public static void Run() { // Initialize scene object Scene scene = new Scene(); // Initialize Node class object Node cubeNode = new Node("box"); // ExStart:ConvertBoxPrimitivetoMesh // Initialize object by Box class IMeshConvertible convertible = new Box(); // Convert a Box to Mesh Mesh mesh = convertible.ToMesh(); // ExEnd:ConvertBoxPrimitivetoMesh // Point node to the Mesh geometry cubeNode.Entity = mesh; // Add Node to a scene scene.RootNode.ChildNodes.Add(cubeNode); // The path to the documents directory. string MyDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir() + RunExamples.GetOutputFilePath("BoxToMeshScene.fbx"); // Save 3D scene in the supported file formats scene.Save(MyDir, FileFormat.FBX7400ASCII); Console.WriteLine("\n Converted the primitive Box to a mesh successfully.\nFile saved at " + MyDir); }
internal DockItemToolbar (DockItem parentItem, PositionType position) { this.parentItem = parentItem; frame = new CustomFrame (); switch (position) { case PositionType.Top: frame.SetMargins (0, 0, 1, 1); frame.SetPadding (0, 2, 2, 0); break; case PositionType.Bottom: frame.SetMargins (0, 1, 1, 1); frame.SetPadding (2, 2, 2, 0); break; case PositionType.Left: frame.SetMargins (0, 1, 1, 0); frame.SetPadding (0, 0, 2, 2); break; case PositionType.Right: frame.SetMargins (0, 1, 0, 1); frame.SetPadding (0, 0, 2, 2); break; } this.position = position; if (position == PositionType.Top || position == PositionType.Bottom) box = new HBox (false, 3); else box = new VBox (false, 3); box.Show (); frame.Add (box); frame.GradientBackround = true; }
/// <summary> /// Constructs a new demo. /// </summary> /// <param name="game">Game owning this demo.</param> public StackDemo(DemosGame game) : base(game) { kapow.PositionUpdateMode = BEPUphysics.PositionUpdating.PositionUpdateMode.Continuous; int height = 50; float blockWidth = 3f; float blockHeight = 1f; float blockLength = 3f; for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) { var toAdd = new Box( new Vector3( 0, blockHeight * .5f + i * (blockHeight), 0), blockWidth, blockHeight, blockLength, 10); Space.Add(toAdd); } Box ground = new Box(new Vector3(0, -.5f, 0), 50, 1, 50); Space.Add(ground); game.Camera.Position = new Vector3(0, 6, 15); }
public void Adding_new_item_to_box_should_have_correct_quantity() { var box = new Box(); box.AddItem(3, new Item { Name = "Test Item" }); Assert.Equal(3, box.Contents.First().Quantity); }
public void TestConstruction() { var box1 = new Box(new Point(1, 2), new Point(5, 4)); Assert.AreEqual(box1.Height, 2); Assert.AreEqual(box1.Width, 4); var box2 = new Box(new Point(1, 2), 5, 6); Assert.AreEqual(box2.Height, 6); Assert.AreEqual(box2.Width, 5); var box3 = new Box(0, 2, 3, 1); Assert.AreEqual(box3.BottomLeft, new Point(0, 1)); Assert.AreEqual(box3.BottomRight, new Point(3, 1)); Assert.AreEqual(box3.TopLeft, new Point(0, 2)); Assert.AreEqual(box3.TopRight, new Point(3, 2)); Assert.AreEqual(box3.Center, new Point(1.5, 1.5)); if (!box3.Points.SequenceEqual(new[] { box3.TopLeft, box3.TopRight, box3.BottomRight, box3.BottomLeft })) Assert.Fail(); }
/// <summary> /// Constructs a new demo. /// </summary> /// <param name="game">Game owning this demo.</param> public PlanetDemo(DemosGame game) : base(game) { Space.ForceUpdater.Gravity = Vector3.Zero; //By pre-allocating a bunch of box-box pair handlers, the simulation will avoid having to allocate new ones at runtime. NarrowPhaseHelper.Factories.BoxBox.EnsureCount(1000); var planet = new Sphere(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), 30); Space.Add(planet); var field = new GravitationalField(new InfiniteForceFieldShape(), planet.Position, 66730 / 2f, 100); Space.Add(field); //Drop the "meteorites" on the planet. Entity toAdd; int numColumns = 10; int numRows = 10; int numHigh = 10; float separation = 5; for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) for (int j = 0; j < numColumns; j++) for (int k = 0; k < numHigh; k++) { toAdd = new Box(new Vector3(separation * i - numRows * separation / 2, 40 + k * separation, separation * j - numColumns * separation / 2), 1f, 1f, 1f, 5); toAdd.LinearVelocity = new Vector3(30, 0, 0); toAdd.LinearDamping = 0; toAdd.AngularDamping = 0; Space.Add(toAdd); } game.Camera.Position = new Vector3(0, 0, 150); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="box"></param> public void AddBox(Box box) { if (box.IsLarge) { using(var ms = new MemoryStream(box.Bytes)) { var gridFSItem = _context.GridFSUpload(ms); box.GridFSId = gridFSItem.Id; box.Bytes = null; } } var collection = _context.GetCollection(box.UserId); //make sure indexes on the searchable fields foreach (var item in box.MetaData) { collection.EnsureIndex(item.Name); } //make sure unique index on image hash (prevents duplicate images in db) collection.EnsureIndex(new IndexKeysBuilder().Ascending(Fields.HASH), IndexOptions.SetUnique(true)); collection.Insert(box); }
/// <summary> /// Constructs a new demo. /// </summary> /// <param name="game">Game owning this demo.</param> public ParallelSpaceTestDemo(DemosGame game) : base(game) { for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { var space = new Space(null); space.ForceUpdater.Gravity = new Vector3(0, -9.81f, 0); var box = new Box(new Vector3(20 * i, 0, 0), 100, 1, 100); space.Add(box); //game.ModelDrawer.Add(box); for (int j = 0; j < 30; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < 10; k++) { box = new Box(new Vector3(20 * i, 2 + j * 1.1f, 0), 1, 1, 1, 1); entities.Add(box); space.Add(box); //game.ModelDrawer.Add(box); } } spaces.Add(space); } game.Camera.Position = new Vector3(20, 10, 70); }
/// <summary> /// Constructs a new demo. /// </summary> /// <param name="game">Game owning this demo.</param> public IncomingDemo(DemosGame game) : base(game) { Entity toAdd; //Build the stack... for (int k = 1; k <= 12; k++) { if (k % 2 == 1) { toAdd = new Box(new Vector3(-3, k, 0), 1, 1, 7, 10); Space.Add(toAdd); toAdd = new Box(new Vector3(3, k, 0), 1, 1, 7, 10); Space.Add(toAdd); } else { toAdd = new Box(new Vector3(0, k, -3), 7, 1, 1, 10); Space.Add(toAdd); toAdd = new Box(new Vector3(0, k, 3), 7, 1, 1, 10); Space.Add(toAdd); } } //And then smash it! toAdd = new Sphere(new Vector3(0, 150, 0), 3, 100); Space.Add(toAdd); Space.Add(new Box(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), 10, 1f, 10)); game.Camera.Position = new Vector3(0, 6, 30); }
/// <summary> /// Constructs a new demo. /// </summary> /// <param name="game">Game owning this demo.</param> public WallDemo(DemosGame game) : base(game) { int width = 10; int height = 10; float blockWidth = 2f; float blockHeight = 1f; float blockLength = 1f; for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { var toAdd = new Box( new Vector3( i * blockWidth + .5f * blockWidth * (j % 2) - width * blockWidth * .5f, blockHeight * .5f + j * (blockHeight), 0), blockWidth, blockHeight, blockLength, 10); Space.Add(toAdd); } } Box ground = new Box(new Vector3(0, -.5f, 0), 50, 1, 50); Space.Add(ground); game.Camera.Position = new Vector3(0, 6, 15); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { // get box component boxHandler = GetComponent<Box>(); setInitialRotation(); }
public DockItemContainer (DockFrame frame, DockItem item) { this.item = item; mainBox = new VBox (); Add (mainBox); mainBox.ResizeMode = Gtk.ResizeMode.Queue; mainBox.Spacing = 0; ShowAll (); mainBox.PackStart (item.GetToolbar (PositionType.Top).Container, false, false, 0); HBox hbox = new HBox (); hbox.Show (); hbox.PackStart (item.GetToolbar (PositionType.Left).Container, false, false, 0); contentBox = new HBox (); contentBox.Show (); hbox.PackStart (contentBox, true, true, 0); hbox.PackStart (item.GetToolbar (PositionType.Right).Container, false, false, 0); mainBox.PackStart (hbox, true, true, 0); mainBox.PackStart (item.GetToolbar (PositionType.Bottom).Container, false, false, 0); }
