Пример #1
    void Awake() {
        BoxRef = this.gameObject.AddComponent<BoxCollider>();
        ScriptRef = this.gameObject.GetComponent<CartoonExplosionFX>();
        ParentRef = this.gameObject.GetComponent<GameObject>();

Пример #2
 void Awake()
     Debug.Log ("Zombie instantiated!");
     moveSpeed = 250f;
     isIdle = true;
     ChaseTarget = null;
     transforming = false;
     idleCounter = 0;
     idleCounterMax = 3f;
     idleMoveSpeed = 50f;
     targetContact = false;
     zombieSlowBy = 20;
     transforming = false;
     maxTransformTime = 1.5f;
     transformTime = maxTransformTime;
     idleSoundIndex = Random.Range(0, idle.Length);
     alertSoundIndex = Random.Range(0, alert.Length);
     zombieDeathIndex = Random.Range(0,zombieDeath.Length);
     //Enables idle zombies to 'see' humans and the player
     BoxOfSight = (BoxCollider)transform.GetComponent(typeof(BoxCollider));
     BoxOfSight.enabled = true;
     /* BUG
      * Player.laser will collide with BoxOfSight.
      * Attempted to assign BoxOfSight.layer = 2 (ignore raycast)
      * Could not assign layer to component, assigned to gameobject instead
      * Effect: player.laser will not collide with zombies (including BoxOfSight)
     BoxOfSight.gameObject.layer = 2;
     gameManager = (GameManager)GameObject.Find ("GameManager").GetComponent("GameManager");
Пример #3
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     door = transform.FindChild("Inside");
     doorPanelCollider = door.FindChild("panel").GetComponent<BoxCollider>();
     doorRotation = 0;
     interactionEnabled = true;
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     bcollider = GetComponent<BoxCollider>();
     ColliderScale = transform.localScale;
     s = new Vector3(bcollider.size.x*ColliderScale.x,bcollider.size.y*ColliderScale.y,bcollider.size.z*ColliderScale.z);
     c = new Vector3(bcollider.center.x*ColliderScale.x,bcollider.center.y*ColliderScale.y,bcollider.center.z);
Пример #5
	// Use this for initialization
	public void setValues(GameObject sel, MeleeWeapon ownerWeap)
		self = sel;
		wepCol = GetComponent<BoxCollider>();
		this.ownerWeap = ownerWeap;
		curTeam = sel.GetComponent<PlayerController>().team;
Пример #6
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        oCol = GetComponent<BoxCollider>();
        t = transform;

        normColSize = oCol.size.x;

        float hori = oCol.size.x * t.localScale.x;
        float vert = oCol.size.y * t.localScale.y;

        float hMargin = Mathf.Min(margin, hori / minMarginDividor);
        float vMargin = Mathf.Min(margin, vert / minMarginDividor);

        topCol = Instantiate(Resources.Load("colliders/top"), t.position + new Vector3(hMargin, vert - vMargin, 0), t.rotation) as GameObject;
        botCol = Instantiate(Resources.Load("colliders/bot"), t.position + new Vector3(hMargin, 0, 0), t.rotation) as GameObject;
        rightCol = Instantiate(Resources.Load("colliders/right"), t.position + new Vector3(hori - hMargin, 0, 0), t.rotation) as GameObject;
        leftCol = Instantiate(Resources.Load("colliders/left"), t.position, t.rotation) as GameObject;

        topCol.transform.localScale = new Vector3(t.localScale.x - hMargin*2/normColSize, vMargin/normColSize, t.localScale.z);
        botCol.transform.localScale = new Vector3(t.localScale.x - hMargin*2/normColSize, vMargin/normColSize, t.localScale.z);
        rightCol.transform.localScale = new Vector3(hMargin/normColSize, t.localScale.y, t.localScale.z);
        leftCol.transform.localScale = new Vector3(hMargin/normColSize, t.localScale.y, t.localScale.z);

Пример #7
	// Use this for initialization
    void OnEnable()
        if (isInverted)
            Vector3 theScale = transform.localScale;
            theScale.x *= -1;
            transform.localScale = theScale;
        collider = gameObject.GetComponent<BoxCollider>();

        //gameObject.GetComponent<Animator>().SetBool("Open", opened);

        if (opened)
            collider.enabled = false;

            collider.enabled = true;

        if (chronometer)
            currentChronometerTime = chronometerTime;
Пример #8
 void Awake()
     // Set up references.
     playerRigidbody = GetComponent <Rigidbody> ();
     Physics.IgnoreLayerCollision(8, 15, true);
     boxCol = GetComponent<BoxCollider>();
Пример #9
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     anim = gameObject.GetComponent<Animation> ();
     sc = gameObject.GetComponent<SphereCollider> ();
     bc = gameObject.GetComponent<BoxCollider> ();
     initSound ();
    public static Vector3 ClosestPointOnSurface(BoxCollider collider, Vector3 to)
        // Cache the collider transform
        var ct = collider.transform;

        // Firstly, transform the point into the space of the collider
        var local = ct.InverseTransformPoint(to);

        // Now, shift it to be in the center of the box
        local -= collider.center;

        // Clamp the points to the collider's extents
        var localNorm =
            new Vector3(
                Mathf.Clamp(local.x, -collider.size.x * 0.5f, collider.size.x * 0.5f),
                Mathf.Clamp(local.y, -collider.size.y * 0.5f, collider.size.y * 0.5f),
                Mathf.Clamp(local.z, -collider.size.z * 0.5f, collider.size.z * 0.5f)

        // Select a face to project on
        if (Mathf.Abs(localNorm.x) > Mathf.Abs(localNorm.y) && Mathf.Abs(localNorm.x) > Mathf.Abs(localNorm.z))
            localNorm.x = Mathf.Sign(localNorm.x) * collider.size.x * 0.5f;
        else if (Mathf.Abs(localNorm.y) > Mathf.Abs(localNorm.x) && Mathf.Abs(localNorm.y) > Mathf.Abs(localNorm.z))
            localNorm.y = Mathf.Sign(localNorm.y) * collider.size.y * 0.5f;
        else if (Mathf.Abs(localNorm.z) > Mathf.Abs(localNorm.x) && Mathf.Abs(localNorm.z) > Mathf.Abs(localNorm.y))
            localNorm.z = Mathf.Sign(localNorm.z) * collider.size.z * 0.5f;

        // Now we undo our transformations
        localNorm += collider.center;

        // Return resulting point
        return ct.TransformPoint(localNorm);
Пример #11
    void Awake()
        timeLastEnemyHitted = Time.time;
        trigger = GetComponentInChildren<BoxCollider>();
        sprite = transform.GetComponentInChildren<SpriteRenderer>();

        glitchPartPool = new ObjectPool(glitchPart);
        lives = 3;
        items = 0;

        //Instantiate the glitch fragments to avoid lag later in the game
        GameObject[] parts = new GameObject[100];
        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
            parts[i] = glitchPartPool.getObject();
        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)

        boxUIActivatedRectTransform = boxUIActivated.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
        exclamationSize = boxUIActivatedRectTransform.sizeDelta;
        guiRectTrans = gui.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
        slowFPSScript = transform.FindChild("Powers").GetComponentInChildren<SlowFPS>();
Пример #12
 private void Start()
     this.rb = base.GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
     this.col = base.GetComponent<BoxCollider>();
     this.val = UnityEngine.Random.Range(-50f, 50f);
Пример #13
    void Start()

            Vector3 theScale = transform.localScale;
            theScale.x *= -1;
            transform.localScale = theScale;
        collider = gameObject.GetComponent<BoxCollider>();

        if (opened){
            collider.enabled = false;

            collider.enabled = true;

