Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Update method
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gameTime"></param>
        protected override void Update(TimeSpan gameTime)
            touchPanelState = WaveServices.Input.TouchPanelState;
            bestValue       = float.MaxValue;
            if (touchPanelState.IsConnected && touchPanelState.Count > 0)
                // Calculate the ray

                // Look for all entities in the game...
                for (int i = 0; i < EntityManager.Count; i++)
                    currentEntity = EntityManager.EntityGraph.ElementAt(i);;

                    entityCollider = currentEntity.FindComponent <BoxCollider3D>();
                    // ... but only a collidable entities ( entities which have a boxCollider component)
                    if (entityCollider != null)
                        // Intersect our calculated ray with the entity's boxCollider
                        collisionResult = entityCollider.Intersects(ref ray);
                        // If any collision
                        if (collisionResult.HasValue)
                            // Check the distance. We want to have the closer to the screen entity, so we want to get the low collisionResult value
                            if (collisionResult.Value < bestValue)
                                // Send to the scene the new entity picked name
                                if (this.myScene != null)
                                bestValue = collisionResult.Value;
                if (this.myScene != null)
Пример #2
        private void SelectPickedEntity()
            // Creates Ray from Mouse 2d position
            this.nearPosition.X = this.mousePosition.X;
            this.nearPosition.Y = this.mousePosition.Y;
            this.nearPosition.Z = 0.0f;

            this.farPosition.X = this.mousePosition.X;
            this.farPosition.Y = this.mousePosition.Y;
            this.farPosition.Z = 1.0f;

            // Unproject Mouse Position
            this.nearPosition = this.camera.Unproject(ref this.nearPosition);
            this.farPosition  = this.camera.Unproject(ref this.farPosition);

            // Update ray. Ray launched from nearPosition in rayDirection direction.
            this.rayDirection = this.farPosition - this.nearPosition;
            this.ray.Direction = this.rayDirection;
            this.ray.Position  = this.nearPosition;

            foreach (Entity entity in this.Owner.Scene.EntityManager.EntityGraph)
                // It takes Box Shaped Physic Entities
                this.entityBoxCollider = entity.FindComponent <BoxCollider3D>();
                if (this.entityBoxCollider != null)
                    this.collisionResult = this.entityBoxCollider.Intersects(ref ray);

                    if (this.collisionResult.HasValue)
                        if (this.collisionResult.Value < this.distance)
                            this.distance       = this.collisionResult.Value;
                            this.selectedEntity = entity;
Пример #3
        private void Ray(Camera3D activeCamera, TouchLocation touchLocation)
            // Creates Ray from Touch 2D position
            _nearPosition.X = touchLocation.Position.X;
            _nearPosition.Y = touchLocation.Position.Y;
            _nearPosition.Z = 0.0f;

            _farPosition.X = touchLocation.Position.X;
            _farPosition.Y = touchLocation.Position.Y;
            _farPosition.Z = 1.0f;

            // Unproject Mouse Position
            _nearPosition = activeCamera.Unproject(ref _nearPosition);
            _farPosition  = activeCamera.Unproject(ref _farPosition);

            // Update ray. Ray launched from nearPosition in rayDirection direction.
            _rayDirection = _farPosition - _nearPosition;
            _ray.Direction = _rayDirection;
            _ray.Position  = _nearPosition;

            foreach (Entity entity in this.Owner.Scene.EntityManager.FindAllByTag("touchable"))
                _entityBoxCollider = entity.FindComponent <BoxCollider3D>();

                if (_entityBoxCollider != null)
                    _materialComponent = entity.FindComponent <MaterialComponent>();

                    _collisionResult = _entityBoxCollider.Intersects(ref _ray);

                    if (_collisionResult.HasValue)
                        PushpinTapped?.Invoke(this, new PushpinTappedEventArgs(entity.Name));
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the specified game time.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gameTime">The game time.</param>
        protected override void Update(TimeSpan gameTime)
            float   elapsed  = (float)gameTime.TotalSeconds;
            Vector3 position = this.playerTransform.Position;

            this.ray.Position = position;

