private void OnAltsAdminAddCommand(BotShell bot, CommandArgs e) { if (e.Args.Length < 2) { bot.SendReply(e, "Correct Usage: alts admin add [main] [alt]"); return; } string main = Format.UppercaseFirst(e.Args[0]); string alt = Format.UppercaseFirst(e.Args[1]); if (bot.GetUserID(main) < 1) { bot.SendReply(e, "No such user: "******"No such user: "******" is an alt of " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, Format.UppercaseFirst(bot.Users.GetMain(main)))); return; } if (!bot.Users.UserExists(main)) { bot.SendReply(e, HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, main) + " is not a member of this bot"); return; } if (bot.Users.IsAlt(alt)) { bot.SendReply(e, HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, alt) + " already has been added as alt of " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, Format.UppercaseFirst(bot.Users.GetMain(alt)))); return; } if (bot.Users.GetAlts(alt).Length > 0) { bot.SendReply(e, HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, alt) + " is a main and has alts. You can't add a user with alts as alt!"); return; } if (bot.Users.GetUser(main) > bot.Users.GetUser(e.Sender)) { bot.SendReply(e, "You can't add alts to a user that outranks you!"); return; } if (bot.Users.GetUser(main) < bot.Users.GetUser(alt)) { bot.SendReply(e, HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, alt) + " outranks " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, main) + " and can't be added as alt"); return; } if (bot.Users.GetUser(alt) > UserLevel.Guest) { bot.SendReply(e, HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, alt) + " was a member of this bot and has been removed prior to being added as alt"); bot.Users.RemoveUser(alt); } bot.Users.AddAlt(main, alt); bot.SendReply(e, HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, alt) + " has been added as alt of " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, main)); }
private void OnAltsAdminRemoveCommand(BotShell bot, CommandArgs e) { if (e.Args.Length < 1) { bot.SendReply(e, "Correct Usage: alts admin remove [alt]"); return; } string alt = Format.UppercaseFirst(e.Args[0]); if (bot.GetUserID(alt) < 1) { bot.SendReply(e, "No such user: "******" is not an alt"); } if (bot.Users.GetUser(bot.Users.GetMain(alt)) > bot.Users.GetUser(e.Sender)) { bot.SendReply(e, "You can't remove alts from a user that outranks you!"); return; } bot.Users.RemoveAlt(alt); bot.SendReply(e, HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, alt) + " has been removed as your alt"); }
private void OnSecurityFixidCommand(BotShell bot, CommandArgs e) { if (e.Args.Length < 1) { bot.SendReply(e, "Correct Usage: security fixid [username]"); return; } string username = Config.EscapeString(Format.UppercaseFirst(e.Args[0])); UInt32 userID = bot.GetUserID(username); if (userID < 1) { bot.SendReply(e, "No such user: "******"UPDATE alts SET altID = " + userID + " WHERE altname = '" + username + "'"); bot.SendReply(e, "Updated " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, username + "'s") + " character id to " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, userID.ToString())); return; } if (this._host.IsMember(username)) { this._database.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE members SET userID = " + userID + " WHERE username = '******'"); bot.SendReply(e, "Updated " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, username + "'s") + " character id to " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, userID.ToString())); return; } bot.SendReply(e, "Unable to fix " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, username)); }
private void OnRaidUnbanCommand(BotShell bot, CommandArgs e) { if (e.Args.Length < 1) { bot.SendReply(e, "Correct Usage: raid unban [username]"); return; } string character = Format.UppercaseFirst(e.Args[0]); if (bot.GetUserID(character) < 100) { bot.SendReply(e, "No such user: "******" is not banned from this raid"); return; } character = this._bans[main].Character; this._bans.Remove(main); bot.SendPrivateMessage(character, this._bot.ColorHighlight + "Your access to the raid has been restored by " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, e.Sender)); bot.SendReply(e, HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, character) + " has been unbanned from the raid"); this._core.Log(character, e.Sender, this.InternalName, "bans", string.Format("{0} has been unbanned from the raid", character)); } }
private void OnIsCommand(BotShell bot, CommandArgs e) { foreach (string username in e.Args) { UInt32 userid = bot.GetUserID(username); OnlineState state = bot.FriendList.IsOnline(userid); if (state == OnlineState.Timeout) { bot.SendReply(e, "Request timed out. Please try again later"); return; } if (state == OnlineState.Unknown) { bot.SendReply(e, "No such user: "******"Online"); if (state == OnlineState.Offline) { append = HTML.CreateColorString(RichTextWindow.ColorRed, "Offline"); Int64 seen = bot.FriendList.Seen(username); if (seen > 1) { append += " and was last seen online at " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, Format.DateTime(seen, FormatStyle.Large) + " GMT"); } } bot.SendReply(e, String.Format("{0} is currently {1}", Format.UppercaseFirst(username), append)); } }
private void OnTasksAddCommand(BotShell bot, CommandArgs e) { if (e.Args.Length < 2) { bot.SendReply(e, "Correct Usage: tasks add [username] [task]"); return; } string username = Format.UppercaseFirst(e.Args[0]); if (bot.GetUserID(username) < 100) { bot.SendReply(e, "No such user: "******" isn't online right now"); return; } string task = e.Words[1]; this._database.ExecuteNonQuery("DELETE FROM tasks WHERE username = '******'"); this._database.ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format("INSERT INTO tasks (username, task) VALUES ('{0}', '{1}')", username, Config.EscapeString(task))); bot.SendReply(e, "You have assigned a task to " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, username)); bot.SendPrivateChannelMessage(bot.ColorHighlight + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, e.Sender) + " has assigned " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, username) + " the following task: " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, task)); bot.SendPrivateMessage(username, bot.ColorHighlight + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, e.Sender) + " has assigned you the following task: " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, task)); }