Пример #14
 void Awake()
     laserRender = GetComponent<Renderer> ();
     laserLight = GetComponent<Light> ();
     laserCollider = GetComponent<BoxCollider> ();
     time = 0f;
    // OnStateEnter is called when a transition starts and the state machine starts to evaluate this state
    //override public void OnStateEnter(Animator animator, AnimatorStateInfo stateInfo, int layerIndex) {
    // OnStateUpdate is called on each Update frame between OnStateEnter and OnStateExit callbacks
    //override public void OnStateUpdate(Animator animator, AnimatorStateInfo stateInfo, int layerIndex) {
    // OnStateExit is called when a transition ends and the state machine finishes evaluating this state
    public override void OnStateExit(Animator animator, AnimatorStateInfo stateInfo, int layerIndex)
        myBoxCollider = animator.GetComponent<PlayerController>().mySwordBoxCollider;
        myBoxCollider.enabled = false;

        animator.SetBool("Whirlwinding", false);
Пример #16
 void Start()
     print( "Start Box spawn area" );
     spawnArea = GetComponent<BoxCollider>();
     spawnArea.isTrigger = true;
Пример #17
 void OnDisable()
     print( "Awake Box spawn area" );
     spawnArea = GetComponent<BoxCollider>();
     spawnArea.isTrigger = true;
Пример #18
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     col = transform.parent.parent.GetComponent(typeof(BoxCollider)) as BoxCollider;
         case DIRECTION.up:
             Vector3 upPosition = new Vector3(transform.parent.position.x, 1f,transform.parent.position.z);
             upPosition.z += col.size.y/2f +0.4f;
             newPosition = upPosition;
         case DIRECTION.down:
             Vector3 downPosition = new Vector3(transform.parent.position.x, 1f,transform.parent.position.z);
             downPosition.z -= col.size.y/2 + 0.8f;
             newPosition = downPosition;
         case DIRECTION.left:
             Vector3 leftPosition = new Vector3(transform.parent.position.x - 0.8f, 1f,col.transform.position.z);
             leftPosition.x -= col.size.x/2;
             newPosition = leftPosition;
             //newPosition = new Vector3(col.transform.position.x - 2f, 1f, col.transform.position.z);
         case DIRECTION.right:
             Vector3 rightPosition = new Vector3(transform.parent.position.x + 0.8f, 1f,col.transform.position.z);
             rightPosition.x += col.size.x/2;
             newPosition = rightPosition;
             //newPosition = new Vector3(col.transform.position.x + 2f, 1f, col.transform.position.z);
             newPosition = Vector3.zero;
         transform.position = newPosition;
Пример #19
    void Awake()
        gameObject.AddComponent<MogoFakeClick>().ReletedClassType = ReleadClassType.Type_InsetUI;
        m_relatedCollider = transform.GetComponentInChildren<BoxCollider>();

        m_rayHit = new RaycastHit();
 public void Build()
     if (this.ThisMeshFilter.sharedMesh == null)
         Mesh mesh = new Mesh();
         mesh.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave;
         this.ThisMeshFilter.mesh = this.FillMesh(mesh);
     if (this.createBoxCollider)
         if (this.ThisBoxCollider == null)
             this._thisBoxCollider = base.gameObject.AddComponent<BoxCollider>();
         Bounds bounds = this.ThisMeshFilter.sharedMesh.bounds;
         this.ThisBoxCollider.center = new Vector3(bounds.center.x, bounds.center.y, -this.depth);
         this.ThisBoxCollider.size = new Vector3(bounds.size.x, bounds.size.y, 0.0002f);
     else if (this.ThisBoxCollider != null)
Пример #21
 void Start()
     RangeBox = GetComponent<BoxCollider>();
     EnemyOnRange = new ArrayList();
     scoreManager = GameObject.Find("Score Manager").GetComponent<ScoreManager>();
     PlayerAnim = gameObject.GetComponent<Animator>();
	private void Awake ()
		if (transform.parent == null)
			Debug.LogError("BoxColliderGenerator ERROR: this GO is not parented");
			MeshCollider meshCollider = GetComponentInParent<MeshCollider>();
			boxCollider = GetComponent<BoxCollider>();

			if (meshCollider == null || boxCollider == null)
				Debug.Log("BoxColliderGenerator ERROR: mesh or box collider not defined");
	//		meshCollider = GetComponent<MeshCollider>();
	//		logCollider = gameObject.AddComponent<BoxCollider>();
	//		logCollider.isTrigger = true;
			//insideOffsetMultiplier = -insideOffsetMultiplier;
			size = meshCollider.bounds.size;
			boxCollider.size = new Vector3(size.x * insideOffsetMultiplier.x, size.y * insideOffsetMultiplier.y, size.z * insideOffsetMultiplier.z);

			transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
			transform.eulerAngles = rotationOffset;
Пример #23
    public virtual void Initialize(int i_Health_Max_, float f_FireTimer_Max_, GameObject go_ParentBoxCollider_, BoxCollider col_BaseCollider_ = null, CapsuleCollider col_RadiusCollider_ = null)
        i_Health = i_Health_Max_;
        i_Health_Max = i_Health_Max_;
        go_GridObject_Parent = go_ParentBoxCollider_;

        b_IsDead = false;

        // Material newMat = Resources.Load("DEV_Orange", typeof(Material)) as Material;

        f_FireTimer = 0;
        f_FireTimer_Max = f_FireTimer_Max_;

        if (col_BaseCollider_ != null) col_BaseCollider = col_BaseCollider_; else
            if (gameObject.transform.Find("Col_BaseCollider")) col_BaseCollider = gameObject.transform.Find("Col_BaseCollider").GetComponent<BoxCollider>();

        if(col_RadiusCollider_ != null) col_RadiusCollider = col_RadiusCollider_; else
            if (gameObject.transform.Find("Col_Radius")) col_RadiusCollider = gameObject.transform.Find("Col_Radius").GetComponent<CapsuleCollider>();

        EnemyList = new List<GameObject>();
Пример #24
    static Vector3 closestPointOnOBB(BoxCollider collider, Vector3 to)
        // Cache the collider transform
        var ct = collider.transform;

        // Firstly, transform the point into the space of the collider
        var local = ct.worldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(to);

        // Now, shift it to be in the center of the box
        local -= collider.center;

        // Inverse scale it by the colliders scale
        var localNorm =
            new Vector3(
                Mathf.Clamp(local.x, -collider.extents.x, collider.extents.x),
                Mathf.Clamp(local.y, -collider.extents.y, collider.extents.y),
                Mathf.Clamp(local.z, -collider.extents.z, collider.extents.z)

        // Now we undo our transformations
        localNorm += collider.center;

        // Return resulting point
        return ct.localToWorldMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(localNorm);
Пример #25
    /// <summary>
    /// Spawns random objects within the box collider bounds.
    /// </summary>
    public void SpawnObjects()
        CurrentSpawnedObjects = new GameObject[NumberToSpawn];
        Bounds = GetComponent<BoxCollider>();

        for (int i = 0; i < NumberToSpawn; i++)
            // Get random position within this transform.
            Vector3 rndPosWithin = new Vector3(Random.Range(-1f, 1f) * Bounds.size.x / 2,
                                               Random.Range(-1f, 1f) * Bounds.size.x / 2,
                                               Random.Range(-1f, 1f) * Bounds.size.z / 2);
            rndPosWithin += transform.position;

            if (!isObjectTooClose(rndPosWithin))
                GameObject spawnedObject = (GameObject)Instantiate(ObjectSpawnPrefabs[Random.Range(0, ObjectSpawnPrefabs.Length)], rndPosWithin, Quaternion.identity);
                CurrentSpawnedObjects[i] = spawnedObject;
                CurrentSpawnedObjects[i].transform.parent = transform;

