public static void AddUpdatePublicKey(string Key) { using (DNNDataLayerDataContext dnnContext = new DNNDataLayerDataContext()) { #region Update BraftonTable pk = dnnContext.BraftonTables.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Content == "1"); if (pk != null) { //pk.VideoPublicKey = TEST; pk.VideoPublicKey = Key; MyGlobals.VideoPublicKey = Key; dnnContext.SubmitChanges(); // MyGlobals.VideoFeedNumber = "pk is not NULL"; #endregion } else { //Blog_Entry newBlogEntry = new Blog_Entry(); BraftonTable addPublicKey = new BraftonTable(); addPublicKey.VideoPublicKey = Key; dnnContext.BraftonTables.InsertOnSubmit(addPublicKey); dnnContext.SubmitChanges(); MyGlobals.VideoFeedNumber = 0; } } }
public static void AddUpdateVideoBaseURL(string Key)//TODO still need to validate URL to see if it matches either of the 2 apis { using (DNNDataLayerDataContext dnnContext = new DNNDataLayerDataContext()) { #region Update BraftonTable pk = dnnContext.BraftonTables.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Content == "1"); if (pk != null) { pk.VideoBaseUrl = Key; MyGlobals.VideoBaseURL = Key; dnnContext.SubmitChanges(); #endregion } else { } } }
public static void AddUpdateSecretKey(string Key) { using (DNNDataLayerDataContext dnnContext = new DNNDataLayerDataContext()) { #region Update BraftonTable pk = dnnContext.BraftonTables.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Content == "1"); if (pk != null) { pk.VideoSecretKey = Key; MyGlobals.VideoSecretKey = Key; dnnContext.SubmitChanges(); #endregion } else { } } }
public static void PopGlobals() { using (DNNDataLayerDataContext dnnContext = new DNNDataLayerDataContext()) { #region Fill Globals BraftonTable pk = dnnContext.BraftonTables.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Content == "1"); if (pk != null) { if (pk.Api != null) { api = pk.Api; } if (pk.BaseUrl != null) { baseUrl = pk.BaseUrl; } if (pk.DomainName != null) { DomainName = pk.DomainName; } if (pk.VideoPublicKey != null) { VideoPublicKey = pk.VideoPublicKey; } if (pk.VideoSecretKey != null) { VideoSecretKey = pk.VideoSecretKey; } if (pk.VideoFeedNumber != null) { VideoFeedNumber = pk.VideoFeedNumber; VideoFeedText = pk.VideoFeedNumber.ToString(); } if (pk.VideoBaseUrl != null) { VideoBaseURL = pk.VideoBaseUrl; } if (pk.VideoPhotoURL != null) { VideoPhotoURL = pk.VideoPhotoURL; } //Decide whether photo or video if (pk.VideoSecretKey != null) { ArtOrBlog = "video"; } if (pk.Api != null) { ArtOrBlog = "articles"; } if (pk.Api != null && pk.VideoSecretKey != null) { ArtOrBlog = "both"; } #endregion } } }