private void OnAltsCommand(BotShell bot, CommandArgs e) { string username = ""; if (e.Args.Length < 1) { //{ // bot.SendReply(e, "Correct Usage: " + e.Command + " [username]"); // return; //} username = e.Sender; } else { username = e.Args[0]; } if (bot.GetUserID(username) < 1) { bot.SendReply(e, "No such user: "******" doesn't have any alts"); return; } bot.SendReply(e, main + "'s characters »» ", window); }
private void OnTeamsRemoveCommand(BotShell bot, CommandArgs e) { if (e.Args.Length < 1) { bot.SendReply(e, "Correct Usage: teams remove [username]"); return; } string username = Format.UppercaseFirst(e.Args[0]); if (bot.GetUserID(username) < 100) { bot.SendReply(e, "No such user: "******"SELECT * FROM teams WHERE username = '******'"; IDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (!reader.Read()) { reader.Close(); bot.SendReply(e, HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, username) + " is not on any team"); return; } reader.Close(); } this._database.ExecuteNonQuery("DELETE FROM teams WHERE username = '******'"); bot.SendReply(e, HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, username) + " has been removed from the team"); bot.SendPrivateChannelMessage(bot.ColorHighlight + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, username) + " has been removed from the team"); }
private void OnMassCommand(BotShell bot, CommandArgs e, bool invite) { if (e.Words.Length < 1) { bot.SendReply(e, "Correct Usage: " + e.Command + " [message]"); return; } string[] members = this.GetOnlineMembers(); if (invite) { bot.SendReply(e, "Sending out an mass invite to " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, members.Length.ToString()) + " members"); } else { bot.SendReply(e, "Sending out an announcement to " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, members.Length.ToString()) + " members"); } string message = bot.ColorHighlight + "Message from " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, e.Sender) + " »» " + bot.ColorNormal + e.Words[0]; foreach (string member in members) { if (invite && !bot.PrivateChannel.IsOn(member)) { bot.PrivateChannel.Invite(member); } } foreach (string member in members) { bot.SendPrivateMessage(bot.GetUserID(member), message, AoLib.Net.PacketQueue.Priority.Low, true); } }
private void OnTeamsLeaderCommand(BotShell bot, CommandArgs e) { if (e.Args.Length < 2) { bot.SendReply(e, "Correct Usage: teams set [username] [team]"); return; } string username = Format.UppercaseFirst(e.Args[0]); if (bot.GetUserID(username) < 100) { bot.SendReply(e, "No such user: "******"Invalid Team: " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, e.Args[1])); return; } this._database.ExecuteNonQuery("DELETE FROM teams WHERE username = '******'"); this._database.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE teams SET leader = 0 WHERE team = " + team); this._database.ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format("INSERT INTO teams (username, team, leader) VALUES ('{0}', {1}, 1)", username, team)); bot.SendReply(e, HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, username) + " is now the leader of team " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, team.ToString())); bot.SendPrivateChannelMessage(bot.ColorHighlight + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, username) + " is now leader of team " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, team.ToString())); }
private void OnSecurityCommand(BotShell bot, CommandArgs e) { bot.SendReply(e, "Gathering Data. This can take several minutes. Please stand by..."); RichTextWindow window = new RichTextWindow(bot); window.AppendTitle("Invalid ID's / Rerolled Characters"); List <SecurityProcessItem> members = new List <SecurityProcessItem>(); lock (this._database.Connection) { using (IDbCommand command = this._database.Connection.CreateCommand()) { command.CommandText = "SELECT username as name, userID as id, 'Main' as type FROM members UNION SELECT altname, altID, 'Alt' FROM alts ORDER BY name"; IDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { string username = reader.GetString(0); UInt32 userID = (UInt32)reader.GetInt64(1); string type = reader.GetString(2); members.Add(new SecurityProcessItem(username, userID, type)); } reader.Close(); } } foreach (SecurityProcessItem member in members) { UInt32 realID = bot.GetUserID(member.Username); if (realID == 0) { window.AppendHighlight(member.Username); window.AppendNormalStart(); window.AppendString(" (" + member.Type + ") ("); window.AppendColorString(RichTextWindow.ColorRed, "Deleted"); window.AppendString(") ["); window.AppendBotCommand("Account", "account " + member.Username); window.AppendString("]"); window.AppendColorEnd(); window.AppendLineBreak(); } else if (realID != member.UserID) { window.AppendHighlight(member.Username); window.AppendNormalStart(); window.AppendString(" (Current=" + member.UserID + " Real=" + realID + ") (" + member.Type + ") ("); window.AppendColorString(RichTextWindow.ColorOrange, "Invalid ID"); window.AppendString(") ["); window.AppendBotCommand("Account", "account " + member.Username); window.AppendString("] ["); window.AppendBotCommand("Fix", "security fixid " + member.Username); window.AppendString("]"); window.AppendColorEnd(); window.AppendLineBreak(); } } bot.SendReply(e, "Security Report »» ", window); }
private void OnRaidBanCommand(BotShell bot, CommandArgs e) { int duration = 0; try { if (e.Args.Length < 2) { throw new Exception(); } duration = Convert.ToInt32(e.Args[1]); if (duration < 1) { throw new Exception(); } } catch { bot.SendReply(e, "Correct Usage: raid ban [username] [minutes]"); return; } string character = Format.UppercaseFirst(e.Args[0]); if (bot.GetUserID(character) < 100) { bot.SendReply(e, "No such user: "******"The duration of your suspension has been set to " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, banned.Duration.ToString()) + " minutes by " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, e.Sender)); bot.SendReply(e, HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, character + "'s") + " raid ban duration has been updated to " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, banned.Duration.ToString()) + " minutes"); this._core.Log(character, e.Sender, this.InternalName, "bans", string.Format("{0}'s raid ban duration has been updated to {1} minutes", character, banned.Duration)); } else { bot.SendPrivateMessage(character, bot.ColorHighlight + "Your access to the raid has been suspended for " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, banned.Duration.ToString()) + " minutes by " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, e.Sender)); bot.SendReply(e, HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, character) + " has been banned from the raid for " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, banned.Duration.ToString()) + " minutes"); this._core.Log(character, e.Sender, this.InternalName, "bans", string.Format("{0} has banned from the raid for {1} minutes", character, banned.Duration)); } this._bans.Add(main, banned); } }