                // Create a child game object, which we will attach the culling sphere to.
                GameObject cullingSphere = new GameObject("Culling Sphere");
                cullingSphere.transform.position = rndPosWithin;
                cullingSphere.transform.parent = spawnedObject.transform;

                // We use a sphere collider to determine whether the object should be rendered.
                SphereCollider spawnCollider = cullingSphere.AddComponent<SphereCollider>();
                spawnCollider.radius = hideSpawnedObjectDistance;

                // The CullObject script determines whether to show or hide the object.
                CullObject spawnCuller = cullingSphere.AddComponent<CullObject>();
                spawnCuller.CullingTarget = CullingTarget;

Пример #26
    new void Start()
        base.Start ();

        AOECollider = muzzlePoint.GetComponent<BoxCollider> ();
        AOECollider.size = colliderDisableSize;
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     // Reference objects
     this.pickUp = gameObject.GetComponent<AudioSource>();
     this._renderer = gameObject.GetComponent<Renderer>();
     this.boxCollider = gameObject.GetComponent<BoxCollider>();
Пример #28
	public void Awake() {
		_characterCollider = GetComponent<BoxCollider>();
		_characterRigidbody = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
        _slothSnapper = GetComponent<Snapper>();
		_slothController = GetComponent<SlothController>();
		ragdolled = false;
Пример #29
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     _camera = Camera.main;
     amountToMove = Vector3.zero;
     _stats = new playerStats();
     _collider = transform.GetComponent<BoxCollider>();
Пример #30
    void Awake()
        m_relatedCam = GameObject.Find("MogoMainUI").transform.GetChild(0).GetComponentInChildren<Camera>();
        m_relatedCollider = transform.GetComponentInChildren<BoxCollider>();

        m_rayHit = new RaycastHit();
Пример #31
 private static void SetRightTopCollider(BoxCollider collider)
     collider.center = new Vector3(3.6f, 3.13f, -13.55f);
     collider.size   = new Vector3(1.4f, 0.14f, 0.1f);
Пример #32
 private static void SetLeftBottomCollider(BoxCollider collider)
     collider.center = new Vector3(1.85f, -1.45f, -13.55f);
     collider.size   = new Vector3(1.4f, 0.14f, 0.1f);
Пример #33
 private static void SetLeftTopCollider(BoxCollider collider)
     collider.center = new Vector3(0.43f, 1.7f, -13.55f);
     collider.size   = new Vector3(0.14f, 1.4f, 0.1f);
Пример #34
        private void Awake()
            if (Application.isPlaying)
                //color setups:
                if (colorRendererTarget != null)
                    if (colorRendererTarget.material.HasProperty("_Color"))
                        _normalColorRenderer = colorRendererTarget.material.color;

                if (colorImageTarget != null)
                    _normalColorImage = colorImageTarget.color;

            //scale setup:
            scaleTarget   = transform;
            normalScale   = transform.localScale;
            selectedScale = transform.localScale * 1.15f;
            pressedScale  = transform.localScale * 1.25f;

            //set initial size on gui collider:
            _rectTransform = GetComponent <RectTransform>();
            _boxCollider   = GetComponent <BoxCollider>();
            if (_rectTransform != null && _boxCollider != null)

            //set up rigidbody:
            GetComponent <Rigidbody>().isKinematic = true;

            _rectTransform = GetComponent <RectTransform>();
            _boxCollider   = GetComponent <BoxCollider>();

            if (!Application.isPlaying)

            //rect and event triggers:
            _rectTransform = GetComponent <RectTransform>();
            if (_rectTransform != null)
                _eventTrigger                 = gameObject.AddComponent <EventTrigger>();
                _pressedEventTrigger          = new EventTrigger.Entry();
                _pressedEventTrigger.eventID  = EventTriggerType.PointerDown;
                _releasedEventTrigger         = new EventTrigger.Entry();
                _releasedEventTrigger.eventID = EventTriggerType.PointerUp;
                _enterEventTrigger            = new EventTrigger.Entry();
                _enterEventTrigger.eventID    = EventTriggerType.PointerEnter;
                _exitEventTrigger             = new EventTrigger.Entry();
                _exitEventTrigger.eventID     = EventTriggerType.PointerExit;

            if (_rectTransform != null)
                //event registrations:
                _pressedEventTrigger.callback.AddListener((data) => { OnPointerDownDelegate((PointerEventData)data); });
                _releasedEventTrigger.callback.AddListener((data) => { OnPointerUpDelegate((PointerEventData)data); });
                _enterEventTrigger.callback.AddListener((data) => { OnPointerEnterDelegate((PointerEventData)data); });
                _exitEventTrigger.callback.AddListener((data) => { OnPointerExitDelegate((PointerEventData)data); });
    void GenerateBounds(Mesh me, List <Transform> bo)
        GameObject meshTrace = new GameObject("Trace");

        string[]         bonesBatch  = new string[] { "bau_L_Hand", "bau_R_Hand" };                                   //子节点作为AABB盒合并的
        string[]         bonesIgnore = new string[] { "bad_Pelvis", "bau_Neck", "bau_L_Clavicle", "bau_R_Clavicle" }; //忽略的
        List <Transform> tr          = new List <Transform>();
        List <Transform> ig          = new List <Transform>();

        for (int i = 0; i < bonesBatch.Length; i++)
            tr.Add(Global.Control(bonesBatch[i], bo[0].gameObject).transform);
        for (int i = 0; i < bonesIgnore.Length; i++)
            ig.Add(Global.Control(bonesIgnore[i], bo[0].gameObject).transform);

        meshTrace.transform.position = Vector3.zero;
        meshTrace.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;
        //MeshFilter meTrace = meshTrace.AddComponent<MeshFilter>();
        //Mesh me2 = new Mesh();
        //List<Vector3> vert = new List<Vector3>();
        //List<int> triangle = new List<int>();
        Dictionary <Transform, AABBVector> bounds = new Dictionary <Transform, AABBVector>();

        for (int i = 0; i < me.vertexCount; i++)
            float weightMax = 0.0f;
            int   boneIdx   = -1;
            if (weightMax < me.boneWeights[i].weight0)
                weightMax = me.boneWeights[i].weight0;
                boneIdx   = me.boneWeights[i].boneIndex0;
            if (weightMax < me.boneWeights[i].weight1)
                weightMax = me.boneWeights[i].weight1;
                boneIdx   = me.boneWeights[i].boneIndex1;
            if (weightMax < me.boneWeights[i].weight2)
                weightMax = me.boneWeights[i].weight2;
                boneIdx   = me.boneWeights[i].boneIndex2;
            if (weightMax < me.boneWeights[i].weight3)
                weightMax = me.boneWeights[i].weight3;
                boneIdx   = me.boneWeights[i].boneIndex3;
            if (bounds.ContainsKey(bo[boneIdx]))
                AABBVector b = bounds[bo[boneIdx]];
                Vector3    p = bo[boneIdx].worldToLocalMatrix * me.vertices[i];
                if (b.min.x > p.x)
                    b.min.x = p.x;
                if (b.min.y > p.y)
                    b.min.y = p.y;
                if (b.min.z > p.z)
                    b.min.z = p.z;

                if (b.max.x < p.x)
                    b.max.x = p.x;
                if (b.max.y < p.y)
                    b.max.y = p.y;
                if (b.max.z < p.z)
                    b.max.z = p.z;
                if (ig.Contains(bo[boneIdx]))
                bool batched = false;
                for (int j = 0; j < tr.Count; j++)
                    GameObject obj = Global.Control(bo[boneIdx].name, tr[j].gameObject);
                    if (obj != null)
                        if (bounds.ContainsKey(tr[j]))
                            AABBVector b = bounds[tr[j]];
                            Vector3    p = tr[j].worldToLocalMatrix * me.vertices[i];
                            if (b.min.x > p.x)
                                b.min.x = p.x;
                            if (b.min.y > p.y)
                                b.min.y = p.y;
                            if (b.min.z > p.z)
                                b.min.z = p.z;

