Пример #1
 internal MovieClipTextBoxObject(
     string id,
     string text,
     TextStyle style          = null,
     Color color              = null,
     TextAlign textAlign      = TextAlign.center,
     int?maxLines             = null,
     float?maxWidth           = null,
     float?maxHeight          = null,
     float?minWidth           = null,
     float?minHeight          = null,
     EdgeInsets padding       = null,
     BoxDecoration decoration = null,
     int layer = 0)
     : base(id, layer)
     this.text       = text;
     this.textAlign  = textAlign;
     this.maxLines   = maxLines;
     this.padding    = padding ?? EdgeInsets.all(10);
     this.decoration = decoration;
     this.maxWidth   = maxWidth;
     this.maxHeight  = maxHeight;
     this.minWidth   = minWidth;
     this.minHeight  = minHeight;
Пример #2
 public TextBox(
     string text,
     TextStyle style,
     Color color              = null,
     TextAlign textAlign      = TextAlign.center,
     int?maxLines             = null,
     float?maxWidth           = null,
     float?maxHeight          = null,
     float?minWidth           = null,
     float?minHeight          = null,
     EdgeInsets padding       = null,
     BoxDecoration decoration = null) :
     base(texts: new List <string> {
          style: style,
          textAlign: textAlign,
          maxLines: maxLines,
          maxWidth: maxWidth,
          maxHeight: maxHeight,
          minWidth: minWidth,
          minHeight: minHeight,
          padding: padding,
          decoration: decoration ??
          new BoxDecoration(
              color: color ?? Colors.white,
              border: Border.all(color: Colors.black)
Пример #3
        public static IEnumerable <Widget> divideTiles(BuildContext context = null, IEnumerable <Widget> tiles = null,
                                                       Color color          = null)
            D.assert(tiles != null);
            D.assert(color != null || context != null);

            IEnumerator <Widget> enumerator = tiles.GetEnumerator();
            List <Widget>        result     = new List <Widget> {

            Decoration decoration = new BoxDecoration(
                border: new Border(
                    bottom: Divider.createBorderSide(context, color: color)

            Widget tile = enumerator.Current;

            while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                result.Add(new DecoratedBox(
                               position: DecorationPosition.foreground,
                               decoration: decoration,
                               child: tile
                tile = enumerator.Current;

Пример #4
 public MovieClipTypingEffect(
     string id,
     List <string> texts,
     TextStyle style          = null,
     Color color              = null,
     TextAlign textAlign      = TextAlign.left,
     int?maxLines             = null,
     Axis direction           = Axis.vertical,
     float?maxWidth           = null,
     float?maxHeight          = null,
     float?minWidth           = null,
     float?minHeight          = null,
     EdgeInsets padding       = null,
     BoxDecoration decoration = null,
     int layer = 0)
     : base(id, texts.Count, layer)
     D.assert(!(texts?.isEmpty() ?? true));
     D.assert(texts.TrueForAll((s => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(s))));
     this.texts      = texts;
     this.textAlign  = textAlign;
     this.maxLines   = maxLines;
     this.direction  = direction;
     this.padding    = padding ?? EdgeInsets.all(10);
     this.decoration = decoration;
     this.maxWidth   = maxWidth;
     this.maxHeight  = maxHeight;
     this.minWidth   = minWidth;
     this.minHeight  = minHeight;
Пример #5
 public TextList(
     List <string> texts,
     TextStyle style,
     TextAlign textAlign      = TextAlign.center,
     int?maxLines             = null,
     Axis direction           = Axis.vertical,
     float?maxWidth           = null,
     float?maxHeight          = null,
     float?minWidth           = null,
     float?minHeight          = null,
     EdgeInsets padding       = null,
     BoxDecoration decoration = null)
     this.texts      = texts;
     this.style      = style;
     this.textAlign  = textAlign;
     this.maxLines   = maxLines;
     this.direction  = direction;
     this.maxWidth   = maxWidth;
     this.minWidth   = minWidth;
     this.maxHeight  = maxHeight;
     this.minHeight  = minHeight;
     this.padding    = padding ?? EdgeInsets.all(10);
     this.decoration = decoration;
Пример #6
        public override Widget build(BuildContext context)
            D.assert(Overlay.of(context, debugRequiredFor: widget) != null);
            ThemeData        theme        = Theme.of(context);
            TooltipThemeData tooltipTheme = TooltipTheme.of(context);
            TextStyle        defaultTextStyle;
            BoxDecoration    defaultDecoration;

            if (theme.brightness == Brightness.dark)
                defaultTextStyle = theme.textTheme.bodyText2.copyWith(
                    color: Colors.black
                defaultDecoration = new BoxDecoration(
                    color: Colors.white.withOpacity(0.9f),
                    borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(4))
                defaultTextStyle = theme.textTheme.bodyText2.copyWith(
                    color: Colors.white
                defaultDecoration = new BoxDecoration(
                    color: Colors.grey[700].withOpacity(0.9f),
                    borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(4))