/// <summary> /// Constructs a new demo. /// </summary> /// <param name="game">Game owning this demo.</param> public BridgeDemo(DemosGame game) : base(game) { //Form a long chain of planks connected by revolute joints. //The revolute joints control the three linear degrees of freedom and two angular degrees of freedom. //The third allowed angular degree of freedom allows the bridge to flex like a rope bridge. Vector3 startPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); var startPlatform = new Box(startPosition - new Vector3(0, 0, 3.2f), 8, .5f, 8); Space.Add(startPlatform); Vector3 offset = new Vector3(0, 0, 1.7f); Box previousLink = startPlatform; Vector3 position = new Vector3(); for (int i = 1; i <= 200; i++) { position = startPosition + offset * i; Box link = new Box(position, 4.5f, .3f, 1.5f, 50); Space.Add(link); Space.Add(new RevoluteJoint(previousLink, link, position - offset * .5f, Vector3.Right)); previousLink = link; } var endPlatform = new Box(position - new Vector3(0, 0, -4.8f), 8, .5f, 8); Space.Add(endPlatform); Space.Add(new RevoluteJoint(previousLink, endPlatform, position + offset * .5f, Vector3.Right)); game.Camera.Position = startPosition + new Vector3(0, 1, offset.Z * 200 + 5); }
void ultraChart1_FillSceneGraph(object sender, Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Events.FillSceneGraphEventArgs e) { IAdvanceAxis xaxis = e.Grid["X"] as IAdvanceAxis; IAdvanceAxis yaxis = e.Grid["Y"] as IAdvanceAxis; if (xaxis == null) { return; } int xloc1 = (int)xaxis.MapMinimum; int xloc2 = (int)xaxis.MapMaximum; int yloc = (int)yaxis.Map(6); Box b = new Box(new Point(xloc1, yloc - 2), xloc2 - xloc1, 5, new LineStyle(LineCapStyle.NoAnchor, LineCapStyle.NoAnchor, LineDrawStyle.Solid)); b.PE.Fill = Color.LightGreen; b.Value = 6d; // has to be a double for the value b.Caps = PCaps.HitTest | PCaps.Skin | PCaps.Tooltip; b.Chart = e.ChartCore.ChartType; b.Layer = e.ChartCore.GetChartLayer(); b.Row = b.Column = -1; // have to set these to -1 e.SceneGraph.Add(b); }
public void CreateFromTriangleList(List<Triangle> triangles) { TrianglesIds = new Dictionary<Triangle, int>(); int i = 0; foreach(var t in triangles) TrianglesIds.Add(t, i++); Vector3 max = new Vector3(0), min = new Vector3(float.PositiveInfinity); foreach(var t in triangles) { foreach(var v in t.Vertices) { max.X = Max(max.X, v.Position.X); max.Y = Max(max.Y, v.Position.Y); max.Z = Max(max.Z, v.Position.Z); min.X = Min(min.X, v.Position.X); min.Y = Min(min.Y, v.Position.Y); min.Z = Min(min.Z, v.Position.Z); } } Vector3 center = (max + min) / 2; float radius = Max( Max(max.X - min.X, max.Y - min.Y) , max.Z - min.Z) / 2; BoxTree = new Box(center, radius); BoxTree.Triangles = triangles; BoxTree.RecursiveDivide(); Console.WriteLine(TotalNodes); Console.WriteLine(TotalLeaves); }
/// <summary> /// Constructs a new demo. /// </summary> /// <param name="game">Game owning this demo.</param> public ColosseumDemo(DemosGame game) : base(game) { double angle; int numBoxesPerRing = 12; float blockWidth = 2; float blockHeight = 2; float blockLength = 6f; float radius = 15; Entity toAdd; Space.Add(new Box(new Vector3(0, -blockHeight / 2 - 1, 0), 100, 2f, 100)); double increment = MathHelper.TwoPi / numBoxesPerRing; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { for (int k = 0; k < numBoxesPerRing; k++) { if (i % 2 == 0) { angle = k * increment; toAdd = new Box(new Vector3(-(float) Math.Cos(angle) * radius, i * blockHeight, (float) Math.Sin(angle) * radius), blockWidth, blockHeight, blockLength, 20); toAdd.Orientation = Quaternion.CreateFromAxisAngle(Vector3.Up, (float) angle); Space.Add(toAdd); } else { angle = (k + .5f) * increment; toAdd = new Box(new Vector3(-(float)Math.Cos(angle) * radius, i * blockHeight, (float)Math.Sin(angle) * radius), blockWidth, blockHeight, blockLength, 20); toAdd.Orientation = Quaternion.CreateFromAxisAngle(Vector3.Up, (float) angle); Space.Add(toAdd); } } } game.Camera.Position = new Vector3(0, 2, 2); }
public CameraController(ScreenManager screen, Box zoomBox) : base(screen) { this.characters = new List<CharacterController>(); =; this.zoomBox = zoomBox; }
/// <summary> /// Constructs a new demo. /// </summary> /// <param name="game">Game owning this demo.</param> public BroadPhaseDemo(DemosGame game) : base(game) { //Make a fatter kapow sphere. Space.Remove(kapow); kapow = new Sphere(new Vector3(11000, 0, 0), 1.5f, 1000); Space.Add(kapow); Space.Solver.IterationLimit = 1; //Essentially no sustained contacts, so don't need to worry about accuracy. Space.ForceUpdater.Gravity = Vector3.Zero; int numColumns = 15; int numRows = 15; int numHigh = 15; float separation = 3; Entity toAdd; for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) for (int j = 0; j < numColumns; j++) for (int k = 0; k < numHigh; k++) { toAdd = new Box(new Vector3(separation * i, k * separation, separation * j), 1, 1, 1, 1); toAdd.Material.Bounciness = 1; //Superbouncy boxes help propagate shock waves. toAdd.LinearDamping = 0f; toAdd.AngularDamping = 0f; Space.Add(toAdd); } game.Camera.Position = new Vector3(0, 3, -10); game.Camera.ViewDirection = new Vector3(0, 0, 1); }
public void BoxConstructor_Test() { Box target = new Box(); Assert.IsNotNull(target.Ideas); Assert.AreEqual(0, target.Ideas.Count); }
/** * Create a level two box, ie two boxes next to each other */ private void CreateLevel2Box(Box from, Box to, string direction) { // send rpc to master client to destroy the box to.GetComponent<PhotonView>().RPC("Explode", PhotonTargets.MasterClient, null); // set the build level to 2 from.GetComponent<PhotonView>().RPC("BuildLevel", PhotonTargets.All, 2); if (direction == "sideways") { // ie left to right // increase the scale of the box from.transform.localScale += new Vector3(1f, 0f, 0f); // reposition the box from.transform.position += new Vector3(0.5f, 0f, 0f); } else { // front to back // increase the scale of the box from.transform.localScale += new Vector3(0f, 0f, 1f); // reposition the box from.transform.position += new Vector3(0.0f, 0f, 0.5f); } }
unsafe public static void Main () { Box b = new Box (); fixed (Obsolete* p = &b.o) { } }
public ScalingWidget(Box targetObject) : base(3) { box = targetObject; YArrow = new Arrow(ArrowBase, ArrowLength, ArrowLineLength, ArrowLineWidth) { Name = "YArrow" }; XArrow = new Arrow(ArrowBase, ArrowLength, ArrowLineLength, ArrowLineWidth) { Name = "XArrow" }; ZArrow = new Arrow(ArrowBase, ArrowLength, ArrowLineLength, ArrowLineWidth) { Name = "ZArrow" }; Objects[0] = YArrow; Objects[1] = XArrow; Objects[2] = ZArrow; scaling = targetObject.ScalingValues; Material = new PhongMaterial() { DiffuseColor = Color.Yellow, AmbientCoefficient=1f}; YArrow.PositionV3 = new Vector3(-scaling.X / 2 - ArrowLineWidth / 2, scaling.Y / 2, -scaling.Z / 2 - ArrowLineWidth / 2); XArrow.PositionV3 = new Vector3(scaling.X / 2 + ArrowLineWidth / 2, -scaling.Y / 2 + ArrowLineWidth / 2, -scaling.Z / 2 - ArrowLineWidth / 2); ZArrow.PositionV3 = new Vector3(-scaling.X / 2 - ArrowLineWidth / 2, -scaling.Y / 2 + ArrowLineWidth / 2, scaling.Z / 2 + ArrowLineWidth / 2); //YArrow.PositionV3 = new Vector3(-box.Scaling / 2 - ArrowLineWidth / 2, box.Height / 2, -box.Depth / 2 - ArrowLineWidth / 2); //XArrow.PositionV3 = new Vector3(box.Width / 2 + ArrowLineWidth / 2, -box.Height / 2 + ArrowLineWidth / 2, -box.Depth / 2 - ArrowLineWidth / 2); //ZArrow.PositionV3 = new Vector3(-box.Width / 2 - ArrowLineWidth / 2, -box.Height / 2 + ArrowLineWidth / 2, box.Depth / 2 + ArrowLineWidth / 2); }
/// <summary> /// Constructs a new demo. /// </summary> /// <param name="game">Game owning this demo.</param> public FishInABarrelDemo(DemosGame game) : base(game) { game.Camera.Position = new Vector3(0, 7, 30); var detector = new Box(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), 1.5f, 1.5f, 1.5f); detector.CollisionInformation.CollisionRules.Personal = CollisionRule.NoSolver; var acceptedTriggerEntity = new Box(new Vector3(5, 0, 0), 1.6f, .7f, .4f, 1); acceptedTrigger = acceptedTriggerEntity.CollisionInformation; detector.Tag = "noDisplayObject"; acceptedTriggerEntity.Tag = "noDisplayObject"; Space.Add(detector); Space.Add(acceptedTriggerEntity); var fish = game.Content.Load<Model>("fish"); game.ModelDrawer.Add(new DisplayEntityModel(acceptedTriggerEntity, fish, game.ModelDrawer)); var barrelAndPlatform = game.Content.Load<Model>("barrelAndPlatform"); Vector3[] staticTriangleVertices; int[] staticTriangleIndices; ModelDataExtractor.GetVerticesAndIndicesFromModel(barrelAndPlatform, out staticTriangleVertices, out staticTriangleIndices); //Note that the final 'margin' parameter is optional, but can be used to specify a collision margin on triangles in the static triangle group. var fishDepositoryGroup = new StaticMesh(staticTriangleVertices, staticTriangleIndices); CollisionRules.AddRule(fishDepositoryGroup, detector, CollisionRule.NoBroadPhase); Space.Add(fishDepositoryGroup); game.ModelDrawer.Add(fishDepositoryGroup); movedBox = new Box(new Vector3(-4, 5, 0), 1, 1, 1, 1); detector.Space.Add(movedBox); detector.CollisionInformation.Events.InitialCollisionDetected += InitialCollisionDetected; detector.CollisionInformation.Events.CollisionEnded += CollisionEnded; }