public override void OnPluginMessage(BotShell bot, PluginMessage message) { try { if (message.Command != "announce") { return; } if (message.Args.Length < 3) { return; } string group = (string)message.Args[0]; if (group == null || group == string.Empty) { return; } string source = (string)message.Args[1]; if (source == null || source == string.Empty) { return; } string sender = (string)message.Args[2]; if (sender == null || sender == string.Empty) { return; } string msg = (string)message.Args[3]; if (msg == null || msg == string.Empty) { return; } string formattedMessage = bot.ColorHighlight + "Message from " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, sender) + " on " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, source) + " »» " + bot.ColorNormal + msg; string[] members = this._friendsList.GetOnlineMembers(group, true); bot.SendPrivateMessage(sender, bot.ColorHighlight + "Sending out an announcement to " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, members.Length.ToString()) + " members"); foreach (string member in members) { bot.SendPrivateMessage(bot.GetUserID(member), formattedMessage, AoLib.Net.PacketQueue.Priority.Low, true); } members = this._friendsList.GetOnlineMembers(group, false); bot.SendReplyMessage(this.InternalName, message, (object)members); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); throw new Exception("exception", ex); } }
private void OnCreditsRemoveCommand(BotShell bot, CommandArgs e) { if (e.Args.Length < 3) { bot.SendReply(e, "Correct Usage: credits remove [username] [type] [amount]"); return; } string raider = Format.UppercaseFirst(bot.Users.GetMain(e.Args[0])); if (bot.GetUserID(raider) < 100) { bot.SendReply(e, "No such user: "******"You need to remove at least 1 raid credit"); return; } int max = this.GetCreditsMax(type); if (max < 1) { bot.SendReply(e, HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, type.ToString()) + " is not a valid raid credit type"); return; } int credits = this.GetCredits(raider, type); if (credits <= 0) { bot.SendReply(e, HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, raider) + " already has 0 raid credits"); return; } if (credits - amount < 0) { amount = credits; } credits -= amount; this._database.ExecuteNonQuery("INSERT INTO credits SET credits = " + credits + ", main = '" + Config.EscapeString(raider) + "', type = " + type + ", lastRaidID = 0 ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE credits = " + credits); bot.SendReply(e, "You have removed " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, amount.ToString()) + " raid credit(s). " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, raider) + " now has " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, credits.ToString()) + " raid credit(s)"); this._core.Log(raider, e.Sender, this.InternalName, "credits", string.Format("{1} raid credits have been removed from {0}'s account. (Total Credits: {2})", raider, amount, credits)); }
private void OnAltsAddCommand(BotShell bot, CommandArgs e) { if (e.Args.Length < 1) { bot.SendReply(e, "Correct Usage: alts add [alt]"); return; } string alt = Format.UppercaseFirst(e.Args[0]); if (bot.GetUserID(alt) < 1) { bot.SendReply(e, "No such user: "******"This command can only be used by your main: " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, Format.UppercaseFirst(bot.Users.GetMain(e.Sender)))); return; } if (bot.Users.IsAlt(alt)) { bot.SendReply(e, HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, alt) + " already has been added as alt of " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, Format.UppercaseFirst(bot.Users.GetMain(alt)))); return; } if (bot.Users.GetUser(alt) > bot.Users.GetUser(e.Sender)) { bot.SendReply(e, "You can't add alts that outrank you!"); return; } if (bot.Users.GetAlts(alt).Length > 0) { bot.SendReply(e, HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, alt) + " is a main with registered alts and can't be added as your alt"); return; } if (bot.Users.GetUser(alt) > UserLevel.Guest) { bot.SendReply(e, HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, alt) + " was a member of this bot and has been removed prior to being added as alt"); bot.Users.RemoveUser(alt); } bot.Users.AddAlt(e.Sender, alt); bot.SendReply(e, HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, alt) + " has been added as your alt"); }
public override void OnCommand(BotShell bot, CommandArgs e) { if (e.Command != "broadcast") { return; } if (e.Args.Length < 1) { bot.SendReply(e, "Correct Usage: broadcast [message]"); return; } string[] members = this._friendsList.GetOnlineMembers(); string formattedMessage = bot.ColorHighlight + "Broadcast from " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, e.Sender) + " »» " + bot.ColorNormal + e.Words[0].Trim(); bot.SendReply(e, "Sending out a broadcast to " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, members.Length.ToString()) + " members"); foreach (string member in members) { bot.SendPrivateMessage(bot.GetUserID(member), formattedMessage, AoLib.Net.PacketQueue.Priority.Low, true); } }
private void OnTeamsStartCommand(BotShell bot, CommandArgs e) { if (e.Args.Length < 1) { bot.SendReply(e, "Correct Usage: teams start [username]"); return; } string username = Format.UppercaseFirst(e.Args[0]); if (bot.GetUserID(username) < 100) { bot.SendReply(e, "No such user: "******"DELETE FROM teams WHERE username = '******'"); while (search) { using (IDbCommand command = this._database.Connection.CreateCommand()) { command.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM teams WHERE team = " + team; IDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { team++; } else { search = false; } reader.Close(); } } this._database.ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format("INSERT INTO teams (username, team, leader) VALUES ('{0}', {1}, 1)", username, team)); bot.SendReply(e, "You have created team " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, team.ToString()) + " with " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, username) + " as team leader"); bot.SendPrivateChannelMessage(bot.ColorHighlight + "Team " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, team.ToString()) + " has been started with " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, username) + " as leader"); }