            height               = widget.height ?? tooltipTheme?.height ?? _defaultTooltipHeight;
            padding              = widget.padding ?? tooltipTheme?.padding ?? _defaultPadding;
            margin               = widget.margin ?? tooltipTheme?.margin ?? _defaultMargin;
            verticalOffset       = widget.verticalOffset ?? tooltipTheme?.verticalOffset ?? _defaultVerticalOffset;
            preferBelow          = widget.preferBelow ?? tooltipTheme?.preferBelow ?? _defaultPreferBelow;
            excludeFromSemantics = widget.excludeFromSemantics ?? tooltipTheme?.excludeFromSemantics ?? _defaultExcludeFromSemantics;
            decoration           = widget.decoration ?? tooltipTheme?.decoration ?? defaultDecoration;
            textStyle            = widget.textStyle ?? tooltipTheme?.textStyle ?? defaultTextStyle;
            waitDuration         = widget.waitDuration ?? tooltipTheme?.waitDuration ?? _defaultWaitDuration;
            showDuration         = widget.showDuration ?? tooltipTheme?.showDuration ?? _defaultShowDuration;

            Widget result = new GestureDetector(
                behavior: HitTestBehavior.opaque,
                onLongPress: _handleLongPress,
                child: widget.child

            if (_mouseIsConnected)
                result = new MouseRegion(
                    onEnter: (PointerEnterEvent _event) => _showTooltip(),
                    onExit: (PointerExitEvent _event) => _hideTooltip(),
                    child: result

Пример #7
        public Widget buildItem(BuildContext context, TextStyle style, EdgeInsets padding)
            BoxDecoration decoration = null;

            if (ShrineHomeUtils._shoppingCart.getOrDefault(this.product) != null)
                decoration = new BoxDecoration(color: ShrineTheme.of(context).priceHighlightColor);

            return(new Container(
                       padding: padding,
                       decoration: decoration,
                       child: new Text(this.product.priceString, style: style)
Пример #8
 public static void createTypingEffect(
     this MovieClipSnapshot snapshot,
     string id,
     string text,
     TextStyle style          = null,
     Color color              = null,
     TextAlign textAlign      = TextAlign.left,
     int?maxLines             = null,
     float?maxWidth           = null,
     float?maxHeight          = null,
     float?minWidth           = null,
     float?minHeight          = null,
     EdgeInsets padding       = null,
     BoxDecoration decoration = null,
     int layer        = 0,
     Offset position  = null,
     Offset pivot     = null,
     Size scale       = null,
     float rotation   = 0,
     float opacity    = 1,
     float delay      = 0,
     float appearTime = MovieClipSnapshot.kDefaultAppearTime)
         id: id,
         texts: new List <string> {
         style: style,
         color: color,
         textAlign: textAlign,
         maxLines: maxLines,
         maxWidth: maxWidth,
         maxHeight: maxHeight,
         minWidth: minWidth,
         minHeight: minHeight,
         padding: padding ?? EdgeInsets.all(10),
         decoration: decoration ?? new BoxDecoration(),
         layer: layer,
         position: position,
         pivot: pivot ?? new Offset(0, 0.5f),
         scale: scale,
         rotation: rotation,
         opacity: opacity,
         delay: delay,
         appearTime: appearTime
Пример #9
 public static void createTextBox(
     this MovieClipSnapshot snapshot,
     string id,
     string text,
     TextStyle style           = null,
     Color color               = null,
     TextAlign textAlign       = TextAlign.center,
     int?maxLines              = null,
     float?maxWidth            = null,
     float?maxHeight           = null,
     float?minWidth            = null,
     float?minHeight           = null,
     EdgeInsets padding        = null,
     BoxDecoration decoration  = null,
     AppearAnimation animation = AppearAnimation.none,
     int layer        = 0,
     Offset position  = null,
     Offset pivot     = null,
     Size scale       = null,
     float rotation   = 0,
     float opacity    = 1,
     float delay      = 0,
     float appearTime = MovieClipSnapshot.kDefaultAppearTime)
     snapshot.createObject(new MovieClipTextBoxObject(id,
                                                      color: color,
                                                      textAlign: textAlign,
                                                      maxLines: maxLines,
                                                      maxWidth: maxWidth,
                                                      maxHeight: maxHeight,
                                                      minWidth: minWidth,
                                                      minHeight: minHeight,
                                                      padding: padding ?? EdgeInsets.all(10),
                                                      decoration: decoration,
                                                      layer: layer
                           position: position,
                           pivot: pivot,
                           scale: scale,
                           rotation: rotation,
                           opacity: opacity,
                           delay: delay,
                           animation: animation,
                           appearTime: appearTime
Пример #10
 public _DropdownMenuPainter(
     Color color              = null,
     int?elevation            = null,
     int?selectedIndex        = null,
     Animation <float> resize = null,
     ValueGetter <float> getSelectedItemOffset = null
     ) : base(repaint: resize)
     D.assert(elevation != null);
     _painter = new BoxDecoration(
         color: color,
         borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(2.0f),
         boxShadow: material_.kElevationToShadow[elevation ?? 0]
     this.color                 = color;
     this.elevation             = elevation;
     this.selectedIndex         = selectedIndex;
     this.resize                = resize;
     this.getSelectedItemOffset = getSelectedItemOffset;
Пример #11
        public static Ink image(
            Key key = null,
            EdgeInsetsGeometry padding      = null,
            ImageProvider image             = null,
            ImageErrorListener onImageError = null,
            ColorFilter colorFilter         = null,
            BoxFit?fit = null,
            AlignmentGeometry alignment = null,
            Rect centerSlice            = null,
            ImageRepeat repeat          = ImageRepeat.noRepeat,
            float?width  = null,
            float?height = null,
            Widget child = null
            D.assert(padding == null || padding.isNonNegative);
            D.assert(image != null);