            // Initialization
            if (!initialized)
                this.initialized = true;

            // Check Collision
            var collidables =
                    b =>
                    b.ZPosition > this.playerTransform.Position.Z - 1 &&
                    b.ZPosition < this.playerTransform.Position.Z + 1);

            foreach (var blockPathPosition in collidables)
                var collidableEntity = this.EntityManager.Find(blockPathPosition.Path);
                var blockCollider    = collidableEntity.FindComponent <BoxCollider3D>().BoundingBox;

                var collisionType = this.CheckCollisionType(this.playerTransform.Position, 0.45f, blockCollider, collidableEntity.Tag);
                if (collisionType == CollisionType.KILLER)
                    position   = this.initialPosition;
                    this.state = PlayerState.GROUND;
                else if (collisionType == CollisionType.GROUND)
                    this.currentVerticalVelocity = 0;
                    position.Y = (int)Math.Round(position.Y);
                    this.state = PlayerState.GROUND;

            // Check Ground
            var           under = this.blockPositions.Where(b => b.ZPosition == (float)Math.Round(this.playerTransform.Position.Z));
            BoxCollider3D nearestBoxCollider = null;
            float         minDistance        = float.MaxValue;

            foreach (var blockPathPosition in under)
                var collidableEntity = this.EntityManager.Find(blockPathPosition.Path);
                var blockCollider    = collidableEntity.FindComponent <BoxCollider3D>();

                var groundDistance = blockCollider.BoundingBox.Intersects(ref this.ray);
                if (groundDistance.HasValue)
                    if (groundDistance.Value < minDistance)
                        minDistance        = groundDistance.Value;
                        nearestBoxCollider = blockCollider;
            if (nearestBoxCollider != null)
                if (minDistance <= 0.5f)
                    this.state = PlayerState.GROUND;
                    this.state = PlayerState.FALLING;
                this.state = PlayerState.FALLING;

            // Check state
            switch (this.state)
            case PlayerState.GROUND:
                // Check the game keys
                this.currentVerticalVelocity = 0;
                if (WaveServices.Input.KeyboardState.Up == ButtonState.Pressed ||
                    WaveServices.Input.KeyboardState.Space == ButtonState.Pressed ||
                    WaveServices.Input.TouchPanelState.Count > 0)
                    this.currentVerticalVelocity = this.JumpSpeed;
                    this.state = PlayerState.JUMPING;

            // playing is jumping, ascending!!
            case PlayerState.JUMPING:
                this.currentVerticalVelocity -= this.Gravity * elapsed;

            // player falls down, after a jump of running over an empty block (then should fall anyway)
            case PlayerState.FALLING:
                this.currentVerticalVelocity -= this.Gravity * elapsed;

                // Dead level
                if (position.Y <= -7.0f)
                    position   = this.initialPosition;
                    this.state = PlayerState.GROUND;

            // Move Forward and spin (speed relative)
            var horizontalstep = this.PlayerVelocity * elapsed;

            this.spinner.IncreaseX        = this.PlayerVelocity;
            position.Z                   += horizontalstep;
            position.Y                   += this.currentVerticalVelocity * elapsed;
            this.playerTransform.Position = position;
        private AxisManipulationHelper CreateHandle(AxisManipulationHelperType amhType, AxisType axisType, Prefab prefab, Material idleMaterial, Material grabbedMaterial, Material focusedMaterial, Quaternion orientation, AxisManipulationHelper[] relatedHandlers)
            // Entity name suffix
            var suffix = $"{amhType}_{axisType}";