                            if (b.max.x < p.x)
                                b.max.x = p.x;
                            if (b.max.y < p.y)
                                b.max.y = p.y;
                            if (b.max.z < p.z)
                                b.max.z = p.z;
                            AABBVector b = new AABBVector();
                            Vector3    p = tr[j].worldToLocalMatrix * me.vertices[i];
                            b.min.x = p.x;
                            b.min.y = p.y;
                            b.min.z = p.z;
                            b.max.x = p.x;
                            b.max.y = p.y;
                            b.max.z = p.z;
                            bounds.Add(tr[j], b);
                        batched = true;

                if (batched)
                    AABBVector b = new AABBVector();
                    Vector3    p = bo[boneIdx].worldToLocalMatrix * me.vertices[i];
                    b.min.x = p.x;
                    b.min.y = p.y;
                    b.min.z = p.z;
                    b.max.x = p.x;
                    b.max.y = p.y;
                    b.max.z = p.z;
                    bounds.Add(bo[boneIdx], b);
        //for (int i = 0; i < me.triangles.Length; i++)
        //    triangle.Add(me.triangles[i]);

        //me2.vertices = vert.ToArray();
        //me2.triangles = triangle.ToArray();
        //meTrace.mesh = me2;
        foreach (var each in bounds)
            BoxCollider b = each.Key.gameObject.AddComponent <BoxCollider>();
            Vector3     v = ((each.Value.max + each.Value.min) / 2);
            b.center    = Vector3.zero;
            b.size      = each.Value.max - each.Value.min;
            b.enabled   = true;
            b.isTrigger = true;
            //int idx = WsGlobal.AddDebugLine(each.Value.max, each.Value.min, Color.red);
            //BoxCollider box = WsGlobal.DebugLine[idx].AddComponent<BoxCollider>();
            //box.center = Vector3.zero;
            //box.size = each.Value.max - each.Value.min;
Пример #36
    //The prefab MUST have a Bounding Box with zeroed out transform, rotation, and 1, 1, 1 scale
    //All adjustments to the Bounding Box must be done on the collider only using the
    //"Edit Collider" button if you need to change the size
    //this assumes that the BoundingBox transform is zeroed out according to the root transform of the prefab
    public bool CheckSpawnArea(SimObjPhysics simObj, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, bool spawningInHand)
        int layermask;

        //first do a check to see if the area is clear

        //if spawning in the agent's hand, ignore collisions with the Agent
        if (spawningInHand)
            layermask = 1 << 8;

        //oh we are spawning it somehwere in the environment, we do need to make sure not to spawn inside the agent or the environment
            layermask = (1 << 8) | (1 << 10);

        //get list of all active colliders of sim object, then toggle them off for now
        //disable all colliders of the object being placed
        List <Collider> colsToDisable = new List <Collider>();

        foreach (Collider g in simObj.MyColliders)
            //only track this collider if it's enabled by default
            //some objects, like houseplants, might have colliders in their simObj.MyColliders that are disabled
            if (g.enabled)

        //disable collision before moving to check the spawn area
        foreach (Collider c in colsToDisable)
            c.enabled = false;

        //track original position and rotation in case we need to reset
        Vector3    originalPos = simObj.transform.position;
        Quaternion originalRot = simObj.transform.rotation;

        //move it into place so the bouding box is in the right spot to generate the overlap box later
        simObj.transform.position = position;
        simObj.transform.rotation = rotation;

        //now let's get the BoundingBox of the simObj as reference cause we need it to create the overlapbox
        GameObject  bb       = simObj.BoundingBox.transform.gameObject;
        BoxCollider bbcol    = bb.GetComponent <BoxCollider>();
        Vector3     bbCenter = bbcol.center;
        Vector3     bbCenterTransformPoint = bb.transform.TransformPoint(bbCenter);
        //keep track of all 8 corners of the OverlapBox
        List <Vector3> corners = new List <Vector3>();

        //bottom forward right
        corners.Add(bb.transform.TransformPoint(bbCenter + new Vector3(bbcol.size.x, -bbcol.size.y, bbcol.size.z) * 0.5f));
        //bottom forward left
        corners.Add(bb.transform.TransformPoint(bbCenter + new Vector3(-bbcol.size.x, -bbcol.size.y, bbcol.size.z) * 0.5f));
        //bottom back left
        corners.Add(bb.transform.TransformPoint(bbCenter + new Vector3(-bbcol.size.x, -bbcol.size.y, -bbcol.size.z) * 0.5f));
        //bottom back right
        corners.Add(bb.transform.TransformPoint(bbCenter + new Vector3(bbcol.size.x, -bbcol.size.y, -bbcol.size.z) * 0.5f));

        //top forward right
        corners.Add(bb.transform.TransformPoint(bbCenter + new Vector3(bbcol.size.x, bbcol.size.y, bbcol.size.z) * 0.5f));
        //top forward left
        corners.Add(bb.transform.TransformPoint(bbCenter + new Vector3(-bbcol.size.x, bbcol.size.y, bbcol.size.z) * 0.5f));
        //top back left
        corners.Add(bb.transform.TransformPoint(bbCenter + new Vector3(-bbcol.size.x, bbcol.size.y, -bbcol.size.z) * 0.5f));
        //top back right
        corners.Add(bb.transform.TransformPoint(bbCenter + new Vector3(bbcol.size.x, bbcol.size.y, -bbcol.size.z) * 0.5f));

        SpawnCorners = corners;

        #if UNITY_EDITOR
        m_Started = true;
        gizmopos  = bb.transform.TransformPoint(bbCenter);
        //gizmopos = inst.transform.position;
        gizmoscale = bbcol.size;
        //gizmoscale = simObj.BoundingBox.GetComponent<BoxCollider>().size;
        gizmoquaternion = rotation;

        //move sim object back to it's original spot back so the overlap box doesn't hit it
        simObj.transform.position = originalPos;
        simObj.transform.rotation = originalRot;

        //re-enable the collision after returning in place
        foreach (Collider c in colsToDisable)
            c.enabled = true;

        //spawn overlap box
        Collider[] hitColliders = Physics.OverlapBox(bbCenterTransformPoint,
                                                     bbcol.size / 2.0f, rotation,
                                                     layermask, QueryTriggerInteraction.Collide);

        int colliderCount = 0;
        //if a collider was hit, then the space is not clear to spawn
        if (hitColliders.Length > 0)
            //filter out any AgentTriggerBoxes because those should be ignored now
            foreach (Collider c in hitColliders)
                if (c.isTrigger && c.GetComponentInParent <PhysicsRemoteFPSAgentController>())


            if (colliderCount > 0)

        //nothing was hit, we are good!
Пример #37
    public bool PlaceObject(SimObjPhysics sop, ReceptacleSpawnPoint rsp, bool PlaceStationary, int degreeIncrement, bool AlwaysPlaceUpright)
        if (rsp.ParentSimObjPhys == sop)
            #if UNITY_EDITOR
            Debug.Log("Can't place object inside itself!");

        //remember the original rotation of the sim object if we need to reset it
        //Quaternion originalRot = sop.transform.rotation;
        Vector3    originalPos = sop.transform.position;
        Quaternion originalRot = sop.transform.rotation;