public void Test_AmoebaConverter_Box() { var key = new Key(HashAlgorithm.Sha256, new byte[32]); var metadata = new Metadata(1, key, CompressionAlgorithm.Xz, CryptoAlgorithm.Aes256, new byte[32 + 32]); var seed = new Seed(metadata); seed.Name = ""; seed.Keywords.AddRange(new KeywordCollection { "bbbb", "cccc", "dddd", }); seed.CreationTime = DateTime.Now; seed.Length = 10000; var box = new Box(); box.Name = "Box"; box.Seeds.Add(seed); box.Boxes.Add(new Box() { Name = "Box" }); Box box2; using (var streamBox = AmoebaConverter.ToBoxStream(box)) { box2 = AmoebaConverter.FromBoxStream(streamBox); } Assert.AreEqual(box, box2, "AmoebaConverter #3"); }
/// <summary> /// Constructs a new demo. /// </summary> /// <param name="game">Game owning this demo.</param> public ConvexHullTestDemo(DemosGame game) : base(game) { var random = new Random(5); for (int i = 0; i < 500000; ++i) { List<Vector3> points = new List<Vector3>(); for (int k = 0; k < random.Next(8, 60); k++) { points.Add(new Vector3(-100 + 30 * (float)random.NextDouble(), 100 + 500 * (float)random.NextDouble(), 100 + 30 * (float)random.NextDouble())); } var convexHull = new ConvexHull(new Vector3(0, 7, 0), points, 10); Console.WriteLine(convexHull.CollisionInformation.Shape.Vertices.Count); } var vertices = new[] { new Vector3(0, -1.750886E-9f, -1.5f), new Vector3(1, 1, 0.5f), new Vector3(1, -1, 0.5f), new Vector3(-1, 1, 0.5f), new Vector3(-1, -1, 0.5f), }; var hullVertices = new RawList<Vector3>(); ConvexHullHelper.GetConvexHull(vertices, hullVertices); ConvexHull hull = new ConvexHull(vertices, 5); Space.Add(hull); Box ground = new Box(new Vector3(0, -.5f, 0), 50, 1, 50); Space.Add(ground); game.Camera.Position = new Vector3(0, 6, 15); }
public CompoundBox(Box b1, Box b2, Box b3) { boxes = new List<Box>(); boxes.Add(b1); boxes.Add(b2); boxes.Add(b3); }
/// <summary> /// Constructs a new demo. /// </summary> /// <param name="game">Game owning this demo.</param> public CollisionFilteringDemo(DemosGame game) : base(game) { Entity toAdd; toAdd = new Box(new Vector3(0, -.5f, 0), 50, 1, 50); Space.Add(toAdd); //Set up two stacks which go through each other var firstStackGroup = new CollisionGroup(); var secondStackGroup = new CollisionGroup(); //Adding this rule to the space's collision group rules will prevent entities belong to these two groups from generating collision pairs with each other. groupPair = new CollisionGroupPair(firstStackGroup, secondStackGroup); CollisionRules.CollisionGroupRules.Add(groupPair, CollisionRule.NoBroadPhase); for (int k = 0; k < 10; k++) { toAdd = new Box( new Vector3(-4 + .12f * k, .5f + k, 0), 1f, 1f, 1f, 10); toAdd.CollisionInformation.CollisionRules.Group = firstStackGroup; Space.Add(toAdd); toAdd = new Box(new Vector3(4 - .12f * k, .5f + k, 0), 1f, 1f, 1f, 10); toAdd.CollisionInformation.CollisionRules.Group = secondStackGroup; Space.Add(toAdd); } //Add another two boxes which ignore each other using the specific entities method; they will still collide with the stacks since they will have the default dynamic collision group. toAdd = new Box(new Vector3(1, 3, 0), 1f, 4f, 2f, 10); var toAdd2 = new Box(new Vector3(-1, 3, 0), 1f, 4f, 2f, 15); CollisionRules.AddRule(toAdd, toAdd2, CollisionRule.NoBroadPhase); Space.Add(toAdd); Space.Add(toAdd2); game.Camera.Position = new Vector3(0, 6, 20); }
public void Adding_item_with_negative_quanity_throws_error() { var box = new Box(); var item = new Item { Name = "Test Item" }; Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => box.AddItem(-3, item)); }
public void TestSaveVisibility() { var root = new Body { Location = new Frame3D(10, 0, 0) }; Body box = new Box { Location = new Frame3D(10, 20, 30) }; root.Add(box); var lo = new LoggingObject(box, root); lo.SaveVisibilityState(_totalTime); Assert.AreEqual(1, lo.VisibilityStates.Count); Assert.AreEqual(_totalTime, lo.VisibilityStates[0].StartTime); _totalTime ++; lo.SaveVisibilityState(_totalTime); Assert.AreEqual(1, lo.VisibilityStates.Count); Assert.AreEqual(true, lo.VisibilityStates[0].IsVisible); root.Remove(box); _totalTime++; lo.SaveVisibilityState(_totalTime); Assert.AreEqual(_totalTime, lo.VisibilityStates.Last().StartTime); Assert.AreEqual(2, lo.VisibilityStates.Count); Assert.AreEqual(false, lo.VisibilityStates.Last().IsVisible); }
/// <summary> /// Constructs a new demo. /// </summary> /// <param name="game">Game owning this demo.</param> public MoreConstraintsTestDemo(DemosGame game) : base(game) { Box boxA = new Box(new Vector3(0, 5, 0), 1, 2, 1, 10); Box boxB = new Box(new Vector3(0, 8, 0), 1, 2, 1, 10); boxA.Orientation = Quaternion.CreateFromYawPitchRoll(0, MathHelper.PiOver4, 0); boxB.Orientation = Quaternion.CreateFromYawPitchRoll(MathHelper.PiOver4, 0, 0); WeldJoint weld = new WeldJoint(boxA, boxB); Space.Add(boxA); Space.Add(boxB); Space.Add(weld); boxA = new Box(new Vector3(3, 5, 0), 1, 2, 1, 10); boxB = new Box(new Vector3(3, 8, 0), 1, 2, 1, 10); boxA.Orientation = Quaternion.CreateFromYawPitchRoll(0, MathHelper.PiOver4, 0); boxB.Orientation = Quaternion.CreateFromYawPitchRoll(MathHelper.PiOver4, 0, 0); BallSocketJoint ballSocket = new BallSocketJoint(boxA, boxB, (boxA.Position + boxB.Position) / 2); AngularMotor angularMotor = new AngularMotor(boxA, boxB); angularMotor.Settings.Mode = MotorMode.Servomechanism; Space.Add(boxA); Space.Add(boxB); Space.Add(ballSocket); Space.Add(angularMotor); Box ground = new Box(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), 10, 1, 10); Space.Add(ground); game.Camera.Position = new Vector3(0, 6, 15); }
/// <summary> /// Ends connecting boxes action. /// </summary> /// <param name="end">The end box.</param> public void ConnectingEnd(Box end) { // Ensure that there was a proper start box if (_startBox == null) { return; } Box start = _startBox; _startBox = null; // Check if boxes are diffrent and end box is specified if (start == end || end == null) { return; } // Check if boxes are connected bool areConnected = start.AreConnected(end); // Check if boxes are diffrent or (one of them is disabled and both are disconnected) if (end.IsOutput == start.IsOutput || !((end.Enabled && start.Enabled) || areConnected)) { // Back return; } // Check if they are already connected if (areConnected) { // Break link start.BreakConnection(end); // Mark as edited MarkAsEdited(); // Back return; } // Cache Input and Output box (since connection may be made in a diffrent way) InputBox iB; OutputBox oB; if (start.IsOutput) { iB = (InputBox)end; oB = (OutputBox)start; } else { iB = (InputBox)start; oB = (OutputBox)end; } // Validate connection type (also check if any of boxes parent can manage that connections types) bool useCaster = false; if (!iB.CanUseType(oB.CurrentType)) { if (CanCast(oB.CurrentType, iB.CurrentType)) { useCaster = true; } else { return; } } // Connect boxes if (useCaster) { // Connect via Caster //AddCaster(oB, iB); throw new NotImplementedException("AddCaster(..) function"); } else { // Connect directly iB.CreateConnection(oB); } // Mark as edited MarkAsEdited(); }
internal void OnMosueOverBox(Box box) { _lastBoxUnderMouse = box; }