            // Handle root
            var handle = new Entity($"handle_{suffix}")
                         .AddComponent(new Transform3D()
                LocalScale = Vector3.One * this.HandleScale,


            if (prefab != null)
                // Instantiate prefab
                var prefabInstance = prefab.Instantiate();

                var prefabTransform = prefabInstance.FindComponent <Transform3D>();
                prefabTransform.LocalOrientation = orientation;

                // Generate default look for the handle
                Vector3   position = Vector3.Zero;
                Vector3   size     = Vector3.One;
                Component mesh     = null;
                Component collider = null;

                switch (amhType)
                case AxisManipulationHelperType.Center:
                    var sphereDiameter = 1f;

                    mesh = new SphereMesh()
                        Diameter = sphereDiameter,
                    collider = new SphereCollider3D()
                        Margin = 0.0001f,
                        Radius = sphereDiameter,

                case AxisManipulationHelperType.Axis:
                    var axisLength    = 4f;
                    var axisThickness = 0.5f;

                    size = new Vector3(axisLength, axisThickness, axisThickness);

                    mesh     = new CubeMesh();
                    collider = new BoxCollider3D()
                        Margin = 0.0001f,
                        Size   = size + Vector3.One,
                        Offset = Vector3.UnitX,

                    position = 0.5f * Vector3.UnitX * (axisLength + 2f);

                case AxisManipulationHelperType.Plane:
                    var planeLength    = 2f;
                    var planeThickness = 0.25f;

                    size = new Vector3(planeLength, planeThickness, planeLength);

                    mesh     = new CubeMesh();
                    collider = new BoxCollider3D()
                        Margin = 0.0001f,
                        Size   = size + Vector3.One,
                        Offset = Vector3.UnitX + Vector3.UnitZ,

                    position = 0.5f * Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.UnitX + Vector3.UnitZ) * (planeLength + 2f);

                // Collider entity
                var handleCollider = new Entity($"collider_{suffix}")
                                     .AddComponent(new Transform3D()
                    LocalPosition    = Vector3.Transform(position, orientation),
                    LocalOrientation = orientation,
                                     .AddComponent(new StaticBody3D()
                    CollisionCategories = this.CollisionCategory,
                    IsSensor            = true,
                                     .AddComponent(new NearInteractionGrabbable());

                // Visual entity
                var handleVisual = new Entity($"visuals_{suffix}")
                                   .AddComponent(new Transform3D()
                    LocalScale = size,
                                   .AddComponent(new MeshRenderer())
                                   .AddComponent(new MaterialComponent());

                // Build hierarchy

            // Apply material
            var materialComponents = handle.FindComponentsInChildren <MaterialComponent>().ToArray();

            this.ApplyMaterialToAllComponents(materialComponents, idleMaterial);

            // Register helper object
            var helperTargetEntity = handle.FindComponentInChildren <NearInteractionGrabbable>()?.Owner;

            if (helperTargetEntity == null)
                throw new Exception($"The handle entity needs to have a {nameof(NearInteractionGrabbable)} component.");

            var handleHelper = new AxisManipulationHelper()
                Type               = amhType,
                AxisType           = axisType,
                BaseEntity         = handle,
                MaterialComponents = materialComponents,
                IdleMaterial       = idleMaterial,
                GrabbedMaterial    = grabbedMaterial,
                FocusedMaterial    = focusedMaterial,
                RelatedHandles     = relatedHandlers,

            this.helpers.Add(helperTargetEntity, handleHelper);

        protected override void Update(TimeSpan gameTime)
            touchPanelState = WaveServices.Input.TouchPanelState;

            if (touchPanelState.IsConnected && touchPanelState.Count > 0)
                // Calculate the ray