private void OnHistoryCommand(BotShell bot, CommandArgs e) { if (bot.GetUserID(e.Args[0]) < 100) { bot.SendReply(e, "No such user: "******"'s History »» Gathering Data..."); HistoryResult history = XML.GetHistory(e.Args[0].ToLower(), bot.Dimension); if (history == null || history.Items == null) { bot.SendReply(e, "Unable to gather information on that user " + this.TimeoutError); return; } RichTextWindow window = new RichTextWindow(bot); window.AppendTitle(" Player History"); window.AppendHighlight("Character: "); window.AppendNormal(Format.UppercaseFirst(e.Args[0])); window.AppendLineBreak(); window.AppendHighlight("Entries: "); window.AppendNormal(history.Items.Length.ToString()); window.AppendLineBreak(); window.AppendHighlight("URL: "); window.AppendNormal(string.Format(this.CharAunoWebsite, (int)bot.Dimension, e.Args[0].ToLower())); window.AppendLineBreak(2); window.AppendHighlightStart(); window.AppendString("Date "); window.AppendString("LVL "); window.AppendString("DR "); window.AppendColorString("000000", "'"); window.AppendString("Faction "); window.AppendString("Organization"); window.AppendColorEnd(); window.AppendLineBreak(); foreach (HistoryResult_Entry entry in history.Items) { window.AppendNormalStart(); window.AppendString(entry.Date); window.AppendHighlight(" | "); window.AppendString(entry.Level.ToString("000")); window.AppendHighlight(" | "); window.AppendString(entry.DefenderLevel.ToString("00")); window.AppendHighlight(" | "); switch (entry.Faction.ToLower()) { case "clan": window.AppendString("Clan "); break; case "omni": window.AppendString("Omni "); break; case "neutral": window.AppendString("Neutral"); break; default: window.AppendString("Unknown"); break; } window.AppendHighlight(" | "); if (entry.Organization != null && entry.Organization != String.Empty) { window.AppendString(entry.Rank); window.AppendString(" of "); window.AppendString(entry.Organization); } window.AppendColorEnd(); window.AppendLineBreak(); } bot.SendReply(e, Format.UppercaseFirst(e.Args[0]) + "'s History »» ", window); }
private void OnOrganizationCommand(BotShell bot, CommandArgs e) { if (bot.GetUserID(e.Args[0]) < 100) { bot.SendReply(e, "No such user: "******"Organization »» Gathering Data..."); WhoisResult whoisResult = XML.GetWhois(e.Args[0], bot.Dimension); if (whoisResult != null && whoisResult.Organization != null) { OrganizationResult organization = XML.GetOrganization(whoisResult.Organization.ID, bot.Dimension); if (organization != null && organization.Members != null) { RichTextWindow window = new RichTextWindow(bot); RichTextWindow membersWindow = new RichTextWindow(bot); window.AppendTitle(organization.Name); window.AppendHighlight("Leader: "); window.AppendNormal(organization.Leader.Nickname); window.AppendLineBreak(); window.AppendHighlight("Alignment: "); window.AppendNormal(organization.Faction); window.AppendLineBreak(); window.AppendHighlight("Members: "); window.AppendNormal(organization.Members.Items.Length.ToString()); window.AppendLineBreak(); SortedDictionary <string, int> profs = new SortedDictionary <string, int>(); SortedDictionary <string, int> breeds = new SortedDictionary <string, int>(); SortedDictionary <string, int> genders = new SortedDictionary <string, int>(); membersWindow.AppendHeader("Members"); foreach (OrganizationMember member in organization.Members.Items) { if (!profs.ContainsKey(member.Profession)) { profs.Add(member.Profession, 0); } profs[member.Profession]++; if (!breeds.ContainsKey(member.Breed)) { breeds.Add(member.Breed, 0); } breeds[member.Breed]++; if (!genders.ContainsKey(member.Gender)) { genders.Add(member.Gender, 0); } genders[member.Gender]++; membersWindow.AppendHighlight(member.Nickname); membersWindow.AppendNormal(string.Format(" {0} (L {1} / DR {2}) {3} {4}", member.Rank, member.Level, member.DefenderLevel, member.Breed, member.Profession)); membersWindow.AppendLineBreak(); } string stats; char[] trimchars = new char[] { ' ', ',' }; window.AppendHighlight("Genders: "); stats = string.Empty; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> kvp in genders) { stats += kvp.Value + " " + kvp.Key + ", "; } window.AppendNormal(stats.Trim(trimchars)); window.AppendLineBreak(); window.AppendHighlight("Breeds: "); stats = string.Empty; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> kvp in breeds) { stats += kvp.Value + " " + kvp.Key + ", "; } window.AppendNormal(stats.Trim(trimchars)); window.AppendLineBreak(); window.AppendHighlight("Professions: "); stats = string.Empty; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> kvp in profs) { stats += kvp.Value + " " + kvp.Key + ", "; } window.AppendNormal(stats.Trim(trimchars)); window.AppendLineBreak(); window.AppendHighlight("ID: "); window.AppendNormal(organization.ID.ToString()); window.AppendLineBreak(); window.AppendHighlight("Last Updated: "); window.AppendNormal(organization.LastUpdated); window.AppendLineBreak(2); window.AppendRawString(membersWindow.Text); bot.SendReply(e, organization.Name + " »» ", window); return; } } bot.SendReply(e, "Unable to gather information on that organization " + this.TimeoutError); }