private void load(OsuColour colours, GameHost host, OsuConfigManager config) { if (Beatmap.Value is DummyWorkingBeatmap) { isNewBeatmap = true; Beatmap.Value = beatmapManager.CreateNew(Ruleset.Value, api.LocalUser.Value); } beatDivisor.Value = Beatmap.Value.BeatmapInfo.BeatDivisor; beatDivisor.BindValueChanged(divisor => Beatmap.Value.BeatmapInfo.BeatDivisor = divisor.NewValue); // Todo: should probably be done at a DrawableRuleset level to share logic with Player. clock = new EditorClock(Beatmap.Value, beatDivisor) { IsCoupled = false }; UpdateClockSource(); dependencies.CacheAs(clock); AddInternal(clock); clock.SeekingOrStopped.BindValueChanged(_ => updateSampleDisabledState()); // todo: remove caching of this and consume via editorBeatmap? dependencies.Cache(beatDivisor); try { playableBeatmap = Beatmap.Value.GetPlayableBeatmap(Beatmap.Value.BeatmapInfo.Ruleset); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Error(e, "Could not load beatmap successfully!"); // couldn't load, hard abort! this.Exit(); return; } AddInternal(editorBeatmap = new EditorBeatmap(playableBeatmap, Beatmap.Value.Skin)); dependencies.CacheAs(editorBeatmap); changeHandler = new EditorChangeHandler(editorBeatmap); dependencies.CacheAs <IEditorChangeHandler>(changeHandler); updateLastSavedHash(); OsuMenuItem undoMenuItem; OsuMenuItem redoMenuItem; EditorMenuItem cutMenuItem; EditorMenuItem copyMenuItem; EditorMenuItem pasteMenuItem; var fileMenuItems = new List <MenuItem> { new EditorMenuItem("Save", MenuItemType.Standard, Save) }; if (RuntimeInfo.IsDesktop) { fileMenuItems.Add(new EditorMenuItem("Export package", MenuItemType.Standard, exportBeatmap)); } fileMenuItems.Add(new EditorMenuItemSpacer()); fileMenuItems.Add(new EditorMenuItem("Exit", MenuItemType.Standard, this.Exit)); AddInternal(new OsuContextMenuContainer { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Children = new[] { new Container { Name = "Screen container", RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Padding = new MarginPadding { Top = 40, Bottom = 60 }, Child = screenContainer = new Container <EditorScreen> { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Masking = true } }, new Container { Name = "Top bar", RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X, Height = 40, Child = menuBar = new EditorMenuBar { Anchor = Anchor.CentreLeft, Origin = Anchor.CentreLeft, RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Mode = { Value = isNewBeatmap ? EditorScreenMode.SongSetup : EditorScreenMode.Compose }, Items = new[] { new MenuItem("File") { Items = fileMenuItems }, new MenuItem("Edit") { Items = new[] { undoMenuItem = new EditorMenuItem("Undo", MenuItemType.Standard, Undo), redoMenuItem = new EditorMenuItem("Redo", MenuItemType.Standard, Redo), new EditorMenuItemSpacer(), cutMenuItem = new EditorMenuItem("Cut", MenuItemType.Standard, Cut), copyMenuItem = new EditorMenuItem("Copy", MenuItemType.Standard, Copy), pasteMenuItem = new EditorMenuItem("Paste", MenuItemType.Standard, Paste), } }, new MenuItem("View") { Items = new[] { new WaveformOpacityMenu(config) } } } } }, new Container { Name = "Bottom bar", Anchor = Anchor.BottomLeft, Origin = Anchor.BottomLeft, RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X, Height = 60, Children = new Drawable[] { bottomBackground = new Box { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both }, new Container { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Padding = new MarginPadding { Vertical = 5, Horizontal = 10 }, Child = new GridContainer { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, ColumnDimensions = new[] { new Dimension(GridSizeMode.Absolute, 220), new Dimension(), new Dimension(GridSizeMode.Absolute, 220) }, Content = new[] { new Drawable[] { new Container { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Padding = new MarginPadding { Right = 10 }, Child = new TimeInfoContainer { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both }, }, new SummaryTimeline { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, }, new Container { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Padding = new MarginPadding { Left = 10 }, Child = new PlaybackControl { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both }, } }, } }, } } }, } }); changeHandler.CanUndo.BindValueChanged(v => undoMenuItem.Action.Disabled = !v.NewValue, true); changeHandler.CanRedo.BindValueChanged(v => redoMenuItem.Action.Disabled = !v.NewValue, true); editorBeatmap.SelectedHitObjects.BindCollectionChanged((_, __) => { var hasObjects = editorBeatmap.SelectedHitObjects.Count > 0; cutMenuItem.Action.Disabled = !hasObjects; copyMenuItem.Action.Disabled = !hasObjects; }, true); clipboard.BindValueChanged(content => pasteMenuItem.Action.Disabled = string.IsNullOrEmpty(content.NewValue)); menuBar.Mode.ValueChanged += onModeChanged; bottomBackground.Colour = colours.Gray2; }
public void UpdateTab() { if (Child != null) { Widget w = Child; Remove(w); w.Destroy(); } mainBox = new Alignment(0, 0, 1, 1); if (bar.Orientation == Gtk.Orientation.Horizontal) { box = new HBox(); if (bar.AlignToEnd) { mainBox.SetPadding(3, 3, 11, 9); } else { mainBox.SetPadding(3, 3, 9, 11); } } else { box = new VBox(); if (bar.AlignToEnd) { mainBox.SetPadding(11, 9, 3, 3); } else { mainBox.SetPadding(9, 11, 3, 3); } } Gtk.Widget customLabel = null; if (it.DockLabelProvider != null) { customLabel = it.DockLabelProvider.CreateLabel(bar.Orientation); } if (customLabel != null) { customLabel.ShowAll(); box.PackStart(customLabel, true, true, 0); } else { if (it.Icon != null) { var desat = it.Icon.WithAlpha(0.5); crossfade = new CrossfadeIcon(desat, it.Icon); box.PackStart(crossfade, false, false, 0); desat.Dispose(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(it.Label)) { label = new Gtk.Label(it.Label); label.UseMarkup = true; if (bar.Orientation == Gtk.Orientation.Vertical) { label.Angle = 270; } box.PackStart(label, true, true, 0); } else { label = null; } } box.Spacing = 2; mainBox.Add(box); mainBox.ShowAll(); Add(mainBox); QueueDraw(); }
public override void UpdateBoundingBox(bool cascadeToParent = true) { BoundingBox = new Box(Faces.Select(x => x.BoundingBox)); base.UpdateBoundingBox(cascadeToParent); }
public TaikoPlayfield(ControlPointInfo controlPoints) { InternalChild = new PlayfieldAdjustmentContainer { Anchor = Anchor.CentreLeft, Origin = Anchor.CentreLeft, RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Children = new Drawable[] { backgroundContainer = new Container { Name = "Transparent playfield background", RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Masking = true, EdgeEffect = new EdgeEffectParameters { Type = EdgeEffectType.Shadow, Colour = Color4.Black.Opacity(0.2f), Radius = 5, }, Children = new Drawable[] { background = new Box { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Alpha = 0.6f }, } }, new Container { Name = "Right area", RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Padding = new MarginPadding { Left = left_area_size }, Children = new Drawable[] { new Container { Name = "Masked elements before hit objects", RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Padding = new MarginPadding { Left = HIT_TARGET_OFFSET }, Masking = true, Children = new Drawable[] { hitExplosionContainer = new Container <HitExplosion> { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, FillMode = FillMode.Fit, Blending = BlendingMode.Additive, }, HitTarget = new HitTarget { Anchor = Anchor.CentreLeft, Origin = Anchor.Centre, RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, FillMode = FillMode.Fit } } }, barlineContainer = new Container { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Padding = new MarginPadding { Left = HIT_TARGET_OFFSET } }, new Container { Name = "Hit objects", RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Padding = new MarginPadding { Left = HIT_TARGET_OFFSET }, Masking = true, Child = HitObjectContainer }, kiaiExplosionContainer = new Container <KiaiHitExplosion> { Name = "Kiai hit explosions", RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, FillMode = FillMode.Fit, Margin = new MarginPadding { Left = HIT_TARGET_OFFSET }, Blending = BlendingMode.Additive }, judgementContainer = new JudgementContainer <DrawableTaikoJudgement> { Name = "Judgements", RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Y, Margin = new MarginPadding { Left = HIT_TARGET_OFFSET }, Blending = BlendingMode.Additive }, } }, overlayBackgroundContainer = new Container { Name = "Left overlay", RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Y, Size = new Vector2(left_area_size, 1), Children = new Drawable[] { overlayBackground = new Box { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, }, new InputDrum(controlPoints) { Anchor = Anchor.CentreRight, Origin = Anchor.CentreRight, Scale = new Vector2(0.9f), Margin = new MarginPadding { Right = 20 } }, new Box { Anchor = Anchor.TopRight, RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Y, Width = 10, Colour = Framework.Graphics.Colour.ColourInfo.GradientHorizontal(Color4.Black.Opacity(0.6f), Color4.Black.Opacity(0)), }, } }, new Container { Name = "Border", RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Masking = true, MaskingSmoothness = 0, BorderThickness = 2, AlwaysPresent = true, Children = new[] { new Box { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Alpha = 0, AlwaysPresent = true } } }, topLevelHitContainer = new Container { Name = "Top level hit objects", RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, } } }; }
