer) { BreakableObject bo = onGround.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <BreakableObject>(); if (bo == null) { Debug.LogError("Object on Breakable Objects layer does not have Breakable Object component!"); } else if (bo.isPlatform && !bo.isFallingApart) { bo.TriggerPlatformCollapse(); } } else if (currentLayer == breakableFloorsLayer) { BreakableFloor bf = onGround.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <BreakableFloor>(); if (bf == null) { Debug.LogError("Object on Breakable Floors layer does not have Breakable Floors component!"); } else if (inAir) { bf.TriggerObjectShake(); } } else if (currentLayer == slidingSurfaceLayer && !isPressingJumpButton && !magBootsOn) { SlidingSurface ss = onGround.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <SlidingSurface>(); if (ss == null) { Debug.LogError("Object on Sliding Surface layer does not have Sliding Surface component!"); } else { SlopeSlide(ss.direction); } } else if (currentLayer != slidingSurfaceLayer && isGroundSliding || isGroundSliding && magBootsOn) { print("Stop"); StopSlopeSlide(); } } else if (onGround.collider == null && isGroundSliding) { if (direction == Vector2.right) { move.x = 16; } else { move.x = -16; } targetVelocity.x = move.x; } else if (onGround.collider == null) { if (toeHitGround.collider != null && heelHitGround.collider == null && !hasJumped) { move.x = -3f; } else if (toeHitGround.collider == null && heelHitGround.collider != null && !hasJumped) { move.x = 3f; } else if (toeHitGround.collider == null && heelHitGround.collider == null) { isOnGround = false; } } // ---- CHECK FOR WALLS if (canMove && !isDisabled) { ContactFilter2D contactFilter = new ContactFilter2D(); contactFilter.SetLayerMask(wallLayerMask); RaycastHit2D[] hit = new RaycastHit2D[1]; isTouchingWall = Physics2D.Raycast(wallCheck.position, direction, contactFilter, hit, wallCheckDistance) > 0; Debug.DrawRay(wallCheck.position, direction * wallCheckDistance,; isTouchingLedge = Physics2D.Raycast(ledgeCheck.position, direction, ledgeCheckDistance, wallLayerMask); Debug.DrawRay(ledgeCheck.position, direction * ledgeCheckDistance,; // Check for ledge grab if (isTouchingWall && !isTouchingLedge && !ledgeDetected)// << ----------- OPTION TO PUT MANUAL LEDGE GRAB HERE { ledgeDetected = true; // playerposition = hitpointx - wallcheck transform.position = new Vector3(hit[0].point.x + (direction == Vector2.right ? wallCheckDistance : -wallCheckDistance), transform.position.y, transform.position.z); ledgePosBot = wallCheck.position; } // Check for crumbling wall if (isWallSliding) { RaycastHit2D hitWall = Physics2D.Raycast(wallCheck.position, direction, wallCheckDistance, groundLayerMask); if (hitWall.collider != null) { int currentLayer = hitWall.collider.gameObject.layer; if (currentLayer == breakableObjectsLayer) { BreakableObject crumblingWall = hitWall.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <BreakableObject>(); if (crumblingWall != null) { print("hit crumbling wall"); crumblingWall.TriggerPlatformCollapse(); StopWallSliding(); } else { Debug.LogError("Object on Breakable Object layer does not have Breakable Object component!"); } } } } } }
private void BreakableFloor(Collider2D c2d) { BreakableFloor bf = c2d.gameObject.GetComponent <BreakableFloor>(); bf.StartDestroying(); }
/** * Erstellt die richtige Art Feld anhand des eingelesenen Symboles und gibt * dieses zurück. Das eingegebene Symbol muss eines der aufgelisteten sein. * Wirft eine Exception,falls das Symbol nicht existiert. * "#": Wand * " ": Weg * "P": Spieler * "B": Box * "G": Zielfeld * @precondition Das eingegebene Symbol muss existieren. * @params symbol welches eingelesen werden soll. Muss existieren. * @params x Koordinate des Feldes. * @params y Koordinate des Feldes. * @param board auf welchem gearbeitet wird. * @return Das erstellte neue Feld. */ public Square makeSquare(string symbol, int x, int y, Board board, Vector3 position) { Square square; switch (symbol) { case FLOOR_SYMBOL: square = new Floor(x, y, board, position); break; case WALL_SYMBOL: square = new Wall(x, y, board, position); break; case BREAKABLE_WALL_SYMBOL: BreakableWall bw = new BreakableWall(x, y, board, position); square = new Floor(x, y, board, position); square.setMovableSquare(bw); break; case PLAYER_SYMBOL: Player player = new Player(x, y, board, position); square = new Floor(x, y, board, position); square.setMovableSquare(player); break; case BOX_SYMBOL: Box box = new Box(x, y, board, position); square = new Floor(x, y, board, position); square.setMovableSquare(box); break; case GOAL_SYMBOL: square = new Goal(x, y, board, position); break; case BOMB_SYMBOL: Bomb bomb = new Bomb(x, y, board, position); square = new Floor(x, y, board, position); square.setMovableSquare(bomb); break; case "1": square = new BreakableFloor(x, y, board, position, 1); break; case "2": square = new BreakableFloor(x, y, board, position, 2); break; case "3": square = new BreakableFloor(x, y, board, position, 3); break; case "4": square = new BreakableFloor(x, y, board, position, 4); break; case "5": square = new BreakableFloor(x, y, board, position, 5); break; case "6": square = new BreakableFloor(x, y, board, position, 6); break; case "7": square = new BreakableFloor(x, y, board, position, 7); break; case "8": square = new BreakableFloor(x, y, board, position, 8); break; case "9": square = new BreakableFloor(x, y, board, position, 9); break; default: throw new UnknownSymbolException(); } return(square); }