        //get the bounding box of the sim object we are trying to place
        BoxCollider oabb = sop.BoundingBox.GetComponent <BoxCollider>();

        //zero out rotation and velocity/angular velocity, then match the target receptacle's rotation
        sop.transform.rotation = rsp.ReceptacleBox.transform.rotation;
        Rigidbody sopRB = sop.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
        sopRB.velocity        = Vector3.zero;
        sopRB.angularVelocity = Vector3.zero;

        //set 360 degree increment to only check one angle, set smaller increments to check more angles when trying to place (warning THIS WILL GET SLOWER)
        int   HowManyRotationsToCheck = 360 / degreeIncrement;
        Plane BoxBottom;
        float DistanceFromBoxBottomTosop;

        List <RotationAndDistanceValues> ToCheck = new List <RotationAndDistanceValues>(); //we'll check 8 rotations for now, replace the 45 later if we want to adjust the amount of checks

        //get rotations and distance values for 360/increment number of rotations around just the Y axis
        //we want to check all of these first so that the object is prioritized to be placed "upright"
        for (int i = 0; i < HowManyRotationsToCheck; i++)
            oabb.enabled = true;

            if (i > 0)
                sop.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0, degreeIncrement, 0), Space.Self);
                //ToCheck[i].rotation = sop.transform.rotation;

                Vector3 Offset = oabb.ClosestPoint(oabb.transform.TransformPoint(oabb.center) + -rsp.ReceptacleBox.transform.up * 10);
                BoxBottom = new Plane(rsp.ReceptacleBox.transform.up, Offset);
                DistanceFromBoxBottomTosop = Math.Abs(BoxBottom.GetDistanceToPoint(sop.transform.position));

                ToCheck.Add(new RotationAndDistanceValues(DistanceFromBoxBottomTosop, sop.transform.rotation));

                //no rotate change just yet, check the first position

                Vector3 Offset = oabb.ClosestPoint(oabb.transform.TransformPoint(oabb.center) + -rsp.ReceptacleBox.transform.up * 10); //was using rsp.point
                BoxBottom = new Plane(rsp.ReceptacleBox.transform.up, Offset);
                DistanceFromBoxBottomTosop = BoxBottom.GetDistanceToPoint(sop.transform.position);

                ToCheck.Add(new RotationAndDistanceValues(DistanceFromBoxBottomTosop, sop.transform.rotation));

            oabb.enabled = false;

        //continue to check rotations about the X and Z axes if the object doesn't have to be placed upright
        if (!AlwaysPlaceUpright)
            //ok now try if the X and Z local axis are rotated if it'll fit
            //these values can cause the object to be placed at crazy angles, so we'll check these last
            for (int i = 0; i < HowManyRotationsToCheck; i++)
                oabb.enabled = true;

                if (i > 0)
                    sop.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0, degreeIncrement, 0), Space.Self);
                    Quaternion oldRotation = sop.transform.rotation;

                    //now add more points by rotating the x axis at this current y rotation
                    for (int j = 0; j < HowManyRotationsToCheck; j++)
                        sop.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(degreeIncrement, 0, 0), Space.Self);

                        Vector3 Offset = oabb.ClosestPoint(oabb.transform.TransformPoint(oabb.center) + -rsp.ReceptacleBox.transform.up * 10);
                        BoxBottom = new Plane(rsp.ReceptacleBox.transform.up, Offset);
                        DistanceFromBoxBottomTosop = Math.Abs(BoxBottom.GetDistanceToPoint(sop.transform.position));

                        ToCheck.Add(new RotationAndDistanceValues(DistanceFromBoxBottomTosop, sop.transform.rotation));

                    sop.transform.rotation = oldRotation;

                    //now add EVEN more points by rotating the z axis at this current y rotation
                    for (int j = 0; j < HowManyRotationsToCheck; j++)
                        sop.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0, 0, degreeIncrement), Space.Self);

                        Vector3 Offset = oabb.ClosestPoint(oabb.transform.TransformPoint(oabb.center) + -rsp.ReceptacleBox.transform.up * 10);
                        BoxBottom = new Plane(rsp.ReceptacleBox.transform.up, Offset);
                        DistanceFromBoxBottomTosop = Math.Abs(BoxBottom.GetDistanceToPoint(sop.transform.position));

                        ToCheck.Add(new RotationAndDistanceValues(DistanceFromBoxBottomTosop, sop.transform.rotation));

                    sop.transform.rotation = oldRotation;

                oabb.enabled = false;

        foreach (RotationAndDistanceValues quat in ToCheck)
            //if spawn area is clear, spawn it and return true that we spawned it
            if (CheckSpawnArea(sop, rsp.Point + rsp.ParentSimObjPhys.transform.up * (quat.distance + yoffset), quat.rotation, false))
                //translate position of the target sim object to the rsp.Point and offset in local y up
                sop.transform.position = rsp.Point + rsp.ReceptacleBox.transform.up * (quat.distance + yoffset);//rsp.Point + sop.transform.up * DistanceFromBottomOfBoxToTransform;
                sop.transform.rotation = quat.rotation;

                //now to do a check to make sure the sim object is contained within the Receptacle box, and doesn't have
                //bits of it hanging out

                //Check the ReceptacleBox's Sim Object component to see what Type it is. Then check to
                //see if the type is the kind where the Object placed must be completely contained or just the bottom 4 corners contained
                int HowManyCornersToCheck = 0;
                if (ReceptacleRestrictions.OnReceptacles.Contains(rsp.ParentSimObjPhys.ObjType))
                    //check that only the bottom 4 corners are in bounds
                    HowManyCornersToCheck = 4;

                if (ReceptacleRestrictions.InReceptacles.Contains(rsp.ParentSimObjPhys.ObjType))
                    //check that all 8 corners are within bounds
                    HowManyCornersToCheck = 8;

                if (ReceptacleRestrictions.InReceptaclesThatOnlyCheckBottomFourCorners.Contains(rsp.ParentSimObjPhys.ObjType))
                    //only check bottom 4 corners even though the action is PlaceIn
                    HowManyCornersToCheck = 4;

                int CornerCount = 0;

                //Plane rspPlane = new Plane(rsp.Point, rsp.ParentSimObjPhys.transform.up);

                //now check the corner count for either the 4 lowest corners, or all 8 corners depending on Corner Count
                //attmpt to sort corners so that first four corners are the corners closest to the spawn point we are checking against
                SpawnCorners.Sort(delegate(Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2)
                    //sort by making a plane where rsp.point is, find the four corners closest to that point
                    //return rspPlane.GetDistanceToPoint(p1).CompareTo(rspPlane.GetDistanceToPoint(p2));
                    //^ this ended up not working because if something is placed at an angle this no longer makes sense...

                    return(Vector3.Distance(p1, rsp.Point).CompareTo(Vector3.Distance(p2, rsp.Point)));

                    // return Vector3.Distance(new Vector3(0, p1.y, 0), new Vector3(0, rsp.Point.y, 0)).CompareTo(
                    // Vector3.Distance(new Vector3(0, p2.y, 0), new Vector3(0, rsp.Point.y, 0)));

                //ok so this is just checking if there are enough corners in the Receptacle Zone to consider it placed correctly.
                //originally this looped up to i < HowManyCornersToCheck, but if we just check all the corners, regardless of
                //sort order, it seems to bypass the issue above of how to sort the corners to find the "bottom" 4 corners, so uh
                // i guess this might just work without fancy sorting to determine the bottom 4 corners... especially since the "bottom corners" starts to lose meaning as objects are rotated
                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    if (rsp.Script.CheckIfPointIsInsideReceptacleTriggerBox(SpawnCorners[i]))