public void SetCamWithBox(Box value) { SetCamWithBox(value.Min, value.Max); }
public void Unselect() { selectedSide = BarType.none; selectedBox = null; }
public void Select(Box _selectedBox) { selectedBox = _selectedBox; UpdateGraphics(); }
private void createEntity(EntityItem entity) { Line line; float w, h; Collectable collectable; Box box; EntityItem next = null; if (!GroupedEntities.ContainsKey(entity.Group)) { GroupedEntities.Add(entity.Group, new List <EntityItem>()); } GroupedEntities[entity.Group].Add(entity); Vector4 color = new Vector4(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.2f); float boxSize = 0; collectable = null; if (entity.NextID != 0 && Data.Entities.ContainsKey(entity.NextID)) { next = Data.Entities.GetValue(entity.NextID); } switch (entity.GameType) { case EntityItem.EntityType.WaypointAmmo: case EntityItem.EntityType.WaypointFuel: case EntityItem.EntityType.WaypointShield: case EntityItem.EntityType.WaypointShortcut: case EntityItem.EntityType.WaypointSpecial1: case EntityItem.EntityType.WaypointSpecial2: case EntityItem.EntityType.WaypointSpecial3: case EntityItem.EntityType.WaypointFast: case EntityItem.EntityType.WaypointSlow: color = new Vector4(0.1f, 0.1f, 1.0f, 1.0f); //boxSize = 0.04f; if (next != null) { line = new Line(entity.Center, next.Center, color); line.Name = "Waypoint line " + entity.ID + " to " + next.ID; WaypointLines.AddNode(line); } break; case EntityItem.EntityType.WallSegment: color = new Vector4(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); if (next != null) { line = new Line(entity.Center + Vector3.UnitY, next.Center + Vector3.UnitY, color); line.Name = "Wall segment line " + entity.ID + " to " + next.ID; WallLines.AddNode(line); } break; case EntityItem.EntityType.TriggerCraft: case EntityItem.EntityType.TriggerRocket: w = entity.OffsetX + 1f; h = entity.OffsetY + 1f; box = new Box(0, 0, 0, w, 2, h, new Vector4(0.9f, 0.3f, 0.6f, 0.5f)); box.Position = entity.Pos + Vector3.UnitY * 0.01f; Entities.AddNode(box); break; case EntityItem.EntityType.TriggerTimed: Billboard timer = new Billboard("images/stopwatch.png", 0.4f, 0.4f); timer.Position = entity.Center; Entities.AddNode(timer); break; case EntityItem.EntityType.MorphOnce: case EntityItem.EntityType.MorphPermanent: w = entity.OffsetX + 1f; h = entity.OffsetY + 1f; //box = new Box(0, 0, 0, w, 1, h, new Vector4(0.1f, 0.3f, 0.9f, 0.5f)); //box.Position = entity.Pos + Vector3.UnitY * 0.01f; //AddNode(box); EntityItem source = Data.Entities.GetValue(entity.NextID); // morph for this entity and its linked source List <Column> targetColumns = ColumnsInRange((int)entity.Pos.X, (int)entity.Pos.Z, w, h); List <Column> sourceColumns = ColumnsInRange((int)source.Pos.X, (int)source.Pos.Z, w, h); // regular morph if (targetColumns.Count == sourceColumns.Count) { for (int i = 0; i < targetColumns.Count; i++) { targetColumns[i].MorphSource = sourceColumns[i]; sourceColumns[i].MorphSource = targetColumns[i]; } } else { // permanent morphs dont destroy buildings, instead they morph the column based on terrain height if (entity.GameType == EntityItem.EntityType.MorphPermanent) { // we need to update surrounding columns too because they could be affected (one side of them) // (problem comes from not using terrain height for all columns in realtime) targetColumns = ColumnsInRange((int)entity.Pos.X - 1, (int)entity.Pos.Z - 1, w + 1, h + 1); // create dummy morph source columns at source position foreach (Column column in targetColumns) { Vector3 colPos = new Vector3(source.Pos.X + (column.Position.X - entity.Pos.X), 0, source.Pos.Z + (column.Position.Z - entity.Pos.Z)); column.MorphSource = new Column(column.Definition, colPos, Data, Atlas); } sourceColumns.Clear(); } else { // in this case (MorphOnce) there are no target columns and // (target and source areas are swapped from game perspective) // and buildings have to be destroyed as soon as the morph starts foreach (Column column in sourceColumns) { column.DestroyOnMorph = true; } foreach (Column column in targetColumns) { column.DestroyOnMorph = true; } } } // create and collect morph instances Morph morph = new Morph(source, entity, (int)w, (int)h, entity.GameType == EntityItem.EntityType.MorphPermanent); morph.Columns.AddRange(targetColumns); Morphs.Add(morph); // source morph = new Morph(entity, source, (int)w, (int)h, entity.GameType == EntityItem.EntityType.MorphPermanent); morph.Columns.AddRange(sourceColumns); Morphs.Add(morph); break; case EntityItem.EntityType.MorphSource1: case EntityItem.EntityType.MorphSource2: // no need to display morph sources since they are handled above by their targets break; case EntityItem.EntityType.RecoveryTruck: Craft recov = new Craft("RECOV0-0", entity.Center + Vector3.UnitY * 6f); Entities.AddNode(recov); break; case EntityItem.EntityType.Cone: Cone cone = new Cone(entity.X + 0.5f, entity.Y + 0.104f, entity.Z + 0.5f); Entities.AddNode(cone); break; case EntityItem.EntityType.Checkpoint: color = new Vector4(1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); line = new Line(entity.Center, entity.Center + new Vector3(entity.OffsetX, 0, entity.OffsetY), color); line.Name = "Checkpoint line " + entity.ID; Entities.AddNode(line); break; case EntityItem.EntityType.Explosion: BillboardAnimation explosion = new BillboardAnimation("images/tmaps/explosion.png", 1f, 1f, 88, 74, 10); explosion.Position = entity.Center; Entities.AddNode(explosion); break; case EntityItem.EntityType.ExtraFuel: collectable = new Collectable(29); break; case EntityItem.EntityType.FuelFull: collectable = new Collectable(30); break; case EntityItem.EntityType.DoubleFuel: collectable = new Collectable(31); break; case EntityItem.EntityType.ExtraAmmo: collectable = new Collectable(32); break; case EntityItem.EntityType.AmmoFull: collectable = new Collectable(33); break; case EntityItem.EntityType.DoubleAmmo: collectable = new Collectable(34); break; case EntityItem.EntityType.ExtraShield: collectable = new Collectable(35); break; case EntityItem.EntityType.ShieldFull: collectable = new Collectable(36); break; case EntityItem.EntityType.DoubleShield: collectable = new Collectable(37); break; case EntityItem.EntityType.BoosterUpgrade: collectable = new Collectable(40); break; case EntityItem.EntityType.MissileUpgrade: collectable = new Collectable(39); break; case EntityItem.EntityType.MinigunUpgrade: collectable = new Collectable(38); break; case EntityItem.EntityType.UnknownShieldItem: collectable = new Collectable(41); break; case EntityItem.EntityType.UnknownItem: case EntityItem.EntityType.Unknown: collectable = new Collectable(50); break; default: boxSize = 0.98f; break; } if (collectable != null) { collectable.Position = entity.Center; Entities.AddNode(collectable); } if (boxSize > 0f) { box = new Box(boxSize, entity.Center - 0.5f * boxSize * Vector3.One, color); Entities.AddNode(box); } }
public FilterControl() { Children = new Drawable[] { Background = new Box { Colour = Color4.Black, Alpha = 0.8f, RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, }, new Container { Padding = new MarginPadding(20), RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Width = 0.5f, Anchor = Anchor.TopRight, Origin = Anchor.TopRight, Children = new Drawable[] { searchTextBox = new SearchTextBox { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X, Exit = () => Exit?.Invoke(), }, new Box { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X, Height = 1, Colour = OsuColour.Gray(80), Origin = Anchor.BottomLeft, Anchor = Anchor.BottomLeft, }, new FillFlowContainer { Anchor = Anchor.BottomRight, Origin = Anchor.BottomRight, Direction = FillDirection.Horizontal, RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X, AutoSizeAxes = Axes.Y, Children = new Drawable[] { groupTabs = new OsuTabControl <GroupMode> { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X, Height = 24, Width = 0.5f, AutoSort = true }, //spriteText = new OsuSpriteText //{ // Font = @"Exo2.0-Bold", // Text = "Sort results by", // Size = 14, // Margin = new MarginPadding // { // Top = 5, // Bottom = 5 // }, //}, sortTabs = new OsuTabControl <SortMode> { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X, Width = 0.5f, Height = 24, AutoSort = true, } } }, } } }; searchTextBox.Current.ValueChanged += t => FilterChanged?.Invoke(CreateCriteria()); groupTabs.PinItem(GroupMode.All); groupTabs.PinItem(GroupMode.RecentlyPlayed); groupTabs.Current.ValueChanged += val => Group = val; sortTabs.Current.ValueChanged += val => Sort = val; }