                // Look for all entities in the game...
                Entity auxEntity = currentEntity = null;
                bestValue = float.MaxValue;
                for (int i = 0; i < EntityManager.Count; i++)
                    auxEntity = EntityManager.EntityGraph.ElementAt(i);
                    entityCollider = auxEntity.FindComponent<BoxCollider3D>();
                    // ... but only a collidable entities ( entities which have a boxCollider component)
                    if (entityCollider != null && ( auxEntity.Name.Contains("box") ||
                                                  auxEntity.Name.Contains("anchor") ||
                                                  auxEntity.Name.Contains("BigBall")) )
                        // Intersect our calculated ray with the entity's boxCollider
                        collisionResult = entityCollider.Intersects(ref ray);
                        // If any collision
                        if (collisionResult.HasValue && collisionResult.Value > 0.001f)
                            //Labels.Add("CollisionResult", collisionResult.ToString());
                            //Labels.Add("CollisionValue", collisionResult.Value.ToString());
                            // Check the distance. We want to have the closer to the screen entity, so we want to get the low collisionResult value
                            if (collisionResult.Value < bestValue)
                                this.currentEntity = auxEntity;
                                bestValue = collisionResult.Value;

                if (this.currentEntity != null)
                    Vector3 entityPosition = this.currentEntity.FindComponent<Transform3D>().Position;
                    Vector3 impulse = entityPosition - this.Camera.Position;

                    this.line.StartPoint = ray.Position;
                    this.line.EndPoint = entityPosition;

                    Labels.Add("Entity", this.currentEntity.Name);
                    //Labels.Add("Impulse", impulse.ToString());
                    //Labels.Add("IsActive", this.currentEntity.FindComponent<RigidBody3D>().IsActive.ToString());
                    Labels.Add("Entity", "None");
                    //Labels.Add("Impulse", "0,0,0");

            //RenderManager.LineBatch3D.DrawLine(ref line);
            //RenderManager.LineBatch3D.DrawLine(ref line2);
        protected override void Update(TimeSpan gameTime)
            touchPanelState = WaveServices.Input.TouchPanelState;
            bestValue = float.MaxValue;
            if (touchPanelState.IsConnected && touchPanelState.Count > 0)
                // Calculate the ray

                // Look for all entities in the game...
                for (int i = 0; i < EntityManager.Count; i++)
                    currentEntity = EntityManager.EntityGraph.ElementAt(i); ;

                    entityCollider = currentEntity.FindComponent<BoxCollider3D>();
                    // ... but only a collidable entities ( entities which have a boxCollider component)
                    if (entityCollider != null)
                        // Intersect our calculated ray with the entity's boxCollider
                        collisionResult = entityCollider.Intersects(ref ray);
                        // If any collision
                        if (collisionResult.HasValue)
                            // Check the distance. We want to have the closer to the screen entity, so we want to get the low collisionResult value
                            if (collisionResult.Value < bestValue)
                                // Send to the scene the new entity picked name
                                (WaveServices.ScreenContextManager.CurrentContext[0] as MyScene).ShowPickedEntity(currentEntity.Name);
                                bestValue = collisionResult.Value;
                (WaveServices.ScreenContextManager.CurrentContext[0] as MyScene).ShowPickedEntity("None");
        private void SelectPickedEntity()
            // Creates Ray from Mouse 2d position
            this.nearPosition.X = this.mousePosition.X;
            this.nearPosition.Y = this.mousePosition.Y;
            this.nearPosition.Z = 0.0f;

            this.farPosition.X = this.mousePosition.X;
            this.farPosition.Y = this.mousePosition.Y;
            this.farPosition.Z = 1.0f;

            // Unproject Mouse Position
            this.nearPosition = this.camera.Unproject(ref this.nearPosition);
            this.farPosition = this.camera.Unproject(ref this.farPosition);

