        // GET: /Branch/Details/5

        public ActionResult Details(int id)
            BranchModel branch = new BranchModel();

            branch = Utility.convertSrcToTarget <Branch, BranchModel>(BranchManager.GetBranchById(id, "nirshan"));
Пример #2
 /// <summary>
 /// 修改、删除部门信息
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 protected void gvBranchList_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
     if (e.CommandName == "Delete")
             int branchId = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument.ToString());
         catch (Exception ex)
             ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "key", "alert('请先删除外键中的数据!')", true);
     if (e.CommandName == "Update")
         int id = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument.ToString());
         ViewState["BranchId"]  = id;
         this.btnAdd.Enabled    = false;
         this.btnUpdate.Enabled = true;
         Branch branch = BranchManager.GetBranchById(UpdateBranchId);
         this.txtBranchName.Text = branch.BranchName;
         txtBranchShortName.Text = branch.BranchShortName;
Пример #3
    public static String GetOrderDetails()
        String        html              = String.Empty;
        StringBuilder finalTemplate     = new StringBuilder();
        StringBuilder shortCarttemplate = new StringBuilder();
        Double        subTotal          = 0;
        Double        tax = 0;

        #region Detail Items
        if (SessionUserOrder != null)
            for (int i = 0; i < SessionUserOrder.OrderDetailsList.Count; i++)
                StringBuilder template = new StringBuilder();
                template = template.Append(Core.Utility.ReadFile(PhysicalApplicationPath + HtmlFolder + "ShortOrderDetail.html"));

                template.Replace("{PRODUCTNAME}", SessionUserOrder.OrderDetailsList.ElementAt(i).ProductName);
                template.Replace("{IMAGEPATH}", "/Products/" + SessionUserOrder.OrderDetailsList.ElementAt(i).ProductImage);
                template.Replace("{QUANTITY}", SessionUserOrder.OrderDetailsList.ElementAt(i).Quantity.ToString());
                template.Replace("{PRICE}", SessionUserOrder.OrderDetailsList.ElementAt(i).ItemTotal.ToString());
                subTotal += SessionUserOrder.OrderDetailsList.ElementAt(i).ItemTotal;

        #region Short Cart
        shortCarttemplate = shortCarttemplate.Append(Core.Utility.ReadFile(PhysicalApplicationPath + HtmlFolder + "ShortCart.html"));
        if (SessionUserOrder != null && SessionUserOrder.OrderDetailsList.Count > 0)
            BranchManager branchManager = new BranchManager();
            Branches      branch        = branchManager.GetBranchById(BranchId);
            shortCarttemplate = shortCarttemplate.Replace("{DETAIL}", finalTemplate.ToString());
            shortCarttemplate = shortCarttemplate.Replace("{ITEMS}", SessionUserOrder.OrderDetailsList.Count.ToString());
            shortCarttemplate = shortCarttemplate.Replace("{SUBTOTAL}", subTotal.ToString());
            shortCarttemplate = shortCarttemplate.Replace("{TAX}", Math.Round(branch.TaxPercentage, 2).ToString("G"));
            tax = Math.Round((SessionUserOrder.OrderTotal * Convert.ToDouble(branch.TaxPercentage)) / 100, 2);
            shortCarttemplate = shortCarttemplate.Replace("{TAXPRICE}", tax.ToString("G"));
            shortCarttemplate = shortCarttemplate.Replace("{TOTALPRICE}", (tax + SessionUserOrder.OrderTotal).ToString("G"));
            shortCarttemplate = shortCarttemplate.Replace("{DETAIL}", "No item is added in cart.");
            shortCarttemplate = shortCarttemplate.Replace("{ITEMS}", "0");
            shortCarttemplate = shortCarttemplate.Replace("{SUBTOTAL}", "0");
            shortCarttemplate = shortCarttemplate.Replace("{TAX}", "0");
            shortCarttemplate = shortCarttemplate.Replace("{TAXPRICE}", "0");
            shortCarttemplate = shortCarttemplate.Replace("{TOTALPRICE}", "0");