public ChatOverlay() { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both; RelativePositionAxes = Axes.Both; Anchor = Anchor.BottomLeft; Origin = Anchor.BottomLeft; const float padding = 5; Children = new Drawable[] { channelSelectionContainer = new Container { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Height = 1f - DEFAULT_HEIGHT, Masking = true, Children = new[] { channelSelection = new ChannelSelectionOverlay { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, }, }, }, chatContainer = new Container { Name = @"chat container", Anchor = Anchor.BottomLeft, Origin = Anchor.BottomLeft, RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Height = DEFAULT_HEIGHT, Children = new[] { new Container { Name = @"chat area", RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Padding = new MarginPadding { Top = TAB_AREA_HEIGHT }, Children = new Drawable[] { chatBackground = new Box { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, }, currentChannelContainer = new Container <DrawableChannel> { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Padding = new MarginPadding { Bottom = textbox_height }, }, new Container { Anchor = Anchor.BottomLeft, Origin = Anchor.BottomLeft, RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X, Height = textbox_height, Padding = new MarginPadding { Top = padding * 2, Bottom = padding * 2, Left = ChatLine.LEFT_PADDING + padding * 2, Right = padding * 2, }, Children = new Drawable[] { textbox = new FocusedTextBox { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Height = 1, PlaceholderText = "type your message", Exit = () => State = Visibility.Hidden, OnCommit = postMessage, ReleaseFocusOnCommit = false, HoldFocus = true, } } }, loading = new LoadingAnimation(), } }, tabsArea = new Container { Name = @"tabs area", RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X, Height = TAB_AREA_HEIGHT, Children = new Drawable[] { tabBackground = new Box { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Colour = Color4.Black, }, channelTabs = new ChatTabControl { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, OnRequestLeave = removeChannel, }, } }, }, }, }; channelTabs.Current.ValueChanged += newChannel => CurrentChannel = newChannel; channelTabs.ChannelSelectorActive.ValueChanged += value => channelSelection.State = value ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Hidden; channelSelection.StateChanged += state => { channelTabs.ChannelSelectorActive.Value = state == Visibility.Visible; if (state == Visibility.Visible) { textbox.HoldFocus = false; if (1f - ChatHeight.Value < channel_selection_min_height) { transformChatHeightTo(1f - channel_selection_min_height, 800, Easing.OutQuint); } } else { textbox.HoldFocus = true; } }; }
public WedgeButton() { Child = new Container { Anchor = Anchor.BottomLeft, Origin = Anchor.BottomCentre, RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Y, Width = 100, Shear = new Vector2(-0.1f, 0), Masking = true, Child = clickCon = new ClickableContainer { Shear = new Vector2(0.1f, 0), Anchor = Anchor.BottomRight, Origin = Anchor.BottomRight, Size = new Vector2(wedge_width * 1.1f), Action = () => Action?.Invoke(), Masking = true, EdgeEffect = new EdgeEffectParameters { Colour = Color4.Black.Opacity(0.05f), Type = EdgeEffectType.Shadow, Radius = 10 }, Children = new Drawable[] { background = new Box { Anchor = Anchor.BottomRight, Origin = Anchor.BottomRight, RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Shear = new Vector2(-0.05f, 0.05f), Width = 0.95f, Colour = ActiveColour, EdgeSmoothness = Vector2.One }, new Box { Anchor = Anchor.BottomRight, Origin = Anchor.BottomRight, RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Shear = new Vector2(-0.05f, 0.05f), Width = 0.95f, Colour = Color4.White.Opacity(0.1f), Alpha = 0 }, ButtonIcon = new SpriteIcon { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Y = -10, Anchor = Anchor.Centre, Origin = Anchor.Centre, FillMode = FillMode.Fit, Colour = Color4.White }, buttonText = new SpriteText { Y = 25, Shadow = true, AllowMultiline = false, Anchor = Anchor.Centre, Origin = Anchor.Centre, TextSize = 20 } } } }; buttonText.Hide(); }
public override void Run(Box parent) { var scroller = new Scroller(parent) { WeightX = 1, WeightY = 1, AlignmentX = -1, AlignmentY = -1, ScrollBlock = ScrollBlock.Horizontal, }; scroller.Show(); var box = new Box(parent) { AlignmentX = -1, AlignmentY = -1, WeightX = 1, WeightY = 1, }; box.Show(); scroller.SetContent(box); var images = new string[] { "image.png", "image2.jpg" }; int numRows = 80; box.MinimumHeight = 200 * numRows; for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) { var innerScroller = new Scroller(parent) { AlignmentX = -1, AlignmentY = -1, WeightX = 1, WeightY = 1, MinimumHeight = 200, MinimumWidth = 720, ScrollBlock = ScrollBlock.Vertical, }; innerScroller.Show(); box.PackEnd(innerScroller); var innerBox = new Box(parent) { AlignmentX = -1, AlignmentY = -1, WeightX = 1, WeightY = 1, IsHorizontal = true, }; innerBox.Show(); int numCols = 10; innerBox.MinimumHeight = 200; innerBox.MinimumWidth = 200 * numCols; for (int j = 0; j < numCols; j++) { var img = new Image(parent) { AlignmentX = -1, AlignmentY = -1, WeightX = 1, WeightY = 1, MinimumHeight = 200, MinimumWidth = 200, }; img.Load(Application.Current.DirectoryInfo.Resource + images[(i + j) % 2]); img.Show(); img.Show(); innerBox.PackEnd(img); } innerScroller.SetContent(innerBox); } parent.PackEnd(scroller); }
public override void OnExpired(Box b) { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); }
///////////////??? public override bool ShouldTakeEffect(Box b) { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); }
public ChannelTabItem(Channel value) : base(value) { Width = 150; RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Y; Anchor = Anchor.BottomLeft; Origin = Anchor.BottomLeft; Shear = new Vector2(shear_width / ChatOverlay.TAB_AREA_HEIGHT, 0); Masking = true; EdgeEffect = new EdgeEffectParameters { Type = EdgeEffectType.Shadow, Radius = 10, Colour = Color4.Black.Opacity(0.2f), }; Children = new Drawable[] { box = new Box { EdgeSmoothness = new Vector2(1, 0), RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, }, highlightBox = new Box { Width = 5, Alpha = 0, Anchor = Anchor.BottomRight, Origin = Anchor.BottomRight, EdgeSmoothness = new Vector2(1, 0), RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Y, }, new Container { Shear = new Vector2(-shear_width / ChatOverlay.TAB_AREA_HEIGHT, 0), RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Children = new Drawable[] { icon = new TextAwesome { Icon = FontAwesome.fa_hashtag, Anchor = Anchor.CentreLeft, Origin = Anchor.CentreLeft, Colour = Color4.Black, X = -10, Alpha = 0.2f, TextSize = ChatOverlay.TAB_AREA_HEIGHT, }, text = new OsuSpriteText { Margin = new MarginPadding(5), Origin = Anchor.CentreLeft, Anchor = Anchor.CentreLeft, Text = value.ToString(), TextSize = 18, }, textBold = new OsuSpriteText { Alpha = 0, Margin = new MarginPadding(5), Origin = Anchor.CentreLeft, Anchor = Anchor.CentreLeft, Text = value.ToString(), Font = @"Exo2.0-Bold", TextSize = 18, }, } } }; }
