/// <summary>
    /// Use this method to check if two circle bounds are intersecting with each other
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="c1"></param>
    /// <param name="c2"></param>
    /// <param name="intersectionPoint"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static bool CircleIntersectCircle(BoundsCircle c1, BoundsCircle c2)
        float distanceMax = c1.radius + c2.radius;
        float distance    = Vector2.Distance(c1.center, c2.center);

        return(distance <= distanceMax);
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="y"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static Vector2 GetLeftBoundAtYValueCircle(BoundsCircle cBounds, float y)
        float adjustedY = y - cBounds.center.y;
        float angle     = Mathf.Asin(adjustedY / cBounds.radius);

        return(new Vector2(-Mathf.Cos(angle) * cBounds.radius + cBounds.center.x, y));
    /// <summary>
    /// Overload method of our line intersect method
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="c"></param>
    /// <param name="origin"></param>
    /// <param name="direction"></param>
    /// <param name="length"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static bool LineIntersectCircle(BoundsCircle c, Vector2 origin, Vector2 direction, float length)
        Vector2 pointA = origin;
        Vector2 pointB = origin + direction * length;

        return(LineIntersectCircle(c, pointA, pointB));
    /// <summary>
    /// Use this method to check if a rect bounds intersects a circle bounds
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="r"></param>
    /// <param name="c"></param>
    /// <param name="intersectionPoint"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static bool RectIntersectCircle(BoundsRect r, BoundsCircle c)
        Vector2 point = c.center;

        Vector2 A       = r.topLeft;
        Vector2 B       = r.topRight;
        Vector2 D       = r.bottomLeft;
        float   height  = r.topLeft.y - r.bottomLeft.y;
        float   width   = r.topRight.x - r.topRight.x;
        float   APdotAB = Vector2.Dot(point - A, B - A);
        float   ABdotAB = Vector2.Dot(B - A, B - A);
        float   APdotAD = Vector2.Dot(point - A, D - A);
        float   ADdotAD = Vector2.Dot(D - A, D - A);

        if (0 <= APdotAB && APdotAB <= ABdotAB && 0 <= APdotAD && APdotAD < ADdotAD)

        return(LineIntersectCircle(c, r.bottomLeft, r.topRight));
        //float rectX = r.bottomLeft.x;
        //float recty = r.bottomLeft.y;

        //float nearestX = Mathf.Max(rectX, Mathf.Min(point.x, rectX + width));
        //float nearestY = Mathf.Max(recty, Mathf.Min(point.y, recty + height));

        //float dX = point.x - nearestX;
        //float dY = point.y - nearestY;

        //return (dX * dX + dY * dY) < c.radius * c.radius;
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="x"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static Vector2 GetUpperBoundsAtXValueCircle(BoundsCircle cBounds, float x)
        float adjustedX = x - cBounds.center.x;

        float angle = Mathf.Acos(adjustedX / cBounds.radius);

        return(new Vector2(x, Mathf.Sin(angle) * cBounds.radius + cBounds.center.y));
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns true if the line that was passed in intersect with the given circle
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="c"></param>
    /// <param name="origin"></param>
    /// <param name="direction"></param>
    /// <param name="length"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static bool LineIntersectCircle(BoundsCircle c, Vector2 pointA, Vector2 pointB)
        Vector2 point = c.center;

        float rectX = pointA.x;
        float recty = pointA.y;

        float nearestX = Mathf.Max(rectX, Mathf.Min(point.x, pointB.x));
        float nearestY = Mathf.Max(recty, Mathf.Min(point.y, pointB.y));

        float dX = point.x - nearestX;
        float dY = point.y - nearestY;

        return((dX * dX + dY * dY) < c.radius * c.radius);
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cap"></param>
 /// <param name="cir"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static bool CapsuleIntersectCircle(BoundsCapsule cap, BoundsCircle cir)
     if (CircleIntersectCircle(cap.bottomCircleBounds, cir))
     if (CircleIntersectCircle(cap.topCircleBounds, cir))
     if (RectIntersectCircle(cap.rectBounds, cir))
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the collision point of the of the two collider bounds
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="r1"></param>
    /// <param name="c1"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static Vector2 IntersectionPointNonstaticRectOnStaticCircle(CustomBoxCollider2D nonstaticRectCollider, CustomCircleCollider2D staticCircleCollider, bool collidedVertically = true)
        BoundsRect   r1 = nonstaticRectCollider.bounds;
        BoundsCircle c1 = staticCircleCollider.bounds;

        Vector2 centerPointOfCircle = c1.center;
        Vector2 collisionPoint;

        if (collidedVertically)
            if (centerPointOfCircle.x < r1.bottomLeft.x)
                collisionPoint.x = r1.bottomLeft.x;
            else if (centerPointOfCircle.x > r1.bottomRight.x)
                collisionPoint.x = r1.bottomRight.x;
                collisionPoint.x = centerPointOfCircle.x;

            return(IntersectionPointColliderVerticalAtXPoint(nonstaticRectCollider, staticCircleCollider, collisionPoint.x));
            if (centerPointOfCircle.y < r1.bottomLeft.y)
                collisionPoint.y = r1.bottomLeft.y;
            else if (centerPointOfCircle.y > r1.topLeft.y)
                collisionPoint.y = r1.topLeft.y;
                collisionPoint.y = centerPointOfCircle.y;
            return(IntersectionPointColliderHorizontalAtYPoint(nonstaticRectCollider, staticCircleCollider, collisionPoint.y));
Пример #9
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public override void UpdateBoundsOfCollider()
        BoundsCircle cBounds = new BoundsCircle();