public override void OnCommand(BotShell bot, CommandArgs e) { switch (e.Command) { case "callers": this.OnCallersCommand(bot, e); break; case "callers add": if (e.Args.Length < 1) { bot.SendReply(e, "Correct Usage: callers add [username]"); break; } if (bot.GetUserID(e.Args[0]) < 1) { bot.SendReply(e, "No such user: "******"That user is already on the callers list"); break; } this.Callers.Add(e.Args[0].ToLower()); } bot.SendReply(e, "Added " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, e.Args[0]) + " to the callers list"); this.OnCallersCommand(bot, e); break; case "callers remove": if (e.Args.Length < 1) { bot.SendReply(e, "Correct Usage: callers remove [username]"); break; } if (e.Args[0].ToLower() == "all") { this.Callers.Clear(); bot.SendReply(e, "Clearing the callers list"); break; } lock (this.Callers) { if (!this.Callers.Contains(e.Args[0].ToLower())) { bot.SendReply(e, "That user is not on the callers list"); break; } this.Callers.Remove(e.Args[0].ToLower()); } bot.SendReply(e, "Removed " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, e.Args[0]) + " from the callers list"); break; case "assist": if (e.Args.Length < 1) { bot.SendReply(e, "Correct Usage: assist [username]"); break; } if (bot.GetUserID(e.Args[0]) < 1) { bot.SendReply(e, "No such user: "******"Assist " + assist); assistWindow.AppendHighlight("Create Macro: "); assistWindow.AppendCommand("Click", "/macro " + assist + " /assist " + assist); assistWindow.AppendLineBreak(); assistWindow.AppendHighlight("Assist: "); assistWindow.AppendCommand("Click", "/assist " + assist); assistWindow.AppendLineBreak(); assistWindow.AppendHighlight("Manual Macro: "); assistWindow.AppendNormal("/macro assist /assist " + assist); assistWindow.AppendLineBreak(); bot.SendReply(e, "Assist " + assist + " »» " + assistWindow.ToString()); break; case "target": if (e.Words.Length < 1) { bot.SendReply(e, "Correct Usage: target [target]"); break; } string target = string.Format("{0}::: {1}Assist {3} to Terminate {0}::: {2}{4}", bot.ColorHighlight, HTML.CreateColorStart(RichTextWindow.ColorRed), bot.ColorNormal, e.Sender, e.Words[0]); if (e.Type == CommandType.Organization) { this.SendMessage(bot, "gc", target); } else { this.SendMessage(bot, "pg", target); } break; case "command": if (e.Words.Length < 1) { bot.SendReply(e, "Correct Usage: command [command]"); break; } string command = string.Format("{0}::: {1}Raid Command from {3} {0}:::\n¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\n {2}{4}{0}\n______________________________________________", bot.ColorHighlight, HTML.CreateColorStart(RichTextWindow.ColorOrange), bot.ColorNormal, e.Sender, e.Words[0]); if (e.Type == CommandType.Organization) { this.SendMessage(bot, "gc", command); } else { this.SendMessage(bot, "pg", command); } break; case "order": if (e.Words.Length < 1) { bot.SendReply(e, "Correct Usage: order [order]"); break; } string order = string.Format("{0}::: {1}Raid Order from {3} {0}::: {2}{4}", bot.ColorHighlight, HTML.CreateColorStart(RichTextWindow.ColorOrange), bot.ColorNormal, e.Sender, e.Words[0]); if (e.Type == CommandType.Organization) { this.SendMessage(bot, "gc", order); } else { this.SendMessage(bot, "pg", order); } break; case "cd": string channel = "pg"; if (e.Type == CommandType.Organization) { channel = "gc"; } if (e.Args.Length > 0) { if (e.Args[0].ToLower() == "abort") { if (this.Counting) { this.Abort = true; return; } bot.SendReply(e, "No countdown in progress"); return; } } if (this.Counting) { bot.SendReply(e, "Countdown already in progress"); return; } this.Counting = true; this.Abort = false; string onThree = string.Empty; if (e.Words.Length > 0) { onThree = e.Words[0]; } for (int i = 5; i >= 0; i--) { if (this.Abort == true) { this.SendMessage(bot, channel, bot.ColorHighlight + "Countdown aborted!"); break; } if (i == 0) { this.SendMessage(bot, channel, bot.ColorHighlight + "-- " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, "GO") + " --"); break; } this.SendMessage(bot, channel, bot.ColorHighlight + "--- " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, i.ToString()) + " ---"); if (i == 3 && onThree != string.Empty) { this.SendMessage(bot, channel, bot.ColorHighlight + "-- " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, onThree)); } Thread.Sleep(1000); } this.Counting = false; break; case "sb": this.OnSbCommand(bot, e); break; case "sb set": if (e.Args.Length < 2) { bot.SendReply(e, "Correct Usage: sb adminset [username] [state]"); break; } lock (this.Shadowbreeds) { if (!this.Shadowbreeds.ContainsKey(e.Args[0].ToLower())) { bot.SendReply(e, HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, e.Args[0]) + " is not on the Shadowbreed list"); break; } } ShadowbreedState state = ShadowbreedState.Unknown; try { state = (ShadowbreedState)Enum.Parse(typeof(ShadowbreedState), Format.UppercaseFirst(e.Args[1])); } catch { bot.SendReply(e, HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, e.Args[1]) + " is not a valid state."); break; } lock (this.Shadowbreeds) this.Shadowbreeds[e.Args[0].ToLower()] = state; bot.SendReply(e, "Shadowbreed state for " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, e.Args[0]) + " has been set to " + this.ColorizeState(state)); break; case "sb reset": lock (this.Shadowbreeds) { this.Shadowbreeds.Clear(); bot.SendReply(e, "The Shadowbreed list has been reseted"); } this.OnSbCommand(bot, e); break; case "sb get": List <string> list = new List <string>(); lock (this.Shadowbreeds) { if (this.Shadowbreeds.Count < 1) { bot.SendReply(e, "The Shadowbreeds list is empty"); return; } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ShadowbreedState> kvp in this.Shadowbreeds) { if (kvp.Value == ShadowbreedState.Unknown) { list.Add(Format.UppercaseFirst(kvp.Key)); } } } if (list.Count < 1) { bot.SendReply(e, "All Shadowbreed states are known."); return; } bot.SendReply(e, "Requesting Shadowbreed state from: " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, string.Join(", ", list.ToArray()))); foreach (string user in list) { this.RequestSbState(bot, user); } break; } }
public override void OnCommand(BotShell bot, CommandArgs e) { switch (e.Command) { case "notify": string[] notifyList = bot.FriendList.List("notify"); RichTextWindow window = new RichTextWindow(bot); window.AppendTitle("Notify List"); foreach (string user in notifyList) { UserLevel userLevel = bot.Users.GetUser(user); window.AppendHighlight(Format.UppercaseFirst(user)); window.AppendNormal(" (" + userLevel + ")"); window.AppendLineBreak(); } bot.SendReply(e, HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, notifyList.Length.ToString()) + " Users »» ", window); break; case "notify sync": bot.SendReply(e, "Notify »» Synchronizing Friendslist..."); bot.FriendList.Sync(); bot.SendReply(e, "Notify »» Synchronized Friendslist"); break; case "notify clean": if (e.Args.Length == 0 || e.Args[0] != "confirm") { bot.SendReply(e, "This command will remove ALL non-members from the notify list. If you wish to continue use: /tell " + bot.Character + " notify clean confirm"); break; } string[] notifyList1 = bot.FriendList.List("notify"); foreach (string user1 in