                //if not enough corners are inside the receptacle, abort
                if (CornerCount < HowManyCornersToCheck)
                    sop.transform.rotation = originalRot;
                    sop.transform.position = originalPos;

                //one final check, make sure all corners of object are "above" the receptacle box in question, so we
                //dont spawn stuff half on a table and it falls over
                foreach (Vector3 v in SpawnCorners)
                    if (!rsp.Script.CheckIfPointIsAboveReceptacleTriggerBox(v))
                        sop.transform.rotation = originalRot;
                        sop.transform.position = originalPos;

                //set true if we want objects to be stationary when placed. (if placed on uneven surface, object remains stationary)
                //if false, once placed the object will resolve with physics (if placed on uneven surface object might slide or roll)
                if (PlaceStationary == true)
                    //make object being placed kinematic true
                    sop.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().collisionDetectionMode = CollisionDetectionMode.Discrete;
                    sop.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().isKinematic            = true;

                    //check if the parent sim object is one that moves like a drawer - and would require this to be parented

                    //if this object is a receptacle and it has other objects inside it, drop them all together
                    if (sop.DoesThisObjectHaveThisSecondaryProperty(SimObjSecondaryProperty.Receptacle))
                        PhysicsRemoteFPSAgentController agent = GameObject.Find("FPSController").GetComponent <PhysicsRemoteFPSAgentController>();
                        agent.DropContainedObjectsStationary(sop);//use stationary version so that colliders are turned back on, but kinematics remain true

                    //if the target receptacle is a pickupable receptacle, set it to kinematic true as will sence we are placing stationary
                    if (rsp.ParentSimObjPhys.PrimaryProperty == SimObjPrimaryProperty.CanPickup)
                        rsp.ParentSimObjPhys.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().isKinematic = true;

                //place stationary false, let physics drop everything too
                    //if not placing stationary, put all objects under Objects game object
                    GameObject topObject = GameObject.Find("Objects");
                    //parent to the Objects transform

                    Rigidbody rb = sop.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
                    rb.isKinematic            = false;
                    rb.collisionDetectionMode = CollisionDetectionMode.ContinuousDynamic;
                    //if this object is a receptacle and it has other objects inside it, drop them all together
                    if (sop.DoesThisObjectHaveThisSecondaryProperty(SimObjSecondaryProperty.Receptacle))
                        PhysicsRemoteFPSAgentController agent = GameObject.Find("FPSController").GetComponent <PhysicsRemoteFPSAgentController>();
                sop.isInAgentHand = false;//set agent hand flag

                // #if UNITY_EDITOR
                // Debug.Log(sop.name + " succesfully spawned in " +rsp.ParentSimObjPhys.name + " at coordinate " + rsp.Point);
                // #endif


        //reset rotation if no valid spawns found
        //oh now we couldn't spawn it, all the spawn areas were not clear
        sop.transform.rotation = originalRot;
        sop.transform.position = originalPos;
Пример #38
 void Start()
     _collider    = GetComponent <BoxCollider>();
     _audioSource = GetComponent <AudioSource>();
Пример #39
 void Start()
     referenceCollider = GetComponent <BoxCollider>();
     moveAction        = ActionHandler.instance.GetAction(ActionHandler.actions.StreetView.Move);
Пример #40
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     this.boxCollider = GetComponent <BoxCollider>();
Пример #41
    void InitStateMachine()
        m_stateMachine = new AStateMachine <HeroState, LogicEvents>(HeroState.None);

        m_stateMachine.BlindStateEventHandler(HeroState.Strategy, delegate(object obj) {
            LogicArg arg = (LogicArg)obj;
            Block block  = (Block)arg.GetMessage(M_Event.BLOCK);
            Debug.Log("Get event" + arg.type);
            if (arg.type == LogicEvents.ConfirmHero)
                Debug.Log("Get Confirm Hero" + block.SimpleBlock + " " + TemBlock.SimpleBlock);
                if (TemBlock != null && TemBlock.Equals(block))
                    m_stateMachine.State = HeroState.StrategyMove;
                    m_stateMachine.State = HeroState.Strategy;
            else if (arg.type == LogicEvents.SelectBlock)
                m_stateMachine.State = HeroState.Strategy;

        m_stateMachine.BlindStateEventHandler(HeroState.StrategyMove, delegate(object obj) {
            LogicArg arg = (LogicArg)obj;
            Block block  = (Block)arg.GetMessage(M_Event.BLOCK);
            if (arg.type == LogicEvents.ConfirmHero)
                if (TemBlock != null && TemBlock.Equals(block))
                    m_stateMachine.State = HeroState.StrategyAttack;
                    m_stateMachine.State = HeroState.Strategy;
            else if (arg.type == LogicEvents.SelectBlock)
                m_stateMachine.State = HeroState.Strategy;

        m_stateMachine.BlindStateEventHandler(HeroState.StrategyAttack, delegate(object obj) {
            LogicArg arg = (LogicArg)obj;
            Block block  = (Block)arg.GetMessage(M_Event.BLOCK);
            if (arg.type == LogicEvents.ConfirmHero)
                if (TemBlock != null && TemBlock.Equals(block))
                    m_stateMachine.State = HeroState.StrategyMove;
                    m_stateMachine.State = HeroState.Strategy;
            else if (arg.type == LogicEvents.SelectBlock)
                m_stateMachine.State = HeroState.Strategy;

        m_stateMachine.AddEnter(HeroState.Strategy, delegate {
            if (m_collider == null)
                m_collider = GetComponent <BoxCollider>();
            if (m_collider != null)
                m_collider.size = new Vector3(2.56f, 2.56f, 1f);
            if (m_collider != null)
                m_collider.enabled = false;

        m_stateMachine.AddEnter(HeroState.StrategyMove, delegate() {
            BattleField.ShowBlock(m_move.GetMoveRange(), BattleBlock.BlockVisualType.MoveRangeEnermy);

        m_stateMachine.AddEnter(HeroState.StrategyAttack, delegate() {
            BattleField.ShowBlock(m_attack.GetAttackRange(), BattleBlock.BlockVisualType.AttackRangeEnermy);

        m_stateMachine.BlindFromEveryState(LogicEvents.StrategyPhase, HeroState.Strategy);

        m_stateMachine.State = HeroState.Strategy;
Пример #42
 protected void Start()
     m_Collider = GetComponent <BoxCollider>();
     m_Audio    = GetComponent <AudioSource>();
     m_StartingColliderHeight = m_Collider.bounds.size.y;
Пример #43
    /*private void CreateColliders () {
     *      AddBoxCollider(xSize, ySize - roundness * 2, zSize - roundness * 2);
     *      AddBoxCollider(xSize - roundness * 2, ySize, zSize - roundness * 2);
     *      AddBoxCollider(xSize - roundness * 2, ySize - roundness * 2, zSize);
     *      Vector3 min = Vector3.one * roundness;
     *      Vector3 half = new Vector3(xSize, ySize, zSize) * 0.5f;
     *      Vector3 max = new Vector3(xSize, ySize, zSize) - min;
     *      AddCapsuleCollider(0, half.x, min.y, min.z);
     *      AddCapsuleCollider(0, half.x, min.y, max.z);
     *      AddCapsuleCollider(0, half.x, max.y, min.z);
     *      AddCapsuleCollider(0, half.x, max.y, max.z);
     *      AddCapsuleCollider(1, min.x, half.y, min.z);
     *      AddCapsuleCollider(1, min.x, half.y, max.z);
     *      AddCapsuleCollider(1, max.x, half.y, min.z);
     *      AddCapsuleCollider(1, max.x, half.y, max.z);
     *      AddCapsuleCollider(2, min.x, min.y, half.z);
     *      AddCapsuleCollider(2, min.x, max.y, half.z);
     *      AddCapsuleCollider(2, max.x, min.y, half.z);
     *      AddCapsuleCollider(2, max.x, max.y, half.z);
     * }*/