            alignment = alignment ?? Alignment.center;
            Decoration decoration = new BoxDecoration(
                image: new DecorationImage(
                    image: image,
                    onError: onImageError,
                    colorFilter: colorFilter,
                    fit: fit,
                    alignment: alignment,
                    centerSlice: centerSlice,
                    repeat: repeat)

            return(new Ink(
                       key: key,
                       padding: padding,
                       decoration: decoration,
                       width: width,
                       height: height,
                       child: child));
Пример #12
        public override Widget build(BuildContext context)
            ThemeData             themeData     = Theme.of(context);
            MaterialLocalizations localizations = MaterialLocalizations.of(context);
            int           year           = this.displayedMonth.Year;
            int           month          = this.displayedMonth.Month;
            int           daysInMonth    = getDaysInMonth(year, month);
            int           firstDayOffset = this._computeFirstDayOffset(year, month, localizations);
            List <Widget> labels         = new List <Widget>();

            labels.AddRange(this._getDayHeaders(themeData.textTheme.caption, localizations));
            for (int i = 0; true; i += 1)
                int day = i - firstDayOffset + 1;
                if (day > daysInMonth)

                if (day < 1)
                    labels.Add(new Container());
                    DateTime dayToBuild = new DateTime(year, month, day);
                    bool     disabled   = dayToBuild > this.lastDate ||
                                          dayToBuild < this.firstDate ||
                                          (this.selectableDayPredicate != null &&
                    BoxDecoration decoration    = null;
                    TextStyle     itemStyle     = themeData.textTheme.body1;
                    bool          isSelectedDay = this.selectedDate.Year == year && this.selectedDate.Month == month &&
                                                  this.selectedDate.Day == day;
                    if (isSelectedDay)
                        itemStyle  = themeData.accentTextTheme.body2;
                        decoration = new BoxDecoration(
                            color: themeData.accentColor,
                            shape: BoxShape.circle
                    else if (disabled)
                        itemStyle = themeData.textTheme.body1.copyWith(color: themeData.disabledColor);
                    else if (this.currentDate.Year == year && this.currentDate.Month == month &&
                             this.currentDate.Day == day)
                        itemStyle = themeData.textTheme.body2.copyWith(color: themeData.accentColor);

                    Widget dayWidget = new Container(
                        decoration: decoration,
                        child: new Center(
                            child: new Text(localizations.formatDecimal(day), style: itemStyle)
                    if (!disabled)
                        dayWidget = new GestureDetector(
                            behavior: HitTestBehavior.opaque,
                            onTap: () => { this.onChanged(dayToBuild); },
                            child: dayWidget,
                            dragStartBehavior: this.dragStartBehavior


            return(new Padding(
                       padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 8.0f),
                       child: new Column(
                           children: new List <Widget> {
                new Container(
                    height: DatePickerUtils._kDayPickerRowHeight,
                    child: new Center(
                        child: new Text(
                            style: themeData.textTheme.subhead
                new Flexible(
                    child: GridView.custom(
                        gridDelegate: DatePickerUtils._kDayPickerGridDelegate,
                        childrenDelegate: new SliverChildListDelegate(labels, addRepaintBoundaries: false)
Пример #13
        Widget _buildYearItem(BuildContext context, int index)
            ColorScheme colorScheme = Theme.of(context).colorScheme;
            TextTheme   textTheme   = Theme.of(context).textTheme;

            // Backfill the _YearPicker with disabled years if necessary.
            int         offset = _itemCount < minYears ? (int)(1.0f * (minYears - _itemCount) / 2) : 0;
            int         year = widget.firstDate.Year + index - offset;
            bool        isSelected = year == widget.selectedDate.Year;
            bool        isCurrentYear = year == widget.currentDate.Year;
            bool        isDisabled = year <widget.firstDate.Year || year> widget.lastDate.Year;
            const float decorationHeight = 36.0f;
            const float decorationWidth  = 72.0f;

            Color textColor;

            if (isSelected)
                textColor = colorScheme.onPrimary;
            else if (isDisabled)
                textColor = colorScheme.onSurface.withOpacity(0.38f);
            else if (isCurrentYear)
                textColor = colorScheme.primary;
                textColor = colorScheme.onSurface.withOpacity(0.87f);

            TextStyle itemStyle = textTheme.bodyText1?.apply(color: textColor);

            BoxDecoration decoration = null;

            if (isSelected)
                decoration = new BoxDecoration(
                    color: colorScheme.primary,
                    borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(decorationHeight / 2),
                    shape: BoxShape.rectangle
            else if (isCurrentYear && !isDisabled)
                decoration = new BoxDecoration(
                    border: Border.all(
                        color: colorScheme.primary,
                        width: 1
                    borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(decorationHeight / 2),
                    shape: BoxShape.rectangle