notifyList1) { UserLevel userLevel1 = bot.Users.GetUser(user1); if (userLevel1 < UserLevel.Member) { bot.FriendList.Remove("notify", user1); } } bot.SendReply(e, "All non-members on notify list have been removed"); break; case "notify add": case "notify remove": if (e.Args.Length < 1) { bot.SendReply(e, "Correct Usage: " + e.Command + " [username]"); break; } if (bot.GetUserID(e.Args[0]) < 1) { bot.SendReply(e, "No such user: "******"notify add": if (bot.FriendList.IsFriend("notify", username)) { bot.SendReply(e, HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, Format.UppercaseFirst(username)) + " already is on the notify list"); break; } bot.FriendList.Add("notify", username); bot.SendReply(e, HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, Format.UppercaseFirst(username)) + " has been added to the notify list"); break; case "notify remove": if (!bot.FriendList.IsFriend("notify", username)) { bot.SendReply(e, HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, Format.UppercaseFirst(username)) + " is not on the notify list"); break; } bot.FriendList.Remove("notify", username); bot.SendReply(e, HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, Format.UppercaseFirst(username)) + " has been removed from the notify list"); break; } break; } }
private void OnWhoisCommand(BotShell bot, CommandArgs e, AoLib.Net.Server dimension, Boolean showDimension) { if (!showDimension && dimension == AoLib.Net.Server.Test) { bot.SendReply(e, "The whois command is not available on the test server."); return; } if (dimension == bot.Dimension) { if (bot.GetUserID(e.Args[0]) < 100) { bot.SendReply(e, "No such user: "******": "); } error += "Unable to gather information on that user " + this.TimeoutError; bot.SendReply(e, error); return; } RichTextWindow window = new RichTextWindow(bot); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); if (showDimension) { builder.Append(HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, dimension.ToString() + ": ")); } builder.Append(String.Format("{0} (Level {1}", whois.Name.Nickname, whois.Stats.Level)); window.AppendTitle(whois.Name.ToString()); window.AppendHighlight("Breed: "); window.AppendNormal(whois.Stats.Breed); window.AppendLineBreak(); window.AppendHighlight("Gender: "); window.AppendNormal(whois.Stats.Gender); window.AppendLineBreak(); window.AppendHighlight("Profession: "); window.AppendNormal(whois.Stats.Profession); window.AppendLineBreak(); window.AppendHighlight("Level: "); window.AppendNormal(whois.Stats.Level.ToString()); window.AppendLineBreak(); if (whois.Stats.DefenderLevel != 0) { window.AppendHighlight("Defender Rank: "); window.AppendNormal(String.Format("{0} ({1})", whois.Stats.DefenderRank, whois.Stats.DefenderLevel)); window.AppendLineBreak(); builder.Append(" / Defender Rank " + whois.Stats.DefenderLevel); } if (dimension == bot.Dimension) { window.AppendHighlight("Status: "); UInt32 userid = bot.GetUserID(whois.Name.Nickname); OnlineState state = bot.FriendList.IsOnline(userid); switch (state) { case OnlineState.Online: window.AppendColorString(RichTextWindow.ColorGreen, "Online"); break; case OnlineState.Offline: window.AppendColorString(RichTextWindow.ColorRed, "Offline"); Int64 seen = bot.FriendList.Seen(whois.Name.Nickname); if (seen > 0) { window.AppendLineBreak(); window.AppendHighlight("Last Seen: "); window.AppendNormal(Format.DateTime(seen, FormatStyle.Compact)); } break; default: window.AppendColorString(RichTextWindow.ColorOrange, "Unknown"); break; } window.AppendLineBreak(); } builder.Append(")"); builder.Append(String.Format(" is a {0} {1}", whois.Stats.Faction, whois.Stats.Profession)); window.AppendHighlight("Alignment: "); window.AppendNormal(whois.Stats.Faction); window.AppendLineBreak(); if (whois.InOrganization) { window.AppendHighlight("Organization: "); window.AppendNormal(whois.Organization.Name); window.AppendLineBreak(); window.AppendHighlight("Organization Rank: "); window.AppendNormal(whois.Organization.Rank); window.AppendLineBreak(); builder.AppendFormat(", {0} of {1}", whois.Organization.Rank, whois.Organization.Name); } window.AppendHighlight("Last Updated: "); window.AppendNormal(whois.LastUpdated); window.AppendLineBreak(2); if (dimension == bot.Dimension) { window.AppendHeader("Options"); window.AppendCommand("Add to Friendlist", "/cc addbuddy " + whois.Name.Nickname); window.AppendLineBreak(); window.AppendCommand("Remove from Friendlist", "/cc rembuddy " + whois.Name.Nickname); window.AppendLineBreak(); window.AppendBotCommand("Character History", "history " + whois.Name.Nickname); window.AppendLineBreak(); if (whois.Organization != null && whois.Organization.Name != null) { window.AppendBotCommand("Organization Information", "organization " + whois.Name.Nickname); window.AppendLineBreak(); } window.AppendLineBreak(); } window.AppendHeader("Links"); window.AppendCommand("Official Character Website", "/start " + string.Format(this.CharWebsite, (int)dimension, whois.Name.Nickname)); window.AppendLineBreak(); if (whois.Organization != null && whois.Organization.Name != null) { window.AppendCommand("Official Organization Website", "/start " + string.Format(this.OrgWebsite, (int)dimension, whois.Organization.ID)); window.AppendLineBreak(); } window.AppendCommand("Auno's Character Website", "/start " + string.Format(this.CharAunoWebsite, (int)dimension, whois.Name.Nickname)); window.AppendLineBreak(); if (whois.Organization != null && whois.Organization.Name != null) { window.AppendCommand("Auno's Organization Website", "/start " + string.Format(this.OrgAunoWebsite, (int)dimension, whois.Organization.Name.Replace(' ', '+'))); window.AppendLineBreak(); } builder.Append(" »» " + window.ToString("More Information")); bot.SendReply(e, builder.ToString()); }