Пример #4
 private void ShowCart()
     if (SessionUserOrder != null)
         rptCart.DataSource = SessionUserOrder.OrderDetailsList;
         SessionUserOrder.OrderDetailsList.Select(o => new { o.ItemTotal }).ToList();
         rptCart.DataSource = null;
     if (SessionUserOrder != null && SessionUserOrder.OrderDetailsList.Count > 0)
         BusinessEntities.Branches branch = branchManager.GetBranchById(BranchId);
         hdVAT.Value = Math.Round(branch.TaxPercentage, 2).ToString("G");
         if (SessionPreOrderPromo != null)
             txtSubTotal.Text  = SessionUserOrder.OrderTotal.ToString("G");
             txtDiscount.Text  = SessionPreOrderPromo.PreOrderPromoValue.ToString("G");
             deduction.Visible = true;
             txtVATAmount.Text = Math.Round(((SessionUserOrder.OrderTotal - SessionPreOrderPromo.PreOrderPromoValue) * Convert.ToDouble(branch.TaxPercentage)) / 100, 2).ToString("G");
             txtTotal.Text     = Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(txtVATAmount.Text) + (SessionUserOrder.OrderTotal - SessionPreOrderPromo.PreOrderPromoValue), 2).ToString("G");
             txtSubTotal.Text  = SessionUserOrder.OrderTotal.ToString();
             txtVATAmount.Text = Math.Round((SessionUserOrder.OrderTotal * Convert.ToDouble(branch.TaxPercentage)) / 100, 2).ToString("G");
             txtTotal.Text     = Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(txtVATAmount.Text) + Convert.ToDouble(txtSubTotal.Text), 2).ToString("G");
         txtSubTotal.Text  = "";
         hdVAT.Value       = "";
         txtVATAmount.Text = "";
         txtTotal.Text     = "";
Пример #5
        private void OrderNow_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            Branches branch = branchManager.GetBranchById(1);

            UserOrder.BranchID      = 1;
            UserOrder.ContactInfoId = ContactInfoObject.ContactInfoId;
            UserOrder.CustomerName  = ContactInfoObject.FirstName + " " + ContactInfoObject.LastName;
            UserOrder.OrderStatusID = OrderStatus.NewOrder;
            UserOrder.TaxPercentage = (double)branch.TaxPercentage;

            if (UserOrder.OrderTypeID == OrderType.Deliver)
                UserOrder.DeliveryCharges = (double)branch.DeliveryCharges;
                UserOrder.OrderTypeID     = OrderType.Deliver;
                UserOrder.OrderTypeID     = OrderType.SelfPickup;
                UserOrder.DeliveryCharges = 0;

            Double Tax = ((UserOrder.OrderTotal - deduction + UserOrder.DeliveryCharges) * Convert.ToDouble(branch.TaxPercentage)) / 100;

            UserOrder.OrderTotal = UserOrder.OrderTotal - deduction + UserOrder.DeliveryCharges + Tax;

            Int64 result = orderManager.AddOrder(UserOrder, _OrderDetailOptionList, _OrderDetailAdonList);

            if (result > 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Order has been placed successfully.");
                string buffer = "\x1b\x1d\x61\x1";             //Center Alignment - Refer to Pg. 3-29
                //buffer = buffer + "\x5B" + "If loaded.. Logo1 goes here" + "\x5D\n";
                //buffer = buffer + "\x1B\x1C\x70\x1\x0";          //Stored Logo Printing - Refer to Pg. 3-38
                buffer = buffer + "\x1b\x69\x1 \x1b\x45 PIZZANESS \x1b\x46 \x1b\x69\x0 \n";
                buffer = buffer + "10829 Lanham Sevem Rd.\n";
                buffer = buffer + "Glenn Dale, MD 20796\n";
                buffer = buffer + "301-464-2600\n\n";
                buffer = buffer + "\x1b\x1d\x61\x0";                                                                                      //Left Alignment - Refer to Pg. 3-29
                buffer = buffer + "\x1b\x44\x2\x10\x22\x0";                                                                               //Setting Horizontal Tab - Pg. 3-27
                buffer = buffer + "Date: " + DateTime.Now.ToString("MMM, dd yyyy") + "\x9 Time:" + DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm") + "\n"; //Moving Horizontal Tab - Pg. 3-26
                buffer = buffer + "------------------------------------------------ \n";
                buffer = buffer + ContactInfoObject.Title + " " + ContactInfoObject.FirstName + " " + ContactInfoObject.LastName + "\n";
                buffer = buffer + ContactInfoObject.ContactAddressList.ElementAt(0).Address + "\n";
                buffer = buffer + ContactInfoObject.ContactAddressList.ElementAt(0).City + " " + ContactInfoObject.ContactAddressList.ElementAt(0).State + " " + ContactInfoObject.ContactAddressList.ElementAt(0).Zip + "\n";
                if (ContactInfoObject.Telephone.Length == 10)
                    buffer = buffer + ContactInfoObject.Telephone.Substring(0, 3) + "-" + ContactInfoObject.Telephone.Substring(3, 3) + "-" + ContactInfoObject.Telephone.Substring(6, 4) + "\n";
                    buffer = buffer + ContactInfoObject.Telephone + "\n";
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ContactInfoObject.Mobile))
                    if (ContactInfoObject.Mobile.Length == 10)
                        buffer = buffer + ContactInfoObject.Mobile.Substring(0, 3) + "-" + ContactInfoObject.Mobile.Substring(3, 3) + "-" + ContactInfoObject.Mobile.Substring(6, 4) + "\n";
                        buffer = buffer + ContactInfoObject.Mobile + "\n";
                buffer = buffer + "------------------------------------------------ \n";
                buffer = buffer + "\x1b\x45";                    //Select Emphasized Printing - Pg. 3-14
                buffer = buffer + "ORDER DETAILS\n";
                buffer = buffer + "\x1b\x46";                    //Cancel Emphasized Printing - Pg. 3-14
                Int16  counter  = 1;
                Double SubTotal = 0;
                buffer = buffer + "No." + "\x9 Item Name\x9\x9\x9 Price  \n";
                foreach (OrderDetails orderDetail in UserOrder.OrderDetailsList)
                    buffer = buffer + counter + "\x9" + orderDetail.ProductName + "\x9\x9\x9$" + Math.Round(orderDetail.Price, 2) + "  \n";
                    if (orderDetail.IsGroupProduct)
                        foreach (OrderDetailSubProduct product in orderDetail.OrderDetailSubProducts)
                            buffer = buffer + "\x9 • " + product.ProductName + "\n";
                            if (product.OrderDetailSubProductOptions.Count > 0)
                                buffer = buffer + "\x9   Options:\n";
                                foreach (OrderDetailSubProductOption suboption in product.OrderDetailSubProductOptions)
                                    buffer = buffer + "\x9    " + suboption.ProductOptionName + "\n";
                            if (product.OrderDetailSubProductAdons.Count > 0)
                                buffer = buffer + "\x9   Toppings:\n";
                                foreach (OrderDetailSubProductAdon subadon in product.OrderDetailSubProductAdons)
                                    if ((SelectedOption)subadon.SelectedAdonOption != SelectedOption.None)
                                        buffer = buffer + "\x9    " + subadon.AdonName + "\n";
                        List <OrderDetailOptions> detailOptionList = _OrderDetailOptionList.ElementAt(counter - 1);