            Widget yearItem = new Center(
                child: new Container(
                    decoration: decoration,
                    height: decorationHeight,
                    width: decorationWidth,
                    child: new Center(
                        child: new Text(year.ToString(), style: itemStyle)

            if (!isDisabled)
                yearItem = new InkWell(
                    key: new ValueKey <int>(year),
                    onTap: () => {
                        new DateTime(
                    child: yearItem

Пример #14
        public override Widget build(BuildContext context)
            ColorScheme           colorScheme   = Theme.of(context).colorScheme;
            MaterialLocalizations localizations = MaterialLocalizations.of(context);
            TextTheme             textTheme     = Theme.of(context).textTheme;
            TextStyle             dayStyle      = textTheme.caption;
            Color enabledDayColor       = colorScheme.onSurface.withOpacity(0.87f);
            Color disabledDayColor      = colorScheme.onSurface.withOpacity(0.38f);
            Color selectedDayColor      = colorScheme.onPrimary;
            Color selectedDayBackground = colorScheme.primary;
            Color todayColor            = colorScheme.primary;

            int year  = displayedMonth.Year;
            int month = displayedMonth.Month;

            int daysInMonth = utils.getDaysInMonth(year, month);
            int dayOffset   = utils.firstDayOffset(year, month, localizations);

            List <Widget> dayItems = new List <Widget>();
            // 1-based day of month, e.g. 1-31 for January, and 1-29 for February on
            // a leap year.
            int day = -dayOffset;

            while (day < daysInMonth)
                if (day < 1)
                    dayItems.Add(new Container());
                    DateTime dayToBuild = new DateTime(year, month, day);
                    bool     isDisabled = dayToBuild > lastDate ||
                                          dayToBuild < firstDate ||
                                          (selectableDayPredicate != null && !selectableDayPredicate(dayToBuild));

                    BoxDecoration decoration    = null;
                    Color         dayColor      = enabledDayColor;
                    bool          isSelectedDay = utils.isSameDay(selectedDate, dayToBuild);
                    if (isSelectedDay)
                        // The selected day gets a circle background highlight, and a
                        // contrasting text color.
                        dayColor   = selectedDayColor;
                        decoration = new BoxDecoration(
                            color: selectedDayBackground,
                            shape: BoxShape.circle
                    else if (isDisabled)
                        dayColor = disabledDayColor;
                    else if (utils.isSameDay(currentDate, dayToBuild))
                        // The current day gets a different text color and a circle stroke
                        // border.
                        dayColor   = todayColor;
                        decoration = new BoxDecoration(
                            border: Border.all(color: todayColor, width: 1),
                            shape: BoxShape.circle

                    Widget dayWidget = new Container(
                        decoration: decoration,
                        child: new Center(
                            child: new Text(localizations.formatDecimal(day), style: dayStyle.apply(color: dayColor))

                    if (!isDisabled)
                        dayWidget = new GestureDetector(
                            behavior: HitTestBehavior.opaque,
                            onTap: () => onChanged(dayToBuild),
                            child: dayWidget


            return(new Padding(
                       padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(
                           horizontal: material_._monthPickerHorizontalPadding
                       child: GridView.custom(
                           physics: new ClampingScrollPhysics(),
                           gridDelegate: material_._dayPickerGridDelegate,
                           childrenDelegate: new SliverChildListDelegate(
                               addRepaintBoundaries: false
Пример #15
        public override Widget build(BuildContext context)
            D.assert(!_debugInteractive || material_.debugCheckHasMaterial(context));

            ThemeData     theme = Theme.of(context);
            BoxDecoration _kSelectedDecoration = new BoxDecoration(
                border: new Border(bottom: Divider.createBorderSide(context, width: dividerThickness)),
                // The backgroundColor has to be transparent so you can see the ink on the material
                color: (Theme.of(context).brightness == Brightness.light) ? _grey100Opacity : _grey300Opacity
            BoxDecoration _kUnselectedDecoration = new BoxDecoration(
                border: new Border(bottom: Divider.createBorderSide(context, width: dividerThickness))

            bool displayCheckboxColumn =
                showCheckboxColumn && rows.Any((DataRow row) => row.onSelectChanged != null);
            bool allChecked = displayCheckboxColumn &&
                              !rows.Any((DataRow row) => row.onSelectChanged != null && !row.selected);

            List <TableColumnWidth> tableColumns =
                new List <TableColumnWidth>(new TableColumnWidth[columns.Count + (displayCheckboxColumn ? 1 : 0)]);