        cBounds.center = this.transform.position + new Vector3(colliderOffset.x, colliderOffset.y);
        cBounds.radius = radius;
        bounds         = cBounds;

        if (!isStatic)
            //Adjust the vertical and horizontal bounds of our circle collider if it is a static collider

            this.horizontalBoundsFromVelocity        = bounds;
            this.horizontalBoundsFromVelocity.radius = bounds.radius - radiusBuffer;

            this.verticalBoundsFromVelocity        = bounds;
            this.verticalBoundsFromVelocity.radius = bounds.radius - radiusBuffer;

            if (rigid.Velocity.y < 0)
                verticalBoundsFromVelocity.center = bounds.center + Vector2.up * Mathf.Min(-radiusBuffer, rigid.Velocity.y * Overseer.DELTA_TIME);
            else if (rigid.Velocity.y > 0)
                verticalBoundsFromVelocity.center = bounds.center + Vector2.up * Mathf.Max(radiusBuffer, rigid.Velocity.y * Overseer.DELTA_TIME);
            if (rigid.Velocity.x < 0)
                horizontalBoundsFromVelocity.center = bounds.center + Vector2.right * Mathf.Min(-radiusBuffer, rigid.Velocity.x * Overseer.DELTA_TIME);
            else if (rigid.Velocity.x > 0)
                horizontalBoundsFromVelocity.center = bounds.center + Vector2.right * Mathf.Max(radiusBuffer, rigid.Velocity.x * Overseer.DELTA_TIME);
Пример #10
    private static Vector2 CollisionPointCircleOnCircleBounds(BoundsCircle c1, BoundsCircle c2)
        float totalRadius = c1.radius + c2.radius;

        return(c1.center + (c2.center - c1.center) * c1.radius / totalRadius);
    /// <summary>
    /// Updates the bounds of the capsule collider. The Capsule collider is made up of one rect bounds and two circle bounds
    /// </summary>
    public override void UpdateBoundsOfCollider()
        BoundsRect b      = new BoundsRect();
        Vector2    origin = this.transform.position + new Vector3(colliderOffset.x, colliderOffset.y);
        float      xSize  = drawHorizontal ? size : radius * 2;
        float      ySize  = drawHorizontal ? radius * 2 : size;

        b.topLeft         = origin + Vector2.up * ySize / 2 - Vector2.right * xSize / 2;
        b.topRight        = origin + Vector2.up * ySize / 2 + Vector2.right * xSize / 2;
        b.bottomLeft      = origin - Vector2.up * ySize / 2 - Vector2.right * xSize / 2;
        b.bottomRight     = origin - Vector2.up * ySize / 2 + Vector2.right * xSize / 2;
        bounds.rectBounds = b;

        BoundsCircle topCircle = new BoundsCircle();

        topCircle.center       = b.topLeft + (b.topRight - b.topLeft) / 2f;
        topCircle.radius       = radius;
        bounds.topCircleBounds = topCircle;

        BoundsCircle bottomCircle = new BoundsCircle();

        bottomCircle.center       = b.bottomLeft + (b.bottomRight - b.bottomLeft) / 2f;
        bottomCircle.radius       = radius;
        bounds.bottomCircleBounds = bottomCircle;

        if (!isStatic)
            verticalBounds = bounds;

            verticalBounds.topCircleBounds.radius    = bounds.topCircleBounds.radius - colliderBuffer;
            verticalBounds.bottomCircleBounds.radius = bounds.bottomCircleBounds.radius - colliderBuffer;
            verticalBounds.rectBounds.topLeft.x      = bounds.rectBounds.topLeft.x + colliderBuffer / 2;
            verticalBounds.rectBounds.topRight.x     = bounds.rectBounds.topRight.x - colliderBuffer / 2;
            verticalBounds.rectBounds.bottomLeft.x   = verticalBounds.rectBounds.topLeft.x;
            verticalBounds.rectBounds.bottomRight.x  = verticalBounds.rectBounds.topRight.x;

            horizontalBounds = bounds;
            horizontalBounds.topCircleBounds.radius    -= colliderBuffer;
            horizontalBounds.bottomCircleBounds.radius -= colliderBuffer;

            //horizontalBounds.topCircleBounds.center += Vector2.down * colliderBuffer;
            //horizontalBounds.bottomCircleBounds.center += Vector2.up * colliderBuffer;

            Vector2 horizontalOffset = Vector2.zero;
            Vector2 verticalOffset   = Vector2.zero;

            if (rigid.Velocity.y > 0)
                verticalOffset = Vector2.up * Mathf.Max(colliderBuffer, rigid.Velocity.y * Overseer.DELTA_TIME);
            else if (rigid.Velocity.y < 0)
                verticalOffset = Vector2.up * Mathf.Min(-colliderBuffer, rigid.Velocity.y * Overseer.DELTA_TIME);

            if (rigid.Velocity.x > 0)
                horizontalOffset = Vector2.right * Mathf.Max(colliderBuffer, rigid.Velocity.x * Overseer.DELTA_TIME);
            else if (rigid.Velocity.x < 0)
                horizontalOffset = Vector2.right * Mathf.Min(-colliderBuffer, rigid.Velocity.x * Overseer.DELTA_TIME);