            // Update ray. Ray launched from nearPosition in rayDirection direction.
            this.rayDirection = this.farPosition - this.nearPosition;
            this.ray.Direction = this.rayDirection;
            this.ray.Position = this.nearPosition;

            foreach (Entity entity in this.Owner.Scene.EntityManager.EntityGraph)
                // It takes Box Shaped Physic Entities
                this.entityBoxCollider = entity.FindComponent<BoxCollider3D>();
                if (this.entityBoxCollider != null)
                    this.collisionResult = this.entityBoxCollider.Intersects(ref ray);

                    if (this.collisionResult.HasValue)
                        if (this.collisionResult.Value < this.distance)
                            this.distance = this.collisionResult.Value;
                            this.selectedEntity = entity;
Пример #9
        protected override void Update(TimeSpan gameTime)
            touchPanelState = WaveServices.Input.TouchPanelState;

            if (touchPanelState.IsConnected && touchPanelState.Count > 0)
                // Calculate the ray

                // Look for all entities in the game...
                Entity auxEntity = currentEntity = null;
                bestValue = float.MaxValue;
                for (int i = 0; i < EntityManager.Count; i++)
                    auxEntity      = EntityManager.EntityGraph.ElementAt(i);
                    entityCollider = auxEntity.FindComponent <BoxCollider3D>();
                    // ... but only a collidable entities ( entities which have a boxCollider component)
                    if (entityCollider != null && (auxEntity.Name.Contains("box") ||
                                                   auxEntity.Name.Contains("anchor") ||
                        // Intersect our calculated ray with the entity's boxCollider
                        collisionResult = entityCollider.Intersects(ref ray);
                        // If any collision
                        if (collisionResult.HasValue && collisionResult.Value > 0.001f)
                            //Labels.Add("CollisionResult", collisionResult.ToString());
                            //Labels.Add("CollisionValue", collisionResult.Value.ToString());
                            // Check the distance. We want to have the closer to the screen entity, so we want to get the low collisionResult value
                            if (collisionResult.Value < bestValue)
                                this.currentEntity = auxEntity;
                                bestValue          = collisionResult.Value;

                if (this.currentEntity != null)
                    Vector3 entityPosition = this.currentEntity.FindComponent <Transform3D>().Position;
                    Vector3 impulse        = entityPosition - this.Camera.Position;
                    this.currentEntity.FindComponent <RigidBody3D>().ApplyLinearImpulse(impulse * FORCE);

                    this.line.StartPoint = ray.Position;
                    this.line.EndPoint   = entityPosition;

                    Labels.Add("Entity", this.currentEntity.Name);
                    //Labels.Add("Impulse", impulse.ToString());
                    //Labels.Add("IsActive", this.currentEntity.FindComponent<RigidBody3D>().IsActive.ToString());
                    Labels.Add("Entity", "None");
                    //Labels.Add("Impulse", "0,0,0");

            //RenderManager.LineBatch3D.DrawLine(ref line);
            //RenderManager.LineBatch3D.DrawLine(ref line2);
Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Allows this instance to execute custom logic during its 
        /// <c>Update</c>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gameTime">The game time.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method will not be executed if it are not 
        /// <c>Active</c>.
        /// </remarks>
        protected override void Update(TimeSpan gameTime)
            if (!this.initialized)
                this.modelFactoryService = ModelFactoryService.Instance;
                this.playScene = this.Owner.Scene as MyScene;
                this.player = this.EntityManager.Find(this.PlayerSource);
                this.playerTransform = this.player.FindComponent<Transform3D>();
                this.playerCollider = this.player.FindComponent<BoxCollider3D>();
                this.playerBehavior = this.player.FindComponent<PlayerBehavior>();
                this.tempBoundingBox = new BoundingBox();

                this.initialized = true;

            // Game Tri-state machine
            switch (GameState)
                // Initial level state
                case GameState.INIT:
                    // Loads the level
                    // it can be done in everywhere we want, in scene too, but then we need to call a Reset method or similar
                    this.LevelModel = ImportService.Instance.ImportLevel(WaveContent.Assets.Levels.level1A_level);

                    // Restart Camera, Player states and positions

                    // put player over the first ground block
                    // FIRST BLOCK OF LEVEL SHOULD BE A GROUND, logically
                    this.playerTransform.Position = new Vector3(0f, this.modelFactoryService.Scale.Y, 0.0f);