            List <TableRow> tableRows = LinqUtils <TableRow, int> .SelectList(Enumerable.Range(0, rows.Count + 1), (index) => {
                return(new TableRow(
                           key: index == 0 ? _headingRowKey : rows[index - 1].key,
                           decoration: index > 0 && rows[index - 1].selected
                            ? _kSelectedDecoration
                            : _kUnselectedDecoration,
                           children: new List <Widget>(new Widget[tableColumns.Count])

            int rowIndex;

            int displayColumnIndex = 0;

            if (displayCheckboxColumn)
                tableColumns[0]          = new FixedColumnWidth(horizontalMargin + Checkbox.width + horizontalMargin / 2.0f);
                tableRows[0].children[0] = _buildCheckbox(
                    color: theme.accentColor,
                    isChecked: allChecked,
                    onCheckboxChanged: _check => _handleSelectAll(_check ?? false)
                rowIndex = 1;
                foreach (DataRow row in rows)
                    tableRows[rowIndex].children[0] = _buildCheckbox(
                        color: theme.accentColor,
                        isChecked: row.selected,
                        onRowTap: () => {
                        if (row.onSelectChanged != null)
                        onCheckboxChanged: _select => row.onSelectChanged(_select ?? false)
                    rowIndex += 1;

                displayColumnIndex += 1;

            for (int dataColumnIndex = 0; dataColumnIndex < columns.Count; dataColumnIndex += 1)
                DataColumn column = columns[dataColumnIndex];

                float paddingStart;
                if (dataColumnIndex == 0 && displayCheckboxColumn)
                    paddingStart = horizontalMargin / 2.0f;
                else if (dataColumnIndex == 0 && !displayCheckboxColumn)
                    paddingStart = horizontalMargin;
                    paddingStart = columnSpacing / 2.0f;

                float paddingEnd;
                if (dataColumnIndex == columns.Count - 1)
                    paddingEnd = horizontalMargin;
                    paddingEnd = columnSpacing / 2.0f;

                EdgeInsetsDirectional padding = EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(
                    start: paddingStart,
                    end: paddingEnd
                if (dataColumnIndex == _onlyTextColumn)
                    tableColumns[displayColumnIndex] = new IntrinsicColumnWidth(flex: 1.0f);
                    tableColumns[displayColumnIndex] = new IntrinsicColumnWidth();

                var currentColumnIndex = dataColumnIndex;
                tableRows[0].children[displayColumnIndex] = _buildHeadingCell(
                    context: context,
                    padding: padding,
                    label: column.label,
                    tooltip: column.tooltip,
                    numeric: column.numeric,
                    onSort: column.onSort != null
                        ? () => column.onSort(currentColumnIndex, sortColumnIndex != currentColumnIndex || !sortAscending)
                        : (VoidCallback)null,
                    sorted: dataColumnIndex == sortColumnIndex,
                    ascending: sortAscending
                rowIndex = 1;
                foreach (DataRow row in rows)
                    DataCell cell   = row.cells[dataColumnIndex];
                    var      curRow = row;
                    tableRows[rowIndex].children[displayColumnIndex] = _buildDataCell(
                        context: context,
                        padding: padding,
                        label: cell.child,
                        numeric: column.numeric,
                        placeholder: cell.placeholder,
                        showEditIcon: cell.showEditIcon,
                        onTap: cell.onTap,
                        onSelectChanged: () => {
                        if (curRow.onSelectChanged != null)
                    rowIndex += 1;

                displayColumnIndex += 1;
            return(new Table(
                       columnWidths: LinqUtils <int, TableColumnWidth> .SelectDictionary(tableColumns, ((TableColumnWidth x) => tableColumns.IndexOf(x))),
                       children: tableRows
Пример #16
        public override Widget build(BuildContext context)
            TextEditingController     controller = _effectiveController;
            List <TextInputFormatter> formatters = widget.inputFormatters ?? new List <TextInputFormatter>();
            bool   enabled      = widget.enabled ?? true;
            Offset cursorOffset =
                new Offset(
                    CupertinoTextFieldUtils._iOSHorizontalCursorOffsetPixels / MediaQuery.of(context).devicePixelRatio,

            if (widget.maxLength != null && widget.maxLengthEnforced)
                formatters.Add(new LengthLimitingTextInputFormatter(widget.maxLength));

            CupertinoThemeData themeData     = CupertinoTheme.of(context);
            TextStyle          resolvedStyle = widget.style?.copyWith(
                color: CupertinoDynamicColor.resolve(widget.style?.color, context),
                backgroundColor: CupertinoDynamicColor.resolve(widget.style?.backgroundColor, context)
            TextStyle textStyle = themeData.textTheme.textStyle.merge(resolvedStyle);
            TextStyle resolvedPlaceholderStyle = widget.placeholderStyle?.copyWith(
                color: CupertinoDynamicColor.resolve(widget.placeholderStyle?.color, context),
                backgroundColor: CupertinoDynamicColor.resolve(widget.placeholderStyle?.backgroundColor, context)
            TextStyle  placeholderStyle   = textStyle.merge(resolvedPlaceholderStyle);
            Brightness?keyboardAppearance = widget.keyboardAppearance ?? CupertinoTheme.brightnessOf(context);

            Color cursorColor   = CupertinoDynamicColor.resolve(widget.cursorColor, context) ?? themeData.primaryColor;
            Color disabledColor = CupertinoDynamicColor.resolve(CupertinoTextFieldUtils._kDisabledBackground, context);

