// Use this for initialization void Start() { feedback = ""; bossQ = FindObjectOfType <BossQuestions> (); fbPanel = FindObjectOfType <FeedbackPanel> (); Health = FindObjectOfType <HealthBar> (); bossHealth = FindObjectOfType <BossHealthBar> (); player = FindObjectOfType <PlayerController> (); clear = FindObjectOfType <GameButtons> (); correctFB = new string[] { "Way to go!", "You rock at this!", "Lookin’ good!", "Wow! I’m impressed!", "Keep at it!", "Good going!", "You were born a winner!", "Victory is yours!", "That was awesome!", "Great Job!", "Knew you could do it", "Great Job!", "You’re so good at this!", "That answer was perfect!" }; wrongFB = new string[] { "That was terrible", "Better luck next time!", "You really went with that answer?", "FAIL" }; }
void Start() { index = -1; boss = FindObjectOfType <BossQuestions> (); qCanvas = FindObjectOfType <QuestionCanvas> (); panel = FindObjectOfType <QuestionPanel> (); button1 = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Choice1"); button2 = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Choice2"); button3 = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Choice3"); button4 = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Choice4"); }
public void Pushed() { correct_answer = int.Parse(bossQ.getAnswer()); print("correct answer inside buttonpushed is"); print(correct_answer); Name = gameObject.name; print("Name is"); print(Name); chosen = int.Parse(Name); int questionID_int = BossQuestions.getQuestionID(); //BossQuestions.Instance.indexUsed.Item[questionID_idx]; string questionID = questionID_int.ToString(); /* * if player chooses correct answer, * boss loses health and the question just answered is added to used questions arr */ if (chosen == (int)correct_answer) { print("chose correct answer"); //PlayerPrefs.SetString("CurrentPlayer", Name); EventHitBuilder eventHitBuilder = new EventHitBuilder(); eventHitBuilder.SetEventCategory("Question Answered Correctly"); eventHitBuilder.SetEventLabel(questionID); eventHitBuilder.SetEventValue(chosen); string playerName = PlayerPrefs.GetString("CurrentPlayer"); if (playerName != null) { eventHitBuilder.SetEventAction(playerName); } else { eventHitBuilder.SetEventAction("No name"); } googleAnalytics.LogEvent(eventHitBuilder); //googleAnalytics.LogEvent(eventHitBuilder); /* * googleAnalytics.LogEvent (new EventHitBuilder() * .SetEventCategory ("QuestionsAnsweredCorrectly") * .SetEventAction (EnterNameScript.Instance.Name) * .SetEventLabel (questionID) * .SetEventValue (chosen)); //When we create mode for game, it should be entered HERE */ feedback = getCorrectFeedback(); print("feedback received: " + feedback); player.rightSound.Play(); bossHealth.changeBar(10); //BossQuestions.questionsUsed.Add (StompEnemy.ques); fbPanel.enableFBPanel(feedback, true); //enable feedback panel clear.ClearQuestionDisplay(); //Pause(10); //yield return new WaitForSeconds(10); Invoke("closePanel", 1); } if (chosen != (int)correct_answer) { print("chose wrong answer"); EventHitBuilder eventHitBuilder = new EventHitBuilder(); eventHitBuilder.SetEventCategory("Question Answered Incorrectly"); eventHitBuilder.SetEventLabel(questionID); eventHitBuilder.SetEventValue(chosen); string playerName = PlayerPrefs.GetString("CurrentPlayer"); if (playerName != null) { eventHitBuilder.SetEventAction(playerName); } else { eventHitBuilder.SetEventAction("No name"); } googleAnalytics.LogEvent(eventHitBuilder); feedback = getWrongFeedback(); print("feedback received: " + getWrongFeedback()); //Health.changeBar (10); player.wrongSound.Play(); fbPanel.enableFBPanel(feedback, false); //enable feedback panel //yield return new WaitForSeconds(0); } //clear.ClearQuestionDisplay (); }