                        if (detailOptionList.Count > 0)
                            buffer = buffer + "\x9Options:\n";
                            foreach (OrderDetailOptions detailOption in detailOptionList)
                                buffer = buffer + "\x9" + detailOption.ProductOptionName + "\n";

                        List <OrderDetailAdOns> detailAdonList = _OrderDetailAdonList.ElementAt(counter - 1);
                        if (detailAdonList.Count > 0)
                            buffer = buffer + "\x9Toppings:\n";
                            foreach (OrderDetailAdOns detailAdon in detailAdonList)
                                if (detailAdon.SelectedAdonOption != SelectedOption.None)
                                    buffer = buffer + "\x9  " + detailAdon.AdonName + "(" + detailAdon.SelectedAdonOption.ToString() + ")\n";
                    SubTotal += orderDetail.Price;
                buffer = buffer + "Subtotal " + "\x9\x9\x9 $" + Math.Round(SubTotal, 2) + " \n";
                if (UserOrder.DeliveryCharges > 0)
                    buffer = buffer + "Delivery Charges " + "\x9" + "" + "\x9" + "" + "         $" + UserOrder.DeliveryCharges + ".00\n";
                buffer = buffer + "Tax " + "\x9" + "" + "\x9" + "" + "         $" + Math.Round(Tax, 2) + " \n";
                if (deduction > 0)
                    buffer = buffer + "Discount " + "\x9\x9\x9$" + Math.Round(deduction, 2) + " \n";
                buffer = buffer + "------------------------------------------------ \n";
                buffer = buffer + "Total" + "\x6" + "" + "\x9" + "\x1b\x69\x1\x1" + "         $" + Math.Round(UserOrder.OrderTotal, 2) + " \n"; //Character Expansion - Pg. 3-10
                buffer = buffer + "\x1b\x69\x0\x0";                                                                                             //Cancel Expansion - Pg. 3-10
                buffer = buffer + "------------------------------------------------ \n";
                buffer = buffer + "Thank you for ordering.";

                /*buffer = buffer + "Visa XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-0123\n\n";
                 * buffer = buffer + "\x1b\x34" + "Refunds and Exchanges" + "\x1b\x35\n";                       //Specify/Cencel White/Black Invert - Pg. 3-16
                 * buffer = buffer + "Within " + "\x1b\x2d\x1" + "30 days" + "\x1b\x2d\x0" + " with receipt\n"; //Specify/Cancel Underline Printing - Pg. 3-15
                 * buffer = buffer + "And tags attached\n\n";*/
                buffer = buffer + "\x1b\x1d\x61\x1";             //Center Alignment - Refer to Pg. 3-29
                // buffer = buffer + "\x1b\x62\x6\x2\x2" + " 12ab34cd56" + "\x1e\n";             //Barcode - Pg. 3-39 - 3-40
                buffer = buffer + "\x1b\x64\x02";                //Cut  - Pg. 3-41
                buffer = buffer + "\x7";                         //Open Cash Drawer