public override void OnCommand(BotShell bot, CommandArgs e) { if (e.FromSlave && e.Type == CommandType.PrivateChannel) { return; } switch (e.Command) { case "lock": if (this._locked) { bot.SendReply(e, "The private channel already is locked"); return; } this._lockedBy = e.Sender; this._locked = true; string lockMessage = bot.ColorHeader + e.Sender + bot.ColorHighlight + " has locked the private channel"; this.SendMessage(bot, lockMessage); break; case "unlock": if (!this._locked) { bot.SendReply(e, "The private channel already is unlocked"); return; } this._locked = false; string unlockMessage = bot.ColorHeader + e.Sender + bot.ColorHighlight + " has unlocked the private channel"; this.SendMessage(bot, unlockMessage); break; case "join": if (bot.PrivateChannel.IsOn(e.SenderID)) { bot.SendReply(e, "You already are on the private channel"); return; } if (this._locked && bot.Users.GetUser(e.Sender) < UserLevel.Leader) { bot.SendReply(e, "The private channel is currently locked by " + bot.ColorHeader + this._lockedBy); return; } bot.SendReply(e, "Inviting you to the private channel"); bot.PrivateChannel.Invite(e.SenderID); break; case "leave": if (!bot.PrivateChannel.IsOn(e.SenderID)) { bot.SendReply(e, "You're not on the private channel"); return; } if (e.Type != CommandType.PrivateChannel) { bot.SendReply(e, "Kicking you from the private channel"); } // Remove a user from the vhabot raid system before letting him leave if (bot.Plugins.IsLoaded("raidcore")) { bot.SendPluginMessageAndWait(this.InternalName, "raidcore", "RemoveRaider", 1000, e.Sender); } bot.PrivateChannel.Kick(e.SenderID); break; case "invite": if (e.Args.Length < 1) { bot.SendReply(e, "Correct Usage: invite [username]"); break; } if (bot.GetUserID(e.Args[0]) < 1) { bot.SendReply(e, "No such user: "******" already is on the private channel"); break; } if (this._locked && bot.Users.GetUser(e.Sender) < UserLevel.Leader) { bot.SendReply(e, "The private channel is currently locked by " + bot.ColorHeader + this._lockedBy); return; } bot.SendReply(e, "Inviting " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, Format.UppercaseFirst(e.Args[0])) + " to the private channel"); bot.PrivateChannel.Invite(e.Args[0]); break; case "kick": if (e.Args.Length < 1) { bot.SendReply(e, "Correct Usage: kick [username]"); break; } if (e.Args[0].ToLower() == "all") { bot.SendReply(e, "Clearing the private channel"); bot.PrivateChannel.KickAll(); break; } if (bot.GetUserID(e.Args[0]) < 1) { bot.SendReply(e, "No such user: "******" isn't on the private channel"); break; } if (bot.Users.GetMain(e.Args[0]).Equals(bot.Admin, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { bot.SendReply(e, "You can't kick the bot owner"); break; } if (bot.Users.GetUser(e.Args[0]) > bot.Users.GetUser(e.Sender)) { bot.SendReply(e, HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, Format.UppercaseFirst(e.Args[0])) + " outranks you"); break; } // Remove a user from the vhabot raid system before kicking them if (bot.Plugins.IsLoaded("RaidCore")) { bot.SendPluginMessageAndWait(this.InternalName, "raidcore", "RemoveRaider", 1000, e.Args[0]); } bot.SendReply(e, "Kicking " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, Format.UppercaseFirst(e.Args[0])) + " from the private channel"); bot.PrivateChannel.Kick(e.Args[0]); break; case "guestlist": string[] guestlist = bot.FriendList.List("guestlist"); if (guestlist.Length == 0) { bot.SendReply(e, "There are no users on the guestlist"); break; } RichTextWindow window = new RichTextWindow(bot); window.AppendTitle("Guestlist"); foreach (string guest in guestlist) { window.AppendHighlight(Format.UppercaseFirst(guest)); window.AppendNormalStart(); window.AppendString(" ["); window.AppendBotCommand("Remove", "guestlist remove " + guest); window.AppendString("]"); window.AppendColorEnd(); window.AppendLineBreak(); } bot.SendReply(e, guestlist.Length + " Guests »» ", window); break; case "guestlist add": if (e.Args.Length < 1) { bot.SendReply(e, "Correct Usage: guestlist add [username]"); break; } if (bot.GetUserID(e.Args[0]) < 1) { bot.SendReply(e, "No such user: "******"guestlist", e.Args[0])) { bot.SendReply(e, HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, Format.UppercaseFirst(e.Args[0])) + " already is on the guestlist"); break; } bot.FriendList.Add("guestlist", e.Args[0]); bot.SendReply(e, HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, Format.UppercaseFirst(e.Args[0])) + " has been added to the guestlist"); break; case "guestlist remove": if (e.Args.Length < 1) { if (bot.FriendList.IsFriend("guestlist", e.Sender)) { bot.SendReply(e, "You have been removed from the guestlist"); bot.FriendList.Remove("guestlist", e.Sender); } else { bot.SendReply(e, "You're not on the guestlist"); } break; } if (bot.GetUserID(e.Args[0]) < 1) { bot.SendReply(e, "No such user: "******"guestlist", e.Args[0])) { bot.SendReply(e, HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, Format.UppercaseFirst(e.Args[0])) + " is not on the guestlist"); break; } bot.FriendList.Remove("guestlist", e.Args[0]); bot.SendReply(e, HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, Format.UppercaseFirst(e.Args[0])) + " has been removed from the guestlist"); break; } }
public override void OnCommand(BotShell bot, CommandArgs e) { switch (e.Command) { case "members clear": if (e.Args.Length == 0 || e.Args[0] != "confirm") { bot.SendReply(e, "This command will remove ALL members. If you wish to continue use: /tell " + bot.Character + " members clear confirm"); break; } bot.Users.RemoveAll(); bot.SendReply(e, "All members have been removed"); break; case "members add": case "members remove": case "members promote": case "members demote": if (e.Args.Length < 1) { bot.SendReply(e, "Correct Usage: " + e.Command + " [username]"); break; } if (bot.GetUserID(e.Args[0]) < 1) { bot.SendReply(e, "No such user: "******"members add": if (bot.Users.UserExists(username, bot.GetUserID(username))) { bot.SendReply(e, HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, Format.UppercaseFirst(username)) + " is already a member of this bot"); break; } if (bot.Users.IsAlt(username)) { bot.SendReply(e, HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, Format.UppercaseFirst(username)) + " is register as alt on this bot"); break; } if (bot.Users.AddUser(username, UserLevel.Member, e.Sender)) { bot.SendReply(e, HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, Format.UppercaseFirst(username)) + " has been added to this bot"); } else { bot.SendReply(e, "An unknown error has occurred"); } break; case "members remove": if (bot.Users.IsAlt(username)) { bot.SendReply(e, HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, Format.UppercaseFirst(username)) + " is alt and can't be removed using this command"); break; } if (!bot.Users.UserExists(username)) { bot.SendReply(e, HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, Format.UppercaseFirst(username)) + " is not a member of this bot"); break; } bot.Users.RemoveUser(username); bot.SendReply(e, HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, Format.UppercaseFirst(username)) + " has