            Color     decorationColor = CupertinoDynamicColor.resolve(widget.decoration?.color, context);
            BoxBorder border          = widget.decoration?.border;
            Border    resolvedBorder  = border as Border;

            if (border is Border)
                BorderSide resolveBorderSide(BorderSide side)
                    return(side == BorderSide.none
                        ? side
                        : side.copyWith(color: CupertinoDynamicColor.resolve(side.color, context)));

                resolvedBorder = (Border)(border == null || border.GetType() != typeof(Border)
                    ? border
                    : new Border(
                                              top: resolveBorderSide(((Border)border).top),
                                              left: resolveBorderSide(((Border)border).left),
                                              bottom: resolveBorderSide(((Border)border).bottom),
                                              right: resolveBorderSide(((Border)border).right)

            BoxDecoration effectiveDecoration = widget.decoration?.copyWith(
                border: resolvedBorder,
                color: enabled ? decorationColor : (decorationColor == null ? disabledColor : decorationColor)

            Widget paddedEditable = new Padding(
                padding: widget.padding,
                child: new RepaintBoundary(
                    child: new EditableText(
                        key: editableTextKey,
                        controller: controller,
                        readOnly: widget.readOnly,
                        toolbarOptions: widget.toolbarOptions,
                        showCursor: widget.showCursor,
                        showSelectionHandles: _showSelectionHandles,
                        focusNode: _effectiveFocusNode,
                        keyboardType: widget.keyboardType,
                        textInputAction: widget.textInputAction,
                        textCapitalization: widget.textCapitalization,
                        style: textStyle,
                        strutStyle: widget.strutStyle,
                        textAlign: widget.textAlign,
                        autofocus: widget.autofocus,
                        obscureText: widget.obscureText,
                        autocorrect: widget.autocorrect,
                        smartDashesType: widget.smartDashesType,
                        smartQuotesType: widget.smartQuotesType,
                        enableSuggestions: widget.enableSuggestions,
                        maxLines: widget.maxLines,
                        minLines: widget.minLines,
                        expands: widget.expands,
                        selectionColor: CupertinoTheme.of(context).primaryColor.withOpacity(0.2f),
                        selectionControls: widget.selectionEnabled
                        ? CupertinoTextFieldUtils.cupertinoTextSelectionControls : null,
                        onChanged: widget.onChanged,
                        onSelectionChanged: _handleSelectionChanged,
                        onEditingComplete: widget.onEditingComplete,
                        onSubmitted: widget.onSubmitted,
                        inputFormatters: formatters,
                        rendererIgnoresPointer: true,
                        cursorWidth: widget.cursorWidth,
                        cursorRadius: widget.cursorRadius,
                        cursorColor: cursorColor,
                        cursorOpacityAnimates: true,
                        cursorOffset: cursorOffset,
                        paintCursorAboveText: true,
                        backgroundCursorColor: CupertinoDynamicColor.resolve(CupertinoColors.inactiveGray, context),
                        selectionHeightStyle: widget.selectionHeightStyle,
                        selectionWidthStyle: widget.selectionWidthStyle,
                        scrollPadding: widget.scrollPadding,
                        keyboardAppearance: keyboardAppearance,
                        dragStartBehavior: widget.dragStartBehavior,
                        scrollController: widget.scrollController,
                        scrollPhysics: widget.scrollPhysics,
                        enableInteractiveSelection: widget.enableInteractiveSelection

            return(new IgnorePointer(
                       ignoring: !enabled,
                       child: new Container(
                           decoration: effectiveDecoration,
                           child: _selectionGestureDetectorBuilder.buildGestureDetector(
                               behavior: HitTestBehavior.translucent,
                               child: new Align(
                                   alignment: new Alignment(-1.0f, _textAlignVertical.y),
                                   widthFactor: 1.0f,
                                   heightFactor: 1.0f,
                                   child: _addTextDependentAttachments(paddedEditable, textStyle, placeholderStyle)