public override void Effect(Box b) { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // <Snippet2> List <Box> Boxes = new List <Box>(); Boxes.Add(new Box(4, 20, 14)); Boxes.Add(new Box(12, 12, 12)); Boxes.Add(new Box(8, 20, 10)); Boxes.Add(new Box(6, 10, 2)); Boxes.Add(new Box(2, 8, 4)); Boxes.Add(new Box(2, 6, 8)); Boxes.Add(new Box(4, 12, 20)); Boxes.Add(new Box(18, 10, 4)); Boxes.Add(new Box(24, 4, 18)); Boxes.Add(new Box(10, 4, 16)); Boxes.Add(new Box(10, 2, 10)); Boxes.Add(new Box(6, 18, 2)); Boxes.Add(new Box(8, 12, 4)); Boxes.Add(new Box(12, 10, 8)); Boxes.Add(new Box(14, 6, 6)); Boxes.Add(new Box(16, 6, 16)); Boxes.Add(new Box(2, 8, 12)); Boxes.Add(new Box(4, 24, 8)); Boxes.Add(new Box(8, 6, 20)); Boxes.Add(new Box(18, 18, 12)); // Sort by an Comparer<T> implementation that sorts // first by the length. Boxes.Sort(new BoxLengthFirst()); Console.WriteLine("H - L - W"); Console.WriteLine("=========="); foreach (Box bx in Boxes) { Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}\t{2}", bx.Height.ToString(), bx.Length.ToString(), bx.Width.ToString()); } // </Snippet2> Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("H - L - W"); Console.WriteLine("=========="); // <Snippet3> // Get the default comparer that // sorts first by the height. Comparer <Box> defComp = Comparer <Box> .Default; // Calling Boxes.Sort() with no parameter // is the same as calling Boxs.Sort(defComp) // because they are both using the default comparer. Boxes.Sort(); foreach (Box bx in Boxes) { Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}\t{2}", bx.Height.ToString(), bx.Length.ToString(), bx.Width.ToString()); } // </Snippet3> // <Snippet4> // This explicit interface implementation // compares first by the length. // Returns -1 because the length of BoxA // is less than the length of BoxB. BoxLengthFirst LengthFirst = new BoxLengthFirst(); Comparer <Box> bc = (Comparer <Box>)LengthFirst; Box BoxA = new Box(2, 6, 8); Box BoxB = new Box(10, 12, 14); int x = LengthFirst.Compare(BoxA, BoxB); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(x.ToString()); // </Snippet4> }
public PropertyItem(MemberInfo info, IDrawable d) { Type type; switch (info.MemberType) { case MemberTypes.Property: PropertyInfo propertyInfo = (PropertyInfo)info; type = propertyInfo.PropertyType; getValue = () => propertyInfo.GetValue(d); break; case MemberTypes.Field: FieldInfo fieldInfo = (FieldInfo)info; type = fieldInfo.FieldType; getValue = () => fieldInfo.GetValue(d); break; default: throw new NotImplementedException(@"Not a value member."); } RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X; AutoSizeAxes = Axes.Y; AddRangeInternal(new Drawable[] { new Container { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X, AutoSizeAxes = Axes.Y, Padding = new MarginPadding { Right = 6 }, Child = new FillFlowContainer <SpriteText> { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X, AutoSizeAxes = Axes.Y, Direction = FillDirection.Horizontal, Spacing = new Vector2(10f), Children = new[] { new SpriteText { Text = info.Name, Colour = Color4.LightBlue, }, new SpriteText { Text = $@"[{type.Name}]:", Colour = Color4.MediumPurple, }, valueText = new SpriteText { Colour = Color4.White, }, } } }, changeMarker = new Box { Size = new Vector2(4, 18), Anchor = Anchor.CentreRight, Origin = Anchor.CentreRight, Colour = Color4.Red } }); // Update the value once updateValue(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { battleComponent = GetComponent <UIPanel>().ui; boxButton = battleComponent.GetChild("boxButton").asButton; boxButton.visible = false; boxButton.onClick.Add(() => { boxWindow = new BoxWindow(box); boxWindow.Show(); }); // 坦克将碰撞到的盒子传递过来,通过判断盒子是否为空表示远离或接近 Box.boxDelegate += (Box box) => { boxButton.visible = box == null ? false : true; // 远离盒子时关闭窗口 if (!boxButton.visible && boxWindow != null) { boxWindow.Hide(); boxWindow.Dispose(); boxWindow = null; boxButton.selected = false; } = box; }; Tank.goodsDelegate += (List <Goods> goodsList) => { // 清除旧窗口 if (goodsWindow != null) { goodsWindow.Hide(); goodsWindow.Dispose(); goodsWindow = null; } // 新建新窗口 createGoodsWindow(goodsList); }; // 注册拖拽事件 GGroup footer = battleComponent.GetChild("footer").asGroup; mulGoodsList = battleComponent.GetChildInGroup(footer, "buttleList").asList; sinGoodsList = battleComponent.GetChildInGroup(footer, "goodsList").asList; GObject[] mulGoodsButtons = mulGoodsList.GetChildren(); GObject[] sinGoodsButtons = sinGoodsList.GetChildren(); getGoodsDelegate += getGoods; dragIcon = battleComponent.GetChild("dragIcon").asLoader; touchID = -1; bulletEmptyList = new List <GButton>(); medecineEmptyList = new List <GButton>(); for (int i = 0; i < mulGoodsButtons.Length; i++) { GButton btn = (GButton)mulGoodsButtons[i]; btn.visible = false; addDragAndDrop(btn); bulletEmptyList.Add(btn); } for (int i = 0; i < sinGoodsButtons.Length; i++) { GButton btn = (GButton)sinGoodsButtons[i]; btn.visible = false; addDragAndDrop(btn); // 包含药品、道具 medecineEmptyList.Add(btn); } coldDownTable = new Hashtable(); bulletColdDownTime = 0; medecineColdDownTime = 0; }
public static string AsString(this Box box) { return($"{box.Left} {box.Bottom} {box.Width} {box.Height}"); }
private void BtnCancelar(object sender, EventArgs e) { Box.AbortAnimation("ColorTo"); //ViewExtensions.CancelAnimation(Box); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public Task <Box> CreateAsync(Box box) { this.Boxes.Add(box); return(Task.FromResult(this.Boxes.Find(b => b.Equals(box)))); }
public Error(int error) { Box.Show(ec[error], "Caution", 951); }
private async void BtnColor(object sender, EventArgs e) { var colorTo = Color.FromHex(TxtColor.Text); await Box.ColorTo(Box.BackgroundColor, colorTo, p => Box.BackgroundColor = p, 5000, Easing.Linear); }
public override void PropChanged(object sender, EventArgs args) { var builder = ContainingBox.Builder; builder.CurrentHookup = this; var newItems = Fetcher().ToArray(); // See how much we can keep at the start of the sequence; int firstChildToReplace = 0; int firstItemToReplace = 0; while (firstChildToReplace < Children.Count) { var group = ((IItemsHookup)Children[firstChildToReplace]).ItemGroup; if (!DoesGroupMatch(group, newItems, firstItemToReplace)) { break; } firstChildToReplace++; firstItemToReplace += group.Length; } // See how much we can keep at the end of the sequence; int limChildToReplace = Children.Count; int limItemToReplace = newItems.Length; while (limChildToReplace > firstChildToReplace) { var group = ((IItemsHookup)Children[limChildToReplace - 1]).ItemGroup; if (!DoesGroupMatch(group, newItems, limItemToReplace - group.Length)) { break; } limChildToReplace--; limItemToReplace -= group.Length; } Box firstBoxToRemove = null; for (int i = firstChildToReplace; i < limChildToReplace && firstBoxToRemove == null; i++) { firstBoxToRemove = ((IItemsHookup)Children[i]).FirstBox; } Box lastBoxToRemove = GetLastBoxInRange(firstChildToReplace, limChildToReplace); Children.RemoveRange(firstChildToReplace, limChildToReplace - firstChildToReplace); if (firstBoxToRemove != null) { ContainingBox.RemoveBoxes(firstBoxToRemove, lastBoxToRemove); } if (limItemToReplace > firstItemToReplace) { var lazyBox = new LazyBox <T>(builder.NestedBoxStyles, this, newItems.Skip(firstItemToReplace).Take(limItemToReplace - firstItemToReplace)); ContainingBox.InsertBox(lazyBox, GetLastBoxInRange(0, firstChildToReplace)); Children.Insert(firstChildToReplace, lazyBox); using (var gh = ContainingBox.Root.Site.DrawingInfo) { lazyBox.RelayoutWithParents(gh); } } else if (limChildToReplace > firstChildToReplace) { // pure deletion. using (var gh = ContainingBox.Root.Site.DrawingInfo) { ContainingBox.RelayoutWithParents(gh); } } }
protected SearchableListFilterControl() { if (!typeof(T).IsEnum) { throw new InvalidOperationException("SearchableListFilterControl's sort tabs only support enums as the generic type argument"); } RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X; var controls = CreateSupplementaryControls(); Container controlsContainer; Children = new Drawable[] { filterContainer = new Container { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X, AutoSizeAxes = Axes.Y, Children = new Drawable[] { new Box { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Colour = BackgroundColour, Alpha = 0.9f, }, tabStrip = new Box { Anchor = Anchor.BottomLeft, Origin = Anchor.BottomLeft, RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X, Height = 1, }, new FillFlowContainer { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X, AutoSizeAxes = Axes.Y, Padding = new MarginPadding { Top = padding, Horizontal = SearchableListOverlay.WIDTH_PADDING }, Children = new Drawable[] { Search = new FilterSearchTextBox { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X, }, controlsContainer = new Container { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X, AutoSizeAxes = Axes.Y, Margin = new MarginPadding { Top = controls != null ? padding : 0 }, }, Tabs = new PageTabControl <T> { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X, }, new Box //keep the tab strip part of autosize, but don't put it in the flow container { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X, Height = 1, Colour = Color4.White.Opacity(0), }, }, }, }, }, DisplayStyleControl = new DisplayStyleControl <U> { Anchor = Anchor.TopRight, Origin = Anchor.TopRight, }, }; if (controls != null) { controlsContainer.Children = new[] { controls } } ; Tabs.Current.Value = DefaultTab; Tabs.Current.TriggerChange(); }