                // Allow the user to select a printer.
                PrintDialog pd = new PrintDialog();
                //pd.PrinterSettings = new PrinterSettings();
                //if (DialogResult.Value == pd.ShowDialog().Value)
                // Send a printer-specific to the printer.
                RawPrinterHelper.SendStringToPrinter(System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["PrinterName"], buffer);
                UserOrder = null;
        // GET: /Branch/Edit/5

        public ActionResult Edit(int id)
            BranchManager.GetBranchById(id, "nirshan");
            return(View(Utility.convertSrcToTarget <Branch, BranchModel>(BranchManager.GetBranchById(id, "nirshan"))));
Пример #7
    public static object AddPromotionCode(String promotionCode, Double lineTip, Double deliveryCharges)
        #region Variables

        string json = @"{{'SubTotal':{0},'Tax': {1}, 'OrderTotal': {2}, 'InvalidCode': {3} }}";

        Double deduction = 0, NewTotal = 0, Tax = 0;
        PromotionCodeManager promoManager  = new PromotionCodeManager();
        BranchManager        branchManager = new BranchManager();
        JavaScriptSerializer serializer    = new JavaScriptSerializer();


        PromotionCodes code                = promoManager.GetPromotionCodeByCode(promotionCode);
        Branches       branch              = branchManager.GetBranchById(BranchId);
        if (code != null)
            DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Now;

            NewTotal = SessionUserOrder.OrderTotal;
            Tax      = ((NewTotal + deliveryCharges) * Convert.ToDouble(branch.TaxPercentage)) / 100;

            double preOrderPromoValue = 0.0d;

            if (SessionPreOrderPromo != null)
                preOrderPromoValue = SessionPreOrderPromo.PreOrderPromoValue;

                if (SessionPreOrderPromo.PreOrderPromoCode.ToLower().Equals(promotionCode.ToLower()))
                    json = string.Format(json, SessionUserOrder.OrderTotal, Tax,
                                         (SessionUserOrder.OrderTotal + deliveryCharges + Tax + lineTip),

                return(serializer.Deserialize <Dictionary <string, string> >(json));

            if (currentDate > code.EndDate || currentDate < code.StartDate)
                json = string.Format(json, SessionUserOrder.OrderTotal, Tax, (SessionUserOrder.OrderTotal + deliveryCharges + Tax + lineTip), Resources.ErrorMessages.PromoOutOfDate);

                return(serializer.Deserialize <Dictionary <string, string> >(json));

            if (code.TypeOfPromotion == PromotionType.EGiftCard && code.CodeUsageCounter != null && code.CodeUsageCounter == 0)    //  in db it's incrementing
                json = string.Format(json, SessionUserOrder.OrderTotal, Tax, (SessionUserOrder.OrderTotal + Tax + lineTip), Resources.ErrorMessages.PromoCounterZero);

                return(serializer.Deserialize <Dictionary <string, string> >(json));

            if (code.TypeOfPromotion == PromotionType.Money)
                deduction = code.PromotionValue;
            else if (code.TypeOfPromotion == PromotionType.EGiftCard)
                if ((code.PromotionValue - code.PromoValueUsed) > 0)
                    if (SessionUserOrder.OrderTotal < (code.PromotionValue - code.PromoValueUsed))
                        code.PromoValueUsed += deduction = SessionUserOrder.OrderTotal;
                        code.PromoValueUsed += deduction = (code.PromotionValue - code.PromoValueUsed);
                {       // promo value used completely
                    json = string.Format(json, NewTotal, Tax, (NewTotal + deliveryCharges + Tax + lineTip), Resources.ErrorMessages.PromoCodeBalanceEnded);
                    return(serializer.Deserialize <Dictionary <string, string> >(json));
                deduction = (SessionUserOrder.OrderTotal * code.PromotionValue) / 100;

            NewTotal = SessionUserOrder.OrderTotal;
            NewTotal = NewTotal <= 0 ? 0 : NewTotal;
            Tax      = ((NewTotal + deliveryCharges) * Convert.ToDouble(branch.TaxPercentage)) / 100;

            json = string.Format(json, NewTotal, Tax, (NewTotal + deliveryCharges + Tax + lineTip) - deduction, 0);

            var dict = serializer.Deserialize <Dictionary <string, string> >(json);

            SessionPreOrderPromo = null;
            Tax  = (SessionUserOrder.OrderTotal + deliveryCharges) * (Convert.ToDouble(branch.TaxPercentage)) / 100;
            json = string.Format(json, SessionUserOrder.OrderTotal, Tax, SessionUserOrder.OrderTotal + deliveryCharges + Tax + lineTip, Resources.ErrorMessages.PromoCodeInvalid);

            var dict = serializer.Deserialize <Dictionary <string, string> >(json);