public void path(Floor cur_floor, int Pathmode, bool invertSearch)
     if (Pathmode == 0)
         Debug.Log("running breadth first search from the start");
         Bfirst.RunAlg(cur_floor, invertSearch);
     else if (Pathmode == 1)
         Debug.Log("running Depth first from start room");
         Dfirst.RunAlg(cur_floor, invertSearch);
     else if (Pathmode == 2)
         Debug.Log("running random path single door");
     else if (Pathmode == 3)
         Debug.Log("running random path with multiple doors");
     else if (Pathmode == 4)
         Debug.Log("running Greedy search");
         Gfirst.RunAlg(cur_floor, invertSearch);
     else if (Pathmode == 5)
         Debug.Log("running Prims");
         Psearch.RunAlg(cur_floor, invertSearch);
       * else if (Pathmode == 6)
       * {
       * Debug.Log("running Greedy + random_single");
       * RpathSingle.RunAlg(cur_floor);
       * Gfirst.RunAlg(cur_floor, invertSearch);
       * }
       * else if (Pathmode == 7)
       * {
       * Debug.Log("running Prims + random single");
       * RpathSingle.RunAlg(cur_floor);
       * Psearch.RunAlg(cur_floor, invertSearch);
       * }*/
         //pathmode == discarding of best path + prims
         Debug.Log("no path specified running random single");