                    // fills the intiial Buffer, we need to load some elements prior playing
                    float currentZ = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < BlockBufferSize; i++)
                        // Create Column
                        currentZ += this.modelFactoryService.Scale.Z;
                    GameState = GameState.PLAY;

                // Playing State of game:
                case GameState.PLAY:
                    // new player position, using acceleration, falling, etc... where applicable
                    //// this.UpdatePlayerPosition(elapsedGameTime);

                    // Check if dead by level platform falling down
                    if (this.playerTransform.Position.Y <= UnderDeadLevel)
                        this.GameState = Enums.GameState.DIE;

                    // Selects the current and next column, selects the columns to free too.
                    // the current column and next column are used to check collisions, only with those two columns, others are ignored
                    for (int i = 0; i < this.ColumnCollection.Count - 1; i++)
                        Entity column = this.ColumnCollection[i];
                        var columnTransform = column.FindComponent<Transform3D>();

                        // Remove passedby columns by distance
                        if (columnTransform.Position.Z < this.playerTransform.Position.Z - PasseByBlocksToDiscardColumn * this.modelFactoryService.Scale.Z)
                            ////// removes column

                            ////// Create new column at the end
                            this.CreateNextColumnEntity(columnTransform.Position.Z + BlockBufferSize * this.modelFactoryService.Scale.Z);
                        // check if player is over this column and sets current and next column
                        else if (this.playerTransform.Position.Z < columnTransform.Position.Z + this.modelFactoryService.Scale.Z
                           && this.playerTransform.Position.Z >= columnTransform.Position.Z)
                            this.CurrentColumn = column;
                            this.NextColumn = this.ColumnCollection[i + 1];

                            // update the ground level for current and next columns

                    // if there are a current column checks the collision in current and next column
                    if (this.CurrentColumn != null && !this.CurrentColumn.IsDisposed && this.NextColumn!=null && !this.NextColumn.IsDisposed)
                        // creates the union of each column entities
                        List<Entity> collidableCollection = this.CurrentColumn.ChildEntities.ToList();

                        // check if collides
                        foreach (Entity block in collidableCollection)
                            var blockTransform = block.FindComponent<Transform3D>();
                            var blockCollider = block.FindComponent<BoxCollider3D>();

                            // updates the block boundingbox to check collision
                            this.tempBoundingBox.Max = blockTransform.Position + blockCollider.Size / 2;
                            this.tempBoundingBox.Min = blockTransform.Position - blockCollider.Size / 2;

                            // we use intersects of boundboxes cause collider class has not a Intersects with boundingboxes
                            if (this.tempBoundingBox.Intersects(this.playerBehavior.PlayerBoundingBox))
                                BlockTypeEnum blockType = BlockTypeEnum.EMPTY;
                                Enum.TryParse<BlockTypeEnum>(block.Tag, out blockType);

                                // if player colliders with the block, we must to check the block effect:
                                switch (blockType)
                                    case BlockTypeEnum.EMPTY:
                                    // ground and box obstacles can walk over they, but if crash horizontally player dies
                                    case BlockTypeEnum.GROUND:
                                    case BlockTypeEnum.BOX:
                                        if (this.playerBehavior.Collides(blockTransform))
                                            this.GameState = Enums.GameState.DIE;
                                    case BlockTypeEnum.PYRAMID:
                                        // pyramid collision dies player
                                        this.GameState = Enums.GameState.DIE;
                                    case BlockTypeEnum.SPEEDERBLOCK:
                                        // if collide with speeder then player accelerates

                // player die state
                case GameState.DIE:
                    // free every column entity and remove containers from entitymanager
                    foreach (Entity column in this.ColumnCollection)

                    // clears the collection and colums
                    this.CurrentColumn = null;
                    this.NextColumn = null;

                    // just init
                    GameState = GameState.INIT;