Пример #17
        public CupertinoTextField(
            Key key = null,
            TextEditingController controller = null,
            FocusNode focusNode        = null,
            BoxDecoration decoration   = null,
            EdgeInsets padding         = null,
            string placeholder         = null,
            TextStyle placeholderStyle = null,
            Widget prefix = null,
            OverlayVisibilityMode prefixMode = OverlayVisibilityMode.always,
            Widget suffix = null,
            OverlayVisibilityMode suffixMode      = OverlayVisibilityMode.always,
            OverlayVisibilityMode clearButtonMode = OverlayVisibilityMode.never,
            TextInputType keyboardType            = null,
            TextInputAction?textInputAction       = null,
            TextCapitalization textCapitalization = TextCapitalization.none,
            TextStyle style       = null,
            StrutStyle strutStyle = null,
            TextAlign textAlign   = TextAlign.left,
            TextAlignVertical textAlignVertical = null,
            bool readOnly = false,
            ToolbarOptions toolbarOptions = null,
            bool?showCursor  = null,
            bool autofocus   = false,
            bool obscureText = false,
            bool autocorrect = true,
            SmartDashesType?smartDashesType = null,
            SmartQuotesType?smartQuotesType = null,
            bool enableSuggestions          = true,
            int?maxLines                              = 1,
            int?minLines                              = null,
            bool expands                              = false,
            int?maxLength                             = null,
            bool maxLengthEnforced                    = true,
            ValueChanged <string> onChanged           = null,
            VoidCallback onEditingComplete            = null,
            ValueChanged <string> onSubmitted         = null,
            List <TextInputFormatter> inputFormatters = null,
            bool?enabled                              = null,
            float cursorWidth                         = 2.0f,
            Radius cursorRadius                       = null,
            Color cursorColor                         = null,
            ui.BoxHeightStyle selectionHeightStyle    = ui.BoxHeightStyle.tight,
            ui.BoxWidthStyle selectionWidthStyle      = ui.BoxWidthStyle.tight,
            Brightness?keyboardAppearance             = null,
            EdgeInsets scrollPadding                  = null,
            DragStartBehavior dragStartBehavior       = DragStartBehavior.start,
            bool enableInteractiveSelection           = true,
            GestureTapCallback onTap                  = null,
            ScrollController scrollController         = null,
            ScrollPhysics scrollPhysics               = null
            ) : base(key: key)
            this.smartDashesType = smartDashesType ?? (obscureText ? SmartDashesType.disabled : SmartDashesType.enabled);
            this.smartQuotesType = smartQuotesType ?? (obscureText ? SmartQuotesType.disabled : SmartQuotesType.enabled);
            D.assert(maxLines == null || maxLines > 0);
            D.assert(minLines == null || minLines > 0);
            D.assert(maxLines == null || minLines == null || maxLines >= minLines,
                     () => "minLines can't be greater than maxLines");
            D.assert(!expands || (maxLines == null && minLines == null),
                     () => "minLines and maxLines must be null when expands is true.");
            D.assert(maxLength == null || maxLength > 0);

            this.controller       = controller;
            this.focusNode        = focusNode;
            this.decoration       = decoration ?? CupertinoTextFieldUtils._kDefaultRoundedBorderDecoration;
            this.padding          = padding ?? EdgeInsets.all(6.0f);
            this.placeholder      = placeholder;
            this.placeholderStyle = placeholderStyle ?? new TextStyle(
                fontWeight: FontWeight.w400,
                color: CupertinoColors.placeholderText
            this.prefix             = prefix;
            this.prefixMode         = prefixMode;
            this.suffix             = suffix;
            this.suffixMode         = suffixMode;
            this.clearButtonMode    = clearButtonMode;
            this.textInputAction    = textInputAction;
            this.textCapitalization = textCapitalization;
            this.style                      = style;
            this.strutStyle                 = strutStyle;
            this.textAlign                  = textAlign;
            this.textAlignVertical          = textAlignVertical;
            this.readOnly                   = readOnly;
            this.showCursor                 = showCursor;
            this.autofocus                  = autofocus;
            this.obscureText                = obscureText;
            this.autocorrect                = autocorrect;
            this.enableSuggestions          = enableSuggestions;
            this.maxLines                   = maxLines;
            this.minLines                   = minLines;
            this.expands                    = expands;
            this.maxLength                  = maxLength;
            this.maxLengthEnforced          = maxLengthEnforced;
            this.onChanged                  = onChanged;
            this.onEditingComplete          = onEditingComplete;
            this.onSubmitted                = onSubmitted;
            this.inputFormatters            = inputFormatters;
            this.enabled                    = enabled;
            this.cursorWidth                = cursorWidth;
            this.cursorRadius               = cursorRadius ?? Radius.circular(2.0f);
            this.cursorColor                = cursorColor;
            this.selectionHeightStyle       = selectionHeightStyle;
            this.selectionWidthStyle        = selectionWidthStyle;
            this.keyboardAppearance         = keyboardAppearance;
            this.scrollPadding              = scrollPadding ?? EdgeInsets.all(20.0f);
            this.dragStartBehavior          = dragStartBehavior;
            this.enableInteractiveSelection = enableInteractiveSelection;
            this.scrollPhysics              = scrollPhysics;
            this.onTap                      = onTap;
            this.scrollController           = scrollController;
            this.keyboardType               = keyboardType ?? (maxLines == 1 ? TextInputType.text : TextInputType.multiline);
            this.toolbarOptions             = toolbarOptions ?? (obscureText
                ? new ToolbarOptions(
                                                                     selectAll: true,
                                                                     paste: true
                : new ToolbarOptions(
                                                                     copy: true,
                                                                     cut: true,
                                                                     selectAll: true,
                                                                     paste: true
Пример #18
        public override Widget build(BuildContext context)
            BoxDecoration decoration = null;

            if (backgroundColor != null)
                decoration = new BoxDecoration(color: backgroundColor);

            EdgeInsetsDirectional padding = EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(
                start: leading != null ? 8.0f : 16.0f,
                end: trailing != null ? 8.0f : 16.0f