    private void AddBoxCollider(float x, float y, float z)
        BoxCollider c = gameObject.AddComponent <BoxCollider>();

        c.size = new Vector3(x, y, z);
Пример #44
 private void AddCollider()
     boxCollider = gameObject.AddComponent <BoxCollider>();
Пример #45
 public abstract void Collide(BoxCollider otherObject);
Пример #46
 public abstract void Land(BoxCollider boxCollider);
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     collider = GetComponent <BoxCollider>();
     startPos = transform.position;
     touchId  = Include.Input.RegisterTouchable(gameObject);
Пример #48
        public static Grid GenerateSquareGrid(int width = 5, int length = 5, float gridSize = 1, float GridToTileRatio = 1, float unwalkableRate = 0, GridManager._GridColliderType colType = GridManager._GridColliderType.Master)
            string loadText = "";

            if (colType == GridManager._GridColliderType.Individual)
                loadText = "ScenePrefab/SquareTile_Collider";
            else if (colType == GridManager._GridColliderType.Master)
                loadText = "ScenePrefab/SquareTile";
            Transform tilePrefab = Resources.Load(loadText, typeof(Transform)) as Transform;

            List <Transform> tileTransformList = new List <Transform>();

            int unwalkableCount = 0;

            Vector3 pos = Vector3.zero;

            Transform parentT = new GameObject("GridTemp").transform;

            float spaceX = gridSize * GridToTileRatio;
            float spaceZ = gridSize * GridToTileRatio;

            Grid grid = new Grid(_TileType.Square, width, length, gridSize, GridToTileRatio);

            for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
                for (int n = 0; n < length; n++)
                    pos = new Vector3(i * spaceX, 0, n * spaceZ);
                    Transform tileT = (Transform)Instantiate(tilePrefab, pos, rot);

                    tileT.localScale *= gridSize;
                    tileT.parent      = parentT;

                                        #if UNITY_EDITOR
                    tileT.name = "Tile_" + i + "x" + n;

                    tileT.gameObject.layer = TBTK.GetLayerTile();
                    Tile tile = tileT.gameObject.AddComponent <Tile>();
                    tile.type = _TileType.Square;

                    tile.x = i;
                    tile.y = 0;
                    tile.z = n;



            if (unwalkableRate > 0)
                unwalkableCount = (int)(grid.tileList.Count * unwalkableRate);
                for (int i = 0; i < unwalkableCount; i++)
                    int rand = Random.Range(0, grid.tileList.Count);
                    grid.tileList[rand].walkable = false;

            float x = (width - 1) * spaceX;       float z = (length - 1) * spaceZ;
            parentT.position -= new Vector3(x / 2, 0, z / 2);

            Transform newParentT = new GameObject("SquareGrid").transform;
            for (int i = 0; i < tileTransformList.Count; i++)
                tileTransformList[i].parent = newParentT;


            grid.gridObj = newParentT.gameObject;

            newParentT.gameObject.layer = TBTK.GetLayerTile();

            if (colType == GridManager._GridColliderType.Master)
                BoxCollider boxCol = newParentT.gameObject.AddComponent <BoxCollider>();
                boxCol.size = new Vector3(spaceX * width, 0, spaceZ * length);


Пример #49
 private void Start()
     boxCollider = GetComponent <BoxCollider>();
     actionText  = FindObjectOfType <ActionText>();
     notebook    = FindObjectOfType <Notebook>();
Пример #50
 private void Awake()
     Detector = GetComponent <BoxCollider>();
Пример #51
    /// <summary>Manages slider knob with snapped, target positions.</summary>
    /// <param name="indexReturn">Outputs the index at which the slider knob snaps. Use same variable as index</param>
    /// <param name="index">Input of current index, use same variable as indexReturn.</param>
    /// <param name="inMoveReturn">Outputs whether the player is currently sliding. Use same variable as inMove.</param>
    /// <param name="inMove">Input of current moving status, use same variable as inMoveReturn.</param>
    /// <param name="targetPositions">List of all snappable positions.</param>
    /// <param name="clampValues">The left and right clamp values for the knob, when unsnapped.</param>
    /// <param name="hitbox">Hitbox of the slider knob.</param>
    /// <param name="totalHitbox">Hitbox of the total area that will detect sliding.</param>
    public static void SliderPositionLock(this Transform _transform, out int indexReturn, int index, out bool inMoveReturn, bool inMove, Vector2[] targetPositions, Vector2 clampValues, BoxCollider hitbox, BoxCollider totalHitbox)
        bool    holdingDown  = false;
        bool    pressedFrame = false;
        Vector3 touchPos     = Vector2.zero;

        DetectTouchesHeld(out holdingDown, out pressedFrame, out touchPos);

        if (pressedFrame && TouchedHitbox(totalHitbox, touchPos) && !TouchedHitbox(hitbox, touchPos))
            int   bestIndex    = 0;
            float bestDistance = 999;
            for (int i = 0; i < targetPositions.Length; i++)
                touchPos.y = _transform.position.y;
                float distance = Vector2.Distance(touchPos, targetPositions[i]);
                if (distance < bestDistance)
                    bestIndex    = i;
                    bestDistance = distance;

            indexReturn  = bestIndex;
            inMove       = true;
            inMoveReturn = inMove;
        else if (holdingDown && TouchedHitbox(totalHitbox, touchPos))
            Vector2 newPos = _transform.position;

            touchPos.z          = 0;
            newPos.x            = Mathf.Clamp(touchPos.x, clampValues.x, clampValues.y);
            _transform.position = newPos;

            int   bestIndex    = 0;
            float bestDistance = 999;
            for (int i = 0; i < targetPositions.Length; i++)
                float distance = Vector2.Distance(touchPos, targetPositions[i]);
                if (distance < bestDistance)
                    bestIndex    = i;
                    bestDistance = distance;

            indexReturn  = bestIndex;
            inMove       = true;
            inMoveReturn = inMove;
            int   bestIndex    = 0;
            float bestDistance = 999;
            for (int i = 0; i < targetPositions.Length; i++)
                float distance = Vector2.Distance(_transform.position, targetPositions[i]);
                if (distance < bestDistance)
                    bestIndex    = i;
                    bestDistance = distance;

            int indexStore = bestIndex;

            if (inMove)
                if (bestIndex == index)
                    inMove       = false;
                    inMoveReturn = false;
                    //AudioManager.main.PlaySelectSound(AudioManager.SelectionSound.HighSharp, .8f, .1f, 1, 0);
                indexReturn = index;
                index       = indexStore;
                indexReturn = indexStore;

            Vector2 targetPosition = targetPositions[index];
            targetPosition.x    = Mathf.Clamp(targetPosition.x, clampValues.x, clampValues.y);
            _transform.position = Vector2.Lerp(_transform.position, targetPosition, 15 * Time.deltaTime);

        inMoveReturn = inMove;
Пример #52
 private void Start()
     meshRenderer = GetComponentInChildren <MeshRenderer>();
     boxCollider  = GetComponent <BoxCollider>();
Пример #53
 /// <summary>
 /// Draws a wireframe box given a <see cref="BoxCollider"/>.
 /// </summary>
 public static void DrawBoxCollider(BoxCollider box)
     DrawBoxCollider(box, Color.green);
Пример #54
        public static GameObject CreatePlacedObject(PlacedObjectData_v2 data, Transform parent, bool previewGo = false)
            // Custom models like Handpainted Models have insanley different scales (< 0.0 to 200+) Set all models as a child to a parent, so
            // EditMode can uniformly scale properly.