private void load(OsuColour colours, GameHost host) { = host; // TODO: should probably be done at a RulesetContainer level to share logic with Player. var sourceClock = (IAdjustableClock)Beatmap.Value.Track ?? new StopwatchClock(); clock = new EditorClock(Beatmap.Value, beatDivisor) { IsCoupled = false }; clock.ChangeSource(sourceClock); dependencies.CacheAs <IFrameBasedClock>(clock); dependencies.CacheAs <IAdjustableClock>(clock); dependencies.Cache(beatDivisor); EditorMenuBar menuBar; TimeInfoContainer timeInfo; SummaryTimeline timeline; PlaybackControl playback; Children = new[] { new Container { Name = "Screen container", RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Padding = new MarginPadding { Top = 40, Bottom = 60 }, Child = screenContainer = new Container { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Masking = true } }, new Container { Name = "Top bar", RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X, Height = 40, Child = menuBar = new EditorMenuBar { Anchor = Anchor.CentreLeft, Origin = Anchor.CentreLeft, RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Items = new[] { new MenuItem("File") { Items = new[] { new EditorMenuItem("Export", MenuItemType.Standard, exportBeatmap), new EditorMenuItemSpacer(), new EditorMenuItem("Exit", MenuItemType.Standard, Exit) } } } } }, new Container { Name = "Bottom bar", Anchor = Anchor.BottomLeft, Origin = Anchor.BottomLeft, RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X, Height = 60, Children = new Drawable[] { bottomBackground = new Box { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both }, new Container { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Padding = new MarginPadding { Vertical = 5, Horizontal = 10 }, Child = new GridContainer { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, ColumnDimensions = new[] { new Dimension(GridSizeMode.Absolute, 220), new Dimension(), new Dimension(GridSizeMode.Absolute, 220) }, Content = new[] { new Drawable[] { new Container { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Padding = new MarginPadding { Right = 10 }, Child = new TimeInfoContainer { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both }, }, new SummaryTimeline { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, }, new Container { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Padding = new MarginPadding { Left = 10 }, Child = new PlaybackControl { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both }, } }, } }, } } }, }; menuBar.Mode.ValueChanged += onModeChanged; bottomBackground.Colour = colours.Gray2; }
protected override Box CreateBoxCore(TexEnvironment environment) { var texFont = environment.MathFont; var style = environment.Style; // Create box for base atom. var baseBox = this.BaseAtom == null ? StrutBox.Empty : this.BaseAtom.CreateBox(environment); if (this.SubscriptAtom == null && this.SuperscriptAtom == null) { if (baseBox is CharBox) { // This situation should only happen when CreateBox called on a temporary ScriptsAtom created from // BigOperatorAtom.CreateBox. The CharBox's Shift should then be fixed up. baseBox.Shift = -(baseBox.Height + baseBox.Depth) / 2 - environment.MathFont.GetAxisHeight(environment.Style); } return(baseBox); } // Create result box. var resultBox = new HorizontalBox(baseBox); // Get last font used or default Mu font. int lastFontId = baseBox.GetLastFontId(); if (lastFontId == TexFontUtilities.NoFontId) { lastFontId = texFont.GetMuFontId(); } var subscriptStyle = environment.GetSubscriptStyle(); var superscriptStyle = environment.GetSuperscriptStyle(); // Set delta value and preliminary shift-up and shift-down amounts depending on type of base atom. var delta = 0d; double shiftUp, shiftDown; if (this.BaseAtom is AccentedAtom) { var accentedBox = ((AccentedAtom)this.BaseAtom).BaseAtom.CreateBox(environment.GetCrampedStyle()); shiftUp = accentedBox.Height - texFont.GetSupDrop(superscriptStyle.Style); shiftDown = accentedBox.Depth + texFont.GetSubDrop(subscriptStyle.Style); } else if (this.BaseAtom is SymbolAtom && this.BaseAtom.Type == TexAtomType.BigOperator) { var charInfo = texFont.GetCharInfo(((SymbolAtom)this.BaseAtom).Name, style).Value; if (style < TexStyle.Text && texFont.HasNextLarger(charInfo)) { charInfo = texFont.GetNextLargerCharInfo(charInfo, style); } var charBox = new CharBox(environment, charInfo); charBox.Shift = -(charBox.Height + charBox.Depth) / 2 - environment.MathFont.GetAxisHeight( environment.Style); resultBox = new HorizontalBox(charBox); delta = charInfo.Metrics.Italic; if (delta > TexUtilities.FloatPrecision && this.SubscriptAtom == null) { resultBox.Add(new StrutBox(delta, 0, 0, 0)); } shiftUp = resultBox.Height - texFont.GetSupDrop(superscriptStyle.Style); shiftDown = resultBox.Depth + texFont.GetSubDrop(subscriptStyle.Style); } else if (this.BaseAtom is CharSymbol charSymbol) { var charFont = charSymbol.GetCharFont(texFont).Value; if (!charSymbol.IsTextSymbol || !texFont.HasSpace(charFont.FontId)) { delta = texFont.GetCharInfo(charFont, style).Value.Metrics.Italic; } if (delta > TexUtilities.FloatPrecision && this.SubscriptAtom == null) { resultBox.Add(new StrutBox(delta, 0, 0, 0)); delta = 0; } shiftUp = 0; shiftDown = 0; } else { shiftUp = baseBox.Height - texFont.GetSupDrop(superscriptStyle.Style); shiftDown = baseBox.Depth + texFont.GetSubDrop(subscriptStyle.Style); } Box superscriptBox = null; Box superscriptContainerBox = null; Box subscriptBox = null; Box subscriptContainerBox = null; if (this.SuperscriptAtom != null) { // Create box for superscript atom. superscriptBox = this.SuperscriptAtom.CreateBox(superscriptStyle); superscriptContainerBox = new HorizontalBox(superscriptBox); // Add box for script space. superscriptContainerBox.Add(scriptSpaceAtom.CreateBox(environment)); // Adjust shift-up amount. double p; if (style == TexStyle.Display) { p = texFont.GetSup1(style); } else if (environment.GetCrampedStyle().Style == style) { p = texFont.GetSup3(style); } else { p = texFont.GetSup2(style); } shiftUp = Math.Max(Math.Max(shiftUp, p), superscriptBox.Depth + Math.Abs(texFont.GetXHeight( style, lastFontId)) / 4); } if (this.SubscriptAtom != null) { // Create box for subscript atom. subscriptBox = this.SubscriptAtom.CreateBox(subscriptStyle); subscriptContainerBox = new HorizontalBox(subscriptBox); // Add box for script space. subscriptContainerBox.Add(scriptSpaceAtom.CreateBox(environment)); } // Check if only superscript is set. if (subscriptBox == null) { superscriptContainerBox.Shift = -shiftUp; resultBox.Add(superscriptContainerBox); return(resultBox); } // Check if only subscript is set. if (superscriptBox == null) { subscriptContainerBox.Shift = Math.Max(Math.Max(shiftDown, texFont.GetSub1(style)), subscriptBox.Height - 4 * Math.Abs(texFont.GetXHeight(style, lastFontId)) / 5); resultBox.Add(subscriptContainerBox); return(resultBox); } // Adjust shift-down amount. shiftDown = Math.Max(shiftDown, texFont.GetSub2(style)); // Reposition both subscript and superscript. double defaultLineThickness = texFont.GetDefaultLineThickness(style); // Space between subscript and superscript. double scriptsInterSpace = shiftUp - superscriptBox.Depth + shiftDown - subscriptBox.Height; if (scriptsInterSpace < 4 * defaultLineThickness) { shiftUp += 4 * defaultLineThickness - scriptsInterSpace; // Position bottom of superscript at least 4/5 of X-height above baseline. double psi = 0.8 * Math.Abs(texFont.GetXHeight(style, lastFontId)) - (shiftUp - superscriptBox.Depth); if (psi > 0) { shiftUp += psi; shiftDown -= psi; } } scriptsInterSpace = shiftUp - superscriptBox.Depth + shiftDown - subscriptBox.Height; // Create box containing both superscript and subscript. var scriptsBox = new VerticalBox(); superscriptContainerBox.Shift = delta; scriptsBox.Add(superscriptContainerBox); scriptsBox.Add(new StrutBox(0, scriptsInterSpace, 0, 0)); scriptsBox.Add(subscriptContainerBox); scriptsBox.Height = shiftUp + superscriptBox.Height; scriptsBox.Depth = shiftDown + subscriptBox.Depth; resultBox.Add(scriptsBox); return(resultBox); }