            ThemeData theme     = Theme.of(context);
            ThemeData darkTheme = new ThemeData(
                brightness: Brightness.dark,
                accentColor: theme.accentColor,
                accentColorBrightness: theme.accentColorBrightness
            var expandChildren = new List <widgets.Widget>();

            if (leading != null)
                expandChildren.Add(new Padding(
                                       padding: EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(end: 8.0f), child: leading));

            if (title != null && subtitle != null)
                expandChildren.Add(new Expanded(
                                       child: new Column(
                                           mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
                                           crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
                                           children: new List <Widget> {
                    new DefaultTextStyle(
                        style: darkTheme.textTheme.subtitle1,
                        softWrap: false,
                        overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,
                        child: title
                    new DefaultTextStyle(
                        style: darkTheme.textTheme.caption,
                        softWrap: false,
                        overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,
                        child: subtitle
            else if (title != null || subtitle != null)
                expandChildren.Add(new Expanded(
                                       child: new DefaultTextStyle(
                                           style: darkTheme.textTheme.subtitle1,
                                           softWrap: false,
                                           overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,
                                           child: title ?? subtitle

            if (trailing != null)
                expandChildren.Add(new Padding(
                                       padding: EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(start: 8.0f),
                                       child: trailing));

            return(new Container(
                       padding: padding,
                       decoration: decoration,
                       height: (title != null && subtitle != null) ? 68.0f : 48.0f,
                       child: new Theme(
                           data: darkTheme,
                           child: IconTheme.merge(
                               data: new IconThemeData(color: Colors.white),
                               child: new Row(
                                   crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.center,
                                   children: expandChildren
Пример #19
        public CupertinoTextField(
            Key key = null,
            TextEditingController controller = null,
            FocusNode focusNode        = null,
            BoxDecoration decoration   = null,
            EdgeInsets padding         = null,
            string placeholder         = null,
            TextStyle placeholderStyle = null,
            Widget prefix = null,
            OverlayVisibilityMode prefixMode = OverlayVisibilityMode.always,
            Widget suffix = null,
            OverlayVisibilityMode suffixMode      = OverlayVisibilityMode.always,
            OverlayVisibilityMode clearButtonMode = OverlayVisibilityMode.never,
            TextInputType keyboardType            = null,
            TextInputAction?textInputAction       = null,
            TextCapitalization textCapitalization = TextCapitalization.none,
            TextStyle style                           = null,
            StrutStyle strutStyle                     = null,
            TextAlign textAlign                       = TextAlign.left,
            bool autofocus                            = false,
            bool obscureText                          = false,
            bool autocorrect                          = true,
            int?maxLines                              = 1,
            int?minLines                              = null,
            bool expands                              = false,
            int?maxLength                             = null,
            bool maxLengthEnforced                    = true,
            ValueChanged <string> onChanged           = null,
            VoidCallback onEditingComplete            = null,
            ValueChanged <string> onSubmitted         = null,
            List <TextInputFormatter> inputFormatters = null,
            bool?enabled                              = null,
            float cursorWidth                         = 2.0f,
            Radius cursorRadius                       = null,
            Color cursorColor                         = null,
            Brightness?keyboardAppearance             = null,
            EdgeInsets scrollPadding                  = null,
            DragStartBehavior dragStartBehavior       = DragStartBehavior.start,
            ScrollPhysics scrollPhysics               = null) : base(key: key)
            D.assert(maxLines == null || maxLines > 0);
            D.assert(minLines == null || minLines > 0);
            D.assert(maxLines == null || minLines == null || maxLines >= minLines,
                     () => "minLines can't be greater than maxLines");
            D.assert(!expands || (maxLines == null && minLines == null),
                     () => "minLines and maxLines must be null when expands is true.");
            D.assert(maxLength == null || maxLength > 0);

            this.controller       = controller;
            this.focusNode        = focusNode;
            this.decoration       = decoration ?? CupertinoTextFieldUtils._kDefaultRoundedBorderDecoration;
            this.padding          = padding ?? EdgeInsets.all(6.0f);
            this.placeholder      = placeholder;
            this.placeholderStyle = placeholderStyle ?? new TextStyle(
                fontWeight: FontWeight.w300,
                color: CupertinoTextFieldUtils._kInactiveTextColor
            this.prefix             = prefix;
            this.prefixMode         = prefixMode;
            this.suffix             = suffix;
            this.suffixMode         = suffixMode;
            this.clearButtonMode    = clearButtonMode;
            this.textInputAction    = textInputAction;
            this.textCapitalization = textCapitalization;
            this.style              = style;
            this.strutStyle         = strutStyle;
            this.textAlign          = textAlign;
            this.autofocus          = autofocus;
            this.obscureText        = obscureText;
            this.autocorrect        = autocorrect;
            this.maxLines           = maxLines;
            this.minLines           = minLines;
            this.expands            = expands;
            this.maxLength          = maxLength;
            this.maxLengthEnforced  = maxLengthEnforced;
            this.onChanged          = onChanged;
            this.onEditingComplete  = onEditingComplete;
            this.onSubmitted        = onSubmitted;
            this.inputFormatters    = inputFormatters;
            this.enabled            = enabled;
            this.cursorWidth        = cursorWidth;
            this.cursorRadius       = cursorRadius ?? Radius.circular(2.0f);
            this.cursorColor        = cursorColor;
            this.keyboardAppearance = keyboardAppearance;
            this.scrollPadding      = scrollPadding ?? EdgeInsets.all(20.0f);
            this.dragStartBehavior  = dragStartBehavior;
            this.scrollPhysics      = scrollPhysics;
            this.keyboardType       = keyboardType ?? (maxLines == 1 ? TextInputType.text : TextInputType.multiline);