            GameObject parentGo = new GameObject();
            GameObject childGo;

            parentGo.transform.parent = parent;

            if (data.modelID == 0)
                childGo = MeshReplacement.ImportCustomFlatGameobject(data.archive, data.record, Vector3.zero, parentGo.transform);

                if (childGo == null)
                    childGo = GameObjectHelper.CreateDaggerfallBillboardGameObject(data.archive, data.record, parentGo.transform);
                Matrix4x4 matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity, Vector3.one);

                childGo = MeshReplacement.ImportCustomGameobject(data.modelID, parentGo.transform, matrix);

                if (childGo == null)
                    childGo = GameObjectHelper.CreateDaggerfallMeshGameObject(data.modelID, parentGo.transform);

            parentGo.transform.eulerAngles = Vector3.zero;
            childGo.transform.eulerAngles  = Vector3.zero;

            if (previewGo)
                data.isLight = true;

            BoxCollider parentCollider = parentGo.AddComponent <BoxCollider>();
            BoxCollider childCollider;

            //Expanding collider a little gives better hit detection.
            float buffer = 0.02f;

            // Some custom models have a box collider and are made of multiple smaller models. Get the parent collider size.
            if (childCollider = childGo.GetComponent <BoxCollider>())
                parentCollider.size = new Vector3((childCollider.size.x * childGo.transform.localScale.x) + buffer,
                                                  (childCollider.size.y * childGo.transform.localScale.y) + buffer,
                                                  (childCollider.size.z * childGo.transform.localScale.z) + buffer);

                parentCollider.center = new Vector3(childCollider.center.x * childGo.transform.localScale.x,
                                                    childCollider.center.y * childGo.transform.localScale.y,
                                                    childCollider.center.z * childGo.transform.localScale.z);

                // Child colliders screw with EditMode.
                Bounds childBounds = childGo.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh.bounds;

                parentCollider.size = new Vector3((childBounds.size.x * childGo.transform.localScale.x) + buffer,
                                                  (childBounds.size.y * childGo.transform.localScale.y) + buffer,
                                                  (childBounds.size.z * childGo.transform.localScale.z) + buffer);

                parentCollider.center = new Vector3(childBounds.center.x * childGo.transform.localScale.x,
                                                    childBounds.center.y * childGo.transform.localScale.y,
                                                    childBounds.center.z * childGo.transform.localScale.z);

            parentCollider.isTrigger = true;

            parentGo.AddComponent <PlacedObject>();
            SetPlacedObject(data, parentGo);

Пример #55
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     rend        = this.GetComponent <Renderer>();
     boxCollider = (BoxCollider)gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(BoxCollider));
Пример #56
    void RotateTheMesh()
        List <Transform> children = new List <Transform>();
        Transform        current  = UnityEditor.Selection.activeTransform;

        MeshFilter mf;

        if (current == null)
            error = "No appropriate object selected.";

        if (current.localScale.x < 0.0 || current.localScale.y < 0.0f || current.localScale.z < 0.0f)
            error = "Cannot process game object with negative scale values.";

        mf = current.GetComponent <MeshFilter>();
        if (mf == null || mf.sharedMesh == null)
            error = "No mesh on the selected object";

        // Create the duplicate game object
        GameObject go = Instantiate(current.gameObject) as GameObject;

        mf            = go.GetComponent <MeshFilter>();
        mf.sharedMesh = Instantiate(mf.sharedMesh) as Mesh;
        current       = go.transform;

        // Disconnect any child objects and same them for later
        foreach (Transform child in current)
            if (child != current)
                child.parent = null;

        // Rotate and scale the mesh
        Vector3[] vertices = mf.sharedMesh.vertices;
        for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)
            vertices[i] = current.TransformPoint(vertices[i]) - current.position;
        mf.sharedMesh.vertices = vertices;

        // Fix the normals
        Vector3[] normals = mf.sharedMesh.normals;
        if (normals != null)
            for (int i = 0; i < normals.Length; i++)
                normals[i] = current.rotation * normals[i];
        mf.sharedMesh.normals = normals;

        current.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;
        current.localScale         = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);

        // Restore the children
        foreach (Transform child in children)
            child.parent = current;

        // Set selection to new game object
        UnityEditor.Selection.activeObject = current.gameObject;

        //--- Do a rudamentary fixup of mesh, box, and sphere colliders----
        MeshCollider mc = current.GetComponent <MeshCollider>();

        if (mc != null)
            mc.sharedMesh = mf.sharedMesh;

        BoxCollider bc = current.GetComponent <BoxCollider>();

        if (bc != null)
            current.gameObject.AddComponent <BoxCollider>();
        SphereCollider sc = current.GetComponent <SphereCollider>();

        if (sc != null)
            current.gameObject.AddComponent <SphereCollider>();

        if (current.GetComponent <Collider>())
            error = "Be sure to verify size of collider.";
Пример #57
 private void Start()
     self = GetComponent <BoxCollider>();
     size = self.size;
Пример #58
        public static void ShowModelViewer()
            if (((Mod_OnGUI_Player)GameState.s_playerCharacter).showModelViewer)
                global::Console.AddMessage("Closing ModelViewer.");
                ((Mod_OnGUI_Player)GameState.s_playerCharacter).showModelViewer = false;
                global::Console.AddMessage("Opening ModelViewer. Type the same command to hide it.");
                if (modelViewerBackground == null)
                    ////////////////////// finding various buttons and textures
                    UISprite closeButton = null;

                    UISprite[] mdo = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(UISprite)) as UISprite[];
                    foreach (UISprite brr in mdo)
                        if (brr.ToString() == "CloseButton (UISprite)" && closeButton == null)
                            closeButton = brr;
                            //Console.AddMessage ("Assigning CloseButton.");

                    UIMultiSpriteImageButton portraitLast = null;

                    foreach (UIMultiSpriteImageButton btn in UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType <UIMultiSpriteImageButton>())
                        if (btn.ToString() == "PartyPortrait(Clone) (UIMultiSpriteImageButton)" && portraitLast == null)
                            portraitLast = btn;
                            //Console.AddMessage ("Assigning optioButton.");

                    modelViewerBackground = new GameObject("ModelViewer");
                    modelViewerBackground.transform.parent     = portraitLast.transform.parent;
                    modelViewerBackground.layer                = portraitLast.gameObject.layer;
                    modelViewerBackground.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f);

                    UISprite spr = NGUITools.AddSprite(modelViewerBackground, closeButton.atlas, "BUT_genericBGMid");
                    spr.transform.localScale = new Vector3(Screen.width / 4, Screen.height * 1.6f, 1f);
                    spr.type  = UISprite.Type.Sliced;
                    spr.color = new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0.3f);

                    BoxCollider cold = spr.gameObject.AddComponent <BoxCollider>();
                    cold.size = new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f);

                    spr.gameObject.AddComponent <UINoClick>().BlockClicking = true;

                    modelViewerBackground.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(Screen.width / 10, Screen.height * 0.8f, 0);

                ((Mod_OnGUI_Player)GameState.s_playerCharacter).showModelViewer = true;
 public static void ClampPosition(this Transform transform, BoxCollider box)
     transform.position = box.bounds.Clamp(transform.position);
Пример #60
  * Activate the dam
  * @param dropOffBox BoxCollider the box where succesfully passing fish will be dropped off
 public void Activate(BoxCollider dropOffBox)
     this.dropOffBox = dropOffBox;
     active          = true;