been removed from this bot"); break; case "members promote": if (!bot.Users.UserExists(username)) { bot.SendReply(e, HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, Format.UppercaseFirst(username)) + " is not a member of this bot"); break; } UserLevel promotelevel = bot.Users.GetUser(username); if (promotelevel >= bot.Users.GetUser(e.Sender)) { bot.SendReply(e, "You can't promote a user to a higher rank than your own rank!"); break; } try { promotelevel = (UserLevel)((int)promotelevel * 2); if (promotelevel != UserLevel.Disabled) { if (bot.Users.SetUser(username, promotelevel)) { bot.SendReply(e, HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, Format.UppercaseFirst(username)) + " has been promoted to " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, promotelevel.ToString())); break; } } } catch { } bot.SendReply(e, "An unknown error has occurred"); break; case "members demote": if (!bot.Users.UserExists(username)) { bot.SendReply(e, HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, Format.UppercaseFirst(username)) + " is not a member of this bot"); break; } UserLevel demotelevel = bot.Users.GetUser(username); if (demotelevel > bot.Users.GetUser(e.Sender)) { bot.SendReply(e, "You can't demote a user that outranks you!"); break; } if (bot.Admin.ToLower() == username.ToLower()) { bot.SendReply(e, "You can't demote the main bot administrator!"); bot.SendPrivateMessage(bot.Admin, bot.ColorHeader + e.Sender + bot.ColorHighlight + " attempted to demote you!"); break; } try { demotelevel = (UserLevel)((int)demotelevel / 2); if (demotelevel != UserLevel.Guest) { if (bot.Users.SetUser(username, demotelevel)) { bot.SendReply(e, HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, Format.UppercaseFirst(username)) + " has been demoted to " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, demotelevel.ToString())); break; } } else { bot.SendReply(e, "You can't demote a user to a rank below member!"); break; } } catch { } bot.SendReply(e, "An unknown error has occurred"); break; } break; case "alts add": this.OnAltsAddCommand(bot, e); break; case "alts remove": this.OnAltsRemoveCommand(bot, e); break; case "alts admin add": this.OnAltsAdminAddCommand(bot, e); break; case "alts admin remove": this.OnAltsAdminRemoveCommand(bot, e); break; } }
private void OnConfigurationSetCommand(BotShell bot, CommandArgs e) { if (e.Args.Length < 3) { bot.SendReply(e, "Usage: configuration set [plugin] [key] [value]"); return; } if (!bot.Configuration.IsRegistered(e.Args[0], e.Args[1])) { bot.SendReply(e, "No such configuration entry"); return; } string section = e.Args[0].ToLower(); string key = e.Args[1].ToLower(); string value = e.Words[2]; ConfigType type = bot.Configuration.GetType(section, key); bot.Configuration.Exists(section, key); object objValue = null; bool error = false; switch (type) { case ConfigType.Boolean: if (value.ToLower() == "on") { objValue = true; break; } if (value.ToLower() == "off") { objValue = false; break; } error = true; break; case ConfigType.Color: if (!Regex.Match(value, "^[#]?[0-9a-f]{6}$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { error = true; } objValue = value; break; case ConfigType.Date: Match dateMatch = Regex.Match(value, "^([0-2][0-9]|3[0-1])/([0]?[0-9]|1[0-2])/([0-9]{4})$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (!dateMatch.Success) { error = true; break; } try { int day = Convert.ToInt32(dateMatch.Groups[1].Value); int month = Convert.ToInt32(dateMatch.Groups[2].Value); int year = Convert.ToInt32(dateMatch.Groups[3].Value); objValue = new DateTime(year, month, day, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc); } catch { error = true; } break; case ConfigType.Dimension: try { objValue = (Server)Enum.Parse(typeof(Server), Format.UppercaseFirst(value)); } catch { error = true; } break; case ConfigType.Integer: try { objValue = Convert.ToInt32(value); } catch { error = true; } break; case ConfigType.String: case ConfigType.Password: objValue = value; break; case ConfigType.Time: Match timeMatch = Regex.Match(value, "^([0-9]+):([0-5][0-9]|60):([0-5][0-9]|60)$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (!timeMatch.Success) { error = true; break; } try { int hours = Convert.ToInt32(timeMatch.Groups[1].Value); int minutes = Convert.ToInt32(timeMatch.Groups[2].Value); int seconds = Convert.ToInt32(timeMatch.Groups[3].Value); objValue = new TimeSpan(hours, minutes, seconds); } catch { error = true; } break; case ConfigType.Username: if (bot.GetUserID(value) < 10) { error = true; } else { objValue = Format.UppercaseFirst(value); } break; } if (error) { bot.SendReply(e, "Invalid Value: " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, value)); return; } if (bot.Configuration.Set(type, section, key, objValue)) { bot.SendReply(e, "Configuration entry " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, section + "::" + key) + " has been set to: " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, value)); } else { bot.SendReply(e, "Unknown error while storing settings!"); } }
public override void OnCommand(BotShell bot, CommandArgs e) { switch (e.Command) { case "bans": this.OnBansCommand(bot, e); break; case "bans add": case "bans remove": if (e.Args.Length < 1) { bot.SendReply(e, "Correct Usage: " + e.Command + " [username]"); break; } if (bot.GetUserID(e.Args[0]) < 1) { bot.SendReply(e, "No such user: "******"bans add") { if (bot.Bans.IsBanned(username)) { bot.SendReply(e, HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, username) + " is already banned"); break; } if (bot.Bans.Add(username, e.Sender)) { bot.SendReply(e, "You have banned " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, username)); } else { bot.SendReply(e, "Unable to ban " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, username)); } } else { if (bot.Bans.Remove(username) || bot.Bans.Remove(bot.GetUserID(username))) { bot.SendReply(e, "You have removed " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, username + "'s") + " ban"); } else { bot.SendReply(e, "No ban found for " + HTML.CreateColorString(bot.ColorHeaderHex, username)); } } break; case "bans clear": if (e.Args.Length == 0 || e.Args[0] != "confirm") { bot.SendReply(e, "This command will remove ALL bans. If you wish to continue use: /tell " + bot.Character + " bans clear confirm"); break; } bot.Bans.RemoveAll(); bot.SendReply(e, "All bans have been removed"); break; } }